Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 04, 1909, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Sold on Crop Payment Plan
(irows Rice, Sugar, Oranges, &c.
ml. .M
von .-in unproved l.ii.n iii tin' (hill' hislrii t
i I y i
II II 1 1 1
in iiimi iicr- nf It w 1 i
ii'. It run i iiIiim o or .'-n
i 1 1 r 1 1 i ic l I m H utu I lu
ll I ii in I h w i . it In I In
We will Sell
I Ti';is, in Wli.'ii ton ount v, :itil
us t lilt lis of your crop c.-u Ii yen 1
cd llir J mi 1 ili.'i si- price.
Thin t'iiiiiiiiii owns 2 i.ikki mcicm nf bind
tu -rt i thin year, and vlollcd hi IiunIioI- hi i In
hi-Ik of fiirm building. Il Im hii i ( ! Willi v
( 'nliiriebi River 1 1 v a pniilliillg plnlil lnrK n
cu I in- cil.v 1 il S' . I.11111M.
'Hum liiinl In nil 11 lilni K I'Hliii mchI 1 1 I 11 I 1 1 . I " ' I u'rnwingnf hiikiii
cane, itlliilfit, ei ii I nil 1 1 nil, nr iii;i", fi nii'1 vi i;"i uiil'-i il nil kind". Any nf
I Iii'hi' 11 1 1 1 1 h run le grown wit 1 1 -. n t Ii 1 k'nl hi I, equipped iim II Im with
canali fin In Igitl I' ill itinl w II II 1 ml It 1 1 an n liuinln nl uiilrl' HMiily, It im
pn rt 1 1 1 1 1 .1 I v Mlllli'il to tin- I'll I Ivn 1 11 111 nf 1I11' liiuinr i'r-il 111 IIiIm I'nlllitry.
( lur li ihIm w 111 In' mi ilil i'imIii.i i 11 irngn l u hi Willi n trim ran l i-i' uf miIII
rli'iit water In UVlSK ltl I! ur unv Otlirr IVduc t of IhM sittlnn. which
Inlude CAMi, AIMM.i:, OkAlM.S, I His, OWANUI.N nnJ OKAIM: FkUlf .
Tin' price uf llii'Hi' lit iii Im I Iiiim equipped ran mini f.jS.OI) to $5(1 110 per
Acre, n i l riling tn l.nniii I ru pri i vimu'-ii i m ami (anility nf Laid al
ready In Crop.
We require u ( li I'll ' ni'Mi t n( i no per ncrc a id ? I 0 I inuri' per :i-r In
mIx im hi I Iim. hii that ymi will Im vi- I'm mi c h in v i'-ii ! I 1 1 1 gi v i hi an 1 1 1 f ti-m 1
In wiiNkiiikl tin' laud,'" Vou d' not lrti a note or mortg.-ige for the balance,
lull ini'ti'ly ilfirftu I h'li re' lis ''un I'lfthsnf Ymtr I 7'ni l.'.irli ) r;ir iim your
payment, and the only payment you nrr required to nuke. J
If vim liavi-ii linril vmir ' "li.iri' ii'tr 1 1 . i f 1 -1 1 1 1 - nml ymi will li.ivi' im un
palil null' Htari' von In tin' fa Ij von Ii ivc g;o i l yenr., n ive know yon
w ill liuvi', your farm Im ho. hi pull fur. . jj
Vnil can i'Iioomi' ymir own iT'ip. i'i i'it lit it w n require at I t 7a i"i'
1'i'iit nf Miii'tl (Tup tn In- Itiri', an v know It Im I Im iioul proll t alili'. m
S. H. h LEY.
Lit v , W li.u ton Loun t v,
I lav Lit vMataion
i df I'liiin
N i m
1 1 1 1 1 I
La i it-
la Countv
He ure to in.Mitlon Till! IIX INI!h h;n you write aJvertisers."
Mk t ii In-
- I iii'Vfr know linw to tiikc you.
W'i'll. yni mliilil try tin- hoII
HiI'IIiikI Kinisim (Mlv 'I lnn'H.
Children Cry
' nri' nun n
ll'in f . r v.
p: i.i-ri-lM'
nml prnfi'i
linn mi
w nnii'ii.
$1,000 REWARD
. . i, r- tn i t!
vcj H'trtim ku I Si'Vh In
1.'V I I .. 4!f k IT J
jnfi i o in t lufi, of
vtlijrli t!ic ufiIr
l'-(ihir to tin- ur
-.1 nim vi iim I i'iti
Hi(y inr: y or mt
mi-Hi i ii if liorw.
i '(M or limJ'"i l
loriflht( lo Nit)- of 1 tn
It.'' Hi If T.
In hII tloti to tin NUvf, I Im ijii'ltrtlinfil
ufr.-r o'i t h'- n itH- v .11 1 1 ttoii $ i u 'Ci tor bII 1 1 o r H
OrNtif ii or m ' h ttnt on tntih or H'li'-r
Jhjw. Itrnti'l r- or-l I In Itfiit oiii.ii . l:iiK'
II ir mc' , t.mkt- h n 'I ' rotiK on ii li' . ifor -i
n( d li ti noi l
Vhm tin i icruw ii Ii ir' , kuI oti I v i ti lri'
Imlirlift. SV . hiiows, ytf. Or. Kou.
,Tk lT Z
ttinl iim H tiniro tlmn tlm
liiln r pin'' pnwi'rn
iiml il i ii In tii r.
Lakeview Dairy
Im pri'pnri'il to tnki' hi-iIitm to;
f n r 1 1 1 h 1 1 daily
I'ure Milk anil Cream.
OnliTM li-ft at AlilMtroin
I Iron, will ri'ci'lvi" prompt
and rari'ful attention.
Pull colored Sectional
Hap of Oregon.
Prl llOc v liili' th- Lust.
SIiowm all hii r vcyt-i I landM, liy we
'tloiiM, ft ii 1 1 evrry linpnrtaut HtriMin
ami dlvldi'. TowiiMlilpM and Itatii'
plainly nmrki'd. :: :: :: ::
AImuhIiowm all Land linint I.amlM,
ami huMtlii'OKtiO.N HILITAKY KOAI)
(Irani complete, by Hii'tloriH. Inval
iihIiIc to anyoni' who now Im or i x-Im-cIh
to lur liitiT''Hti'i in 1 u n i In In
Honthcrii ( riif. ii. :: :; ;: ::
Km tin1 untimt of t IiIm inau owned liy
1 i UNTER LAND CO., p;
'j.4J7l.iimlHTiuen'H Hldig. :
Portlanif,OreKon "Cr
In tin- Muitiir 'if nlii'.i
nu n Mi'xi'o Im iiNn vi-ry
A!l Hi iintii' iiillii.'1'i
i'Hcil H' 'IihoIm, Ill'lll'lilU
-i'- nii'l iirt. iilvi- fri'i- till-
I llll' r . J . . -1 j lllikl' t'l IIIITl nit(J
1 .
MIsH KlIMlnll i.f I Mil Il.'llll, l'.IIfl;lll'l, riv
I ii'iitly fa ! . li)i),iii m in -s t ji 1 .1 is Ii ii trust,
ifuinl tn prm I J - twenty iiiiiiiiIIIih for
j reipei l.ilile ilist 1 1 ill e HplnstiTK In her
I'liimly Mini an mlJiiinliiK emint-. Tills
j Is the first time mi reeord that
I t liri if ii 1 m iKUe rei i.'iilzeil the lieeiN
nf kik Ii women, who throtit.'h tin fault
of tlielr own nre left In their (lrelfnlriR
ye.'irs tn hnllle with poverty, slekriesM
n ii I tiiii'tiii!n merit.
The reeently eleeleil mayor of AMe
lnri.'h. i:nt'l:irnl, Pr. I'.ll.tilieth Oarret
Aml'TM). iz-.Wf a dlnnrr lifter her
elei'tlnri tn f'Ttv eonnillnrs nrid other
I piiestM. She mm the only woman pre
'tit. She wore ii til.-nk drens with a
' j widow' cap nrid (llarnoridi.
. I . .
I The only wiiinun who lias evur been
nuked to nddreMM the fnlversity Ie
Imtlric KiK'i.-ty of Oxford Is Mrs. Mllll
rent Carrett l awtett. At the request
' of the so li'ty she Hpoke on woman
I HifTrnirc. At the end of her Kpeech a
! ri'Mointloti in favor of woman nuffra-e
j was loKt liy a majority of Pi.
I Iii the I.einnliiK of the current year
K.'..Vd women registered In llnston to
I vote f..r mi lino i ominittee. Twenty-
nine years ao, w hen the prlvllepe a
voting at those eleitlons was first
printed to women, only iHO registered,
nrid for the following nine years the
miTiice was only a llttli; over 1,000.
(Jiil nurses In dog hospitals In Kui;
Innd nre the latest pvldence of the
wldenlriK of the sphere of women. It ia
predicted that the time will come when
there will be women wh will under
take the nursing of Kick I ahleg in chil
dren's hospitals.
woman In the world
n profession as Miss
'jnujA y
0s'gf ''31-1,1 9uuooqt puvij (10 JO
lpjl io uhJ iiu 1 1 'tJlvitl linu, kri
.punxl tin mi, i pjnu, iu n. y "S M Mn 'puJJ U-u mi 'Ii"i -JHi lv.;
HI rnjjqiiivii' ) 'II HI Jul 114 I ailii m tjfij tilUJ fi Jql 1UJ : (I'M- Pl 'H' "l3! ,, t ail Jo
fuiii.iJu )ii Jtptiutl ul dojp mi4 jiuii uv. JH'j ui 1 uu IliJ Ju liaiJuiil lift il ll)ip luipu i
f a.iuiiiiq pipn3L hi pu )tuiyij (viaadii w) o onp
AjijihI 1.1 ijiuii.ioii ii 'Jijiii ajif ajluvncj Ji 1 , 'jiooi jajiu i3nj jo ..tpJJu ).mx,,
aifi Aq iijui m niM Hi oi juiuq ipijv 11 noA ft uad auu Iim 3rn. ai(j
mi iiic) 4H"I' fuIJU 3,l M"M f I V "' aAOJiluii 01 .iad a not i'B;) jaioiii jj?jh
il-ma pi Iwin ijpxj aip) 01 paiiim pu paimilpn 34 ima ail) lajlju j, aJtBAiij; ai p ajnii)
Aja a 1 .in 1 U -Aiuajti jo ,ii.nijj i.iui un p mpiHHIl 1 kjainijlaj a(HABt 04J 'pauiaj 34
isniii jaiaiuiujiiii ai j -.)hi Xpofpluiiv nl aJliiAits; ai ( 'Apumj a 4 i.nui umiupipiaui )luipuo
3i( 'ammsiilpn i ijiiil JJ?)iiil aBAiic; ai y S "" I"J JJt'J ail 'll" U1V
vkjjjl.ij J wv pun 'ktajyiuU pi uoiin iniia pun apud ai Aolua Ahjj jjasu iui v A
i )'inii -ajoon paAojdiu; uu moii k.ijv p 5joti Aja.a jiJIij ; juipi 3(j;j L.
; ,ir , - y
" Incorporated a
A Complete Record
ic have made an
jvvTiieh.tin .'iii)' way
2JVe have"a eoinplete
entire transcript ol all Kecords in Lake County
aO'eet Real Property inthe county.
Keeonl of every Mortgage and transfer
ever'niade'in Lake County, and every Deed jjiven.
Errors Found in Titles
In transtn...! .he records we have found numerous
mortJics recorded in the Deed reconl and Mot indexed; and
many deeds are recorded in the Morttfaji'c record and otner
hooks. Hundreds o! niorta.Lres ;ind deeds .are not indexed
at all, andaie most diflieult to trace up from the records.
We have notations of all these Errors:
Others cannot Imd them. We have put hundreds ol dollars hunting
these errors, .and we can guarantee our work.
l lexl' n
oiii.-u 1 iiy Hi
.1 n of c in' a
ed or liflien
an- women.
Iifly 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Mh In m 1 I' that
Miiai'iit has heiil out for th"
of hi inly inn the lii'Ml liielhmlM
Hon In different cinmtiles ten
J. D. VENATOR, Hanager.
Trobably no
has so curious
Irene Ilarton of St. Imls. who is
known locally ns a professional kitten
drowner. She Is a thorough humani
tarian and contends that great cruelty
Is often Inflicted by thoughtless people
upon kittens. Although a young wo
man of ample means. Miss Rarton
doeH not hesitate to publish a "price
list" of charges, her minimum fee for
disposing painlessly of the rejected
members of a feline brood being B0
cents. She also chloroforms pet dogs
whli h have become old and infirm,
cremating their bodies In a hlphly
scientltlo manner.
Mile. Kllse I'olalre. a French come
dienne, challenges the adult women of
the world to measure waists with her.
Her waist Is but fifteen Inched in cir
cumference. This Is natural size. Her
bust and hips are unusually well de
veloped. She Is five feet six Inches
tall nnd of normal weight. She Is
Italian by birth.
The romance of King Charles II.
and Iloscobel oak has been recalled
In F.ngland by the award to Alice Fen
derel, aged thirteen years, of a small
pension. She Is the lineal descendant
of the Fenderel family of Shropshire,
who were rewarded by Charles 11.
with perpetual pensions for their serv
ices iu hiding bim In an oak tre w hen
he was escaping from the Itoundheads
after his defeat at Worcester. Ever
ince for 250 yenrs-peiislons have
been paid to members of the Fenderel
family. The present beneficiary will
receive the pension as long as she
lives, and if she should marry and
have children they will receive the
pension pro rata, and so on forever.
The first "new woman" was Movella
I'Andrlii. who was professor of Juris
prudence at the University of lmlogna
In the thirteenth century. Mme. Man
lolinu was professor of anatomy. Ma
tilda Trombonl taught languages, and
Marie Mngnesl held the chair of math
ematics. The university was one of
the leading homes of learning In Eu
rope and had 10.000 students.
A tablet Is to lie placed in the ro
tunda of the state capitol at Kalelgh,
N. 0., h.v the Daughters of the Ameri
can llcvolutloii to keep green the mem
ory of the fifteen put riot Ic women of
Kndentowti, X. l, who first defied
England In October, 1771, by declining
to use tea during the Revolutionary
The woman cabman and the woman
taxleab driver of Furls are well known
features In the French capital, but
Miss Sheila O'N'ell Is the first woman
chauffeur to take charge of a car that
Is let on hire In London. She was a
nurse nnd served through I ho South
4frlc:ii war. MAKY DALE.
? cm
. :t or".
l'l. i I'KK I KM
s .lalii'i!rr.wi.'ifii(ffi.'ii
I.."':; Hie hifwuuis aadttw-Js i
Pmmoies Dirt( slionrrVprfi
ncssiirv) IV-MlonMinsnciitw
( )p.iim.Morphinc norMwtraL
Suqnr .
A perfect Remedy ibrConslipa
lion , Sour Slomarh.Dlartlifia
Worms foirvul.sioiis.r'(Tcrisb
ness and Loss of Sleep.
FarSinAr Sinarure of
For Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
-.Z.'ts I"' V.TI T if r,iiTT)LS mm .
mPffMi1 H OBI
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
I'he ( iregnri. (.'alifnrniii & Xevada
l.iveMtiK-k 1'rotective AKHiiciatlou
will give $l',i Heward for the con
vict inn of any party or partieH steal
ing linrMi's. cattle or rniilcM U'lonyrin
to any of the follow lug; meliilMTM of
t his Aha, iciat Ion:
'ox & Clark, Chewacan Land &
' attleCo., Heryford Land Ac Cattle
'o.. Lake County Land & Liventock
Co., Warner Valley Stock Co., Win
W. Itrott n. (ieo. M. Jotie8, (Jeo. Han
kiriM. S. 15. Chandler. C. A. ltehart. X.
Fine, W.a. Currier. Frank Ii. liauers,
I. C. HotchklMN, Calderwood Iiros.,
T. J. ISrattaiii & Sons, T. A. Crump,
I'reMsler & lioiiner, W, T. CreHHler
Maud I. I'.ambo.
I W. F. Hkkyfokd. FivHid't
F. M. Mti.f.KK.See&Treas
J W. F. Ukktkokii
S. Ii. ClIAStil.KK
Department of the Interior, United
Stxtes Laud (Jfflco, Lakeview, Ore
gou, Oct. 2nd. VJUJ.
A ancient coutest affidavit haa been
filed iu this ottice bv Wo, Keppel
Hurry, coLtet-taut against Uomesteri
Kury. No. 04i, made Aug. 21st, 1108,
for SV quarter SV quarter, bection
25, ToAiiship :J7 S.. Range 22 E.. Wil
lamete Meridian, by John A. Clrak
Co"testee. in which it is alleged that
the entryman never lived on said
laud, never cultivated (be same, has
net fenced it or used it as a borne.
Eutrymau has built a cabin on said
land but, same contains no wiudows,
floor or door ; nor is there any furni
ture therein. Also eutryman bus
abandoned land for eight months last
past, t-aid parties are hereby untitled
to aopear, respoud and offer evidence
touching said allegation at 10 o'
clock a. m. ou Xov. bith 190y before
Register and Receiver. U. S. Land
Otiice, Lakeview. Oregon
The said contestant having, in a
proper affidavit. Hied Oct. 2nd, 11X9
set forth tacts which show that af
ter due filigeuee peisoual service of
this uotice cannot be made, it is
hereby ordered and directed that
such uotiob be given by due aud
proper publication.
A Km UK W. OKTOX. Register
FRED F. CR0XEM1L.LER, Receiver
We the undersigned legal voters of
North Warner Frecinct, Lake County,
Stute of Oregon, respectfully petition
the Hon. Couoty Court, of Lake
County, the State of Oregon, to grant
a ilceus-i to Fat Murphy fc W. Z.
Moss, partners under the firm name
and style of Marphy A Moss, to Sell
Spiritious Malt and Vinous Liquors
in lees Quantities than one gallon in
North Warner Freci&t, Lake County,
State of Oregon, for the period of
twelve months, as in auty bound w
will ever pray.
C. W. Dent
Otto Korbein
Fat Duane
W. K. Barry
H. B. Woodcock
John Walker
W E Schuster
W B Porter
Jack Deboy
Thoa F Morphy
James D OConnor
Cbas llobbs
W Riggina
Phil S Barry
J A Morris
F P Lane
W (j Orisel
J W L oftus
Lamar Thora
R B Grisel
Dick P Maboney
James McKee
B J Petia
Pat Quinlan
Bert Britta'n
D J Uuinel
A Bugner
David Crow
Austin Deboy
Department of the luterior, United
States Land office. Lakeview, Ore
gon, Sept 23d,, 1909.
A sufficient contest affidavit having
been tiled in this office by M. B.
Rice, contestant, against homestead
Entry. No. 40.'i5, (Serial 01C08) made
May 13th, 1908. tor N half SV
quarter, SE quarter SW quarter,
SW quarter ' South East quarter.
Section 28. Township 34 S.,
Range 19 E.., Willamette Meridian,
by Rudolph Knubbi, Contestee, in
which it is alleged that said Knubbi
has never since tbe date of entry es
tablished a 1 evidence ou said laud,
that eutrymau- has wholly and totally
abandoned said entry for more
than six mnuthe last past (May Kith.
1908 to preseut time) that he as
wholly and totally failed to cultivate
or in any maimer improve laud em
braced iu entry, Mini has performed
no work of any kind thereon; and
that his Hileged absence from the
land was not due to employment iu
the army or navy or marine corps ot
t tie United atates, said parties are
hereeby notified to appear, respoud,
and otter evidence touching sail al
legation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Nov.
10th, 1909, before Register aud Re
ceiver, U. S, Land Otiice, Lakeview.
The said contestant having, in a
proper affidavit, tiled Sept 22, 1909,
set forth facts which show that after
due dilliguuce personal service of this
1 notice cau not be uncle, it is hereby
1 ordered and directed that s'icb notice
I be given by due aud proper publica
' tiou.
i ARTHUR W OR TON. Register.
S30N4 Receiver
). H. Turpin
T.S. Burgess
W.C. Scamoion
W. H. Benefiel
Harry Rigg9
J.H. (ireene
J. J. Scott
H J Anthony
Frank Roggers
tl Mills
Macbael Lane
J W Handley
T Henderson
Wm Alford
A J Hodgkins
Nolen E Currey
F J sulllvan
J K Burns
O W Higby
Dennis Donavia
O A Curtis
Willis B Grisel
C H Robinson
Earl H Clark
P E Taylor
Jack Gee
J W Fine
L W Fraker
Warren C Laird
A 11 Canterberiy
State of Oregon. County Lake, sa
1, Pat Murphy, being first duly
sworn, according to law, despose
and say: that tbe foregoiug petition
contains the signatures of an actual
majority of tbe whole number of le
gal voters of Noitii Warner Precinct,
in Lake -Couoty, Oregon, that each
of said signatures is genuine, that
each of fie peisous whose signatures
are signed to said petition, is ar
actual resident in said precinct, at the
date thereof, and was and has bean
actually residing in said precinct and
resided therein at least thirty daya
immediately proceeding tbe date he
signed said petition and also of the
tiling of tbe same.
of the firm of Murphy & Moss.
Notice is hereby given that the un
der signed will apply to tbe Hon.
County Court of Lake County, State
of Oregon, 'on November 5th, 1909, for
a liacense to sell bpirituous. Malt and
Vinous Liquors ia less quanities
than one gallon, in North Warner
Frecinct, Lake County, State of
Oregon, for a period of twelve
months, from the 7th day ot October,
PHY, one of tbe partuers.
Department uf The luterior. U.'S.
Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregon
Sept. 21st, 1909.
Notice is hereby given that Edith
Veruun, of L akeview, Oregon, who,
oa Sept. 11th. 1901, made H. E. En
tiy No. 327!. Serial. No. 01203, for
SE quarter. Section 1 Township 10 S.,
Rauge 20 E., Willatrnette Meridian,
has tiled intention to nihke Final
Five Yeeat Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
Register and Receiver, U, .S Laud
Otiice, at Lakeview, Oregon, ou tbe
lib day of November, 1909.
Claimant names as wituesses:
E. O. Pratt, of Lakeview, Oregon
Harlou Prough, of
George Fitzgerald, of " "
Charles Eolestou, of " "
S30 Nl Register.
Children Cry