-faV a'-Mi act AtLii Texas Land K ta-leit Way. i v pia on rop ra a- n U r.f iv- J II I it- Grows Rice, Suar, Om.i., our '! will si II von .'in improvn 'fls, in 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 (Mint , ; t ii .O filtlis ol your t'ioi cu li vim ' m ri l i.i st- price. i I I llll I M l V 1 1 V M I I 'I H I hi' i , i ,f i I,' I I ii l it ) I IiIh yiwi r, n ml v li l h d mi lei li-l iii i In- ii in J ThI'Iii building It I -i mii i I 1 with wii.tI Xad'i Klii r I iv ii iiiiiiiihiil: ill ml l.uvc i i i ' i. p city nl S'Tl.niii- I lnllltl'1 I" till 'I III 0 ll I ' I III HHll It M'I'I ll.. '.I , Mlfnlfn.cot t ill i i n il. or iiiKi'D, flg Hli'l Vi g.'l n 1 - ' cropncnti be grown with .nl Irrigation I, I (or I r rlj.; ii 1 1, mi n Hi I with ii ml It h mm h I hi i i . t i hi ' !UUrl,V Nil it i'i 1 1 1 li ru 1 1 1 v.i t ii mi i if I In' Ii i mi f llllltl will In miiI.I f ilii. I tin irrijj nl ii hi i .ill n fiiu i mi. . .if -nlll Writer to I! ISC Rl T. or nut Oilu-r Product, ol tint a. inoii. which 0 CAM:, AIMM.I-., IIKAt'l.S. I 'His, UKAMICS nnd IIWAIM; Fkl'll tit) p Ice it I hem- lund I Hi-. ii 1 1 1 1 . i I til II i- Ii iiii I .S .nil I 'I Ji.MI 00 p .T ictrdlllg (ii I,.i'I.im, I tllpl iiViiii.'.i I H 1 1 1 I (J i . ii ' 1 1 .il I, ill I ill to (!nip. r0 require a Cil. I'mvimmiI n( ini ii.r iuti. it I 1 1 ml nnii'i- i.t ;icm In Ol' I llH. HI I l ill Will till V.. I'll. HI g 1 1 III I -Ml I'. I 1 .1 HI r V I III II II ill I ( t king tin' linn I. You do not lxn a note or inorlg.-ige for the balance. Wl.v itvrif tn lrll vr us I'm' I'ifllis nf Ymir i ' .'" ) 'Virus ymir )0t, and the only payment you are required to make. j BY THIS R LAN have u ti' nl vnur we h .' re j mr h i rdlii p mi' I you will buy.- tin mi 9lit.. utiir.. v.i i In ilii'fi-iv Ijyun Ii i vi- g.nil ycur, in we knuw .v on te, your farm In h cm inl. I ir. J Ml I'llll i'Ii.hihi' ymir iiwd rr.ii. c.-.'it (hit vv n 1 1 1 i " lit cut "' (p-r (miii-Ii crop to Ii" It , ii n wc kn.iw ll I lm inosl prulll ililc. LAND DEPT., SAN ANGELO, TEXAS. on Lane City, Wharton County, Texas May CityJMataijord.'i County, Texts. , ntl.xi 11112 UXXYHNIZK whin you write ajvertlsers. , v': y ' ", K HI wi- Ii i vi- nvriv- 'fo'M W i - .,f it iui : 'jt I 'ii'" "vi r i lie-I iicuT know Iihh '' '" ""' Klif- Vi.l. ynii iiilhl l ! M ii I 'l I I IT III I in- ,.., ., ... ... nun! int'ill.ni ;IIMIH 1. llll' .'I-IV 11- I if MIIMfl ll ... . i 11 I II . I. . i . , II V '.I iiiiin i it II U w i Ii ' Vi I IT -llll I y, l IK T iti ii ii Mil- ii mi ii t ry L. i j CHUTE. PROPOSITION ; la rm m I he ( tiill District I K tin Simple L i.i That Will No! Hurt tha Animal. An nut lint It y i,n il,,. ili'liuriilnx of nil tie furnl In- I Ik- following liifornm tl'.n mi tin' i.ti-.trii'-tl'iri if tin. rlnito f..r l In. .j M' rn l Inn : Miikt- tin. lm tc utr'Kijf Ni xt miiiifi a pl.-itik tiill- In fr.mt of the niiiiii- nlxjot ll X tnk you. try tin- hoII ll y TIiiii-h Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A $ 1 ,000 ;REWARD tforillM Hil l Ni-VH'ln I,! vi? Hturk rr!- Af M iat in, i.f wtiifli th" urntT riw arl lot evl'lri-" - mluit (o Kir r jif nny ariy or iht Uvn N(i nlllir Jjofv nt(ii or (null' In I'X'afU'IC 1,1 Kll) Of J I H hi' in If rn. 1 At i I Bre to'm. - Illft'M lldll In the KM', tllM MfMl.Tl4f ll i.ff.-r iiii (h NtmT'Hi'lmon $ U.(V) for alt Imr ii trnf' ti r m (i 1 1 liar on ioth or -w iirrtii'l r orl l tti it(tit (Hiiiilr. KniiK 11 nniy, l.nk- nnl I'dnik Munlif.. Hir( nl- 1 wi.!? i ol-l . Vhii- IhH r ii lion'- wiM, Hfil ou! y I ii Ihtk lul.. l.'-r W VV. litum s, Y Or'Kin OREGON MAP SALE Pull colored Sectional Hap of Oregon. I'l l. IIOi- tliili- tlicv l.iist. rtN roil I'Khorkino rrn-TR. two fci-t wlili-, ilirci- fi-ct Iouk nnd two nl onclialf f-ct frnin tin- ground. ciiii..r ! TIipii fircpfire a miuure with an elclit lnrh Hlil out of plunk und lilno it to tin inliU.- n f-w Ini'liin from the dmte at rltrlit nntl' to the face of the name, no that It can move freely from on Hide to the other. For the blnt?e us two Kood phi-en of at rap Iron, prefer ably wagon tire, and let each extend ! n" " u 'ii o I i ii r- tc. '.'i'jnOwrfiil lUilJiiism-iilrr (lpii!iii."irihi!it' fiorUval. ()T Alt C OTIC. JterifitorolJ DrUiWTmi!ll jix.Smtta A'tlir Sttfi Jlpiwrnml - hmirrJ- Cltwiinl brpr Aperfert Itemedv forComlira (ion , Sour Stoniach.Dlarrtioa Wormi f omulskms.fcverisb' ness and Lo SS OF SLLKP. racSinule Signafurtof NEW YORK. For TntantB cud Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years Lime and Brick MAIIN& Kl-Ll.nv, l.akeview io ihimt iin-iiHrlnir tu linrn ntir tlrf kit If Unit', un I will lm urriiam.l In twn xi.i.L i,. rill ..r.l..rJ 150,000 BRICK Zl i iin- hIhh iritpnrlnu imr ilr-t kllu nr I'xi.ihm lirh k. wlili 111 In rcii.ly In n nliiirt (line, iiinl .iiinint-i.i IichI iiiulily. GIVE US A CALL. Y"' '" N,,rl'' i.'ik. vi. w w I'1 1.'! IshuWH all Miirveyeil IiuhIh, by we iI'ihh, nn. i every iinpurtiint Mtrciun ami I i vil. TiiwiiHlilpH anil Kniii' plainly nnirkeil. :: :: : Ainu mIiuwh all l,ani (imtit I.hihIh. iiii I liaHtheOkOON fllLITARY kOAl) (Irani complete, by wrtl.nm. Inval uiitile to aiiyoiii who now In or ex-Im-cIm tn In- IiitiTi'Mtcil in lamlrt in Hiiiitlicru )rei;.in. :: :; ;: Knt Ire nut put nf t bin map o wne.l by HUNTER LAND C0.7" I.T'Liimberiiii'irrt HM;: ' ;! 1 1 1, O.-a j ii. f i ! Exact Copy of Wrapper. rt errui eoiir ! I fol ai - w, 7 ' ' " r'''c 'H r'l'', c rrv K,i"'k o I (iirdrlv fcliow s un i m pro, cil i-orc. Wiilinul il Mm "ill nnrr rt-ully rnjnv llic priile uml r b i In r ul i m of pru(res, mid fiuj pniftros. Aliovc ull, the triicer pull mut he riiilit. I he Sii udc I ri!!rr pull is Hiljustuhle. 'I he Imi. luil'. inri'liiiiiiMii miiihI he hiiiulv. I he Suvuiie ii oiinplieity ilsell. I he inienuiu-ter must l e relnieil. I he SiiMiiJr reiSisd-r. the I (MMli hs of un iiu li ertieully or lutooilly. In fuel , every feudire ol (he Sinuiic I iirui ( K i III- fun he mlju.led und miiled to (he rxait nerds nf cuch (uriirt slioolrr. t lun otl expect to improve v-nir ijiill with (he v roiiji thih ? Oun on write us well wild u line pen if vim like u stub heller r 'Mint in whut we mean by (lie "ex net needs" nl cuch luric( shunter, J The Suvuije Kille sulisllis. lis accuracy is purtlv d.iL- In its sicciul rillinil und ill hciuidful hulunce. ' x h. I. ...I 1 1 ' ilu- "in in .lr irr i llic mui.li ,. . i ilu- .ii. ll ; .1 rvrr put nil u Iriidrl ntlc. l'An limr im .Imp ill CMrtriiliti' I he opining i-l.i.iiiil ilu "un" I'm k tin-clU. I li.l' nil ill. rr i. I. il. ( Ihmnl.i'i .'J I.I ...I klii.il, lonit. uml l.inrf-rilU cm Ii nl'.. . ..is liiitt pl.it i I la. in. i timl lot 1 Ji N' ill Ii.iii.I .li-Miliuji. I'nt r, Vi.Sl'. -I n Jn ,1 n.il hliu J. 1 he aiiu tvnitlii 4 nounJv UIS l A) fj iiu'h lici lirul . nt.i. I I LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Incorporated1 W i faaT M ff A Complete Record iavi' inailc an cut in tr.'iiiscn')t of all. Records in Lake County wliicli.lin ,'invav,''iircct Kcal rropcrty inutile county. Wc liavc"aconiplctc -Kcconl of every Mortgage and transfer BATE AND EAHT hOll IUE ANIMAL. clear ncros each sh'n- nf the width of the M'liure. To make the hinje wrap the end of the tire iiiouml a bolt staple i secured to the table by taps beneath, j Through the end nf the lire npposlie ' the Illume and nbi ut an In. Ii from the t top face nf the sipnre br.re a hole' lare ciii.tih fi r an im-lr and a half ! riipe Ynii will llien have two ropes , attached to the top fa. e nf this s.piare, and these are Inleinicil lo pass mif the iie U of the animal and be secured by a lever at one etui of the table. An- i other Identical sipiare Is prepared, and this is set nn the table facing the! hinu'ed siprue, but distant enough i from il for the ne U of an anitffal to be ' set between. The Reomid sipiare Is braced linuly in a vertical position; with blocks ami steel braces. Two: holes are bored ilinnuh the table near I the front side, through which a rope Is passed to be placed over the nose nf j the animal The in ad nf the animal to be dehorned is held In position by tl slatlonary sipi.ire, against which the neck nf the atiiinal Is bound by the j hinged s.piare. in this position there Is no da Hirer of an animal hurtiiiR It self, and the work can be done much quicker than If the head Is less (irmly held in position. $1,000.00 Reward. I The Oregon, California & Nevada I Livestock Protective AHKoelatlcm .will ulve turn Pewanl for the con I victlon of any party or purtieH htea! ! Inir liurHes. cattle or iiiuIcm lM-lon";inf j to any of the following inemberrt of t his Asi-oclatlon: ox Ac Clark, (Tiewacan Land & t attle! o., Heryfonl Land & Cattle ' o., Lake County Land & Llventock Co., W arner Valley Stock Co., Win W. I'.rovvn. ieo. M. Jonen, Oeo. Han ktiiH. S. Ii. Cliandier, C. A. P.ehart. X. Fine, U'.A. Currier. Frank li. I5uuer, -I. C. HotchklsH. Calderwooil ISron., T. .1. Prattain A: Soiih. T. A. ( runip, l renIer & P.otiner, W, T. Crennler Maud I. I'.ninlio. W. P. HeHYKoIU). PlVHlil't M. Mil i.ku. See - I" reus j W . P. Hkhtkokh I- Is, Of-kickhh Fix a.vck IF. C M. M. (illKEX IJ. ClIAMU.KIi NOTICE FOR PUdLlCATIOX. Department of The Iotenor. U. S. Laud Office at Lakeview, Oreaon Sept. 21nt, VM0. Notice is hereby ftiveu that Fditb Vernon, of Lakeview, Oreou. u hj, 08 Sept. 14th, llXli, made Ii. R. En tiy No. 32--, Serial, No. 012u3for SE quarter, Seetion 1 Townshiu 40 S., P.auye '20 E. , YVillatmeUe Meridian, has tiled intention to mnke Final Five Yeeai Proof, to establisb claim to the land above described, before Keiuter and Keceiver. U. .X Land Office, at Lakeview, Oregon, nn the ber, VXQ. ad witnesses: l-akeview, (Jreijoo oof ' i ueorKe r iizueraia. or ' " ! Charles Ecle.-ton. of " " , ARTHUR W. ORTON. i 30 Nl Resistor. CONTEST NOTICE. Depaitmeiit of the Iuterior, United States Laud Office, Lakeview, Ore i:ou, Oct. 2nd. :'"'.. A sucient contest affidavit lias been filed in this office by Win. Keppel i Harry, coLtestant aainst Homested i Eury. No. ubk', made Aim. 2ist, lHuS, for SV quarter SY quarter. Section '(! 'I'dAiikliin 'C7 Si T?.i -i- IC l';i lamete Meridian, "bv JohuA. "cirak le",Hl voters of North Waruer Precinct, Co' teftee. in which it is aliened that r"ke Couutyi Oregon, respectfully pe- the entrymau uever lived on said laud, never cultivated the same, has PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lake County In the matter of the petitiov of .1. L. Hundley and J. M. Mennnar fur a lieeiiHt to sell fpiritoun, inak and vinous liquors in quantities lesn than one gallon at North Warner precinct, Lake County, Oregon for the period of six mouths. We, the undersigned, residents and rruadc n f' "4 V. in Lalxc County, and every Deed iven. Errors Found in Titles In traiistn... llic records wc have found numerous iuortjjnj2vs recorded in the Deed rccoitt. and not indexed; and ninny deeds are recorded in the Mortjjnjje record and otner hooks. Hundreds oi inortat:es and deeds are not indexed at all, andaic most tlillicult to trace up from the rcconls. We have notations of all these Errors: s ol dollars luintinur uo li thers cannot find theni. We have put hundred le errors, ;iud we can guarantee our work r; r J. IV VENATOR, rianacer. . . - 0 a Farmer May Maka Cigars, At ln:ervals after the clar leaf to bacco crop has been harvested inquiries are received concerning the right of the" farmer to manufacture cigars for home use or to sell the tobacco to a person oth er than nn authorized dealer or manu facturer. For the information of all such persons an explanation of the laws and regulations of the treasury department has been obtained from the office of the commissioner of in ternal revenue. "Under existing laws," writes the commissioner, "a farmer or grower of tobacco has a right to sell leaf tobacco of his own growth and raising to any person lu any quantity which may be desired, provided the condition of such leaf tobacco has uot been changed lu any manner from that In which It was cured on the farm. The manufacture of clears In a small way by any per son for his own use and consumption Is permissible when the cigars are manufactured solely for the use nf tho person making them nnd are not re moved from the place of manufacture for consumption or sale. No taxes are required, nor Is the person so manu facturing required lo qualify hs a manufacturer or make any reports. "Unless the person Intending to man ufacture cigars as above desired should be n farmer or shall secure his slock of tobacco directly from the farmer ull other sources of supply would lu cloned to him by the require ment of the law, which provides that dealers In leaf tobacco shall sell only to other dealers und to manufacturers (f tobacco or cigars or to such persona us are known to bo purchasers of leaf tobacco for export." nrt fence ! it or used it as a home. Etitrytuan has built a cabin on eaid I mi 1 (nit, same coutains no windows, tloor or door; nor is ther any furni ture therein. Also eutryman has abandoned laud for eight months last past, said parties are hereby notified to appear, rez-poud and otter evidence touching sail allegation at 10 o' clock a. m. on Nov. blth HXhi before Registi r and Receiver. U. S. Laud Office, Lakeview. Oregou The eaid contestant having, in a proper affidavit, tiled Oct. 2nd, UH.it) set forth facts which show that af- iri one 1 iiigence neisuuai service 01 qou Fif-XJerald ...n xini.cu cauuoi ne mane, " f ,'Lou is Con rad hereby ordered and directed that jje j)h1 such notice be giveu by due and j rj u Urisel proper publication. , . Morn D mill II 411 ODTiU' t- - I a . 1 " I U I I 13 .xixiiiuix vr-. oniU.V, ixegisier I Tlina 1. Mnrnhr .1 w I? .1, '-M1 I W. 11. llenefiel Wm Clepat litiou that the lion. County Court, of sai.l oiinty. aud State graut a lieeuss to J. M. Handley and J. M. Messuer, partners under the firm uame aud stvle of Handley A Messuer, to sell Spiritons Malt aud Viuous Liquors, and fermeuted;,fcider, commonly known as hard cider, in lets '3t;au titiesthau oue gallon at said North Waruer Preciut, lu said Lake Couuty, Oregou, for the period of six mouths, as in naty bound wo wil ever pray. NAMES J. J. Scott i W E Schuster ! Pat Murphy FRED P. CliONEMlLLER, Receiver CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, Uuited States Land Office. Lakeview, Ore gon, Sept 23d, , ItHX). A sutticieut contest affidavit having been tiled iu this office by M. li. Rice, contestant, against homestead Eutry, No. 40:15, (Serial 01C08) made May 13th, l'.HJS. for N half SW quarter, SE quarter SW quarter, SW quarter South East quarter. Section 28, Township 34 S., Range 19 E... Willamette Meridian, by Rudolph Kuubbi. Coutestee, iu which it is alleged that said Kuubbi has uever eiuce the date of entry es tablished a lesideuce on said land, that eutryman has wholly aud totally abandoned said entry for more than six inonthe last past (May Kith, l'.H'M to present time) that he as wholly and totally failed to cultivate or in any manner improve land em braced iu entry, und has performed no work of any kind thereon; aud that his alleged absence from the land was not due to employment in the army or navy or mariue corps of the United States, said parties are hereeby untitled to appear, respond, aud olt'er evidence touching said al legation at 10 o clock a. tn. ou Nov. 10th. IDOt), before Register and Re ceiver, U. S. Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon. The iiaid contestant having, iu a proper affidavit, tiled Sept 22. 1D0D, set forth facts which tdiow that after due dilligence personal service of this notice cau uot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due aud proper publica tion. ARTHUR W ORTON. Register. FRED P. CRONEMILLKU, S30N1 Receiver NAMES O A Curtis Thos J sullivan Pat Quiulau Ed L Wright M ichaeL Lane John McCarthy Joe J ones J 11 bums T. S. Burgess U Poiudexter li W Wise N E Currfcy II C Currey M J Messner L W Fraker W.C. Scammon C II Robinson F P Lane II J Anthony W Z Moss Judd Wise VY B Grisel S M Luce Frank Mouphan Couuty Lake, 33 belug first duly P E Taylor W S Oeorge J E Walker C. W. Dent J E Smith B J Peliu 11 Dent M M Barry Otto Korbein II L Feas J. 11. (ireeue James D O'Connors State of Oregou. 1, J. M. Messner. sworn, despose and say : the foregoing peiniuu couiaius me uaoieo or au actu al majority of the whole number of le gal voters of Nottb Waruer Hreciuct, in Lake -Couuty, Oregon, that each signatures thereto is genuine, that each pel sou whose name is siguedto said petition, is at the date hereof, au actual resident of said preciuct, aud has actually resided in said precinct foe more than thirty days utxt imuie dialely preceeding the date ou vxbica. he signed said petition, and of tha tiling of the same. J. M. MESSNER, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of November, ltHHi. J. A. MORRIS. Notary Public. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Handley Mossuer petit'ou ers the foregoing petitiou will apply to the County Court of Lake County, Oreegou, ou the 3rd day of December, for a liceuse to sell bpirituous. Malt and Viuous Liquors lu less qiiauities than one gallou, at North Waruer Preciuct. Lake County. State of Oregou, for a period ot sis months. - J. M. HANOI FY J. M. MESSNER