Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 09, 1909, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    I.AKH t ' H T V T Y ' I ! X i A M I N ! : P. , . I , A K K V I f V OKKOON. TIMIIKDAV. M:T.Mi:i I! U.
;v i)
y- :
(( Personal Mention
v : : .
v C r -tfr The only bakinrf powder
V V'' from Royal Gratc Cream of Tartar
Tti Ihti nt rfiiiirl from Mr. .Inniew
ntir In 1lmt. fin Is very low, mid the
made from Grapes-
Makes Ftactf, Purest Food
Absolutely Puro
( won I iny luil'l'"''!, whicti will l.n nd
ilewit fur llm innny friends of "UnH
.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V " ,
.1. K. ( ,'ot ri lull, i.f I'.'iwdinlmrij,
Maine, wiih In town 'iinsluy. tin
mi H'ciiii iilni'' dv It Im wl'e. tin m
Inlfri-Hti-'l In Mm Wlill.inor Iind A
i (,'nt 1 1 ( Vi,, wtilrh !,im Its head t fir
ifcr I" M'uli t'. rniint v, , on I he Vet
(side nf (ifiui-x I ,ii k Mr Oirinnh wss
J here a j cur Hi'ii, and hii.vh tin ran see
1 iiimi k"' I chiiiiucH for llm leMer. n nr) he
Helen lll COIIllllI Vl'lir lll willK'M H
heavy liiitiiliiil Ion Into thlH section.
K. J. KtotiM In in lou. Il took
itwn 'f y pi to net here from Valley
('mIK mid reports llm road In ter
rilili condition.
Win. Ilolililri. (if 1'alnley. made (IohI
pro".f on a valuable timber Halm
Monday, before llm U. S. Lund
! olfiue.
(I. Kail win 1 1 cro over Monday
from Silver hake.
I .ant 'I'luirmlav li U' lit the l)nr of
lunor elected the following ottlcnn :
in Chief of Honor. Lllllo HarrU;
ilef of Honor, Ktta l'Hrooi-k ; Lady
Honor, Mary i'uat ; Chief of Ore
mien, liertha Mel.ker: Uaher.
Inlly ( lark ; Keroruer. Dolca Wll
I'lniiuiiler, Kh
li. I'.. r. i:iianriT!
lira MrOullv; Outer VVhtch,
korne Wlioiton. After lolie refieau
kuita were aervni). Mnmea played and
reported an enjoyahln time.
The Mnaona
I'tsd oftlcera,
fMimonlo. J. (). Hull V. M. ; A. 1.
fnrnloii H. V. ; V. Lair TlioinpoHii
W. : J. li. Anteu 'l'lraa. ; Clinrlea
tnlmiili, Kcroetary.
A. K . M. M rB. V. Horem-e W. M. ;
Jhk. I'iiiIiiicIi V. J'. ;
Mrn. K. Mil Km A. M . ; Mr. Ma
"lilnich hecretury : Mrn. Mary Hnlil
j 'J'reHMiirer ; Mm. I. ill inn HuitIm,
iiidurtreHH j Mth. Hmlte Wooilc.ork,
iHt, IJomliietrt'NM.
T. 4. Ilrattln. one of the pioneer of
Laka ("oiiDty, who waa ahetlff in the
early daya died ttila week ill t'nlitli-y.
He la epoketi of In the tralet ea
teem ty all who knew hint.
Another pioneer who panned to the
nihnP II.Ia Ilia, a l tk. a. m Llat-cn I
Miller; Kocel- (laylord of l'alaley. He too, la one
In nor Watch. 1 of the early aottlern and wna univer-
Rally eateemed
Hot h theao Kent.lemen were aald to
da very uk"'I .
The piexent manaKemeut of Kx
amlner linlim a Mtranuer l tinatile to
lilve the hihtor) of tht-ae men, we lirpe
rotne kind friend or Hi'ijualntenre
will nnpply iih mich pnrtU'iilMr.
a 14.I Ki.ateru Star
( 01 nt IiiHtallalloi),
Herein her -7th
lie (!hiiillauiia Circle will iihtI
I Momliiy viniiii( with Mrn. I..
Sender. I'h followliiti la the pro-
it 1 : A heiidiiiK J our in-V lhroiih
pt " ('Imp. .X Mri. li. li. Keiiifer;
reek View I. lie" I'iiki I&4 In 107,
Mahel Klini; lloim-ric Htorle,
Odvnny Itunkn h to It) inclil
MIhm Ilii7i'l Horn; Kxtrarta
bi i'opea traiiHlntlon of tho Odya-
MIhm drrtruilti rriMin ; Short
ItcU if Soi-;n!ir. Mr. A
The Ladle' A hi Soclxty will give
'1 lie Country l-'air Krldiiy evenliiu
1 17, lit Hie KkaliiiM Kink. Come
and Kct your fortune trld. a cup of
of tea of the heautlful JapHiiene k'
al the tea uhrdi'ii, or hot rhorolnte or
iMiiree and cake at the collee booth,
ali) home made cniidy, If you do
not cere for anything to eat do not
full to hi'iir the Jutillee nliiKera or
in lee the lialiy atiow.
i'rie will tie awarded at the liahy
Nhow at eitiht o'clock chtirp. Door
open Friday I. M. from 'J::t to fi.
opeu aitalu at 7:111). The iidminlon
only teu cent.
II. Meed, of New Plna Cre'k
took In the eltvhfa of the (.4000 Lake
Valley metrpoll lent Huturday.
Mif M. I.'. NVillard of PIdhIi wa
recently a Lakevlew vUltor.
Clay I.aneon. waa up Friday from
Willow Hannh.
Mla Mamie Dunn, of Minneapolis.
Kana, la a new arrival Hhp baa
vlalted Kfiokane, Henttle, Portland
and other place, and Ilka Latrrlew
an well that ahe will d ou titles con
clude to permanently locate.
W. '. Paine haa teturned from his
California visit, and his naual emlln
la more clearly defined than hereto
fore Now, W. F. dH you make
some it real eHtate deal, or did
yo'j Kft the promise of a valuable
piece of property, to be all your
I own?
j K. I). Lut.. was a Drews Valley re
preHciitutlve In town this week.
( J. lirciiDHii. of Klnnihth Falls, was
j oter thin week, taking note of mnt
' ter In the iiietropolis of bout hern
( Jreuon.
(ieo. Hook, of Split tin pUced hi
nau:e on the book at el Lakevie
Mi i e week.
W. D. Duke, of the 70 ranch War
ner Valley wa in town Saturday.
Jack McAuliffe, of I'IijhIj la in
tow 11 for a few days.
Photographer Wendt was up Friday
from New Pine Creek.
J. D. Keller was In town Tuesday.
He reports the stormy weather cauited
hi in to shut down work on the arte
sian well.
20 per cent OFF
During the month of December
we arc goln lo give a dis
count of 20 per cent on all
Ladies' and Misses' Coats and
Suits, Waists and Skirts,
None reserved. We must
have room for our Spring
stock and you get the benefit.
All new 1909 goods. Not an
old one in the lot.
Watch our Windows.
Liikeview Mercantile Co.
Mining News
MIh Drobney, of Fort Hidwell I
in town foi the winter, the truest of
The Seattle Commercial ('In b I or I Mrs. J. Harry,
yanlzlnit an excumiou to the Orient! . ,,.,,,
for biisli.e.s. in n. their fiiiuilie and .. Mr(. ,U",'?1VH J-, '"e. Mr. au.l
connections, to leave Seattle by the S. I Mnt- I1".0- H'-Kerld, dow n the valley,
K. MlnueHOta on December -Jnd. and I w"re s"tu"lHy iHltors.
return aliout March fab. U10. The! A Ioiik War in on among tho local
MluueHota will touch at Kobe, Voko- I Chi ntce.
?Ihe Arcadia.
loving Picture Show
Up- to -Date
Moving I'ictures
Illustrated Sons
nd.'ivs, Wednesdays, Fri
days and Sundays
ko Shows each Night
At 7::w and S:.'I0 oVlne k
Snlder's Opera Mouse
AiIihIhhIiiii 10 and l.'ictn
liHinii, Nuuasnkl, ShatiKhai, Manila
Hud Houukoiitf. Fiist cIiihu round
trip wll be i'tl (X). Si ace for exhibit
11 board will be provided Storm
will be made from one to three days
at all ports, and seventeen days at
Manila. Application fur full particu- 1
lar and reaervaMone should be miule
to J. M. Shawtiaii, chitlrmau of I
the Publicity Committee, 700 Kilor's
Music Uuiidlnt; Seattle. Wash. 1
Flook and w ife, eant of Pluah
town. Miss Meyers ia with
J. T
are in
A. M. Smith and wife are
today from New Pine Creek.
J. S. Soiree, of Pueblo, Colo.,
arrived yesterday.
Km met Wade whs up Thursday
form New 1'ine Creek.
The Stock holders of the Goldberg
Hntte mine held the auniml meeting
at Plush laid week, and elected the
foi I owing officers: President and
Treasurer John A. Morris; Vice
President. John W. Lottus; O. A.
Kelley. Secretary; General Manager,
Pre I II. Oliver; Directors, J. A.
Morris. J. W. Loftus, K. II .Loftas,
F. II. Oliver. J. .1. Leilley. W. Z.
M on and L C. Het kwitb.
The Big Four Miuina Company also
held its annual election: F. II.
Oilver, President and General Mana
ger, J. J. lieilley. Vice President and
Treasurer; K K. Irwin, Secretary:
Directors. F. II. Oliver, J. J. Heil
ley, E K. Irwin J. A. Morris, and
W. K. Jennings.
fined vein, and considering the fact
of the high grade samples ot ore
wbicb were taken from the surface on
this leade, we shall not be at all
surprised should we eocoQDter a pay
chute of bigb grade ore uo this vein
ai any time.
The upraise In "Sugar Pine," pro
petty of tbe Consolidated Co.. have
struck a streak twel'e inches wide of
tVJH) U0 ore. There ia simply no guess
ing a boot it. the Hoag district, will
deliver the goods in the coming sea
son of 1910.
Winter is on in the Hoag district,
regardless, however, of the severity
tbe elements, 'he mines ander de
velopment are sbowiDg up epleuiid.
Children Cry
LOST Gold filled small watch eoclosed
in steel case, leather fob, brass
badge with Taft and Sherman 00
same. Will give 110 for its return
M. SANDKKS. Hotel Lakeview. 1'Jtf
FOUND. lady's side saddle. En
quire at this office.
Pure Maple Sugar 2-":
a pound at
The eant drift from the bottom of
"The Fern'' stmft. property of the
Pine Creek Leasing and Mining Com
pany, is improving with every foot of
work, developing iuto a big, well de-
The weather tbe past week has been
bad. The mercury on tbe 2nd was
45 above, highest, lowest 13 above;
3rd. 42-10; 4th, 437: uth. 438
btb, 410; 7th 41 C: 8tb, 407. On
the 4th, the precipitation was .00,
with 1!4 inches of snow, fab S'jinchea
snow, t'.th 3J4 inches, snow. But on
that dute there was but 1 1 .V inches
left on the ground. It rained and
thawed all day Wednesday.
NOTICE The turry who took tbe
seat from tr.y wagon io Bernard's
shed will sire himself cts nnd
trouble by reluming samu at once.
FOR SALE. One 5 room bouse,
cellar a i I woodshed lot 57X338 Price
tlOOO. Terms. One 3 roori hnnse,
$.V0 l.jt 50XTR Term. On 2
room hou-e. lot 50X33. Terms. This
property is all three blocks from
tbe s hooi hii'i.-" See rr writu 3. K.
Patch, Likeview. 48if
FOR r.iiNl.-.-Ejiu
i:a of T.
id l"i,i- n.0ULujuti...
a Horn Monday, the Gth, lust to the
wife of A. J. Hlckerson, aeon.
Sunday Deo. l'Jtb.
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Kpwortb League at 0:45 p. in.
Prayer meeting every Thursady ev
en log.
Preaching at 7:30 p. m.
U. J. WENT. ELL, Pastor.
HOLIDAY GIFTS Don't overlook
The FroBt for Holiday goods. On
display in a few fduys. Holiday Fan
cy Box Candy our own make of
sweets. Dolls for the little girls,
and many useful articles for tbe old
and young.
Children Cry
O.V. L- Co. Land Holders:
We live in position to lease many
sections of land included in holdings
recently disposed of by O. V. L Co.and
would be pleased to act as your agent
for coming year. By our plan you are
not out One cent. Write for terms.
We are still reporting on these tracts, and so
licit your patronage. We also bay, sell or ex
change these tracts.
Land exami.;ation and location is our spec
ialty. If you want a homestead or desert claim write
or see us.
her Lakevlew Pharmacy
Second Addition
Several hard-headed, common-sense reasons why WAL
TER'S ADDITION is right now, and is bound to be in
the immediate future the most desirable city property, from
both residential and commercial standpoints :
1st. Physically the soil is good. Will make good lawns and
gardens. The land lies on a gradual slope, insuring drainage
for all time to come.
2nd. This addition is in reality not an addition to the town,
as it lays in the center of the most populous district, just three
short (200-ft.) blocks from the principal business street and
commercial center.
3rd. IVa believe it is the first and only tract that was sub
divided in oonformity with adjacent proDerty, al' "itrts and
aleys join and have the same nvmes.
4th. All lots blocks and streets are made to conform as
nearly as possible to that of surrounding property. Lots 50 x
150, 60 ft. streets, 16 ft. alleys, 6 ft. sidewalks and 6 ft.
5th. Every lot when sold will be subject to restrictions, both
as to value snd pharacter of improvements. A 25 ft. building
line is likewise stipulated. Building restrictions are value in
surance to the buyer, it guarantees the status of your proper
ty and assures you tho better class of neighbors.
6th. A liberal discount is given for cash, and most lenient
monthly payments can bo arranged. The prices range from
$300 to QlOOeach according to location. YVe will gladly show
. yo'j th j prop3."tyf n i J f urnish plats.
C. R. SEACiiK.
Lakeview, Oregon