Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 11, 1909, Image 2

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    sin i .iiMi:. i.Ki'.virw . oia:."
l.M COl
t Rl'.p .1. HOW MAN.
LarfM Paper, and l-arft Circulation in
lantern una Southern Oregon.
IM1U islll l l'rHY TIll ltxnvY.
tntrr. .! i I hi- Com I'lm-cai 1 .-vi,- . ro.
, (-. ui.1 i 'law Matter.
Kitty, Sam and ihe
ConyrlKhtrJ. by
l.ll.T.CV I'l.i
I 111 STY Ol Kil l XI. rAJMM"
On i nr. in ilvin'i'
4fx nun" li.
Thrrr m.'MtlK.
f y-lf no! in a Hmu . . 2 JO tin- it
I .X'
otKe to uhscrlbr
4. uovricrr 1 nt
from mi.' lo'H .'
rtHinin. r w lo tvmow
.i aiu'lluT. or rliatiKi
.i ..m.... -.Lit-.-.... tl,illi.l ri'Ill.'iniu i -
ro. t,t"f. ertuv a ,-ht.I pajH-r ' '
ar..s. ,l to tin' rinlit i'os:olti-f
Atn KKTI-MMI Rri:..
When It li:i5 broil "Sain" and "Kitty"
from babyhood It U rather diil'cnlt t.
pass suddenly to the "Mr. ll.istliii;"
mill "Miss Norwood" stnse. r.oth Sum
nrjil Kitty tV!t tin- strain. though each
took mental utilisation to ilo nothing
that In any way inU'lit be construed
Into an overture of flicnd-diip.
It liail all st.r. t.'.l Innocently enough.
' Kitty on her way to the postothee en
countered Jim Saunders. She regarded
I Saunders us a persistent post, but she
could not very well refuse liis stiiiiros-
; Hon that thoy stop In nt tho drug store
j aud have n class of soda.
' Thon It ha'HMioil that thoy turned
Into IVIdiin: street in animated eon
K"(y. who walked with n limp 4uS
in cloil ii Ktli U III lirr liaint.
"lias tho boat Koiii'K" lio cried Id
despair. "1 Ntartotl up no quickly that
I wrenched my tinkle. I called for
holp, lutt no oiu Kooiuoil to hour."
"I win at tho otlior oinl of tho Is
land," explained Sain, who Kecnied to
think that tho roproaoh ivnit directed
HKalnst him "I took a nap nnl ilhlu't
r-1'al..'o how Iouk I slopt. I took a
wliu nftor that, anil some kid
'clia ivixl
my sol f.
Extraordinary Profits
Unquestionable Security
Invest in I'tinee K 1 1 1 .- t through our U'enl Instate shares, si lling ;it par 8 1 0.00
per share. Asa part of nut plan for handling our rapidly rowinj; luisiuess nul lot
inerease its eapaeity, we oiler to a hniitetl nnnilicr the opportunity to share eiinly
with us in the la rue prohts eetlaiu to aeerue. The inonev received Iv the Company
n, o o.nos. , j,,s, k, nrro;l,.oni.1 tK. sa,. u ,ts s,;llvs ,s invested itielioiee I'rinee K'upert realtv, tinder the direct
1 hoy 11 miss n at tho tliMk . . .-ii. i ii 1 ! i ..
mill sotiil lnok for us.
Tin afraiiL I shall havo to nsk your
asslstitnoo, Mr. IliistliiKs." riiM Kitty,
iithlonly luliulfnl of tho faot that alio
was sivaklnc to Sam.
Ilo hoi I nil hor to a cook iiikI rnrx-
fuliy out away tho shoo. Thon with will make fortunes for those who invest in it now, as iliil Portland, Seattle, Spokane
at... ..I 0 1.1- I. . I t . . I . . . . . .. ... '
'V' . i T .iiitul Vaneouver real estate, lor those who invested in these eities ten
i 1'itiiiint.i i ii ii i
i : r . i. . o i ..i'h: t ......
t'n n I Hi vour i su pet v ism mi oi int.' i oa 1 1 1 t n i mi ivum s.
'profit sharing plan lv wltieh von mav
rapttlly liiereasiu; inisuuss.
I Me oppoi t um I v is ex t raordtnarv been use ol lie
share in all t he prolit s of the Coinpan' ' its
. . . i . . . ..I II ikl ail t 11.' h il 11 l! i l' !
l'ot ol i'nlnMM
IbaiiCi'.t lr.'. i i. o month. ol ohihimm (jov
.. .. . i, .. r... ... I. r ti i .. r 1H1 Lt' - ' ' H ' '
amnion otr. A'.tlort trrui
k. a. r l.v i o'.u:!in. UV-. tiT
In, in. Wain m.W. .V. a on
C.r.l ,.l llillk- 1 IX'. Kl'-ol.'.IK'II
laui'o. fl wan-l!.
d-Trnns'.i'tii A.'.v. rii;n anil Job Print
aK. casli in a.lvau.e
aii must t. l'HHl the rlrn of li mouth.
hail mot Just aroiniil tho oonior.
.! rxtra O: a.l tho stimuior visitors to An
ino ii in tuirin l.!o Sam ir.siikoit sauuiiors tin
oai-li itiM-rtion
inixi ri lii
AU i. iiai ufc Aa.
V t-S. Jack. I'm marrlo.l N'.i; on nv-
met her.
She's not n-.uoh lke t! e plrls In njr o!J
Wot 'up to thoir smart ways. Why. s'.ies
o'ul fa?h.o!ieil.
Bha never even s:noked a cigarette!
THE strls we've always known are Jolt
"lth n.anniFh ays an J strong athletic
o muscular lhat when they're il:esed In
And rxmrins :ea jou feel they're out oi
wife does not belong to club or
cur. gross.
She's never trie 1 to be a howlint swell.
Jie never l et a rent on any racj.
I never heard her Rive a college yell
la sweet to re id aloud of
TTER voire
To sin low lullabies or s!m;.!e baKads.
She loves u cook r.?t fashior.Me d.s . es
Like lob'tcr w !'. :t-you-call '.t or queer
BUT things a man likes biscuit,
and uiufhr.uu
And sou;s and
for show,
he's just a lovin
ajid that's the k'.r.d a man wants, don't
you know
Camilla J. Kntght.
meats to e.t and not
; wife and god home
eart to Heart
C ; r
1 y ..'-.v:n A. Nys
bo.-niiiL' t.
:.:.! liiaki-
"i liiu. li foin 'crni.-il
i s..'v I'l'.''ri-ss at
I'O L'
tf y i oi r
Only a tVw stuilutitsi are ox;n-.. ti.iJ t"
cotiic hoar tM tho "standard." Tht
taii'.hir.I is u:i.iraiu;:M.', wLi.-li is
tui'l- that is tv say, tLu s.U".'l ncv--t
J ( 7.". !! ;i-i.r. uLi h tacit :y uduiiK
"Aif fact lUat ll.c stahil .rd i-i t.."j lii'ii.
Tli.r-:' !c-
uiost. ami Kitty know it. It lookoil to
him ns though sho hail ilolllnTatoly no
ocptod Sainulors" attontioiis to punish
him for n trivial nuanvl of tho niht
Kitty was just tiiiisliini: tho last tiny
imr.p of loo cream from tho bottom of
! the tall glass w Uoti S un ontoroil tho
j storo willi Hollo I'auMinjr. Kitty's
I dcarost on" ' y.
i Ilo hail l'i'wo.l stitlly in salutation.
I r.,,.1 I. , l. I. ..I ,,. .1 ultli n I'..t I
mornli,. .'r. Hastings," oinphasizlnn
the name as swootly and ns coldly as j
tho frozon delicacy sho had Just con- i
That had tocu the start of the trou- j
ble. but the end had boon slow In com
ing. That afternoon Kitty went mo- '
torlug with Saunders, though she hated
motor cars, and Belle went bugrv 1
riding with Sam to punish Saunder
for his imagined disloyalty. !
Saunders and Miss Paulding hud i
quickly patched their quarrel up. but I
Kitty was unyielding, and there was a
squareness to Shin's chin that did not
aryue in favor of pliability of pereon- j
allty. !
With ceremonious politeness each I
strove t ) show the other how little It !
mattered, t ut Klttv cried herself to !
sleep uiht after night, an 1 Samswora
softly, but fervently, at what he was
pleased to term the foolishness of w
So matter stood when the excursion
of the Auburnville cornet baud was
announced. The boys needed new uni
forms, and Dick Fotts had promised
to learn the euphonium if they would
buy him one.
Ail public spirited citizens purchased 1
tickets. Sam bought two through :
force of habit and then viciously tore
them up, whereby the band profited i
another T0 cents, for Sam was d.e- .'
termi ie.l to go on that excursion if
only to show that lie could gi without
lie had never gjhe on nn excursion
a!";!.? save once, when Kitty was
sp-uding a week with Ikt aunt4)ver la
f.idyvl'.'.o. and he had had n miserab'e
j M:i;o. N..v l,e did not look f-r eiia.--i
ti:-",'. 1 Kitty needn't think he could
not g" alone if he wanted to.
j Mii'-li tho same sentiment animated
: Kitty, ti: i she arranged to g- with
i tnarrle.l si:er, arid it so happened
I 'h tt th -y passed over the pmirpiank
: log'-th'-r. with the formal greeting t hat
! was t.'.w
shirt ,o Improvised.. YalK.,Mlvu- ,v.-, c
brought relief and
noted with satisfaction that the sprain
seemed to U slight, since there was
little swelling
"lhat will have to do until we CHti
get to town." ho said hi ho rose to his
foot. "Does It fool any easier. Miss
Norwood ';"
"Very mill Ii, thank you. Mr. Has
tings." ,
Sam gritted his teeth and mentally '
assure himself that when n follow 1
tnkos the trouble to bind up n girl's
ankle and saerltlees his very newest j
nnd handsomest shirt for n hunting .
the least sho might do would bo to call j
him "Sam." as of old. Ho moved stiff- i
ly aw ay and took a seat on n bowlder !
liehind her. If she was lonesome she
could call him. I
Hut Kitty, though sho was dreadful-
It lonesome and a little bit afraid, was ;
too proud to call Kveti the faint scent J
of tobacco that now at:d thou drifted
past her on some vagrant breeze was
comforting, shn-e it was a-.i Indication
of Sam's presence, but sh"
Sam gloomily regarded li
shoulders and long, d t t il.e h 1 r In his
arms and comfort her. I : t lie n-sered
himself that It w:n her place t.i make
the overture It I. ...Led ,-is c I i i - t ih.
aeaniooK wouui continue i: a ' -roken
when the serpent entered this tunc- I
some I-ldon .
It was only a tiny gnrtersnaho scarce
ly twelve inches I. dig. and it was
hurrying away from the human In-
truders as rapidly as possible w heti j
Snm spe,i p With a long switch he!
turned its course nnd headed It past
the rock w here Kitty was sitting
The rustling in the gr..s- caught her ;
attention, ami. looking down, she spied
the wriggling length of green.
With a shrill scream of "Sam!" she
struggled to her feet and the next In
stant was sobbing In her terror, with
her nrms nNuit his neck.
With cruel Ingratitude Sam dispatch
ed his N'tiefactor nnd lifted the girl In
his arms.
"We'll go sit on the dork. Klttv," lie
suggested. "There tiro no snakes there,
i Tretty soon, if help doesn't come, I'll
! swim over to shore and get n small
' boat somewhere."
, "Sumo niie will come, Sam," she de
i dared. "Anyhow. It's nh-o here- for
"Von bet it Is. Kittv." assented Sam
as the girl crept close to the prolectinR Tffi KjpJ Yntl HaVB AlWrlVS BfllHrflt
i.ue, ior mose who invested in uuse eilies nn enrs a.i;i.
Nti oilier eity mi 1 1 lis eont'nent is making sneli rapiil ailvaneenieiit in population,
eointneree ami linililin.u". Triiuv Unpert's present ami Intnre yrowtli insurVs investors
in t)iir shares a eotnl mii.i i ion of safety, liih returns ami inreasinu; value, wliieli is not
otlereil in an etpial deu;ri e iy any otlu r form ol investineiit open to the pnlilie today.
Invest your surplus hinds with this Company ami share in this ureal progress ami
prosperity. If yon have S.(, .S1N or $ 1 ( i Ml whieh yon would invest where it will
provide a I a rye ineoine with the opportnnit v lor yreat prolits, then snliseiihe lor some
of these shares.
We rekr, I v perniission, to the Hank of Nova Seotia, Ynneoit vcr.
Write or wire ytnir un'i'r for shares today I'on't delav.
Prince Rupert Real Estate Investment Co. Ltd.
410 Loo Building, Vancouver, B. C. Prince Rupert, B C-
A la'.WAUD of hfty dollms is hole
o'i!d not I by olforod for i 1 urination that uill
j lead to t he al io nil.' conviction of
r eloquent ""J" l eisou w.i bis stolen wires or
oilier proper! . 110111 our voinpiiuy;
and the slim rouurd is hereby otfeied
for inform. . n 1 but will loud to the
arrest and nvictioii of anyone des
troying 1 1 1. perty of the ( 'imipKiiy.
C'has. I'nibiicli,
Secretin y iike Co. Tel. A Tel. Co.
i.i.ti.e i- lieii-liy given tluil nil irrign
1 11 hi, 1 ir tn iilrace il Itches mi nil t r. m t
M reams I brought I ..ike ('mint , ( Ire
i gull. Iiiiist he Kcreeiieil with a sliifill
mesh irr hi reeiiitig at 1 heir lu-ml 1 ir
I junction with the iiinin cluimiel f
Istreitin. Also all ilniiis nr 1 ( r tn-1 -!
Inns mi said streailis must lie im
j vbleil w it h a ti-li-ladder. 1 ir 1 it In rea-.v
j 1 ilea lis ol passage, a t i ir io i r t he 111 id
idle a- tool
i iiv the paHsago id trniit at all titiiei
I 1 d year, as irnviileil b law Said
work to be dune at low water nine,
nr to lie cnllipletei! by I'eli. T, IIHiT.;
! I'.y order of .1 A. I'.arhain.
Sliecial lii puty !Uh Warden fur
j l.a kid nun .Oregon 1
nar-CL4sa Tummourm
oomrirmr omivmmm
Mammoth Stables
C. O. ARTHUR. Pxor-mitiu
The '.argest I, Ivory and 1'ifd Stable In hern Oregmi
or Viri hern Califnrnla. lluts'H Iturirdeil lthe Day. Week
or Mouth. Special Attention (ilxeii in TraiiNlcni Stuck
The Best Meals in TownTry Us.
3ac' in eonntetion. Freh Bread Dailv
C. . LONZWAV. Propreitor '
Tor liifiints and Ciiildjen.
Every O. V. L. Co.
Contract Holder
clr. lo of h
U s!
it oi;
Ai.d do :
aa -, i.t.r ..
IK-i-.- .
I ii. d by Y
i'.cc Li :
tlass. I.iiiUai i.-u
ntjfit. Inn w ih'.s that, h
rtl's that he was
Wiitf In- wui a uoajij
4uu's tLat he w, a
boldt's that he lacked
gem e, lle::a-'.s tijat i
1 1
t- a icr.i gi
be sa'isiu-d
t.i-.' teacher
ie fa- ! s 1
i --I'
I nc.
unh in h.,
r sa,d l..e
us .;u:i, Si.-w-
upid. Wordsworth's
j.pp'"inii:.e:il, Slu-ri-a
(l.-ff. li .-, H'.tiii-
'inary intelii-
Was I ill,:, co,
liyron's that he beloliged to the tail,
Huxley's that he was notably defec
tive, Si-hiili-r'.s that he was very h-ficR-lit,
Lowell's that be Was tiCgiigi.-ni.
goldsmith's te.n her said he could
not leurn, Wagner s that he was a
menial sloven Uoethe's that lie was
uusuUsfu' tory, Liucrson's that he was
hopeless, Tasieur's that l.e was only
average, Thackeray's 1I1..1 lie was un
iisiiiignished, (; ladstoie-'s that he bad
flu unusual ability. Walts' that he ho i;
tl the ipiaiilics of sij.-ces,.
licsides -
K. .1. Su ;'t in "Mind In the Making"
(loi.y pa-- - f !:.MI.i:.T .Ml. a
M'i:i:i-:ii 1 ' 1 1. 1 " !: i;s while in school
by tin ii- ii .1,.,.
There is a r ; . ; .
. CllO.-l I -e ,
I Hi!' I l-i - - -1 : i i.,'
Tides a 11 j, -
heyocd a f.-v. ' : 'r i 1 )..
f.,r tva' if.. ! I .
ii-t i'. l-.-iui i'e 1 . '
ago. T!.c i.'id a. 1 i.r
U-.V to I'-oroiliee i'. A
((oe;tti r 1 I; ; 1 , -. : 1 . u s,
'I'lii- flio-t that 1 an be claimed for
aur k -IkioI i urrieiiliims is tiiat they
nl'.i rive the st 11 lent mental discipline
- brain exercise.
"M arks' and "credils" cannot deter
nd'if- brain progn-'-s. They may be In
dices of memory; that's nil.
I'o not bo dlsi tubed )f your child In
til!' "average" In Si hool study.
fc'jool N not life.
ciistoman .
I'h..- p! ti.'.? was held on I'mldlo ls
I. o'j: in the lake, a favorite picnic
-round. A narrow strip o land run-ii.-
'.-1 t .-.o rough oval extremities that
by a.'i abuse of the Imagination tnl'.'ht
said t r.-seta I,;,, a pad-lie. Hobby
'oti, u was i.n tint primary class.
11 improper. y, di-s.vil.eil it ns "a
0.1 with an i-i. in.! at each end.
As - -rtl. as ijle h was dispose of
il.e e.'di-rs s.-ttie.l themselves near the
i-ie '-. '.'. i. e tlx- i-iijg wander
ed oil' to ;!, .-r end o!' tho island, fol
' ' 1 1 ,v a fiisiii.ide of injunctions to
irirry Lack the moment the. first whis
:: sounded
Sam atal Ki'ty f., 'lowed suit, but
S.itu made certain that Kitty was
headed for the southern blade of the
pad. lie I, .-lore he staff d liofli. It was
dreary work sitting all alone on the
point, and preseti'!-.- the fresh air and
the sofi bed of due needles combined
to bring icep to tlie worried brain.
Il sci-u.ed to Sam that he had eu-
j joyed only a l,rj,.f i, . 1 ; )Ut by the
j ti....'- l.e bad hunted up the cabin Rome
I of tl. l.o.'.s had built Tor use in the
j dU' l. Mn-oii and had borrowed the
j ia ' ti'iiiil:s he bumd there he was
I in the cool water a few minutes when
Then in a torrent of words they had
their explanation. It cleared the air
wonderfully, and presently Kitty pat
ted the h.-md that clasped her waist.
"Von say you didn't like to take
Hello riding." she whispered, "just as
though you had all the trouble. 1 bet
you wouldn't like It any better to let
Mr. Saunders pietotid to make love to
Didn't." assented Sam hon
U'lit his head to claim an
"Kitty, I'm sorry I killed
Bears t!.j
Signutu: u i.
srfM: Hello ! There ! Hello !
1. I Ul
as he
"Hut it w a
ty. as thougl
son, even lie
a snake.
i a snake." explained Klu
that Were sulhcient red
ugh it was very nice-fur
.1 III :,g W Ii i-t Je oil-'V.
i.!:.v la
hi. 1 1
la-.! fr.e;
1 licit i;
on,- had
i.:e, .r..-,.
. cl r
t ion pro
It H
! U i.nliiti d
The men
::i live I long
real life and j
V..-II posiei)
if !.. i i lion I
--en- i '..-.' .1! d 1 J,.. I-i
offered a mo.) (i-a 1 1,
li.'.' Sam v. as -' II j, 1 r
ig when lh" seeosd '
"!;'". . loril (:" l;e
a- he allacke.) lh.. I.
can't u all for a fellow
lit not ;.".hi' to mala
'In ."
ile easl a glance
Unit' .- iir-al s .Vllllllill
taii.iii t'-c l.nots
Veriiied the old yd a
1 t he wnler Into
1 thai brief ili erl" his
1- '.a, a- full
' 'i-l had been
"f .'nil balls,
li t j a true lov
d :' :. U:u lei!
- 0!' hi -i shoes
a'"-. Of Ul.pick-
'; i. -' 1 he dam
h. -' i" - omaled.
. :-..-d - : va g.-l;
n its ) f voij
I'll s .vim for p.
"IV I'.'C ,l in
f Si'OI'11
.' triiii.':
ilh a h
is I
1 1 I lie lu---nd
. t" that
I.- from
I Ushi'H
: I'" I oat was a good half 111
!- - lo- burst through Hi
! out the .!-,. ai. ,
j i i 10!: In list at t he ileicu'l in'; si "a mer. j
i!e was still e.VM'o-'. ing hb opinion j
"1 i'ii'1" when ilieie ,v:,s a -i-te Pj 1
I the basics, und Sam lunie i to face j
Didn't Lose Any Sleep.
Jenti.-r. the famous Knglish phy
sician, was essentially a si rung and
self reliant man. lie attended the
prince con.-ot I through his fatal Illness,
I he was tin: I'rim e of Wales' doctor
I when the he.r to the Hrltish throne
had so narrow 1111 escape In 1STU, and
j he also went to Haruistadt and r
j maiiied In attendance upon the Prin
j cess Alice till bhe died. To )ractlce
I rnedicini; in "the fierce light that beats
i ujiou a throne" Is not calculated to
j lessen the physician's anxieties, ami
; one who knew Jenner vvi-ll once (jura
1 tloned him on this point and hinted
rum ins responsibilities must home
times be Hiillicleiit to render Hleep or
rest Impossible
'".Sleep," replied .leuner in his char
acteristic way. "I don't think that
anxiety about a patient ever kept me
awake five minutes In my life. I go to
; a bedside. I do my best. What more
can I do? Why should 1 not sleeo?"
Hrrrkt's CovI cf Grind
(ieulge Melville, all old liiclisli HC-b,-,
was fond of lolling a tunny story
it his own eiien.-e e was acting
lli.nlcl in liiislol. It was Ihe actor'ij
I ri le t.i take a bow l of gruel In tho
! i'iii;.'M' of the evening, and his land
lady sent over I J 1 1 11-11, il refreshment
'"en I lie Imlg'iigs In lueeii mii:ii.
' i e happened lo have a "new" scrv
giil, who was exjilicilly directed
I '! lo the stage door by I lie eli
; i' ' ifum Hank street and then car
1 1. i gruel Into Ihe greenroom She
' i' 'd nt a moment when Mr. Mel
" was "on." I'.eing unused to ttm
I of Ihe the. iter, Mic asked a nillli
- e ings where Mr. Melville was.
".ere." said the Miner, nnfiitlng tn
'" 1
...e .aior was in ihe middle Vut
-01 ' u v "lo bo or hot to be" when
I .idvaiiced low.ird him bcni'lntf
Ml vl. nnd mid, "If you .lease, Mr.
Meivlile, Kir, here Is your uriiel."
Heparttiient o! The Intel lor. 1. S
l and I lllice at l.nkeVlow, Oicgo i,
)i f. ll'th. I'.'1'.'.
.N'ftloe Is hereby given that tiiishive
1'airoiv, of 1 . 1 1 k 1 v i 1 w . Oregon, ulm
on Oct. llith, 1'.'"'.', made 1 1 oinexleiid
A I lent ion, r-eriiil, No. njoil, ti.r
N I-. 'pinrter, Section II. Tnuiiuhii
isS , ihi'lgii li'dO , W il Imne! te Mi 1 i
nlau. has lilel notice of intention
to in ike Final ( 'uu.iii utal Ion i'rool.
to establish claim to the laud above
dscribe l, before Helgtsor and Keeei
ver, L'. S. Land Ollbte, at LukevicA,
Oregon, on tliH'J'ith day of Novem
ber, l'joil.
ChiimHiit. iiauies as vwtnesse:
Haul Stltiilt, ol lily, Oregon
J.W. Newell, of Lakeview "
1' . M. Cory, of
J. li. Lipke. ,f Hi v.
AI'THL'K W. OIM'ON, liegister.
Department of The Interior, U. S.
Lund Otllco at Lakeview, Oregon,
(Jet., U)th. VMI.
Notice is tieieby iivcn that Haul
Htindt, of lily, Oregon ,who, on Oct.
Kith, llX'H, madrt Hornehtead Applica
tion, Serial No. (I'Jiili.i. for I'i hulf SW
(luarter, SK ipjarter NV (juurter, NV
ipiarter, SK (juarter, Se.'.tion 14
Towuship .'ISS., Kanijo 1C 1'., Wil
lamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make Final couiiniita
tion Proof, to eHtnblinh claim to the
land above dHHCiibed, before Hegis
ter and lioceivei, IL S. Lund (Jlllce.
at Lakeview, Oregon, 011 the "Jbth
Ihv, of November, liinll.
Claimant names hh witneHHes:
J. II, Newell, of Lakeview Oregon
I'. M Cory, of
(ill belt Laphnui. of V'stillis, "
J. li. Lipke. of lily, Oregon
A K i ll I'll V. OK l'ON, Kegister.
The old Stoekmaii
I'liiTiitiue Store ol II 1
S. T. Colvin
ami Kane u-r has innr lasci I n-
Chandler. l!e is luittiiiL' in a hii'
!-( K ol oods and i inarkin down rvery tiling so that
yon ean live hy liiiyini,' fiiriii t in e of him Call and loot at
his novels. Mr. arnhani Hai i is, tin- experienced nmU r
taker, ill lie there to wait on von anv time.
We Have Found Those Er- M
M a'.
m Abstract, of Title to all Lands
: 4vvii
I'TI tEP-l
wear well
and they Keep you
dry while you ere
wearing them
GWAftrrro WArwptoof,
CAAioc me
A JTOWEP CO. Flos-row II A.
Town Canadian Co. umitio. Tobonto. Cam
Lake County Furnished.
Terms ReasonDble.
Tract Index Abstracting Co.
Wm. JACOBS, Manager.
Ortfer Now v
The Real Home Paper.
The San Francisco
M. H. de YOUNG.
Sane, Conservative and Well Edited.
Sunday's m Colors
Wm. Wallace, Dealer at Lakeview, Ore.
V WW W WWW 999 Wk vo