LAKK COt'NTY KXaMiNKK. HKKVIEW.OISDJmv f 'l NOVKrnKK Ufi IIMUt n on SO o o o Ties at 25ds Suspenders at 50$s These are fore-runners and re minders of your Holiday needs, and will impress upon your mind where to go to supply your Christmas wants. See them in our north window. Our $t.50 Sweater Coat is named the "INVINCIBLE" by the manufacturers. They arc the very best $1.50 value we ever had to offer. Others fjom $2 25 to $5.00. SPECIAL HOLIDAY NOV EL TIES will be on exhibition in another week. "Tl o o o enth St., Portland, Oregon, before 'Vt id l'.'it, i whom M'pllcut Ion lit uld he inn le for further InforuiH tiot. The heavy rln of late canned the I le of h mountain to elide, dentroy intt Lie ditch of the AHiirm lighting pl.tnt en 1 put the town in darkties. MePherson. Kannass l to have Tnrgsten street light, at ft font of f a light, two to a bloc Lake view could have better street lighting lit l ot little if any addtt tonal cist, by adopting sueti lights. KlaniHtti Kails is reaching out tor trade of the Silver l.uke country. Uev. " Bidy " Williams, hits been lighting the 'devil at Hood Ktver. mi. I i now eniiHged in the Hiun nor; in Salem. Il should have, ivnifn l until the leg islature met in i hate In the future. If r I"'- niltte I to enquire, wnjr i parem low theli half grown hoyi to carry concealed weapons? i. m kl ........... wHi idreulaltlhf a l'e tit ion aromi.l town lent wee for a change In the mall route between hero ami 1'aUley. no as to the yco; lo or alleV laimBiiu waiican valley. Tim route at present follows a mouutan rhUe which at t lines In Impassible on aoount of the deep enow. The new route will lol low the valley nil the way ami while somewhat longer, bet ter t iuie can he made, ami It will also letter iiivoui tl... ..uut.if iti.mtiel of l'enl It'. The petition was linatiliiioUHlv nlgned here, with only one or two excep tion. Mrs. Cheney is now rehorted con valence lit. LA MODE O O 1 rrn n"" inr-H (T CITY AND COUNTY BRIEFS The Examiner wishes it reader a 'Uiauksigviug in fact, with plenty of .orkev ami all tbe other accessories. Vusbcribers will sreatly oblige, if Ihey will give their oi l address, as well aanew in ordering changes ia their r .ost offices. It is a big tasK to hunt "f.rrough three thousand names to Hud the right one. The SuellitiR-r'aulkuer auto is in J ,wn. It is a nigh w heeled, solid'1, two se ted mhct.n e. with top a :d has a very business like appear- .I'lCP. S. .1 Duttou. of Davis Creek, was 5u town Monday. He reports r vrv ha 1 Hud much freight and ex ; ies hel I up at Alturas. Hurry up I -at railroad, Mr. Dnnawsv. .An enterprising strawberry grower ii t his state is alleged to have grafted --j-aw berry vines on aPalta roots. ... '.tu tb result that he geta three, e reps of berries a year. -This may or niny not be h fake. Aud it is worth r.rying. Six two-hcrse tesm 'movers" out fits arris-el Monday moruiug firm tJbe North. Three years ago Kol ert Kyle bonght . s.tne land uear C'eutral Ft iut, iu i J ck3n coauv, for fl'D an Hre atid was recently ottered S i 1 00 mi acre for; it. There is a morhl right here it "Tcu look for it, and you do uot have i to go outside Lake county or Golden j Oooee Lake valley to tlt.d it! ' Poor old Portland is hard hit. Even tbe S. P. Pwy. has forbidden its coo - ; tractors from Ipurchaeiug of the job-! -j-ra of that burg. i rttisHc rrenared hv the United i ' .Jcwb board of Agriculture fhow ttwt the earinig of poultiy in the United States in one year were great r than either cottoc crop, the wheat crop or the ewine output. The last Tfp.rtof the deparatment showed that the value of the egg output for ; the single year amounted to iinre' thau S.Ui,iA0,iiOJ. About eight 4-horse outfits of imme grants and their moveable passed through town Sunday on their way north to secure some of our govern mut lands, uf "The last and West Wet" These lauds are going faat aud soon fiere will be uo"o left. We understand that some Lakeview parties want to contract about Ov'O pouu is uf bacon with someone in Surprise valley. Now whu'll take the jot.? Cedai ville Iiecori. Thr-e t,lauket-iii"n, .lruiik, at tena ted to waybiy an Alturas wnml teamttr aud got everlastingly wal loped, aud lauded iu lall to boot. The big co-operative store at Altu las has takeu a tlrm step to hertatter sell only for cash. 1 John Peterson, of Bidell was lined ?'JoO for cotetupt of court at Alturar. lie was placed on probation tor t o vears and ordered to i ay a month into the county treasury. The Silver Lake Leader is erecting a buildiug for its ou occupancy. ThiB shows prosperity. We coLgrat ulaie you Bro. Holder. Ttie L.xamiu1 er is also plauuiug faster equiii- , ment, aud a new office buildiug. Alturaa New Era, IT: Tom Sher-; lock came down from Lakeview last j week and remained several days. He was looking arouud with view to purchasing a sheep ranch, but as ! yet we believe that be bas not been suited. The Oregon society, of Sons of Americana Revolution offers cash; prizes for tbe best essays ou live sub- jecti, written by High School pupils in the state. The papers must be handed in to B. A. Taxter, 11 1 Elev-1 order to get in his town. The Indies . t t'..e Kehecea IWrec will give their meinle'S ipiite a uniiiiio entertainment r'riday n i w lit, Nov. -v. VMX If you are interested In a mail couract see 1 out master Mille. At turns l'luindealer, 1'.': Pearson Biglev Co., shipped another cat load of Unit from Suiprise. It went out on tn train yesterdav. Manv (.itttle are also being shipoed which taxes the capacity of narrow gangt to its utmost. 1'nion Thanksgiving Service w ill he held this morning Ht H'::U o'clock in the Baptist Church, sermon t y Kev. (.!. J. Wei-tell of the Methoidst Church. Kobert L. Kootitz, tif Silver Kuu. Marylaud, arrived in town Tnslay. He has a teu acre tract on the West Side, that lie secured f r the (. V. L. tv, nu 1 will at once begin im provements. He is much impressed with Lakeview and thinks it a wou-d-'rfol town so far from the railroads. Pleasant Shellhammer, of Crooked Creek was disixirlug of a load of tur keys Mouday, in Lakevjew. The police court was busy Monday disposiug of au unusual number of drunks. The rainy weather laid olf a lot of the ditchmen, and' they a once proceeded to get hilarious. Ihey all csntrihute l liberally to the city exchequer. Louis Cert er and A. T. Langel were in town last week looking up horses tu purchase. Bonanza Bulletin IS : There were eight-eii meu ou last I'ridavs otage : tiijund for Lakeview where they will work for the Hall Construction cotn pnay A lot of the tow-' boys, of 1" y,r or t hereabouts were ariete t Saturday tor shooting Mr. M agi 1 ton 's dog. Tl.e ,) istice let the hoys off with a severe reprimand, but warned them to le . best, work Iu that i Mim Minnie lleiuleis.ui, "f ''K well t'nt k I- v. r.v ill il lph.ild level TELEGRAPHrnMPROVEMEKTS N. S. MeKi :sey, of Susa n ille. manager of the Calif o-nla. Oregm. TelegiHph Co. was Iu town several duvs t his week. WhHe here he Installed a storage battery for the o'llce. The electric ity is supp led by the local power plant. I'lie company lias Installed the batteries at all their offices, and now have no blue stone batteries in use In this respect they are ahead of the big Western I'nion for equip ment The new system is elea'h d more elllcieut. Mr. McKiusey fays the business at Lakeview warrant the improvement. NOTICE TO SCHOOL CLERKS Office of K. B. JACKSON. School Superintendent of Lake County, Ore gon. lakeview, Oregon' Nov. Lakeview Exam I tier, Lakeview, Ore. Pear Sir, Kindly publish the following notice lu this weeks Issue. November U-' 1 the date at which tue school census of the various districts of the Htate of Oregon shall be taken. The Dls trict Clerk of Lake County will kindly he prompt in making up ami forwarting t -e reports to this ottl.e Trul v yours. K. B. JACKSON. THE CHAUTAUQUA CIRCLE The Chataiiquit Circle will meet m-.xt Monday veiling at the usual hour with Miss Bessie Burg 'ss. The lolluwmg l Uie rogram Uoll call -Current Events "Womau in the "rogiers of Civlliati..:i," Chat ,.t. Miss .lohuson "lhft.ieek Vi.-w nf Lite " Chap-. ! to page IP.', Mi- Sarali Horn. ' 1 he Homeric Stunt s" The t Idy.sM-y, i links I to -I Inclusive, Mrs. Bieber If yuii liuve never w tiin or hccii hii.v of my LADIES' SUn 3 OR COATS I icpit-l fully call your atfeiill.ui t. . me !.f 1IIL lil).uS 1 1 V It w III I"' In v.oir adviinlMgc to pi i r ..r.hl x HI Int. A w omntl k n. m m m hut . ur w i ni - n r okikiwh i lit Mlyles best t.l X.ilir llifllii-. '.'ll.l It.,- XX I IIIOl) XX III I MM' I I I ' b l III I 'I- 1 1 1 II I 1 1' I" id llll-lr I . I ll.e; I x I tt'lVS WW I- N. l I ' I 1 1 I M i I.I I II 1 .11 lilt th.iu thev iihiimIIx llml. linn I tldx li ml ' S I' U 1 1 I I 1 1 I A W N I I , MY STOCK -!-,! ii tii- ixi-ltlxi-lx a HMO ni I O. . I I lx- " I h'x hI . i w ii a re ii I ihii- Illl. lV l lll I.IT'I llllll III.M MIIV, I III I O M lleldll. I'll M v ' I i!s on- si 1 1, tlx II 1 1 . 1 1 I I. 1 Mrs. NEILON, Woman' Outflttri New Bakery OPEN FOR BUSINESS Will have Fresh Broad, Cakes and Pies ovory day. Lunch Counter in Connection. OPEN ALL NIGHT D. M. SHAFFER, MANAGER LAKEVIEW THE WEATHER en "A IH I tl V , wet ' the past week. Md tiiiTH.i.det.ted f r warmest for the week rti It w as "I above ; above. On the 'Mh le. and ou the I'.'th lii of an Inch, on the and I :n. thw I .'."J. 'There appesrs t he rain as wo go 1 1 sure! v has I . ana slopp spell ' timers say It Is Novemper. 'The w as the I'.'l h w h t he lowest, was 'Jl It began to d i 'lie rainfall was . -Mth . I"i, the 'Jlst H I l'i. ou the to be no let up t press. We ordered s.ime illustrated Thanks giving matter for this Issue, lot t lie stage neglected to bring It MARRIED Charles C Cruu It-II and Miss Mnbel Kicluir Is I-:. I.i 'h of were iiiarrn d T ie- .:.) a ' ! i I no. in at I o'-i-lo.-k. i.t KlngslcCs Creeil tiarde:: house I I'ev (i .1. Wentell, pastor M l l !. DIEM AUTEN HARDWARE Sells fin cher knives, SkinninR and wtick ing kni"es, ma le by Smiih and Son, Pine Creek, r. Guaranteed to give satisfaction, nr money refunded. Auten Hardware, for Heating stove-. Auteti carries the most nitty line, in t he city Highest price, paid for coyote hides, and furs of all kinds. "Furs," Auten buy them. Pavs highest market price. JCST ABUIYED- Moliue walking and ri ling gang or single plows. Chilled plows, disk harrows, sdeel plows aud harrows. Peter Scbuttler Wagons. Kuberoid rooting guaranteed, teu years. Remember we carry the Toledo Steel range which is fully guaranteed for ten years. Barb wire aud nails, iu fact our liuo is complete in hardware. We guarantee to save you money. Give us a cull and exaimne our goods, quality Bnd prices. Vouis for business. 0. OF H. " To the ..ilicers and members ot the i.akesln re Lodge, Nu. 77 Pegri I lloiu r, vieA. or. gun. Alt iiiHiiiter-i in good standing are re questtd to be present at the next n g ular meeting, Dec. Ju l. as busines of importaiic" is to te transacted By order nf the Chief of Honor. LILLIE II KKIS. C of II. M A BY POST. Kecorder pro tciu. Business LocalsJ) At Swensou's rest auriiiit there will be given a turkey diuner, with ("ran beiry sauce, '1 haukvgivlilit day. Ttie City Bakery and Cafe will serve turkey ThauksgivinK day. Kodak llnishing ut photo gallery, opposite (J. V. L. C'o. office. s:Uf. NOKTHl.P i STiKNKY. IJuy Lots la Watson' Addition Before you bti) lots any where iu this ficiuity see tnoae iu Wntsosn' addition. Close to busiuestt center, of Lakeview. Xi tf. I Med at New l'l'i" I fever, ii1 o r lav t tu I nima I M.-k age ! 1 he v. org student in I !. Several ot 'n v ar e ro il'" I I Ixelise eek. O' tvphoi.l .ot n lust. M Ins ! !) vears. I id V W is at one t i 'lie a I . .!,. lew Mull school 1 1 1 1-1 1 1 iii i s of t he fain 1 1 v e i III of the sa me O.V- L- Co. Land Holders: We are in position to lease many sections of land included in holdings recently disposed of by O. V. L. Co.and would be pleased to act as your agent for coming year. By our plan you are not out One cent. Write for terms. We are still reporting on these tracts, and so licit your patronage. We also buy, sell or ex change these tracts. Land examination and location is our spec ialty. If you want a homestead or desert claim write or see us. PACIFIC LAND CO. Report of the Condition of The Bunk d Lakeview fit Lake view ill the State of Oregon, at tin- Hunt; of IuimIiiohh, Nov Itj, l!H)9. UKsioi it i:h. I.ol.I.AIlH. fKN'I'H LoaiiHand I (IhcouiiU f 1.7),(KL' 17 Overdrafts;, Hecured and uneeciirod 1.1, Wi" ' Bonds, HoenrlticH. towu aud hcIiooI warrants!, eto I ,--" r" lianklnK hoiiHo, furniture and fixture. lo.ri.'tO dl Other real i-Htate owned.. .'l.ol'S ,'ll Hue from approved re- HLTVC liapka 2!J,'I M ClieckH and other cush ItcmH 0.81S 51 KuHpciiHC Acct 10 4H Caali on hand 17,'sil 4.ri Noll i. Mil: I'l ' BLI OA Tl oN. Oepiii'r ei t ' H The Interior. I". S. Land I lltlce at Lakevle.v, (Iregon, Nov. Il'o'.t. Nollie is hereby given that John la. ob 'un Kenleii, of Plush, Oregon, who on April :td, llHIH, made Home dead entry No. 'K'TI, Serial. No. nl.ri'.l, to' lots l.'J.:i; SWNK',. Secfon , To nship .'tiiS., Kange 'J I l'i. , Willam ette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make 11 mil Con. imitation Proof, to establish claim to tl.e laud above described, before Beg.ster and Bereiver, L S. Laud Office, at Lake view , Oregon , ou the 7th day of Jan uary, Bill). Claimant names as witnesses: W. L Schuster, of Plush, Oregon .1. A. Morris, of ' " Otto Korbeui, of " " James Turpin. if " " AKHTL'K W. OHTON, Itelgnter N'Jo D.W C. II M.KLNDKI.I- Wuhe.tortii ami. nice t'uil his s. rlce Hie ut the iliaposai ut the purchaser, of the laud at the Oregon Valley Land Com pany's Sale In Oregon. T'or two yenra Mr. Mckeiidree wits rental agent, hav ing charge of all the lumU i nil rio ed Iu the Military Koh I iraiil. whi.-li was i.i mi I sold I'V the O. V . L. Co. In that cupi'i ity he famllai led hliiiaelf with every tiact ot laud mi the giant, became kr plaints I with renters, ii'id can tell vim from i-r-nonal knowledge the value of ein'h and i-M'iV tiact, lot li as tu I. .Cut i. ill and i it 1 ity.. and n-ntlng value. In adllti ni Mr McKeii ltee kno t the st ckineii and who rented every por tion ot these lllllds . I 1 1 I I II g 'In- !isl tn 1-als lie knows whom to see to lent each tiact this vear. T'or a u-il loimleint lle t'ot1 ilollais per tract leg.rdlesH iifsl'e. Mi Mi-lo-ie d rie Willi I elide I a i i-pnrl giving I ' . -tlon, ipi'.lltv and tl" value, and ill tl ii I ou a i.-iter It the land Is ri ii1 lible. All I .llits fir 1 1: f. I u i.t loll li ii -l tu ai'i'oin pun i I I y .ii''. . tl..r-Wl-e no 1. 1 0 A .1 will te I e I II I lied . rr.MLMBi.i:. m-. Mck.u in-i. lint l ave to I n r l . t the lulid. mi l ren l. r n "llr-t I k t- port .I'l .is Ilia books cla-lt mg tveiy tii.ct, and kfn.As w 1 1 1 t It rente I lot lust )ear- he hmi i ee n over every loot ot the grunt. In- can tlml you a rent er. Keteteme A 11 v or buslneHS Inail In l akeview AddiesH C. II. M K K NT 1 1 ! I . K Lakeview, Oiegoli. The Si.i i hiii.'Ii 1 1 1 Bei tains a view and Coutt House l t the 1 .til cou rt I He Op id our Skating Rink - NOW OPEN Admission X Kvery evening1. W'ed-ui-Hilay afternoon Lad lea' Day. K. B. KAsTON, l'roi No'TICK Fill! PCBI.ICAION In ( nlted State Land Ottlce I, nl.o view, Oregon, Nov. Joth, I'.m'.'. N'.tlce Is hereby given that t ho Northern Pucillc Uailway Company, wIiohii pn.t-olllce addresa Is St Paul, Minnesota, has this 'ilh day of No vember,, tiled in thin ottlce Its application to select under the previs ions of ttie Act of (1 ingress, ap proved July 1. lH'.tH, CIO Stat. f.'.iT, Cf). NW JNKJ, S'.NKJ. N'..NVJ. N',,SK'... Section Id, T. :iHS.. K. I7K., V. M . Any and all persons claming adver sely t ne lands (inscribed, or desiring to object because of the mnierul character of the laud, or for hiijt other reason, to the disposal to ap plicant, should II le tlieir Hlllduvlts of protest iu this olllrn on or before the Until day of January I'Jin. A I HIT I Ti W. OBTON Begister. N-J.'il:m Total ?73ii,70H 47 I.IAItll.PI 'U.S. llOl.l.AKH (,"l' Capital Mtock p. ild in f 1(M),(MK) (mi Surplus! fund 100.000 00 I'lidlvided prolitH, Ii'hhox- petiKi-H iiinl t ; i xj'M paid... -i-v.Mi :i Due to Banksiiud Bankers hl'.t 7!) ' 1 1 1 I i v I 1 1 1 u I lIl'pOsitM Hllll- , I jeet to check 4 VJ,'.'M 72 liomaiid cert llicn ten nf !- puHlt l.'i.ifiit 07 'Time ( ert itica tew of ih-poHlt. UV077 07 C. rtilied chei kw I.OOO 00 Total $7:i!,70s 47 Over Lakeview Pharmacy LAKEVIEW, OREGON, )iti:iio., 1 Lakk. ) Kl A'l i; ok Oiti:io., Coi nty oi I, F. M. Miller, Canliicr of the ahovc-ntiiiied Bank, do (solemnly awoar that tlitt aliove MtaU'inent Ih true to tho Beet of my knowledge mid IrIIcL F. M. M1LLKH, Canhler. Con ect Attest: II. Daly. C. K. Hhcrlock. Directors. StiliHcrlBeil and Mworn to Ix-fore inc thin 2:ird (lay of Nov, l!X!i. Seal Chan. Uinbucli, Notary Public. The Pine Creek Mining & Leasing Company, Inc., have just purchased the outstanding 3-5ths interest in the Mineral Spring claim. This gives the Pine Creek Com pany a group of three claims, namely: The Fern, Huckelbery No 3 and Min eral Spring No 1, without intersections, making in all some fifty odd aeres of the most centrally located ground in the Hoag District. To provide for present needs The Pine Creek Leasing and Mining Com pany, Incorporated, offers for sale Twen ty Thousand shares of its Treasury Stock at Five Cents per share. This offer will hold good until December 3Jy 1909. Orders should be addressed to McCLARY & SCHAUERS, New Piue Creek, Oregon. in