if. VOL. XXX LAKKVIKW, LAKK COINTY, OIJWJON, DKCKMHKK 9, 1 1)00. NO. 48 'Another Railroad Richmond to EMerUBLlCAN CON OPEN WITHOUT liKtSSMAN SEES USUAL PROGRAM I tie fenced jpieiti 01 Hamman G.O.P. DANGER WMtlill G0 Cannon and Insurgents On a Truce Until The President Speaks WASHINGTON, Deo. ft. At noon today the II r lit rrgulnr iritslou of the ixtj llrsl coiiurioxa will convene. Vice I'renldsut Hhermau will preside In the senate, Speaker Cannon In the house. There have been faw aessioos la recent years for which there has been so little planning among members. Ordlnarly, Speaker Cannon and Ken ator Aldrlch, who apeaka for the ma jority of tha annate, have a program at the belgnnlng of a session, nut tbla yeartbey have nnnn; or If they bave. they are not talking about It. They are waltlug upon tha preal dent. By oomaion couaent, apparently, all wt bold I tig dark until the presi dential recommendations ran be re ceived, aa they will be ou Tuesday, In hia first anuual message. That Ma suggestions will be anted upoo la too much to nay. Hut there la a disposition to accomodate biro ao far aa ran be done and there la a dtermluatinii to hear his sugges tlona before enterlna npnn any elfort at legislation along llnea upon wM. ih be haa Intimated a desire to be heard. INSL'KtiKNTS WAIT Kvcn tho "InaiirgHnts" generally xprHN a willingness to wall upon tlie white hoiiMti before attempting to furiuuUte a plan of artlou. Thl Is trim In tho sensta and the house. Thiy innnlffnt inuob iutrt lu the furl hcnuiitig un'HHuue but any that un it; la received they will be tumble to form any plmi. Tbiy are avowedly irreconcilable in tliir attltudu to ward the sneaker and Senator Ald rlch. whom they hi. Id rmpotialbl", the one for tho house rules aud the olhur tho present tHrilf. THE RUSH STILL ON FOROURFREELAND Sixty-Five People Make a Rush Thru Prine ville in One Day Sixty five people came into central Oregon Sunday mid Monday, ou their way to Silver Luke and Fort Hook nountrlca, says the I'rlnevllle Kevlew. Forty oue were passengers by stage mid -I came by various otln-r means Of conveyance. There were four stages, t'Ki'H loaded to I ho guards, ttnd the trip from SliHiiiko coininned aoinethlnu more tlmu :iit hours, owinti to the extremely heavy ro'iiditlou of tho rouda. MoHt, If not nil Uiohh peo ple were utter ttuverumeut land In uortheru Luke county, wblnb shows how fast our freo IhikU Hie koIiik to meu and women of kuu.I'Uoii. NORTHWARD THE STAR OF EMPIRE! Northward tbe course of empire takes Its way. A tugboat steamed nut of Vaucouvre, 11. 0., receutly with a barge loaded wltu a 7-ton locomotive, ii flatcars and a ca boose. This rolling stock is bound for Prlnca Rupert where It wll be the first to be used on tbe western divi sion of tbe Oand Trunk PaoiOo. When the Canadian Paolfla was built across tbe continent it was thought that it ran too far north to prove a profitable Investment The same prediction has been made in tbe case of the new load now build ing. Our "frontier" Is becoming ao restricted, however, that it Is not Improbable that In a few years hence SOUl" iloriHK rnurimu iMiiiiioio v.u spanning the oontiuent witb a line, having feeders runnlug up to tbs Ar- j tlo ocean. 8TATE HORTICULTURE SOCIETY The !i4th annual meeting of the ..-.,... Ktutu lliirtluulural (Society waa belli in Portlano Inst week. A J uuniberof conipiebeosive papers were. read, which will be puutsnmi. livery uun in iuyihj w . - Interested iu horticultural. Anuual ! dues, ! i life membership. 910. pay I able in one or two payments. Kvery member will receive a oopy of tbe proceed I a ga aud list of members. Help make a creditable showlug for the Hociety by joining, frank W. Power. Is aeoretary, who may be' addressed at Portland. t : Tbs Ontario Uptomlat, edited by it Kansas girl, boru and reared in a newspaper oilloe, is a mighty good CENTRAL OREGON TAKES ALL PRIZES Wins Everything in Sight At the Billings Dry Land Congress Follow Ion la the report of the odlnlnl Hat of the prizes wnu by Cen tral Oregon exhibit ahowu recently at the Billings Dry Fur in I ok Cnniras It waa received by tha general passen ger dapai tmrnt of the Great North ern at Portland : Alfalfa seed, it. M. Powell. Pilne vllle. dry fitriiilna oongrnMS. Hrt. (Colored oata, J. II. Kalo, Madras, dry ftirming congress, second. Winter rye, II. J llealy, Mad ran. J. J. Hill. tlmt. 1'ntatoea, (J. Springer, Culver, J. J. Hill second. Irish Barley. C II. Howell, Bend, dry farm lug congress, first. WintMr rye. II. J. llealv Madras, J. J. Hill, third. lUkt geuerat dirplay, Oregon, J. J. Illll, cup KAISER WILHELH ON THE WATER WAGON No More Lager and Nix More Schnapps for the Cerman Soldiers CIIICACO, Per. 4, Kinperor Wil- Until til (ii rnuiiiy in "on the wnter iijjuii" iiih l lie m ilil ii'l's i d the CiiT ' 1 11 it 1 1 Imperial army run ni lunger I lllllk In their IIMllllI rutl'ill llf 'MI'llHppH' i fur riiuriie Mild MllMelllllire. In Mm j place they iihw II ml buttled leinoii hi idn . Tliin Ktfitftiient in ii ilt liy (!. llnw land M unriie nf New Jerney. a dele jrnte to tin' tlitrttfiit Ii national con vention (if the A lit I Saloon leak'ue of America, which ojictiH in CbicaKo (iu Monday. BELLS AT DAVIS CREEK The Alturaa New Kra, ol tbe first has this bit of neua that will interest (he uiny Iiikoviuw trietids of the young lady: At, Davis Creek, at the home of Johu UrilcH wai performed one of t tie most plettsatit and ilaiuty home weddings which hut oecured lor mauy a day. Uev. Crook performed the ceiemouy fortbe contracting partlen. Mlas Ruby llrlles ii nd Vincent Kubbins. who completed their trotn iu its dual vow Thankglvng day Nearly alt of tbe near relatives were present, while few were unable to be present on ac count of distauce. The festivities were of the ampla kind, of which ouly a hospitable country home Is capable. We trust tbat this happiness w hich abounded for this young couple at the start smay follow them all their lives. They bave tbe best wlsees of a host of friends. CONCLUDED NOT TO SELL Oue of our old timers a while ago placed a Qve line ad In tbe want column, of tbe Lakevlew Examiner offering b's very desirable farm near Lakevlew for aale. lie seoured so many letters from people all over tbe United States and from some forelgu oouutries as to tbe plaoe. tbat be got frightened, and ordered tbe ad taken out, saying if so many outsiders wanted tbat farm tbat be better keep It, as be might not be able to get one so good anywhere else I Aod between you and I, and the gate poet, he is wise in that con clusion I Tbe N C-0 management has 'be come tired of dilatory taotis f the Alturaa people regarding right of way out of the town to Lakevlew, and bas begun con Jematlou proceed ings agaluts property holders. In order to further expedite Its elforts to reach Lakevlew as promised It has aet a force of meu at work on tbe disputed grouud aud is uow g adiug tbe road bed and laying rails. Tbe uuexpecetd high water lu Drewa Creek took out a lot of the tempor ary Hume at tbe Dam of tbe lV-L Co., which, together, with the snow may cause temporary auspensiou of the work on tbe dam. Mr. Mason oue Contractors reports bis oaual of tbe work about completed. Several rows In towu bis wee. No heads broken, but tbe city exchequer was swelled to a considerable ex tent through tbe medium of flpes VEDDING TO Chicago Railway to Buna lnru Goose Lake Valley The Chicago Tribune, Miv. 2Hth asya: Iteport frrm the tmt of ex tenlsve survva said to have beeu mae In t luteret of the CIjIcbko and North w-terii rHllav are taken as ludiciit i'HM that the Northwest ern Is planning- to build another transcoutloeutal Hoe link'Og Cbl . aao with the FaciUo coast. While the ottlclala of the road will not divulge their lutentlons, it is believed that they are quitely ma tnrlciK plaua, following the example already set by the ChlcaKO. Milwau kee and St. 1'aul and the Uould sys tem In the United States, and now being set by the (iraud Trunk and the Canadian Northern in Cnn-da. The forthcoming Issue of 130 00C, (MX) of new securities, wblch baa been predlctd lo New York for aeveral weeks is to provide funds for start Ing work oi the vast oterpriee, according to reports, lu this conneo tiuo it Is recalled that the St. Paul 'a Puget. sound extensoin, just com plete, was started with stock Issue of a similar amount. FUUK HUKVKV8 MADK Four principal aurveys are said to have been made, both of them run BURLINGTON ROAD IS SURELY COMING Walker, the Minneapolis' Lumberman, Called I For Consultation The Allures Plaindenler of tbe 3rd iust., bas tbe following to sa? iu con firmation of the report. Brat pub Itshed in the Kxaminer. of the com lug of tbe Burlington" to these parts : H C. liouuer returned from Adin Sunday and informs us that T. H. Walker received a dispatch at Su auville from the Iiurliugtno A Quiu cy K. K. Co., telliug bim to come eiiBt at once, for consul tatiou. It appears that tbe Utirlin ,tou is clonely connected witb tbe Hill road, eud itaked Mr. Walker for maps show ing his timber buldiugs. Mr. Walker forwarded maps and stated tbat he would provide tb iUirliugton right of WHy aud would give tbat road his business. Tbe result was as above stated. We have couteudad all along that the liurliutgon wag going to Sun Francisco, aud this cootlrma our stutemeut; tbe probabilties therefore, are that this system will be first to penetrate tbe Lake basin, compris ing Harney, Lake aud Modoc, i'hey are buildug dowa thru Idaho at the rate of U00 miles per annum, and tbe survey has reached Harney valley. Does the sudden energy displayed by the N CO., building in mid winter mean a connection? "We shall see, what we shall soe. " Tbe Klamath Express calls for posting of street signs so tbat old and new residents may be able to tell where tbey live, aod strangers nod their way about. It pays a small (own to bave streset signs aod num bers, and It attracts strangers to see tuoh signs of enterprise even in a village. Klamath la a young city, but it needs street sign;, more than it needs empty lots. Growing Old a Force of Habit. v By EUSTACE MILES, Ensllah Physical Cullurist and Tennis Player. IT ia'timeli more important to prevent premature OLD AGE tban to prevent death. , WE GROW OLD LARGELY BECAUSE IT 18 THE CON VENTIONAL THINQ TO DO. WHEN A MAN REACHES A CERTAIN AGE IT IS NOWADAYS POSITIVELY INDECENT FOR HIM tO REMAIN YOUNG. WE LET OURSELVES GROW OLD BECAUSE PEOPLE TELL US WE ARE GROWING OLD. A man ought to put his foot down and say, "I WON'T GROW OLD." lie ought to get out of grooves. Wo are not haphazard enough. Wo are apt to do the same thing over and over again, aud that in itself is extremely aging. The chief general rule to prevent old age is to IJEFRALN FROil WORRYING, because worry involves fear and cowardice. LAUGH TER is an invaluable preventive of old age. A fortune awaits the man who will provide a padded room where for a email sum of money a man can go in for five minutes, laugh heartily, kick about and generally enjoy himself. Northwestern niug via Co one Lake, Ore., a short distance ent of the Northwestern'a pr"ent terminus. The first Hue runs fiom (loose Iake weft " Portland, Tacoma, and Seat He, on tbe Puget souod. and tbe se rond rnns ai.utbwest through the Kacrameoto valley in tbe direction of Sao Francisco. The present western most extremity of the Northwestern line Is at Lander. Wyo. near tbe Idaho state line, aod there is another line almost aa far west to belle Fourche. Tbe NoHhwesteto's through traflio between Chicago and California is now touted from Omaba west over tbe rails of tie Union PactHc-Soatb-era system, witb which tbe North western has a traflio arrangement. In order to be able to compete on even terms witb its rivals for west ern t raffle, it is asserted, tbe North western must eveutuully free Itself from tbe necessity of depending on any mere tractting agreement ond before many years are past secure ita own raila to the coast. SAGEBRUSH LIKELY A Chicago Chemists State That Desert Plant Is Valuable CAPvSON, Nev . Nov., UD. Sage brush. heretofore looked upon as vauelcHK, may prove to be one of tbe Llg cropH of tde West, if tbe informa tion given tu tbe Stete Publicity aud Industrial Commission of Nevada by Chicago cfceniists, proves to lie correct. According to tbe report of Professor Sjlventer Sparling of Chicago. 4,UX) pounds of sagebrush produced 220 galloua of distillate, and further yielded :S50 pounds of charcoal. Tbe distillate coutained tar, wood alco hol, acetic acid an several other pro ducts. The figures giveu indicate that tbe tbousauds of acres of sagebrush land in the Went cau be made to produce millions of dollars iu products yearly if the ditttilliug prccess now being perfected by tbe Chicago chemists is employed. ONE NEWSPAPER IS APPRECIATED A exchange says from a uewspper man's standpoint, Lydeu, Washing ton seems to be tbe ideal place to live and Dhu Cloud is the luckiest of all editors. The local commetcial club has just voted bim substantial evi dence of its apprciation of his elforts to boost tbat locality, through tbe columns of The Tribune. It is gen erally taken for granted tbat that is a part of an editor's every day routine, but tbe business men aud farmers of Lydeu seem to be of another stripe. They wanted . Editor Cloud to know that they appreeciated bis work. The result is that Lydeu is going to have a better booster than ever before. Other editors are equally deserving of such reoognltion aud tbe commu nity tbat grants It will be gainer a thousand fold. Our weatber report compares mors tbau favorably witb tbat reported throughout the Union. ppjtLKY & LASSEN UNDER CONTRACT Work Said to Have Com menced on First 15 Miles Out of Fernley The Husanville Advocate haa the following; reKHrdliiK the new K. P. line coming; up from the south to in terned with the Goose Lake &. South ern, aurveyed through L.akeviev: It Is reported in Suxanville that a contract for 15 miles of the Fernley & IiHHeu Railroad has lieen let, and that work has already Ix-gun at the Fernley etid. It is alao repojted, on what author ity we know not. that the Utah Con struction Company haa been instruct ed to keep tieie such of Ita teams) and applianeeH aa are still iu this section to meet a deinaud to le made at an early date. MARRIED TO A LAKEVIEW GIRL Minnie Hopkins, Wife of One of the Judges ; of the Phillipines - The old settlers hereabouts doubt lees remember Minnie Hopkins, daughter of our townsman, M W. llopkiua. Tbe ltH? 19 now tbe wife of Judge Herbert D. Gale, of Manila, of wbom tbe following meutiou is made in the Manila Cablenews-Amer-ican, of October 12. 1909: Acting Covenor Cieneral Forbes yesterday Appointed Attorney Her bert U. dale aa tbe successor of Judge Springer for judge of the Court of first instance of tie district of ZamboangA, of the Moro province. Tbe new judge is one of tbe best knowu attorneys practicing in this city and bis znauy friends are tender ing bim their hearty congratulations. The appointment goes to the com mission today for confirmation and in tbe meanwhile Mr. Li Hie ia pack ing his grip. Attorney Gale was admitted to tbe bar in Iowa iu 1892 During the Spanish Ameiicau, wxr be served in tbe 49tb Iowa Volunteer Infantry and went to Cuba witb that regiment. He remained iu Cuba nearly two years. He formed a pait of tbe international relief expedition tbat went to Cbina in 1900. Ou coming to tbe Philip pines he was made captain aod quar termaster of tbe Pbilipnines Consta bulary and iu 1902 resigned to prac tice law. Shortly afterwards be was appointed assistant prosecuting at torney and in that capacity conducted duriug tbe time he held tbe omce, over 700 criminal cases and Secured 90 per cent of convictions. He resigned in 1905 to reenter pri vate practice, joining forces with Al lison L. Ulbbs. A MODERN VAL JEAN IN AMERICA Can it be possible tbat tbe courts of Stats of Alabama bave sentenced a starving woman t serve seven years in tbe peniteotray for stealing a loaf of broad and five eggs for sustenance of an invalid brother? Tbe publio prints stats this tor a fact I Think of it? Tbe great state of Alabama, oonenrred la I y its supreme Court, does au act that causes the blood of every man, w bo baa rbad the"Les Mlsersbles" of Victor Hugo, to oir dle with indignation 1 Where is our boasted civillaztien, wbeu such petty crimes, - brought abput by our bad social cooldtious are so severely puuiuabed, and the nob malefactors go scot frea? An epidemic of rabies is prevailing to such ao extent among dogs in Los Angeles and other, parts of Soutberu . California, tbat tbe au thorities are suppressing tbe facta, and at tbe same time are carrying on a war of extermination against tbe brutes. A uumber of . horses bave been bitten and died, aud a number of people have also been bitten aod will surely die. The dogs -should be muzzled or killed. ... . England claims to bays one million more women than men. And say, boys, they are a sturdy handsome lot. We've seen tnaqy-of-' them, who if aunexed . would ' make . splendid Americans! . ..... . ;J, . . Says Aldrichism and Can- nonism Must Go To Save the Party From Ruin WASHINOTOV Deo. 5 -Repie-eeotative Charles W. Fowler of New Jersey tonight declared it to be per fectly clear "tbat unless tbe republi can party gets rid of Aldrichism and Cannonlsm, tbe people will get rid of tbe republican party." He asserts that tbe people's hopes bave been tamed to disgust, sod their faith to resnotment. and he says be does not believe they will permit Mr. Aldrlch to "pirn tbeir pockets through tbe legerdemain of words." He promises "a thunderbolt of righteous indignation and punitive wrath tbat Is about to strike, scatter and paralyze tbe republican party on less it utterly repudiates Aldrichism and ita subservient Implement, Can nouism. ' EMBLAZON .PLEDUE3 Impending defeat and tbe loss of tbe next boa-e of representatives, Mr. Fowler says, cau be avoided only dy emblazoning ou onr party bauner pledges. First, wt are against Aldriobism and Cannonlsm. "Second, we demand tiriff revision hereafter by evolution and not by revolution. "Thlrrl. H AtkmmnA frarip? vkffialnn based upoo ascertained facts, and not upon selfish trades and corrupt agree ments. "Fourth, we demand a permanent broad and respoosi&ble tar 18 comtn ia ion which shall ascertain these facts, obviate trade wars and assist in re taining Hnd securing tbe good will and friendship of all nations by wis, just and advantageous trade treat ies." FAREWELL PARTY AT DREWS VALLEY Draws Creek witnesses the social event of the season. It beiug la the form of a farewell dinner given by Mrs. Joe Howard of the J T ranch la honor or Mr. frank Howard and Miss Howard, who leave shortly lor Philadelphia, Pa., the former to be ruarrled. Shortly after nine o'clock Sunday morning; December 5th the guests, including Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shirk, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cressler, Mr and Mrs. W. D. Tracy, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tracy, Mr. and Mrs. Judge Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Italley, Mr. and Mrs. John Wells, Mr. aud Mrs. Oliver Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas King, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tulle, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Austin, Mr and Mrs. Win. Dykeman, Mr. uud Mrs. Tom Garrett, Mr and Mrs. James Owens, Miss Alice McGrath. Bert Lapham, Paul Stiudt, J. B. Liplee, Galen M. Holbert Dr. Daly. Charlie Arthur, Joe Tracey, Harry Hull, Billy Patten, Jack Kimball, Ned Hooker, Walter Howard, Manual Sanders, Charlie Beltle and Nate Smith, uegau to arrive. They were received by Mr. Prank Howard and Miss Howard, with Miss va tloward assisting them. Congratulatious being lu order. At V2:',IO the guests entered tbe dtning room, profusely decorated In the holiday colors showing the artistic taste of Miss Eva, and aet down to one of those bounteous dinners such as only a genial hostess like Mrs. Howard can get up. Mr. Howard waa the recipient of many valuable as well as useful gifts, Including money, silverware, cbiua, etc., all displaying the high esteem Mr. Howard la held in by bis muny friends. OREGON UNIVERSITY The University of Oregon is send ing out tbe October number ol tbe University Bulletin ou tbe Oregon High Sohool Debating League. In ad dition tp tbe material concerning tbe League itself, teu panes are given to tbe " Principals of Klfcetive Debat ing " adopted by Mr. Gustave Buoben, instructor iu ' publio speaking' at tbe University of Oregon. Complete bibliographies on the Guaiantee of Bank Deposits, Limitation of Arnia meots, Capital punishment. Commis sion plan of City Governments, Sin gle Tax aud Postal Savings Banks are given. Taken aa a whole the Bulletin is one of tbe best the Uni versity, has issued and will be es pecially valuable to debating socie ties aod to all those interested la public speaking. Like all other Uni versity publications, this bulletin is seut free upou request. Burns Times. 27tb. ult: A. B. Mur pby.was in from his Iron Mountain laud holdings tbs first of tbs week. Mr. Murphy Btates that some floe specimens of float baa been found la that vuiulty and tbat possibly a rich gold ledge would be found ia a blowout from either Steene or Warner Mountains. paper. .'J Lw 1 ' it