Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 09, 1909, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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i. a k h cointy kx .um-:k. umaifw, oki:uo. tiiuksiun. dkckmuf.u n. num
The Furniture Dealer,
Would call your attention to tlicfacl that he has
The Largest Stock of Furniture
dm hand has ever Ihtii carried in stock in
l.akevicvv. Art Squares, Rus, and in lad Ivvery
thiii' in the Furniture Line. Six diHerenl Pal
terns of Linoleum. Six diucreut grades of mat
tresses. Call and inspeet his stork.
See Old Santa directing all the Little Ones and
Grown-Ups to BIEBER'S CASH STORE. Hundreds have visited
our store during the first week of Christmas shopping, all are
pleased with the collection of new things on display. The
variety is great enough to supply the wants of all.
Suitable Gifts TAVQ Suitable Gifts
For Men 1 v fi For Women
Military Sets
Toilet Sets
Silk Mufflers
Silk Reefers
Neck Ties
Sweater Coats
Fancy Socks
Etc. Etc.
Dolls Buggies - Banks - Gamts
Blocks - Air Guns - Toilet Sets
Mechanical Toys - Magic Lanterns
Post Card Albums-Flying Machines
Printing Presses - Story Bo ks
Animals - Watches - .Rubber Toys
Kitchen Sets - Dishes - Wagons
Humming Tops - Go-Orts
Bell Toys-Brooms-Carpet Sweapers
Perfumes - Circuses - Horns, Etc.
Jewel Cases
Manicure Sets
Toilet Sets
Hand Bags
Han dkerchiefs
Silk Scarfs
Silk Shawls
Felt Juliets
Fancy Combs
Dress Patterns
Robe Blankets
Etc. Etc.
We are CLOSING OUT our entire line of Ladies
Misses and Children's Coats, below Cost. These will make most
Suitable Christmas Gifts at a Saving.
have Frosh Broad. Cakos and Pios ovorv
day. Lunch Countor in Connocton.
New Bakery
Wood or fuel lit a ncarcn article In
Lukenew, aud with the good price
and nig demand fur It, thorn seems
lo be no ex on no for such sli.ttnge.
Thoe who ueglected to eet tlinr
supply In the summer are In hard
line. The man with capital and "git
up and Kit' who will go into the
wood bunnies on a scale eijual to the
demand cau make a fottutie hole.
Theie la pleuty of timber lint I tie
thing seema to lie to net it ready lor
the market. A iiimI portable mill to
follow In the wake of logging opera
totia and use up the watse tups, would
he a anre mouey mater. This la a
tip. Siomebody get busy.
An outside subm-rlber coiii Inlna tie
cause the .miiIiht did not fxitillnh
n !l"t of O. V. I.. Co. html, with
owner names, and descriptions it to
nee 1 1 on b, towns. ruiiKoa mid lota. Thla
paper Intended lo do that stout; hut
when tve f (hi ml tniit It would rnre
four or II vo iHiom the present aize of
The i:niiiinor to provide aunb lu
furniHtloii w kmvo It up, aa our presa
and type net tt n n facilities wtre not
etjoal In the joti.
In order to make a hualnens sucorns,
take plenty of space lu your local p
pr, change your ad every issue and
keep vvelraiitluKly at it. If you do the
uothluK cau atop the dollars from
rolling into your till.
We do not make cheap photographs,
so we will Dot lower on l prices.
Hut we will give one tinted pho-i
toKraph with each dozen cabinets j
before Jan. 10 We have a new Hue '
of mounts and folcere and more ex-!
pelted next week. Call and aee our, !
samples i.korirw Photo Studio. ,
Wry low Prices mi high grndo
ho'ogruph nt W'endt'a photo
Mudlo Now I'm Creek, Oregon, from
Due. let to .Inn Nt I'.UO. Tllewo
prlim ir fur one limit only. 21k"
fitru for each lifinl.
Iti'Kulur prlci-. Holiday price.
imt dozen. M-r dnK'n,
Cnbliitt photo o IN) 9 2.7ft
I " .... 3.00 1.7.1
:x7 " 7.50 6.U)
l-x " N M 5.50
l8 H l " 10.00 (1.00
Ho uuiirmiicrK nil his work to rive
HMtiWnctioti or no pn.v. Ont half
UHlHt In-pnl. I lit time of hlttiliii DIJI
Citliiiict Photos at MVndt'a Htmllo
at New I'ln I'rwk. On'., only 2.7." per
dozen for one month. Dl.ll
I is being done, but Cie
j shown that there will
, ana wh"U it can be
bum led.
be a bin ton-
Kngioeer Phil brick, who has beeD
looking over matters io the Warner
Valley left on Monday's staije to
make a report to hia juperiors .which
will probably mean much for the lu
ture of thai big valley from au agri
cultural standpoint.
In spite cf the ttormy weather
here and elsnwhere, traui?erg con
ticue to arrive daily to this Land of
One of the pictures at the Arcadia
Theatre frunday evening waaa bi
loooojotive labelled : "Not Vet, but
boon. "It :augbt the people ail right.
J. J. Keilley, and hia son Frank,
returned Krilay from an ioHpection
of the Goldberg mioea and left Katur
day momins for Reno. They report
evey thing in a very satisfactory con
dition at the mineB.
H. Wendt and Geo. Stickel, have
rented the Malloy building at New
Pine Creek. They will add 20 feet
to its length and will put in a Btage
for show purpose. The building
will then be 3UXC0 feet. When euoi
pleted they will give a fiee ball. A
U . . 11 I f. it. ....
i umi, nuie in its rnaiory. rtia coiaea'.
reported heretofore wan 14 above, it
la feared many prospectors known to
i be out on the denert will suffer, uh
A. Dykeman, one of the fruit such weather, there was wholly unex
i growers at New Pine Creek, was in 1 pected
I town Monday. He reports that ow
Mucked Hall will be biven New
Vwar'a Night. A ball has beeD ! iDg to inability to ee. ore help that
needed at New Pine Creek, and these I the cold npell last week cuught him
gentlemen should be appreciated for j with a big lot of his apples un
their enterprise. i picked. The coining of the rail-
! rads will remedy the present scar
Word receivd, written the Oth i-ist., i city of help, so that those with pro-
froui Summer Lake, inidcated tnat duciug orchards will then be in shape
liu cberkuivpg, Skinning and '-ticking
knifes, made by Brziiib and Sun,
Pine Creek, Or. Unaruuteed to give
satisfaction, or money refuudad.
Auten Hardware, for Heating
stoves. Auten carries the most uitty
line, in the city
Highest price paid for coyote hides,
and furs of all kinds.
"Furs," Auteu buys them. Pavs
highest, market price.
Moline walking and riding gang or
single plows.
J Chilled plows, disk harrows, steel
plows and barrows.
Peter Schuttler Wagons.
Kuberoid rooting guaranteed,
ten years.
LKemember we carry the Toledo Steel
range which is fully guaranteed for
ten yeara.
Barb wire and nails, In fact our Hoe
a complete In hardware.
1. We guarantee to save you money.
Give u a call and exaimoe.our
pods, quality and prioes.
Youia for business.
Mr. James Foster is very low and
does not seem to improve.
The Examiner tbaDks outside read
ers from different a parts who have ao
kindly sent us clipping from eastern
papers relative to the railroad pros
pects for Lakeview and vicinity.
Andrew Morris, who has been run
ning a dairy at Cama9 Prairie this
season bets moved back to bis ranch
atAdel fur the winter.
The new people at Fort P.ock are
all right. They have organized a lit
erary society.
The rainfall at Silver Lake for No
vember was 32.8 inches the greatest
fall ever recorded for that month.
The city of Klamath Falls baa
bonded its self for 40,000, 00 for sew
er construction.
Manager Sullivan, of the Southern
Stage Co. was up Sunday from Al
turas He says he will put on an ex
tra twine a week to bring up the ex
press and freight which became con
gested during the rainy spell.
The Silver Lake Leader believes
that when the census is taken next
year will sh" a population of over
3,000 in Lake county north of Pais
Our rainy spelt was suceeded Satur
day by a touowy spall. Abor.t an
inch or so of snow fell hut with the
south wind blowiug it remiLded one
of Dakota we t tier, i'ae mercury
only got down to 4 above.
Martin Sanden, the sheep man U
io town. He reports the sheep doing
well and lays this snow fall will make
grand pasturage for the next season.
The Silver La 'te Leader says: "Cope
West eaya Sam Wardwell has the
woist case of automobileizatiou be
ever diagnosed." The disease is rag
ing here, too, among those who
baveu't got 'am. The other fellows
are not saying a heap.
L C. Heckwltb, Sopt. of the Gold
berg Butte mioe was In town Satur
day. He la a mining man of yeaie
of experience and U very eubusiastlo
over the prospeots. Until the railroad
nearer only exploratory work
to reap big incomes.
Spokand is rune 1 beneath snow,
and repo col lest weather for years.
At Tonopah Saturday the weather
turned very cold with a strog wind.
The mercuiy went below zero for the
Some of our business men realize
the value of printers ink. Others do
not. and as result, wonder how their
rivals, who fill their liberal space
with new and suappy uds, do so much
'The bad roads are giving as con
cern about gettiog our print paper
up from Alturas. We have several
tons there but it is task to get it to
Greil.nm ia to huve a municipal
I water m Uui and some sewer-.
(iresluiMi one of the best altUMted
! towns Hi Hie state, ami has ht-eu held
back by empty lot ownes who were
uuwllliug to have uuy public Im
provements umi ei taken. It la about
time that (.iiki-vie dulfed it swud
riling clothe.-, him) Iichii t" consider
iieedod ii.uuicipnl improvement.
liuy Lot In Watson' Addition
Hefore you tmy lot any where In
this firiuity eee tn-ise lu WhImosii'
Hdditl.'iti. Close to business center.
f Laki-vpMv. Xi tf.
Department of The Interior U. S.
Laud Otllcn ut Lakeview, Oregon,
Dec 7th, KKi'.l.
NO TICE I hereby given that William
N. Dobkin whose post olilce addroH
ia Paisloy, Oregon did on the 4th
day of December, V.HiH, tile in tliis
ottlce Sworn statement and Applica
tion. No. OH'.l.'i, to purchase the S1,,
SWL Section 5; SE' SE'4'. Section
0, Township .'US. Kiuigu 1H E. . S 1 1 -lu
motto Meridian, and the timber
thereon, uuder the proviHious of the
act of June ii, 1S7H. and nets amenda
tory, known bh thn "Timber and Stone
Law," at such value as might b
llxe l by appraisement, and thHt, '
pursuant to such application, the
land and timber thereon, have
been appraised, f"il5.2" the timber
estimated r.07,000 board feet at .".'
p. r M. and the landftiOOO; that said j
applicant will olfer llnal proof In sup
port of his application and sworn
statmiient on the 2Uth day of I'ebru- ,
ary, l'.HO, before Register and Recei- '
ver. U. S. Laud Oltlco, at Lakevie'.v, I
Any person iii at liberty to protest .
this puichase before entry, or initi
ate a woutest at an time before patect!
issues, by tiling a corroborted atlida-
vit In this otllcn, alleging facta which!
would defeat the entrv.
In '.ha County Court of Mi Slate
of Oregon for Lake County
In the miittrr of the Elate of E. II.
COON HE. D ceased Citation.
To Thema Cnotise, Itella Cuouae.
CInuiIh Cnoue, OIIIh (Iooiiso, ami all
other heirs at Inw of E. II. Coons,
doceased , and all poison Interested In
the said estate, knu.vii and uuknowii,
( root lug :
lu The Name of The State of Ore
gon. Vou are hereby cited and required
to appear in the County Court of the
SlHte of Oregon, for the County of
Lake, at the Court room thereof, at
Lxkevlew in the County of Lake on
Thursday, the lit Ii duy of Juuuary,
I'.tlO. at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon
of that day. then ami there to show
cause, if any there hi, why an ruder
should not be mad in the nbove en
titled cause grunting the prayer of
the petiti n of the administrator of
said estate on 11 In herein, aud author
izing the hiiIh at private sale of the
follltywlug described real property of
said estate situated In Lake County,
Oregon, to wit: Tl.o Southeast quar
ter of the Southwest quarter and Lot
Number Four, In Section Eighteen,
In Township Forty South. Range
Twenty, East of the Willamette
Merl'I'Hii, containing Eiuhty acres.
Witness, The Hon. H. Daly, Judge
of the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Lake
with the seal of said Court alllxed,
this 4th day of December, A. p., V-W.
DeciiPiK) F. W PAYNE. Clork
Skating Rink
AdmlsHloii :!.V, Every evening'. Weil
ni'Hihiy afternoon LidltV Pay.
E. U. EAHTON. Prod
Purine; this month of December we
' v i 1 1 exchange all premium crockery
coupons for decorated chin ware,
fancy glass; wan-, and mantel clocka.
ThlH in addition to other advnutujri.'B
in buying; here, we will upve you an
opportunity of netting suitable
able ChriHtuniH Gift Kree. Make all
your purchuHt-s at thlH ry .
Kturrt nnd do not formt 1J
w " t I'
to aek lor Premium
Business Locals
Just arrived, Fortv hundred Furo
ituie, at Col v iu's Furniture Store.
Rockers. Commodes, Carpets, High
Chairs fo' Children.
At the Masked Ball, on the 24tb.
three prizes will be glveu. Two to
the best masked lady or gentleman
also to the most comical masked
ladie and gentleman in the hail.
Masks must be kept on till 11 o'clock.
This rule will be enforced, aud
uo one will lie allowed to dance until
after that hour, who are unmasked
Tickets 9150. Visitors 'Mi cents.
New line of Gents' aud Ladles'
Gold Filled Watches, Just received,
25 per cent discount during the Holi
days. Caipenter Jeweler, P. O
Building. La'revlew 48w4.
Wonderful Attraction I Thn most
peculiar animal lu tbe .world to be
seen at tbe akating rink, Deo. 17.
A masquerade ball wiUl be given in
the Snider Opera House Christmas
eve. Pen. 24th. Tickets tl 50. Specta
tors 25 cents admisisou. Itiaexpeo
ted there will be a Urge attendaoo.
Select Your Christmas Goods
Before the Rush.
It is human nature to procrastinate, particularly in
buying Christmas goods. We are anxious to have you do your
buyiug early and for that reason are making our display earlier
than usual.
A word to the wise
27 are a noceHHity and prolmlijy no other
article Is more used for ift purposes.
We'huve a ticautiful UHHortment to select
is sufficient.
Dainty little collar, and fastvninirH
fo' the nifk are very atyllHh thin w'nter.
We have some late arrivals that arc mire
to please.
A 'peep at our Window, will tell you of the many
pretty things made from our beautiful assortment of ribbons.
Come in and copy our designs.
f:i2.50 C'oatH now selling isi'J.50
27.50 (jo 0 CO
25.00 f4 I.'j.IX)
20.00 (n. 12.00
15. GO ( 11.JJ5
I0.(K) (o 7.00
10.00 (w .(X)
(I. GO (it. 4.50
4.00 (4 2.W)
(:J8.00 Suits now wiling (w $22.(H)
25 00
22 H.1
21 00
22.00 SklrtM now Belling (e 16.00
11 00
7 00
The above are only a small lot of our values. Our garments have the
tyle touch so seldom seen except In the more expensive garments. Alterations
without extra charge.
Mrs. NEILON, Wo55