l.AKK JNTY KXAMINKK, I.AKr.NlKW, ORKUON, TIll'RKPAY, (H'TOHKIt 9K, :mt Lake Count v Examine HIKI) J. BllWMAM. Lartt Papr. and LarfWt Circuit Eastern and So.thera Orr. IMUl.tHHKI KVKKT TH1 KMUT, Knt rM I the I'ont 0rat l.arl. Or. tioronil-naaa Maiur. rnl NTV cil Klilll. rrirK 51 nSCIPTUN R.TbS. n ear. In al mire, I'-W ihki'iIk. ' f ...... ..I.a aIf net p!.t In a'1vKiii'r. il SO Ibc real Notice to Subscriber tipiti ! Iin hiamtner who rrmov 'r. 'ii on. ii'ih.-;v to ain'ttirr. r chans il. r ,,toHi.T n . 1 .1 1 nti.ml.1 rvmemtvr to arm- t'hm ..itiee rur.l o i hi-ir pajH-r oat a.i ir-.v.-.1 in tin- riht i-'MottU'C. ADVFKTIMMl RATt5. K.-uular Man.iing a.f. IUV an Inch lnlf (aluinn iai'. per mouth. All Maniiioa a.l haniteit r'"" t"!'"' month, lout of eumposl lirti i hnririvl for all extra ehanir.'S All'tviai alli(in extra. All short trrni aila. ealra Reader. Iih ai rolumnn. 10e. per line oai'h in altton. Want a.lv V. a lin each inaeriion tfcrii of thanks l.t. Resolutions of coikIo kniee. 11.60 ami upward. Trsnsicnt Aittertising and Job lrlii log. cash In aiUaiux. 411 Mils must be paid the Bnt of each month. fjtT-No deviation from these term. TUIO OaDCQ issepton fili al K.i- lUai'a IHIa r Ai Lit AdvertiMne AK'n v 1.H faml atmie Street. San Framivo, l al.. where eouiraets for advertising can he mad. fur it. Tbe business man or Arm, during these stirring timet?, burst inn uii big promises of the future, who aen Tit to use our advertising space ataud iD the wsy of future pros perity. The Fxatuiner is uow sending out uearlv WOO papers to regular s-,1 scrihers v ry week to people who tavo interests here, aud who will at one future time make this ceetiou their home. The old settlers may know you but the new ones will not tod surely will an! do go where thev ire iurited. You do no only lse loe? trade but invite competition, a it is th live ones who know the value of printer's ink. and that it is a business-: 'tt-r, the uorlJ over these days. The OakhiO,! Eimnirer, Hi'l ublican. j guys: The A iikk'hu poopit- scarcely jrp- to t!,e pr iii'j-.'im of Prosi leut To" I V tii-nt' ' i ! p-:fi "It i-'Il. it 1 ;'. it i' k'.s-' .ir.veut r "T' ere arc tarty i THE GLASS OF FASHION Smart New York Women Use Triple Full Length Mirrors. THE FLOWER TRIMMED VEIL! Spring Hata Bring Teeth and Nose Into Preminanca and Play Hida anj Saak With Waarera' Faces Model M ora Eccantric Evary Day. j IVar Elsa-llck Ims Just given me j n Kaatrr pnniit that Is golnc to lie l the comfort of my life. Ye: I know that In the proper sequence of things I should have been so delielitcd niid surprised (1 boutlit It invselfi t find the gift I" '"" dressing room on Das ter morning, but the truth Is I Just couldn't tvnlt a day longer without a pep Into uiy full length triple mirror.: for that'i the present 1 nhotild lx re-1 celTlng on Sunday morning. April ll.1 I do wonder, though, what I really will find beside my breakfast plate on this auspicious morning. But It's too nor A'v.vz i -it P i: i ..'i- t-o- r 1' , ? a i 1 1 r.ttli-T iii'oel t 1 ieai ttie ?t;iti'UIlt of l'vlk .of Miss-ui: . times when loyalty to, tieasou to the state."' j An.lt!-' -"!,t iment of Mr. I'olk ap- i 1;,- i i il". .- .'.-11 t.1 either h repu'j-' li;':i-: ..i- a lo r i r. The ,1 1 i,.,; ,.al t . t-uttv ii' ility is re-pottsible fur f. in ! 1 1-1 j i lit.!,-:. erjeiiciurie.-grte. aii J oorrnpti u i ! 'I - i r. i-i-, ;i')d none trr.i- i: I otter th-m the ";: elf Lc-rhiJhot low de- S-.-n meu, an i most bojs raisej i in the city, speak di--parai;iugly Q' j io l or rawed nn the farm. Hut tiie ! t ijaretta tietid a:) 1 the no account develop from city surround ins, while alam.-t invariably the r?aly great men of this laud Bta-tei their career ou tee farm. The:. were rubes" aud "hayseeds," but the stamina and braio and the muscle acquired on the farm, in after years male them able to cope uuceeaafully aith the most strenaous and compli trtted business and governroeotal .Tai-.s cf' the t ntion. Remember this, ! r i f the farm, and eut out. , ...-! nt '.or thi I!-'- that -oj . iJi.t 1:1; 1 he n t 1 11 11 at the btii-ti .uing tdf r-i ".",.; acrehjd' U::d in hake (,'auuty the sud leu aj tent of l.TsXi tratifcients would have txoitecJ the cupidity of many place, tut in Lakeview they were conaid ered visitors and tbe charges were io many instances cothing. In no case were too rates raised above the ordi nary. It is charging "all the traffic till bar" when a crowd cornea to to a makes tbe visitors koockera jo stead of dlanoea to run. 1M BBONZK OKtl N BIKAW. rid of me even to auto-sugget the Idea of another gift. Still. I would give Pick a Jolly goinl hug If he remem bered how I liked that- No; I won't even toll you what It wmv It's too grasping- in f:h t. piggMiof me. Hut to dfit-ribe this inirror. l-'.very wouiitn i!ov:idays who goos in f.-r dross as a line art -and most all New York women c'.o are obliged to own one of tli-, -!.'.-es. When fa-hi- !.- I.--- ;' !ili . .t 111:1 l'..o rSli f ..; ; arltig i:. a v.,-v . ia M.i.-Ii M:;;e. la M...;.. i: te'.iU . no should i'ie il.-.--; t:..t I'e.-l safe ia I c Ing assured by one's mirror that slie Is well put up from ine vanta-o p'.',:;t. She must be sart.-rl il'y p. rf- t fr-m every angle. Now. this js ( t--t,y what the triple f.drror d-ies for And if use,! l'.-iit!.;"u'.ly--vi.u;.i'.s IP e a m.ili ine ;id.. imi-siP iiV- a: en hi!;- -lug y. it ktiow to a ier!;.:np '.-.!: r'a r y. 11 turtle y ur t e U ! P -. " ft:!ly ; . ; - d. botl.er .' ur ' ..:! a L'"U !i wr!: i - p.-!.iien' :;tl on. s i.:..!,.-s you ri soluble I'riar 'l'uek in b: tui;!;' robe ' r whether your !' he w u'-l meet the aj proval of the early 1 Ire. ';s. As f..r your hat-why, a "i-hepplng bow l" jifi'tiir even has nttraet i..;,s -ed from the right angle triangle of a trlplieate. You know what a va-t dif ference the least difference In the :ol justuient of a chapenu means to femi ninity, exactly the difference between good looks and ugliness. That awfully good manicurist I ha-, e told you about uses a triple mirror when ahe works with the bands of her aoonr For nilnutp I couldn't tblnk what wr had been talking about. Kverj thing was no atupld. Then Dual ly I blurt Ml out: "Oh. yes, I rvollK-t We dlsctisicd that horrid woman that's moved In n cross the street, aud Longfellow." 1 actually failed to r allxo what I'd aald until a perfect howl grvetttl my abstracted cara. Nasty of hint, wasn't It? I am alisolutely fagged out fro in trying to run a spring hat to cover that I could wear without looking a fright In. and I think I have succeed , ed In capturing the brush, to use a hunting term. In tho chapeau of 1 brotir.e green straw I have sketched ' for you. in the season's medley of shapes this Is a very conventional model. Put It has a signature Inside the crown that would satisfy any wo man of Its 1 hli ness. even If alio over looked the lovely great white marsh roses about the crown and the long ends of bronr.e telvet rlblHin that tie under the chlu. The average hats of the spring an1 wildly eccentric, and they grow worne and wortte. There Is more than oue quevr shape. There's the funnel, the flowerpot and the large spreading tray from which to select, but there la one trait com mon to them all they play hide and seek with their wearers' faces. Two features these hats do bring Into prominence-the teeth and the nose. So If a girl has a good set of teeth and a bad nose, or the rc crse. she's between the devil and the deep sea, and It would lie better to select a model more Impartial In Its demands. ' Hut you. dear, are fortunate In having a face any hat would lie- proud to adorn. I The newest thing In veils has flow- ers attached nt the top. where It Is ar ; ranged nbotit the hat. 1 saw a stun nlng woman at Sherry's the 'thor 11ft ernooti wearing a small I lue turban in dull, spiky straw wltli a f c!l of blue rot 1 aug':t Pa--- u -r'.v ar"i:'el the top with IP y vP..,., ,l pp. :Ui I 1 i roses. . This i il w p 1: :i i 1 '1 :l way t hat t he r 1 1:' P 1 crcwti. and tin re was r.. ,:u IP:,: r catching of the t ' w a i '' 1 t e when the veil Is ailtits:..! , ; ;': flowers. .lust iii- 1 p.. !:,( t . .' a -lar arrangement and see bow fet.h;-.-It Is Illi7.abet!l N. has Mit .all.-d la- i:p on the phone at .1 :i-.;.o I t,' to n . w P'i her to the ( ,,! ,:. .-lull to I lie I--.: exhil Piou of h,..;-,-!i, 1 ! a-!s , f I'). eight. -e:i'! r..:.f!ry. This is the sni-ir est w.u au's i lu' ia the cu itf. Vvs Jolm .la, l, A ' r. I thi- P. N the 1 r s-.'..-: r . : .1 l v '.;' ..-s 1 . 1! - a'- u- n ' ! - i ' - !' v PROFITS Extraordinary Profits SECURITY Unquestionable Security Invest in I'riiuv Knport through ouv Ivstatc slmns, selling nl pir SlO.(M) jut share. As a part of our plan for handling our rapidly rowiu husiniss ami lot increase its eapaeitv, we offer to a limited iiumher the opportunity to share etpialy with us in the larvre ro!its eertaiu to aeetue. The money received ly the Coniany through the sale of its shares is invested in choice Prince Rupert realty, under the direct supervision of the Hoard of I it ectoi s. The opportunity is extraordinary hecause ol the profit sharing plan !y which you may share in all the profits of the Compan;- its rapidly increasing business. PRINCE RUPERT BUSINESS PROPERTY will make fortunes for those who invest in it now, as did Portland, Seattle, Spokane ami Vancouver real estate, for those who invested in these cities ten years ajjo. TODAY PRINCE RUPERT IS TIIE CYNOSURE OF ALL EYES. No other city on this continent is making such rapid advancement in population, commerce and huildiu. Prince Rupert's present and future growth insures investors in our shares a combination of safety, hijh returns and iureasiu value, which is not offered in an equal decree by any other form of investment open to the public today. Invest your surplus funds with this Company and share in this jjrent progress and prosperity. If you have $", 100 or $1000 which you would invest where it will provide a larjc income with the opportunity for jjreat profits, then subscribe lor sonic of these shares. We refer, by permission, to the Hank of Nova ceotia, Vancouver. Write or wife your order for shares today l'ou't delay. Prince Rupert Real Estate Investment Co. Ltd. 410 Loo Building, Vancouver, B. C. Prince Rupert., B C- Win: VT :Ut YK VIts oi.P. m:w iiwia. '..nn.. Sept. :m inn- nt the wbent til It .1 - 1 l. T -.hi lie ' u ail v in undent Mured !d, ire the yi.-n eir-' ftiMMlie In llypt Im- t u r-'ceiv.d In tie- .-ntine 1 1 inn -n-r. el I ir.i 1 1 b if. I The w lie.ll il - -; . il.-i I in tin" n i net. vn t h dvnu-t.V, I.""' e.i is li.-f.ire ClirlHt.nr in. ire I ! i. :i t h I'm i - in;- . A bv . l.-lld an v o' he mi 'or i II t er troy N-rr .'-' la.w AKI. KKWAKD ol .It) .IoIIhik is heie ilfered tor I "tumit,,n that will to t he iirre-. mi conviction of el still w ' li is sfoleo nes or I proeil troin our ( 'oin any ; the sum iuard l- beiel-v olfeii-d nt. H ,n i i ' lint Illb. l to t he t iind in id Ion ol anyone .le ill,; t i i , i i i ty of t he ( 'mill any. I ' litis. I n: ' aoh. f ,1 , I Co. l eh A Tel. Co. '..'I. rimmr-CLAmm rumttouTm Mammoth Stables C. D. ARTHUH, PKorminm 1 ho '.nrui'Nt l.lverv nml I'vil Stable In .Mintliern I in-irnu i if ,. HI hern Califnriiln. Ilnr-OM Itnanleil liv tbe Ihi.v. Week ur M'-ntli. Sn-cbi Atteiiti iii lilveii tn TriuiMlciit St.id, LAKCVIE W OHLOON I-:-, v old Y, llU'!v. i'-,-p r m r.i:i. A WEDGWOOD ROOM. This S'l.Tde Will Be Pretty In SprinQ R J c ; o ,- a t i o n . bill- (P. 1- 1 1 . - 1 ' i V. 1 ' :5i 5 .' buoBtefB fjo too many 4u ""tsTvaluat le ia the lonu The third ancual chtalou of the CfirreHfiondeui e Sc buol uf fh L'river- fst.V of Oieiinn in jin-t I eifjK neiit Out an-i the l.v-.,t iiicr i-i-l. n '. .'. I - i- the rteeti't of h copy A t! oid tnitny ne' cji'i . hnv be it t- i n I -i f .... a i i it i-p i, i A r VSfl JoM I. 1 1 1 1 ( ' I J . I I , t, ol n a - -; -. I.-'-in- .t.i H t -i 'I.I.I MS II," iii-I i-in. . !i ci ( 'niij iu; 1 1 I, 1 !":- -lap,.-' ';'l A'!. . .Ilii 1 ' I;! til' . . .-.!.!-.. ll lie. . i I- ' t i'. . -i Uu m i. i.l I ; a line, iaiiijsh a.'i I l'hs;i 1. u-v All ! patrons. In this .l.i---. h-j. ... a.ciil nil i-!i h in..'; t -ia ! ,-i f.- i-i -i I . I , ' ' 't.P' !' il. '. 'I - v I'm 1 . . . ; a- I !. i i I helll - oi' I ,o ; . : . ,r i,l' ul these ;oijsen LTh - eim; . Ifr6ii j la-t iei.ll y tu-e of idiiirt'" it'td the a c i k heeuni to I n lueein -j u real a!! in the Stute Students troni all paU of (JrK"u to the number of 4(XI tf now enrolled bud the number is trtmuw raiddly. All of the cooisjea uttered ar given by the members of the regular Unlveruity faculty. A Ksaoaa iUe to get off hia buuo'i of good ttouud Be d be: A lot of people wtt koo are worth twenty thoummrj dollura or more a large tart of bleb they atola from their Momaoh, thtr Uok aod their braiub ...d it it aiow too lata to ever fay it b .uk. ,-i ! ii h i, , hi. i , l:nl I in i r ,j o . i-r ' he : Pt.u ' 1 1 : 1 1 illM pol l ;.- e lo'l'-'h to I i--h -o-lii;' i if as ol hi-rs see me. ()t e,oir-e !'n. n.,' nfti n .-ati.iii-d with the result; but, na I!ro nln;r Fays, the poKHlble best Is a comfort to achieve. And tulkinj; of lirowning reminds me of iJiok'd latest piece of Impu dence. Von know, dear, we have Just organised a literary club In our neigh borhood, and the other afternoon I round Dick home when ' from the laat meeting. "Well." he naked cheerfully, looking up over t!io top of Ma paper, "what wna the tojde under AkiC'uaakiia Ui tba club thU after' I IP - .!;: -i !-, a ;.-!' 'i ! t. w ';.-! t.-.N t . t . -' P I y.-! hoc. f,.t i- : P.. ...M !-, r.-. i-. f-.r t!f r.,.ci J : : i i -, r .a v.. (;! i r .--t IT!! i p. -life. v. P h i's .s,, ',-r II .'ll' The j .ii ' pv c,,'. ,r Is i -, , I , i , r ,-i ! il h--s yep.oc l!;-i:i IP- coPc-i:-! ' iP, a- if a t..t. h "f Mfav had been d ihed In but tin-re ! sti'l eii.ei-'li of the. r.--i:n.v toll.- left to bleed With the Wl-lliiUOoiI Mile of the liatl'illS. Till -se .iir'.-iin yomN may be found In sin h Inexpensive materials in pah'iten, cotton poplin nnd Japanese crape, all of which are mure recent arrivals on the decorator's counter 1 than denim and burlap. Several plect8 of old inahognny, a jieacixk screen and a bowl of pollsh- ', ed brass are the needed touched In , this chaste little room. B-!mce In Furniture. '. ' ' ' - c t - f r -r . t . .' : ' P.- re - rt a !'i Pi:.. ' ' '. ,1- :-n f'llly 'Aitti fiiroPnre hi p nthi-rs thtit simi) the a ppei r.i tice f t!:c m-M expensive !y lilted up a p.-j-t nn-n t. l irsi and fore most of these Is to "balance" a room, meaning by that not to (jet all the heavy pieces or all the lar'e pictures on one Hide. If, for example, there la a large Rofa against odc wall, acroas from it there should be a table or something like that to preserve the equalities. It need not be exactly acroas, but somewhere on tbe other Bide, to avoid looking as though, were the floor swung one aide. It would go down and the other come up. In re arranging a room the nigs, If any are used, should be taken up and tbe floors left so that the chairs, etc., can be easily moved to experiment for the bent placing. To Pro'.ect a Bureau. ( : i. I nt, a -I ' ep r n ho has ma ho'.'a tiy beilroi.rn fnrnPiae ,im n careless fain- I!;, ha s I P i. nn a way !' pi'1 H'ct the . i , ,. s'i. l,i. - ti rent , ,- , t - . . , ' i i i . i . ill a I -1 1 his it cut t,, it 1 i.. i, if I he ,ii-mm This Is i: -, ,i : I he ,, I ; a .: V blireji II ,i , r V;ii ur iPy a cover that i-. ro t trans ; , :., :- ii t be il -. il. bnl I hose of ,jMiie i r heavy II hi are hoi h smart and sen ici able, and the oilcloth not only beeps the wood from sc Hitching, but prevents more Hcrlous scarring from hot curling Irons or dropped matches. N.itue. in u 1 1 1 1 m ii' m v i ii i:uv i i, tice i, i.-i,-l.y Mjv,.n ihai all irrli;.'i teill. ur llllllf.lee ilitches ..11 all llnllt -.In-aiu-. .brioiuht I .a k.- i '. oi n t . In--i .it. ni'.M lie screened with a sinall 1 1 1 . - i 1 -.vtfe iTih llitlLT a ' I leir held . a I M 1 1 I i i 1 1 1 Willi I lie 1 1 1 .'I i 1 1 c h -I 1 1 I ... -I . .f -!!.: I. '. . I I . I I I ! ' - i " . ' ! i - I ! ' I ' ' I. ill - , ill -.1,1 - ! I .' t i 1 1 - III I isl I ll- I if. I . e. I is , t Ii a li - :, .a ! I, I , ,t , ii le i i i - lie - a ii- . il i i a -- i a l - ir it- a r ' he t; i i, i , II . , , ;' the 1 1 , . a i 1 1 , 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 e 1. -, i : i - I , , , I ,.H tie- p.i--a:c i.f In, ill at ali litn.--i.I i-ar. a-. irni.ei by mu -ai, ill i til be ij.ilie at low U .1 I , r little, ul- ti, lie Cl.lllplct.-.i by I'eli. 7. I '... I'.y iifilcr nf .1 A. I'.ai bain. Siiecial I ii put y tih W a r.leii , a 1 .tl Ues i Hill I V , I I fey i ill COLORADO HEl LAKI: ll-W, )kT:(i). Tlie lest Meals in Town -Try Us IitlICr' ' " 11 " 1 '" 1 1 " "' ' l ioli liri'.ul h.ulv C. I:. LONZWAY, lroprcitor CASTOR I A For Infants and CMldrea The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Bignbturu t in ; r . i.i.:, I- Nt'l .SK I- A I KIM VRH M'AI.K. Wl MlM I I I H vnn. Mot 0o:i"0ajtTiP. trn ftin.iii. Boiltri .i Clrru-ik U Su..k at roltii.AM. 01U.OON Every O. V. L. Co. Contract Holder SHOULD SUCSCMBE FOR THE EXAMINER Hello ! There ! Hello ! STOP AND THINK ! S. T. Colvin 1 Tin- old Sto' lii).'in .'iiid Randier lias purdiascd the ; Furniture Store ol il I. Chandler. He is putting in a li I stack ol joods and is marking down every tiling so that ! you can live lv huyin furniture of him Call and lood at 'insjjoyds. Mr. J arnliam Harris, the experienced under- taker, will he there to wait on you any time. YVe Have Found ThobC Er- J;J rors in the County Records, jyj M M Abstract, of Title to all Lands in ffl I FOUND WiUing to Oblige. "iVuse inc. iiin'fiiii." nalil tbe husky holjo; "but. ez yousp Uln Bee, I alnt bardb Kt a ra t' m baric. Can't jroone do namthUilXcr iu7 "Ortnlnl.v." replied tbe kind Udy. 'llere's tbo mgr b ie Help jronrtelf." Detroit THi.f HUMMONS. In tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon, for.tbe County of Lake. JOSEPH F. AMBK08E,Plalntlff. vs. ROSIK AMBKOSE, defendant. To Rosie Ambrose the above named defendant ' I In the natne of the State of Oregon, you are bureby required to arffiar arid answer the complaint tiled HKaiuHt you In tbe above entitlml diilt, nn or befom triB 'JHtb.iliiy ir October, I Dim, that bwiiitf tbe ilHt.e of tbe lust fiiiblicati'in of HiimtiHitiH and tbu lust iliir with in which tlm ddlBiidaut is ' rcipiired to' himvut iih flxml by tbn or-ilci- nt iiiillic.it ion ...tfliis HU in in on H, iind if vim fail to appear tu iiinl an- . Mvnr tbn (iliiintill will iil'p'.V c i ; i it f'-r tin; n li-i' iniv"l for in tin- t c jinpat'iit. i 'Ibti 'relief demanded in the. cmu ' .. .i: I plmnt III Inr a decree ii imuvi -uii the mariii'Kii contract and boinlH ol inartrlmony HxiHtin between r.Uintilf and defendant and for the cutitoily of the minor children, Martin F. Ambrose and 'J'homas J. AmhroHe. Thin aiimnions is published In tbe Lake County Examiner, a wekly newspaper, printed and published at Lakevlew, Ocegon.by order of Hon, Ueortte Noland, judKO of said Court, and dated the 4tb day of fcSpetembor, 1U()0 ' Tb' first publication to be made on Thursday, the 9td day of September, 1909, and tbe last pnbllcatldn to be mad on the 28th day of October, 1909. W. J. MOORE, 89 029 Att oroey for Plaintiff. Lake Country Furnished. Terms Reasonoble. Tract Index Abstracting Co. Win. JACOBS, Manager. LAKV1EW, - - OREGON, in ! I I 3330 o The Real Home Paper. The San Francisco Chromcle. M. H. de YOUNG. Sane, Conservative and Well Edited. Daily Sunday Weekly Sunday's in Colors Wit.. Wallace, Dealer at Lakeview, Ore. Order Now