Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 25, 1909, Image 3

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    rat r nn tf un , naai
Cty Furniture
Furniture and Bedding.
Un dertaking--XSLnlS
os a specialty. Firatclaaa Hoarao in at-
,P you want a f?o
nows of LaAo County
and Goldon Gooso Lake
Valley, aubscribo for
J2 a year.
get good party or parties with aona
onpltal, to Join ii n In Improvlug ml
handling our IhikI mm properties in
.Nevada ami California especially
. . . . . ti'
iirouiid Iteno in metropolis
have good aalatile properties ami yrura
of experience To wood party a sure
huI liltf profllt will be given. Ad
ilrtina or m-ii Overland TrtiHt aul
'Kealty Co. 'i'l Outer Ht. Kono Nev.
WANTED man and wile at Davis
Creek itiiK" atution, to loud to otm k
mid get dinner for statf", everything
;f urn tidied Must furnliili good refer-
t)t)U. Apply ut once lir telephone to
, II. i:. IIAliKKK, Davis Creek.
J MlnT M OI l
J'l'KSK I.' ST. Wednesday after
, noon on c itluT SIhkIi hi, or Main St
Kinder will lrunB leave same Ht tti
I'.x h m Hi f r ulllve.
I.( 1ST. Small I'll rue hetwen lak-
k lew ami Mason ditch camp coutalu
money mid valuable papera about
Se-t. Ua H Ii. Kinder leave same at
l.xamliier ofllce mid recelvw reward
IIIMMllr:l KliotlN
I'OK HUNT- Threa furiiinlied roonia
for lodwera r.ntitra at ttiU otllre.
.((OK AT Till: NOTICK Kolt ItC
wnrd Kmicd Iiv the Ti lepliiitie
( (iininiiy fur cieHt rny Inif ltn r -.....
' i ... i
t'bir. i"i i
i -
l.lIOIIM . I4.AKM.
(i-i ! ...w.. ii ik
Kilo!'' ... ..iiinrM and ( ln'ira to lie
fiiiiml In ( (i'i'uii tf
. ii. i i viiik v at Tin:
1 1 I l,nk. viru luir. Tin-Im1 aii.l
pur.i wlilwky iniiili-. tf
tiiI'.mihm iiTin:
KKSl'ASS NOTICK-Wi.; tierehy
r urn all imrl lea form eiitei l'ii.' our
remlea in Sec. H 'l'ovviiHliip '.i'J SK.
'I'., for nirnwe of hunting or MhIiIiik
r otliTWIne. J. l Hl'LIi
.H tf. (II'.O. .lA.MMKKHIAli
Mil II Hit A KM
amps Parry ::;rTx:::xz:
r . , ,,. r .un. . s Mf r t r i 1 - H n l -l 1
rifcihi ' i (ii lit un '1 IU. It ram
ike I . .m. ill; i i ir . I it' n . Ol
U"C f)ft nrp t - ' '-I. fit. rtt K.T lUHK'll
il lu I rtr L v ' . 1 1 1 1 1' akuui u hHini
D hll'- t, -IHI Kll.ll. Mi., '... WlllTf
u ; riii t ! ii ii'l
' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; t ii n in in rt1 for it
I ..."
fi.ii i -
' M Wepeatin?
r ...
Shotgun '
This new 6-bhot
model is the simplest,
nurcst, and faairst 12
gniiKO repeater nuulr.
It lius (lie BuliJ top,
aide ejection and
double extractoia
pecial ZfftuJjt feu
turea ot comfort and
The cloted-in breech
keeps the action clean and the sh-lls
dry - V pc p out rain, mow, dlr Itavee
twis and aand.
The new takt-down conitruotloa allows
yuu tci :kt sun apart In tan aaconda (or
running or facklna, yat tlialolnl It always
" lu in anil rigid an In a aolld frame, Hon.
lllka-l..tur Th. . ....,. rnt fltS VliUf
( .f - IT t"IT-T"l T-
n .lHnd helps quick oparatloa.
B TI.. A. . M
I,,w iuii cngtia uni an uiinii,
cloac-ahootlna", bard-hlttlnf (una. and ara
" " lunuiQ lor aucks, (aaaa, luaaa ana an
'i' rants work.
A circular (lvln( larga
llluatralion, with lull
daacrlptlon of this
handaoms new (un,
sent fraa on rsuuael or
with coinelata 136-pucs
Catalog (ot t Stainps.
77. j 7i7rn irparms Co.,
42 Willi, S!icit Nf KAVCM. CONM.
Wm. Wallaco, Mg
Ilf. l. KMT.ITK
NOICK:- To holders of III and 'Jf)
acr tract 1 have m co-operative
iIhd for making holder (if Ilium'
t rnem Bomo moiifiy and you will dc
well to get h copy ol my plan before
making other arrt iigetiii'iitii.
W. L. I) LINN, lakeview
V Inferences Lakvlew Hoard of
Trade mid lb t'lrct National Hunk of
r)K tnfiKONK Of HUltlMtlhK
Valley 'a choice 'JIKI arm farina near
Ft. Illdwell, Calif, (.Jowl hotiae ami
liarn, orchard ami berries. ' acrea
In grain; alfalrn and wild tiuy roun
on luce. All farm toda, work
horxvH, milch cows, and bogs in
cluded. For particulars enquire at
this otllce.
-oii mi.k-
l'OK KALE-One drivlnu team or
middln horHea ii daruMin. I,Hk-
view )evdomaut Co. Mourn block,
Main Kt.
KOU KA1jK.-I'wo good
uilllcb cow a
very riiHonHOlM at
i-i;:.D s'an;i;niiki;j
N KWsr.M'I'.K (oni I ii iicn(. iir
m r t irn I urn apidy at KxHi-ilner olti .
I'HKBS I'dlt SA LK : Tha Kxamlner
liana ( col ii inn iiiaito Cotrell-Jtnl
cock power preHH, with Mteum tlx
turea, it iniiNt lie m I I to make room
foi a InrKer, fiinter preaa.. it la iu
itood order hut la not adiuata for
nir Urue and Krowim circulation.
CorreHpodenca aollcited.
Mlsri I.I.AM.OI'N
IhI, to leitHe Inn I lu u tint wiih for
mally known ax tha Oregon Military
load (iiant, call nt our olllce and put
in vour aiipl lent loon.
We Hre now lu pohitlon to Keen re
the HHina tor you nt reiiHonahle ratea.
NOITCK All thoee know lutr them
Helrea to he Imlehted to the Iake.vlew
Lund ami Luinher !. will pleiiHO Mi't
tie with C. A. Ilnwkina either ty
i n ih or nota 4lVl
l''or iiitin ination in reHrd to
Lincoln ('otiuty HIkIi School, Hta
nourH)hy, Type writing, VochI and
I iiHtriimeiita! Miotic, MhiiiihI Tralii
ink', Kent of furulnhd coitaueH, col
ol ilviutf, addraaa I'rof. Wither. Now
port, Oregon.
STKAVKD from Nnt-i Wilcox's phh
, turn . lunt May, one lirowu mare.
I liramleil K. I. on left atitle hihI
liranded ti or S cu rlk'lit htllln. White
I Kpot in forehend and drooping earti.
' A Hiiitatile reuitrd will Im puid tor
hnr ii ttirn, or luformiition an to her
whareabuuU. Shu chliv from Uurua,
Orer.n. HOSA McDANIKh.
STUA YEP. l-'rom lliirvey'a piiHture,
nliont the II rut of the month,
one Iron (iray Mure, four years old.
Height nliout l.'MKI Ihih keyntone Im ml
on left thuh. IjilicrHl reward will
he pnlil for her return to I':. It. Smith,
WiiIhoii'h addition Lukevlew. 41 "J
STKAYI.I'- - I'r.iiu my li. l l, Atiu'. It h
iiiic in. in pi Minn. Iii'iiii, led 7 le t
fllOll.iT .Mill ll.'lll lil'l'l.' Il.-i" nine mi
thcpiiillt ol left f-ln Mililcf. Slllt.'llie
I'cwnrd fur re'.llin il Mllliu.'ll ill' ill
ti il'inittii ill t w III lend ti it" recov
""l iie undei-Mlnncil ;uim '.VM Hities ol
pine timlier IiiiiiIh, koo 1 luinlier tim
her, on went nido of thin valley. 7
or H mtlcH southeimt of 1'iiinlcy Liike
lew HtiiK) rond, nliout 1'.., mileH from
Biiitl r oiul mid connected there. Iiy an
eiiHy v;niilo and new rond not yet
coinpltitcd. Kurfaco freo from rocks,
ateep nor dlHlcult loKKiui;, with near
ly or tpiite all down rmlo haul.
1' euly of water for ateaiu power at
mucriil placea oil the lau I. No tuill
now i from (iooue. Lake Valley to
Tliompaou Valley, 15 or 'JO nillea Im
yon.) Silver Lake, ( more than 100
in ilea). To rlnht iarty lieia tu a koo.I
liiiHiuea, opening as favoratile turma
fur nnmrnil lent timber, and other
! iiacestmry riuhta, can be aeoure l by
interviewing or auoreHwiiiK.
Tt J. BKAITA IN. Paisley, Oregou.
aNI'i-IJVW jo jisw
00 mn
U- - "11
sm pool jnd
ijtiM saiauio3 pus
i8nop ijl stW)
ii uujLiivin
(('opyrlRlit, lm. by American I'raas Aaao
r:latlon The" artlilfa anil lllijMtrAtlons
In nut not ,o reprinted without apeelal
pTIiilxalon J
No. your hen lan't an umhrelln.
What a hIM to ace n poor niothcr ben
trying to protect her Im !! from a
fearful atorm, while a Mk nmn who
If driving a few balla could make Ler
water tlfbt C"p aita fn hfa rent Is
the dry!
Now, your hen la neither mackin
tosh to turn woter. tior la all" a M'la
aotirl mule to m hitched by a lea to
tho back fencf, where ahe and her
family ari expected to grow up with
the country.
No chnln gnng tactic In the hen
coop. When yon aee a red hwided girl, look
for n white horae; when you aee a red
headed hen, look for a white egg, but
when you aee a poor mother heu
bltchrd to nn old. lettky burrel, look for
n Inr.y, henrtlea htimnu.
Tha poet has eung of the old oaken
That liunif In k uiulfap's well,
Dut why t he altiK of the old oaken
Where the clurttln" hen had to dwell?
To chain pretty Hlildy, who ought to bs
Is a re-re-lien-alble thlnir,
And the fellow who does that trick today
Uhould stretch a hempen atrlliK
ltroiHly I'.Uldy lmi't a tullor'a
Weak and worn from three weeks'
gottliiK. Bhc will do her tx-Mi to
ber chlckB, but he linitt U cured for,
a no. 1 COO!'.
and good I'Klglug, feeding and sanitary
precautions are necesnry for Ittddy
and the babies.
Our A No. 1 coop Is a dandy.
Mnke It watertight and roomy, and ;
on rainy dava your little rutlle fluffles
may be confined comfortably and thus,
escape chills and the gapes, while the
awning dropped at night excludes
dampness and the odoriferous Mr.
1'crbapn this Is the style you want.
It is well protected, and the top of the;
Inner bov niny Im- left open no when.
tub noon coor- opi.n.
the lien Is out for exercise the dirt
limy Just be dumped and the Ikix be
clciired of 11 e ami be dried In the
a board fWr, th nrfnee. Insure
dryness, mul n roomy, comfortable,
VV i "V
BnniUiry cot'p I'ouplcd with good breed
ing nnd good feeding will raise you
blrtls tint I ivlil i;lvc you a tiiune to
be conjured with In poultrydo'.u.
Don't ut all your neat ckk in one
banket. Advertise flrst nt home and
let the editor hii mplo your Hiring
chicken. Tho further away from
home you ret the leaa orders your ad.
will uet.
Don't make "honesty the beat poli
cy" your tuotto, for lots of reaouls use
that when convenient. 'Honesty tha
only Kdtcy" la the uiuglc wand that
brings clear conscience and aucceaa
Don't worry the editor every time
a high priced netting of egga Is a
failure. He l not a "trustee of proT
ldeiice," nor does he keep his fingers
ou nil the keya of the unlverae. Spurt
oua ndvertlaementa occasional).. altp
Into pnpera, religious and secular, for
editors nre not ncipjnlnted with all
the rascals of the rogues' gallery any
more tbnn you nre.
Don't advrrttae more quality and
quantity than you have to sell. Thai
Is wiuii ruliu-d Mr. Ne'er do-well.
ftllentifie Tests to Ascertain ValJs of
Poultry Droppings.
The n inline f.irniei doiM not nppre
dale 114 he mIioiiM t!ii.' mine of the
fertlllcr iti.iile by potii'r.v. Thl tuny
be tnnlnl.v t)Hc lo the f;o t that iiuiiir
tlmcM It Im red properly M, ao tluil
ii'U' ll of ll ' lietnl. nl coiiHtltucnt rim
j tl'tllll IS lKt.
! I'rofi-xiurr .l"te of the New fin mp
I alilre cpi-rloieut Million, after refcr
i rliuc to the lo of fi iiillzer value and
j IIIISW crlliK the i!iftli,ll how beat to re-
I T.i In It. m.ivs Hie Iii-Nt iii.iierliilH for this
j purpoHe nre fypunn or hind plitHter.
acid phoMphnte mid kitluit. n chenp
potnHli full Ciicli of these i heinli iii
lius the power to form new compounds
Willi the ft in i ii ii i In lis ii a II Is xel
free from the orllnnl i-omblunt Ion
Wood imlieH uiid slnked lime Klioiild
never be umm. ln-cntiNe they I'limiot
combine with uininoiiln. while they do
force it out of Its compound nnd tnke
It place. I'lnsier Is ii pt to produce a
dry, lumpy ml it nre when tc-d in Inrg
cuoukIi (jiiniitllles to nrrevt the amino
nln. while kalnlt nud in Id pliosplinte
produce the ojporl'r i.'i -t f uu I' t.
ttcky mnn.
BtlTIetln M ot tne Maine experiment
atatlon aaya that, umIiik their results
a a bnsls of calculation, the weekly
dropping of a flock of twenty-five
hena when ac raped from the rwatln(r
platform should lw mixed with about
elht pound of kalnlt or acid phoa
phate and a half peck of aowduat. If
one dealrea a balanced fertlllrer for
corn and other hoed crops a mixture
of eipual parts of kalnlt nnd acid phoa
phnte could Ik? uacd Instead of either
alone. The same authority tells us
thtit "jrrxMl dry meadow muck or peat
would lie equally as good as nawduat.
If not better, to use as an absorbent."
l-'rcKh fioultry manure at the present
values of fertilizers would be worth
' cents per htindred pounds. Flfrures
from different experiment stations
would clve the product of twenty-fire
hens fur the winter season of six
months ns 375 pounds for the roost
dropplnjrs only.
Poultry manure Is especially adapted
as a top dressing for frraas because of
Its hlith content of nltrojren In the form
of ammonia compounds, which are
nearly as quick In their effect as ni
trate of soda. A ton of the manure
preserved w Ith sawdust and chemicals
would be sufficient for an acre when
compared with a chemical formula for
top dressing.
n the same basla of comparison 100
fowls ruunlng at large on an acre
should In a summer season of six
months have added to Its fertility the
equivalent of at least 200 pounds of
sulphate of ammonia, 100 pounds of
high grade acid phosphate and sixty
pounds of kalnlt.
Dsvlcs For a Bsrrsl Sling.
Flow to make a barrel swing la sim
ple enrugh when you know how. The
cut rej resents a bandy rig for cleaning
out a well or for slinging a paint buck
et from the roof of a building. It it
Is necessary to set the bucket or
tin run aru e itmt or k.
bnrrel down, wind the rope with wire
or striug lu order to prevent loosening j
and NlucLlir,'. As long its the bucket
liiiugs the lope will remain tight and
tlriu. The device Is very simple, easy j
to construct and is quite Inexpensive.
Best Varieties of Potatoes.
Of 111 varieties of pntMtoi's tested nt
the Ontario Agricultural college the
fviilowinji varieties are antoni; the best 1
when yield, size, freedom from rot and
Mti'tlity are considered: Late Empire
State, Deuipsey Seedling, Uural New
Yorker No. 2. Medium Ituse of the
North, Hurpee's Extra Early. Early
Early Fortune, Early Harvest, Extra
Early Eureka nnd Early Dawn. The
results of pltiutlug potato sets of dif
ferent sixes at different distances were
lu favor of two ounce sets planted
tbe closest together. I'latitjng one set
per hill has given the best average re
sults for eight years.
Fesd For Egg Yield.
There Is uothlug that will lucrease
the egg yield like fresh cut green bone.
It should, however, be fed Judiciously,
aa It la highly nutritious, and a little
goes a good way. but as a supplement
to the regula dally grain ration Is
aura of bringing good results. It should
b fed In about the proportion of one
lo one nnd a half ounces per head
three times a week. It Is advisable to
begin on even a smaller amount than
0110 ounce to euch fowl on tbe start
and gradually Increase to the maxi
mum amount.
Eastern Buyers
For Farm Lands
If you want to aell, Hat vour land with
Lakeview, Oregon
Box 216 Office in Umbach Block
Lot 8 for aae in Lakeview and Valley Falls
Accurate and prompt report 8 made f or hold'
era of O. V. L. Co. tracta.
If yon havi- j,aln In the ba'-k, frlnary, HIS'!-d-r
or Kidm y trouble, and want a r rtain,
,leaant herb rellel from Women's 111 try
Mother :-ay'a ' A OTKA I I AN-I.i.A f ." It !
a aali .r liable rulat 'r. and relieves all fn
vials smtkaeas, loeln4ia( tnlaotstton ana sl
eeratlona. Mother Uray's Austral. aa-Leaf la
old by Prnvrlxts or aent by mall (or on et.
i-amiife sent KKKK. Addre.Ttie Mother Gray
Co. La Kry, N. Y. No 1
N:i.h;i1 Catarrh quickly yields to treat.
.":t by the agreeable, aromatic Ely's
-urn Ji.'tlm. It ia received through the
rila and cb-aiuies and heals the whole
idjce over which it diffuses itself. Irug.
ji 11 the 60c. size. Test it and you
r- sure to continue the treatment till it.
To aTomtnodate those who are partial
i l.i" iw of atomizers in applying liquids
: to the n;isal passages for caUirrhnl trou
!. tlie proprit'tora reparo Cream Halm in
i i I form, which will be known as Ely's
i pi 1 Cronin Italm. Price including the
-... t is 75 cents. Dniggists or by
:1. 'Die lupud form emlxxlies the med
t mil properties of the solid preparation.
Children Cry
Eieht thousand acres, all under
ditch, with water rights. The very
cream of the Golden (Jcoae Lake Val
ley. All leveL electe -' nanr Tews
60 for lease or sale on 4 :rnp plan,
to farmers who cau give proper ref
erences. Tbeen lands are tbe choiceet
in the valley.
202 Andrns Blrig, MiDoeapoila,
or C. H. McKendree, Lakeview.
Anrnna pndtfiii' n atktfh and docfintinn m
qclckljr iAMrt;tiu nr opinion froe whether an
t ions t net. vr- HANDBOOK on I'atonu
tent tn-. 'l.1t ren for tt.urii:r patents.
I' lttMim taken throuirh Muim A Co. recetY
ajefctoi notice, ithouc c-iiwrtfe, ui the
Scletitiftc American.
A han.lsnmelr lltnriO"i weilT. Innre.t dr.
ru nt 1. " i'f anr ' "till" Journal, terms, 13 a f.-ur nn-iitba, II. tiuij br 11 Tuawsdealer.
MUNN & Co.30-03'- New Yorl
Uraucb (.intc. ..-.IS h St. Wiubtiiiitun. D. C
This rifle is loaded
cartridge explodes, another I j
which holds five. 'Just rull
MwajayrVH'ir1 W y'.'WW.isaini u awn m mm
I. acXufc : : 3 I
in m kJF$ ' ' 4-
gI t:
each shot." It's hammerlejs and safe because of the solid
breech. Made in 4 c?"' - for the biggest game down to
the smaller Kg game.
For Sal by jtll Imeal Dal0r
Write for catalogue and literature
Aaeurr. 813 Ilrutwtwar, Mow York, N. V.
I'laced 20,000 tr.H InXLakeCfiunt
lunt vear. Beatadnptedlt .iieetlaol
this section. FreftraaaCaU dliH-aneH
Kndoraed bjr fmu;inspeciori.i,i
febotf L. It. PATCH. Lekevlew.
Blue P.rints Made
I will make Blue Prints of
any township of land In the
Lakeview Land District, and
do abstract work. Call or
Lakeview - - Oregon
C. O. Lamrist, Prop'r.
Office in Thornton'5 Store
Stage leaves Lakeview daily, ex
cept Sunday at 6 a. m. Arrive
t Alturas at 6 p. m.
Leaves Alturas tor Lakeview at
6 o'clock a. m. or ou tbe arrival
of the stage from Likely. Ar
rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af
ter leaving Alturas.
Freight - Matters - (liven
Strict - Attention
First - Class - Accomodations.
Northern Stage Line.
A- W. BRYAN. Proprietor.
Ijeavee Lakeview at 6 a.m
eery day but Sunday.
Returning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :30 a. m. every day but
Passengers' are S3 Row! trip t
OFFICE Reynolas fc WiDflelQ'. xevlew
P. E. Taylor. Prop.
Office at B. Reynolds' Stor .
Stage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wed
nesdays and Fridays at 6 a. in.', arrive
at Plush at 9 p. m.' Leaves Pnieh Tues
days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6
a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. iu
Passenger fare $3 one way 01 $5 for
round trip. Freight rates from May
1st to Nov. 1st $.75 fr lundred . from
Nov 1st. to May 1st .til per hundred
St33 C0.T.03' V
milt 1
!l i rcuiit ite I o'n firt ii't vi-,v
A liKi'iriiii lloicl, Ktiiiiit'l IiiIIh
l( oil 11 it 'I'riii
line Ha)
by the President's Guide.
by its recoil and as one
thrown up from the magazine,
and release the triraer for
" i si ins ii i i i ill I las ii i urn