l.AlsH COI'.NTY K.VAMINT.n, LAKKV1KW, OftCOON. TMUlMDA V. 1 f-V-T.F.If ?. 1900 i :v i: 1 I "The Home of Good Values" WehavelEverything in our Store that can be found in a General Mer chandise establishment. Groceries, Hardware, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps. Boots and Shoes. Doors & Windows - Salt & Grain Bailey ft Massingill fi New Coats New Suits We sell (he I n VrarvnA Suits and Coats. Every vu6"conc with best rigs and shields. No better made. r:all line Children's Bear Cloth Coats and Moods to match All prices and fine assort ment to choose from. Misses Coats in good Kersey, hear Cloth, and , Plush. All sizes. New line BANNER BRAND WAISTS, in Silks, Nets, Velvets and Linens. All new styles and patterns. BANNHR BRAND SKIRTS. The nicest lin we have ever show n. All colors, includ ing Black Voile. Silk and Heatherbloom Un der Skirts. New Waists Nev Skirts eview 1 Si Co. r.' J x (( Personal Mention C: Royai Baking Powder is the y 0 orentest of time and labor i- caircra Inllianaclnr mnt .J'A;. .) and eggs and makes the JitL!P fond Mtlhle And healthful 1 1 Makes mosi neaiiniui iuou i No alum no lime phosphates ) The only baking powder made ; from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar v COUNTY NEWS medial J PAISLEY AM SUMMER LAKE j rci'fiil kix I ii y rt fttorm. 1 !u mlu (hII . Ht Wondunrd'n in tint 1. ."r luchcH j compiin-d with 'J.t').'l lit Silver l.ukn ) uml 'i. Its ill l.iikfvinw. lint tin! C'Iid- mii'iiii iMiri higher limn vir known lieforti In NnvenitxT Mini It Mii fi'iirt'(l Hint Hut l'liiHlcy liriilun would m. TIib Id'hiIk'hIch on tlm X r"iifli were wiihIumI out hikI tint liay llootl i, the (Ihiiimki Ih'Iiik more tliitn u iIiiiiiniiik) UolliirH. Mr unci Mm. I.. S. AlnHWorlh. of Mm I'HlMli y MuroHiitlU coinimiiy arrived liy i rivnlo convtiyHiice from Klianlko Hiitunlay nv(uliii. Triey Hpeul a two inoni Iih v ih it In I'oitlunil. W. K. MnlNiriiiMck killed 2(1 Iiokh lnHt m-fk. Nt-ul Wooiiwiinl Inft Mom day ith n loinl nf the iork for the fnriinT iirai'inl I'hrlHtiiiMM lukn. The irloe ia bluht cciiIm. Ikulpli (''outer who in on a vUlt to LHktvlw, iiiiou his rittnrn will move LIh hoiiHH to the uiih( ulilii of the Sum nier l.tiko road. Uilhott .1. Woodward, who will ive up hie lease on the Harvey much next April will atom to hln home Mtead In the ChrlBtiuaa Lake country. A Cyrus lluncroft Moniidy oeleurated liia ceveuty ninth birthday. Kldon UrntUiu of Lakevlw the past week baa been gathering cattle from olf the rlui. Mr. and Mti. Frank L. Young, the sraodiiareota. are in fioiu Alkali via- itloff the new heir at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Thou. Marsden. The infant child or Mr and Mr. Gineaux was burled In the Paisley cemetery last Friday. The past week a coyote, dragging a ateel trap by one leg, was aeen raa sink Dry creek. If any one haa lost a varmint and trap here is a clue that Major 11. Duvoe, a veteran of the S h 1 1 i -1 1 wnr, and who saw nervice I'li'li-r Kooi-evt'lL In l ut.H ii iid den I.Hwton In- the rhilliiiiiia, was a llottl l.iikeriew KUfht JintenJuy. I.lkn'iill Holdlem he rm a win in -i t III III" LllHOIII (of KdOOK'X clt. The Mujnr is U. H. jDht'ertor of I'nf I h arid Forti. n1 Is now return In Irom a trip to .Mi;Bka. lit) riiuie iinuii trom the North from Khanlko. Id- left for Alturna thia morning The uiHjor is a tlclitfhtf ul conveisa tiomillHt, mid hii wHr tine reiuliilii reiji'eH Interthlcd man; while he was in town. Mm. V. M. Miller will anon depart fin Oakland to spend the winter. Mauly Whnrton has moved his family from New Pine ('rank, ami thej are now nrrupyinK the tieo. Milller lioimi' oo Main Street. .I. J Keilley, the rronilnPtit (iold- lleld iniulnu man, who is operating j in many districts admit the country, ! ciime up from Keno Friday, and went out to look over the work ou his (ioldtier properties. j I!onan?K Hull-tli. 2." ult Jan. mmm i podi-on and famljy were in Honan ' j a Fridny. Ttmy hare tieen livl";; in -N ! I'ortlanil lint the climate was nr t hat t hey ex pected, so are returning in iiiKe rnuuiv wn 're iney can uei (jood pur air to tireath. t imer llarrey is located at (irauts Pass. II. I. Northup who has been out I to ('una Itav the past month, returned 'u j FriiiHy with his family. (en. Jamerthal has g'e to Sun the winter. if tn'-l--- ;i l.llkl-Vil-W III- : t t - . 1 1 - I 1 :iV i-f U II ' .l.rl hair, wit ii nuiiij. t he urn t hin week Miss Lou Maxell, s profeft-inriHl nurse, was ralld t, Suinmer Lake la attend Pi'ireer Fuster. wim is re ported sfrpi'iniy ill Mr-. .Miiri 1'i.Bt nti'l MI-m fill,- n ex(H-it tu li-iiv 1 1.. wti-k for Ciilifur- llla, f.ir the Iw-infit of t It- latti-rs health. t ('. .J. KiiH-fl of. Khio-hi City, reirif tered on 'J'niid;iy at Uiitcl Lnk view. MImm 'ii(iii limit, am. of i he '(,r.iirv citvicp ruin iiti mi tor the I. mm! 'weckM nnil il(Mi not Heiii t o improve. Ir Fveret f hn iH'efi i-nlled Mi ISiitiiiuer Luke to treat Mr .Jain s I'oMter, Vi lio h reiurtei qulle it. Lalph, l:an-, of ftorri", Calif., ns la town Moo. lav. down from Vallev H II. Ft lev i Fulls t lii wivk. Jinlire lira i lain teleidioni-il Imp win that liix fatlier Ii Ivinr at I lie p'unt of ileafh. Mrx Ur'attlan left tin lliorilill for I'llisley. Anton (icli.itra and Fred Asiiiuh were arrival- fro i. (JlenvlHe, Ni r. The proliiliiiioiii-lH ot Alaliama at the election the h innt liv i,(h) nuij.irity RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE 1 Resolution on the denth of . fcigh bor FLORA B. ARTHUR. I lierean, it haa pleased our ileaveo ly Father to call to the Great lie yond our Beloved Neighbor, Flora B. Arthur.' Therefore, t,e it resolved: That with deep sympathy with the afflicted relatives and friends of the (Jceaied, we express an earnest hope that eren en sreat a bereavement maybe ovet -ruled fur their hiehest ' wo ! ,.nnA Alco be it resolved : That the i;enoiutioH lie spread up- I on the miuutps of Solace Circle. No. J '.ill. Women of Woodcraft, and a copy be sent to the family of the deceased, I a i mi a copy be eent to the L.ake County Examiner for Publication. Comraitte LILLIB HARRIS. SARAH WOODCOCK, CLARA RcHART. THE WEATHER ! The weather the pai week wan somewhat improved. ni the 25t.h nit hiifhen! wbm 43 above zero, low 2'i; 26th 3h 17; 27th :.:13; -2 h ;5 14; 20tli r3-f4; :th 4fJ 4; fec. N. 41-14. 21 10 15. The riuufall wan 20 on the 25th and .05 on Mie .rh. It would seem that ornethlnjf Is wrong with-, the H'lf-reifiatereil U. S. miniinutn , thermometer. But a new one wi!l be received In a few days. It will be observe I that our weather rmi lieen much more favorable than that re ported b.v the paper elaewhi re about the couti'rv. "You," Judue Wilshire is in from the mill at Cottonwood Canyon. He reports! that a tremendous rainfall took place up there. W-itbin 12 hours I three inches fell. The creek la now ' too mine and ii blither than be has eeeu it the past 15 years. He thluks ' thert will be plenty ot water from j l.... . - : : . : ... I unb niieuuj tor irriuuiiuu purpuntfs, us may I fu J to the recovery of his pro perty. There will be it imihpui) bull Paisley t'liristmiiM Pie. Chester Withers ami Jlair chased a Fmni lMco to epend Krily bear track on the rim one day j . K v (f , he LltlU!0,ri, Val ley, west of here, waa in town Satu- Tho peopiu of KIuiHth Falls are takluastus to iut-ure that tlace a sewerage iiys em It is about time the tiow is steady and will not require ( for Lakeview to be takinu steps 8 storage teservoir as is the case ; looking toward that desirable end. " 'tn Lrew's valley creek., i said Judge Lindsey to the policeman, " want to save bicycles. I want to save boys." From "The Beast and the Jungle," in the DECEMBER EVERYBODY'S It's a big, human, well written story. Get it and read it. ''lift week tint caught no sight of bruin They report that the bear waa as largo as a lmie, perhaps larger. Here is another boost for Oregon. The hiimi steadera out at Saed Hol low beg pardon, we mean Fairviw b'iv tiiat the recent big storm was nothii'g compared with what they left In Oklahoma. Paisley celebrated Thanksgiving witba dance. F. Ciavln, of ISew York, who is looking into the resources of Lake county with the view to an extension of the N C O railroad, spent a day iu Paisley the past week. He was ac companied by Joe Wheeler, of Lake view. Mr. Richards, brother-lu law of Mr. M"ore, of Sand Hollow, or Fair view, haa bled on a nnmestaed be tween the Woodward Hot Sprlug and the lake, and will aoou begin ou too erection ot a house. M. E. CHURCH SERVICES Sunday Ieo. 5th. Sunday School at 10 a. i. Kpwortb League at 6:45 p. m. Prayer meeting every Tbuready ev en tug. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. The fifth of a series of sermons on Jiurulng Questions will be given in Ibe evening, O. J. WENTZELL, Paator. The recent cold snap caught uiauy of the farmers with their potatoes still in the ground but the frost did no damage. The petitions protesting against a further extension of time to the Port land irrigation company were sent off last week to Congressman llawley and Secretary lialliuger. Attorney F. L. Young will start December 7ht, via Shanlko, for Salem and pre sent the other copy of the petition in person to the state land board at the bearing on the 15th. W. K. McCormaok expeots to start Thursday of this week for Portland to bring home bis family who are vis iting relatives at Oregon City. Tba lowest temperature the past week at Woo ward's was 21 on the 20 tb aud the highest on the 22ud. Mrs. Geoorge Johnson gave an af tearnoou tea last Friday for bor mother-in-law, Mrs. Ueorge Jonea nf Paisley, who has been her guest the past two weeks. The folllowlng ladlea were present: Mrs. K. 11. Tay lor, Mrs. 8. P. Moss, Mrs. D. lloone. Mrs. W. Y. lleryrora ana mrs. Mil ler. Sr. The ladies had a delightfu afternoon. Mrs. Jonea departed for bar home Sunday. SWENSON'S RESTAURANT European Plan Everything; from a Cup of Coffee to a Square Meal - Call and fry , ' . U Vou will Come Apatn. E. G; SWENSONV Proprietor! ' I. O. O. F. Block, Lakeview, Ore. day. Ralph Knozer of the West aide, was in town Monday. L. A. Carriker and bis adopted son Karl, nf the West Side, were in town Saturday. The young man who was reported dead, haa fully recovered his health. Wm. Proudfoot, who was ached uled to leave Isat week for east ern points did not go until Monday, on account nf some government usi- nessthat needed bis attentoin in the Warner Valley. Mr. Gesford returned from Alturas, Sunday evening, where be bad been attending to legal business. W. E. Oiterlch and family, of Holateln, Iowa, arrived Saturday and have tkeo up their permanent abode in Lakeview. Thoa. Sherlock aod C E. Sherlock have goue to Los Angeles for the winter. V. R. Cambridge, and A. A. Rod g'era, saw-mill men of Fandango Pass ware in town Monday. - ' J. "P.""Hurts"and'"Prd Alitker, of Frederick. So. Dakota, were outside homeaeekera this here week. ' 'lke KenCthe dispenser of liquid re freshments at the Hotel Lakeview bar, has gone east on a vacation. T. J. Powell, one of our legal lights depsrted on Wednesday, s stage, for bis former Pennsylvania noma lie will be absent for soma time. Mrs Fiank Smith, of New Pine Creek, was in town Saturday and remained till Sunday morulng. Eldon Curry took Mr. Howard to her home In Drew Valley, Monday. D. P. Itmwn. of the M. C. Ranch. Warner Lake, who lml thu apleudid 1 WALTEIR Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA 1 .The Arcadia. floving Picture Show Up- to 'Date Moving Pictures AND Illustrated Songs PROORArt CHANGES Mondays, Wednesdays, Fri- : ; days arid. Sundays . Two Shows each Night At 7:30 and 8:80 o'clock 5nlder' Opera ffout. Admtaalon 10'aad IS ct second Addition Several hard-headed, common-sense reasons why WAL TER'S ADDITION is right now, and is bound to be in the immediate future the most desirable city property, from both residential and commercial standpoints : 1st. Physicaly the soil is good. Will make good lawns and gardens. The land lies on a gradual slope, insuring drainage for all time to come. 2nd. This addition is in reality not an addition to the town, as it lays in the center of the most populous district, Just three short (200-ft.) blocks from the principal business street and commercial center. 3rd. Wa believe it is the first and only tract that was sub divided In oonformity with adjacent property, aJf mtreta and alleys Join and have the same nvmes. 4th. All lots blocks and streets are made to conform as nearly as possible to that of surrounding property. Lots 50 x 150,60 ft. streets, W ft. alleys, G ft. sidewalks and 6 ft. parking. 5th. Every lot when sold will be subject to restrictions, both as to value snd character of improvements. A 25 ft. building line is likewise stipulated. Building restrictions are value in surance to the buyer, it guarantees the status of your proper ty and assures you the better class of neighbors. 6th. A liberal discount is given for cash, and most lenient monthly payments can be arranged. The prices range from $300 to $100 each according to location. We will gladly sho w you the property, and furnish plats. BEAT THE RAILROAD TO IT RJLAL ESTATE FARMnd CITY INSURANCE LITE-ACCIDENT LOANS INVESTMENTS SEAGERS, afcftAcSt .'. Lakeview, Oregon ..