F.t GUT LAKh COUNTY KXaMiSKK. MKKV1F.W, OHKUm. Till KSIU OiVTOHKIt 2. Imnt IE o THF Rlf.HT PI (1THFS 1IIL 1HUII1 ULU1IILU Iocil M O o o FOR THE RIGHT MAN Can be found here. IIART-SIIAFFERSliARX CLOTHES: IVc lave a very large variety from which you can make your selection. Different men have different tastes and we have a different nobby suit for everybody. When you buy a suit you want STYLE, SERVICE and VALUE. Our suits are models, combination of qualities, hard to beat. This cele brated make is the finest ready-for-service clothing made. Priced reason ably. Come in, look the garments over and convince yourself. O o o o 3 8 lend put in Ma lime guild Intf and Idling about on the streets rmok- I n it cigarette la uolng to Mini that existence In n eorlou mutter, a he gets ollcr will) neither education nor opportunity to iu.provo his condition in li e. The gambling races were etttled in court bv the payment of f li'i from three of the defendants. The Kiigone Hog ster says:" Ore tf .ti Trunk" I a good .name for the Mil lino t tit otic t tie l'ee tTiutos Mini eastern Oregon. V1iin tho trunk I open wo Initio M . lliili will be able to hand tuit 'Ih prosootl'j good that will inuko nil eastern Oregon ' hum w ltd industry. ' Last Thursday one of t In' trim , former ttt Miehor's corner caught llro and burned Out, putting the entire i lighting eytsoni on titer Street out of coiii'iiisston. The rest of tho town had light m usual. It Mit repaired ' I hii 1 1 tho lights put tm tho not even nig. The V. O. W. Circle gitvo the Woodmen Camp h sorptl o sti t r ' Wellies. lay evening. Tho Indies to I t ho gent I'Miion w il h t r l i-i I cht.kcu, In1' rolls, ginger broil I mill sweet I'l n r. l.t t vit t. t ho ten year old son ot K. I . I.niville. foil Inst "nujit nt tho Hi. Ill i Skating rink. h i. I bioko his in Hoik uti.lor th- cure of Or. Smith Tho Cedarvilllo Keoord com li' net good sense niiil prophecy in tho t ii I -Mowing, tlmt tho wise will iln well to . hoed . N mv is the t line tor n young, in h ti to I ink HiMiin l iiii'l get ImM l ii piooo uf In ft 4 . lor in a few vk nil ot tho government 1'i'nl will lo taktn up and hold taucy for price.-.. . The reman ins of a lad named .luck sou. who luvsterii.usiv i isuppfii i tliroo yours ago this I 1 1 while i,.-k in for Ids cot near Felt Klaumt', wore f.iuiitl litot week In ft swamp two mile from IiIh homo. It Is believed tlmt ho became confused ami lout hid way In the storm. Nothing remained hut tho bouoe nihI .' tow shred of clothing. At tho timo .ho w in I Ml the country na scoured lull no trsoe of Mm fouud uutil uow. Lawyer Mcttlnn, of Portland, who la defending Mr. Wentcott. In inlioli ploHHott with the country about l.uko now lie HKyo it him woiiilortul op protiinllto, ii nil tlmt t'o.tlmiil ooople Inivo no lit o.i of it nluo. Ilo do Jlcvtn I no coming ol tho rHllr ! will 1. 1 me it to tho front with u lioumt Tho Mriiuotlo. Kiiiiniih, Trilniiio iciijii: There will lie no "micklntf 'ci.ie IhriiH Htrnw" in thin pint of Kitnsii thin your. Ilruther llnico Hhnulil hoc the lomltnl iipplo tieon in ( icl.lon tioi k l.iiko ValUy thin full tin. I lie woulit llion hnvo tin liioii n to , the Oliler, npplo pion, tloinpl liikJK luiil i "mihk, " we will huve in mil mil toil J intuitu ion thin w inter. , Tho l-'.Miiinner is mi. lor ohl iijuti'ine i to tho Ltikoviow Oovohni'iiont. Do., tur t ho piciuro- on our trout piih'o ! this I--.-IIO. I ho liuriis Noh shj : Tho Mariiu-. rot llos t hoiitrictil i-oiiipiiny cluhoil H succosssl ill eni!iiiMiioiit ot Iwoj nooks hero lol Mm. ley evtmlun. lliey wore lnlx mi l nonllo ii-ii III ti. oil rmouil relul ions, rolmhlo liitnoirj hiiMiio!.s triuiKiictl ns Hiol pnl upii A mil. I enleriHiuiiioiit. Irmu rliii'ttoj LA MODE If you liuvc never worn or hinmi ny of my LADIES' SUTS OR COATS I ri'fpt't fully fil I your iiltoiitluii to Hume of TIM: KKA.sn.YS WHY It will lie to voiir ml tint im In il.nr your hIiIi-ik u llli iiio Ut A wmiiiin know lioxt wlmt your wiiiiIh iiv - ho kii.iH I lo HtyloH lieMt hiiIIoiI lo your llwii'O, 'Jinl. The (mien hIiii iiii' crltloul In tin nun lor of I heir wcni r iipiiim-l end ALWAYS WW r ,nmI !'. I 1 1 1 M I , I.I ' I.IC IlllitU t him I hey llHiiully II ml, linnilnl'I.V li ml .1 I S I' 1 1 I 1 1 I W N I i MY sriifK. .'Iril - You lire .i.-.t Ivrlv tiMini 1 li.it the lil.- kI-m ii m.- i luli-lv Till-; I. V IT.sr iui.I nn i i.tin I In cm rv ilohill I'll - M.v iiuili-rl il- a it- hi i h 1 1 n II (, 1 1 lilt I'K. Mrs. NEILON, Women' Ouifit.tor iwii'iiiii ii i ii iii inn ii' inn MiLuajmrnsvif-r:- OPEN FOR BUSINESS B"J, S, AUTEN welcomo niiii i;iioi1 pntroui;e lu Uiitunl Hilary I'hipo. hi uuti) iinvor ho-. OPEN ALL NIGHT iwotn hole ami K iiuintli Is tMlil to he j pluolntf tul le Inmrils on tho roiol tor l out nt ol tourists If this I- so it striken us that the county million! lea in I . it li t'otiutioi tire lomlss Id tht-i." .lulies, ns Iho Uw t xpK sl) proviilo th.ilnll count loo shiill lime suit ul Ii- nulde tnuirils I luce I for no- co i, oil.it ion ol the 1 1 m i I nit.' pul New Bakery Will have Fresh Dread, Cakos and Pies every day. Lunch Countor in Connection. D. M. SHAFFER, MANAGER LAKEVIEW HARRIED He. I CITY AND COUNTY BRIEFS Tbe bridge nt Tatros. on the Khi xalbrond, weDt luist" Tues lay an I as itupast-iLle. The heavy tratiic ut tbit way on accouiit of the ca ia( coiistrucfi'ju of the O. V. Ij Co. u hnrd on tutli roads and triees:. The ties lly kilUer i smd to he tin. tea.-po"uf uU of torniHl.it-hyde to a not of wattr. au 1 plo'S it hhotit the Su n-e in eauceis or I 1 ttes. Ten :jts worth w;ll last a family a year. L. A. Cairiker, tbe W'et Siie far mer, and wife were lu towu Saurday. l'bey drove in with a scan cf uuhro ke: m lie ctIIs ho jke f to a bucay aim mid they only touched the tiK'b places on the road here. He thiok iruui bis entetieuce that he can now riv an auto, and is uoitic to order on- right aay. The county is now pit fit ; i .. int: .! at a ue hriik hi place. across 1 rv HARDWARE CO I 'lliir telegrapher. V-1 li, is ci,o i t , t'le lest huosters in the countiy. I:i l urJer to Kive a realiint; i lo:i to I new ciMi.ers as to our huln.y tall cli iiunte I t irees al.cut m ii strav hat. , and in his shirt fleevt-s. And thr licauty of it. is that for splendid tall' w t-at tv r t he (.ioldeu 1 loose l.iko Yal ev c.iq nut be equalled anywhere. i EmiiT Aliltsrorn has built a cut tak.v ru Water .Stieet, that is soon to be occupied b;. a youut could-. A man 4S years old is taking a e tirse in the nijjbt ecbuol in Spo aue,. He scorned school, when a: I o ,", ami ba9 I eeu au ordiuary day's ltt.i rer all bis life. Njw he gees his1 ' mistake aui is try iotz to tit himself as a njtchauieal draiiL'htsman. Any boy j who ne-'l'-cts bis studies iu early life Sells STI .1 PICKING FRUIT AKD ROSES ( hi.. I Lublin -er iice. ol 1 1 V. I I'd, miVs ho li"" i 'l ties.li llpo Iditi'k ' I i rt ii .-. on t.i. I tblo thw woi k picked I i l the l.inln s It. his guidon. i-,.l I ut mi. . i it mi can. lu ti,o 1 ilit-r ( '.it ol ( Ictol i-r. ('. rtlilil.ll . .1 t- l It b 1 1 I tl Ik a httll'l -llllll- lo-O V OIl t A I,' tllll (li blld". ! !,;,! li. , l . . : . I t I I. II I H I I 'CO liU-.ll 111 ,, II' I.I 'ill l llV-ltY III! Olislo.ll ii-a li - - c.fi k'. t li i Id- a id our liin- lull i-at l i t '. r. in t li Is llnu. Niillinil It. Wilcox and Miss KHm both ()al I. ivoro iiniri h-il S itur btv I nt 7 I'. M at Wilcox llrim. riincli ut j Werner Ciiiiyon. The coroui .ii v vmk i poiforiiio I 1 1 .in I co I '.il v I'ht i k'roo'ii is ,ni i-l I i-, -i . . , r . ot Pick .) W il.iox, ol tho lloii.il Ihtnk. l i e I l id" Is M iboitlilor of .I ti 1 1 u i is ii ul.bi, a ill-oil Hrt I v.i I I mm ll.iuihii, who lives n tlmt vicinity. .Tint happy couplo bdl .umlnv fur I'oilliui.l on llii-u I. in vinoi.ii trlti. .Mr. ili'nx Iwis 1 1 : tt 1 1 v Irii'M lh ivlm i i s h ho and his l.rido tilno-iH mi. I pru-poil'r DIED oinool t ho I. ii kev lo w pi.oplo ilmild loss i ooi oin i.. r Mr A. Miioiu ll. i,i,t vHh his fnniilj- nslilod In u l i n l I nI nil III lllt-r III tho 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 kl p'lpl-l'v, (ipposllti t hr Colilt lino... ,. ,. h bn il hor i m-ro in pri-vo ( on snin,. k.,.Vl n, 'lrt Nit- ' '""nt bind ho liu I In I t. id ( in t. h. h llo l.-oill-'k' I mi. tor dm., a li i il I :i I ti I II . Iho Ii.iI.ii k'.Oi' IV, i, it. I CIlliM'd til- lllllll II, I'lTI i ( II II 1 1 , l 1 1 llk'tll' lo, thllotlllk' lit tit to I I.I- k'l olll.d ' UlS -i IIII I. .- ,;l,,Hl'l, l ull si n t' i n -t in, t diMil h Ills I s Vi ill l I I miii, SI ll t 1 1 , u l. ill i Mi row u I ul uiis oi.lv sh.-liitv In re lap In li .irsr AuUivr.i). Moline u.ilkn.k' ti'id ri lin' iii,' citiciH ni.iis t'hilloi tilo vs, dt-k Ifirro-.vs, sN-.-l plows and linrrcn s. t'eter Schutllor Wiuolis. Kubermd niolltik' k'liiiran'si- !, ten years. . lieuieMi bor wo Currv the Tide lo Stoi-I ratine which is fully tiuanwiteed tor ten years. liarb wire and nails, in fact our Ifo id complete m hardware. We KtiarHUtee to i-ave you money. (iire us a call and e.x;iiuiue ttu r ' goods, qimlity and prices. ! Youis for business. j ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ill istl l I e I ', :ost liu . . i 'i.iii. J.1: li . at I i-l'll k'lViMI audl-l'.cos l i hiis ativ- Adii.l-s-l ; .:. I'm ptul.s. I lei-Ull o, " l l ip I" will l o c i vi n i:i t lio M . I- I I I i i V i-lrlll C, let i cl ici I ill. ' in hits to l.i I kit totk! i iiltiiri d i h l..i-t an I vYest and ..i'-ii widl r I vo l it 'Jo oiit-i lor eveiy-i-o Is for I'lirsouawn i o M r. J so Ii I '.fiinc 1 1 . Miss Milium I lr m b no v. noil, ttiio ion i t If I n I Wodi.oxd iv. :it tho full e by I at hi r I i. MmIII. v I t i lo i in w i II k m ti in ty, an I ill ii tik.t H on Adol. A l. l. f It. mi I Hid lo a n . ic chi rch The I on nt; 1 1. Is t ' mi , ho 1 1 nt nil t r IS coll. I I II. d I I, k I III.- I I'll i-.' bit l. Ii U'l.t in AM3R0SE BURNED OUT While .I Side, IIS Clllt. Ill poo'llv t .e Alllbl'iso (if tin. Wot ii tow ii Mon Inv, tilti-ml iiij house Cllllk'ht llro, sup inn the ctiiiiincv. and b I II tse I III. hi-iir I. a-i I I o b no 1 1 t i.-1 1 t i dm I- .- the I 111. Mill t l Ills. Ihl' I Kill ! I II H Aim t li),,. I, (I, Nolriiskll whole Me V .on t he M )i-. , li- i rd.-r . ... a tl i ii prom iiii nt ini u I i i I lo W II I l i n t Tllt'iiltlo, ictol i t r.;, ; ;,.i ,- well I n I ss ;, mi, JIH n,,,, , ,, m i I IsllH I I tl h'.l, e . i w mid I hree i In I, Iron, Is t ho oldest. nut ol, h.V I ho I: ii II. mod I y hl w ItH a I ' ii n ii da, 'to I '.III I lo 111 it lie i t w lioin Stanley 'Mini O.V. L. Contract Holders: ril I What did you get? Are you satisfied? Do you want to Buy, Sell or Exchange? BIG STRIKE AT THE HOAG The KxHininer has just heard, as we 'u to plop-, a n port ot a strike ut tremendous imp' rt at tholloiik' k'( Id in in es al Now I'uio Creek. LADIES TAKE NOTICE llvvlno; to t lie diet thill we are to m urij crow ml for spaci to ill-pltiv our Isuo of I.H'IkH blisses mid Child COHIH. W liaVH ()HClts t(l lliHC'U- tllllic that line of koO'Ii-. r- . A,! We nre (.ff.-rint: for mile Li nt a. tuai cos r rKicrv every olio of ti e emit iurcliKHi'i;; by ns this MTt-nii Coats from il 10 up. Ii iiiu-d to the ttruuud with tho entl o I'oiiteiils I tie hoiiMi was occupied by some new Don ers who were omit In In put out tho Mro or stive aiivthint,'. Mr Ambrosti, In his usual ptnbisoplil i iil turiiot mind, chiiio tit town 1 m-s-diiy, and puichiis a no huusekoii i u u i'llt. Ho has it small biiildliik' on the ranch that can tie occupied until ho can re'iutl I. Iltt had no in surance. The 'alo l in, mi report t tho ill atll or Marv lieloiie, Mi,. I., ,,Hr , ,( diiUk'h.'er of A. Vinntor. or llaruov County. I I,,, v iiiik' In ly had jiml tiono to Hoimi, liidh, , t,, nil k I Hclllllii. when she Hns Ktrlckcli Willi lyphlod fever So was a tu eht and PoHiillful charcter. wto so death leaves a vol I In tho hearts . f j iiionts and assoel-ales. I llorr, tho llerylorl, BORN Huh, to the wifo of Harry eon, lt'tfhk leu pounds. THE PACIFIC MONTHLY i In order to do so, you must have A REPORT ON YOUR TRACT We are prepared to do this for you. We will put a corp of competent engineers in the field immediately. Wewill furnish you with a sworn report of examination. We have offers on file in our office for 30 tracts of this land from local parties. I? F V F V F F That we report on same in order en N which application is received. You had best write today for an applic;j'n blank, thereby securing early examination of your tr ict. Sector vrite us for prices and terms. e- i : nOM'T POriFX? We are stiM ,ocatin Homesteads UKJiy 1 I VrvVJL,. . ald )csert claims in the famous Warner Valley. Don't fail to call on or write us. tl Hi Hi PACIFIC LAND CO. BUSINNSS LOCALS 'i-k I.- t i i i. . 1 1 ' J. o l.au liiei in nt'uijiUK nut i.iiin this week which we hope will meet with i in irk response. Our credtti rs say they ue "I Ihi! money, and we ! Iieve t to-in. The only way we know huw to do b.is.ness Is to keep our, jH M(lt,,, of ,.ort,(,n, cred.' tt-M, . by ,rou.,.t paytnent of I () , beautifully .llustn ,' de! t'. 1 o hoi a to low the sauiit rulo . . ., , . ..II will be hanuv nionthly iimK.rine. If y.,u are inter na will l,e hapin. BNtm, , frllt rnjHillKi p.H.Hry rH)H. Kodak Ihiishint; a., photo gallery, intf or want to know about irrigated opl i.site (). V. K. ( o. oll!c(. B-lf. j lenda. Ilfnbrr lands, or free Kovorn NOKl'llb'l' A hl'IKNt-.V. ;rnofit land open to homestead entry. I i tie I'aciiic uionttily w ill nive you full infuruiat ion. The price is fl.'iiin i year DADDY WENT A HUNTING Meeer IJailey, Thornton an I the Keattem. went huntjiitf last week ou at I inn I-ke Tho druniiit shot a Heer, tk" mayor did not. and the ,, , - ........ iim ,in ijii inn if. t.o. canal. The lady, end tnul I which Horu to the wife, of Michael Cur es lownai lliey really would tin in the honliuK hue. If they ever tot within rlllo shot of enythinu the alio of one of Teddy 'a "olefunU. " I III- 11(1 III il.lt.' I (111 1 1 1 1 V , llf till! A rend iii Iho io i lot in is show u at the Opera lloii-o .-sat u i d ay was evideu cod by piciires ut ox i'losidont liooso volt mid Kertbit in the Atricau jun L'los sliootiuu mid trii pint; I'iK naine. 1' il.se V.I. II I. IHO M-lll I Illllnf I ol t , could oii.-lly detect his inail nor Isms. Oun't t'.r'. t lu a' tend Iho illus trated lecture on "A blip tit I'alos tine." Friday nu'ht, by the Kev. (i. J. Wentoil. liny Lot In Watson' Addition iieforo you buy Iota any where in thin vicinity eee tnriae in WatsoHu' addition Cloae to business center, of Lakeview. 'XI It. REYNOLD'S STORE AT LAKEVIEW Ih the jilnce to buy your vei'tnlilce. He hliM the InrK'oHt itHHurl loon t that Iiuh ever I teen cnrrii'il by liny firm In thla count rv. If you will send o", I'Mnt-i in f.tiiiii, I throe I ii to issues will li, y,,,, that you niiiy I i-i-o'nn anpiainlod 'with it. Uoiid the followiiit" xpleiidid I oil er Otter No. 1.--MoCluio's Mau.-.ine, Ud'iiinV lliiuni t 'ominiti lun and II, o I'aciiic Monthly, coslint; t-1 .". i, he Hont at. special rates of 'l. Oiler No. '. - McClure'H MaKa.ino, I'.eview of KeviowH and the l'li-Mlle. Monthly, coating ;. will l,(, Hent for :i.fsi Olfor No. 3 lliiinane Idfe. Ideal Homes and the I'acillu Monthly will ! be eent for t. Order lumber and aend order bo ooinpaoled by pnntsl money order for the amouut to the l'aoiflo Monthly Fortlaod, Oreon waa only nlnit days old, wore uncer einoliloiihly hustled out of I he hiUHo, ouHivount of the tir mentioned oIho- hero. NOI ICK Mil; lTTH.ICA I ION. Ooparttnoiit of 1 lie I utei lur. I'. S. lend Otllco at l.iikevn w, Oioliuh, 0( l'.ith. I '.'.. Notice Is hereby mven tlmt Ciishivn I arro w, of Ijtikoviow, Oi-'t.'nii( udio on Oct. H'llh, llHill. made i 1 1 ri,. A Pldlcatioii, M'i'ial, No. I r.v;:; 1 1 ),,,. N i; ipiartor, Sect ion II. Township 'KS., Kaiiue lid) , Willamolle Mori idan, has 1 1 1 I notice ot intention to make 1'iiinl ( 'ummiitat jon l'l oot, to e.-t ul.l sh i 1 1 1 1 III to Iho bind ul ovo ilscribel. Pefuri' K.-ict -or lltld ib'COI vor. C S. I. and Olllco, at. Lakoviee, Oieon. on tho -jet h ,,,y ,, Novoui ber, K'o'.l. C ' 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 it 1 1 1. ii it 1 1 1 -h as wilnorsoH Over Lakevlew Pharmacy LAKEVIEW, OREGON. SAWMILL WANTEDIN CKEWAUCANVALLEy The iinih-rsitiied owiih .'I'JO acicH nf pine timber lands, Koo 1 lumber tini ber, on west hi ii) of this valley. 7 or H miles southeast of i'ttlsley Lake view btaio road, ubout 1'. miles from said road and connected there by an easy grade and new road not yet completed. (Surface free from rocks, eteep nor difficult IokbIok, with near ly or quite all down ((rede haul. plenty of water for 8 team power at several places on tbe land. No mill now from Goose Lake Valley to Tnnmpon Valley, 15 or 20 mllee be yond Bilver Lake, ( more than 100 miles). To riubt party here a good buaiuea, open I rig aa favorable terms for convenient timber, aud other neceHsary rights, can be secured by interviewing or addt ta T. J. ilKAITAIN, Paisley, i tn I'uiil J.W. r . m. j. n. Stindt, Newell, of t'ory, of Llpke, of of Illy, l.akovn ( IroK'on Illy. AUT11UK W. OKTON, KoKister. NOTICK l'OK I'UMLIOATION. Department of The Intertor, IJ. H. Laud Ollloe at Lakeviow. Oregon Oct , I'Jth. HKT.I. ' Notice Ih hereby ilvon that I'aul Mtlndt. of lily, Oregon .who. on Oat. . Ititli, l'.NiU, made Homestead Appllcu. i tlon. Kerinl No liuil'l't f... I.' uui (J0O1) MOHNINO NEHJIinOK! I quarter. SK quarter NW quarter, NV hope you have prospered this sum- quarter, KK quarter. Section U mer. I have had the experience of i TowiiHhip :tH S., Kunge M K Wll- earn raisin veueiaoiea etlil irtlll lanielte .Meridian, has Illed notlou of intention to iniilie Tnnl commuta tion I'loof. to establish claim In II... VEGETABLE MAN COMING our onions Hre from the Meed and they are keepers, sweet and lingo; also potatotH early end late, 'nhich are well ripened and mealy, tine omitted, SIU'I.I II H yill Would wish whim you set them on Mm table, and the liiii-ht pup corn Tehoi has m v ei lieen a (.'row I. So pleioe iivo im an order mid ol, p. o A. Sti pho'isou, Cedal l ille. The vegetable:, will be readv bv tho 1st of November, iai:-od on the W. II. Mayllol-i Kiinch. land alone (losci ibed. bolu.o lieuis- tor and Keeoivei, M. S. I.niul I iici. id l.iilieviow, Oroiroi,, thi '.'(;tb o.(. id Novembei, II li. liiliiiiuil i;, lines as uitneSM-s: I II. Newill. i, l.nliei tow I irotfon I' M ( i rv, nt " ( ; ll I oi I ! i "l.imi, of 'lsl illis. " ' 11 I il l.". of l:y, On-oii A K i ll I 'l; v. oi: io, i;oojhi,.,.. O'JlN'J.'i moonmtntHi EVERYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE School Books, Tablets, Pencils Pens, Inks, Etc., at A. L. THORNTON'S I I tlllll llUMMIIIIUIIipj IIIIMIIIIlHltlllf . . i.