I .A K K COIfN'l Y K.NAM IN Kit. LA K I VIKW, OIKdON, TIIUM AT, ? ( VfMitFK If-, l! r I t foitv Furniture Store. Furniture and Beddina. ROBINSON A CO. Wm. Waaco, V7g fill Prlnrprfn ...Farm. Un dertaking--Z7!S'SSl os a specialty. Firstclass Hoarso In at- tondonco. !'''(' i ikM, l l.y Amrrl'-an rr- Ano clitlnii 'I liin miiitvr incirl not r rli.irl win i .(,(. jrfrmlHnlori. J Oood Tidings to Yon. One drop i.f wmIi t from the sea has In II (In- riuallty lit the whole sea. A grain ,f xiiml .i ld up from the road In frniil of jour own door In tin com- tli':ide fur the light ( l.wMne vlnlMt lo Mil. If la.iy ri-'i'i ir' f.iM years be for- til'' oil I n I I lulu l'i Fliilioii up pear. I'.ul In tin- lliiiglil of lint these i,m!.v lie lin'filH Tin. new ll::hf rind (lie i i'w lliiii- nr- lirv The living lirl ; i triumphant Tin- :r i m h.iw Iecu I,; i i Wlh flu- CLASSIFED WANTS I If you want all tho nows of Lako County and Goldon Gooso Lako Valley, subscribe for THE EXAMINER, only $2 a year. MK l. IMTATK of 10 mi'l i H CO-OIUrHt Ivh I W ATKI AHHOCIATK VV.NTKI-Wt desire to get good hi rt j or psrt ins with Hon a oh IImI, to join iih In lint roving unci handling our land mid Top-rtiti In Avails mid California eHpeeUlly 1 ruuud It no tho metropolis We Lave good miUtilH properties ii! years of ejperlencn To uooil party a sum ; ml big irifllt will given. Ad dress or see tivurlaiid Trout mid Kealty Co. iMM Outer St. Kno Nav. II Kl r H AKTCD WANTKH man aud wllti at DnvIh ('reek allien tittlon, to tend to stock ami got dinner for stag", everything furnlxlii"! Must furniah good rsfer (ucii. A poly Ht once tir telephons to II. K. ltAHKKK, Darts Creek. I.OHT AM) llll Ml lM'HSK LhT.-Wednesday after noon on either HIuhIi St, or .Main Kti Flmli-r will pleas leave hhihh at t tip f.xam inrr olllire. I.OHT. - Small purse between Lak--view it ml Mhhoii ditch camp contain ing money unil valuable itifrn atiout ri t. -Cth l iminr Imiva hhhi at KxMiiilnur ottlrt) and ri'rlv re ward NOICI;. lo liol.li-m arm trHi'tn. 1 luivn Ihii for ii i It k 1 1) b( liiildrrn of t Imffl I rHi'in amtia moiiMjr anil yon w ill do wrll to nvl a ri,iy o my ,Un t.t.lorn uiHklnu oiIiit arrtnMiiiKiitM. . I.. 111. INN, I,bI.Iiiw Iti'fi-rmii'KN ljHkliw lionrd of Trii'l mid tlm 1'irct Natlomtl Hunk of l.nkfvlKW. IX)K H.M.K-ONK OK HUIU'KIKK 'nlliy'a rtioli'e 'J)) acr fiirma mar I't. li lil well, ('nl If. Oood Iioiikh and liitrn, orchard and ImrriKN. ti.0 arrra In Kralni alfalfa and wild day ruvtu on pi writ. All farm too In, work liorxftM, tnllcli covin, and lions lu rliidpd. For particular pixjnlra at tlllH olllcit. M'.litry .if 'oiii.' f r i flldl III : ;i I tho .M"Kt I V l'illul.l" ( li fil'-ll !)' :olii foriim "f i 1 1 ' r l'f re f !; i :: Itrv.liiM" i i d !! ''. v. do v.-in !,. r ililp tin- i'" k flrei'I .!, ili (linn I i hM r ' I ur l! I (I li' V( iii' dcrn v ' rid. f.-rni .f Idol it find fetlfli w r1 I H lMllK.lt MMW- FOK KKN'T for loitKcrii I'h rue fnrnlhliiid rooms Kmiulrx a. tliU otllca. KOK HAI.K. I'OK HA UK-One drifinu tram or Hinldln Iiothcs a liarwalu. Lak't- viw Dt.rtdopineiit Co. Main Ht. i FOU hALK. --'l'wofood mllK L cows verr r khi n a 1 1 In at lllr.il H I' A N ( i KN f J K U' J 4-Jtf. NKWHl'AlM'.K-Ooo.l particiiliirk nptily nt Kini.iliii'r') oltlce. IMtKHS FOIC BALK lias ii li column (juuito Cotrell-llati-cork powi-r jirese, with eteam fix t oriui, it miiHt li sold to make room foi a Urer, faster prfns.. It la la Kood order lint Is not adppiat for itir UrifB and nruwlnu cirrulatiou. ('orrespodetice aolicitcd. MH M I.A .N MM S FOIt HALK ISO tons of ood liay in lota to unit, nul.'H from town. W. l I'M St: X Co TKI.KfllOKM. LOOK A T TIIK NOTK'K I'OK IUv wnrd lhr.iird li.v tin" 'l Irpliiinr Cotiipiin v fi ir ili'Ht ro.vliiK 1 1 h prop erty. ' lfitf l.iqi OHM AMI M.AK. Ii-T .v .".V.. TIIK 1 1 KMT Krit.lt'.. ..i.piurM iind I iK'tra to lie (iiiind In ( Irt'ittm. tf . 11. ( I TI.KIl WHISKY AT TIIK Hl'rl I .MKl-vl.'U bar. The iH'Ht Hint plf '-l w lll-lt.V llllldl'. tf NOITCK All thou knowluu ttieni n!vea to lm ludetted to the Lake? lew hand and Lurnbcr t!o. will please set tie with O. A. ilawkina tithir ty I'Msh or note 44W4 LINCOLN lOUNTY IllOll SCHOOL For iuId, unit Ion iu regard to Lincoln Couuty IIIkIi School. Hta noraphy, Typ writluK, VochI and I iiHtrnmetitai Music, tjuuual Tralu inu, Kent of furnished cottaut'M, coat of 'iviiui, addresa I'rof. Wilber. New port, Oregon. KTIIAV NOTK K KTKAYKl) from Nati Wiluox'a paa ture laat May, one lirown mare, hraudatl K 1). on left stifle and branded 6 or H on rlht stifle. White spot In forehead and dronpioK ear. A suitatjla raward will be paid for her tetnrn, or loformutlon as to her whureabouta. She oama from liuroa. Oreaou. KOMA MoOANIEL. pw - . l.J - W llll.l. iN -i will i. are my Kelly Cret i! ' oferatl'o by June JTt, '.e prfpaifl to fur- la ni.'h it' er 1 :' i Kit Tllf.MI'AMM XOTK K TKKSI'ANH NOTICK-We hereby witrn all piirtloH foiin euterinu our premises iu Sec. H TownaMp '.i'J KK. i!UK, forpurpoHit of huntin or tixhinK or otherwise. J. () HULL :W tf. OI'.O. JAMMKKTHAL HTKA YKI). From Harvey's pasture, about the first of the month, one Iron Cray Mare, four year old, wettfbt about If) has keystone brand on left thigh. Liberal reward will be paid for her return to K. M. Smith, Wataoo's addition Lakeview. 412 STHAYKD-- From my Held, Auk. 4th one roan jrddiiiK, branded 7 left shoulder with half circle. Has soro on the point ol left shoulder. Suitable reward for return of animal or in formation that will lead to its recov ery. JOK AMUKOMK. sHMtr HHAKIIK THIS PAPER Is H.'pt on flic K.C fust's A.lverilnliis AMuut l !"l hand Hir.-.-i, Sbii Krsnrlni'o. I'al.. wlnre louimrln lor s.lvt-rllNiiiK t an I until.' (ir it. 'Pepeatin? tit Sfiotguii This new 6-shot modrl is the eiinplrst, surest, and fusu-Kt 12 gaii),'0 repeater ninilr. It lias tin- solij ' ; . aide ejection and double exiiactois apeciiil ff7ttri fc.i- I' tures ot comfoit tii.I convt-nipuce. The cloaed-in brf : keeps the action clean and the s!i'!!: dry krt-ps out ruin, snow, dirt, lciiv s t iwia una Buuu. The new tnke-down conatrncttoa plluwe yon to .like ituii mxtrt In ten seconds lor i U-.iniiiif or piicl.lnu, yet the lolM K nlwufi lot In in unil riu U1 an In solid fruine, nun li.kc down i;. in. '1 he fn I renrm til y. nr '"'nil and i.cli yulck oiieiatlun, The full elioked tune ere gusrsnteeA clnae-eliuulliin, Imrd-liitllng gune, ami me une lunllei fur ducke, geese, (uses aud all lui-g l unire work. Jamps Barry Brudtwltk Hwallow Kork la rltbt ear for run: ree.irii. for wtiurn Ntimaewea Huarr Crop and rill Iu rlKhi ear. lai Hrand 111. ICaiiKe. ('ran bakt- Hoe in m i e a.ldr.-.n, ltm-viuw. Or.-ii. SAWMILL WANTED IN CHEWAUCAN VALLEY A circular glvlnf large Illustration, with fi ll description of this handsome new sun, sent free on request or wi'hroniiileiel36-rnite catalog lor etainps. 77.. 77, rrSn f)t-trrms Co. . 42 wii'n r:-i (. r.i hvr;i. conm l'h e underMiKiiod 'uwna 'V10 aorea of pine timber lauda. koo.1 lumber tim ber, on went aide of this valley. 7 or 8 in ilea aoutheaHt of 1'nihlcv l.nktt- iew atuKe road, about 1 milea from aiiid road and couuected there by an eany trude and new road not yet completed. Surface free from rocks, steep nor diillcnlt IokkIuk, with ucht Iv or quite all down rade haul. I' enty of water for ateum power at bi'teriil placea tin the Inn I. No mill now from tmohe lHke alley to ThompMiii Valley, 15 or 'JO miles be yon. I Silver Lake. ( more tlmu HH) miles1. 'I'o rik'ht party hei a oo.l biisineH, opening aa favortilile teiiua li i convenitint timber, aud other iieressury riuhta, cau ba Hecure l by interviewing nr addreBsiuu. T. J. UKATT.MN, 1'aUley, Oreou. plete us any other Kriilu of sand on the round iiirlh. A mouthful of air hn-iit tii-d today Is iiiproxliuntc y the aiime us th- iilr brriithi'd In anv nie of the .iiie or Unit will be brent hr-d In any nue .f the future. 8o fur as a. I. 'li. i' Minus, the mountain nt thr? back of my Iih hi., contains the anine element that are found In any world it the solnr syctern. Thus the point railed now and hero, however huuihl at may rrn, m th nm ajoaUt at nny tittier polni In apnci; and time. We miiKnIfy the distant glory, but It In no more prc loua thnn the glory at our feet. I como to preiifh the (ronpel of your aelf, to hrlnt you glnd tidings of your aelf, to help you to Ileal yourself, to And the f;nl in yourself, to remerrjlx'r who you are, to realize 1 1 j : ? yon arc? one with the all .f life, to know the klugtlom of ln-avon within you. I recently read a book by Fnul Ka- Moore Illock. 1 r','1". in wtdch he stated anew the OIU plillosopliy whole In quantity. J his W the doctrine of tho inlcrrc(-fiin a ml t'.e macrocrinm. the mliTiHoMlii or small unit containing luiniiei-H. Fori within Itself In little all that the uni verse or macrocosm contains In the ( "jlarge. Therefore within you Is the The Kxamliierl world Iik l.ed. actively or notentlallv. You are In the Image of God. "He jp perfect, even an your Father In heav en Im perfect." A row of electric bulbs all give out i llphf, the current being supplied from i j a central source. They may differ In I .brightness, yet each has the whole! quality of light U-lng limited only In I ! quantity. White the lamps do not fur- j Msh a perfect analogy to men, yet In Borne degree they Illustrate tie life from the central source of ti.sl shining 1 through hiimnu forms. This Malcment I In no way detnu tn from Individuality. The unit Is individual, yet merged In the universal. This view agrees with the funda mental truth of all religions. The ea acntiul of you, the essential of me, has been given many names the In dwelling spirit, the atmn, the divine mind, the tJod In man. Call It hilar heart, love, Ood I have i.u nume for It. 'TIS frtlliiK all. N times are but smoke. Hiding the glow of .heaven. WbeD I speak of you I mean the real you, not the personality, which la only a mask, only the "smoke hiding" your Inward "heaven." You are great er than sleep or waking, than life or death. These are but different phases of yourself. You Include them all. They are but states. You are being. In nature all things are polarized ! its golden rays. that la, each has a positive and nega tive pole. The law of polarity is that what we can imstulate of one pole we cannot HstulaW of the other. One la the opposite of the other. If one attracts, the other does not attract. Now, each human unit Is polarized at one pole matter, at tho other spirit If we postulate that at the material pole there is division, then at the spir itual there is no division. If the ma terial is subject to birth aud death the spiritual Is not subject to birth, and death. If the material knows error and disease the spiritual 'does not know error mid disease. If the ma terial Is ii thing of limitations the spir itual la not a thing of limitations. Aa man Is neither wholly at one pole nor the other, but functions between the two, sometimes nearer to the one and sometimes to the other. It follows that tf be wonld escape from division, disease, error and other negative condi tions he can do so by functioning more toward the spiritual. The beauty of I thlH theory Is that It Is proved bv prac tice. My only value to you is in awaken ing yon to your own complete life. I do not want you to Imitate anybody, but to be the full statement of your self. If ycu need a symbol to assist you In this awakening take that of the Nuznrene. The chief value of n gos pel Is to help you to read the word In your own spirit. 1 want you to realize the Christ in yourself. You are in the linage of Hie Fill her. He perfect In that image. Know yourself, and this means your eternal self, for the tem porary shell Is but n passing phase of you. You are already aware of nil these things I ti in saying have been aware of them all the time. You only need to be reminded of them. I am re calling you to he memory of yourself I do It becauwc wc are linked together by ties as si rung as iod. . illliol'. 'I III- I 1 1 1 14- " f r : ' ' ii '. or.hli, foi I . iMf( till .c throne of li. fi r t In divine on , I. ( ' i io a burning lire In ! I' r ol !! n ml llll r ) T ilil. illy to ill rippr-nr - r i;:ii:nliiatli!i of truth !d I. of eld In the pant . . I'l I 'll' K' Ills i t I lOV( r lil is. We i.' In t Wei ll. I. if th" iivlu . Tin o:ii.i en n"( I h.- . Id S an " I ed tie 1( ri i of tin '(I i'ouii to ilii-c Tin I'fiv!'.' ( itt'-n vti t'ia! v. t.'N It i i it. ri iII-iii 'dp. Tin- ! !'.( so I'dorr the memories f their iinr et-fiirs. Wt of the west. i.Itlioui'li nl:. -t rt-!fi !nj heredity ourselves, et r- i.-ider th j oriental fi rm of It ns a iit lt cr.iss am' I pityingly n f'T to 1? at mntertallsii and rctkh wori.hlp. Hut fens not out w hjolarr.r ft fr.nnansiA Itteraflsir nrd old emblems e(.riMjh;u-n tin- sam. l sort of rnaterlalWm and f ti h wor j ship? The llvlncr Spirit, evcrliisf Ing and In j flnl'e. the coiir'c of nil that was or If j or Is to be. this alone shonlif be adored There fihould be no other gods !efor I hlrn. fall hlrn what we will-Jehovah. I Iird. f.od. the Orersonl. the t'nlversal Thought. (Vismlc f onsr lonHness. Idvlne Ixive. the Spirit of Tnith. the Eternal Itk'ht, the Ucht of the Vhlveree. thr All Know -ledff the t Am or utmr.1v lh that ea.-h unit has the I-Iltherl Narne nre onlv vr..t-.l Th. .Ua!lty and Is only limited In ,ru,h n.Tn;iin ves ' In him we j have our living. To him all men enn I bow. In his divine sunlight creeds dls appear like mists. Open your mind tf ; hlrn and let your being ! Molded by a j new lift-. He heals both sou) and body When you are free In him you are free Indeed Men have been so materia) In their concepts tint all through the are they have demanded something tlajljle and sensuous to ldollie. If It war trt a block of stone or wood It was a 4k ftire. or an Image, or a form. oT priest, or u building, or a relic, of an Institution, nut that era has pasjaed. The day has come for the worship of the lather In spirit and In truth as an Immanent, ever present, all lorlng and all helpful power. The sou) of each man is the temple of Ood. The divine presence within Is Its own high priest. No man has a right to make a creed for another. That is only placing repression on the soul which is sacred. The day of re stricting the divine Inward Impulse has passed. The day of liberty Is at hand. This is what It means to read the Scriptures In the spirit. We see the revelation of the past In the light of our own revelation In the present Jhe Christ who is In the Father awakes In those who call upon him. And he baa healing in his wings both for the soul and for the body. We need wait no longer for the bet ter day. It is already dawning. The blind may not see the new light flood ing the world, but those who are splr Itually awake are already glorlued by Eastern Buyers For Farm Lands If you want to soI, list your land with C. O. MISENER, Lakeview, Oregon Box 21 6 Office in Umbach Block Lot 8 for sale in Lakeview and Valley Falls Accurate and prompt reports made fo old ers of 0. V. L. Co. tracts. HERE IS REIIEF FOR ViOMFN If yon ha .e t.ahi In tin-!, k fii,,,, Pi-.i d.-r or Kl'lm y trmitn.- ari't nam a r.-rtain. t.lf.aaant l.-.l. t. U'. . - ... .... i-.'i-i ii. mi ..uriiprin inn iry; i .-.... Mcllur Gray's M KIKAI.U.N I.KAP." I'. l , I'laced 'l,f K a saf. reliable regulator. an1 rellnvn all fi- j lftt year U -anal weakness lnel1in Inflanatlnn ind tit.itt.i- -..i n itiln... unit... rt..... .......ii.. , , ... luinnnnuii, TV -..-i v.. . ni.n itntn-iii ia ' miKi Hi uruirtrixa or -nt j man lor U ct. Hainnlc writFHKK. Addrr-m. 1 h; Mo'hcr Oray Co. La Roy, N. Y. No I ALBANY NURSERIES sal Catarrh quickly yields to treat! h" the agreeable, aromatic Ely's ii Halm. It ia received through the .Is and cleans and heals the whole i over which it diffuse itself. Drng i B' 11 the 60o. size. Test it and yon sur to continue the treatment till re--4. Annoancement. i'o nr-commodata those, who are partial '.lie u- of atomisers in applying liquids : lie nasal passage for entarrltnl Irou. the proprietor prepare Cream lialra in i I form, which will he known as Kly's ol Crrvwn Balm. Price including the ;ag tuli is 75 cents. Druggist or by .1. The liquid form embodies the med uitl properUe of the solid preparation. fresln lnue eiiuntf 1 I i-l f. -I tfl r-?roC; 'I. ilmch Knflorsed by fruit IrinpftnrH. feb6tf K. II. PATCH. Lnkevlew "' Blue Plrints Made I will make P.lue Prints of any township of land In the Lakeview Land District, and do abstract work. Call or' write W. B. SMC El? Lakeview . . Oregon L AKEVIEW --ALTURA Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A The Specter That We Call Death. What does the Spirit say Of the specter that we call PeathT " 'TIs only the stealing away Of a heavenly breath. And the aahen hue upon cheeks and lips Is not from th Sun of Life's eclipse. But rather falls from the dawnlna- array Of a better, a sweeter, a gladder day. Nor li death the ogre, repulsive, cold. That we have been told, But an angel of God that comes to ua, Whose face with compaaslon Is luralnoua, A lover bold. With kisses warm. Who wooes the soul In her starry form From the dream of sense In which she was held, And he bears her hence. Her sleep dlstielted. Till, broad awake. She with sweet surprise Sees the new dawn break With Immortal eyes." It Is thus that the Spirit satth Of the specter that we call Peath: Peatn U the augal thavt spaa tue. porta Unto a higher way. Life 19 eternal; man la Immortal Itlslng victorious, Kudlunt, glorious. Out of the clay. Out of the bounds of time. Into the realms sublime, Into a golden clime, Into the day." LAND ON CROP PAYMENT PLAN Eight thousand acres, all under ditch, with water rights. The very cream of tbe Golden lioose Lake Val ley. All level, selecte nan;- 7ears ago for lease or aa'.e on .-rop plan, to farmers who can give proper ref erencea. These lands are tbe choicest in the valley. Write to- IIUNTEK LAND CO.. 202 Andrns Bldg, Minneapolis, Minn. or C. H. McKendree, Lakeview. STAGE LIN C. a. LiXKKxr, Prop'r. Office In Thornton' Store Stage leave Lakeview daily, ex. cept .Sunday at 6 a. m. Arrives at Altnraa at 6 p. m. Leaves Alturas for Lakeview at 6 o'clock a. m. or on the arrival of the stage from Likely. Ar rives in Lakeview in 12 hoars af ter leaving Alturas. Freight - Matters - Given Strict - Attention First - Class - Accomodations. .40 60 YEARS 0)Jil, EXPERIENCE Trad. .Aaks DrcicNi tf Tv Copyright Ac Anvon Handing a o ketch and dMOfiptlon mmf qutcklf uirtan. rmr opinion frej whether ao stiTentin i prohnhly patentahte. Cnninunir tiontrtctlrnOJentlf.l. HANDBOOK on Pstmj nt f r. uMMt muency fur ec-uruiff ptUtKita. huiMitj UkUen tbruu;ri Munn A Co. rolr tpeaai notics without cburge, in the Scientific Htiierican A bftndsomelv lllnitfrittM wtklr. Jjirvect Hp. culalltiu of hit ciiMitiilrt J'-urmil. Terms, M a (our mo nm a, bu eoia djt il Titrsoe.eri. Prj3s:Broadw.,.NeWY0r& Krsnch '.imitt. Pt Wasblamoa. D. r Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIENV-PAISLEY. A. W. BRYAN. Proprietor. Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m efery day but Sunday. Returning, leaves Paisley at 6 :30 a. m. every day bu if faMifrs- ara j Ka4 trto S OFFICE- Remolds A Winrfleia .ri LAKEVIEW PLUSM STAGE LINE 1'. E. Taylor, Prop. Raises tho dough and complies with all pure food laws. CRESCEH CRESCENT MrX. CO. Mukers of MAPUINI (bcilrttuui alaiiie). tag Loving Kindness. Love Is the divine law of life. When the Muster would test one of hU disciples lie did not propound a cutochlNin or a creed. lit said, "Inv est thou me?" When asked iih to the chief com mandment, he gave two. and love is the central Muuight of botb-love thy Ood and love thy neighbor. in music love Is expressed h.v har mony, hate liy discord. Love somchody. Help somebody. Lift up BomclMMly. Ulcsa aomeliody. This is tbe divine law. Live not unto yourself alone. For- The following story may lie old. Most good stories nre old, 1 find, yet they may lo new to somebody. A New York contractor of niy aciiuuintance was once bidding on a jail iu an up stale county. There were strong sus idclons of n Job and of a secret under standing with another contractor, who, It was believed, had promised to "div vy" wiih certain members of the board. At any rale, the New York man was looking for a chance to rub It in on those that had concocted the deal, which i-aiiie iu an utiexnected way. Kaelt bidder was required to make a deposit with the board, and the New York man put up Ids iu cash. After the matter was selllitl the un suceessful bidders were called in, and their money was returned. The New York man went over to the window! ami counted his carefully. He came buck Willi a long face. "tJentlemeD, there Is some mistake here,'' he said. The members of the board were sur prised a ml Indignant. "Do you uccust us of taking your money?" uugrlly cried the secivtary. "We counted that money all over carefully," said the chairman, "and are vnro If is right." "That Is Ju.st It," said the New York man. "The money Is all here. That Is what made me think there was some mistake." JAMES A. EPiiEKTON, Cold Rprlng-on-Hudson, N. Y. r ! hsimi. m ii i as 'IBI W .-; I III V a.aalk , l-X?"5A -- Office at B. Reynolds' Stor . Stage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wed ncsdaysand Fridays at 6 a. m., arrive at Plush at 9 p. m. Leaves Pmsh Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6 a. m.. arrives at Ijtboviaw at o k Passenger fare $3 one wav m h (or round tnp. Freight rates' fr-m May 1st to Nov. let $.76 per lundrnti from Nov 1st. to May 1st - .00 pei hundred WESTFBN STAGF K'amatfi Falls-lake view trf Staee Cnmnanw Mrrrantile (on Ntore, Lakeview American Hotel. Klamath Falls ! BKSENCUCH for The GAME" i i r Us AUTOLOADING P1FLE G&m - - ;a a - axataa Used by the President's Guide. This rifle Is loaded by its recoil and as one CiartrMoA avnlac. I. i . i ,, I'-'j 6 vnua, atiumcr is uiruwu up irom tne magazine. wmcn hows live. just pull and release the trigger for each shot." It's hammerless and safe because of the solid hartl. If. J. t. A 1-1 a . M "'ue in caiiDres lor tne Di?est came down to the smaller r'g game. to sjlx ar t.Vtiii,. aaSWS o MAUC IM ALL DEALERS