Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 25, 1909, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Texas Land !
Sold on Crop Payment Plan
Grows Rice, Sugar, Oranges, &c.
will st II von mm improved I'.n m in the (iulf District
W li.'ii ton Coniitv. .'ind let von D.iv liv LMvimr
us two filths of vour i-fop each year until we have receiv
ed tin" purchase price.
'Mild Company t, i,n L'.'i.ihki ncroM of liiml. About 10, (KM ut.-m of It. wan
til noo this yiwir, and yielded till IiiimIi..h to the acre. It contnlim over VI
MtH ut furiii InilMlng. It In mi i i 1 ! I with water fi-r Iriiuailufi fri)iil I ho
Colni'iido lilvir liy ii pumping; plant largo t'lioilurli Im r i f -1 I -1 witter to t In'
tf Tc;is, in
li'iHrtniiit or tlio Interior, Uinii
HUtf! Lllfld Olllee. Lnkevlfiw, On
Kori, Nov llth. I'.XiO.
A miMlrimit contest n fflln v It rmn
II d In thin ofllre liv Win. Keppel
Harry, f!n',tentHiit HgHlnt IIoniHteii I
Entry, No. (iimi, male, Auk .'lint, Hkih.
for HV (piarter KW quarter, htiftlon
'iH, Towiitthlri :i7 H.. Range '1 E.. Wil
Imiiote Meridian, liy John A. Clerk
(!rittHtHi III which It In Hllegcd I Ii h
Out t'litryiiiiiii never lived cm the
liiml, nevnr ilm sum, tin.
llllt flUil'll I it nr iimimI It HS H llOllie.
Eiitryiunii lum Imlit n ratiln fin mil l
Inn I lint, aitme contnina no wlndowM.
fluor or door; nor lit them Miiy f urn I
tnrii ttniiiii AUo fnl ry in ii n tm
Mimi'lnned IhikI for aiglit months IiibI
pant, hiiIiI purlins are hereby not 1 1) I
f 1
10 1.1,.
Compete Wilh f.'iail OrJer Houses
by Advertising.
Lt the People Know Prices ef Your
Goods MaUt Advertisements Per
sonal, Simple, Honest, Definite and
Direct Use Plenty of Printer'a Ink.
In thlM the a if (if i.rlntir'H Ink there
to HiMr, respond mid offer evidence jIJHt one way f.,r home mcrchni.ts to
toiiciiiiiK niuii Hiiegiiimn Hi J
i'ui ini city ii t, 1,'iiiin.
TIiIn IiiiiiI I nil it black loam niiiI. It l iulniti-i In tin- growing- nf sugar
I'liun, iilliilfii.i'nl inn i iirii, uroiitti'M, fig Hii'l vi 'ip'tablc of nil kind. Any nf
I lli'nf croiix run lie ui'uun without li-rlim Imi n ml. cuolnm-it hx It U u. 1 1 1 .
canals for Irrigation ami with ami with an aliiludiiiit water hpply. It ih
part Icul.trly Niuii'il tit iln cultivation nf the liiinuiT crop thl i-ininirv I
rlc ' !
Our IiiihIn wl'l Im niiI. I ii 1 1 .. I for irriifiit urn wit Ii n mm runt if mi III-
rlrnl wnti-r In It I SI : KKK or niiv fHhcr Product of thM n.ttion. whMi
Tin- p'lcn uf tlii'm- luinU tlniH v ulppi-il run uni tjS.uO to $50 IK) per
Acre, iutI nllliic In I.uchIiuii, I uiiiruvi-ini'ii t n nl n un it v uf I. ni l jt ' -rtm!y
Iti Crop.
Vc nipiiri' it C.' ihli I'liyiu -iit ul jtl (XI ht iicrr n 1. 1 t m) m in n-r hitc In
hI tiiuutliN. mu Hint ynii will liavi uuuli in vr'.-. luifivc miii an Inti-ri-nt
In iiNkini tlu Inii'i; You do not Alien a not or mortgage for the balance,
lint liii-rcly HUl ff to Ih'ltvrr us Twn-I 'lfl lis nf Ymir I'mi, l.'.irh Yrir hn uur
pnyniiMit, and the only payment you arr reiuirJ to make.
If you Iiiivk a Imril vour we nli-4n your linnl-li (i- i i I ni will luvr nu un
piill liot4 Klnrf yuo In llin fni'i. j yuu linvi" 1. 1 I , vi know yuu
will hnvt, your fnrm In noun pnl.1 for. ;
Vuii can chuiiHi' your uwn crui, I'xi i'pt tli it u r -ijulru nr fiHt 7" yr
rent of nui-Ii rru to ln ICi:t, ih wc know It U Hid mum prutlt.alil.-.
I flock ii. in. on Dinv 'Jtli :ki.i tn-fori-!
l'lHli-r hii'I Ilnci'lvcr. at tlm il. S.
Ihii ( )Ulcn In I.Hkevli'W, Ornuou.
TMft nni'l cTntf'Htiint IihvIuv, In ii
proper Hlll'luvit, tllcrl Oct 'Jri'l. IlKCi
, net forth flirt wiucli hliow Unit nf
(it ilm) i' ilitti'iicn im-ihoiihI hitvIch (it
t Ii In iioticn cHiinot tif nmrle, It In
1 licrrdy or lnrtrJ mii'1 clm-rtwl Omt
' Dlli'll IKitil'H Ii.. uiVL'll 1 1 y (JllH Hil l
prnpi-r ul. lie il I i i.
A It 11 1 I'U A Oit P ). tr
I'kkd iv ci; )-':miiJw'..':. u-rt
AnoOmr III ii'tHrti'in of tlin ten lei
ri'KHr'l willed ronicrxiiH I lin h l for
rortioratd lntr"Mti hIimII nwHuy.for
vhIuhIi! con in lorat iou? In had in
tlie fuel tnat tlm InlrrBtritu com
mnrcn drt permit! rwilroH'lg to ftopcnl
f rum lit litr.nnonR lint dwuiea tlmt
rliht to -hiiipcrn.
$1,000 REWARD!
The oroifon i .-
llorcla ell.! N1
lAvv Hlork Trolw-
lon Af MH-latlQn. (if 1
wlilrh ttiw undiT- j
lKDi-1 ! a mi'inlur
will Klre '.ijii
rewant tot vMnnce ;
. 'Iiiik tn l he ar-
r.l .til' li'Mi
Vof any party or par-
tl ati-allua horat-a.
cattieor uiuli-a t'
lotiicln( to any of Ita
In a'I't Hun to Ilm a'xiv. thf 11 nil iTal if nai
nlTi-ri mi iIih akitit r.iii-lliinn l u.OO for all hor-
e urc tomsntlon THK EXMING whsn you write advertisers. ' r:.brVtn.wr'rnrK!.''.";u'
: llarni-y. ami I'nxia ciunlli-i. clorai.
1 cxas
Lane City, Wharton County,
Hay City Matagorda County, Tex ts.
Vf(ltlJ w li
n aolil.
Nu up tint iiimii hurni't'ii'l. anil nnly In larxe
. un-gini
W. W. IlKiiwN, Vila.
Lime and Brick
W'o R4.. uow prcp-irlitK' tobnrn our Mrit kiln of 7."i,ixp pouinU
of l.ltnc, hiiiI will he prcpareil In two week to till onler.
150,0001 BRICK
UV arc alao prepurltijf our tlrnt kiln of I'wl.iHW lirl. k. which
will In muly lu a Nhort time, ami fuuniiitwil In-Mt quiillty.
GIVE US A CALL.T"ll nl North I.ak.vlw
I'rtrolOc while tlu'j .".Last.
BIiown all Oranl I.hikIh.
ami Iihh thi'ORdON HILITARY KOAl
(I rant complete, hy wn-tlons.
Kiitlrr output of thin tnai) owncil hy
427 LtniilHTfucn'H BMy;.
r:l 1 1 1, ;!
K, ' ilaataTWaTMaMaafflW!lfi' J '"'ti it n t 1 1 1 n r i ii r
coiiipiip with urn II drdcr hdimcn, and
tlmt Ih t fiilvcrtl-c It docs no good j
almply to iiliiiHi? tho inn II (rlcr Iiouhch .
nnd nviillH little to nppcril m(rcly to ;
loenl Hcntlmctit. 'J In infill order hoUKt !
iniiKt l.f tiK t h'.lli lu prlccM nnd pub-j
llclty. In tlilff the hoinr 1
tncrclifiiit I1111 the iiiiturnl ndvantaReg
of time, of frc;,'ht rntei nnd of tlio j
locnl tifwapfipcr. lie ran deliver Koodn !
nt mice, wherein the order houne re- !
fpilre ' weekH. He can deliver direct'
without traiiKportatlon charged. In
hln holm pnper hf hn nn avenue for '
advertlHlnc which the order hoime :
InckH. With auch factors in hla favor j
It Ih IiIh own fault If be doea not win. j
People trade with mall order houHes !
lieifiuKe they think they Ket goods
1 hen per. InvcHtlKailon abowa that on
the whole thin la a mlatake. CoMlder
Iiih the qunlity of Roods Bold, local
merchnnta can and In moat caaea do
aell Just as cheaply ns the order
houftea. What tbey need la to acquaint
the public with this fact. Tbey can
do ao through adrcrtlalni-
AdvertlaliiK, however, la a aclence.
It must be done persistently and In
telligently If It la to bring results. Ad
vertising copy should be changed rr
ery Insertion. It should be made sim
ple, honest, definite, direct. It should
be personal, the merchant talklr-g to
bis patron. It should be striking
enough to attract attention and with
sufficient Interest and Information to
hold the attention attracted. It should
not only bring customers to the store, J
but should bring them looking for I
some definite article or line of articles. !
Shopping dov la mostly done by wom
en, and the woman shopper eagerly
scans the advertising columns.
Customers uf mall order bouses
have learned that mauy of the gooda
aold are not durable. This la the dis
advantage of buying without luaoec-1
tlon. Here la -another Item favoring
the home merchant, but In order that
It may be telling the borne merchant
must use It. lie must fight the order
house with Us own weapons fight
publicity with publicity, price with
price. The order house makes Its
campaign by the use of printer's Ink.
The home merchant must make his
campaign by the use of printer's Ink.
The order bouse tells In detail what If.
has to sell without the use of sur
plus words, but covering ull points
that the customer wUhes to know.
The home merchant must adopt the
auuie tactics. The order house U
scrupulously honest In retunilnjr every
- ,
Tor Infants and Children.
- . j
M.r)ln. .1 H.h CK7
lii'tj Hip Siomatis aiuJIjfwck i
PromoU's Dif slionOi'fH'iil
npssam) Ke?,tonlainsnci!r
Opium .Morphine nor.Miutral.
Not Nahc otic.
Aperferl Reroedv forConsftpi
tlon , our iroroacituiarrnua
Worms f orrvulsious fevtnss
ness and Loss OF Sleep.
FacS'imb Signature of
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
A At
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
For Over
Thirty Years
n eatrraua mmbt. new erre.
1 nnn nn r,-A I
'in the County Court of tt- State of
Oregon for Iake Countv In the
The Oregon, California & Nevada
Llvextock I'rotwtive AHMOclutlon
w ill Klve 1000 Ite ward for the con
viction of any party or parties steal
ing horNen. cattle or tnulen lxlonflnf
to any of tbe following nieintjern of
thlN AMHoclatlon:
Cox &. Clark, Chewacati Iand &
Cattle Co., Heryford Land & Cattle
Co., Lake County Land & Livestock
Co., Warner Valley Stock Co., Wra
W. HrowD, Geo. M. Jonew, (ieo. Han
klnB. S. u. Chandler, C. A. Iiehart. .
Fin, W.a. Currier. Frank U. Bauers,
J.C. HotchklHM, Calderwood Bros.,
T. J. HrattalB & Sons. T. A. Crump,
CreHHler & Uonner, W. T. CrewHler
Maud I. !:ambo.
OfKICEHH I jy-.1,'- HSHYFORD. PlWll.l't
1 1 . M. Sec & Treas.
j W. I'. Hektkohh
FixaM'k Com.F. M. Gkeen
IS. B. Chandi.kk
71 I'll a rifle tlmt is riiflit every stuck of taritrt ahowa an Improved score. Without
' x.. u.ll nnM rrullv pniov I lie nriile mid exhilaration of nrotfrcuH. and cajy proifrc.
AKiovr ull. (he Iriifiler null must he riiilit. The Suva lie triiliicr pull in adjustable. The
luuilini1. mci'liunikin mukt he hundy. The Savaie i simplicity itself. The micrometer must
be refined. The Sm nge registers the llMMIths of an inch vertically or laterally. In fact, every
feature of the Savage Turret Ititle can he adjiH.tcd and suited to the txact Herds of each
turret shooter. IJCan you enpect to improve your Rolf with the wrong club? Cun you
write as well wilh a fine pen if you like a stub better? That is what we mean by the
"exact needs" of each target shooter. JThe Savage Kitlc satisfies. Its accuracy is partly
due to its speciul rilling and its beautiful balance.
ll liaihn ilrirc i llie implr.l ccr put ml a Uriel riH. Fvcry tinioyuu ilrup in a cartridc, llio npcniiK
1 - " anil " iiirl. Ihc old ihill; cliimia the "arm" cock. Ihc rillc. I liul't all ihrre i to it. Chainhciol to
.In,., 1 .hull. I.. t.i. ami Inna-iiHccaiit idsca. inch heav haircl h.if, mil hlui J. I he arm weisha 4 '4 pxiunJa;
I 4 S.. 1., I111II plulrt. I laa no riiual lor tatgrl
1,1 nl J .liiiiilini l iiir. Vi .SU.
s v ;i
This office has put lu $2,000 worth
of the latest type and machinery
Hurl enrrloa 21 I a a I w -. K r9,.
cent If more than the right amount ls jgtopk, s0 ttlBt tbre u no d of
I sent, or If prices have fallen, or If some j dollar's w-itb of rintini" being sent
j article ordered Is out of stock. The I for to outside points. We can do any
home merchant must show the same work as good as can be gotten any
' scrupulous honesty. The order house; where. Be patriotic and keep your
Is most careful to jdve even the small- ulon" nume. uoo t send away ror
mil i iiinu viiii i'mi uur i . u r u inur .a
J F J " - fSN. W - . U . .1 11 b ,a
est customer to understand that bis
wants nre being promptly looked after.
The merchant must have the same
prompt, businesslike way. Indiffer
ence never pays. There Is nothing so
wins business as business methods.
j Cush follows confidence. Success comes
the way to I uild up a town.
0ts S 4''rJ'0
K Incorporated
i from knowing and doing. Advertising
j always pays if the advertiser knows
how and keeps at It.
The advertiser must put himself lu
j the reader's place. Let him think what
i would catch bis eye, what would hold
' him, what would awaken in him a de
! sire to buy and finally what would
j clinch the matter nnd take him to the
j store. There are some nils, one ti.u
I ply canuot help reading. There nre
I some ads. that convince one of their
! honesty ami sincerity. Thev do not
arouse incredulity by overstatement, i ty, State of Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersized Edm'nistratrix of the estate
of Alouzo A. Merrill, deceased, by
the order of the County Court of tne
I State of Oregon, for Multnomah
j County, will sell at public auction on
j Saturday the 4th. day of December,
VX9, at the Dour of ten o'clock tu
I the forenoou of asid day. at the I II
Court House door. Fifth Street, eu- J.H. Oreeue
llr.nce, in the City of Portland. James D O'Connors
' At iillnnmuh Ciiniln J , n t t - . . I
,'iiiiiuiiiiiiiii V UUUl I , iJLClLd V'inKUUi I OA i. e
:,.n f n, f.,ii..,.. ..;i I State of
i.i. .tin ivjuun urBOUCU J'lUCr-
ty, iu- ir. ;
t The South east quarter of Section
(Thirty Township Twenty-three
South of Ranee Thirteen east of the
Willamette Meridiuu, in Lake Couu-
matter of the petit in- .f .1. M.
Hamiley and .1. M. MesNuar f -r a
licenNt to well spirltotiH, iihI and
vIuoiih liquors in quantiti- less
than one Kallon at North W-irner
precinct, Lake Connty, Ore.-un for
the period of nix mouths.
We, the undersigned, residents and
legal voters of North Warner Precinct,
Lake County, Oregon, respectfully pe
tition that tba Hon. County Court, of
said County, and State grant a
liceoss to J. M. Handley and J. M.
Mesaner, partners under the firm nam
and style of Handley & Mesaner, to sell
Spiritous Malt and Vinous Liquors,
and fermented cider, commonly
known as bard cider, in less quan
tities than one gallon at said North
Warner Precint, in said Lake County,
I uregon, ior tne period of six
I mouths, as in duty bound w. will
ever pray.
J. J. Scott
W E Schuster
Pat Murphy
Con FitGerald
Louis Conrad
Ben Duly
R B Grisel
J A Morris
Tbos L Murphy
J W Robison
W. 11. Beuefiel
W'm Clepat
P Taylor
W S George
J E Walker
C. W. Dent
J E Smitn
B J Peliu
II Dent
M M Barry
Otto Korhein
L Foas
O A Curtis
Tbos J suliivan
Pat Quiolan
Ed L Wright
Michael Lane
John McCarthy
Joe Jones
J B Burns
T. S. Burgess
u Poindexter
G W Wise
N E Currey
II C Currey
M J Messner
L W Fraker
W.C. Scammon
C II Robinson
F P Lane
II J Anthony
W Z Mosa
Judd Wise
W B Grisel
S M Luce
Frank Moup.ban
County Lake, ss
oeiug arst duly
A Complete Record
f ciiE'wIiidi. in
i 3 ...
llll'llllldllll'll-IIIMIt! IHIIlKlK
iavo made an
a n v
entire transeript of all Records in Lake 'County
way, all'eef Real Property in the county,
a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer
ever mat
le in Lake County, and every Deed tfiven.
Said sole will be made to the high
est bidder for cash in hand on de-
ii. , i ... .
one article or one line ?l , ueu- HU( 88 .a SB'fl 1,6
wiiujuci, 'o couniru.Hiiou nv said
County Court, of Multnomah County,
State of Oregon.
Administratrix of the. estate of
Aloln.o A. Merrill, deceased Dated
and the first publication October,
2S lPii'i, Last publication December,
2 1SKU.
GRAHAM & CLEETO.V, Attorneys
for Administratrix. G2SD2
Errors Found in Titles
In traiiM.!....... llic records we have found numerous
mortaes recorded in the Deed lvcont, and uot indexed; and
niaiiv deeds nre recorded in the Mortae record and otner
books. Hundreds oi inorttfaircs i rind deeds are not indexed
at all, andaie most dillicult to trace up from the records.
We have notations of all these Errors:
Others cannot find them. We have put hundreds ot dollars huntin
errors, and we can iruarantcc our work.
J. D. VENATOR, Hanager.
They are not like every other ad., but
have an Individuality of their own.
They cover only
and so do not confuse the. reader.
They are fresh, not being the same
thing that has stood lu the paper
mouth after month. The ad. Is the
merchant's salesman on the road. It
works while he sleeps. It brings In
customers while he waits on others.
It carries uboiid bis fame. It creates
a market, builds a desire for goods,
educates the public up to a want. It
helps the town, for It brings trade
from a distance. I am now talking of
real advertisement, not the dead-alive
thing that sometimes passes under
that name. A good ad. Is of the sort
that hustles for business Just as a com- )
merclal traveler does. It will not be
denied or overlooked. It compels at
tention, respect and patronage. Ono
"of the most Important elements In the
education if w business man of today
Is to know how to write advertising.
For such a man the money he puts
Into printer's Ink Is an Investment. He
counts on It as much as he does on
cost price or rent or labor.
This Is the way to meet the mail or
der houses. The locnl merchant hns
practically nil of the natural fidvan
tages on his side. Local sentiment,
ncijualntance, neighborly feeling, reci
procity In business, quickness of deliv
ery, opportunity to Inspect goods, ab
sence of transportation charges, cheap
er ground rents and cheaper labor and
the avenue of the local newspaper, all
these factors nre his helpers. With
these weapons he can win. But he
must plan his campaign and fight with
tnergy and Intelligence. And, above
all, he must use printer's Ink. . ,
To Lake County i TliHrd.8td :
Notii-e id hereby given that fruit
u rn nurd inner .. 1 u a, t n, ... I i .. t .
I throughly spray their fruit trees
dtiriug the year V.I10.
j A. M. SMITH, lupsector
I Dated, Nov. 4th, l!Ki) lmo.
1, J. M. Messner,
sworn, despose and say : the foregoiuir
petition coutaius the naoieo of nu actu
al majority of the whole uumbor of le
gal voters of Noitb Warner Precinct,
in Lake -County. Oregon, that each
signatures thereto is genuine, that
each peisou whose name is siguedto
said petitiou, is at the date hereof, an
actual resideut of said preciuct, and
has actually resided in said preciuct
foe more thau thirty davs uext inline
'lialely proceeding the date on whic
he sigued'saiJ ""petition, and of the'
tiling of the same.
Subscribed ami sworn to before me
this 1st day of November. HMXi.
J. A. MORRIS, Notary Public.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned HaudleyA Massuer petlt'ou
era the foregoiug petition will apply
to the County Court of Lake' Couuty,
Oreegou, on theth day of Jauiimy
for a license to soil Spirituous, Malt
find Vinous Liquors iu less quunvtiait
thau one gallon, at North a-aer
Precinct, Lake County. State of
Oregon, for a period ot six
"'- j5 J. M. MESSNER
A Reliable
Ely's Cream Balm
is quickly absorbs.
Gives Relief at One.
It clonuses, soothes,
heals and protects
the dueiisi'd mem
brane resulting from
Catarrh and drives
away a Cold iu the
stores the Senses of
Luite and Bmell. Pull size 3 cts., at Lru
gisU or by miiil. In 1 foraj, 70 . cut.
WyUi others, 6fj Vartea Street, New Vrxrk.
'aajasai.aailf a. .
vs.' . owr.c.
.VV) SUITS 322
sot a rvtmrwHiKS .
CAiAiot fate J
A-J.Towts) Co. Boa-roM. u.ajL
TbWER Canadian Ca wtid todonto, ovn.