HEVEN exas Land ! Eatlatt Way. i.AKK I I i Sold on Crop Payment Plan Crows Rice, Sugar, Oranges, &c. OUR. PROROS riON ; .i in the (liil' Pist rut i vmi t;i v ly giving until we li i vt- i riiiv- I ml'l )rr- "i( II Wll 1 1 i i 111 1 n I UK ii vi r i" 1 1 1 iu'ii i 'ii from l In- H ill ll W.lllll' III I III' Y will sell you mi improve 1 l'Tc.ns, in Wharton "ountv. ;i lis two-fifths of your crop f.'ich the purchase price. Thin roiiiaii.v own '.'.'i.kkIimti'k of I m ' In rri thU your, ami yielded ho leii-lnl- win til farm liulhlliiK. It In numbed wi Colorado ljvr li.v ll ptliilpiliKI'I'Uit l'trk'i- cnl ire ril v of S'. 1,1111m. Thin latnl l ll a blin k loiun moiI It i-n.l i I i growing nf Niigar cane, iillslfii, cotton corn. orange. Iik an I v. go i,. i 'II i-IihI- Any 'f t hoc crop chii he ktowii without Irrigation mnl. equipiM-il hm It Im with canals for Irrigation ami with nml with an nbiiinbnii i'cr mipply. ll is particularly milled to tin culilviit um nf 'hi' humor crop o' t tit- country, rice. Our IhihIh will U iolil cqulppail for Irrigation wilha u mi rn nf of till rtriit water tu It USE RUE or anv Other Product 0 ttton. which inlude CAM'., Al'Pl.l;, UKAMI2S. H(s, OHAMII:N nml IIMAI'li FKUI' Th p'lce uf thi'w land Hum ul mI run um Ij3.n0 lo $50 ,0 per Acre, m elrdlng; to Location, 1 1 1 1 1 r v i in ami tjti.uiiiiy nf Lund al ready In Crop We require ii Oaali Payment ui (Hll'r m- Hml l M) mure w r mre In hIi iiimithM. mi tluit you will tiiivi-iMiuuh n 'il lutfive tun nil Intercut In w nuking tin- land ' You do not sign a not. 'ir mortgage for the balance, lint merely itKtv t IhlhrriiN 7'uo. flit lis nf Yntir Crni f.itrli Yrnr li your I in v iiii'ti t , and the only payment ou are- required to make. BY THIS PLAN If yuu Im v ii hard vear we ii.'io . ir o r I -mp nml von will hive no un paid nut tituri- yoo In iht fa h u ii iv 4 i..i yi'iir . i- we know you will lui vt. vonr fnr in In aomi pnl I I ir. Vnll Clin cliniiw your own rr H'-l'l III t rqillrcat leat 7i (iT rent of mien crup to In- Mice, mm v Munv I li 'lie uiu-i i t1 1 i t ) . S. H. RILEY. LAND DEPT., SAN ANGELO. TEXAS. ol: I. Miii- City, Wlinrtoti li Texas H.'ivCitv M.i i 'l.i iuiiity. Texts, lie sure to mention I Ml; l:XV1li ' h ou rite mlvcrtisers. He-I never know how to tnko you. Kin Well, you might try the soil tnlru mrt IhmI - Kiiiikiih (Jlly Time. Chlldron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASHTO R I A $1,000 REWARD 1 for nl a ku1 Svvm I.I v MUH'k lTi ton AMM-lfttl'in Whlih ih f unit HiKiH"! In ft ntcifib will lvr I H) 'f Mr ) for evlflfi I..x1.l.if t. ftlu . 'Vol any IjMy nf ih tl-n Rt'llriK lior- raitlt or iiiulf , loiiifltiK I" any ' ii- tu Ix-ra. In11 lion to tlif 'ov, tlx ijnlriirti offers nn lh nir rnmllilon $V U.Oo for ail lur p hraiHl'l hnr' rIio' tr on txith or cUi- in w, Hraii'l nror1'-'l In i-IkIiI ' oil ti! Una I r tit-y . t.nk- an 'I ''roo i-ouiitl-i. Hor V 1 1 1 ' l M ll'-ll Nol'l N'oim- i-ri ti h rf- mii'l an 'I m I v In hi In h".. W . flHoWN, HI.-, Mr-Ti'i it haiscs r::c duuch cr,J n 01 e I f!' . -PHOSPHA TF , . ,)f ,' 'i rr WI nn.l il i. h innri I d in I hi' In'lii-r i'!i'i' ). .!i-iH it i I tin- ii it If ti. r. o!f pound 25 nrxig soi a r.r c.iocchs Lakeview Dairy I W I SI -Nil AWT --'If I I i' i- tl'ti.'f. I i III l.i 1 1 ..i:l I'ure hlk iuJ CdMin .i.'i', l, :t i , lilni rum ' '.I' - Will l l'i'l'l II I (III if mil I'.il'. liil nl l-'iil Ii in ' ir iiwi" 11 I I I tj 'BTtTm " 1 I I 1 1 ri'le tlmt I r i ll i rrrv kt.u k nf r(i-l shown nn improM-d m-iire. Without il V' uu Mill ii'cr rcullv enjoy the priilr mid cxlnliirulion of progress, und -jsjr prujlrt- s. Allow- all, the trigger pull must he right. I lie Suvuge trigger pull is udjustuhle. The huidi'ig inceliiuiiMii niiiNt he hiindv. The Sawige in himplieity itself. I he micrometer must he retined. I lie Suviige register t lie KHHItlm of uu inch ertienlly or luterully. In fuel , every Icature of the Sangr large! Kille cun he udjunled and suited tu the exact needs of eueh target khooter. JCan yuu expect to improe your gulf with the wrong club? Can ou write a well with a fine pen if you like a tuh better? That is what we mean by the "exact need " of each target thooler. J The Savage Rifle latitnci. Iti accuracy is partly due to iti upeciul rifling and its beautiful balance. ha Itxdinf drvice il I He aimplrit crr put nn larlrl rifle. Kvery lime you drop in a cartridr. I he opiniii f.f ihn " amii " nrrta the old ahell : clttaina ihc "arm" encka the riHc. 'I hat'a all ihrte ia In il. (Chambered lo ahiMtl ahnrl, lniu. and Itml-rillr rarlruUra. 22 inch heavy barrel ha Sia hull plate. Maa no equal lur lait'l in oil hand fthiHilinft. I'tice. V' Sll- s ci: minis en. hiKvtrti, not blued. The arm wciftht 4 A pound v IAIvHi! 1 a in a t.tTtt r a r.-rrtr. a rr - " LAKk tUUl 1 Y ADD 1 KAt 1 LU. g Incorporated' A Complete Record vAl0 'iavc nia(le an entire transcript of all Records in Lake County (which, in any way, a fleet Real Property in the county. ' " We have a complete Kecortl of every Mortajje and transfer ever lii.ide'in Lake County, and every Deed jjiven. OREGON MAP SALE i . - i j l;ull colored Sectional j Hap of Oregon. j riii ;! w hill- tiu i.iitt. Iiiiwm nil Hii'vi-yi.tl IiuhN, by n- lluii". nl i'vitv lmiurtiint hi ru , i nml ilivhlo. TuwiiHliipH nrnl Kntu plninlv in ii'Ut il. :: :: :: l-.i -li'i... - :,M I. .in. I Uf., ill I .'i 1 1 I ui !,..- il,. (IkdON HILUAkV WO A tir.int omplite, I M-rtiiiiix. Iuii I ; a. t r I i ' I 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ' uliu ll.iu i-i nl' i- lull- In In- iii iti-, -ti-il in liiniU n. nit Imtii I li'fir .ii. :; :: llnl in' i in i ltii t uf thin inn i u win'il I. MUNTI-R LAND CO., I.T I.UMilr tiiii'u'h I!M. lo' 1 1 .1 n t, Oregon Errors Found in Titles In lrniiM.r.... .he records we have found numerous, niortjjc'ies recorded in the Peed iveoitt and uot indexed; anil many deeds arc recorded in the Mortae record and otner hooks. Hundreds oi iuortgaLrcs and deeds are not indexed at all, andaie most diflicult to trace up from the records. We have notations of all these Errors: Others cannot find them. We have pnt hundreds ot dollars hunting up these errors, nnd we can guarantee our work. a. these errors, nnd we can guarantee our work. Q J. D. VENATOR, Hanager. Wh'-n I wnn In Coloiniln mwiv i"'k la the all I ten I one ni'irnllr,- Iff I I n rrr for th aouth It wn tin- tl.iy nf road firrnts. and f rnnffn I f. lt nomi what tirrrnua. I wna told hy thr U'pIIh Karpi feHjf thnt the ronr-b wnul 1 he ipjnrdi'il hy one of thi-lr im-n Il k Rtrelp, wliAtn thy eormlilprfl worth hnlf a rloo ordinary men. Thla aat luflwl m, for from the time I uttered the alate I had heard of tho hrave doi-'lH of thin aame I)lrk Steele. When we wtre alut to start and Ktii-le waa polntrnl out to me I wa HiirprlHi'd. He wan a little fellow about five fi-ot five lrirhi', and I couldn't arc how he could terrify even a Blnj;Ie roblx-r, and there were often several In the partlea who robbed roarbea. How ever, he had an eye which, like hla name, was steel, and a cold looking steel at that, and I put him down for one of thoHe men In whom nerve takes the plae of muscle. I made the trip out and back with Ptei-le. ami there was no occasion for the Wi-IUT'iirEo man to show his met tle. When I left Ix-nvcr for Chpyenne to take the t'nion Pacific railroad for the cast Steele was again the guard. This time when we were midway on our Journey we heard the cry ahead. "Hold up your hands!" and the coach rami-' to a stop. A man came and stood on one side of the coach, holding: us all covered with a brace of revolvers, while two others on the other side opened the stage door, threw down the stepi nnd called to us to alight. Steele was In the middle neat and next person to the open door. We nil expected hltu to suddenly bristle with weapons and kill the two men before they knew what hurt them. Instead of thnt he tumbled nut with bis hands In the air as nlinlilj an n young fawn. Sfi-liig th.it we liful no protection from this vaunted hero, we nil got out and Ktooil In line while the roiid agents relieved us of everything about us of liny i;i!i:e. Kvidently they h:id never si"Ti S'..ivf boftire. for they fronted hlni Jn-t like the re.st of US. I thought perluil In- riil'-rit stoop nnd pull n pair of ri'v.i!ii-rs from his boots: but, al !V,::.;'i In- In. 1 r-i -i l.i! :i!i h!ng. !. !. 1 lint .':. I'll- .;iu!titvt l:ioM'- rin'iit. 'li"ii III.- robiMTS wci'i- ihrou'i with us they ordered ns buck into the coach and told the driver to move on. As noon ns we were free from the robbers there was a great outburst ag:iln-:t Steel. '"You're n pretty guard:" "Whoro did ymi get your reputation for I ,-;! very 7" "ihc l.Ltri'-1 cownr.l i:i the co.ii'h:" T!ie.' ve-e mHiii' of the protests fl'.'i. were hurled iialnst the tnun .if i'i"' h rt ; ii ! :i t i-u. condnet In lieMi ii: theiii ui ini'ed eicry one that he wns not only not brave, but unusually cowardly. lie did not resent a single one of these insulting re prtiaehes. Indeed, he did not seem to hear thetu, keeping his eye out the window looking tit the ground we passed over and watching for some thing Presently the road made a turn, and the coach passed around It and behind a clump of trees. Steele flung open the coach door. Jumped out, unstrapped a Winchester from under the boot and started back, stooping among some bushes so as not to be seen. I am not a brave man, but I am a very curious one. Seized with a desire to see the rest of the story for my self. 1 alighted and went after the Yc It'll gone about ha'f a a !'.. stot u here we had U'en and a t ! . i i 1 of this distance epressimi in the ground. Tak ing position In this depression. I could see all I wanted to pee. I saw Steele dodging along a short distance ahead of me. and about the same distance beyond hlra were the robbers dividing the swag they bad taken from ns. Then from out a clomp of sagebrush I saw a puff of smoke, heard the crack of Steele's Winchester, and a robber fell. Befor I could have counted flvt there were another puff and crack, and another robber fell. The third maa had only tint to look wildly about him when he, too, went down. Then Steele advanced cautiously. As be approached one of the robbers rais ed himself on bis elbow and was about to Ore at Steele when the guard drop ped him, this time for good. Steele went to the plnce where the bodies lay, gathered up their spoil, turned and came slowly buck. When he came up to me I remarked to hlin that he had been t'ry lucky to l1;nl the rob bers eugagi !, and he replied that they usually di I led the plunder at oiiee, so thai cadi ia:m could shift for himself w itltoul losing his share. I went back with the little man lo the coach, which was standing where we had left it, nnd Steele asked each' person to !ek out hla belongings, which he was uot slow la doing. Then followed nn npology from eVery one who had rated the guard for hla cowardice. Some of those who had t)een most abusive looked a bit terror stricken, thinking that they might be called to account But Steele paid no more attention to the apologies than he hud paid to the abuse, merely re marking that a man who blustered up gainst another man's gun when th muuls was toward him was a fool. BOBINSOX ITBRIDaV Tito Kind You Have Always Bought, nnd which lias been in uho for over 30 years, lias borne the nlfrnataro of and ha been made tinder his per Bonal aupervlfllon III nee its Infancy. rSY, s-CccAUl. Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nd " Jnst-as-pood " are hut Kxpcriuicnt that trifle with and endanger the health of I ii funt and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare froHc, Drops and Hoothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm nd allays Feverl.shncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cure Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Jiowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Childrtu's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CINTAUfl COMPANY. TT HUHNAT aTMCST, N TONH eiTV, guard mil.- l .'. rol'l'e.l. w a s a i $1,000.00 Reward. I'i;" Oretruu. California & Nevada' l.i vent ock Protective1 AsMiiciatioi) will give llnnu lb-ward for the con cietion of any party or part its steal ling burses, cat t le or tun Ion belonging tunny of t he folluwlng; members of t his Assi icia t ion: l ux Clark, rliewncnti Land i 'at tie l'o.. lb ryfui'.l I.jiml V Cattle ''.. I ..! ke County l.'iml A: Livestock '.'u., W.-irtii-r Valley Stock Co.. W'tu U'. I Im w n. ( ,e i ,. . . .ii.-. ( ieo. 1 1 i ii-kin.-. s. ',, Chandler. C. A. Keharr. N. l ine. U'... Currier. 1'rank 11. :.iiiers, I.C. 1 1 oti'hU is,i, Calder ivood llros., T. .1. I'.r.ittain A: Sons, T. A. Crump, I'renrtler Ar l'.otiner, W. T. Cressler Mau l I. I'.ambo. .... . I W. P. II KHYFol'.II. Presiil't )hM' V l-" 1 1 M. Mil f.r.u.SiM-.VTrea.s W. p. lli:i:Yroitn I'in m i: C i. I". M. ;ki:i:n I s. P.. CiiAMii.r.i: Ci INXKST NOTICE. Pe art iiient of t'te Interior, United States ham! tttice, Lakeview, Ore gon, l let. litl 1 1 . l'.li'.l. A sucient coutfst attidavit has been tiled in this otliee bv Wm. Keppel Harry, coLtestaut ngainst llouie?ted Kury. No. 0400. made Aug. '21st, VMS, tor SiW quarter SW quarter, Section 'J'i, ToAiiship 117 S.. Kange "U K.. Wil Ituiiete Meridian, by John A. Clrak Contestee, in nhich it ia alleged that the entrymau never lived on said land, uever cultivated the same, has net fenced it or used it aa a borne. Kutryruan has bubt a cabin on said laud but.same coutains no windows, floor or door; nor is there any furni ture therein. Also entryman bas abandoned land for eight months last past, said parties are hereby notified to appear, respoud and offer evidence touchiug said allegation at 10 o' clock a. m. ou Nov. bith HH.1i before Register ami Ileceiver. U. S. Land Oliice, Lakeview. tlregou The stiid cintestant having, iti a proper litli l.ivit, tile 1 t let mi, l.H".' : set tort li tact.-i winch show that at ! ter due illllgenee lieisnal service of i this iiutict cauuot be made, it is hereby ordered aud directed that j such notice b giveu by due aud I proper publication. A K Tit UK W. OKTON. Kegister FRED P. CRONEMILLER, Receiver 07NU PETITION' FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. We the undersigned legal voters of North Warner Preeiuct, Lake County, State of Oregon, respoctfally petition the Hon. County Court, of Lake County, the State of Oregon, to grant a ilceusi to Pat Murphy & W. .Moss, partners under the firm name and stvle of Murphy A Moss, to Sell Spiritious .Malt and Vinous Liquors in le-s ijuantities than one gallon in North Warner Precint, Luke Coanty, Mate ol ( ir!on, tor the period of twelve iiiiii:tii, as in duty bound we u ill ever pray. NAMES J. H. Turpiu T.S. Liurgess W. C. Scam ui on ' W. 11. iieuetiel , Harry Riggs J. 11. ( ireeue J. J. Scott 11 J Anthony ; l-'rauk Roggers 1 il .Mills 1 Machuel Lane J W Uandley T Henderson Wui Alford A J ilodgklns Nolen E Currey F J sullivau 4 H Horns O W Uigby Dennis Douavin O A Curtis Willis ii Grisel C H Robinson Earl 11 Clark P E Taylor Jack (iee J W Fine L W Fraker Warren C Laird A H Canterbeny NAMES C. W. Dent Otto Korbein Pat Duane W. K. Barry 11. li. Woodcock John Walker W E Schuster W H Porter Jack Deboy Thos F Murphy James I) OCouuor Chas Hobbd W Rigius Phil S Harry J A Morris F P Lane ve O Grisel J W L oftus Lamar Thorn R ti Grisel Dick P Mahuney James McKee li J Petiu Pat Quiolan Uert Urittain D J Guinel A Bogner David Crow Austin Deboy CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the interior, United States Land UtUce. Lakeview, Ore gon, Sept 23d,, 1909. A sufficient contest affidavit hating been tiled in this office by M. B. Rloe, contestant, against homestead Entry. No. 4035, (Serial 01608) made May 13th, 1908. for N half SW quarter, SE quarter SW quarter, SW quarter South East quarter. Section 28, Township 34 S., Range 19 E... Willamette Meridian, by Rudolph Knubbi, Oontestee, in which it is alleged that said Knubbi has never since the date of entry es tablished a lesideuce ou said land, that entrymau has wholly aud totally abandoned said entry for more than six inonihe la-t past (May 13th, j K08 to present time) that he as wholly and totally faile I to cultivate j or in any manner improve land em -' hraeed l l entry, nn 1 has performed no .Mirk ot any kind thereon; and that his alleged al'sence from the I land whs not due to employment in i the army or navy or tuariue. corps of 'the United States, said parties are I t . i !.. J J iiereeoy iioiuieu 10 ttputiar, respinni, auii oiler evidence touching said al legation at 10 o'clock a. ui. ou Nov. iOth. 1909, before Register aud Re ceiver, U. S. Laud Office, Lakeview, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, tiled Sept 22, 1909, set forth facts which show that after due dilligence personal service of this notice can not ba made. It is hereby ordered and directed that svich aotioa be given by dua and proper publica tion. ARTHUR W ORTON. Register. FRED P. CRONJMILLKR, 830N4 Keeaiver State of Oregon, County Lake, sa 1, Pat Murphy, being first duly sworn, according to law, deapoae and say: that the foregoiug petition coutaius the signatures of au actual majority of the whole number of le gal voters of Notta Warner Precinct, in Lake -Couuty. Oregon, that each ot s..i,l si -.a, it i ires is een '1 i ue, that t.ii'u ol t'.e peiMjus whose signatures are signed to said petitiuu, is au actual resident in said precinct, ut the date thereof, aud was aud has betm actually residing in said precinct and resided therein at least thirty days immediately proceeding the date be signed said petition and also nf the tiling of the same. PAT MURPHY, of tbe firm of Morpby & Moss. Notice is hereby given that the un der signed will apply to the Hon. County Court of Lake County, State of Oregon, on November 5th, 1909, for a liscense to sell Spirituous, Malt and Vinous Liquors in less qualities than ona gallon, in North. Warner Precinot, Lake County, State of Oregon, for a period of twelve months, from tbe 7th day ot October. 1909. MURPHY and MOSS, byPATMUR PHY, one of the partners. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department nf The Iuterior, U. S. Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregon Se(it. 21st, 1909. Notice is hereby giveu that Edith Vernon, of L akeview, Oregon, who, on Sept 1 It ft. 1 '. i i J . ii, udt 11. E. Eu tiy No. 327."', Serial, No. 012u3, for S 10 quarter. Section 1 Tow nship 40 S., Range 20 E., Williitiuitte Meridian, has tiled intention tu make Final Five Veeai Proof, t i establish claim to the land above described, before Register 'and Receiver, U. ,S Laud Office, at Lakeview, Oregon, ou the lib day of November, 1909. Claimant nacuea as witnesses: E. O.Pratt, of I-akeview, Oregon Harlou Prough, of " " George Fitzgerald, of " Charles Eoleston, of " " ARTHUR W. ORTON, S30 N4 Register. Ghtllclror. Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA