LAKh COUNTY EXaMiSKK. HKKV1KW , O It Kilo V Ttt KSAY, DKCF.MUKU 1 ItlOii EIGHT OOE XOOE lOOOC tOOE 3001 My 5th Semi-Annual argain Sale TO-DAY o we are reminded that Christmas is close B q at nana, ana mai maicauoiii puuu iu early Christmas shopping this year-hence this reminder from BIEBERS CASH STORE is timely. The Drenarations we have made this Christmas O will warrant a vast amount of enthusiastic talk, years. Greater assortments-more exclusive novel ties and best of all, Values surpassing even our last O year's showing. BIEBER'S CASH STOR.E has something thats wanted by every member of the family or friends of the family. We want you to come here o and make your selection. Bring the children along ?o - .... and let. them have a good time visiting Old SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS. a, ltu M o From Now Until Christmas This Store Will Be Known As The GIFT STORE. Entire Line Ready to Wear Clothes. At Low Prices. mips m Sale Begins Monday Dec. 6th Many Beautiful Hats will be on Bargain Counter. mm MpC NIT II ONI Wom.n'i n-rWVIa OvtfiUer 0 2001 :oooi IOOE tOOI CITY AND COUNTY BRIEFS )j The visit of such piominenl men at this time of tbe year amid storms and bad roads can only mean one thing work preliminary to the com ing of a railroad. City Marshall Tonolngson ha (rone to San Fraocuco with bis daughter. Annie. Tbe latter to take treatment in a santariom. The Aroaida Theatre was filled to standing room only, Sunday night. Some views of Lakeview were put on, with the legend: " Lake vie w Boost for 10,000." Everybody encored. G. M. JoboBoa, late of Aitkin, Minn., but now of Lakevside was in twon, several days this week. He purchased a 20 acre traot on Willow Creek, of the Lakeview De velopment Co., which he is now im proving with a view of planting an orchard. Do not fail to see the Living Skel eton and fat lady at the Country Fair Dec. 17. Alturas is layiug 8-foot cement walks from the uuaiu part cf town to the new bigb school building. That's the proper Bpirit. Lake-' view should do likewise Well, any-J bow we have a 12-foot cemeot walk j clear around our court boase grounds, and the way tbisMinnea- which iruiigt out I he In i Ht atten dance evpr bad oti m si 111 liar occasion lu Lakevaew. lh" t-ctiouW were only iu neKsluti tivouuys hi the youngtitera .polis cbap delights o clatter bis heels on 1' is a caution. We shut our eyes and imagine well, a lot ot tniogs! Goatave Darrow and Paul Stindt, of Drews valley, made final proofs to tbeir claims Friday, before th (J. . Land office. Nortbup & Stickney have sold tbeir niioto eallerv to M. A. Getty, of Coos Bay. He is said to be a very tine artist. , It is reported that Warner Valley baa received more than its share of storm and that the water is higher in the lakes than it bas been for years. The Fort Bidwell Gold Nugget sb)b: Leander Bowen came down from tbe Guinea Sunday last and re ports everything progressing nicely in the Hoag. lie reports the snow fall light. Grant couuty asae'sment this year shows less than 15,000,000. No couoty in Eastern Oregon totals so much in saoRRment value as Lake, and con sidering tbe wealth per capita it is the richest county in Oregon. Thanksgiving was universally ob seved in town. Dinners were served at botels nod restaurants. A big ball was given'at tbe Snider Opera House AUTEN HARDWARE Sells Bu cherkuives, Skinning and Stick ing kni"es, made by Kuiiib and Son, Pine Creek, Or. Guaranteed to give I satisfaction, or money refunded. Auten Hardware. for Heating stores. Auten carries tbe most nitty line, la tbe city Highest price paid for coyote bides, and furs of all kinds. "Furs," Auten buys tbeni. Pavs highest market price. JUST ARRIVED- Molioe walking and riding gang or single plows. Chilled plows, disk barrows, steel plows and harrows. Peter Scbuttler Wagons. Ruberoid rooting guaranteed, ten years. Remember we carry tbe Toledo Steel I rnntre which in full v guaranteed for ten years. Barb wire aud fact our line is complete iu hardware. We guarantee to save you money. Give us a call and exaimne our goods, quality and prices. Yours for business. O.V. L. Co. Land Holders: with their vhi'mUoii, and good things to etit had much to tie tlmnkful for. The, bit: crop, big immigration, n u i big prospect ahead for tow n it ud country nNt gave tbe older ones ample c in!' for genuine thauksgiv itig. D . P Browne, of M. C. ranch. Warner Yulley, recently sold Hi HJ tieiul i of cut Ho to Nalley Wl ley which be ! delivered to AltiHHH. He reports j the cnllle Mere delivered in thin condition regiiriless of the fart that the weather was tad for driving! beef. j A Rogue River orchard or 3:10 j acres sold for KiS.mrj. The Exauw iner tms not had nn opportunity to I chronicle l it; Mules of orchard liiudsi here as yet, but w ill be able to do ho in the near future. The wise! will get laud 'here now, while it is cheap Reno has a cuifew law that seuds all boys aud girls of 10 years aud under Into the house at 8 p. in. sharp. L. (. Traugh, a prominent attor ney of Alturas, died Thanksgiving Day. He had been ill with typhoid fever only ten days when death came. Tbe Burns Times Herald has just begun its 23d voluuie. It is a good paper, is fully alive to tbe immense possibilities of llaruev oounty. George Gerald, of tbe Honey Lake valley, threshed 40,000 pounds cf alfalfa seed this season, which at the selling price of 13 cents brought bim a nice income of 15,200. Mr. and Mrs. John Adin. o' the West Side, were given a surprise bouse warming last Tuseday eten ing . Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Boydstou and family, Mr. aud. Mr. Wood and family, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews and family and others. The total numbered about 20. Music was the special feature of tbe evening, and all spent a most delightful evening. K. K Swenson the restaurant man bid a novel sign in his window Thanksgiving day ; Nuts, raisins, and frnit were arraniied in the large let- e-ing: " J hanksgiving Greetings, which brought much favorable com ment. New Bakery OPEN FOR BUSINESS Will have Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies every day. Lunch Counter in Connection. OPEN ALL NIGHT D. M. SHAFFER, MANAGER LAKEVIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT The c-ricert ttvnti 1 1 v the children of the S'lii'luv Sc'i". 1 hint Wednesday eveniiii.' In tl" M. I-.. Church was n very n ' ii Hin luir. Mrs (i,,ire I.. .V.n'iil, aitHisted by Mrs. luiiMT, drill 1 the children and init,iii all entertainment which ' e eviden -e n much ability on their pert, and hI ,u demonstrated that Lakevirw bus remarkably bright children. A nilver ottering was taken during the n if. t he proceeds to be do nsted to the ( 'hrlstunis Tree fund fur the school. Judging from I bo size of the audience we should Imagine the fori I was increased very precen libly, as the church was packed. standing room being ut a premium, tiy a i appreciative audience GOES SOUTH FOR THE WINTER The Alturas Repuldcnn nays: Theodora Fleming wa down from New l'lnn Creek, during the bitter Part of week, imd spent a ln days lu Alturas. in attendance upon business mii.IIit- Mr Wl . i .. he P,eMirition for t'ieit,lk ,,, trln ,MHt mOII(1hV for the lu ten iIhv I line, i central and mint hum ..rt ..f n. state where be will remain a few mouths lu order to escape the wild until- and chilling tendencies of the coming Modoo wiuter. Mr. Fleming has beou reading Ayars Almaoao wbloh predicts that this Is going to be a hard wiuter for this section of the country, and as Tueodore Is a great declple of Avers Almanao, be departs to a warmer climate to escape Ayers' weather predictions here. Ti . T 1 pusiness iocais j We are in position to lease many sections of land included in holdings recently disposed of by 0. V. L. Co.and would be pleased to act as your agent for coming year. By our plan you are not out One cent. Write for terms. We are still reporting on these tracts, and so licit your patronage. We also buy, sell or ex change these tracts. Laud examination and location is our spec ialty. If you want a homestead or desert claim write or see us. LAND CO. LAKEVIEW, OREGON, V. M. Miller bas sold his fine residence including furniture to James Do'lson, formally of Flush, but more recently of Portland. Tbe "Country Fair" is in course of preparation by the Ladies Aid of the M. E. Church and will be given Friday evening, Dec. 17tb in the skating riuk. Look for particulars next week. Alturas Plaindealer, 1G ult: Felix Greeu, superintendent of Hery ford propeities in Modoo and Lake coun ties, was in town last week. He was looking after tbe shipment of cattle. With tbe exception of a few bead on the range this is the last of the XL cattle, and Felix says he has about worked himself out of a jib, tbe land all having been sold to the Oiegon Valley Land Co, PACIFIC Over Lakeview Pharmacy Law 1 MASKED CARNIVAL The carnival at the rink was well attnended and grave much pleasure to the young people. Nome of the cos tuming whh very food. Among them wh noticed; "Tho Whole Dam Family" but did not learn their names; Hilly O'l arrell" "Teddv Hear" irot away from ns; The Fat Boy" of Dickei.s. "Dam Me, that Iloya AHleep Agiiin." wiih there; Mamma's Little (Jirla" were there; "MIhh l'rlm" "Cow Uoya" and "CIowiih- and othera to numerous to mention, were present. There whh iniiHic by tbe hand, and u general good time was had by all. . BORN Horn to the wife of Geo. li. Har row, on Nov. 30th, a son. Tbe hap py event has caused the usual smile of that genial member of tbe Hotel Lakeview firm to broaden to a very considerable extent. Kven tbe small boy greets the haupy father with "Hello, pal how's your babyT" Buy Lots In Watson Addition Refore you buy lota any where in this vicinity see those in Watsoan' addition. Close to biiBlneaa center, of Lakeview. 33 tf. New line of Gents' and Ladles' Gold Filled Watches, Just received, io per cent d'sootiut dur'ug the Moll days. Caioenter Jeweler, 1'. (). building. Lakeview 8w4 Wonderful Attraction I Th most peculiar animal in the world to be seen at the skating rink, Den. 17. A maHciuerade Imll wlMl be given lu the Kuider Opera Houae Cbriatmas eve. Don. 'HtU, Tickets 1 r0. Specta tors 2-" ceutx admlsianu It isexpeo ted there will be a larue attendance. W. D.. Tracr. the big, jollly dairy man. of Drews valley was iu town over Sunday. CHEAP PHOTOGRAPHS Very low I'ricca on bltrh g;rade holographs at Wendt'f photo studio .New I'me (Jreek, Oregon, from Dae. ltd to Jan. lat 11 10. Thcae prices are for one bead only. 25o extra for each bead. KaKolar price, per dozen. Cabinet photos. . .. .i rix7 6x8 Holiday price, per down. 6 00 2.75 3.00 1.75 7..K) 5.00 8.60 5.M 10.00 0.00 to c He Kuarunte.M all bin work to 1ve Hatisfaction or no pay. One half miiHt be pnld at time of hit ting-. D1J1 t;abtnet t'liotos at II emit s atudlo at New I'lne Crwk, Ore., only $2.7' per doxen for one month. D1J1 CHANDLER EXPLAINS Editor Exaimner: In a recent issue of tbe Kxaminer there ap eared a " mannglad article." beaded "He Did Not Die," !I would like to plain why Chandler wrote a will. iieing a stranger within your gates, and at tbe time working for the liap tlst Church, above the church and, above the watchful eye of Farsou bnilth. 1 thought f 1 should take a fall, that the good man below would say the proper thing over the wreck aud hs Dud Cnlvin, the underaker. was a g"od friend I was ipiite sure my effects would be aiilllclunt to give me as good a funeral as Cap tain Jack leaving out the mourners, and beat tbe other fellow two to one. who whs taken for and shot, like a ooyote. P. H. CHANDLKU. MARRIED Married. Nor. 24th, bv JiiMtlco Win alow Baytey, Mr.Omi. II. V erley, and Mia Dora l'oole, both tit Adl. County Clerk I'syne lMHtie.1 a tnar rlajre llccmie Dtc. lat to Mr. Jewell Coruin and Minn Florence lleffer, botb of Kilver Lake. An Oklahoma girl advertised for husband and got him. The total ex peuse for advertising, wedding nut tit, etc. waa 111. lie died within a year leaving her an insurance pol icy of 110,000. And yet Home people claim it does not pay to advertise. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 8TKAY NOTICE.-Came to my place, two years ago one roan sorrel bosre, bald face, brand on left shoulder. W4 D. C. LOFTU8 NOTICE The party who took the seat from my wagon in Hernard'a shbd will save himself ooHts aud trouble by returning same at once. E. L DETH1CK FOK HALE. Lot 3-lllook IU7 Lakeview, Oregon. '20 acre 6eo- tlon, 19 Township 35. iUuge Ilest cash offer takes it. M .O. MILLIGAN. Osceola, Iowa 47W3 WANTED. -A private family, rooms. hnquiri few boarders in a with or without ut this oHlce. 4Utf. WATCH LOST. -A lad lea uohl uitf ch large size, on Friday night somewhere between Harry llalleys bouse, aud the Faxtoo plaoe on Hlash Btreet. He waid offered. Finder Will lilnnan leave same at Examiner oOloe. FOK 3ENT.-Oooi four roomhouse. Enquire of T. E. Bernard. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Skating Rink NOW OPEN AdmtHHloD 35c, Every eveuliiir. Wed- neaday afternoon Lad leu ' Day. K. U. EAKTON, Frod RATES FOR PUBLISHING We, the nubllaheraof the I.AKK COUNTY KXAMINKIt. KILVER LAKE LEADER, and LAKEVIEW I1EHALD: all of Lake County. Ore gon, hereby agree to adoot the fol. lowing- ad verilHinir ratea and atld Htriclly by aucti schedule; AdmlulHtratir'n Notice 7.50 Executor'H Notice 7.60 Notice. Final Kettlemeiit 7.50 State Kelwtlon lo.(K) HomcHteud Commutation 10.C0 Notice to Credltora 7. 50 Timlier Land Notlt 15.03 Summoiid 20.00 Sherlffa Kalea 15.00 Homestead Entrlea 10.00 Notice Final Account 10.00 Guardlau'a Kale 15.00 Northern Taclbc Selection ... IC.(H) Conteat Notice 15.00 All other leu-nl advertlaliijr sball be charged for at the rate of ten (10c) centH per line for flrnt iHHiie and live (5c) centa jier line for eucli huIihc (liient iHsue. LAKE COUNTY EXAM INF K Iy Fkkii J.Howman. KILVEIl LAKE LEADER, H.v Wm. Hoi.dkk. LAKEVIEW HERALD. By Uko. E. Mokuii.i.. 3BUE 1