Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 18, 1909, Image 1

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    ' t
NO. 45
w nt
A Stranger
Our Orchard
Knows Their Worth from
Experience and Invests
. r I'm llmnl mi. I
I h" I , i li Hill) or
' I'll! t H III I m 111
W. lJ'ii'lin l-'iek,
I Kill Vol', He I Mill. I I
('Inn d I riirl - I'll I I
(ill Hl Llllie, mil iittil' 1 1 1 1 k I ' U llll'lll
ovi-r grew (iiv e it IiiiImhI it over whit
In' i - 1 1 1 n I I' i - II e li.l re iiiillin.k lot'
l.itlm Si li' it'll I tin 'i r i mi ii'l ingi. 11"
It 1 1 1 t I lln ti ln'.t :
Wil li 'ill . Il'.lll. I tii 'rn.l Milt III
iIio-h, tnin-l I l-n i:i a ir I l'ie l.llU.
I M 1 1 I tin- valley, f i i ii I I Kin niiil
Mtiiiuti'i tented III' I. ml AIM
I I I I'. Ull'll li III I'll I I 'in k'l Ol ' I 'I
flit lit' I'll'l I III! lllll li.' III I hint
e VI V I li I tig mini null I in-" II"
I Iiii'l Willi liU mhwIi', urn! ( i ii 1 1 y
I II ) I I If ll'lllll (i'iil1' Luke Valley,
'it I It m ii l,l mid I II I'K'HI.
'I ' I till I I'M
Mill I I Ml I till 'I I Ii I
HI'll 1 1 U l Ml I I I '
lllll. I'
I. ..Ii'
1 1 ' I Hi.'
ll'hl'l II I I' I I '
1 1- I I w" 1 1 1 ' I I Mil I" I I'll' '
lllll I t'l llllll I Hl'lii"
II 1'iil t nf t li nl Icy,
i hi .1 i .r !:-
int tli" .Mithkn iiknii I 'hi' I ic I',iiuk
linn this year, Mini ii lT i I i i t the rum
In fill iii il "ie apple Krui'ti nt H i i I
' lilvi-r Mini M i"l fur I llugim, xiikiinii,
Wlmhl u'm" hi liiini'' .1 il li i'l I mi, ('( I i
nid ', hm'I oilier i Ih'i'i-h flint f i r ! : u c
'linn trull. I'Iim t 1 -1 I mg of llni ml
1 ur in tin' ii 1 1 1 1 1 -h 1 1 1 i iitiiliii'ii i'h'
j lllllht I 1 1 1 ' II I H hliH'lllll I llHVe ll I
I HHKil lnl li l'1'ln'iii run. tint iii'.iiki I. ill
jtlil Im mi hi i I" i 1 1 1 1 1 1 r ' hi til In
i muni. Olli-i truiiH Ui -.m II.' hiii'Ii ii
i'lniirii-i. i MnrH. i lii'in. iiui'- n'i I
pllllll j I'I'trt, pHlll'llCH, I'l H lll'lll H, Il l-l ' t 111 llll'H.
Mm- I rit-lu t rii'H I I in k , .hi i n -, Ihl hii I m
ii' f, mm li-r in-i ii' i, ili-n Mi illi'H, itnii
I 'Till"-, I T'l l In I I li'- Hill W lH'
r it I ti hii - luM'ii uTi u n hi I'liii'i'- mi
tliee tract" mul detn nn nt rut cd fi;it
(ill Ill- llnlll- I'l I llllt I I tit! Ill III V I'll
I i' i' ii I i -i.ii l i mi ', i.l a! -n nil .l! i ii'i'l
I I lll-f i.l :i - -
I I Mil lll t'l I III il If. h III II III llljllll 'I
.I IT.
I'll If III
Hllllt It
i ii i
in i .
I im" I.l
I I, M,I
ill. 'I'l
Mu I
i in
'. I ni'
it t.-ii
' ' I f
I il-.l-
I l), I."
.-I III.'
-I ll- I
I i t n i
I H'lit Hill,
! ' i 1 1 I n-
I 1 1 i i
nf lli-
'l.i I
, .1 I
,nl i'
Im i,i
il I I.
" v. I
I. I
it I I
i !.'.
Il t
.1 i i
I i i- ' 1 1 1 ii- l I '
! 1.
'I I ' i ''
I i .l I i'l I
il lit '
."ii ' i
nl i -i
I i r i :.' n
I :
I n il
If i nl
I i
I li
I I !.. -I
t I l.i'
IM.I li
I; I ' I III
.11 I It IT
pill lit
run! 1 1 'i ! i
I.l t III
'. I !,. 1,1
. .'!. I.t
'ill '
" ''
I I 1 I- .'il'
'I 1
Ill .' . I i;HII i'l'l I '
n ;it uu. lul '"il I.V
' i I i H III I I II It ,
:i' I V I'll mi-'l II llilll
i.l'i'l VI II II 'i'l pi t n il
Itlliut I'lll I.l ili'll
li V I- I I II L.'" Ill the
Im ir hint Mi'ilv
ti' II HII I 1 1 ' ' i 1 1 ' ' - I II
1 1 ut I .i" liiil mi l
till' III' Ik' Il I Ml I lk'
r ui-r- iir I 1 1 'it 1 1 -
I i' "llilill lit I !j"
- .1 1 " I I'll!1 ti f I'lll
'l i i'l; n i -li, fc I
lllll-. ill'-llll-- nil
III il itllT I'M II I lllll
IIH', '! Ill' l.'ltl'l l
ii r -
1 1 li H j
' MiU 111 i
I '
i- I .
i. t'
'l 1 '
I I l'
- II.
in "ii t . -in
nt t l l-t Vi lili.
1 l.r ruin j im v
fur ii i. ,iM'i.'il I.
In-ih .11 I l llir f
i"ii i r m ill I luiy
III ! IM H I III' lll'lll l llllt
ni-. it
t ut 1 1 M i i. .- ;
: - ill. i.'
' ' r ' ii ii"
I i , l
a n mi I f ! .i
ti It ii I ii I In; 1 1'
dlll'li'il llitn I'll in Tit lliu'tF, tilt- llllt-t-TM
lit till' I 'li k llTH lllll l.t-h-I'll HM'I '
tllllll'l I M I III' lllllll tl II lik'llr Minn tlll'j
Dn nrr ill ii 1 1 in I I- 1 1 i i fur it .
Hit' 1 1 1 1 1 I ' V 'I IV III" I .ilk I'l l il I - i
I'lnpini'lll ("niiil H II V '" Mli'i'lVl-'l flu- in-
Munitiiui in In I I i ll'i' I ntilul
vi rw nt I In- Inn I It -i I rii ut 1 1 ui ( in!-
iltui Si i n mi-t - li I in mi r ii Ik' iiitiu-h t lu
ll lit ith, III llllltlk' lit till- IH'M tullll
nit" nf l.iikrMli', f '.thiol n i:i, llin only i
tlllMIHltt oil I.III'M' 1 .11 dr or llltlllllj
hi'l'Tlll llllll'H l I It, III II II V (llllllt, llllil
tiny 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 m i i i to Kivn it Irri lot In j
IjiiktiHiilti to I'Vi-ry im i rr tntMir. (if n '
fruit tnirt ; tht.,r urn .'ill l y 1 ." tri't in
tint rt'hlili'iirn Hi't'tiiin iiml !!- tir l-'xt
flirt ill tlltt Inli-illl'fH MJi'tlOM. 'l'tll'Mli
ImIh hti) nut in Home h 1 1 1 1 ti r I nt n miill
11(111 (if Hlllllll h in it 1 1 ton II, llllt ii r (I H
pitrt it mi intrri-l (if I ikcnlltt lining tlm
n luiiiul tow iihiIm in tlm llnt'Ht locution
(KiMHitile to Hturt h town.
Wlmt tttriknH me m viorth tiiutloil
iiiK in thii flirt that the trnt'tH are lint
h feiv inili'H from the orrlmnl of John
IItHhh wIki won the il.(MN) prize fur
the delicious W lutrr IIhiibiih Apple
i.i m poll i rin I -a in-ri'
Til t lll'V ll III I lill.t
r t Iiimii l mi n t i-riii ni
ii rr l ni i i ti l". Ihi
ii mil nlili' ti k'i t
ll'l " I t 'III II V It-, ll ri I lis tli
l!.:it iiitnli lu' out ol hi.-,
I'ni'i ir. 'I nlll I'l l"" ii uinirr crop
Ii 1 1 1 1 hi I f t lir rum i ik' vi'iir
I'lirv nl -, i i'i M 1 1' III l.'itr I'lll'lir-HIk'
rlii trie mi l-l nl l.itt-M-n ( rirk
New Regulations Issued
by the Government
U. H Shui'p liiHicct(ir I'roiiilluot iiuu
i tutr i veil tlm lollow inii int-iti urtloiiH
, liiini li Ih hiipi'i ior, wiiich lucul (lock
iniiht rri will Jo well to liecd Imth in
Irttrr tl ll'l npirit :
1 tit'Hire in uiIvimu yoti nl HiIh tlinii
what the policy nf this olllcti will tie
(luiiiiH the ci.inliiK wintur (toutrolliiiu
liiicp FCHliiuH. Von aru now uutilltui
that your Hliecp will de iunpiidteii at
vurioiiH tiinrM (iuriiiK the winter on
t lmir winter raiik'Hj and if they lie
loun i infrcttid with acklilueH you will
Im foroed to dip them within Unity
itayM after the date ou ivhich they are
found, aa prescribed hy law It Iihb
beeu deoiiled that thin year thene
Mheep rani'ot lie moved to some dip
ping plant, and il ha also tieeo din
elded to compel the dipping of them
ut the time they are diaoovered de
eHHttd.l inn kUIiik you notice of thin
tliuu early no that you may know
what to expect in the event that
liable in fouud among youi sheep
during tbe wiuter. In thi deulaiou
we have the backing of tbe Htate
lltmrd of Sheep Couiiulaalouera end
the ottlnera of the Oregon Wool Grow
er Annoo!atiou.
Believe Spitzenberg and!
Winesaps to be the
Best Varieties
What la deaigned to be the laigest
commercial orchard iu the woild.
devoted excluiiively to WiiiHap ami
Hpitzenburg apples, will be developed
near the town of Eutlat, Wanh , In
tbe Colombia river valley, north of
Wenatobee, by syndicate heitdel by
N. J. Slhiin and Dr. N. Frederick
F.h I g, of Spokane and Joseph I'lattei
of Kntiat Tbe company, just iucor
pnrted under the laws of the state of
Washington with a capital of .'(, OCX)
for development purposes has a tract
of 4 HO acres of land nu the Kntiat
river, where it will plant bbtween ii'.l,
UK) and 40,000 trees, including H,000
already iu the ground, Tbe land is
served by the company's irrigation
plant, taking water fr"iu tbe kntiat
river. Contracts bavit been awarded
for 31, (XX) Wiuttap and Spitzenbarg
tniim, which will be planted this fall
and next spring. Exports say that,
these vureities are certain to be ac
cepted by the American l'omological
society ut is convention iu lDl'JI as the
highoHt standard of commercial varie
ties, Iihciiiihh of their color, tin v or,
uniformity ami keeping quality.
ftdustry j
. i
' !
i-'M l yiiit? i-hi'iin lik'M, fui'l mi l
Any ri'iiutaliln mtTcliiint or IhihI- '
1 iii'km man Unit n I I utiirt In I ii i m i m- - m
in I iitkiiHi'l , i nn n.iiki in i iiiik'iMiii-i t
1 It ti t I .! I'm 'i i ii'i y 1 1 1-1 1-In t lii'V w ill 1
t ii r 1. 1- I lie a 1. 1: it M i ii h 1 1 I nt a 1 1 '
miluli-V Inn. I i ,ii i niy (itlirr
a 1 1 ii nt m.'i' I : t 1. 1 r ti Mi'iit ii, e :
'HI in i-i I i ii I -ik' In' or ' " iiifoi .I'll- '
,lln:i lit 'l n ( I 1 I I Ir -! t I' I i Will HV
t liiit tni-l run I, ii ol InliH' I from I lie
! i im ! n mi' n t Knn-si Jln-iTvi-, a few,
liiilr Ir on I lie Inn'li Miilit'ieiil III
Miiiuiiiit fur tin I itnii Inure IiOkIh.
I.iin.l rr rim In- l.'iutrlit very r'Hrn - '
nil lur I'lll I'lii.'g Inn (iI'mih and I' I One .
In the litnd.
I lie ( ' i 1 1 1 1 - ii 1 1 v I ,! 1 1 v m ho thorough
lv In ttn-ir pniji'i-t it nl it- future via I .
in-ti nl IIh-v will 1'iHti i-'-lili ri -iioni'V
to bull i tlirir ini'iieH, iiml will tiuil i
It hull r on i-itcli fru' t or town In' It
liii'V tin ili-nire, iillu'.i iiit; t lii'iii tri rr
pay tlie limn ill si liiiv lim
ine. It li t lie " I 'in'iir k i uk " nf :i r i ii nt rv
I lint l. i- I ei -u l,'itt!i"l up on iti'rirint
"t Ink of iHilriitl t ruiHi, ni till inn,
I'M' roi, ii" ll In tint vitili-v ol ru.iiiy
!"'hdii'l- or ei) l.i next -'ii iim w lien
Will Gridiron Eastern Or
egon With Numerous
Branch Lines
Two Experienced Salt
Lake Men are Laying
Foundations for a
(iood Business
ON THE N. C. 0.
t l i
i i M
: i i.ii
I i'.
i. it :
t nu i
t iiV
t !
i ',,
1 1.
lot. !
I l. i i
ii I '
L. r
ll .
. I ii
1 1 -I
r t .'
in- i
I l.i 1 1
' 1 1 , 1 1 1
mi 'i
U iv
v i ;
( l,v " ; f Me iu I lit! riir lli-i I
lociility Im poultry raiHin
,.ilv tl.ii iniiiki-t niili
C ti ic :;e ii -i. I ' i Ii mi Im i t "i
l.ll- t '. I'M I'l I V t 1,1' dun llH'1. '1 lint,
ii lllill.i'V HI tli- 1 .11 il HIM-- j- f, 1
i t lie ! 'I 1 1 , t i I ii u f i u'i,
7-j i- i - ;i ' i i, Hi i i
li-- 1 1. in r.-::'- .. i
a ii v i'i ' ' ii r k ct .
JIiri!'-i nuti'i' l thM m'i'I ii'T
"I I in hii "i-iii "i-i'i.-r i-k".'
li u-k -'i I' i 'i 1 1 1- i i L t
Sti-i'- .. '. ' 1 1 r. i.
.1. f r , ! l Ij ' ft
',' t Hill . - ", pi V t I "
T ,' I .1 I'll- I, I-'' I - I'l til- t
u 1 ill this j
that uill j
ei'M anil I
'i i in p'.jiMt-.
i-urt- I
r,n to
The nj-s of thi! iiiVHiling of Ore j
gun by the nurlirigt'iti nyt.-. ;n, llr.-t
itniiiiuiice I home eek since in th-
Kxainiucr In now coi'lirint-d by tliej
i'ortlanrl firenii, as the following from
tin) Jmirnitl )iill attcrt:
I'lirchaiti: of o ) per c-ntof the Wc.t
I '-rii I'ciflc, rrnHtrucMori of' the Tie ' railroaa Htrd the exteniimn o !
i the Hurl I iik' I on to San i'lanrUco and j
' l'nril tfi I in tfie uiipnralte'1 coup by!
! whlrh James J. Hill Lin ' lici.omrJo- .
ilsiied the apMtrently im pohsi Uie.
, TliaJ. the exrlm-ive liold of Iiarri i
imiu .rajlroad Hytsfin on the major;
portlon'of the . KtciMc ' Pi;i-t ii com- :
plelrly. broken tlieie can be no further'
ffiist.iou. l'lii Jiurl ingtou raiir iii'I
."Vnt'-fu and trie financial 1 riferesta tf,at he ,o!i!d
l.acii i,f Janin.s J. ilill hiae iiircli-Hil
Manager Dunaway Try
ing to MaRe Good His
. Promise to ; Build
to Lake view
i never j one half of the fct.irk of il.e v'i"it-rii
. in ' f -iv if I'ariM railro-i'l. an i todav tlie way is i
i oi-LT'-Hsnian : (,ri.-fi t .ir eiitr-iiice ,f the IS'irli-iutoii
I'llo Mtrj e rauci-ico
licet jug line ran he.
I i a I v n ii !itw a v '
i.kv'ky par i.v c,iAir;i:
'I I n Jirt htei; tiikfi o: enlv to C'mi-
nor 1
i.i'ini; t ik
'I he Rxaininer is aiitrfatLTc!y 81
vised that Mu'naeer OiMiaway is mak?
iiiif a ntroiig . elfort. . .to fulfil, bis
plodi! .to tlm reirle of Lakeview
reacri'this town witn
bis railroad just as-sdJu as-men an j
money f.Htr the. ii.
In thj-i e'i-i-:ti''ir b has ha.f to'lrieet
Idml fnmt ut Vi r-.u I ntnfi -A - f'o.,lru AttA
aJ i'iiiii a-i a enn ' o L hm
bu'lt ' hi- i-i all ' iroiii toe. .Woiph people, wbo
f t -
i n
; t
l I.
!.' 1
t 'IIP
il -
1 1,1-
i -.!'!
ii'i "i; '
it( r.
1 1"
.1 I
( li ,
I i
i I
I I-
I I'-
'l t
1, t
n 1 1 li
I :
t ;
i tm
i ..'i'i
1 1 -
M- .l- il.
I ii i t I
h i "i'ii '.i-
i- it i i
tin- i-,.
V:ir r-r
. t ut
iii'il iiiii i
k't ' n. - Im
t I .nt-: i ie . i
V al lev .
of .- I
1 , I I
f i -
! 1'i-
I I i i ii i'l
i-i V-i!i-i-t'i
ti vir
' i.i nette
i ."JS a" d
ni 'ii hav-
l.i- 1 t-ni
i"l I "ii.-:, t
'.,r i?:t Si i
tl- !'illl"t
tn.l t ,- We-it-i-ii I
..' l;-i:!"- M. L.i
li :' . Hi i lie lie i I,
i"i. irt 'i.i'.it f t I- '
'fto-: .-..It Uak'- to
! r. L'-n-v 1,1 ici -,
ijiiilii .ii t ; f h- N
i ti i; n ii -t rei-'ar 1 " I c ,
, (' -t illl-l 1 II t'l; ll'.' i
;!-i fir t licit, a-i I
iilri if 1 ' r u 'irti to t i
ii.'"-;,'--if i.i t'.- W
itifiii; - itj naturally
v. Im i- :.iii:,ii-,r .-, r 'i
I lie I
. n-Mi "in i.-tt i
i'.-ii'itic f-i, i'i'i. I.y
( Ii. iiii'l tv'. ;...'ii
rh iik'e o; in. ii'i. ti
t im- ' ".' t Ir t l-i-s l.oul I- p
nieut ot t lie il f lit
1'ic.ilic. and t he in
its co'urli'i i'i:i.
Ii.' ii lue phtriiiil
of. flu IiiK
( 1 ii" oj'-r it I n f
".V-t. .- . l' ';t:-'
S-t'i l-"r'im-iii-i).
I'll 11 . : 1 i i 11 t .1:
1 1 ii , i !' i : '
e oi t:ir btrium--i
t on 'i- : i-rat
". ii'Mi ill;! ct -t
act 1 1 r in t!t-
-!.. I'll'l. i.-r:n.-ie
L t(?.
I ll ii. 'fi'.i '.- t r i :Ii tie I 1 .1
t it!
i i '!
Did You Say Fish ?
Well, We Guess Yes !
f-i w -r TV"' --' ,ty - f'.r iv -i
, -. -v t5 ;- . ' r'i?,'H1it-"'i' ij ' -'v, ..'-'a
i.'v: l lcx ' .rOA ' '
T. K. Heriutid is sitiie what ela
ted over tbe work of bis "H. M. I'.
:in" Htudeliaker auto, lie left liiHt
Wednesday at '1 p. in., and weut
throuKh mud and slush until be
struuk the mountain divide where be
weut tbroiiKb eiubt miles of snow,
some of it pretty deep, ami reached
Paisley 4fi miles away in four hours.
He took the Mtudebaker uiau J. C.
Lewis will hiui The man made a rale
to Dr. Withaoi, and V'rgll Coun aud
others are couladorluK buying a machine.
Apropos to Mr Kdlers' attempt to
obtain artesian water here it should
be noted that at Loa Veas, Nevada,
a section in mid deert with no biKb
snow-capped mountains iu tbe tloin
uity, up to tbe preseut lime, 15 arte
sian wells have beeu drilled at au ay
eratfe expense of t'JOO each. Snob
abnormal ilows were obtained that is
has become uece.iBary to check the
tlow, iu order to prevent the washing
away of the soil, lnaiismuch as Sur
prise Valley now has htiudreds of
(lowing wells from '.V to l-'iO feet deep,
there would seem to be no reuuonablo
doubt but that Mr. Kdelr"a efforts
will Le crowned with complete suc-oesa.
A J. Foster, County Assessor ,
has received notice that be must lie
preseut at a meeting of the State
Tai liorad Coiunmsiou, which Is to
meet at Haleiu, on Deo. 8th. Mr. Fos
ter is a very oompeteut man ud will
give out valuable Information as to
this county and its resources.
Welch, o'.ir Socialist telegraph op
erator, wants the Jellliet-Johuion
tiizht pulled oil' iu Lakeview and is
williui; to pay 77,lHXi fiat for it. but
list. Nelsou oilers H5.UKl cash for
the bout on his niiuiug claim in Ne
vada, aud liay l'aree wauts it there
as a feature of tbe (Jraud Prix
at tbe Circle de Paris. So we are
afraid that Lakevlew will be side
tracked ou that aifair.
commenced laying and some of these
pullets egs were set iu October.
This year alone Mr. Samuel has sold
overWO worth of ettrs A few days
ago Mr. Samuel sold bis poultry, re
ceiving JifH) each for 21 beus. In
addition be sold 10 young pullets
with tbe undertsnding that be was
to bave one half nf the profits from
their ssle This will mean '2-'i. Dur
ing tbe time be bad tbe fowls Mi.
Samuel received in cah prizes oit
side of this state '25, so that tbe
total receipts from bis experiment
reached over i20() In other words 13.
HO grew iuto $'200 in one vesr Ana
couas were recently imported into this
country from Wales. Mr. Samuel
staled yevterdny that from the time
the pulilets commenced laying ii ut il
he sold tbem, they aveiatied almost
an egg a dav each.
The Kx .miner man has a tooth both
for eggs, aud yellow legged chicken
equal to that reputed to be the es
pecial privilege of certain members
of the cloth and we believe we uill
soon lave our wants gtatitied
through the eulerorixe of the above
named gentlemt-u.
II Hi til.!
i."Vi'V, nu- -'i-i rii
uill be ,.li 1 . 1:1
it IM-!.-.
tuck' U M 'il-' '
ii i f-ir tl.i! -t-t i i'
ii; t.'l .Vu-trru
'ni -v ne H-isarv t i r
With one ntr -ke
iilll thus pi-ilvel ttie probl-jni ct -i'.'nl-
it; a neuter iiiIm tae JI t:t im ti
'I Ij a t the liui llLk'tui n iij im'iie iiate-i
Iv enter Hi";"ii i.-- nii.v kmivli iiy
tin-.' mi t lie insi le. it nil build a-coiin-rt
ion h.'t.i'ii .-i.,ii:e point on'
t ie We-tern Paciti.; in northern Neva-I
(It in 1. i,;h , umv mi I then pus.-i uort x
to i'.ii .1. ni uui'su.i'ice of the plau !
a ii ii n,i n je 1 by the tiuiil is a year ato. 1
While tli Weeteru Pacitic already
controlled t!ie Nevada, California!
Orek'nii railroad, a narrow uaiik'e in j
upeiHtitik' from tleno to Atlurar, it is -iloiihtfnl
if thii Jine will be u-e I, as;
its kia les are exceedingly uufavoralile
and its roadbed unsuitable tor heavy I
tratlic. A reL-re.-eutatl ve of the Hurl- '
ngton construction (iepartinent is
already asking for bids on 500, COO ties j
to be delivered at L,akeview. I
It is said by gcod authority that!
the liurliugtou will be built into j rpi i r
Portland within the next two years Main Line Ol tllC
V n V lUi fV 'lUUJ 1.1. L 11 U G.tVCUBJU Jl
branch liues aud cut otfs are piac
tically adopted and each move has
been carefully calculated to strike iu
to tbe vital parts of the t ratHc field of
the tlarrimau roads. Ceutral Oregon
ia to be opened to a far greater extent
than people generally comprehend at
this time.
naturally do nit like n HHe the ter-
unnaf of the rnaT ltav t.lera, -even
though such dyl-i works hardships
and inciinvrnie'i-'-'upo i' tlit-ir nortb
eru neighbors tn iktk.v'ry. material
beiji-.'J r.) f -i- iii Ar-n. in- orler to
ctruraverit '?ie:i M-rio.i Manager
iiv. .;;;..! i v. tik 'h situation
in frtri l and r-i-!ie i a Urjji irm last
iiiiiv ait a ii .itiai-ai .vir'. crs-i-iM.' ! y i : r-ii!i over disputed .
ruhf. of av. some'f . t i i -r hi ha I a
V--tW-'':t rii; lit l i l i iiudtf.- fie rik'hr nf u li'l .Hi IH Mi.1 '?(j1
1 V i iJ (fecuring t ie rictii of way" to
I.JI j'-v - .v, but tvi . i not nr-ipdse'
Utliu -mp'i i-ly- bf '' -rid atlvTib
str i"ti..ii;i t i "i i u t j-vir w jrii. . i
' in - iii;ihc u' tin t i ; j i n we . 1 ir'
iinj ioii .v-iin ir'iifi--rT i t j r -is Njit
l.rt. iv urn i-i Umi itir-'if miu-le d
ii .' i-io'i;i t 1-1 tin' "e (icitinn. It liiys-'
I'll.' N-C O. rallrfi'itl hiiidiu: cn
I'-ie ni .lor'c liil bjmioy in earuat
A', nit cio'-hjiJ mile of track
I n i fro-a t'.n Aftiiras diiot t
LiK'-vi-'v. J'he track" wis I
tn- c: int y rn-ii ani i ito
ti' l i. Tin! cvupau? are Ijl
tiMtlT of ri'iit.s oi-nay a',
pel ieuciiii; con-idertib!-) trn'j
residents tust north of Altui
uu leretmd that they may ba
pellsd to ttke oiiru of these
int j the courts be'ore tbey csia be
adjusted. We saa Iiy mvne of our ex
chaiik'es that tUey evnact to be at
Davis Creek by the first of Drtjem
ber. but it looks as thnuifh that
ill keep them movini;. Ther can
be no question about the ?oal build
in; ou to Lakevie-v, aad that aa
quickly as possible.
The liieber Uazette says : A. II.
Mclonls, of lied Uluff made a num
ber of burchases of niutteu sheep
bere during the past week, among
those wbo made sales were. Antona
Villa, liiOO head; A Josepn l'X) bead ;
and Frauk lleindiioks 1C00 bead.
The sheep will be delivered at Ked
Oil has beeu struck at Vale, luas
uiucb as oil seeps out nf the eastern
mount a inn immediately adjacent to
La'.eview, it migtit be a wUe thing to
do a little experimental diilliug bere.
Ou tbe West Side porous sand stone
and other late formations outcrop on
tbe surface., wbioi. is also a pretty
good indication. An oil And beats
auytbiug eiBe for rapidly opening up
a oouulry.
A dispute over business matters be
tween Joe Ambrose "od David Ritch
ie, of tbe West Side resulted in Am
brose getting a bullet through bis left
elbow. Ritchie claims A bin rose came
at him with aa open knife and he
told him to stop or be woulc shoot,
ile did shoot, but says it was only
to scare Ambrose, but in bis excltmeut
be shot twice, the last taking etfect.
We did not hear Ambrose's testi
mony, the matter was before Judge
Bayley yesterday.
Kitchie was bound over under if'JOO
bouda to appear next term of Court.
Oregon Trunk Will
Co via Lakeview
Chandler, who!to t,e
i. .t. . i . - 1 vuai
IVjJtlll l-llt? Blt-tipiO tU
The Winter Uauana Apples are sure
beaut 1 38, look just like a pioture. The'
A carpeuter. named
was about to
the Haptint Church, left a nots at
Undtrtaker Cnlvin's place, stating
that be was fioing to commit suicide,
and gave minute detail as to bestowal
of bis body aud effects, but did uot
state wbeie he was to do the deed A
search found him on tbe steeple, aud
be explained he meaut what be said,
as he feared be would fall aud be
The Reno Uazette announces that
tbe plana for tbe proposed new N-C-O.
freight ottice at Reno have cbauged
materially, and will cost 850,000 in
stead of KO.OOO aa originally in
tended. This change possesses a sig
nificance of Us own, which will
doubtless be revealed later. It really
Tbe Bend Bulletin sees things ia
tbe right light as to matters down
here, except that Lakeview is to be
tbe main divisonal point of tbe Ore
gon Trunk Main line fro-n the Colom
bia to tbe Golden Gate. It says:
President V. N. Williamson of tbe
Oregon Trunk line has recently se
cured a section of land adjoining the
town of Lakeview, which contains
hot sulphur springs enough, it is said
to heat tbe entire town of Lakeview
as well as to make a site for medicinal
baths. Tbe price that Mr. William
sou paid for this section is said to be
in tbe neighborhood of I-i 0,000.
The fact that Mr. Williamson has
secured tbis Lake county land would
seem to indicate that be expects at
least a branch line of the Oregon
Trunk to be built into Lakeview.
The articles of incorporation of tbe
road tiled in Vancouver recenty, state
that be southern terminus for the pre
sent, at least, is to be a point near
Klamath Falls. Tbis is considerably
to the west of Lakeview and bears out
the theory that the Oregon Trunk is
a trunk line in fact and
feeders will be built east
ward toward the lich Christmas Lake
sud Goose Lake va'leys nf bouth Cen
tral Oregon
Fxamiuer ntau wishes be was rich ! looks as though the Western Facitio
enough to send a box for Christmas ; is to make a strong effort to secure
to evrey one of our 3000 subscribers- Reno trade.
There will Ije a Sunday School con
cert at tbe M. H. Church, Tbanks
glviug eve, Nov. 'li. Tbe program
will consist of songs, recltatious,
dialogues, and drills. A silver offer
ing will tie taken during tbe evening,
which will be applied to tbe Christ
mas tree fund. It is hoped that a
full house may be present and help
swell tbe fund that will go far ia
making tbe little people happy dur
ing tbe Christmas time.
IChas Oliver of New Pine Creek, was
town Tuesday. Mr. Oliver la
one of tbe big numbers over the llae
in California,