Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 11, 1909, Image 1

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    y u a 0 b una ii Lfl
NO. 44
Proceedings of tb ;
Court, for
Grist of Bills
Account of
" III the Cuiiiilv Court of tlin SImIk of
Oregon, for Luke County, 'limn lay
October P, r.".i.
('unit couve led n r h i nt tt In ml
j in 'ti in i ii L nl Sept 0, I.)'1'' Present:
linn. II. I ul v, ( 'u.iiily .In Ige ; O. II
licliurl, ("niiiity ( 'iiiii'iiiHiiuimr ; I''.
W I 'u y ii ('unity Ctiil; A .. Fou
ler, County Ainn-mur, When lln fol
lowing priieiiedn lgn were hid. In wit:
In tin1 in ui t i-r (it chiliim iikiiIiihI Luke
County, Oregon: I'll" li'llntv lug
Vknrn, examined approve.' mil vwir
riintH are huriiby ordered drawn mi
County I reiiHiirer ot Luke C Vi'irity,
tur Hi" several amount: 'I n Im pu.d
nut (f Hi n Komi Fund :
ISlink of Liikiiview, liil
Cloth it ' I V ll II -i fur nop
piles Hill Irnight for
Court limine
I . i 1 1 1 U I.itkri li-xv, tor cimh
udviitlfi-d nil I u ill t I lur
Court liuiiri" mill uruiiiiiiit Hit. (HI
I IIIIHIIlll 'll lit I' I Clllltt limine
t tt 1 1 1 1 1 i k.' I ii ' c 1 iipl"!" I, Mil ihmI:i-i
iin l uii'l for, mi I in order Unit ii
through I'm nl nil Hi" i x
peudi!uri"t inn 1 1 lur lit i-iiiitti iti'llmi.
unit alio tur pun-lnum nf the liuiii
I III 11 llllll tlxliiriH lur lllll Hlllllll I'"
1 1 1 1 . t I I ii iviinpeti'iit i- 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 ii nl
I I -pi I nl III .ll IV " hliMiil-l llt'll III III"
( 'mint ' ,
II i,. In r"l y i r ' t 1 1" I (lint Mxhhi'h
I, ll.'ll, ill ."nlver Luke. V.
L. S ml I mi,', ill Liikctlew mill II. M
I' Ifiii u.g, 'I New Plnn Cnt I., Ii" mill
I I, . in i. h. i "I y ii J ni r: ti ll ii i" 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 1'
tu' ii tin .lough i-x nu. Im, t lull of nil
mill t"i ' r 1 1 inn iik 1 1. 1 1"' i mi ti rue I tun
ll! Ill" (' Mill ll'lll-" I.Ull I I 1 1 , lltlll I III'
(in .liii-.i- nl tin' I ui ii ;l hi " mi. I lixtuien
I. ii iii hiini", ii t in III" it report nl
llnir lluiliiiijt with ll," County 'U rk,
I-. I. irii ii'; ui l. hlinil lii lulu li"l I ui
I I. .- iiilri mill inn i.i all Hi" " i, I" i,t
I, nil" ( 'ui, r.t y.
I. I tin r. .i 1 1 x u i it ll iili" I in I Ii"
I ;xiiiiiinii 1 1 tii" itttit.tif m ii v. itii
mill i-i o in 1 1 1 ml li"i ". 1
In tin. mnt'cr ul tlin t.ii iiiitiiii i;t u!
n Knit, I Si. i l x l-i,i I . I U'J.l I I M-t I i -I
Nil I : 111' In r.-l.y "i I ! 1 l 1 '
I I. I in. 1. I f mi l Ii" In lirli'l y up
pointed K'.i I Nui'i'i inn- lur I Con I
lii.itru't Nu. 1 ul I. nli" Cuunty, ( i r ii
gun ;
1 ii t hi' Mint ti r ul 111" I '.itll'l nit; I 'nu 'I :
It Ih lifitl y ui Iti til I I'll! t h" ( ' y
Tieimuri-r I " nitil It" l lieicl.y m
tiered tu liiiiihfci nil iiiiiniit in
mil. I litiilliug Fund In the (ii'iit'inl
lii tli" iii titi r tif Hi" it i j ri i nl nl tin
pint ut V;ill. r'rt Si"' ui I AiMltimi
tutlit'lniiii nl Lnl t vi" ' It n ".ir
llitf that lliulit Willi' i. -i lin.-i 1 1 j 1 1
lllllli!l"il Willi III" llli'. Ihl'lrtu, il it
litirt'l.y ur lfif i thut niI'I pint If till'1
in lii'i tn y .' ii V" I.
I'll" CUM' ll .lllllll't "lift 1 1 r. 1 Wilt
llt'tCil 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 .1 llll'tl Wild l l llnllt',1 III til"
Kxiiiiiii"r in Hi" ihiii t ul Ui'l. '.I i.
In Hi" t "imn t y Cui'itt ul tin" Stiito tif
(rt'k''1'!, fur llui County of I.Hk".
Nim-iiiiitT :ii'.i, r'n'.i.
Ii" it i I'UH'iii I r 1 1 il t Iml ii i i'iilar
It'iiii of tin' Ciiunty Court of l.nk"
Cniiiily, Slut" nl Ort'uoii, nut tit'un
mill lii'l l ul tliu Court limit" in I.iik"
vIbw, Drinjiiii, mi W'piliu'M Iny, Novi-in-lirr
Ilril, Ilk'.', hii in x lit'in tlm llmt
tiny of tlm rt'K 1 1 lur iNuviiitnir turm of
t-nnl ('uiiiity Court with tlm follow
ing otlli'tTii ir"HiMit :
lion II. Duly, Jmltin 15. A. Ut
hart, CoiiiiniHMioiiiT W. 1'nyui',
Coiiiily Cl"rk Allicit Diuit, liy C. I.
Aitliur, Dninity A. J. rottt r, Ahhhh
ior. W'lii'ii llu fnllowiuK iroi'i'"iliiiH
tvnrti liiul tu-w It :
In llui matter of cfalina uKuliiBt
LiiI.h County, Ornou :
The folliiwnm flniniH wtiro oxani
inol, ulluwuil, uud wHrrniitH warn
unii'mil (iruwn on the INiunly Tren
Mrtinr til imyiniuit of the mini", tu t:e
iniiil out of tho (Joueral Fuiitl, nu fol
Iowh, to-wlt .
J. P. Iu k worth, (or liuullu
IiiuiI'it ami 1 1'itHh, $2 00
(iuNH& I'roiiilliiiinini' Co., for
Hiipplii'H for iiimcMtorH ullli'o 47.84
Farm 1 n mill han llrat place hi the
(inliiHlrlcH of l liin tuition. Tlm li
ruim of Ihe producta ro ntupunlin h,
and tho iiUKri'k'UtB weal Mi thus pro
duced In dim of Hi reiiHiuiH xvhy we
havo reuoverud from h piinic iilmoet
in i rl'iy.
Por iutlnncti tho value of I his yenrs
fann products, h eminialeil by rioo-n-tiiry
Wilami m tfH. 000. 000, 000, an in
iroitm cf ii l ei' cent over tho Kiont
record ul l'.0H The curn crop will
reach :i, 101, 17I,00 biiMht l, tho HJl'lnK
unit winter wheat cropa will total,r)00,000 IiiihIicIh, and thcro ill im
CM, m (Kill IniHhelrtif oatu, 1 H:i. OHH, IK
IiuhIioIh of tinrley, : 1 1,1 000 liuhlm'a
of rye mid 1 l.'jrio.OOO bales or notion,
not to iiieii'lou tho iinini iiho ukuio
Unto of tlm ItttH.u- cropri.
It will bn obmuvod from tti Hhovo
thut the country 'h ial nuricul
lurul roHiiurmis uro littjoiitl coprehon
ttiou Add to them tho untold
wealth of our iniiicH, our foroHlri and
our IIhIidiIum, mill it in oimy to Him
why nctiinl liuiii timea cannot lust
for lotiWi
Allowed on
District Court
Til" 1 1 IX ill-l I ililm HI
Illlil'l' H 1 1 1 1 1 1 MM
I ll" ll Will I I I 111 Hi l
Co.. fur
Ollll'" htlllllll'H
K I.i i ii ii I Ii I' ii IIm I ,iikv ii -w ht ii K"
l,ui" f. .r hliiui' I n l!i lit
I. M. I in 1 1 lii-lil"r fur ;,imi limit
111 Illl-IIIM
W. 1 1. r-iin -it fufwiii k tin). ul
U M. I'nxlui. f ir wouil
I I T. ill' Ini, HI1I V ll-l'H II H Jll 1 1 i lur
l.lylil V. I Ini ruw, fur iiininl of
iiImi lin-r
l'l. .I. MnWtllftli, I'I'llltillK tV
i 111
ll (HI
i is.;..i
71 (in I
11 10 i
ll.oki-vli'W l-iui'l Iiiiiulii-r C'-.
lii ill I r fur i-iiurt Iioiihi'
I WllmluW Hllll-,V, JllHlU-f fll'H,
I htitlw vh. Pi-tt-r I'un i ami .1.
A. Kiiii, .laiii'it Clillnnl, C.
' lilioili't ami Mim. n .liuiiitii,
j Wii.nliiw U.iy 1" . juii li-t- ft i-k,
' mi ii 1 1- vh. J . A . K I ii u
i iuhIuw I in x li-y , Jui ll I' fl"H,
Hi .1 I " H. T llll M lll'Jill' V
i II. II. I'jxIi.ii, liiul, II I ii lulii-r
li i in t if i i hi rt ,
i I'.i-iui Siu-iliu'. titkiii: d ull
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiiiil 1 1 1 ii k 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 hi- r 1 1 1 1
Ul .mi
:7 .;-
W in w
ill in-.
, fu iii-ral i if J it nil ", Ii,
W in. I ml. i
U'. il I ... v I
Win Wnll. i
I. .U ..I A
-. In il.l.n I m 'l' -t ,
in ll.
-. I", llll liil" fill'
II I. 'IV ll .Mill
.) Ml
I 1 1 1 v I ix
n i iiuii"
l."i linn!
I I I I III. W I I IH-" t fl-"i
.(ul U . II I
lilllll- I""''
nl lli
i'i ru
I h I'-l-B
' . I nl H .
A . II. 1 1 i in mi i -'
I III t I 1 - l I ll W
1 ,11 1 1
y ."'
l.l'ij ,
I . I " i t
I .I'd
.,u -I
I ,n v Ii. mrii
A I ii i i
ii. : i -k . n.iii i
I' I In ni'y
I '. 1 1 iliii
-l ,lt
W I t t liVn
A . K llij;.
J .
l IV,
I lull.'
A. Ami r-.iu. I ll. III". Vt
i oil ;
SI. fl I'M
i ut--
V t I Mil M 1 1 1 1 . 1 1
In v I ml!
I .'in
A -111 Ut I I III I llUM'll , vx il in--1
1 uiiliiuw
I 1 l,' I ll. -I.I''
in.- v.i n w 1 1 . i r I iiiiti.
N . in 1 1 Ii. w i I iidi I i'i In
I Mil .1.1 A 1 1 ul it . n ii 'I in
, on
en ii ( - it r i no i
1 I lllll"
II. N i.i'.ii,
A A mli fi n '
I I.-. I tn.Mli-i-.
A i.'ll.l", '
I Im n I ' iv ,
II. I'.iotl.'
Tuiii Cuit.-r. '
I II. l'.,i i..V lb
. I.. Ili,-lillil,
K I'.niXVIl. "
r.tml J urv , I
I 1" :
J l'i '
J.l'i :
I. JU :
1 J.Jn :
J bi :
J In
I .I.i v I mill
I ' ' I "
1 1
.....ii i
1 nu !
7. -m 1
The Irrigation Enterprises
and Government Land
Attracts Many
Another bl irritation on topid for
thia section in te MaHtmcre Luke pro
ject beiiitf fiiiuuoed by A. E. Mur
phy, one of the Block moil of Harney
county, iiinl hoiiio Alaaku and Nevada
In thia uoiiuoction h Lnkeview rtiH
pittoh of tho KiicrBiueuto Uoo saj'B:
Tho rimli for homoBtoHils does uut
Bttcin to bo cou fined to any particular
part of this northeru country.
Kiuce the lnml openiiiK in Clootie Lake
Valley, tho inuldlo of Stiptomlier.
there haH been much interest ou the
part of those seeking homeateada.
Justuow lioux Vulley, w hich Is only
nbout thirty-Hvo miloa from Luke
view, la attraction c,oiiniderbale atteo
tioii. Thia valley liel lu 'Nevada
about twelve miles from (surprise
Valley, and parallel with that famus
vullloy. It touches the south end of
Lako Oouuty. Dro., aud is seventy
miles lon by twenty in ilea wide,
There is oue fresh water lako three
milus lon and two inilea wide with
an uverano of twelve foot iu depth.
On the mountain aide are many
spniiKs that furnish sulHciout water
for urinating gardens ami watering
tt.oiik. KnoiiLih Juniper cau ti fnuud
on the iiiouiilains tor fuel Hint fence I
posts . Wells of nooti water are heinn !
diiK at H depth ot Hit ecu feet j
The elovitlii'ii is eleven feet lower j
than Surprise Viillev mid suinplcB of j
ve'etal)les that were nrown there this
year coinpar fitvoiably w ith Surprise ,
'all')y products. Kxperts estimate
t hut 00,000 acres of Lun Valley can i
be irrigated from Massucro Laki-. 1
Twenty house have already been ,
built "liil br)0 people are living there.
The Hums noiiiercial Club is now
preparing for au uctive advertising j
campaign during tho winter months to
induce capital uud settlement in the
great Harney county, tuH tho Times
II raid Conditions wilt cluing" quite
rnpidlv in the spring ami we shall
see a great, intlux of people. Let us
induct) the better class to come.
i V rmber
Clnml Mi-Cull, .'.
Will. Priillilfoot ,
Iii k O'MiiImuii-.v. r,
Win. )'ii rrv, u
I'll! Illl.'lli", U
P. I. Ki"il"i, !
ji '
I "
1M) "
IM, "
HI "
J il "
'( it
Jiil '
' 'I '
'J' .
'Jll' I '
ii i
t lri ult
llll m I
1 '
;iu 1
7' ) '
I '
ii' i
ju -
no mi
11 ID
lo. in
10 III
.'!.( 0
,':t no
lit 00
J 10
All. llll '
VS'a i t I ! I , ll
s. s.
W'iihIh "II. Ii
l.llkki'.l ll
it. I.,
i :. k .
I. M
lll'lllll'lllll, ll
( III Ihlllllll, b
Wl.lint'X, !l
I llIK
I nn I uy mi in I
w. p. r.crim
I juror
I i"1', 7
l inn t , (i t
'J! lo ;
:io on
'J.!. 10
:;o. u i
;::! oo .
I I i.i i
21 oo
lii o
llu .'.O
l'l OH
Is. 10 '
mo '
Jl I (Ml
:ij oo
.'in. Jo
Jl In
i .1. K BiinlMti-r,
.llM' A llllll KM",
'lllilM. llilMtlll't
i: i: liimimii
l' 1
W nit. r Piitli-.-,
..(;. i ,niiin in,
l'rallk I.KVl'l.hH
I.. C. M"Vi r.
P. M Curry ,
I' il Mi-Ill Izii'k.
Tin ih Ii" i loi-U ,
. M. llni-'litiv,
I. In. Nulil"
flunk W lltiui,
.i. i; .Mii'uiii.
II I.' Im mll.r.
P. K I'uuk
II i.. .Norihup
II II. Il ilm.
"Im A n i I r -1 i t i .
C. A. Illnul"-,
I It lll"h S I 'll'ikl .
I I I . !i-l i ml i
I ll -i In I.
M ti t in I .mi i i ' ."
I lllll . I'"l,
.1 i II Ill-Ill. p,
II. in v Col. l it
I ;! iin-r 1 1 'i rvy . i
1 1
I .In I mil"
M ii ii.
I I . i 1 :iiii"
Sunt!.. -i".
il.iv 1 mil"
J .,
Some Big
The Xftt-i a 'I p 'uih-it
t ti
1 C 1 1 I ,
ll in
'one who li.i- 1 1 vi' I 1 n Luke
I ) iiirt, M r. I ii ii. i-t l'i nl i-r.
Like, inol I. .i wile, me III
I 1 l, ,,l 'I . I t n hl.nvv vi ll
yi aih cuiild tlo, lie bi'ciut.t
lilt '!.',
-i,r .ii .-r
b .ill.
l.ti't ,.: I iii
I xx n fume
. xt '-,-Al
"- ll i-
tiold Coin potatoes he raised himself,
that we ik-hoi from 4 to i'a pounds
apicee. He dug two hills for a nt igh
bor. His scales weigh to 00 pounds.
Hit; man t ok Ihe two hills at 05
lilllllN SCHEME
The imgation project in which
(leu. Ayres, of Lakeview in chief
promoter, tu utilize the waters of
Ou vv head Lake to irrigate sage-brush
lauds of northern Surprise valley,
seems in a fair way of being realized.
A number of surveyors bavo been
at work the last mouth making sur
veys. Anout 00,000 acres of choice
s tge brush laud cuu be brought un
der cultivation by the cauul, anil the
undertaking is h very reasonable
proposition to be considered. Abuut
:12,(KKJ feet of tuuuel aud open cutj
will be necessary to carry the waters
to the lauds, which are considered
to bo the choice grain ami alfalfa
land of the valley.
Halt Lake parties are suit) to lie br
liiiui the undertaking and are very
nuch pleased with the proposition,
which has been a long felt want, for
the advancement of the agricultural
interest of one nf the productive val
leys of Northeru California. Many
beautiful homes will be transformed
from t ho sage biush laud which now
Is practically considered a barren
w Bste.
The water company is miikng exten
sivo impi ovtinients iu the system.
Larger pipe are being: laid, exten
sions are beiug made to newer parts
of Ihe town, and the pipes conduct
ing the water from the springs to the
reservoir given greater capcity. Much
of the larger pipe ordered is delay e I
at Alturas. The management is try
ing to keep abreast with the march ot
impi ovemeiits iu the town.
Prove to be One of
Our Paying Crops in
The Future
Our fail hliovxinl Hint ( t'oi,l 1 ati'l
'1(1 piOilllltl! hiu liil" lltiiiiMH Put )
hiivn nut li-nrm-d what the pro-luct
vxmil l Im ii-r tier", im no oik; Imn; lint
Ihuh liiln hiich ciiltiiii' on hi liirn a
hi'hIh Tlm fulluwitjtr, liovtfvcr, from
tlm Ontario )ituiii int. hiovxh vxtuit, call
tie d-iii" linri' in tlmt linp, whinh l.eatii
Id" fitiin-il ro-liu-t Inn of Sunt hi-Hhtern
Texan, v I.i r irryittiuu ih prarlltK l.
Iihityt: "(1 A. .loliiiHtm lirouyht in
a lint liitf (itilnu to tli" .'olniiiert:ial
('lull, wliii-h in now on ex hihtion
tin ru ami ih h f l":ir i j r necimoti.
II. it a yello.v Dauver ami in hh Ihtko
a u iou I fiil co;'oiti)iit. Mr.
JoliiiHon trim '.:,) iKiindn. or IS
tout of tlifh" tmiuiiM on tlm acrn,
vxlii.Oi it t-i rlnirily muiiim le.v oiiiuih.
The ('oimii'-ri lul (IluO will Hmrl a
liiihhi'l of th"t to th U. S. Laii'l uti
IrMkjnt on Kx piihit inn at ('Iiiituko to
hIiow what Malheur county fan do iu
the onit'ii line.'
In the at, ivh tlm yii'll was 7'JO
lniri-lt. ami at I ci-ula a pmiii'l, the
pre-i-nt l.akeriew prire. lie iiicoinn fur
t h- -iiiiuii- tiruvvn on t'.at ai-re tr.ict
w mill lie I III per iti-ii !
Out'" e lime a rtiln a 1 rut hum fan
I " ma I,' a miiirce of (.-r"t iucuiie (or
lliu-" Alio wi-h to t-ntfat!" in tho pro
1'ii-liuii 'I tlmt hUiTuli'i.t "tieta ile,
Unit ", ei X l.uil v lik"h eieii t'ui-jyh
ri"i- h.ivi' tu iiit them mi the Bly ami
ui-.- !i"-it!i iiei I iiiiury. til.f-n their
in -t f "11 i .x i ' PS pent" I.
Tin- I n-iiu h- I. a- h-.-ii:i:"1 enn
- it-mi 1" (Topi't-I lout in the Merrill
;il. i -j. hut in Kliiii.nth County. The
pi-i- .r I hi.).- tin- --- ii lO.ooO toii-t
Ch- v ht iiinl that i)W limit me id
iiiii'i' l ti.r t.e Inn.' th" htut'k of local
f,ii'iiii'!t A Lout ."i.Hii'l tout hn far havu
I et n -ul I tu o'lthi le fet"iern
itiml.t, mid .ui 1 tur the;".
h ud to I'ttuiate what a it
It xx on 1 1
ip of Hiit-h
.tut ties ixuiil I yn-1 I piT net"
lint it
u'jI I lie -timet h i i ii I
i'i i llli it belli'Vi'U
it h-eeu them, vv.- .,
. ' 1 m t.
and if xxe had
nul l not have
, x
- lrt. J
believed that potatoes could have at
taiu such monstrous size. Oue would
havo made a big meal for an ordinary
family aud had plenty to warm over
for supper aud breakfast.
Articles of incorporation were
signed in Susanville last week lot
the tletlulte location of the Uoose
Lake Southern from Alturas dowu
the Pitt river to three miles north
of Lookout. Also oue for the Mo
il oo Northeru commencing ou tbe
State line at Tule Lake aud running
southerly along tbe east shore of the
lake for a distance of 25 miles. An
other road that tiled its papers at the
same time aud place is the Feruly aud
Lassen which starts ou the main line
of the S. 1'., east of Wadswortb aud
runs via Pyiamid lake through Ama
dee aud Kusauville t a point uear
Mountin Meadows, inaklug a junc
tion with the Cioose Lake and South
ern surveyed through Lakeview.
The Ccdaiville iiecord reports that
Modoc County apples were given ths
prize at tho Seattle Kxpositiou for
being the best fruit exihhited. This
means the apples of Surprise or
(inl, ten lioOHB Lake. When we get
our railroads the fume of our apples
will eclipse tho fame of any grown
uny where. F.veti the golden apples of
the garden of the gods of old would
pot t'i liiul them.
Hon. Jonathan llourne, Jr., has
an article in tho October Outlook,
ou " llnxv to Spend ii Hilliuu Dol
lars." It is a comprelienisve ' paper,
ami is well worth rending. He also
gave out a paper recently over his
own signature tiefeiiding the primary
law, ami taking exceptions to the
" tn-scmhly " plan. We shall at some
future time give both these articles
in lull.
v i
x--f-' 2
- p
rx '
Merchant Snelling Buysij. D. Edler Will Test the
the Splendid McGrath
The Mnlitath ranch of ln'i) cre on
the eaht, m le of (iooiq Laka valley S
in i let hunt h of I,ikevi"w fias heen
Hol'l t'l V. L. HnelluiK of Lakeview.
coiiMi'leratiun, 2' Thin in one
thi i-hniceht ramOiei in the valley.
There iti a water riiht from CoKtwell
Cri.ek, the olOesI of record, neveral
KprluKH, a noofl urchard and a larie
amount, of land available for nuhdivi
cion in Bmall orchard trictn for which
there It a (ood local demand. '1 lie
Bale waa made by W. F. Paine and
Co. who recently negotiated the Halo
of the McKee ranch of '.) acres and
who have placed under contract an
other ranch of fj)0 acre near Lake
view. As all of the properties were
acquire 1 l,y luiiK time resideutii of
Lakeviow, no betfei- recominendati in
auto the xalue.t of Lke cjuntv landi
coul I be desired.
Takes Prizes Over
All Competition at
igs Fair
:iver m
Or., Nov. . The
draicel by the Dea (Jnutes
i le an exceptional recird at
the (
ry fanninu funnresn held in
liillimrs, Montana, last week
J. liiO,
the urand prize offered by .J.
betides fixe flrnt anil two
rreu.iuuirt. The exhibits were
' 'rorn Prinexille, Madras, tiend and
The Dalles, aud xvere put ou exhibi
tion by J. M Patter.tou au 1 1) J.
Cooper of the DaKes, and T.JM. lial 1
win ami ti. Srriutier of Crook
i county.
The sp 'imens hhovvn xxere of w heat,
uRth, larlt-y. rye, alfalfa, reed aur
potatoes. All were urown without
irrigation. The men '.'ho had charge
of the exhibit will attenil le a little
1 exhibit from flu two counties for the
utii.uul ("urn hhnxv at. Omaha, De
cember 0 to lo.
Malhener County Farm
ers Receive $152 an
Acre for Seed
So.i'e of the farmers iu Ooose Lake
aud Surpiise Valleys are engaged iu
growing alfalfa and are making good
money in the busiuess. but we have "ground or become food for hogs. Tbe
not heard of any results so good as factory has already turned out seve
the follow ing 'from the Ontario Opto- ral carloads of dried fruit aud is find
mist in Malheur Couuty:
L. A. Walker finished threshiug
bis alfalfa seed which be mentioned
a week or two ago, and has C757
pounds. The alfalfa which produced
this grew on the six acres of Mr. Wal
kers place. With alfalfa seed selling
at 1 1 1 .j cents a pouud it nets Mr.
Walker fU12.10l4 from his six acre
orop, or i? lo'J.O'i per acre. This alfal
fa had no water this year in fact the
last irrigation done on th's tract of
ground was a year ago last June.
apples winners
The report is persistent that Mr.
John liriles, of Davis Creek oaotured
the f 1,000 cash prize at the Seattle
Fair for the best apples iu face nf
world wide competetion. Mrs. liriles
says she understands the prize was
given to Mo. loo couuty apples, but
nas no paruciiiars. ir me reuori is
confirmed it will mean thut the llol -
deu lioose uake valley apples are
top uotchers of the whole world and
w ill so coiitinue 1 Have you secured
a tract of land iu (loose Lake valley
for your orchard yet? Vou hail bet
ter do so while there is oppoitunity
and the hind is still cheap.
N. K. (Jure and V. F. Jxeshau, oi
Olathe, Colo. , are hereon a tour of
iufpeetlou. They are fi nit growers,
ami are so well pleased with this sec
tion that they will purchase land
here for the purpose of sett inn out
an orchard. They snv this is a iruit
section, and for ttiut purpose there
are un such opportunities to secure
valuable land so cheap as here.
Pr. F.vevett is the proud papa of a
1) puund buy that arrived at his bouie
Wednesday luoruintj.
Water Problem in
Several Places
7. I). Ivller, the man who hai the
lament r, umber of sheep In Oregon
l was a callnr Fri lay.
i Mr. Killer earn hit flocks me a 1 in
condition, and fe i it oo 1 so that
i he expects to tiring I hern thronh the
! winter in oo-l nhape.
j The fcteotleuiHii is nut only one of
the biiiient stcckmen, but, he 1' nlto
1 interested in the nnricnlfiial renoiircta
; of the cminrty. Ho it a bi hoi ler of
: land, both grazing an t farminu, though
, sof ar he has not none Hiiythiog in the
latter line. lie, however, sees that
j t he future ia to limit the operatirma
j of the ftucknien. and for that reason
i is taking steps looking toward a
j change lu in conducting his sheep
and wool interests
j Last spring he shipped in a lirge
I artesian well drilling outfit at an ex
j pense of abont J.jO.Wi Hq 'nf'id
spending many thousands of dollnl s
j in addition to test the artesian well
j problem. He now has the outfit at
work on one of his farms seven miles
i this side of lionauza, in Klumath
County, When he left the drill was
down 102 feet. The grouod selected
for the first "ell proved to tie a shale
full of hard boulders which makes
; slow progress fur the drill. Hut as
the outfit is caoable of reaching
3KJ feet or rr ore, he believs the
workmen will have no trouble in
soon getting down to a solid forma
tion. When he gets the present wll com
pleted he intends putting down an
experimental well in the Warner V;il
ley, and then elsewhere about Lake
Mr. Kdler has gone into the matter
to succeed, and we trust he will ac
compolish his purpose nf discovering
artesian well belts in different parts
nf Lake and Klamath counties.
It is fortunate foi others that a
man of his wealth and purpose has
had thy courage of his convictions to
enter upon n costly au experiment.
If he succeeds ethers will hive the
benefit of his experience without
expense, an 1 will kno.v just b tt to
expect jfj s-imilar ventures.
Fruit Inspector Smith is
of the Opinion We Need
a Fruit Evaporator
A. M. Smith, cur County fruit in
spector says that Saeiaruento buyers
were iu SurDiise Valley and pur
chase! 4,0i"0 boxes of apples for that
market It took j big S-horse outfits
to haul them to the ruilroad.
He nnys the fruit evaporator at Ce
darville is a big success. It affords
employment for nil the men, women
and children that cau be secured, aud
besides provides a market for fruit
that otherwise would rot, on the
ing a Dig ana prontame maiKet tor
its product, some of it beiug sold
right here in Lakeview.
lu view of all these facts Mr. Smith
rightly concludes that a fruit drying
establishment and a caunery would
be a money making institution in tbe
upper Cioose Lake valley.
G. E. McKune. of New Pine Creek,
was in town Monday. He is a firm
believer in tbe future of this coun
try, but says tbe boom baa caught
him Dapping. He bad been rentiug
tbe Reed place of several huudreti
acies receutly purchased by W, K.
Heryfotd and Falix tireeu. He was
lookiug around for a farm with a
view of purchase, when the I1U5 per
acre price paid by J. K. Heryford for
the Fleming place makes bun think
be better hurry if he is to bdiieflt
t from tn-esent
puces. He believes,
any laud at present
; however, that
prices is a good liny.
Hend lbilletiu: Frank Powers, of
Christmas Lake, ou the lower end of
the High Deseit, passed through
llend the first ot ttie week with au
engine and a deep well boring ma
chiue which will be used iu this
locality to bore for artisiau wells.
The machine is capable of boring to
a depth of ',2,500 feet, and the Christ-mar-
Lake settlers, who are interested
in the scheme are fully coulldeut
that they will strike an urtisiuu How
before that depth is reached.
Klamath Falls is walking all over
itself, and huggiMtm itself with jny,
because the 'Oregon Trunk has an
nounced that it is uuiug to "build
at or near Klamath FalW". Uh,
huh I