Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 09, 1909, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    .AKK.4t'n KXAmlNKIC, Uhi V1KW, Oltr.UU.N, J . ( . DECEMBER 0. im
Sold on Crop Payment Plan
Crows Rice, Sugar, Oranges, l&c -! ;
We will sell you nn improved farm in the Gulf District
of Tcxns, in Wlmrton County, and let you pay by giving
ua two-fifths of your crop each year until we'have receiv
ed the purchase price.
This CoumatiV own 'Jti.m) tu'tim of land. Alum 10.0K) urn- of It
over M
In croii this year, ami yliMl W ImwIh'Ix to thn acre.
milH of fnrm litillitliitf. ItU iiliM with wat-r fr Irtlimtioti from tht
Colormlii HUtir tr a piiiiiii)Klatit lariu tnii)(lt to furnUli water to the
rntln city of H. Lotila.
TIiImImk! U all a Hack loam noil. It In ataitl to tlm irrowinjr of anicar
cana, nlliilfn.rot ton corn, oranitixi, fit; ail)! v'K'thli of nil Simla. Any .f
t lio crop rati be irnwii without IrrlKailon nnl, i'iiIpmmI an It la with
canala for Urination ami wit h ami with an atiuiKlaiit water xnpply. It In
particularly suited to tin cultivation of Hie luiniicr crop of thin country.
tick. - 4 HZZ 12 "1 i1 ( , ,
Our laiida will Im muII ftpilpprfil for IrriKiition with a icuiiriint' of auffl
cU'iit wat-r to It AlSi: UK 'K or any Other IVoduct of thla acttlon. which
inlude CANIl, AIM'Lli. (IK APRS, PHIS, OK ANOliS and tlKAPli fKUl T.
Th p'lco of thi'SM land tuna "tilppf ramre from US. 00 to $50 00 per
Acre, acrtrdluK to Location, Improvement and tjuniittty of Land al
ready In Crop.
Vi nipnn a Caidi Payment of gU.Od.per m-re and tl.OO morn mt acr In
als iiiontliM, no that you will have imioukIi InvfMted to ifive you an lutenit
In woMkinit the lami; You do not sign a note or mortgage for the balance,
but merely turn to Hollvvr un Two-I 'ifth of i'mir Crnfi I '.hcIi a j '--r
payment, and the only payment you are required to make
If you have a linl veur we nlun your It'ipNIiin and you will nave no un
paid noU) atnr.vvoo In tlii fiti-ivM) voii lmv ifoitil yiMir, ai we know you
will have, your farm la an put. I for.
You run choone your own crop, except tint we rerpilre at leant 7t p-r
rent of much crop to be Kite, iwt we know li the iiuhI proll table.
Smiles and Squalls j
Abd now It Is aald that that great
and Rood man Banal or Aldrloh la
mixed up with the auuar Iruat.
News? Why, that Is aoolaot history!
F.veo the Mlnoeapolls Journal Is
jumping on Joe. Cannon real hard.,
Joe surely must be a hat haen or the
Journal would nut have gumption
enough to aay auubt aganat him I
Oae of the moat dlaguatlng thlnga
we read In the public prluta Is tbe
prating about noueetv r that su
preme; rascal, Juhu li, Kockerfeller.
Tha IndlabS are rapidly i,K!otnlng
civilized. Ooe op at North Yakima
auel a white man for 1 1 0,000 datna
gea for alienating tbe affection of
bta aojuaw. aod mane Mr. white man
pay it.. Tbe atraugat pait of tbe
atory la that any white man with
ao union money would ba guilty of
robbing Poor Lolln that way.
"Man Overboard" en tha Ark.
Lane Citv. Wharton Countv, Texas I
Hay City Matagorda County, Texas.
Be sure torrurUl.m THE EX WIISGR whin you svrltsit !v srtlnr,
iVa. tsl
Tbe DuvU-Itod Kst the silly Idiots!
If the J- don't atop throwing those life
preserver they'll hit end kill me yet
Ilarppr'e Weekly.
Human Life
IIKCAUSK It In bright.
UKOAUSK it la iuioruitug.
liKOAUSK it pulHHtea with Immune
MKCAUSH It pictures celebrities or
all aorta.
HKCAUSK it gives life atones of
live people of the day people you
waut to know about.
HKOAUSrJ it tells you of the actlvl
tlua of uieu Bud wninuu lu tbe politi
cal. buaiuouM, aooul and economical
IIKCAUSK it will give you more
real Information about the character
and work of men aid women of to
day tban any other publication.
JIHKGAUHR It is a mngnziua that la
dilfreeut different from any other
publication printed It is uuique,
abaolutely original and the only
magazine devoted exclusively to peo
ple. IJKCAUSK It is printed on high grade
paper, la prufuaely illuHtratud with
tbe beat half tone plutea that can be
procured, has a beautiful arttatiu
cover piloted In three colors, is of
convenient size and easily handled
of the People,
By the People,
For the People
HKCAUSK It is htimuu beings thai!
people are Interested in today and j
HUMAN Ml' h; gives you the lire
Mtorlea of the prominent men and wn
meu of the woild lu tbe most aitrao
tive form. It telU you of their daily
life, tmbitM and eccentricities and
give you Intereatluu facta about
their work and accomoolixiiments.
I!K('L'SK t-) knov what the world
Is doiug, how hUtoiy is being made
you miiMt have a knowledge of the
leadiug men and womeu of the world
the people who are doing thiugs.
HUMAN LIP 12 will give you a
more intimate knowledge of tbe peo
ple who are leaders of the world to
day tban any other publication.
IIKCAUSK its articles are wrltFeu
by such well known and brilliant
writers on natioual topics as
Alfred ileury Lewis
Vance Thompson
Ualley Millard
Klbeit Hubbard
Ciara Morris
Ada Patteraon
Cbarlea Kdward ItuaHell
Uptnu Sinclair
David (irabam Phillips
Urander Whitlock
Margaret Kohe
LaruaJeao 'jibby.
$1,000 REWARD
r The Orraon Cal
ifornia o.l NT.1
1.It Muick Vroirc
Ina Amrx luloo, of
wblrh lba under
aixntil It a member
will (Ire f'.iioou
reward lot evidence
Irediiia in the ar
rel and
of any puy or par
twtli'lln borm-a.
cattle or niult-i be
longing to any oflt
ln'M Hon to the aliove, the iindi-mliini;d
ciff.T.on i he ame comllllon V U.OO for all lior
e brandud hor tnx! bar on both or either
law. Brand rword.-d in elghl coumlea. Kxnge
lUriiiy. Lake and kfroo counil.a. borat-a
vi-nti'd hnn aohl. w-a! "
None but grown hfirold, and nuly in large
bahrhet. W W. HhoWN. Fife. Oreaoii
Atlantic Avt'., Boston, Maaa.
and read.
To Lake County Orchardists:
"Notice is hereby given tbat fruit
growers must make pieparations to
throughly spray,1 their fruit trees
during the year VJ10.
A. M. SMITH. Inpsector
Oated, Nov. 4th. 1909 lmo.
PrW-elOOe while theyLnxt.
Shows all Land Grant Landa,
(Jrant complete, by aectlons.
F.ntlre output of Jthla map owned by
427 Lumbermen's BUIr.
Portland, Oregon.
y-W 'VTaVVaV,;'iV
1 ncorporated
A Complete Record
Ic have made an entire transcript of all Records in Lake County
which, in any way, affect Real Property in the county.
We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer
ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given. ,
Errors Found in Titles
In transcnw.,; Lhe records we have found numerous
mortgages recorded in the Deed recoia, and tiot indexed; and
many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and otner
books. Hundreds oi mortgages and deeds are not indexed
at all, andaie most difficult to trace up from the records.
We have notations of all these Errors:
Others cannot find them. We have pnt huudreds ot dollars hunting up
these errors, and we can guarantee our work.
J. D. VtNATUK, rianager.
tVavtaVOaV rfc&rrVs3
The New Lingerie.
"Lines, not curves," la the keyvot
of the advance I'aiis Importations
from celebrated dreasmskera. The
lines roust lie rl?ht. They must be
graceful, sweeping lines, with very
illght, almost no curves. After se
lecting a good corset, a matter quit
Ms at the prfwnt time, the. question
it proper underwear comes up. Over
the corset the gown must follow th
lines given by the corset, but If aev-
ersl pieces of underwear are put on,
one after the other, ridges, creaaes,
bulges and aags are apt to appear.
To overcome these difficulties a mew
combination undergarment has been
made In this country after several de
signs now In use In Farla. In fact,
the French designs have been adapted
far American woraen who demand that
their clothes be practical; hence the
new undergarment or "shcathbocker."
It takes the place of corset cover
and petticoat la a combination bras
siere and knlckerbocker In one gar
ment, hooka down the front, la lace
and ribbon trimmed and mode In dif
ferent qualities of lingerie materiaia.
In satin finish batiste tbe coat la $3
each; Japanese silk, $6; mescaline silk,
$10. The shenthbocker Is suitable for
horseback riding, tennis and golf and,
being lightly boned, can be comforta
bly worn without a corset
8tripea In Great Vogue.
Striped materials were never more
In vogue. They are peculiarly adapted
to the lines of the new plain skirts and
one piece gowns. A very pretty and
simple model for a morning gown was
seen recently. The effect achieved by
a clever use of the stripes was very
good. The upper skirt was circular,
with the stripes running straight up
and down In front. The lower part of
the skirt was a circular flounce cut on
the bias at the front seam In order to
form points. The waist, too, was cut
oa the bias to match the arrangement
of the stripes of the flounce. There
was a yoke of embroidered white ba
tiste, an.l the trimming was effectively
achieved by bias bands of plain em
broidery with large pastilles the color
of the stripes.
A Smart Costume.
A smart costume of dark green cloth
(light weight) effectively trimmed with
black satin covered buttons Is seen In
the Illustration. The square tucked
. i . Martian ubk or buttons.
yoke la chamois colored taffeta, and
the fashionable Bhort walsted effect Is
rained through tbe arrangement of a
black velvet ribbon girdle, which cloaes
on tbe left Bide In a bunch of loops,
with long ends edged with black silk
Plain Clothing to Look Slim.
Optical Illusions are everything in
the gam of looking allm. Only the
woastn with the Ethel Barrymore fig
ure can afford to put on thlnga regard
less of the effect upon the figure. Even
Ethel Barrymore herself la ao artist
In dress In tbe way of looking allm.
"I wear plain clothes," she aay, "and
no collar, I don't believe In wearing
trimming or stuffy things. I Chink
If women would take off some of their
Sxlngs they would look thinner and
The Kind You Have Always Bought, fend t?hlh has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the Big-nature of
and has been made nnder his per
-VV z7- . Bonal supervision since its infancy.
All Counterfeit, Imitations and "Just-as-good. " are bnt
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against experiment.
Caatoria is a harmless snbstitnte for Castor Oil. Pare
poHc Drops and Soothing; Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
-on tains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Jfarcotlo
substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and llowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother'.; Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Poaltlvely cured and not one drop of medicine taten internal!).
Immediate relief and care for lafferen of had cold, Chronic aore throat, coo
rhial tutM-a, BroncbltU, Laryngltla, Catarrhal deafneu. Asthma and Hay fever.
Not a medicine to upaet your arstem, but simply a tablet which when dissolve
masea a wonderful cleansing, toothing, and healing antiseptic, which is especially adapte
the delicate membrane linings of the Noie and Throat and when used with the flau oa a
douche which we supply, or aa a gargle, will Immediately remove lhe mucus by thoroughly
cleansing the breathing passages of tbe nose and throat, consequently allying the discharge
and giving nature an opportunity to get the respiratory organs into a healthful condition.
This can never be accomplished while the breathing passages are fll'ed with poisonous dll!
charge of the mucua membrane, and unless the breathing passagea are cleansed and treated
with the proper healing antiseptic a slight cold will invariably result in Cattarrh, La Grippe,
aore throat. Cold in head or cheat and frequently results seriously.
Ormsby's Nasal Douche treatments will positively relieve Immediately and will cure all
diseases of the nose and throat and will give wonderful relief to sufferers of Bronchial troublea
and tuberculosis of the throat and lungs.
To convince you tbat this advertisement states FACTS, sign the coupon below, mall it to
us with )cts., and we will immediately tnall you a fl.00 box of Ormby's Nasal Douche trnt
ments containing 25 treatments with glass nasal douche or forty treatments without
The treatment with douche will be mailed unless otherwise ordered. FREE We will
gladly mall you a valuable book with chart in fiveeolors showing the Ormsby method by
which diseases of the respiratory organs are treated.
Ore of the thousands of unsolicited testimonials we receive:
Gentlemen : Several months ago I was very much worried about a cold I had contracted
am which had settled in my head, from which position It was apparently impossible to
dislodge it; af ler mfferinir ureatly for ten days or two weeks a friend prevailed upon me to trv
Ormaby's Nasal Douche Taolels, with almost instantaneous results: in fact the results were ai
extremely gratifying that I decided to continue the use of the Treatments in an endeavor to
cure inyaelf of catarrh, with which I had suffered for years, and after taking the medicine
according to directions for about six weeks I was entirely cured and have not been anln to
detect the slightest trace of the disease since tbat time. 8
I also recommended the use of the Treatments to a friend who has suffered for years from
Asthma, and h has Just left the office after informing me that the Tablets had actually cured
htm; that he had not felt a trace of toe old trouble for more that two mjnths. and that that
bad been the longest nupl le he had for about twenty years.
NoM.gentlemeu, this is the first time in my life that l have ever recommended In anv
way a so called patent medicine" and I hope that you will take it as the evidence of one who
appreciates tl-e high merit ol the article that you are placing on the market aa a curative
agent. Very sincerely yours,
, .. , JOHW R. MiCLXOD,
1032 No. Bonnie Brae. '
Los Angeles, Calif.
Pacific Chemical Company,
540 S. Broadway. Los Angeles, Cal.
Please mall me as per your offer, 11.00 box of Ormsby's Nasal Douehe Treatments,
for which I enclose you SO cents.
The Pine Creek
Mining & Leasing
Company, Inc., .
have just purchased the outstanding
3-5ths interest in the Mineral Spring
claim. This gives the Pine Creek Com
pany a group of three claims, namely:
The Fern, Huckelbery No 3 and Min
eral Spring No 1, without intersections,
making in all some, fifty odd aeres of
the most centrally located ground in the
Hoag District
To provide for present needs The
Pine Creek Leasing and Mining Com
pany, Incorporated, offers for sale Twen
ty Thousand shares of its Treasury
Stock at Five Cents per share. This
offer will hold good until December 31,
1909. Orders should be addressed to
New Piue Creek, Oregon.