five IT a I "The Home of Good Values" nKnMHSBBBBHBBI Wehave Everything in our Store that can be found in a General Mer chandise establishment Groceries, Hardware, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps. Boots7and Shoes. Doors & Windows Salt & Grain Bailey dfc Massingill 1 New Coats New Suits VVc sell the I n Vwno Sult5 and Coats, livery VOgUCone wJth best ns and shields. No better made. Pall line Children's hear Cloth Coats and Moods to match All prices and fine assort ment to choose from. Misses Coats in good Kersey, Bear Cloth, and Plush. All sizes. New line BANNER BRAND WAISTS, In Silks, Nets, Velvets and Linens. All new stj-les and patterns. BANNIIR BRAND. SKINTS. The nicest line we ha ve ever show n . All colors, includ ing Black Voile. Silk ind Heatherbloom Un der Skirts, New Waists New Skirts ew We (( Personal Ment-'on ( , - "A - r K .:i Hi LA ' " I k V 5 VM TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 0 Mnyi.i A. M. iiiill, town last wirli. W. 'it Kcnn, whh In i;. .i. I li I li g In inlay oh.1 ' if n clous Msc-a!. r'A'-fz r.ixw1 lasiry;ecrvrys !; foot! t!itr:.'i1Iic:rilMul ftf frui! properties ' $ 4" V- Villi, y IMTV I r.iiik ! .1 it k -' hi 111! I I. S . 1'iw-h.y Mr-- Hurry . u II. i ir-it I ny icl il uiiih pi HI 1 1-v I li. m t I AH 1 !. 1 1. ii k' h 1 1 iw n S at ii r I ' i ln r Iiiiim . i n N n-i H i . n fur FOl! fS.M.K. I,. HIT-". J I lil t I, I 'J'). I.nkf c. uiily. !' r .- run ii . l'T h. K MUli'l-. Muki- c lti r fli St., J'l ii i;. f k -i . Illlll hi. Il H report k up tl.,.1 U .Ui'll I.DST.--A l,.'li.-H tff.M ;.ti-ii, Ihijh hii-. r'niliiy nikilit norm- a hirp. t i-t f-i-n IJnrry liaileyp Ikhwh. mi l the i':i.ton til (( on Sluhli Stnit. I in warrl olOrcil. Kiiifl'T will pli-ane lfv- Mime ht KxhiilUfT ollii'o LAKEVIEW'S HEV LAW FIRM I Inl.lHi-i , Till' lli lin li', . K.-l-i-., v.i tlllH H' 1'i.ihli-y, K. I! I.nlpli Mniiliy nil 'inn n Ii iiiii Foil si.i. ui: i:.ii..-t.mi 1 t in I J:.I;iIiii:mh i'iy. ' .J. t II .S S ..1 I I II. .:,kl- i'.-a. (;, (ill- In -h L"'ll i';tt. 'A till 11 ,H I I'l'II tin- Wiil.iMD.ft lin ii'lih. pm-- .1 lav, lit-r ay 1'iiih (,'ri r). Foi; S l.! PI Katu". 17 In. Ml - I rui't. Pi. ;;. iu hi'res I. : rn.-t -ii S'.iv i in u.-rrs - -Trt.i t ! si-c. 1 1 Ka.ik-i. H"r. n i.,-.,i. ::: i:u;e- J. P. L. I. VANS ikinhai, ( Jri yon 1 vrt i II. IS. Milliu I, i f I'l rtlau l miivdl SaturiUy Mini ui nt nvi r to l'luhli on II I .llnl iii-hh trip. uii'l Malilo K.. n l'lll.-h Itlnt COUNTY NEWS I MrH. -iliiiirli K. V , , i y. lllni il over I ru I Tlini H.lay. W. I'. 1'iiin li ft lui-l TliiirM.iay for u I rip to (.'iilifurii in point 1 .1. ('.. (ruvi'tiM Mux ovir from I'IuhIi Tliurnlay. I' C'hiii, of New Vork , waa a Ho j I -1 Ltiki-i lew uui-ft lli.lay. II. il. Di'iiiuuu, of Harriiiian. iu llitrm-y oniinly, nort liiiht o' ITubI), a in town mnr .Sumliiv. II. (' town. .loiii-h, of Ktirckii t'ulif in iu I.OST. At ri k'e. ly Uel Mrt i. h la ly'-i -lerliiis' mlvi-r hind hat:. Con tains l.'i -r.ii io postals, Miit cum. o y mi.i (! t -. I'in li.r plifiiso return fcaim- to N 1 I'. U'lI.CuX, (I't)i: SALK -T.i iicn tra.-t No. .Jo, 'hHi-tioii 1:1, towiihiiin ,i:i, rmiL'f :, ' l,ik Connt. iJrcuuu : and lot No. 41, l.ioi'k ad lidtion to Lu'dripw. ! piuctiHp I troin tlit Orccon Vallpv ! Land Conipuny. I'ive Hcres tj ri cj e r ir , rikiation. I'rit-e ?Kki ,ki. ! W. K. MATIIKWSOX, ' ldS j Lawrence. Wichita. Kans-as 4.V.f KOU niOXT. (loni four roomhouoo, Ltnimre of T. K. Hernard. I. ik'-v i" v 'h i.c-v law firm. f'oNN a"d.J(jll.S. it locand in thi-ir new i :!!!.'? and nudy for l.iiMineH1. The firm .-ci-ii t i tli" oltices iu thfi Uuly tin ild intr. formally ui-ed Py attorney l'lMnll. of this" I'ity. toii'tlipr with or h of i(,i. . tJ i f f-i- rn-ftitlw hy y.r. ('linn I.!i-,:m t t.f f urn, i i;u' of the t art i-r'i I 'J im l'Hh thm a I ,! ii ' i ' 1. 1 tirt rori-ii ttoit". with main oltii'i', lit rary an I cnut'iilt at ion room. 1 fif IH r iry i- one rf Ibe fin est in this n-i'tion of the po'intiy, and the other roonB are completely furQ i.'lie I in orery rPH)ect. L. I-' Conn Ih one of the lcadinp cit izens of this county, and a well known t ract i oner, having heen located at I.akeview for the uuft hixteen years. Hi- new partner, .Mr. Clinde M. Jo li 'is, i-i a youi.2 maj rui''o:itlv from Portland, where lie has I r-cn for the j list two years' a niemher of the legal le artment of the Urei'on ' ailroad N'HviL'ation Co , under W. V. Cotton i t a teueral attorney. Koilnk til ma for gale at photo e&l lery, opposite O. V. L Co. office. sf't NORTH KL"F .V ST1KNF.Y WE SHOULD SEND EXHIBITS J. l:MaMeM, of tl.e 'O0He LhI Meat ('o while on h is eaHtrn tc.f, visited the Klectric Fark, at. Kar.?.t City While there an e.xhlbitiot; o the fruit and farm products of tm elates of the iVld lie West was hei'-j ;. -i i. He took particular pains to inhpe-j.-t the vast exhi1 it and declares. t'Liit .x the Aay of fruit. veeal.!es or grairf. there was nothing displayed th could approach similar pro I'lCts o this auction either for iize or exct-i-unce. In view of the It ftrike.s t K. i T.iijer that our Hoard of Trai should take steo.s next year to gee . display of our products and pla them on exhihitiou at the F.iectrit Park in City at the Drylbod (Jouaregs, at Council Bluffs and ot'j er places where there is a large ecu course of farmers. Such action canuot help attraetiove. hooieseekers and the mcrepeop we succeed iu getting here the grev.5 er the prnpPenty tor aU. Victor Maxwell, of the real estate tlrai, of Maxwell and Son went to I 'avis Creek last week and sold tlw F'ttnl; Austin farm 3-J0 acres to W. M (JrehaTi, of b'ort Morga'i. Colorarlis . At Paisley 1.2U Inches of ralu hail fa'.leri the Ut storm up t'i the 22J. Walter Sherlo town. k, of Alturns, Is in, PLUSH Mi hen r On k t III. en Wit- l (VI UNO NCI.'APK n ley nor town w as hIiih iked to 'id a iiri.H.H cuttiiig m'IHi. Ntiit.iiin V was Led three hv 1 Ian .1 in. i s. 1 lie cutting 'I -..Hue trnlll !e alnllt an lilk. have lieeti Irt'nught (mm there weigh dug 'Ji i ti three hundred pounds And for such hugs without eer having I ecu led any gram or given any at tention is re nark.-il le. Thev grow lo huge hle and I eci.ine fat. of thei Lester LlniNev of. New Pine! hull .i of the tide iitnl Hugh mid re- Cieek. passed thumgh town Sunday. .iii.- inn nil..- kiiiiii ii.iiiii.ii nun I'liriiiiic in lionunza. i W. Williams, of K.'amath FallH. was in tow n over Siwuln v. ! Si uon I!. Ifiiekner of Arizona, is registered at Hotel Lakeview li e cutting tin k luce in Murphy's milium. Alter the cutting .Mahoney tine a un it an I Jones llred Iwn s'lots in e nt which iiiiiim near hitting Phil l.vnch I r Smith ciiu.e to at tend the wounded man. Mr. Smith ohm of the homestead ers north of here, has Hold his limine and pump to W. .. Mohh and ilnn dnin il tits claim. .Mr. .Mlllar l Is titilldUii? a 'louse in North Plush. Mr. Orise! Ih hauling liimher t i luilld liv South Plush. PhiB'i will Hi a i n have a llacksmith mIkmi. A stranger Ih hereto engage In that kind of trade as soon as a till ll.l lug can he elected. .M rs. ' a wvi ru llavi r them tor good in. at. Wat tier valley is also o:.e of the I eht plucex to I: u lit M eshTH Hundley, lieckwithand Messiier spent two days hunting near .lulus crossing, and came Pack with tint hack loimed "wan. 7 g'.fHe mid tit) duck. The In dians were hired to pick hwiiii ami ducks mid everybody was given a fowl. hoys are doing on thciifminlng in here looking aftr W. I lent has recovered 1 rem casti ol gi n pe. J. J. Van Ktuileii spent a lew diys here ln-1 w.'i-k. ,l. . Morris has gone to run the store while Van Is away. Wm. Harvey mid wife spent one night in town last week. They were returning I fin Harney county where. Mr. Ilaiviiy had bought some homes mid mules. He drove them to Sun rise where he will feed u.ilil the llililket is light. SO ML Wll.ll noes While mil 'h is said aluiiit the hug laihing industry, hut few places can e.pial Warner S a iiuip. Harry Kiggs hrmiht one from the Hwamp Hint weighed .'ill pounds, and hundreds T. II. Crump and development work claims. Phil Lynch his property. Ihive Jones and wife have taken chaiL'e of the culinary department of the MesHiier hotel, John Walker Hpeut a few days in Windy Hollow. He was moving the Verllug house to the Juiiitui. Walter Pent took Dr. Smith lack to liiikevii w. MADAM. BEDARVILLE NEWS The Cednrville Keconl of tlio 17th inst. reports Home one giving the editor n lot of vegetables including a l.'i pound beet ; that eggs, lard, and bacon, are scarce tliriiuhg fault of the farmers; that he grand jury left work laid out so that "something will be dmiig " in the li ltior line at court; that the electric tervlce is out most of the tin e; thai one htianger shot another in the leg; that John Urown mid Phillip liemlt linye leasen ror , Sunday Nov. CSth live years, the iwening murium; Sunday School at 10 n Natrmn Wilcox and ruble returned Friday from their trio to San Fran cisco. Sacramento ami Seattle. Win. Housed, of Clover Flat, wag in town Saturday with a load of tir keys, Thomas Sherlock, leaves Monday for bis old home in Ireland. He will te gone some time. Mm. Voouqi. aister of Col. Light, arrived last week and will spend the winter. Her home is at Oaklaud, Culitoi nia. Mrs. Henry Fox, recently a teacher iu the Chicago public schooU, is now teaching the West Side Luiou school. The people out there are fortunate in securing sueb au experienced teacher. Harvey Van HuskiiR and wife, left last week, via Klamath Falls, for Tacoina, where they have relatives. They will return to their home in SavauiiHh Mo. They came here at th" time of the Land Opening, and still retain thsir interests here. ! iriTnr ii ii m mmi i ' econd Addition James McShane is erei'tiug a t-ix room bungalow on his property in the north end ot town. A. M. Smith, of New Pine Creek, was in town Saturday. 11. 1 Mi-Martin has returned to Luke view from Montague, California. M. E. CHURCH SERVICES Nol'K i; OF I'll.INO OF PLAT. I'nl. I lull I in 'lit It The I nterinl ted Slates I. an. I Oltlec. Lakev lew, Oregon, .No embir'J.M I'.Hll'. .Nnliie is heiely given that Suiple iiioii I ol lot I, Sect ion ii Tw on ship :!,' S,. II. '.' I', ., W. M., pn pared by oiiler ui Honorable Commissi!! in r'. b iter Ml, Sept . ist h. i:h':i. w il. bn II '.. I in I his oli,. e on I 'e . ' 1 , KMI.I On an I alter said date, nil of sal I Im i 1 will I e hul ject to selections, eitrv oi'liliMts on, lands me not ilniiise reserved ir iipi.'iul .tied. AI.'I'ill'U W. OICTO.V l.'eigtser Fl;i i) P. ci;ot;.iu.u.k l.'ece . White (Join t. cl inns in I o Hong district; that n Hock of will duck swooped di w n on A. K. Pearson mi l 'nearly scared him to death. The I rum w . ! li t' IIS l CHILDREN RAISE POULTRY Hchool children, ol I'ortlatui 12 to IS are taki ng up t h.i if raising poultry, I" en ,1 ic manner. The Agncult in ul Ciillei'e has donated fJtm in pi lzes to stin, nail e Mini eliconiailH the youni: tolks in the endeavor to make the mpplv "I poultry u'i'l eggs .i.leituate t,, the demand. There is a Held for sMiiilir euileitvor in Lakevi'w It In . ! miii'cttii Hinoking, bialing mid . ,o !i putsiills, boys. Just try it ! HI. :!.") p. in. Tliiirsinl v oil in SWENSON'S RESTAURANT l:uniprnn I'lan L:vcr tin: from a Cup of Culler to a Square Meal Call ami ry Is ---Non will Come Auuln. I:. I:. SWKN50N, Proprietor. I. O. O. F. Block, Lakevicw, Ore. J I'.pwoilh League at Prayer meeting fiery ening. I 'reaching at 7 p. m. The fourth of a series of sermons Jiuriiing (Jueslions w ill be given alio even Mil'. ti. J. WIN I'.i l.U P.idor. Chlldrdn Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O A 3 T Q R ? A lhe Arcadia. Hovlny: Picture Show Up- to -Date Movini;" Pivtmvs AND Illustrated Soiis ! PUtXiRAH CIIANOUS j Moml.t vs, W(liK'Sila vs. I'ri-I tlavs and Sundays Two Shows each Night At 7;l0 and S::10 o'clock 5nider's Opera Mouse AiIiiiIhhIoii 10 ami l.'icts Several hard-headed, common-sense reasons why WAL TER'S ADDITION is right now, and is bound to be in the immediate future the most desirable city property, from both residential and commercial standpoints : 1st. Physically the soil is good. Will make good lawns and gardens. The land lies on a gradual slope, insuring drainage for all time to come. 2nd. This addition is in reality not an addition to the town, as it lays in the center of the most populous district, just three short 200-ft.) blocks from the principal business street and commercial center. 3rd. Wo believe it is the first and only tract that was sub' tJivided in oonformity with adjacent proDertv, alf xtrapts and alleys join and have the same nzmes. 4th. All lots blocks and streets are made to conform as nearly as possible to that of surrounding property. Lots 50 x 150, GO ft. streets, 16 ft. alleys, 6 ft. sidewalks and C ft. parking. 5th. Every lot when sold will be subject to restrictions, both as to value snd character of improvements. A 25 ft. building line is likewise stipulated. Building restrictions are value in surance to the buyer, it guarantocs the status o? your proper ty and acsures you the better class of neighbors. Gih. A liberal discount is (,ven for cash, and most lenient monthly payments can be arranged. The prices range from $300 to $100 each according to location. We will gladly show you tho property, and furnish plats. ifrxiianni BEAT THE RAILROAD TO IT'. R.EAL ESTATE FAMaftd C1TY INSURANCE FIRE-LIFE-ACCIDENT LOANS INVESTMENTS . cIrJIacer: Lake view, Oregon . 3gaaaasmx7T.TanUi?ir..T.