Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 11, 1909, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    lank coi nty i:.amim:i laki;vii:v, oim;jn. tin itsnw. it n. v.m
Ah fining
u T45
fijsZVTS Baking Pa wtfcr
- - - m mm m
a nutans to itio
Si c:i'.'t fulness
of tho foot!
. Hfc-
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Personal Mention
A I''. KlINHI'l Nfl'l
i f Kim am Oily, urn
.Jiimea Hiii ll Mini
O. It. Ilieterick,
In town.
Why Not a Rcpresenative at
the Chicago Farm Congress
Tha fill low liitf nuwKi'atloi) from n
vluml anliHorltinr In m " one, hiji!
one that our lonnl ItuHrd of TihiIh,
ad the ilmiUr orumilatiou nt 1'u Id
ler, w (hi I 'I do wall to net iiiioii for I ht
good of this nlr wet I on. A fw
oloi tli lino uiin produced
fceie Ibis year lit i-hurye of inch h
oapnblH man, aa Mr. MUtiiier, au t
I'Krlenoe Innd innn, could not help at
trautliiK aoplo nnrklnu anob nw
bouitH and O')rotiii)ltl-i im we liava
to oirr.
Han Kr.tuolrn, Oct , '111, IWJ
Mr. l-'rcd J. Ilown in,
I,iilinliuv Orruon.
I)tnr Hir :
Von huv, do c on tit, rnd tlio new-
IkpiT roiiiliii'iit on ttiH NhIIoiiiiI I'nr in
.nml CoarchM to Im livid in ('liiruuo
tlie weiik IfKlnlnK Nori-mluT 101 h.
A out of your auliHcrlLr ra luivinj
oiiim tntrrctn In Hnntiirrn Ori'Kon
and Norlliwi'Htrn Mrvmlii, 1 Mould
autrtC'i't I.hUo Coiinly. (Inyon,
In tm't hII d( KiiNtiTii Hinl Kout lii-rn
Ort'k'iPii, alioiild Im ropifnniled II:ith
and I Im ntti'iit ion of pnn-iiicl it
tioniK ni'i-lii'ia iiilld to tln flirt Unit 1
tli vpry rliiiii'iint of ( invuriiTiirn t
Lund at 111 oprn tor I'litry la within
'Jti iiiIIi-h of l.nki'Vii'w.
I loiirn tlutt Mr. ('. (). MlHi-urr, tin
Innd innn, will Ipiivi for IIih ntxt
atout NotmiiiIxt )xt und aiik'ui'at ttiat
Iid would tin it yiiinl iiiiiii to I I'pri'hfii t
cniinfry nn tin la
on any nutijnct
your HPi'tion of tlm
thoriiiiii lily poHtnd
that may artne.
Voura truly,
One of tha aiuhts m town yHtnrdny
wna u full i low n AuirrlcHn Ili'Hiity
roH In thM nildht of hiiow In thn front
yard of J. II. McCoul
l() II KM'
for lodicra
J l.rrr fortilhlml romuM
l'.tiiitrn thla oltlcn.
WANTI'.D-iiiiui mid witn at DitrU
Crri'k filial! atatlon, to luud to tocU
and rt diniii-r for atnjo, vi'rythinjt
fonilxlii-d Mint furu irh it''" I rfr
iincc. Applv ut onoi lir trli-phonn to
II. K. hai;ki;k, I)iti t;rf.k. ;
ihh to I en m Inn I lii whut niiH for
mally known ax I lie On-trno Mllitury
loud (iiMiit. i-hII ut our olllco und put
In vour HI llrnt loon.
S ii arc now in poidtlo!) to aprurn
tho Hiiiim for you nt ri'iitoiniiMi' r ii t oh.
r.VCIl'lC LAM) I'O.
I wtfn, of I'mII Hir-
it, Onlif , warn lit ton Huu lay.
J. M. Kirkfuitri k mi l wlff wcrn on
wuii lny fri in Willow Ifanrh.
'I Im Mi t rlll llccord nya I''. O.
Itiinfiiiu. llinvroMor of tilood'td llnry
ford ciil I In, la tlnrtf on I iihIuchh.
'Mm l IiiiiiiiI Ii llornld iinya: Crfi-il
McKiiiiIiiii iiiliirni'd Ironi Aatilmid
lii-t. t I k lit. n In' in tin whh adniltlivl
with littlr fiiHH Into IIih Ord -r of tha
) lln. Hi In I M Im iiiurn i iii on tlm
HliiK" fm l.iikfv lnw. liin (iiImii tlm
chIIIk innn. la In from l.akfl county,
luyiiiK aoppllra nt tb Monarch Mar
mot Ho roiiipnny.
K. II. KmhIoii It now una of tlm
forcii In tlm l''imt Nutiounl Itank.
Mr. and Mra. Hprucer wil aoori
li'BVo for t.iiKi nii mii i fit her polnta In
tlm S lllaiiK'tto v ii J l-y toaiiiiid the
winter, lor tlm tiirmdli nf Mra. Kptn
rar'a liMilth.
li'Tiiiir I HI tz Hud wife. arn now occu i
pjintl' Urenki-I rmidciic'.
A. at. Hinltti and wife, of New
fine Orttea, wvre ai i'alelxy laat
' mk Mr. biuith la on aide lu tie
alioui witu h cane and crutch, Mit
Im atill very aore from hia tor ri tdn ho
rldfol with n run away team iittncimd
to ii mower luat Juno.
J. I'- Ulltfona and fiinil.y laft, lnat
wink for I kiali, Mfudocino couuiy,
Cnlif The hltltudx tmre was too hiuh
for tilm, ami he tiHd to lve on that
Bee . out, thniiKh hn tll! rt-liilna con
alduratde property here.
A newspaper man from Portland
Mr. l-'lck. ta here for a fnw daya ll
tine tifen here before, and aaya tie cao
ee Krntttnr chanuea for the future,
than liaa teen the raae to the past.
Jatnea Kmna, of Salt Lake City, la
now in thn employ of tho '8. F. Ahl
atrom H&ddlery. He ia alao IouUIuk
after hia on and others I utereated
iu te (). V. I Co. lands.
Mr I'at Coflman. of Cndarville,
waa here luat week on tiuaiueaa.
Mra. J. V. (iibliiiiH, of New Pine
Creek, wna the Kuetd other eitder,
Mra. T. II. Cloud over Kundny.
N. 1'. Jenaeu and wife, of the elec
tric Lik'lit Co. were uplnHt week Iroui
New I'ine Creek, on electric lifiht
IiiimI:; eaa.
New Coats New Suits 1
We sell the I i ,v.a Suits and
w i th
No better made.
. . - j i "f
Coats, livery
best linings and shields
f 'all line Children's Uear Cloth Coats and
floods to match All prices and fine assort
ment to choose from.
Misses Coats in good
and Plush. All sizes.
Kersty, Uear Cloth,
New line BANNER
Silks, Nets, Velvets
styles and patterns.
line we have ever shown. All colors, irclud
ing Black Voile. Silk and Heatherbloom Un
der Skirts. J
and Linens. All new
SKIRTS. The nicest
ha Kone to New
up reaiduncH on
The Chiiutntiiun Cm-ln met with
Mra lliil Mundny ivimiIiik' the
Hlh lnat. Nidw itliHliiiiilliirf the In
cleuieory ot tie wentfier there uhn a
full at teiidiince, which In conclusive
evidence of Hindi iiitorcr.1 iu the
ciiiirni uf hludy.
Tlm inn I 1'ieetlnu will he held with
Mian (iertlilde 'uii-ili, lit tlm Inline
of Mr-. Ilniry Itniley, the l.'ith Innt.
lit 7 : : f ' p. in. The follow ln l.n tlm
prokTiiin : lliill cull: Current
I'.v.iiIh, 1 1 1 int. Chapter. ! M Ich
Horn ; 'JO, 'Jl J'.', Mii Miihel
"IJcii'lini,' .lourney thioiiKh
" MImh (iertiudo Vermi" :
View ol Life, MIhm 'ad:i lioo-
ICjce ;
l il eek
ITICSK I.mT. - We lnei-diiy Mfter
noon on either HIhhIi St, or Miiin St.
I'iiider will Ii ne h ave niime lit thn
I'.xiiiiiliier otlUe.
I'Olt SAI.K I.r0 tons of k-ood luiv In
Iota to hiiit, 'J'.. mili'H from town.
V. I'AINH .v Co
Wm iiunte from I'.verj hod v 'h w ho
NOITCK--AII tluiHK knowluc them
M'lvi'H to Im lu. lei, ted to the Ltikeriew
I. nml mid l.umtier 'o. will pliine a-t-tl
with C. A. iinwkiiiri either ly
i'ubIi or unto t lY I
I 1 .1 IS T --.inl.iy nlvht, Antique pin,
I . in raid hi t, l.ftwceu the bkatiut;
'li'ik it ii 0 the Ciiloriiiln hm.he I In
jder pli'iie leave with Mra. Clu p. Col
i oriel o 11 oiihe
Hairy HeryWd
Pine (.'reek to liiko
the I Ik KeHd ranch
John Fitzgerald and wife, of Adel
were vixitiiiK the Spencers Satur
day. MlfH Lou Muxwtlll, of l,ii-llnnil,
returned Thuralay with her l.iollier,
Victor, who Iiuh lieeu viaitiuj,' the
Seattle l'ir and oilier point. M ia
Maxwell will reuiHiu Hhrnil a month
New Waists
New Skirts i
Lakeview Mercantile Co.
A High Priced Cant.
Several Kllver dollara of compnrntlve
ly receni date hrouht trood prh-ea at
the recent coin (.ale held at th Elder
nii t Ion rmmia. One d:itet iK"i2 brought
Another tllver dollar at ruck In
1MM brought ti7, and Mill anothPr'of
1S;i lirou'ht fil.
Quite u tiiimher of early rents nold
for hlli prlcen, n cent dated 1811
brlnKtiiK jr-V.'Vi.
Of the t'oid coins a North Carolina
fire dollar piece brought .V), mid a
Mormon five dollar jili-e of 1KI3 aold
for f'J.'.- New York World.
TT wna a pitiful mlntake,
An piror Rail anl rrim.
I walteil for llio railway train.
The HkM waa low and dim.
TT can.e at laat. and from the car
Thre atnied a dainty dame.
And, looklru; up and down the place,
8he atralulit unto rr.e came.
Kunday Nov. lit 1 1 .
Sunday School at 1(1 a. mi.
Kcv IC. K. Duulap IHtHiict Supt.
will preach mornliiK mid evening.
Kpworth Leiitrmi nt (iiUip. in.
1'rHjer meeting every ThurHinly ev
en inc.
l,iuirterlv confrencii Saturday Nov.
Kith at 'J::in p. m.
(i. .1. W'KNTZKLL. Faator.
1. 1 1ST. Small por.HO hetveeu Lake
i iew and Miihiiii ditch camp contain
ing iiioney nml vnliiuMe ptipera atiout
Se t. "Hlh. Finder leave mi no at
F.Mimiuer ofllce and receive reward.
I'lll'.SS I 'OK SALK :--Tlm Fxiiminer
l.iiM a i column tiai to Cotrell-llali-cock
power rciH, with hteam tlx
turi'H, it in ut-t he aold to make room
fm a larger, fanter preaa.. It Id in
Koo'l order tint ia not adeiiiate for
.iiir lurue and L'rnwiiitt circulation.
Correapodeuce aoticited.
We aincerejy thank tho people o
our home t)wn, I'luuli, and our kind
'i frleuda of our former home Lakeview,
for their uiiHfinrlnu kindneHH and
help durliiK the ainkiiHd aud donth of
u our beloved daughter. Our haartfelt
X .haoki will ever he beatowal on all,
,- irho mluiHtered to her and' na.
fi Mr. and Mra. O. W.HICHV.
vw n v j . 1 1 a- m m mw ii i
Trr Mum
STKA VKD from Nati Wilcox'a paa
ture liiMt May, one, Hrown mare,
branded K. I), on left at ilia and
branded 5 or K ou rik'ht at I tie. White
fipot lu forehead and drooping eara.
A auitable reward will be paid for
tier if turn, or information au to her
wheruabuuta. She came fruui Uurua,
STKA VKD. From Ilurvey'a pant lire,
about the fl ret of the month,
one Iron Gray Mare, four years old,
weight about 1500 liaa keystone brand
on left tliitfli. Liberal reward will
be paid for her return to K. 15. Smith,
Watson's addition Lakeview. 412
HTItAYKD From my Held, Auk. 4th
one roan KoldiiiK, branded 7 left
nhoudt'r with half circle, lias sore on
the point ol left shoulder. Suitable
reward for return of animal or in
formation that will lead to its recov
ery. JOE AMIiltOSK.
Skating Rink
AiIhiIhhIoii :i.rH', F.very evening. Wed
ncHtluy afternoon Lad lea' Day.
K. B, KASTON, l'rop
Mra. Mauley Wharton und her Hater
Ml. a Nyawaner Snudaved in Lake-I
I re. I I iHint'ie hit y mid Loy liliirton,
of New I'ine Creek, were Lukeiow vii-
itora Monday
Karl Dalrymple, adopted sun of L.
A. ('atriker returned hint week Irom
his visit ith relatives in Wuconaiu.
Mr. Caniker came in venter. lay for
a doctor the youn man having con
tracted a bud col.J.
I.Haao Peter and family left tor low
er California I. .at Wednesday to
spend the winter It is rumored
that An lrew, the oldest eon. will
riiiK back a liride, when they re
tur i in t..e spring.
Clarencu Snid t has returned to Sa
lem to C'.mplete his course, iu medi
i'ine iu the Willamette I'niversitv
Mis. S 1''. Ahlstrom ami Mii-sliua-aie
Metzker. and Mra. F. O Ahlstrom
and children left yesterday timnilutf
for California. The former will s end
the vM ntcr iu Marybville with her bis
, ter, and the latter will visit her par
ents, the 11. K. Herytrods, at Lodi,
Mrs W. F. I'owell and her brother,
Wm..Iacobs. iteparted Tuesday moru
in for their home in i'enusylrauia,
' Mr. I'owell accompanied them as far
las Alturas.
C. I). Sessions is in Hidwell this
j week ou business.
F. M. Duke and family aud Mrs.
Jennie Co'Kbiirn, will leave uext
Monday for 1'assadena, Calif., where
tlieym speud the winter.
Robert Swift Is a recent arrival in
town, who la in the employ of the
Mercautile Co. us bookkeeper.
Thos Huntington, of Voucalla, Ore
gon a cousin of Postmaster Miller,
arrived recently and is now Installed
as one of the clerks in the postottlne.
The Hill and Harriman sytsema are
evidently In earnest in their purpose
to reach Central aud Kastern Oregon,
by I be Des Chutes valley. Nearly 10,-
uuu men are now ai work, and more
re sought for at big wages, lloth
railroads kuow the value of Kasteru
Washlugtou for tratllo, aud rea
lize that kasteru Oregon is a better
Held for tbeir esploitation.
Jack!" Bl.e cried. "Oh. dear old
Ja'-k !"
And klMsed me aa aha apake.
Then looked aK.iln and. frightened, cried.
"Oh, a bud mistake!"
JBA1U, "Forclve ine, maiden fair.
For I am not your Jack,
And. as n-Karils the fclBs you save,
t il atralKlitw-uy give It back."
4 XI) alnce that nlifht I've often atoo4
L'poli plaUurm dim,
Qut only oiue In man's whole life
Do such things come to him.
Traveler Magazine.
Smiles and Squalls
lly "THK VF.Kf4.T 0K"
"The Beast
and the Jungle
A white man eloped with an Indian ;
bride, two boars after tbe ceremony ,
at Big Pine, Calif. Tbe Indian
husband was bopping "mad and was
vigorously scouring tbe country f or j
his wife. He said be bad paid (2 for
the girl and could not afford to lose
her. The white man probably
"raised him 50 cents and won."
College statistics show that college
girls make tbe best wives and moth
ers. Hut tbe Plebian census shows that
the bigger percentage of college girls
do not marry. They drift aa a rule
into a "sphere" and stay there
Congressman Williamson, ot this
atate wants to put a muzzle on the
press. We think be is right. Tbe
press has made many a blockhead
iutn a conrgeseman, SDd they should
be muzzled from doing such tbingB in
the future!
applies to every city and
town in the United States
yours included just as
surely as it does to Denver.
Besides, it. is -a wonderful
true story of real life.
Get the
Some one tells us
twenty three feet tall.
She had
advantage of being able to overlook
A darns faults but it is no wonder our
prehistoric dad waa tardy in taking
her to a dressmaker.
was, Eiifbt thousand acres,
tbe ditch, w ith water rights.
Children Cry
O A S T O R 8 A
all under
The verv
cream of tbe (Jol ieu iJoose Lake Val
ley. All level, -electe nanr year
auo for lease or sa.e in. rop lan.
to farmers who cau give proper ref
erences. These If nds are the choicest
in the valley.
Write to- HUN'TEK LAND CO..
2u-2 Audrus I31dg, MinDeapo'ls.
M inn.
Or C. II. McKcinlree. Luke view.
Mi 111 im tif M'.,mjiM),i.nwq.-.-i-i
econd Addition
W. F. PAINE (8b CO j
'.The Arcadia '
novlng Picture Show
Up- to -Dato
Moving Pictures
Illustrated Sons
Jst. Physically the soil is good. Will make good lawns and
gardens. The land lies on a gradual slope, insuring drainage
for all time to come.
2nd. This addition is in reality not an addition to the town,
as it lays in the center of the most populous district, just three
short (200-ft.) blocks from the principal business street and
commercial center.
3rd. We believe it is the first and only tract that was sub'
divided in oonformity with adjacent property, all streets and
alleys Join and have the same nvmes.
4th. All lots blocks and streets are made to conform as
nearly as possible to that of surrounding property. Lots 50 x
150, GO ft. streets, 16 ft. alleys, 6 ft. sidewalks and 6 ft.
5th. Every lot when sold will be subject to restrictions, both
as to value snd character of Improvements. A 25 ft. building
line is likewise stipulated. Building restrictions are value in
surance to the buyer, it guarantees the status of your proper?
ty and assures you the better class of neighbors.
Gth. A liberal discount is given for cash, and most lenient
monthly payments can be arranged. The prices range from
$300 to $100 each according to location. We will gladly sho w
you the property, and furnish plats.
ATM INSURANCE fire-life-accident
M outlays, Wctlnesilays, Iri
tlays and Sundays
Two Shows each Night
At 7:1(0 and 8::WoVhik
5niders Opera Mouse
Ai1iii1hhI( : .. ta
Lakeview, Oregon .
Lakeview - Oregon. 1