Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 16, 1909, Image 1

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mm mmnmitt
NO. 49
T. J. Brattain, Good Han
and True, Long Prom
inent in Our Affairs
is No More
. Throuab the kindness of friend.
Tli Examiner Is side to give tba lof
u wing sketch of the life of the old
plone-r who hat .lately passed to tbe
Other Side, after a Ufa of usefulness,
closing la peace the splendid years
of an honored lite:
Thomas Jefferaoo Dretteln waa torn
Jan 'i, 1H'2S and passed from tbln
life Deo. 3rd, 1909 being eighty
yaara and eleven montba cf age.
Early In October while out on the
bills gathering plum he waa stricken
with a eltftht atroke of paralyida from
wbleh he seemed never to have fully
ranovred and Inter took cold which
aouii developed into piinuinnnla.
which In a very few day owing to
till advanced years proved a greater
tiuriln i than he could hear, tie
was married June :iOth 1H.VJ to Mint
I'eruiidla Jane tilllesida lo l.Hiia Co.
Ori(o. who survives him. To t-hle
union were born four children. Mr.
J. M. Kmall, of Hutuuier Lake, 1- M
liratlalu ot Lakeview, anc' II. A. and
I'n-I J of Paisley.
Mi. lirattain waa a native of llliiiula
hut at an early age came to Van Bui
en County, Iowa, where he panned
Ma early boyhood iu that then new
About the time he became of age,
like thoonauda of other young men of
his time, be was solzed with the spirit
of adventure aod a tblrat for the west
ern gold (lelda. Accordingly In toe
spring of lW), at the age of 21 ha
juiuad a train then tilting out In the
neighborhood. nd walking
tuont If i.ot all the u I a t a no e.
driving an ox team, arrived the fnl-.
loving fall In the placer fields of Cal
ifornia when ha remained till the
spring of l.Hfi), wheu he went Into
western Oregon, first settling near
1 o r a. Iu Linn county. Hnon
however moving to Lane County near
Springfield, settling on a farm which
he owned at the time of bis death.
In I.HOU ho moved Into what la now
Klamath County and In I87X
thiry six yearn ago ltt September, he
moted Into tho Chewauciui Valley
and located the (illicit where he lived
at the tluiH of hU death. Ha engaged
In tint THttlo business, which h fol
lowed on the ranges of Lake and
Klainnth Counties fur more thau for
ty yearn, being actively egaged Iu the
business with hie hoiih when the dual
MiimuiouH eiune.
Mr liruttiiiu whs it pioneer in the
full in en n I nix of the term having lived
on frontier all his lite, helping
to ri'i'lakm tl:1 wilderuens that otiiera
might ('.iiiiiii aud dwell iu peace aud
unlet y lie una sherilf of Lane
Comity. tM Matt', during the ox
citing tlini'H of the civil war, and n
unci. film llrnt si. t rills of Luke Co,
when III m and KlaiiiHlb were oiih.
Iu 1'iirly lite tio took iiiile nil active
part in mlitl('h uii.i matters ot an il
iichI loiuil n tit u i f. nerving on the
hchonl hoard of Litl-eview mid 1'h'h-
!(' HMil HMnif tfil lllH fW nclghlors
in Imii ling a school house iilthe
south end of 'lieiiucitn Valley It
wan tlit milv out) between 1'ri.i.iv ille.
('nu ll ciiiiiity on the ninth itml hhiih
wlicie near I'iiu' Cluck on tin Hunth.
At tllllt tlil.f l.llkl'Vii'W hh not iu cx-
i.iteiictt itml tliii( wi'iKonly a lew hull
('.red -' It- :u I. nke County 'Jim
(iiftrict us iit'titiiinml tor inc ludud
CltHMIIIICItll, S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' I- i.ltUe Illltt hliVt'l'
Mr. liruttiiiu like most piom hth of
hiu t iuitt an Kcne I oiih to tliom in ilia
tniHt-, never havlui Imcn known to rn
I'iiho iinnihtitiict'tt to dint In ih'imI hihI
IIih latch rtiinu to hid door evttr huii!
on tho oiilHltltt. lie peiliaU ave
morn u tility to the Sun I'Iihicihoo
eaittiquiiltt untlei-em thun nuy other
iiiiiii in I "I!' County,
It h m t liii'iun tluit he ever uiatle
liny I'll tl i-Hf-: -1 ii tit Chrittl iiinity, or ox
lirt'HHcil any, concern nlxiut hin luttire,
l ilt linvhig ttet tlttil ull hi.H rtor il.v oli
ligiltloiiH, n I ru n M'"l hU Hll'uil'H utt he
iIhhIi ml t Iiimii .anil liavini; livtttl to
the nilfii'l l.l nte of Hourly HI yearn
ami IlKIIIL' iU t'tlll IMIHHl'rt.lioil of nil
hin faotill It'H until tiuitu ruonntly ntmiu
tttl ri'ielv for thn liint call. Tu'lny
he fli-fpa iintleer tho hoiI on tint hill
juat aliovit l'aitility, ove. look in th
lieautilul Chewauenn Vnllny which 11(1
yeurn nuo hi) lielutlii lintl ntluiii ingly
an Id; "1 will dwell herein"
An exc.buuKeljHiivn two nmu were
diuputing over then respective
cburcheM. One was a Cbribtlan and
ths' other it Presbyterian. Finally
one of them called a neighbor who
waa panning and bbked his opluiou aa
to which waa the beat church to be
nave'l. "Well neighbor," be said,
"son and J have beeu hauling wheat
nearly forty yeara now, there are two
roads that lead to the mill. One is
tba valley road and tba other lead
over tbe bill i and never yet baa be
asked we which road I oame, bat be
always asks. : tbe wbeat good."
The Contract, is Now
N. C.
Gives Facts and Figures
That Carry Weight of
Hon. Frank llenon, preaieot Gov
aoor of lb Htata of Oregon, baa tbla
to aay of out State aod itt producta,
w blob la a way oab b deemed an
otlioial utterance:
There are hundred of thouaanda of
auret or tbe world't Hneit farm lands
awaiting development la Oregon.
Thia land will grow aim oat anv crop
the f aimer can auk ft ia the rlcbeat
orchard land iu tbe world. And la oh
talutle 'at auc.h tin urea tbat Oregon'a
faima are among tb moat antlclng in
the country to tba bomeeeeker. Ore
gon ia ready to weloome any man
who will noma within ita houudariea
ami develop Iti soil. And the aoll la
reatly to welcome bitu aa well, for it
U ready i.i yield hi in an indeoeiiilent
fortune for the patience and lahor
he hentowa upon l cnltl val ion
It haa come within my pernouul
knowledge that laud purclnteil tor
tiO an acre, nr even lens, baa been
plantetl to apple and ia worth uow
from H.riU) to f2.iHW un ncr.
Hut there is juat aa good laud left
for apple culture as there ever was
Iu Oregon l'lautlng an apple or
chard In a pleasure in tbe rich Oie
gon landu. The treea make wonderful
growth Aud while they are coming
on to the bearing and profitable age
the farmer Is certain of returns from
his land Ly planting tba ordinary
Held crops. This Is done almost un
iversally throughout our state, and
dona wi'b eiiucess.
Tbla state has land enough for '20,
OOO.UDO people. Her present popula
tion la under ',000,000. Oregon is
the Urgent contributor of all the
.lute to t he fuud or tbe leda-nation
avrvice aud baa doue aud la doing
great things for those who settle with
in her Boundaries.
Oiegon produces nearly t'iO, 000,000
worth of dairy products year. She
la growing tome of the finest live
stock known. Her poultiy products
run over $5,000,000 a year. Hbe
clips J2.WW.O0U worth of wool an
nually. Berries and vegetatenl thrive
upou her aoil., ami there la always an
BHHiired rainfall autilcieut to her
crona. drain ia extensively rained, and
la tbe staple crop eaBt of the Cuncnde
Thin ia not a one croi atate, nr a
twenty-crop atate. It raisea crups of
every kind.
Insurgent Sends a Perti
nent Query to Cannon
and Aldrich
MADISON. Win.. Dec, 10. "ShHll
the will of tho npeclal interewtn con
tinue to pievail iu nittional IfLMtation
or el. all It he the will of the peoiileV
ThlH 1 1 ti t Ht 1 1 hi in asked Speaker Can
lion mid Senator Aldrich in toilay'n
i-iMiirt of Senator I. a Kolette'a 'eoklv.
Declaiiiii; that Aldrich ami ( 'aiinou
are the Iiohhch of the national lttwitdu
torn, unit that uothinu can !ti done,
without their sanction, l.a J'llctte
Hiiya :
"We need 'Mily to look na far buck
an llie tariir eenmon to t-ee what kind
if li'Kirilitt inn will receive the approv
al of Aldrich. Wo need only to re. 'all
Cminon'rt recent HpeechttH in the
Middle WeHt to tell where he ntmirln.
Any hill which threaten privilege,
that, Ih not, frauied on the theory of
tlm divine riuth of the dollar to rule,
that ia drawn with cure to protect the
pntiliu Interest, tiny Biiuh Mil will
find n tpilet hut npeedy Inteniieut in
the lam- in I ground that nlreatiy holds
no ninny of its kind. "
The reanoii why ho many fmnilien
throughout the laud went without a
ThanknK'l viug Dinner in thun reported
in tiie Kantian City Times:
ThunkHgiving tnhlti nupplieH c.onaint
ing of a ulue pound turkey, plum
pudding for four, mincemeat for
three plea, celery, parsley, quart of
cranberries pound of mixed uuta and
three pounds of aweet potatoes were
sold iu Chicago ten yeara ago yes
terday foi H. 05. Yesterday precisely
the name supply oost tl.2'. If this
difference ia a little above tbe aver
age, it ia still ante to assume that
tbe prices of these and similar arti
cles have doubled to tbe last ten
yeara, Tbe department of commeroe
and labor at Washington found . a
year ago that tbe looreaHe ia the oost
of living lo tea year bad been 49 per
C. Railway to Lakeview
Nugent-Richardson Company
Will Begin
Work in
This Week witnossoa the first deflinite step
toward placing Lakeview on the railroad map
of tho world.
Tho contract for tho grading of the Nevada-California-Oregon
Railway, from Aturas to
Lakeview having been signed between that
company and the Nugent' Richardson Con
struction Company, the latter now engaged In
finishing work on their sub-contract on the ir
rigation ditches of the O, V. L. Company. The
completion of that work, will require about a
month when the railroad work will be taken
up and rushed to completion with all possible
This surely is good news, and verifies what
Manager Dunaway of the N. O. O. has prom
ised as to his intention to broad-gauge that
road and at once extend to Lakeview.
It Depends on the Man,
Where it Is and What
Grows on the Land
The Examiner has been anked will
farms of teu acres or o pav I Well,
we are no farmer, but observation
leads us to believe tbat eiveu the
proper conldtious of soil, climate,
products aud suitable markets that
email farms will pay Judging from
w hat ban beeu accomplished herein
the pant iu the way ot fruit products,
a 10 a-'re tiact iu apples, or pears
will tie sulllcient for the ueeds of
any family. But it take' snnie timt
to bring au orchard in hearing.
Home orchards at four years from
planting, this year prodcued a very
good crop of apples, of a due size
aud ronj appearauco. It takes, how-'
ever, from i to 7 yeara to Prinvi an
oiehard in beating. In this day of
"Hurry aud I jet Kieli Quick" that
is n long time to wait. Meanwhile,
during time that your orchard is, be
ing hrnught Into hearing, cno can
euu'iue in othr pursuits.
i'OMltry rainiug ould be a pro! i table
undertaking. There ia no lack of
demand all over th. Went, nod at
itrices that seem prohibitive those
unite. inainted with the conditions.
For instance. in Liikevimv, eugs
noe: command lesstlmu !ll cts. a doz
en noil in tint of the time will readily
fetch ol) to To cents a dozen. Indeed
theie have been uone in this maiket
tor fouie weeks, not w ithntnuding a
strong limau I at almost any price.
While so f ir as concerns ehickeus,
turkeys, ducks and geese, there nev
er Inn tieun any in this market. In
view of tho fact that at Petaluma,
California, ninny families inakj a
good living oil" of tuie-aere. chicken
ranches, we are inclined to think,
thai with the coming of the rail
romls. ami with the whole Northwest
for a market, that u 1" acre tract
would bo siillicieut for that purpose.
Another thlug that pnva wil here,
even uutler present, crude and back
ward met boils, is dairying.
Mutter is never Kss thau ceuts
and from tbat up to 40 or more ceuts
per pound. It is known that tbe
valley produces two crops of superior
ipiuilty of alfalfa without irregation.
With tho advent of water for the
laud by means of the OregonVnlley
I. mid Company's irrigation canals
there is un telling what, the remit
will he applied lo iillftlta. hut un
iiuestioiint ly the crop will be largely
it In stated that in Holland, laud
could lo farmed foi dairy ur
poses, ou a valuation of &I00 to J 1000
per acre. That's almost us high as
the high grade fruit lanos of the
most favored sections ot the Went.
Oun thuunuutl'dnllars au acre for land
raising butter i YesY
With tbe proper rotatiou of crops,
with the Introduction of tbe beet
butter bleeds cf cattle, with proper
cure iu making and marketing the
product, lauds here onuld pay a fine
return ou &M0 to 1400 au aire: tbat
ia puttiug it mildly. Aud there
would be aa Incessant, clamoious
market for every bit of tbe product
for tbe butter from tbe blgb priced
farms, wbere dairying ia reduced to
enough aoleuoe to ' make tbe farms
valuable, Is tbe land tbat people who
Let for grading the
a Mouth
know how to raise dairyiug products
want, and for wbich they are aniious
to pay a big price . Hogs are also
sumetbTog that tbe small farmer can
glow here with great proSt with
daiiylng and alfalfa producitoo. Any
auction that can produce a porker
weighing 617 pounds, mooing at
large, as waa the case recently re
portAd In the Examiner, from War
ner Valley, la surely adapted to that
branch of farming.
Potatoes and sugar beets' filsn are
sure and profitable crops for small
farmers, aud our Fair last fall gave
conclusive evide?3 that superior
quality of either can be grown here.
Potatoes weighing " pounds, from
Summer Lake aud 81.2 pounds from
Warner Vnllay, is surely going some
iu tbe potato line Under such condi
tions we would not dare tell tbe yield
iu bushels per acre, for fear of beiug
cnnsideied a real sucessnr tn Iiaron
Munchanseu; especially as tbe price
for potatoes rauges from $1.00. to $4 50
per hundred, uccrodiurf to supply
iu Lakeview.
It is known tbat in Maine. Min
nesota, Colorado, Oklahoma. KausH,
and other states, wherever potatoes
areastaudnrl crop, farmers become
rich, and the communities are extrome
ly prosperous. Tbe crop iu Aristook
county, Maine this year will bring
in $12,000,000 aud good homes, pianos
aud autoinobiea are much in evidence
in that secitou
Lauds that produce 400 bushels of
potatoes per acre at Oreely Colorado
with water right are selling for 400
ler acre aud are considered fully
worth the money.
Iu view of the foregoing we are in
clined to think that even a Ill-acre
farm can be made to produce a good
living bythose n ho nre willing to
work ami kcow how to get the most
out of anv pursuit iu wbich they
may engage.
Klamath Fall Man Wins
First Prize at Omaha
Portlai'tl Telegram, 10 That the
ttate of Oregon leads the world us a
grower of wheat is shown by the fol
lowing dispatch received iu Portland
today, by 11. A. Jackson of the tireat
Noitlieru railway, '-'You will bo
oleasel to know that Thomas Martin,
Klamath balls. Or., a on Qrts prize
for best s'leaf of lilue Stem wheat at
Omilm Com F.xpositiun iu compcte
tiou open to the world. Please noti
fy Mr. Marti i by wire." signed 8. J.
Allison, (ieneral Passenger Agent.
Mr. Martin's exhibit was one of a
number taken to tbe Cllliuga Dry
Fanning Congress to compete for the
special przes given by James J. Hill
cliairman of the board of directors to
the Oreat Northern railway and after
being exhibited there was forwarded
to Omaha. Mr. Jackson wired Mr.
Martiu toay notifying liioi of bis
It was reported that Representative
Hawley said at Cottage Urove that
graft In Congress was impossible,
whioh oauaea tbe Albany Democrat to
classify him aa a bnmorlsi. And a
pair ef leather apsots might help sis
vision I
His Recent Acquisitions
May Mean New Coast
to Coast System
CHICAGO. Dee. 4. -Tbe spectacu
lar career of Edwin liawlej aa a rail
road wir-ard is causing world wide
commeot acoog local railroad men.
- His latest achievement is tbe com
bination with B V. Yoakum, tbe di
vorce of the Frisco from the Kock is
land aod th control of tbe St. Louis
and San Francisco as an indepen
dent sysUm with its 3.020 miles of
Hue extending from Ctiicagoto tbe
southwest. Since tbe sale of tbe Col
rado Southern to James J. Hill elev
en months ago. Air. Hawley and his
associates, to which be added only
recently B f. Yoakum and B. L.
Wincbell, have secured control of a
number of independent roads which
give him an unt.rnken line reaching
from Chicago, Toledo and Oetroit on
the Atlantic eeaboaid at New Port
News in tbe eait, Le Bean. 8 D., on
tba west, Cincinnati, Birmingham,
Mempis a several 'Texas points on the
south, including Oalveetou aud San
Antonio, touching Kanass City, Ol
kahoma City and Wichita Falls.
These recent purchases include tbe
Cesapeake Jc Ohio, Toledo, St. Louis &
Western and Chicago & Alton, Mis
souri, Kansas Jc Texas, Iowa Central,
Chicago, Cincinnati & Louiavile and
the Frisco. Of course it does not
necessarily follow that Mr. Hawley
will dominate in Frisco any more
t haa Mr. Yoakum, .but tbe Hnwley
luflueoce no doubt will be a great
factor. To this list, if we are to in
elude tbe sphere of Hawley influence,
should be added tbe allied Kansas
City, Mexico & Orient, reaching to
tbe TampolobaTjpo on the ' west coast
of tbe Diaz repiiMic, aod the total
CRpJtal under Lij ;:-'..ol, a repre
sented by tbe atocks and bonds ouf
standing of tbe vzrious roads In his
system, amounts to $i 17,966, 000.
Tbat Mr. Hawley has his mind set
on a coast-to coats system is beyond
tbe shadow ot a doubt. Hia recent
alliance with the Uock Island inter
ests is fraught with great possibili
ties. A close traffic, alliance with !
theseliues w ill give bis roads entrance
into Oeuvear and so strong an alliance
as tbe one he beads need not stop
there. In addition, be hs a working
agreement with tbe Kausas City,
Mexico and Orient, which will soou
be operating from Kanass City to
Port Tnpolobampa on tbe PacQo coast
of Mexico.
Special Agent Finds 500
butHanley People Had
Ruined 1000
BL'KXS, OIU:.. Dec. 4. The tiov
eruuieut has t o ken laUO cords of jun
iper wood that tho llaruev Stock
Company ha I cut on the tioverueut
laud near tiit "1"' r.iu )h tor their
dredger, at work iu liitizeii Swamo.
Last winter tbe company cut ubuut
KuO cords of wool tor tae tireder,
and the inifet ot it hud been delivered
ami used before the lioveruuteut
ageut arrived .and took charge of tbe
find, but ."0 cords were found at tbe
dredger an 1 4")0 cords were fouud iu
tbe timber. The wood will be dis
posd ul to the highest bidder. Iu
this country juniper timber has
been looked upon as wortheUs except
for josts and Mrewooi', Lut tbe Gov
ernment holds that it is timber of
value ami worth protecting.
The w.dl kuowu uowapaper man
Bill Nye now in that happy abode
where all go i i editors go. hud trutu
well told wlieu he wrote;
A hi :iii may use it wart ou ttie buck
of bis in ck for a collar button ; ride ou
the Inn k coach of a lailruad traiu to
save interest ou his money till the
conductor gets mound; stop his
watch at night to save wear aud
tear; leave hin "i" or "t"
a dot cr cross to save iuk: but a man
of this tort is a gHutleman aud a
scholar compared to the fellow who
will take a uewa paper two or three
years, when asked to pay for it puts
it iu the post otUce aud has it marked
A stage driver aud bis passengers
were found frozen to death in Wyom
ing tbe 9th. Two more men were found
bo badly frozen in tbe Streets of Du
ter, tbat ihey will die. Considering
tbe terrible oold in tbe east, aud tbe
floods in the Willamette valleys we
naturally oonolude Lakeview Is a
pretty good pkoe after, all.
Tlllalmook stays in tba wet, by a
two to one vote.
Long Ago They Secured
The Cream of the Land
and Now Block
C. M. Hyskell, baa been writing a
aeries of letters descriptive of tbla
Great Inland Empire for tbe Port
land Journal, which most reeolt la
mocn good in calling attention to the
merits of tbe land for fature settle
ment. In describing a particularly desirable
portion of tbe rich and fertile Har
ney valley be makes thia startling ad
mission, which probably refers to
the property of tuoee notorious land
grabbers of tbe Pacific Coast, tbe
Dntcb Immigrants, Miller aod Lux.
Mr.- Hyskell says:
But tbe sad fact for you and me
Is tbat tbe cream of this vast domain,
wbere we. might have bad home
steads, lies seggregated In the posses
siun of foreign owners, who for yeara
have resisted all pressure to bring
aoout ita subdivision, and who have
evaded all 'government efforts to con
struct some of the easiest irrigation
projects tdr bringing its lands under
irrigation canals at a trifling oost of
425 or f:K) per acre. There are In
stances of this foreign corporation
having . declined to sell to settlers
some ot its non irrigate! lends In
Harney valley at even tlOU an acre,
and in .Malheur valley, not far from -Vale,
similar prices have been re
fused on tbe pretext tbat "the grant
lands should be neld intact"
This surely is a bad condition of
affairs,, but is one common to every
locality in which that corporation baa
been able to put ita everlasting sinra '
on landed property. Its blic'jtug
band can toe seen all over California
and Nevada, to tbe retardation ot
actual, settlement and improvement,
for tbe resaon that auoh land is de
sired for tbe use of the sheep and
cattle of- thee land barons.
Mr. Hyskell makes no comment as
tn how to dislodge these foreigners
or other land grabbers. Bat tbe rem
edy is plain:
Taxation I
When, tbe authorities perform their
duties and tax such greedy people up
to tbe full value in which they hold
land, and make them pay taxes in
accordance with such valuation,
whether it be timber or agricutural
lands, you will see the comorants let
go, and not before!
That plan redeemed New Zealand,
and Australia from tbe land-gtabbere,
aud even Merry Old England nas Been
tbe need , of such sfeps to rid the
country of a tetrible incuhu9, ana
tbe war now on betweeu tbe lords
and cotmuous is over this very ques
tion. The people there want the
"unearned increment" ou land, and
they are g"iug to get it I
It i pretty clear tbat the tlme'ia
soon coming when tbe peoule of tbe
United States will have to take this
matter of wholesale grabbing in band
and throttle it fur thd good and well
being ot the natiou.
CAPITA S225.52
Oregon Shown to Have
Much Money Moment
ary Reports
WASHINGTON, Deo. i.-Vith to
tal resources of 130. ID per capita of
poputatiou the bauking institutions
of the eastern or middle Atlantic
States, lead the country. Tho New
New Knglaud States come next with
1X1.00 per capita. The I'acitlc States
third with :I47.73 aud the miiJdl
western next with il'JO.tU. The
far western Suit s p-r capita is Sllti.
H.". The southern States have a pee
capita of 71.11' Tbe island posses
sions ili'i'l per capita. The Paoitlo
group is led by Nevada with f'ilj.
7H ; Caifoniin follows w ith 'ISii.40;
Washington -2'.t;. 2:1 Oregon 5U:
Utah, 187.7 ;i! Idaho. 178.HU: aud
Arizoua.lXj 1. Alaska has 107.07;
Hawaii. 71. 9; Porto i:ico.11.2l, and
the Phillipiues 2,70.
The Examiuer will take back all tbe
mean things it has said about the
Portland Telegram. We are glad to
note tbat it is giviug utterance In
sympathy with "tbe peepul", as they
are aueermgly called by tbe Oregon-,
iau iu their fight against trust doml
natiou. It is eugaged now in a good
work, aod for tbnt ia worthy ot the
support aud confidence of tbe people
of this slate.
i .11
As soon as tbe controversy In tbe
northwest la settled tbe railroad
oommltta will take op tbe demand
mad -by the switchmen ,o Chicago."