Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 04, 1909, Page TWO, Image 2

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    l.AKl. O.U1V i: . IM ... I. t l. i r. VV, (KHit., TIM'IINA , NOVKMUKK. I .''!
I '
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lOrl'tHiiMci ' v-iv. rM.ii(t Job Print
Inn. 1 h mi 1 11 H'l 111. e
All t'l i 11111m !) 1'iiitl 1 he tirt ( oai-ti month,
jjr-v 'loiH'iiiii irom lli. -' urnis.
Till itDfU .. l .HI fl' ! K.l" 1RF,K
Hill rArtn im ruslliB Ai.IU y li4 Sbm.I
- ". ..-. irraTH.U.'il I'Al.. WlltTr
tkine Sm't'l.
i'ir rr i" ml' d" I
Heart io Heart
Ccpyrleh:. :.. by Edwin A. Nye
Muster Hurry linehler. ;o--l fif
teen, ran :iw;iy frmii his lionii' at
Clevelnml. Hi iandoil in Chii'iiso. st'U
lasr Ills fortune.
Ami this h thp way he tiianas.-tl his
Journey westward:
had ?T in tae Pearl Street hank."
naid Harry. "I drew it out. Iut In
stead of 1'iiyiui; a regular ticket to
Chleaeo I ma le a lar-:ia with the
'tirakev' for $2Q, and he sent uie
Arriving in a strange rity. he ftp
plied to a concern for work. He was
sked his aire nnd. erit'ivinsr no virtue
in evasion. t"M t he truth, whereupon
he was refused cini'lnyn)ei:t. But nt
tlio nevt place of application he volun
teered the Information that he wa
8iite"!! and ? it the Jol.
When this l oy grows to manhood he
need only follow his early devices to
become 11 successful promoter of ppe
clal interests. A.s head of a hiff corpo
ration h will he able to swap good
nionny to some iolitical "brakny" who
will send throueh the city council or
tlit! state assembly the needed fran
chises, and that without the delay or
formality of the regular procedure.
The Ixiy will get on.
He has the nerve and the Initiative
nd the fertility of mental resources
which have distinguished so many of
our captains of Industry In their buc
cessful manipulation of high finance.
The boy learned another thing In
his first lesson in "practical business."
When asked his ace he told the truth
inly once. lie found it did not pay
?o 1m too truthful. lie lenrneil the
rorlil wi-doin of evasion and prevari
cation. llHrry Bnehler saw that if he was to
arrive anywhere in the commercial
world 1." :n':st not be hampered by the
b;i'i' 'f too much conscientious
nerupl.'. He therefore dispelled with
that. hu;i.'r:!uoi! lugae.
Sur.Mv the I "V will cot on in mate
rial things. In his transyiortation to
Kin-cess t !i''n he will U aljle to get
thing wMui.t the "regular ticket."
He will arrui?" with the "brakey."
The boy is wmart enough to "Kteal
11 ( ordiiig to law" and keep out of the
What of his morals?
What connection is there between
hih t.ii anre and ethics?
Phonographs In China.
American phonograph companies Jo
a iilg bu.slness In rhina. The most fa
mous Chltt'-se bends ami palace sing
ers are engaged to Ki.ik" records. They
urn brought from all parts of the em
pire to the three record making cen-ici-, S'j.i I ,ii i:d !l'iii-!:'ng.
the ap) ' us f. .1
i- record- I- set up ;
ir.d r .. 1
V t o . pop'lia r i
i:-::l - i loci Is pojar
.d the n-
' .' tl of :.
'!: 1, Hill 1
:r In tl"; I
(,:.lti-'ta by Wire.
; ' 1 lo .-.'t',1 by wire a
I!' e, l.olid ill to
i.f ,,: in miles,
iv.seii;.- 1 r ' l"i nsinis
1 In- ri III il l; lllle font
t a lili-v i ll after a series
perli it nts , .y,;endlng
toils by 1 hi lnilo i'.uro-
'impany and the indo-
It i ' now
I. lr-.rr.hl
I ft. 1" 1
w i : 1 ' 1 1 '
rtl I.-
Ahlch has 1
af 'li'iof.
tivir r 1 1 j i i
on 'I'eleg.-.ii 1
tCuropemi telegraph department of the
Indian government.
;mi9 little acts of good or 1H
1 liat rualtu our vaut account.
No out). thuUr'h great, does nil Ood'a wltt.
BmVtl drops Die cuvcb of ocean fill,
anti !. uompoau the mount.
- Hannah Fleer OoulC
t Jul latol here vv hde it i- ! imp,
road work in England.
Method of Maintaining Highway! and
Filling Up Scft Spots.
It may interest many to learn how
rv.ul iiialnienaM' c Is carried out In
t;rcat Biitaiu and Ireland. All roads bridges ate under the direct
charge of the county surveyor, who Is
In all cases 11 nualilied c il etmlneer.
with assistants under him to see in
the detail work, lie divides (be roai.s
of the ou:i; into sett ions, as veeui
best to liim. lor in. untenant e piirinises.
These several sections are advertised
lo.aliv iu the newspapers and by ot h
rr means, aiul bitls areinvitetl for their
liialntciiance for si or twelve mouths.
says .lames .lol.ii-.tcn of Pencils conn
ty. Neb. in the Breeder's IJactto tf
Chicago. These bids are opened on :
certain day by a board of county com
missi,. tiers, assi-tcd by the county sin
veyor. The lowest bidder nets thc
work. but 110 bid Is accepted until the
successful bidder puts up a bond
signed by two solvent sureties that the
work will be performed. Should the
contractor fall to do the work the
county surveyor can have It done and
due the bondsmen for the work and
costs. All bidders for th;s work have
specifications of the work to be done
on the several sections of road. How
long the section is. how many tons of
metal are to be hroen and put on.
cleaning, keepii g the water tables
clear and the grass off the road all
these are specit'n'ti. so that he knows
exactly what he has to do. The mat
ter of pu:ti"g c:i the metal is looked
after very closely Indeed. The con
tractor has to put all the material en
the roadside. The surveyor or his as
sistant conies and measures it and
then marks it with slaked lime, so
that it cannot be interferred with 1111
til it is put on the road. Farmers are
always the contractors for this work
The roads everywhere are always in
good condition. There are many soft
spots over there bog and low lands
with rain every day and sometimes
twenty-four hours at a time but the
heaviest autos can spin along the bog
roads and fn the rainiest weather with
no damage to the road.
They have no dirlv ulty with the soft
bottoms In Ireland They simply throw
In rock, and the softer the spot the
bigger the rocks, until they make it a
hard spot and then put the small stuff
on top. A mistake will surely be
made If bricks are thrown Into soft
spots. They are simply no good for
the purpose intended.
It U to be hoped that the people of
the United States will stop spending
time and wasting money In shoveling
dirt Into the soft spots, but will go t
work like men of business and build
Salt and Alkali Scale From Boilert
Ued In Parts of Kansas.
The farmers In central Kansas as
well a.s the people In the towns have
been Interested In good roud.s for sev
eral years, and In Ellsworth and its
vicinity one can see almost any kind
of a made road.
At one or two places lu Ellsworth
county there are short roads where
treatment has been given similar to the
pavement on Duuglas avenue lit Ells
worth. Here there are two blocks that,
fool four-fifths of the visitors to th..'
town. The treatment of this street
was commenced about two or three
years ago, consisting of coarse ami
fine cinders In layers, then a covering
surface of salt and alkali scale.
The water in this country Is very
hard, and lu all the steam boilers a,
the salt mills and other factories a sort
of alkali forms which must be remov
ed frequently, and this, with the salt
and alkali scale that forms lu the salt,
pans, is used on Douglas avenue. If
forms a hard crust and makes a most
excellent street. It Is a success on
the most busy thoroughfare of Ells
worth, and If the supply was not so
limited the farmers would use It for
the rural roads and more of the streets
of Ellsworth would be paved with It
The salt and alkali crust on Douglas
avenue Is now about three inches
thick, and this lies on three inches of
coarse cinders and three Inches of fine
cinders. It makes a pretty street, in
appearance being like an asphalt pave
ment before It becomes dirty.
Cost of Oiling Roads.
A recently published report of the
Bouton park commission Is Interesting.
In lOiMi twelve miles of road were
treated with oil to keep down the
dust, and the result was so satlsfac
tory that in 1007 the whole extent of
more than forty miles was treated In
this way. Mr. Putnam, the engineer,
has carefully calculated the cost, and
he says that the annual cost of sprln
kling a thirty foot roadway was $lS!t
a i ille, u-hen-as the cost of oiling the
same road v -. thirty f. -i t wide ;h
In addition ' I iving the dust,
t'i- nsph litiini In 1 ..- oil Inol 11 binding
elf- ' 11 the 'itrl'i e f tin- road and
i- r. i.-i iti rlnUy I ---i:t l 1 he cost for
n- .-airs. The II Is put on In an omul
slot, in v. It ! li lifii'i-n pound . of soap
dissolved in i;'ty gallons i.f water .-ii-iiii'.l
e. i'li ;i hoi d : 1 d ga l!oi s 1 .f rod
oil. rh" ". h- ! I -i'i r Hidta le to 1 n.
proper ,ol',t 1 f i riii!-ion, and then I -VI
gallons of 1 1,1 ; a ri nrxed wbh r,0 gal
lor.-s i.f water .I'd sp,nl..i 011 tin
roads. The plan h:o given the very
best .satisfaction In I'leton and might
b tried else wli-i-e with cm respondlng
ly satisfactory results.
A Move For Good Roads.
-ar!y l.ooii.lllli) vol-rs ,,f I'enn.s.vl
vanla have Mi'in-d petition, .;.in. the
stat" legislature to star' th" movement
w'jlcli in l'.iK! will five a bond Issue of
feiVMiitfHjoo for biiildii-:' : d ronds.
The Mim i,f .i.-i.iHHi idiil will be asked
for i, hegin Immediate R-ork.
k Quality Which th Average Woman
Doesn't Fiisei.
'Weecii l.i.l. one ;ualily which the
veisj;t has." leinarked the man
l.faeliirer who employs many people of
both sexes.
"Wh it U that V"
"l'erev eran. e. The ordinary woman
thinks that a thing should .lust come
'o her naturally . If It doesn't, she is f
ho opinion licit she will never master
Now, a in ri I ; d tlereiit. He knows
low in.inv pr: es are the result of a
real ctlnd, and he Is willing to plod
and be patient. Here Is 1111 Instance.
One of our I est designers U a young
follow nil. ivi r wont to n art school
in his Lie He had good ideas, and
we told him to put them en paper
a ml vv e vv ouid s,- ' r
use them Well. Lis
too crude, a i d vv i oiiid n't i!
with them. W hat was tl:e r
studied ilravviu; every ev e: i
vear all bv himself, too. bee
couldn't pay for inst rn- t ion. .- u d
t ipy Illustrations over and ov, 1
again until he -t the right touch
Think of the patience of that! Now
he has his reward.
On the other hand. I have a cousin
who possesses some tah nt In drawing
She has studied too. I told her to try
to make fashion sketches and offered
to give her a letter to one of the ma,a
Jlitios. She made one drawing, and be
cause I criticised the way she shad'-d
ir she threw it 011 the floor and said.
"Oh, I can't iret It anyway!" That was
the lirct and the last attempt she made
In that line.
That's the whole secret why lots of
women don't advance any further In
the business world.
Then there was another girl I have
In mind Sh wanted to Ftudy short
hand mid wis so enthusiastic about It
that she paid S1I1) In advance for a full
course. After only three lessons she
gave It up on the plea that It made
her nervous. And tdie forfeited the
rest of her money. The head of the
sh'-rthand college told me this, and he
said that there are lots and lots of
would be students who do the fiame
If I wen; n woman I should be
a.shamoil to let a 'hlng get the best of
me." he went. on. "but I suppose they
ire not made that way. My wife has
,i dozen lilts of fancy work nil over
the house that she began, but never
had time' to linish. She Parted
French last -pring, but last fall aban
doned it for -hiiia paintiir-'. and that
will soon be dropped In favor of some
thing else."
one trouble with women Is that they
don't Investigate a thing thoroughly
h. fore they have anything to do with
I', as men do. They sail right In, and
then they drop ii as .suddenly us they
ntarbii it They have no sense of re
sponsibility or perseverance.
i Designs Mere Popular Than Ever Just
Thlw room m very curefully curried
: ut. in Hie design of the Louis XV.
period. The walU are covered with
imiiclH nf tttnestry lu the soft pinks
; and yellows o dear to Mrne. de I'om
: iiidour. tlill chiilri lire upholstered
in llht trtpestry thut harmonlzi-ss with
the wjII.-i A I' reiiclj c.'irpet decora ted
I III delietiie nee 11, d pnslel li'iircH t'OV
; its the lloor. I he Mimll round table
l-i more for ' i n 1 - ent tlniii for use.
The ll-hi.i -,h.i. ihi-ouL'h a softly
' Kh nled (tvkIiiI chandelier. The doors.
' which do mil show lu ihe Illustration,
iri- of siikiII p.ini 'l ttlass km in white
' !iud tjold woodwork.
li. UK LA I'.AfMU.
' Cs ' ' )
--sii.,., --
s- .
Extraordinary Profits
Invest in l'riiuv Knpoil tlirotili our lY;il Iv?
jkt share. Asa part ot nm plan tor handling our
increase Us capacit y, we oiler to a limited iuiiiiIkt
with us 111 the lai;c prolits
through the sale ol its shares
supervision ol the Ihiaidol Ihrcctors. I'he opportunity is est raordiuary hecaiisc ol the
prolit sharing plan ly which ou may share in all the prolits ol the Coiupati'' its
rapidl inereasint; lnisiuess.
will make fortunes for those who invent in it now, as did Cortland, Seattle, Spokane
and Vancouver real estate, lor those who invested in these cities ten years .1140.
No other city on this eont'iient is making such rapid advancement iu population,
commerce and luiil lim;. Crince Rupert's present and future growth insures investors
in our shares a continuation of salcly, hili returns and inreasiuM value, which is not
offered iu an equal decree lv any other form of investment open to t he pul lie todav.
; Invest our surplus lumls
prosperity. Il you have .Sot. s' 1 ' 1 or $ 1 ' H M which you would invest where it will
provide a lai je income with the opportunity lor reat prolits, then suhsciilic lor some
ol these shares.
We rclcr, ly pctuiission, to the Hank of Nova Scotia, Vancouver.
Write or wire sour order lor shares today Cou't delay.
Prince Rupert Real Estate Investment Co. Ltd.
410 Loo Building, Vancouver, B. C. Prince Rupert., B C-
son KKVv A Kl
A KKW l;l 1 0 I'y is here
y illicit'.! tor ' limit Ion tlisl will
".el to the aire 11 1 conviction of
my jeisoii tv , h , stolen tv Ires or
it her pi opei 1 tr 11 our t '0111 pati y ;
on! the -ate -. ft Is bcichy olfeied
T inform - ' but vlll lend to the
tirect mid et'ction ot anyone ties
roving ' M'l'.v "! the Company.
I'lms. I'lnbiich,
decretal 1. nk' Co. Tel. . Tel. Co.
, 1
to 1 1 1 1 I I M V C IM I'.CN.
I o,t:,o is lit'ieliy tivi-n i hat all irrlu.i
, ! mi. iif Iniilr.iee dltchcM nil nil trmit
1 -1 n .1 ins . I,r. 'light I .a ke Ci hi n t y , ( t e
i 01 hi. niiiKt be -i-reeiied with n small
iiu'mIi vv ire screening, n t I heir ih-ihI ir
innctiiiii with the main channel i.f
-treaiu. Al-n a I daiiw or obstruct-1
ems mi said Nt reams must lie r 1 -v
bled wit h a ti bidder, nr ill In-reaHy
men iih 1 if passage, a t ur near the mid I
die of the main channel, hi a- ti; III- j
nvv the uiHHiigi nf irmit at all tlinos
nf year, is iirovhli'd by law. Said
vvnrk to Is' dune lit low wntrr Utile. '
nr to be ciillliletct! by I'Vli. 1, VM'i
l!y urtler uf .1 A. Itarhnm.
Stieclnl Deputy tlsh Wardeii fur
l.akeCnunty. rci;un
Fcr Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature ot
l)eiHrttnent of The Interior. L'. S.
I. and Olllce nt I.tikuview, Oregon,
h i:th, l'JUlt.
Nr. tire In hereby Kiven thHt (iiiHtHVe
I)Hrrow, of Lukeview, )r"ou. who
on Oct. 10th, r.HHI, made 1 1 oinexteii'l
Applii'btiuu, .-eriMl, No. lor
N K fjiiartur, Section 14, Township
IKS., liHUtie lilK , Willamette M.-ri
itlau, hits llle'd notice of intent ion
to make I'i mil (y'ommutation I'roof.
to ehtablish claim to the laud above
dHcribed, liefor1 Keltser and Kecei
ver, U. S. Laml Olllce, at I.akeview,
Oregon, on the -Oth day ot Novem
ber, I '.toll.
Claimant iiameH 11 h witneniieH:
I'aul Stindt, of lily, OreKon
J.W. Newell, of Lukevie "
P.M. Cory, of "
J. Jl. Lipk.t. of lily,
AKT1IUK W. OKTON, lieniHter.
Uepartmeut of The Interior, U. S.
Laud Olllce at Lakeview, Oregon,
Oct., 10th. l'JO!).
Notice is hereby oiven 'tbnt l'aul
Stindt, of lily, Orejroo ,who, on Oct.
Kith, 1IXJ, made llomeatead Applica
tion, Kerial No. (Wfl. for K half HW
quarter. SE ijuarter NW (juarter, NW
niiarter, KK quarter. Section 14
Township 38 S., Range 10 K., Wil
lamette Meridian, has tiled notice
of intention to make Final commuta
tion Proof, to entablish claim to the
land above described, before KeKis
ter and Receiver, U. S. Land OHine.
at Lakeview, Oregon, on the 'Jtlth
day. of November, 1 m Ml.
Claimant names as wilnesmts :
.1. II, Newell, of Lakeyiew Oreifon
1'. M. Cory, of
Oil belt Lapham. of X'ihtilliH. "
J ii Lipke, of Illy, Oregon
AKTIIl'KW. OKTON, lietrister.
wear well
c.nd they keep you
dry while you are
wearing them
-.'AfAvrrrff wajtrpmof.
CAA10G ffi
A JTowep CO. Boston. USA.
I :.vri( Canadian Co. umitck. Iouoxto.
certain to accrue
is invested 111 ehoiee I'i inee
with this t. otnpa 11 y a nd share
mr-ci- TumNourm
Mammoth Stables
C. D. ARTHUH. PnoPKiiitui
'1 be '.urges! I.I very and Iced Staid,. In .,.,111 hern Oreo.,. 11
nr .V it In 111 f nlifnriiln. , ,!-.,. ilnnrdeil bv Ihe ILiv. Week
nr M- nt h. Special Alleiiti.iii liiv.a !,. ra imlei, 1 'si.ick
The BestMeals in i Town- fry Us.
l3clkcrV l'OIlm,cli()"- ImcsIi Hreatl Dailv
. .... C. I:. LONZWAY, Propreitor
Every O. I. L. Co.
Contract Holder
Hello ! There ! Hello !
S. T. Colvin
The old Stockman ami Rancher has purchased the
Furniture Store ol II L. Chandler. He is putting iu a hiij
M.' ik ol totals and i marking down every tiling so that
you can live by buying furniture of him Call and lood at
Ins joyds. Mr. l'arnham Harris, the experienced under
taker, will be there U wait on you any time.
S3 VfXr mi W We
g I1 J J 1 Uf rors in Lhc County Records, j
m rvt
S Abstracts of Title to all Lands in &j
.uaKe ounLy rurnisnea.
Terms Reasonoble.
Tract Index Abstracting Co.
Wm. JACOBS, Manager.
The Real Home Paper.
The San Francisco
M. H. de YOUNG.
Sane, Conservative and Well Edited.
Daily Sunday Weekly
Sunday's in Colors
Wm. Wallace, Dealer at Lakeview, Ore.
Order Now
Unquestionable Security
tate shares, vcllini; at
rapiillv rowin Inivini ss ,-mtl lot
the opportunity to share cunalv
ic money received liy the tonipany
K'npt 1 t realty, under the direct
in this -juat progress and
Have Found Those Er- M