Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 11, 1909, Image 3

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    LAKLl'OllNTY I
.1.11. LAK UI.VV OKLiiON, THllll.-A .
City Furniture
Furniture and Bedding.
mm f L.t-Zm Em balm I na m
unaGriamnu aii its branch
08 a spocialty. Firstclass Hoarso in at-
lieimrtinent id Interior Pulled
' Mates I. mill Hlli n. Lak.lw (H'
Hon, Mi-pl. VS:irtl. WX
A miltlrlfiil eontoMt. nfltilnvll liuv
' Iiik been llled In IIiIh i.llli'O l.y liMiroii
K. Uord oontehtiinl, MKiuiMt
lloiucldeiiil I'.nlry. Nil Olu'17, iniiil't
May luili, I'.ki, for Ni'.'.,, Hw., 'Jl
;TtiwiiHlili:U)K.,Kmi li K. Willamette
1 Meridian, by Frank llrown ('onteidce.
In which It Im MllK"d bt "''
Drown linn Inllnd to rrlln iiion.
j ciiltlvnth or Improve lands In nuos-
Hon, t tint tin hut IoIhII)' abandoned
1 thi cmim tor ii period of nunc (linn
Yl monlliH IiihI niHt, mill nub! defect
tin herein t fottll milt line til thin
I date, imld partlea are. Imrcli? not I
. Med to iin'Hr, respond, and olfr evl
;"ileno toiicMiitf mild Mlli'tftliio lit 10
o'clock n. in. on No Ifi, 1!hi, before
United Htutes Laud Olllca lu Lakevlnw
' Oregon.
Tint km ll content nt liuvlnu. In h
proper Hlll'liivlt. Ill l Kept. 'r
"' 1 iH H, net forth furl which nho that
after due dlllKetioe personal service
of thin notion rmi tic not be iiimlc. It
la hereby ordered mid dlrent'd tliMt
; euoh notice t lvoti I'y due mid
proper fin tl tHt Ion.
FKKD I'. CHONF.MU.LLH, (tcidcr
ai)MI.mht:;atokh halk
Notl. ii U hrreliy tfUcn thiit the liil
, dcrHlifiied rdm'iilHtrntrlK of the CMtiitn
uf Alono A. Merrill,, t.y
the order of the County Court of tho
ytHte, ol Oreuon. for MiiUnotiiith
- County, wlllm-H "t pulillo miction on
JSntiirdny th4lh. dy of I leoemlier ,
' l.Hi!l. Ht the Hour of ten o'glork in
th forenoon of hhI.I dy. Ht the
Court lliniie door, l-'lfth Struct, en
trance, in the City of Portlimd.
Miiltnoiniih County, StHte or ()reon.
till of the followlnu deciled I'loper
ty, to-wlt;-
Tlie South CHht quarter of Section
It,trty ToiiMhli Twenty threo
Eolith of Kiilive Thirteen eiiMt of the
WllljimettH MerMiun, in Lake Coun
ty, State of Oregon,
, hul. I Hle will le mail to the high
Ht lild.ler for oimh in hand on de
livery of deed, and Ha d mile will !'
ulijHOt 'o riKitlirmatloii hy eald
County Court, of Multnomah County,
Btate of Oregon.
1 AdiniuiHtrnlrix of the eMtiitu of
Alolno A. Merrill. deilM!ed I luted
ihI the lint put.lloMtioil Ootolicr,
2h r.H'.i, Liib" i utilloiilion PeOfinlier.
( i I ; A 1 1 A M A CLKKTON, Attorneyn'
fcr;.dmliiiMtrntrl. ('DJ
'Blue Prints Made
I will milk.- Line Print f
' niiY .iwu-hli id !iud I" tl'
l.uL.-Y'.rv.- Lund lilHtrlot.nnd
,lu tiliHirnot wink. an i
w rli
v. it. sMiir.K ,
l.kelew - - Orciti.n
i. -.
:f you want all tho
lews of Lako County
wd Golden Goose Lake
(alley, subscribe for
12 a year.
BUOCIATK W.'NTKD-We deniro to
ft good piirty or partleH with boilc
tpltal, to join on in improving and
tndlitig our land and propeitleH tn
efiidu and Califorula eHpoclally
totiud Knn the metropol la we
tv good Hiilutile propel lien and yoara
fixperienoo. To uood party a aiire
Id lU rrolllt will he given. Ad
rota or aeo Overlaud 'Iruat and
alty Co. Ceuter St. Heuo Ney.
i .
" " "
ANTI'I- Man nnd wife to rook
tor 20 men, wiiKi'rtfiM. Knqinieut
ta (iliu-c.
iHHiied ty tho 'IVU'idione
;oui'an.V f'f ih'HtroytiiK 1t prop
in y. 11,1
w - '-
Jr ,v L ... IT IK HKST
rritde iqoui-M amlllKalrt to be
bund In Orenoli. ,tf
iolel LnkoYlcwIiar. The lioHt and
ur ''t whlnk.v made. "
H Mill.
tOlTCK 1 will nave my Kelly
Mjk hiiw mill in openit ion liy Juue
, and will then Im prepared to fur
bull kluda of rough lumlier
Wm. Wallaco, Mg
koi.ati;i) ti:u:t.
I'ulillo IjIiihI SmIi. I iiiii tun-lit "f
'I Iiii Inli-llor, U, H. I. mi I Oltli'ii Ht
I. iikcvli-w, Uiiiiii, Oil., ittli. IJIKI.
Notice In liiTi'l y kIvhii thitt, m ill-
rnctnd oy tint -''iiiitnlMMloiiiT of tlm
IJiMicriil I.iiiiI Olllrn, iinilur irovl
Minim of Act of Coniri'HN r.i veil
June r.MHi C-U Nhiti-M , M7), wi',
Will (pIIiT lit HI. III! Mill, to tlm hluh
i-Bt IiI'Mit, ill 10 o'clock A. M , on
t Iih truth iliiy of licrmilicr, l!Hi!J it
II. Im ulllfK.llni IoIIomIhk iIhbit I iml lull l
Sl'i ( 1 1 m r I r SK inirlir, Huctlon 'Jl
T :iH S., 17 K., W. M.
Any ikthoiik "liilniliiK hI vitbi ly tlm
nliovii dt'Hcrlliiid liiml r' Hdvlmi I tu tile
their cliiiniH oi otiji'c limn, on or lie
torn the limit ilenlKimted for thfl culn
KT..LK W. tili'ION, KclHter.
Mnl Iiitb lio vuliie Ui'-lr uN ti ritiiifort nl
lli wi'lian-nl Ihrir rlillitri-ii, tlmul-l in vr l.r
wllliout a Ikix ill iifhi'r Crny'i I'dwilcra
fur rhiiilrrn. tn n HirniiKhoiit thi
1 ln- llr. k up rol-U i iifi. Fi-vrrlahiii'KK. i nn
i pa l Inn I. . I h Iiik r, h.- n l
Inmai'li Triiiil.ln.. TIIKHK -nMiKI(X .SKY Ml
KAIL H.i ly all limn Hturri y.V. Iinti'i m
rnl nv iilivtlttio. A trlil iai-Iiiin will l
lit KKKK id miy nuilli. r wliu Mill aililron
Allrn H iiiil.-.l, la- Hoy, N. V. .Su
Children Cry
KOIt M l LI-".-
l'OK S ALIO-One driving team or
aaddle homed a Imrulu. Luki
view Uevelopment Co. Moore lllock,
Main St.
l'OK'SALK. UiHtBiirHiit with en
tHtdinhed trade. Knquire at Kxam
iner oltlce. JOtf.
TLMHKi: LANDliHrgHln near Lake
vliuv and (iiuiMe lake on good level
rmd clone to railioud no rvey water
for Haw- mill largo (-ruiae. 40tf
Wheeler at Moore'a Law- Otlloe
1-OK H. LK Fifteen Delaiue and
Lamliouletle lauiH. At Uiivih Creek.
l-.niuire of K. W. (iarren. 4i'H
-'()i: SA LK. --Tw o"gnod inilli li oowh
very r-nnuiiuUu at
I'lir-ll Sl'A.N(iKNIlKI:(; IJtf.
N KWSl'Al'KK (iood l uihiicha. l- or
partiouliira apply at Kihi:iiiht; ollioe.
TIII-.MI' VMM Mll ll K
warn all pitrtiea foiui entering our
premiie in See. H TowiiHliip '.HI SIC.
Ui'K, fur purpohn of hunting or Hidiing
or ol h r iho. J. ( ) HC LL
:is tf. ;i;o. ja.mmkhiiial
mii :. HKttiix
Jamps Barry
M r tut k Willi ,-wnllnw Kurk 1L
rlliL rr lor i-hi-i; rvi?rM
lur wt .Hi m. mi.iiii-i-Mi rifUMrv Crop tint n
In rinlit "'Hi. 1 l llrniU 111. HmiKu. I ran.
Ijtkv I'lKliiltlii- iilr.-, 1 fvu-w . (r.'iiii
NOICK: To holders of HI and 'JO
acre traota. 1 have a co-operative
plan for muklng holdera ul thenu
t raois louie mouey and you w ilt do
well to get a copy ot my plan before
making other arrtngementa.
W. L. liLINN, Lakeviow
Keferenooa Lnkview Hoard of
Trade and the 1' irnt Natiouul Hank of
FOR SALK: 7 room, fully furuitdied
huuue. and large lot clnwe iu $UHH)
tielow actuul value. Furniture alone
worth ?f00. MiiHt noil at once and all
goes fur i"K.H) Southeru Oregon
Kuulity Co.
Valley'a choice '-00 acre fauna near
Ft. llidwell, Calif. Oood Ikiiiho and
barn, orchard and Lurries. '-!" acres
In grafn ; allalfa and wild hay grown
on place. All farm tools, work
ImrHOH, inilou cows, and hogs in
cluded. For particular enquire at
this olllce.
KANCH HELP Can do geueral
ranch work. Have had chnrgo of large
riinolicH. Capable of liaudling a iy
kind of ranch proposition. Wife is
experienced house keeper and tine
-ivt: ad children. Oesire place
for both. Luqiuie of Kxminer Lake
view. WANTEU-PoHitlou byreOned, ooiii
potent woman, with boy of aeveu
Wi iw-er family preferied. F.uquira
at thia oltlce. H7-:J
I-Vr i n t. nntlnn iu regard to
Lincoln Cniiiity High School, Ste
uogriiiihy, Type writing, Yoinil and
Instrumental Music, Manual Trai.i
ing, Lent of fnrtiislied oottiiues, oust
ol living, address Prof. Wilber. New
port, Oregon.
Slash St. Home cooking. Meals 30
cents. Ul-ineal tiuekt, 15. Room for
Tor th Tint Warm Days.
TliN proiiy cull of while linen, whl' h,
; it I In r-1 1 1 1 t ili'i-i. nil Inn. Hh hi'MmIIiIp
111-- Ii-IikHi nliil It i 1 1 1 1 r wilnl lino,
will proie m-rvl' -able ii k well tin nt
Hintho fur hiiiiiiih r llini' wenr, N
Kniiicl llllitf tlllit fit l) lie fiiHhlonod h
tin' home ilri-MHiuii kor 1 1 1 r I ik Ibexe
'HpllliK l 11 h 'I In. chief f 1 1 1 ii in I ii of
, I In- iiiHiiiiiif ('hhhIhIm of IiiiihIm of linen
scit op wam lineji.
laid In hnlf Inch tucks. Linen covered
buitoiiM ill ho de 'irate tho waist and
skirt. The bertini Ii trliniiusl with
narrow luce hen vy lure-Insertion and
a luce motif. The yoke and collar an
hP made of dotted net or nulls.
Between Staton Hatt.
Among the between season hats
there are three really sensible, pretty
shapes to choose from, all i-ipially fash
ionable. There are tho natty, smart
turban In horsehair, crushed novelty
braid or Jet fr the elderly woman;
n nent little high crowned, narrow
brimmed hat, becoming to tho petite
figure possessing small features, but
lurking height, and tho bowl shaped
toiiie or hut, tin mod according to lis
size fur It may bo an Inverted bowl
or an Immense mushroom that will
suit the tall figure.
Violet For Spring.
Indications point to a soft, light vio
let color as the dominant one for
spring. One se s It on the now em
broideries, in the flowered tullos and
inoiiss. -lines. In the bordered dimities
and iu the soft silks and plumes.
The French dressmakers sny that
the dull brick tone wh'k-h we called
Kgyptlnn red nil winter will be used
ns the ultra color. The new dye In It
Is a little off the shade thatjRe have
To Trim Pongee.
Natural colored pongee bandings em
broidered In self tone or In natural
color, with a touch more or less of
color, come in widths between an Inch
and a half to three inches at prices
from $1.25 to $3 a yard.
The Correct Aigret.
The slant of one's feather makes all
tho difference. In the smartness of
one's headgear. The latest notion Is
to have the aigret a favorite feather
rimming this yoar-stnud stlilly up
right" In approved military style. This
upstanding aigret, moreover, is placed
In the exact middle of the front of the
hat. A pretty style, shown here, Is
AiuhKr with mi', i onniiOT slant.
suggestively springlike In lis nil'.v
dnlutini'ss. The tdiapo Is of while
horseluili' braid, the crown being muss
ed wlih puffed white mile, or Illusion.
an old fashioned folk call the filmy
sniff. This lulle crown Is encircled
by n wreath of orchids lu mauve
shades, and at the front of tho hat aro
two mauve and pink roses.
- -r iiiiriT o r r o r-1 r.
rate from the garment. The soutache
braid Is used on tho wash garments,
both on the waists nud on the full
suits. It is especially pretty for the
I saw a dainty frock for a young
girl, and as this Is the time when
mothers nre trying to plan the dresses
for tho summer or even for parties
and graduation frocks I will give a
description of it, so that the Idea may
form a foundation upon whlcb to build
others. Many minor changes may be
' made and tho muln idea carried out.
I The dress In question was of sheer
i India mull cut in nine gores and fit-
ting the slim young figure neatly. A
line of val Insertion was placed be-
tweon njl the breadths, where they
j were sewed. There were throe tucks
I around the skirt, and between the low
! er two were two rows of the Insertion
laid on Hat, but la scallops. The
iileeves were long and pointed -at the
wrists and gathered at the shoulder.
There is a very beautiful cotton
voile, so woven and treated that it is
fully ns handsome in appearance as
the nil wool voiles and is not so ex
pensive. It comes very wide-, which
makes it nisy to manipulate, a fact
that will le appreciated by every wo
man who has tried her prentice hand
on the old kind. To get a skirt to
'hnng" would try the patience of ten
Jobs. These cotton voiles come In nil
of the season's colors and white, ivory
unit cream. Rightly treated, they make
Ideal frocks for the wnrtu days which
will so soon be here.
Whllo some women appear to like
tUtf-hlgh walsted effects of tho empire,
the great majority do not care to wenr
them. The shirt wnlst and separate
iklrt nro proof of this, mid It is a mat
ter for gratitude. Still, there are some
i f the sticntlillUo skirts thnt arc real;.?
handsome and even elegant nnd grace
ful, ospci In My where the old princes
chape Is amalga united, so to call It,
with tho sheath. The drawing of a
few broken linos across tln front
while stl'.i r.i'iptlng the gown to the
tiguro, Is certainly :in artistic nnd
pleasing style, bur un forttintitel'' It re
i;tiiros it muster hm-d to dr;p IT. Be
tides, few figures can wear It. A mis
take either In tho figure of the wearer
or tho accuracy of th. tit would make
this peculiar gown a calamity.
Tinii f.d Tri, to fi'. f .; f ifjri th
Lr.Ut'. ''iin;-l.. r i f In-Ill-; r l -.;ili-d to the
llinli'i f n- I f i-lilmi -., fihirt wiilntn
Inn.. Ii'-,i IV ir iwn f'.r populiirliy. a
P'ipiil.ii ' : . I. i i ii i ; ' 1 1 i -i - ii.-e-
f llhii- : . . i- ,- lie l . of I In
tli.'in e' i : i .fi'i'-y i n- pr-'iii-r ii vti-ll
IIH f l r 1 1 t t ; . ' 1 ';-.- . I - i l,c.'lli In
flout. 'I'm- ii- .-. .; v. i ,a nre m.-i
' : I .1 ; i : l 1. 1 n : iukI iim fl'Mi l,v
t . (lie I, .;! ;. i .:id I I-;lil unlit! i,t
Tin -re I ijiilie ii nri on crinkle
'l''!i. n" i. l-iil M'linei Iiih-h nc-r'-i-r-l.i
r in 'I r .i- . n i-.- r ill-.-!, Wide r
Iiihtow r '' . - re v, i-il In i J lli'inii
Kt'.lc. In ;.:i tin- u ii-iU l!i-i- Ii the
K i: '.f v. n f r lii'-lis. Th'-"e
tn;i In'. : I r il. I I ilur.-d from l..ji In
ImiM'iiii iiihI "'ll -! Mini prensed, or
they m ix I..- I lid l:i lily t- I he bust
line- li.-ilT'iH- nr Wide. I i::iw cry
pretty will, t III ii tin!; lim-i;. :iImi hut-
i-rl'-d Tills w;n i ul Willi :i Imtcli
n- k. which fur I he iml'ill l.''i-d tncfins
Kill:ic. I'-inlnir mi pi-'i i : e ij bo
filled In by ii giilmpe of vnnie kind, but
which cnti be rfl eii'li-y open for
evening or fur ery hoi weather, pro
vld'd the wearer has n pretty liek.
Till" Htyle i,f wnlst has Hotnethln of
the inii'-h liked kimono effect In' that
It l.i cut In one over the shoulder from
tfle bottom of the front to the back.
Three narrow plaits reach clear over
with two clusters of three In tho front.
It rloM'H on tho left fide with elRht
stiinll but tons. This Is a very pretty
waist mid rould be copied In any aolld
material. Tho sleeve nre only Just
over tho nhouldcr, leaving the gulmpc
sleeves below.
Sleeve for shirt waists are very long
and narrow. Some waists have a reg
ulation Milrt sleeve with ruffs, but
most of them are narrow and long and
reach down In a point over the back
of the hand.
The Illustration shows the newest
tailored shirt waist, made of crinkle
cloth In a pale pastel blue. Two Gib
son tucks are laid at the shoulders,
while across tho front Is a loose de
sign done In soutache braid. Hy the
way, this braid Is seen on most of the
summer suits as well as the wnlsts,
for It Is now that the summer gar
ments are made. The braid Is some
times white on a white or colored
ground and sometimes matches the
color. Collars still reach the ears
when desired. Most of the stock col
lars nre very high, and all are sepa-
fcoiio BnttrX-- sill- 4
I . ; I sJrBnow through I
I Lf tlNlY OPCWIHC in rvk&
At last a hammerless
been invented! Its perfect ballance and smooth, easy
action, will win your approval. Get the Remington
and you have the modern, safe pump. It is a game
gun, yet at the trap It won the big Eastern and
Southern Handicaps.
Il'urtptive iltmtrated FoUtrt Fret.
lU.MIMOTOT A ft MM CO., Illon, !. Y.
31 .1
Holed Out and
Pulled the Hole
In After Them.
Up to about 1S09 the Mammoth Cave
of Kentucky was widely advertised by
Its owner. Dut the owner died that
year and left the cave to thirteen-heirs
scattered over the country. The lucky
thirteen devoted themselves to dreams
of spending the big Income which the
cave had been earning for many years
because It had been advertised. But
they forgot to keep up the advertising.
Now the cave is visited by compara
tively few persons instead ol by many i
thousands annually, as In the days
when It was advertised.
r.ut the great cave conveys a lesson
to every business man. If you quit
advertising, your place will be ignored
by the public even more than Mam
moth Cave is Ignored, because you are
j not gven a natural curiosity.
See the point?
1 1
Raise the dough
and complies with
all pure food lavrs.
I Makers of M4PLEINE
(better than Maple).
T7 v'c"
fr "vyi kui m
Ely's Cream Balm
Sure to Cive Satisfaction.
' It cleanse, soot lies, heals and j -opvts tbe
i diseased metubrane resulting fr tu Ciitnr-h
snd drives away u Cold in the 1U 1 ipiickly.
Restores the Houses of Tate and S- ill.
(uisy to use. Contains no injuri -us di-nj's
Applied into the nostrils and absrrbed.
Largo Sizo, 50 ents at Prin-gists or l y
mail. Liquid ('renin Buliu for ti -a ill, 7.) M!.ts.
fclY tiRMHFrti. fcH Warren St.. ivew York
iii in j, "iii
solid breech shot pun has
Department Of The Interior U. 3.
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
Sept. 27th, l'JOO.
Notice is (jereby given that William
N. Uobklns whose pot orJIee a l-lresa
is Paisley. Orewon, ilid on the 4th da
Decn tier I9IJ8 Hie iu thn ottlos
orn Statement and Application,
O.G&93, to purchase l SiSWJf
ction 5. SEJiSEJtf. Sectioo
TowDSbio 34 S., Raoee 18 E..WU
laette Meridiao sod the tiron
thereon, under tbe provisions of tfe
act Ot June. 3, 1878. anl acts -mend-story,
k' own as the " TituLer ho4
Stone La. "at sacb valae as migtt
be fixed by appraisement, and that,
pursuant to such application, the
land and ti Tiber thereon bav bees
appraised, ST) 15. 25 tbe timber esti
mated 607.0(A) board feet at 9.75 per
M, and the land at 0 00 ;tnat salt
applicant will offer final proof la
support of bis application and swore
statement on tbe 7th day of Decem
ber, 19o0, before Register and Re
ceiver, U. S. Land Office, at Lake
view, Oregon.
Any perosn is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or initatc
a contest at any time before patent
issues, by filing a corroborated affi
davit in this office, alleging facie
which would defeat the entry.
ARTHUR W. ORTON, Register.
Placed 20,000 tree In Lake count
last vear. Best adapted to nefds ol
this: Hection. Fre?from all diseases.
Kndorned by fruit Inspectors.
feb5t! E. R. PATCH. Lekeview.
CO. LAMREhT, Prop'r.
Office in Thornton'5 Store
Stage leaves Lakeview daily, ex
cept Sunday at b a. m. Arrives
at Alturas at 6 p. m.
Leaves Alturas for Lakeview at
b o'clock a. m.. or on the arrival
of the stage from Likely. Ar
rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af
ter leaving Alturas.
Freight - Matters - (liven
Strict - Attention
First - Class Accomodations.
Northern ' Stage Line.
A- W. BRYAN, Proprietor.
Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m
erery day but Sunday.
Returning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :30 a. in. every day bu
PuMtiger' are Sj Round trip $
OPFICE- Reynold! Jt Winitfl6ia, ievi9W
P. E. Taylor, Prop.
Office at B. Reynolds' Stor .
Stage leaves Lakeview Mondays. Wed
oesdaysand Fridays at ta. in., arrive
at Plush at 9 p. m. Leaves Piush Tuee
days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6
a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. in
Passenger fare 'i one way or 5 lor
round trip. Freight rate from Mai
1st to Nov, 1 Ht $.75 per inndred; from
Nov lt. to My 1st .(H) per hnudred
Klamath Falls-lake view
& Stase Comoanv
-t-CHUItle Co'M HI ore, l.ukevlew
Auierleuu Hotel. Klumutli l-alla
Kouiii Trip
One Hay
- io
Note tbe Valley Fulls adv. fur the
bet-t buv.