1AKI NTY KXAM1MI, . r t . OKKOON, Tlll'H.SDA, DKCKMHKK 2, HHMf TWO Lake County Examine Prkd J, Bowman Largest Sworn Circulation in Oregon Outside of Portland Official County Paper ADVERTI5INO RATl:5. RrnuUr utantllne. a1 11.00 an Inrh, alncl tnlunm peo, fwr month. All tan.lln e.U. etianirril (r.f twl.-e month. I'oat of roinpo"" fan oh'n-1 forell f xtra ctianften. All v"clal IKWIttonn extra. All abort tfrra a.i. extra RoJ.t. local column, 1V. prr lino each In oltloti. Want ml. .V. lin farh inn-rtton rt of thankn fl.W. Resolutions of comlo fenrr, fl M ami u;v'f.!i. ' Trattalciit Advi'Mteing and Job Print ing, rash In advance. All WIU mint be paid the flrat of each month. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 'n ear. In a.lvanei'. tUV tlx mnplh. " ; Three inoothi, " If not paltl in advance, Si JO the yeaf. Notice to Subacrlbere Lnoorioert to I he Fiatnlner who remoT O from one locality ti another, r ehanir. their ptornp aildreM ahonld remitnbor to Jrop ttile ottioe a card an their paper can bo ad Irwwed to the right poatorBee. Just, Criticisim of Our Courts is Made by Our Prominent. Men HORTICULTURE IN SCHOOLS. PROFITS' 'SECURITY Extraordinary Profits Unquestionable Security Invest in Trineo Rupert through our Uenl Ustfite shares, M-lling at par SlO.OCj uershurc. As n part of our plan for handling our rapidly growing business and loij increase its eapneity, we otter to a limited number the opportunity to share etpialy with us in the lame profits eertain to accrue. The tnmi.-v rcci iv.d lv tlw (.timiiinvi fot tvry khhI t through the sale of its shares is invested in choice Prince Kupcrt renltv, under the direct' The recent decisions of the United States Court ttt St. Paul tnd St. Louis that the Standard Oil l an il legal concern aud compelling its dis solution is an inidoation lower courts are right. But it may be the Supreme Court will punishment, and enjoy their ill .gotten gaius! j Under such circumstances it is not at all surprising that there has I ben conlsderahle critcism of the ... L .LI- - - - . . that the! nourts ot late, some prooauiy uujubi and eomajust; but the most caut i tin critioiam ia that of Dean William undo the, , h. i:anru U'mK Nhy Encouragement Should Be Otoe to Teaching IL No ronrt to the city or town bcantl fill can In any way t tuttde more f fectlve than the one which lend, through the public aehooK for v, h!cb reason all osslblo encouragement rhould be given t the teaching of hor th'tilture during the early years of the pupil attendance, we need text book on the eubject I.. ,L. - . , , in me o'uuin'u mnooin. A ivio nsnm-in- i I 1 1 1 1 I f I i 11 " r i tlcm should titke some concerted :tc- "I'V " me ikijimi tt I'liiuuis. I lie opportunity IS CXtraonilliary DCCaUSC Ol II1C tion in nrRtn f,rwnrti this w..tk nnd 'profit sharing plan by which vou tnav share in all the profits of the Compaip ' itr- ...l.t ...... .1.1.. .... 1 "11a1 ' to Interest alike. These could be distributed f" teaehcrs and stieh others nt ni'pllcd for them, and In time nil wou'd bt come so Interested thnt the dennrd for text bHka on the subject would make compllnnce necessary. At present we hnve school amicus, nature study, elementary horticulture and other phases of the work In Isolat ed cases) where the teachers nre some what Interested or where some civic body has forwarded the work. What we now need la a standardisation of the work through co-oiKrtlon of nil good work of the district courts, as Digtou Uoiterslty was the case when Judge Landls fined i D8t0Q U. C. bo thmt gigantlo octopus r29,(XX),0UO. Anotner indication of tbedisrnsi tioa ot the lower courts, who are earcat the people, to mete oat Jos tle to the big criminals is the attempt to place millionaire U Clay f lha WatAra. Pincra Oil . . iL- i m i the rest of the ciTiliz"Hl world. No ""P'1" t-uiu- i nnatf.nPtiTa n Law so boot. Wash said in a recent address : 'In no other free and civilized country are toe laws so ill admin istered as in the United States We lead the world iu most ot the great struggles maukind ia making, but la the administration of tbe law America lass two generations behind constructive reforms of a coniDrehen- jory for falsely swearing that hisaiT0 kln(j Dave ooniDDiT had no connection with the , tempted since tbe si.nrfni Oil Intumata- Tha ease is Dudly Field, now being desperately fought in all the rooks and tarns of tbe law. and if la spite of it all, Piero4 lands in the penitentiary, the other big crooks anay well tremble in tneir boots and begin to tbink of emirgatlng. Bat, in spite of all these attempts to reaoh the big rascals, whrtber eon vie ted or not, it ia evident to tbe anost tthallo mind that there is something wrong with our criminal procedure and with our Courts. Theodore Koosevelt saw tbe need ot a reformation in this respect, and even President Taft, himself a law yer and a jadge, has raised bis voice gainst the tendency of tbe times, where our courts, instead of pr.n niflbing tbe guilty great malefactors who have filcbed millions, ojpeu and oave the way for them to escape been seriously at- days of David pesssed a half a century or more. Our inefficient procedure in civic actions is a re proach to tbe oatlon and a diegrace to tbe bar, while our procedure in criminal cases, with its enormous expense, its incredible delays, and its frequent and gross miscarri"gea of justice, is a stench in tbe nostills of tbe nations." lie euggested no remedy for the prevail'og conditio s, but to the thoughtful man, tbe remedy Is in the simplification ot tbe laws, rules ot practice and applying no atten tion to previous cases decisions and procedure. Right is Justice and every litigant is entitled to tbat as well as tbe criminal.. The remedy for tbe reformaton of our courts from tbe euureme court, even provide leaflets calculated , rapidly increasing bllsilH SS rest nnd Instruct old nud youn.-l PRINCE RUPERT BUSINESS PROPERTY will make fortunes for those who invest in it now, as did Portland, Seattle, Spokane' and Vancouver real estate, for those who invested iu these cities ten years ago. TODAY PRINCE RUPERT IS THE CYNOSURE OF ALL EYES. ' No other city'on this continent is making such rajiid advancement iu population, j commerce and building. Trince Rupert's present and lutuie growth insures investors, in our shares a combination of safety, high returns and iureasing value, which is not ottered in an equal degree by any other form of investment oncn to the miblic today. i interested and the issuance of some j iVcst vour surplus funds with this Compaiivand share in this great proirrcss and1 printed matter bearing the stamp of ir t n tit lmwwC i i , . ? ' . ... auroral of those in authority, with prosperity. If you have $50, $100 or $1000 which you would invest where it will, provide a large income witn me opportunity tor great profits, then subscribe for some of these shares. ! We refer, by permission, to the Hank of Nova Scotia, Vancouver. Write or wire your order for shares today Dott't delay. Prince Rupert Real Estate Investment Co. Ltd. 410 Loo Building, Vancouver, B. C. Prince Rupert,, B C. the aid of some simple leaflets, supple mented by a few seeds nnd living plants, we may soon hnve growing up a generation of lovers of the beautiful tn nature that will transform our pres ent unattractive and wholly arttflctal cities and towns Into gardens of en trancing beauty. Soon after the Insti tution of the preliminary work herein suggested there would follow a gen eral and widespread demand for more literature, for more school gardens, for more plants In and about the schools and homee; more trips afield arould be taken, a closer association with nature would result in the exten sive planUng of tree, shrub and vine ia both public and private places, and ere long the city and town beautiful would come ..almost unconsciously, whereby all vvonld be more happy, healthful and longer lived. Loe An geles Times. VALUE OF ORGANIZING. GIVE US YOUR PRINTING TbU i tHc has put In 2."0(X) 'worth of tbe Uteat tvpe and tuanbtnery and carrie f I.IHX) worth of printers atock. no thai there ia no need of a toiler's w tth of rioting being sent r.ir to otituHe poluta We can do any ork as muni aa can be gotten any where. Me patriotic) aod keep )our 'tiniit-v h h mi Don'l send away for Hiiytlil v yon run vet here Tbat la i lie ay to uild up a town. p MM lOOOt O OIOIO O How United Effort of a Town's So eietiea Can Boom Horn. Trade. Tbe work done by the boards of trade and other commercial bodlea In the larger cities twit be duplicated by similar organizations In the smaller cities and towna. This Is not a mere matter of theory, but has been 'proved In practice hundreds of times. It mat ters not what the body Is called. It Is the purpose, the enthusiasm and the intelligent work for local betterment that count It should Include business and professional men and all others In- Arxa,n un m.ii. th.m all ainntivo ' terested In the community's future. and subject to recall, wh.re glaring , Pe,may can render are ...... I invaluable. It can advertise the town injustice is done. , OQ &a& M u cm d(r. m mm . I crease local misunderstandings and 'differences, allay mere factional spirit . a ' and harmonize these, at leant to the ex- The American Tariff is a Good Dtty ot ua"i,mf(for he rmn,,a j au uj'lui iu i iia, va aa vvn h, i it ai'avi I ing nnd increasing home trade. In get ting Improved railroad facilities, In procuring cleaner streets, more sightly houses nnd lawns and In the general effort for town progress all citizens are Interested. These results can best be brought about through united and organized endeavor. Not only commercial bodies, but so- Thing for the Trusts and Canada The American tariff undoubtedly ie a good thing for all special and class interests. Tbey thrive and wax great upon it But, bow about the couBUtter? How about tbe poor laboring man, iu wboee interests, the loud mouthed averaf Congressman wrougfully asserts such legislation ia enacted? itis also a good thing for Canada, and bus been a leading factor iu the rapid growth of our active and terile iiortbetn neighbor. Pages could be written to deinon trate the fai.-t. It has bt-en the nieaan of driving American men there by tbe thouan.Js and American money by tbe niilli us, hico could have been kept at borue, if tbat country bad been giveu re(:iiroctiy, or even a lov tariff. Iu ci.tnmiiienting ujon this matter th Uobtbn Herald, puLlis id iu tbe chief center of the tariff Iniquity, pointedly remarks: 'According to tbe department of commerce and labor, tbere are now 117 branch factories in Canada, re presenting a capita) of $i2i5.0O0,CXX) cret societies, social organizations nnd estanlished by United State concerns' even schools, can assist powerfully In which formally suppli-rt tbelr CaDa-j the work. But the board of trade or dian trade with the product of the similar body under whatever name industry on this side of tbe National i ,,. , ..... t ,w . , ' rrv,;, : ii called must take the lead and set the border. IhiH is tbe result of re 1 ... , taliatory legislation in Canada ia-j Pace- Suh ,,n organization, holding vited by our own tariff against : regular weekly, semlweekly or month Canadian imports. If further taritt j mcctlngo. with Mi!romrnlttfcs to war is invited by imposition of tbe, look nfter different departments of the maximum schedules agaiust Cana work, will find Innumerable ways to da. still more United States capital I holi. thi rnnvif. nimi. vw (nrinstrioa linn r t ipr wta txnt . N otlce. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKUN. notice Iri hereby Klvcn thitt all Irriga tion, r inlllrHcf tlltchtu n all trout MtrtatiiH throngbt Luke ('otiuty, On Kon. niuHt Ir Hcrwncd with a hiiihII mesh wire ncroi-nlng; at Hudr head or Junction with the main channel of stream. Aleo all dams or obstruct ions on ealii streams must Itv pro vided with u flwh-ladtler, orothcreasy nieuns of pimnnge, at or near the mid dle of the main channel, mo as to al ow the pnHHiige of trout at all time of year, iui provided by law. Said work to be done at low water time, or to lie completed by !!. 7, 1IM7. By order of J. A. Ilarhain. Soeclal Deputy fish Wardciw for ItkeConnty. Oretton 6 S 9 9 9 8 9 9 00(fO(00(aO(0Ol)CMa South Central Oregon Land Co. Main Office at Plush, Lake County , Oregon.' Specialties; Warner Valley Improved farms, jj Kruit Iand5, Alfalfa lands. Choice' stock-ranch- es. Large tracts for Colonization purposes. a Agents for Plush Townslte. Settlers located Q on choice vacant Government Lands. Climate j and water supply unexcelled. Large Irrigation i works underway. Correspondence solicited. 5 Addr.ss all communications to Secretary Q South -Central-Orcgpn Land Company, Plush, Lake County, Oregon. too CASTOR I A For Infauti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature ol will go over tbe line l,o rrovide em ploymeut and wages for Canadian workmen. At the present time United States manufacturers of cot ton are eujoviag a rich Canadian market. Iu September we extort" to Lriti.-b .North America tflo7.M2 north of cotton manufactures, for the nine months of the year Sl.CI'H, OIL) worth. What will thesft high pro teutiouists of the cotton mills say of a tariff bill tbat compels retalia tion and incurs a prohibitive duty destrutcive of this market? can be procured, the tsurroundlng terri tory can be canvassed for trade, nud, above all, local spirit can be kept nllve. Tho very fact of the existence? of nurb a body has a Kiitrgesilve value of great power. Organize for your own town. Cities are built not alone with wood and Ktone, brick and mortar, but out of the public spirit of their people. NOTICE FOK PL'BLICATON Iu United States Land Ofilce Lake view, Oregon, Nov. 'JOtli, l!H):i. Notice is hereby giveu tbat the Northern I'Hcific iiailway ('ouiinny. whose po'jt-oflice address is St Mammoth Stables O. D. ARTHUR, PnoMiittf The Sargent Livery and F'eed Stable In Southern Oregon or Northern California. llor-'H Hoarded by tbe Day, Week or Month. Special Attention filven to Tratialent Stock LAKEVIEW OREGON Hello! There ! Hello! STOR AND THINK I S. T. Colvin The old Stocl ennui find Kaiiclicr has ptirclniscd the Furniture Store ot II I,. Chandler. He is puttintr in a luV Miuuesota. has this 20 in dHy of No- stack of oods and in iiiarkiii; down every tiling so that SpiKiffii aSKi a'od.'r'ii.r pls" can live by In, yi..W furniture of him Call anl loo.l at i ........ r 1 1 l wv . . or tne .Kit or UorirfrHss, ap- ! HIS LrOV(lS. .ir. a I'll IK1 ill 1 laiTIS, tllC CX d July 1, 1HIIH, ,':)() Stat. .r.!l7, ; l ). i . I Mil l 'i iEi, s'.nej, N' .NU, n.!sk':,; tkerf will he there to wait on you any t BUILDING CF BRIDGES. The Crownea Heads of Europe Are to Feast on Oregon Apples Apples ktoau in Oregon and Wah tnr.ton will tmcu the tables of Euro neau royalty tbis winter, through . i. . i .. . . i i 1 1 ; 1 1 i. lue piti iu ut uw u. I 1 111, LI1T- tjreat Noitlj.ru lih' jit. Alio I'h.i , oi len-1 piU b of the I e-t at pb-!- ' di.-plaviil :tt. tins Spokii.e applw itiiw. ! lie h'lH wirnd if Spokane iiL'e;;t to1 liv :!') :i I'D if necessary. Hh his he ! t s ! be fcppIfrH for Cbl i-tllihH ireseuthto tiie foMowiuu: "hoyiii and titled tola's of KuropH biddinu : fctnek in Hill roads. the (viieen of; Denmark, Uie Kin of Knulau ., 1 the i'.iii cror of (ieruiauy, titled , meuit'crs of tiio liritish ParUtneiit ; and (ieri-i in ami Bwedinb peisouiiyes of royal blood." Apples will be ;ece l from fruit tirowu aiouu j the ilitl hues and from tbe Dos ChrnVtt Valley. In this move of iMr. J A disl iuKitistie 1 pioneer of the Hill we sen what be inteuds doiun for j state was laid to rest duriiiK the pat ! Kasteru orejon, now that he is iu- week. Joseph H. Lambert was terested, and what bo w ill do f or ' widely known as tha oi initiator of Lake County bo soon as bis Oregon ' the fam"us La- bert cbarry aud bis Trunk line reaches our doors. ' serviea to ad vane e the hoi ticultural i iuterest of 'the state were very 'J here will ue no dicuuuitiou dur-, valuable. He died Mt adtuueed uuo of ing tbe year of UUO in the efforts of 83 years. the tranhcontinental railways to brink' new comers and settlerB to the Northwest. The (iiaet Northern an Loutices the ar poiutn ent of K. C. Ltedy as ueneral iiutpitTatif u agent to succeed Max Cmrp, deceased. Mr L !H ly in wtll known t bronvboiit tije N rttiAe.r, nil.' biryo troit in'er-e-t-i in the Weoiitcheo Vailey. il- i-i in pui-ltiou ti teil prospective settlers what can be ilone iu this part ot lhit i:ou try from actual ex peiieiice his hiaduarters will be in Si. i'aui nnd Cnicauo, To assist in the w rk, the (jreat Northern lias opened exhibit rooms in St. lJaul, near the union ftation where trave lers can inform themselves. Utility Should Co Hand In Hand With Beauty In Public Structure. In the deftlKuIng and building of bridges art and utility should ko band In band, more especially If they are public structures used and lewed by great numbers of people each day hi the year. A lare bridge may be made Just an beautiful or as unbeautiful as may city balls, courthouse and other prominent public edifices;. With all the poHHlbillttes In this direction, brldves of the pre-'ent oflc; apin'nr n coini.Inatli n of sirenL'in -ind irlluc.-'.s. In 1':e i; :i':l:i;.' i,f the el'y or ti '.vn lCi'i i.:'ul a:i ert coiiiiid.-;: 1 n '1:4 needed 'b.'.t will I'M only walch' ovei' the Ce il' i I ai d con: fril'-th n of cpy hall ind lihiuy, I, lit pay (final r.t tent Ion t city and town bridges. It often reenrs thit a jitilillc bridge provides mi nilviinl.i'eous viewpoint where ; n il natural beauty may be presold. -il Iji u more impressive outlook t'n is p'.s.sible from any other posi tion, in hk Ii places man Ikih no moral riirht to miir the landscape with hid eous examples of his handiwork. ions prove' NWJNI: Section 10, T. :!hH.. K. I7h.. U'. M Any aud all persons . laminy ndver sely the lands described, or desiring to object becaiisH of the mineral character of the laud, or tor any other riason, to the disposal to ap plicant, should fl lo tueir affidavits of protest Iu this olflee on or before the 20th day of Januaiy 11)10. AKHTUi: W. OUTON HeciHter. N2oD:so jierienced undt-r- tune. ifoun: Removing a Blot. "M'ster," liniuired the tramp, "would youse conlrlbuto a dollar to help beau tify your town?" "What's the Idea?" 'Tor a dollar I'll move on to de next town." Washington Herald. Be who has many friends. Aristotle. friends has no NOTICE FOK I'L'ULIOATION. Department Ot The Interior. U. S. Land Oflic.e at Lakeview, Oregon, Nov. 2'ld. 1909. Notice is hereby t'iven that John .la cob Van Kenton, of l'lusli, Oregon, who on April :id. 11)08, made Home stead eutrv Nfl. i:)7 1 , Serial. No. 0!YI!, for lots 1,2.3; iSW!4NE'. Sect 'on 4, Towustnii !iJS., Kiiuyu 2110., Willam ette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make Final Commutat ion j ' Proof, to establish claim to the land I tJ above described, before I.egiHter and Receiver, (J. S. Laud Officii, at Lake-! view , Oregon , on the Tth day of Jan- uary, 11)10. i Claimant, iiauies as witnesses: Vj M-liiiHier, ol rjush, Oreu'on .1. A. Morris, of " Otto Koihein. ot " " James Turpin. of '! " A Kill L'K A . OUTON, liciuster N '.Ti D.IO We Have Found Those Er- Jjj I VI O Ail UUV KefVUlllijr IVCWI Ui yrj M lg Abstract, of Title to all Lands m 18 LfUKG ouniy rurnisnea. Terms Reasonable. Tract Index Abstracting Co. Wm. JACOBS, Manager. LAKV1EW, - - OREGON, M ti NOTICE FOK rL'iiLlCATlON-l-SOLATKU ,'1K.CT. Public Lain! SaU. 1 )opai tlnei: t of Tfie Interior, U. S. Land Ofilce at Lakeview, Oregon, Oct., 2.1th. 11)011. Notice Is hereby given that, as di rected ny the Commissioner of the (leneral Laud Office, under provi sions of Act of Concress ai firoved ,lu ue 27. WW (HI States., .rjl7). we, will offer at public .ale, to the high est bidder, at 10 o'clock A. AI., on the tenth day of December, 1U01J at thin office, the followlug described land SE quarier SJ'1 quarter, Kectiou 20 T :W 8., 17. E., W. AI. Any persons claiming adversely tbe above described laud are advise i to tile their claims oi objections, on or bo fore the time designated fur the sale. KTuUK W. OKTON, Keglster. 02ftD2 ihe Real Home Paper. V V fir- O V V San Francisco Chromde. M. H. de YOUNG. Sane, Conservative and Well Edited. DailySunday W cekly Sunday's in Colars Wm. Wallace, Dealer at Lakeview, Ore. Order Now 4