LAKK CO' A KXAUINF.K. LA KF. VIEW, OKKUON, TIIUUDSAT, DECEMRFJl 9. iWfll TIIRhK V CYy Furniture Store. Furniture and. Bedding. ROBINSON & OO. Wm. Wallace, Mg Undertakina--tfE!!& os a specialty. Flrstofass Hoarse In erf -tondonoo. COUNTY NEWS masquerade Lakeview, visiting tha CLASSIFED WANTS If you want all tho news of Lako County nnd Goden Goose Lake Valley, subeorlbe for THE EXAMINER, only J2 a year. MICA It KMTATB FOK HALF.. Lt 27 , Illook 02. 1 ores. Tract 1, seo. 25, T. H. M, I 'JO. Laka county. Maka offer II F Freeman, 7t K. 8th Ht.. Topeka, Kaoaaa. FOK HALE OK TKAPK.-Two Bna lola in Oklahoma City. Address J. CIIAH. HMITIl, Lakevlw, Oregon itiir. ASSOCIA TK W.-NTF.U-We desire to gat good party or partlaa with aorta capital, to join ii In Improving and handling our land and properties la Nevada and California eclally around Keno tha metropolis W have good salable properties and years of experience. To (rood party sore and big proftlt will tia given. Ad dress or sea Overland Truat and Keelty Co. T:H Ceuter at. Keno NaT. FOK HALK. Tract W Bee. 3d, Town. I 40 lUuge 18 10 acrea Tract 0 Heo. .17. Town I It i nge 1!. 1 acme. I Tract 4!). Ho i:i Town. .17 Kange '30. lOaoree. J. P. I- KVAKH Lakeview, Oregon 4Htf FOK HALM Lot 3 -Ulock 197 Lakarlaw, Oiegou. 21' acre Reo- tion, 13 Township IKi. Raoge Itaitt cash olfer takes it. M .O. M1LLIUAN. Osceola, I..wa 47W3 IlKl.r HANTKII WANTKD-inan and wlls at Davis i Creek stage atation, to laud to atock j and get dinner for stage, everything furnlahed Mutt furnish gnnil refer- j eoee. Apiv at one or lemmone to FOH HALF.- FOK HALK-Ona driving team or rail (I I a horses a harifaiu. Laki law Development Co. Moore lilock. Main Ht. PLUSH Tba Tbaunkslgving a a sueoes. Fatbar O'Mallay. or paot a faw daya her members of bla ohorch. Dick Maboney is up and arouad, having baeu confined to bit bed for tan daya. Charley Koblnaon want to Lake flew on business last waak. Wblla ba waa away a man to whom ha waa In debted In tba sum of tl became ecarad and waa about to attach tome of Charley's property. Wheu Charley retomal tba heavy (T) creditor waa chagrined. "Jump in haute and re pent iu leisure." Frank Lane baa moved the "Dollar Hill" house from Kabblt Creek. Hilly Robinson la preparing ts take trip to Hend. The directors of the Jnpibo aod Discovery miner bad a meeting Mod oey. A traveling abow waa put oo bare in the r orris Opera house Monday eight. Tha abow waa very good and tba attendance was all of tba town. After the show another dance. Mr. Oorrsy. e U. H. Marshall, from Alaaka, Is -linra lonkioog after bla mining interests. lie roay decide to remain here until spring. Mr .0. W. Dent baa received two 4 horae loads of furniture for bla sew bouse. Q) Eastern Buyers For Farm Lands Lane has begun feeding bla Mr. calves. three drummers bava lieen taking orders nre. mi. Uonlou. of Mur pby, Orent Co. la the only onelMn (lau knows. Tba usual number of fights occurred since our last report. Mr. Kiellly aod aon are here mining business ibe guests of tie Messner hotel are slapping blgb Curtis has just ninsoea putting flush cariet on the bell floors. Cartla says "Of course It la flush carpet because It is here " Ibe Madam is learning to ride boise tack oo Pure Spite. NKWSl'APRK -flood huUne-s. For particulars apply at P.aatnluer oftlce. II. K. HAKKIOK, Dh?Ih Creek. rl MoanM WMKD.-A private fmnllv, rooms. Luiulre fw ljt)aplers In a with or without ut this o.tlce. 4Htf iPKEHa WH HALK: The Examiner I has a 0 column ipiaito Cotrell-liab-jcork power press, with steam tlx turrs, it uitiMt be sold to make room foi a larger, faster press.. It Is In good rler but Is nut adequate for ur lame and growing circulation. Correspodence solicited. FOK KENT Three furnished rooms tor lodgers Enquire a: this ofllce. TP.I.KrilOKK. LOOK AT THE NOTICE FOK KE wiird Ikhiii'iI by t tie T. It-phone t otiipuiy for ilcHtroylng Ita prop rrty. ICtI 00 REWARD. , A KEWAKD of i.fty dollars la bere by ollered for oruiation that will lead to the arrei and conviction of any per sou wo baa stolen wlrea or other property from our Comrmn and the sam reward ia hereby offered for informal t'jn that will lead to the arreet and u fiction of anyone dee troy log th j property of the Company, Unas. I mhuh. , aecreiaiy Lake Co. TeL k. TeL Co. ICtf. 1.11(1 KN Aft l .. trii(!i' .,iiiiwm and foiiml In Orcttou. THE KENT . luurn to Ik tf . II. CFTLEK WII1HKT AT THE !!'. I I ,iiki-vi-w lnr. riu tn-Mt nnd pu-'-i vvhl-k.v iihkIc. tf Tltr.Ml'AMM ftOTIi'K TKKSI'AKS NOTICE-We hereby warn all purllcH form etiterinir our premlne in Sec. HI Tiwnahip 3'J HK. 2l)K, for purpoHu of hinting or Hailing or )tlurlH. J. O. HULL M tf. CEO. JMMEKTI1AL MIM hl.LANKOl M NOTICE TO STOCKMEN: If you II. to leaee Inn I iu what was for mally known as tha Oreuon Military load Oiant, call at our office and put iu your application. We are now in position to secore tbe same for you nt reasonable rates. PACIFIC LAND CO. NOITCE All thoHe knowing them. ee!res to be indebted to the Lakeview Laud and Lumber !o. will please set tle with C. A. Hawklna either by cash or note 44W4 LINCOL OUNTV HIGH SCHOOL For lofoi .-uation in rounrd tn Lincoln Cnuoty High School, Ste nogrsoby, Type writing, Vooal and liiatrunieutai MuhIc. tiantial Trail ing, Kent of furnished cottauee. cost of 'JvinK, address Prof. Wilber. New port, Oregon MlHtreaa What did you tell those Indlt-H who Just called? HiTvnnt CM told in you waa out. mum. MlMtress-And what did they say? (ervnnt "How fortunlt." mum. r.ujo, saia murgie, woo was labrlousy spelling words from nrm render, "how enn I tell which is a d' aod which is a 'b'T" "Why," replied Effle, wisely b baa Ita tummy on Its back." Tit- uns. WE WILL WELCOME ALL An AflUbta. 111., subscriber wiitos that any o ntract-bolder who la not taking tbe Examiner ia loeing a lot of valuable information about this section. ne are now reacbins 3.000 sob acribere, and moie are beine added a i t t io our use. eaco week, out we cau iase care oi several tDouBaod n.rre ii tbey really insist upon having loeirname upon our lists. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of tbe Interior. Unitd mates L.ana umce. Lakeview, Ore goo. Hoy lltb.' lUOO. A sufficient contest affidavit has hn ti ed in tbla office bv Wm. Knnl Marry, coLtestant agbinst Homestead fc,olry, o. 0i(0. made Aim 31st. l'Ju8 for 8W quarter HW Quarter. Section . jownsblp 37 S.. Kaoge 22 E.. Wil lainete Meridian, by John A. Clark Cotestee. in which it ia alleged tbat tbe entryman never lived on tha land, never cultivated tbe same, baa net fenced It or used it as a borne. hutryman baa built a cabin on said land but, eame contalna no windows, floor or door ; nor is there any furni ture therein. Also entrvman has abandoned land for aigbt months last past, atd parties are hereby notified to appear, respoud aod offer evidence touching said alienation at 10 n clock a. m. on Dec 28th 190a before Register aod Receiver, at th IT. H Land Office la Lakeview, Oregon. xoe said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, tiled Oct. 2nd. 1909 eet fortb facta wntch abow tbat af ter due filioence Deiaonal service of tbia notice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered aod directed that ucb notice be given by due and proper publication. ARTHUR W. ORTON. Reoi.t.r FRED P. CRONEMIL.LER. Receiver NI8D23 If you want to sell, list your land with C. O. MISENER, Lakeview, Oregon Box 2W Office In Umbach Block Lots for sale In Lakeview and Valley Falls Accurate and prompt reports madefor hold ers of O. V. L. Co. tracts. HERE IS REIIEF FOR WOMFN ALBANY NURSERIES If yon have pslni In tbe bsok, Crlniry, BIkI- ut r Minnrjr iroohlo, .nl nt s rrtin, ; r.lerit hrb reliet from Womi-n'i (Hi try mf!Ju.V,'"AyVHAUJ'' it is Placed 20,000 tree-In- Lake county UrfflX Beat-adapts to need-.3 . Mntaer Oray's AnwralUa-Ltaf BitBmTCtton. FrefroBa'all dlrteaae rme TZ, 'L'V et. i Enoomed by rmirinnpectora. r-ampie win FREE. Addreii.Thc Mmh (;. r' ..,.r.. . Ca. lm Rriv. N Y. . 'Itruvw E. R. PATCH. jLakevtew. wal Catarrh quickly yields to treat- l," tha agreeable, aromatic Ely'aj a Halm. It ia received through the lis and clemnsee and heals the whole e over which it diffuses iteelt Vng. a-11 the 60c. sute. Text it and yon re to oontinne the treatment till re- Announcement. tu-cominodate those who are partial in use of atomizers in applying liquids ;lie nasal passages for catarrhal trou -iie proprietors prepare Cream Balm in 1 form, which will te known aa Ely's .: I Cream Balm. Price including the y:ng tul is 75 cents. DrngsU or by '. The liquid form embodies tbe meo. properties of the solid preparation. BlucPirii:; Mad I will make Blue Print of any township of land In tbe Lakeview Land District, aod do abstract work. Call or write W. B. SNIDER Lakeview - . Oregon LAKEVIEW ALTURAS Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A ll KM a)S..MM llamoc Jarm Hrmswllh Hwallnw rir ii 11 CI lllr Dally rlull t-r lm in:(rm n(l.u, HniiiHcwn HUre I'rop and Hi I . In rlslu ( 'lai Hrni'l 111. IUiiku. ('rant i.k- I'limnRIi e a'llr-nn, iJikerii-w.Orriiiii (THIS PAPER ! tvi "I'' al K.C. Pass's Ailv-rlUlliR Agnui IJi Haml Hlrccl. Hun iCranclwo, Cal . where k'lBirai'U for ! vcrl.:ni can lw made fur It SAWMILL WANTED IN CIIEWAUCANVALLEY Th iimlerHiiK'd owns .'I'JO noreH of lne timber IuiiIh. goo 1 IiiiiiIxt tim ior, ou wHt Willi of thin viillcy. 7 r H mili'H HoiitlciiHt of l'tiihli'v Laku iew htiiue roiiil. about iiiiIch from liiid rood Hiid Kiiincclnil I luue by mi ii Hy urailn mil new road not yet oin (ili'l ed tSirfiii'o free from rocks, Utcp nor illMlCiill logglui;, with near- y or quite all down grmlo luiiil. Plenty of water for Htcani power at hvhimI i liM-t'H on the iaii'f. .No mill low from' ( iiiiihit litiku valley to hoinpNoii Valley, l-'i or U0 niilcs be- Ioii I Silver bake, i. more than KHI iiliH To rltht party hole id h Koo.i iiHincs, opt'iilnu as 'avoratile Iimiiih ir coi.vefiicut t. i in In-1', an. i -jt ln:r ('(CHHary riu'ht.H, can , ba weimvi liy iitcrviaM in.' nr iitliin'HHiiiK. T. -I. III! 1TA IN, Paisley. Oreuon. taTKAV NOTU-K 8THAV NOTICE. Came to my place, two years ao one roan sorrel horse, bald face, brand on left shoulder. 48W4 a. C. LOFTU8 KTRAVED from Nat9 Wilcox's pas ture lust May, one Hrowu mare, branded E. D. ou left stifle and branded 6 or H on rluht etlfle. White spot in forehead and drooping ears. i suitable reward will be puid for her leturn, or Information as to her whereabouts. She uauie from Uurua, Oreon. ROSA McDANIEL. STRAYED- - 1'roni in v tield. Auir. 41 h one ronti ReldiiiL', branded 7 left hIiuii ili-r with hull circle. Huh Hiiro nil the point of left xlionldei-. Suitable reward for return of iiiiinuil or ill formation that will lead to it recov ery. JOE A MR ROSE. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION CALANDER FOR 1910. The publishers of the Youth' ComD anion will, at always at this season present to every subscriber whose subscription (f I 75) ia paid for 1910 a neautirul Calauder lor tbe new year. The picture panel which eu- Kem i ne line, "veuetlan," for tbe Calander was paicted by tbe famous marine artist, Tbocaa Morao. His Venetian seeue. leproduoed in tbe Calauder ty thirteen color litbe Rapby, will be found well worth pre Berviotf, long after 1910 has gone by. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. in the County Court of tbe State of Oregon for Iike Connty In the matter of the petit ioi of J. M llanuley and J. M. Mesaner for ileenm? to aell apiritouB, malt and vinous liquora in quantities lens than one gallon at North Warner precinct, Ijike Connty, Oregon for the period of bix months. Ve. tbe underaisned. residents and leeal voters of North Warner Precinct. uaae uounty, ureuon. resoctfullv ue tltlon that tbe Hon. County Court, of said County, and State grant i license to J. M. Handler and J. M Messuer, partners under the firm name and style of Handley & Messner, to sell opiruoua wait and Vinous Liquors. and fermeuted cider. commonlv kuowq as nara ciaer. la lees aae titles than one gallon at said North Warner Precitt, in said Lake County, : li m 1 ! L 4 ,:t dcorwork viuTIEST WEAYhui ;'f -,t::ng eii;al:. VATERPROOF OILED GARMENTS I IHIV 100K WELL-WEAR WELL AND WILL NOT LEAK RvVJ 5UIT5322 A.J.Towr v Co. boston, U.R.A. Tomm Canadian Co. iimito , . CHEED MCKENDREE C. II . McKENDREF Wishes loan aniioue.e that liin services lire Ht I lie diHpoHal of the pnrchiiheiH of the land at the Oregon Valley Laud Coin ptiny'H Sale in Oregmi, For two years Nlr. Mekemlree wax rental aueiit, har Inu cliarKe of all the lands enilniieed in the Military Road(iraut, uliiirh uiih cut up ami sold by the O. V. I.. Co. In that captieity ho familiii ized tiiniHelf with every tract of land on t In- i'i nut, hecamu kC'iuaiut .ml with lenU ii', ami cau tell Vim li'oin er hoiwiI knowleile the value of each and every tuiet, both as to location ami 1 1 1 1 ti 1 ity, and renting value. In addition Mr. MeKendree kuows the tt-'cknien and who rented every por tion ot I :i-nii lands duriug thepahtj i - ii viain he knows whom to nee to i. ..I each tract this year. For a uui lonn fee of five (15. (HI) dollars per tract reuardless of size, Mr. MeKen dree Willi render a report (miog loca tion, (in llty and the value, and will ilmi 3-011 a rei ter if the laud is rent uble. All i qiH'ta for inforiiuitiou in nut lib Hooiimpanled by ?.r).()U, other wise no answer will be returned. P.EMEM1SEK. Mr. MeKendree doed not have to Inspect the laud, auil render a "llrst look report ; lie lias the books olassif) lug every tract, and known what it rented for last year lie has been over every foot of the grant, he cau tlud you a reut er. Reference Any bauk or buelueaa man iu Lakeview. Address 0. II. McKENOREE Lakeview, Oregon. $1,000.00 Reward. The Oregon. California & Nevada LIveHtock Protective AaHociittlou will Klre fKHKl Reward for the con viction of any party or part lea ateal IliK horaea, cattle or milieu U'loimln to any of the following ineniberH tf this Association: Cox iVl Clark, ( lieacan I. anil & Cattle Co., lleryford Land & Cattle Co., Lake County Land & Livestock Co., Warner Valley Stock Co., Wm W. Brow n, Geo. M. Joiich, Geo. Han kins. s. it. Chandler, C. A. Rehart. N. Fine, W... Currier. Frank 15. JtanerH, J. C. I (otclikisM, Calilerwood Rros., T. .1. Itrattalli vV Sons, T. A. Crump, Cressler ,V: ltonner, W. T. CressU-r Maiul 1. ::amlio. ) . I . IlKUYl- ontl. Presid t i-ri(Kits IF. FlXA.NCM 0"M M. Mil. 1. Kit, Sec ,V Tivas. I W. P. lli:nTi-oi!ii . ( F. M. (Iitnux I S. It. ClIAMH.Klt A 1 ) M 1 N 1 STR A Tt RS SALE Notice is hereby given that the 1111 (liTHik'ticd 1 ilnrniftratiix ut tl.e estate I of Alonn A. Men ill. ilei-ea.-.e. liy I the order of liio County Crmt of the. (State of Oregon, lor Multnomah County, will si II at pulilU' aui-lion on hnttirilay the -1 Hi. tiny of iV'cemlier, UKi'.t, at (he Hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of iihI! day. at the Court House door. Fifth Street, en trance, in the City of Portland, j Multnomah ('utility, State of Oiegou, an 01 1 ne ioiiowiug uesciued pioper ty. tu-wit: Tbe South east quarter of Section Thirty Township Twenty-three South of -Ratine Thirteen east of the Willamette Meridian, iu Lake Comi ty, State of Oregon. Said sale will be made to the high est tdrider for cash 111 baud on de livery of deed, and sa'd dale will be subject 1 o conflirniatiou by said County Court, of Multnomah Couuty, State of Oregon. ALICE M. MERRILL Administratrix of the estate of Aloluzo A. Merrill, deceased Dated and tbe first publication October, 28 19(19, Last publication December, 2 mm. GRAHAM ACLEETON, Attorneys for Administratrix. VWV'l Oregon, for the months, as in duty ever pray. NAMES J. J. Scott W E Schuster Pat Murphy Con Fit '.Gerald Louie Conrad lien Daly R li Grisel J A Morris Thos L Murphy ,1 W Robison W. 11. Henetiel Win Clepat P E Taylor W S George J E Walker O. . Dent J E Smitn li J Peliu 11 Dent M M Harry Otto Korbeiu II L Feas .1.11. Greene James 1 ) O'Connors period bound of wo six will NAMES O A Curtis TboB J fjulllvan Pat Quinlan Ed L Wright Michael Lane John McCarthy Joe Jones J I! Hums T. S. Burgess ti Poindexter G W Wise N E Currty II C Currey M J Messuer L W Fraker W.C Seammou C II Robinsou F P Lane II J Anthony W Z Moss Judd Wise W H Grbel S M Lu ''e Frank Moneh.D LAND ON CROP PAYMENT PLAN C'lgnt tbousand acres, nil nmtn oucn, witn water rights. The r cream of the Golden Goose Lake Val ley. All level, "electe- nui? rears ago ior lease, or ea.e on roD clan. a M . . . a 10 larmers wno can give proper ref- erencea. these lands are the choicest in me vauey. write to HUNTER LAND rn 202 Aodras Bldg, MinoeapoUs, Micn. or C. II. MeKendree. Lakeview. V Va'8" 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE 2 ptelilJLKfUa, STAGE LINE C. Q. Lamkbst, Prtrp'r. Office in Thornton' Store titaife leaves Lakeview dalrv. ez cept Sunday at a. tu. Arrive '' at Altnras at 6 p. rn. r Leaves Altnras lor Lakeview at 6 o'clock a.m. or on tbe arrival y of the stage from Likely. Ar-'' rives in lakeview in 12 boars af. ter leaving Altnras. Freljht - Matters - (liven Strict - Attention First - Class - Accomodations. IRtbt .71 ARnw Designs Copvrights Ac Anron ncndtiiir .Uclch and dpcrln(lon my qnlrklf asrerimu t-:-.r opinion f roe whether an kiventinn ! prihM pmerit:ih?e. Conmunloa. tlomnncllr c.iiuoentliil. HANDBOOK on I'alenta sent free, i'liiept arenrjr fur peotiruifr patenta. fatema taken thruuch aluun A Co. receive iptmu nocica, wiinoul cnarca, lixina Scientific Jltnericam illation of ny fiuclitic juurnai. lerma. ff3 ar: four months, 4)1. tkidbuJI Tuswsdealerm. (IUNN&Co.38,BrMi"-New York Uraiich CMWob. cVS K PU WaahlOKtun. D.7i Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIEW -PAISLEY. A- W. BRYAN. Proorietor. Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m erery day but Sunday. Returning, leaves PaiBley at 6 :30 a. m. every day but Freight fL50 per cwt. PassMcers' Far $4 Rovod trip $ 7 OFFICE B. Rernolda Store, LAKEVIEW PLUSH STAGE LINE I. E. Taylor, Prop. Office at B. Reynolds' Stor . Stage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at 6 a. m.. arrivn at Plush at 9 d. m. Leaves Pinsh Tnea days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 8 m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. m. Paseeniter fare f-1 one wav or 17 for round trip. Freight fl.50 per cwt. State of Oregon. County Luke, ss 1, J M. Mt'.-mier, being flist duly sworn, dospose mid fiiy : the foregoing petition contain: the uu,ne of 1111 lu-tu-bl inajoiity of tdo whole iiiiinlier of lo gul voters of N hi th Waruer I'reciuct. in Luke -County. Oregon, t fiat eiich h i u 1 1 !i 1 1 1 res thereto in genuine, that euch pei MiM wluiKO name is signedto eaid petition, ia tit the date hereof, tin ui-timl resident of n;id precinct, hihI 1 1 11 act nnlly resided in Haiti precinct foe more than thirty davs next imme Mutely preceedint; the linte on whion he Higued sii l iiHtitijn, and of the rilintt ot tiui name. J. M. MlibSNF.K, rSiiliscrilieil Hiid sworn to beforj nie this 1st day of November, 1!HH. J. A. MORRIS, Notary Fubli o. Notice is hereby tfiveu that the un dersigned liaudley & Moesuer petit'ou era the foregoing petition will apply tntheCountv Co'trt of Lake Couuty, Oreeuon,ou the Cib day of Jan. 11)10, for a liceuse to sell bpirituous, Malt mid Vinous Liquors iu less quaaifipt than ' one gallon, at North a-ei Precinct, Lake County, State of Oregon, for a period ot six months. J. M. UANDLKY n26j0 J. M. MESSNKR mm-i WESTFRN STAGF l!S'' 1 K?amath Falls-lake Yi ew lyfff Staw Comnanv '.J'i"Vv'3 Mcreamlle Vo'm Nrore, l.nkevlew a.V5V?'. VH' -' itZ: ''-''' 3 Aiuerlrau Hotel. Klamath FhIIm V;t'''''C-tlsS KouuitTn,. I I i-r...- ' w --i':f. tt Sm Ued by V:z P cartridge iTwhich 1; ai-1 -Vi"t breech the sm; Uifs Cuida. Th!s riflj is leaded by its recoil s::d as ona pJcdes, another is tl'.rown up from t!;a mrazino. 1M5 five. "Just pu!l s:;d releaso the trlrfer for It's hammerlccs and safe because of the solid in 4 calitres f-r the biggest game down to Her Kg game for Sat by j.: Local Dtalmrt Write for catalogue and literature liK.MINUlUN AKMS CO., Illon, N. V. 31.1 lli.uiduuj, Mt-w York. N. ) . . .. Ta iniiii i aaai aa i