Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 28, 1909, Image 1

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LA h'.
NO. 42
Congressman Ha wley The Assessment Roll of Lake
On Farming and Politics County Shows Prosperity
Believes in and Endorses
The R.oosevelL Policies
I it it iiimil Inn or l lii report.
ll.iwby'H tnlM in ll' l.xnmin
ix-no In pcal(lng ill niir water
H I i '
1,11 il ii.m h :i I I t Inil In' r.i In
tll till'
in ' IMiiu cut t I V nf this region In
iieaf lb mcnt I ii'ie I - 1 . wtui I
ind li nilcd nil ' '' in il'-
In Hod liil- I tlllll. 'I 1i
fil I'llTH III! I V
it ll'I'l lll'llllll II
I Iih niirlHi'i
I 'tit i unlet
lluil iniii'li
lllV llll llllllllllllt Mil ' 1 1 1 V f
I lii iih of I In' i i I ii mil
if I hl enutitrv wniil I I'm
duci iiliiiii'liinl grain ri iipx w n '''!
Irrigation mi l incut I H'" Inn" "I
Mr. McC iiuiiii'li. J'"lli'V,
Ihtii ",i iii'ii'i till V'ir yi-l'l :i'J
IniMliniii uf win-tit til Hip acre I'V iliv
f ur in I ii u met Im In.
In ;! k II. If 'f !''! fi'" "f Lake
County, Im mil 'I i mi' i "ill ! Uik. I ilii i l
Irdand mi'l wn-di ll ' I'll''- m 1 i ll'I'l hang il oil 1 1 Ij'ilu'lig
i ii 1 1 1 1 it i m 'i to 1 1 r v . an I our people
would in , Lniiw It win tlii-li' ! Hi-
Mml.c Ill III" T II I I t 111 I 1 1 1 II I' II I 1" Mil'
lint t II I'll I nl t'l" Oilllll V.
Ill Hill' I'llH'li I I"'"' '- " ' 11
llllie bl-twci-ll till I II
III! I dil l
I'll II I I M llllll"
I'll lnr !"
lll'MI'1 t
I - I I I
win rn l In vi' ir
, I'l l1 II 'll II
nil- I I SUM 1 Ii
I 1 1 l I-Hi" I k.' '
lll till"" Ctlll II,
Tin iit'i icilt ui i
llll I
i.i-H iiml
I ll'
lilt! ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 (.
iv, im e pit llli'lit lii.' I'" ll'i'i" t'l'
t he Iii ih III nf .li yl .ml 'nr "' . H.ini."
thluu' t hut mini i I. ell"!)! 1 .all" cimii
(V miii'Ii lulinr, h" -ai I. Iiii'li! I"
"pnter'iiil" on tl'" I I" ' ol II"' k'""f'l
in. n! I, it ll am- Ih" pi ui'T tlllllk,' tn
,,i. II,. tnU'lit IniV" ii I I" I I hut hm
what Kiivi't'iinii'titx wine lor, t" l."iii'
III t Im-" n 1 1 nif I"lp I n ' ll,M r"-'-
pei t niir Unvei nuielii I'nul l take val
in. I 1" h-Mi.tiH Irmii Cur. 'la our nmlh-
era t" In hi i'umi lion lie
miii. I tlni" wiim a viimI trm't mar Pain
ley, now 'I".! up t nun "i t ' leli en t III
a juiipiiMi'.l irtlk'nllon MCheine. II"'
woul.l lake el ep to nve Urn Hwhh
nut luiikr.r ImM Imrk In-in eetll:
ineiit lie nai l Im lui'l no miiniiiNityi
towanl Ilic pKiju'torn of the irrlktu
tiun nchi'iiiK Mut Im 'Hi IiimImI that '
they .Id their part wlllioui niriiier
leliiy. It win not nulit to hold laicK
ilevoliiiuiiMi't lu order that tlm pr'jc
tors iiHKtit nmk more inuiiey later
from mich dilatoiy inetlindB.
He whh alao InternHted in Keourinu
KraHHUH that would repli'iiUI. the
ruiirfe, aiil Klvi it permanency. Mo
aid the utfroultural department whs
oippriiiieiitiiU Hlnni' that linn and Im
Imped for hiioccm Ilu linlieved IIia
oidinary white clover would thrive
in the mure humid parlM and would
make food for linth ' "'l atnek.
The k'overiiineiit wiim ex pell unlit i UK
aliinu many I net to ln'iutll furinerH
uii,l ni." nf them tt!iM tiaiiMliiriiiinu
wantM prinluctH l ito alcliol which in
tutu could oe u Mi- I tor power in 1
cat I v inn mi t li" fnl !
II ih pnl Hica! talk wa in line w it h !
the i i.itii'H ivn Mplnt nf tn" ni.''' ' i
li"ll"Vu.l in the i -k."ilal ion nl tin' rail I
ma U and lor that leaeun In hud I
voted ! T til" ta no inn piu-al iuiiH. It
would ind only allni'l.tli" f vein nun t
an in. nun', hut a I ho k-'iiie I Im pinver i
In nit at I.icIm iih tn l'i" pl'illl- an I I
IiimI.I" workiniiH in. I nth rw ii-e olilain-i
llll". Scull Ickllnlat inn, ol col 1 1 e, "111;
have to inn the uaunlli't ol our con-I
htlUilioil :: lint 1 1 -mmi'iI Miiprcuu" court.
(tin pii'Hi'iil lawn pruvl l" lor icuuui
Iji ii, luit I I cy arc isolated liccaiiMe of
lack o! pinner eiili.ici'iiiclit plnvi
eloiih. I he ovi l l. Ilienl Mhoilld have
the rik'hl lu enforce law and order.
.nd II rallloiidi know there w.nn
penult v lor violation they would
olmy The pure, fond law wan violated
until tlm penalty wan made HtrlnKetit.
Now it Im iiiilverimlly obeyed It
would t tin Hiitne with all otlier iu
teriiBtH, nice they fel. the MtrotiK urui
of the law anauiHt their venal prao
ticca. The law iu etory chho luiibt be
? Mr. liuwley Maid he bulleved iu bu
income tax and had anpported the
luuaHiire providlu for a I'.oiibtltutiou
al amendment for ilu enforcement.
It waa a jiiHt aud Hquitablu tax.
Under exiatlnK coudltlouB the farm
urH, and tuiHliieait men paid the bulk
Hpoul inn
they I'Mii
It Ih a
I iiiwer Knl mill h Luke in
4,'eVheiM. They are H i llil'o
be Miien a hall mile away
w inder that none ol the
near by ever thuunht of the noyaum ,
rcH'llllllK iiihii I'"1 MJ ,.,,,
mniiHlor wen Beiia t. That evidently ia
the real caune of the phenomenon
a a the tteyaern aeeiu to appear iu dif
irfeut parts of the lake aud are not at
all coulined to one particular apot.
We uiendy ive this hlut to the
Klamath llearlii bo it oau oome out
in tierce head lined of another attrac
tion for poor down trodden Klamath,
It bad Jlariiman aa au attraction!
Wby not uluq have a aea aerpent the
real thrilliuK tbliiK? We really feel
laalouH, aa our own (Joldeu Uoomb
Lake ia aa placid these daya an a
uildaumtuer dream or a email boy
untitled with ureeu apples and nary a
commotion "ia IU midit " from
any po4ut of view.
1.1.... I'....... 41, if" I' nl lull lit M l
nl I i . What property they own
tin iiHi".nr i'i.ii hi" lliit hnw illf
li'ii'nl ullli tin" iliii'tui, I im it, lirn
kcr nr liny nlner uil frinlxniiul 111 ll n ,
who cam t 'iiHiMiiii'ld h var iiml vi't
iiliu tin tint linn limit rilmti" li rent
toward tin government tlni' nil nr In
I hevti M nl nl Inn. It mi lint li f i -x-iiortiitniit
(u, lr liiMliitini your in
riiiiii" Im "J h HI ii year, lit iiihi per i:i"lil,
your Im' nun I ix vaiiiiI I niiiiiiint only
ti t-K while in .1 ii i ii tin- lux mi
itvI hing im hilling iiicuii'H li .'t.'i
per cent Tlii" iiuc-dlnn of ml ill, a
linn, ' f I'niirHH. ii'ii nth Im states.
It H I ri'iiiirn ill nt Hhmii tn give it
vnli lit'. It limy I i' Unit hiiiiiii of (Iih
Males rxiii'i'n lull .' N" v Kugluiid, mi l
mime others In which capital h
llllgclv en! I e'iclicd, lliliv Vull! Ilk'.llri-l
(In- incnine liiv. I'il if they defeat Mm
ini'ii-ii I tiin Hi r. tluii", t hn only
i"imri" I tn kii'i nt tli iii until they
ilu Till t f V It I'll" llllV in -.11 flllllil'll
tlmt once ll Hl'ili" tin-, lit pinii't inn
In I in.
Vni'Ml Ii
I ll" I ll
III tlllll-
"iiMiiti-. it .1 m i I-, irri
ln:t if It (ill h ml in nil y
"HI li" tl'-lll.U llll'il (llllll tlllll"
mi t hat II kill ever If a iv
., ....
, T . , V.1 ; :;,;' v-.; UUr
; ;v---- t '. :?. -- .;-J
i' ' ; ' - - ' -" k T . ' - ' f " -' .'
i:...".--' .' -. -; ;v '''.'-rtr;, S ': ;
i'-- -.- . w' , ? i.- .. -v '-,:ji t ,. ; v A :.
L-S'' ;. J '.l"" ?"", ;.','','.-". . i ,-.'.,- ,, : ., . S''' 1
Wild Sago-Brush
in ijueHtion until it reKltern ita vote
in Ita favor. be icved that the
ineiiMiire yet would become a law of
the land.
In the regulation of railroad twr i (Th,
he ivhh ipiitR pronniiuced in liia
vifwa. He whh wllliuij to uccord
them ri'MHiinalil" raten for their Mer
vicch. He knew the benellt to be
derived, cmecjiillly in an liude
velopeil country miu-Ii aa thin ly their
couiitiK'. Ilu! t'lere fhoiiMd bo a lim
it to their I'hii.'k'n.H. He thought it
whh neither jumI nor riuht for a lail
ruad compHiiy to tax one ltXJ mile
Hcctiuii with charweii Niitllcieut to
build another KM) milo nection. and
ho on Indefinitely .
Il did nut hiiv mi. but the inference
win plain that he did no believe
there was n nice-iHity for preneut
huh nil i'ti nor mIiouI I the prcHeut de
man. I nf railroad:) lor iucreiiMed rates
be all!, mi. d in lam nf the tact that
The Valuation is Three
Times Greater Than
Last Year
The new law ooiupelliug property
BHHeHHineut at ita full value ia having
liood ell cot ia tuuuy of the counties
and ah on Id be enforced iu every
county lu tho State, otherwise tbe
burden of taxation for State and na
tional purpoaea will fall heavily upon
thoae with a larger valuation.
For itiMt.iuce hiHt year the iiHweMHinent
I in the ailjoiniiitf county of Harney to
; tailed fJ.riHtl, I'iS Thia year the valuu-
I ion ii. !-ii,7o,iiiir). The iucretiMe in near
ly t lice t niii'M n much, not bccatiHH
of incii'.iM,' iu valiiea ho much, but
ibecnuMethe a hhcmhiu' did hia duty.
(ue nf the ileum nf uMMt'HH'.iieut over
i here wiim that of unn-renidnnt nheep
niviictH, wIiohii rovini; IiiiikIh to the
j iiuuibcr of rit!.tHHl weie placed on the
j hookd. which nai.l over Sl'lldO in
he niciHt of the nheep be
longed to Luke County men.
Last year. William Hundley, tbe
biKKet-t land holder there, paid taxes
ou ftifo.WKJ valuation. Thia year be
will pay taxes ou f 1, lMVJCft.
Tbe value of the lioad (Srant in
that county waa inoreaaed from
135 to ttUO.OtiO.
The Increase in tbe ananased valua
tion will make little difference in tbe
actual taxea of the Individual A
total le y of 'il mllla on the dollar
rained about $05,000 in taxes laat year,
and a t tal levy 10 mills will raise
107,1)00 this year, which illuatrates
the effect to tbe Individual, A few
will contribute a larger proportionate
: share than heretofore, but tbe general
inaaa has been benefited.
'turlriK tli p".xt. ten year In IIiIh
i'(iiiutr) Mm lift, railroad earning
Iihvii mcn-imed ii'.i per cent. In IHH7
tlin lift I'lirnliiki-i nf nil tin- riulroH'lH
III till" foil lit t V W(-!l" I lllf'.IKHI '1.1
imitm Inti-r, ir in :ni7, Mi'Ii im rwk-
(Uii'il im n'l'ini .i f '' i j . I yi-iir, t h
ii K k r tn 1 1" n 1 1 . i 1 1 i"i da niiimifili"! t(i
?l I'.I.IKKI.I 'III. i, l,i:i, .. ,'X( l-.",t
iii iill innliiil ilily H it nf iiiy ol tix
known Hi-'luty. It hhi ii hiiui milll
IrlHiit to inv mi avi-r.i'-'" iliri ii.n J
of ;.'.:! iit i"i"iit mi nil Mtuck, tfj
uNlriml VHrlnly Inr-udi'd
III vIhw (it ttm hlmvn liii'iit. jniii'fl
cmi Mllmi it. Ufiri'tty I lent tlmt
Mr. Ilnliy in riulit in lii enntft)! inn
t rui I rhilron In ihmI r-i;u lnl Inn hy
t Im ov"t iniii-iit. It in iiImd pretty
clciir t ii t if hiinif't.liitiK m in, I ilnim In
Hlnp tln'lr " linrl.i tnnt i'Iiihik, tlmt
tlm iliiy in nut n iir nil vIiiui mi
irniiMp I piilji'' i,t I 'in u! wi.l d"
in h it I ii ii 'I will prnriii" i.'i,ci im, eiit
(111 IIIThlllp All. I it hlicll H tlllUK
(Ii)i-M ri'Hlllt. HM 'I'l "llllll " l;ulin..elt
Iiiim Hiilil. II will lie iliif tn t h urif l
nf iiiilruii'l itiiiiitiL'f th mill ii 't nii m,
Ilu Him miiI'I tint ii" faviin l Hill
Hiiil liin n.fllinil-, in run ' I n.-t nitli
tlin" nf 1 1 .it r i in i ii I I." tnr vn-m
intu n iirw fun n I r im I iipi m-iI it up,
mil Vf t.i-1 1 li-m every in. Im'. incut
to filler t tin "in mill Ink" muhuIhih
of t' e npproti iiiIi m nl iiie I'l.uiitry
Wlill" 1 1 nrr I hi ii ii li.-t 1 1 -1 n h 1 1 . 1 -1 i n
iiiiiriiiit y nf tnur prr rent lium a
('(Hint IV liefnri" I " iMUll ( tlllMetit 111
build One was an empire build
aud the other placed the Almighty
Dolllai, end lots of them iu the first
place. Not content with boldio up
a coinmuotiy if unable to net the
four pel cent demanded, he would
nttiud l-i the way of the Hill ftystem
or auy other , who desired to build
preventing such from netting
money to construct lailroa Im. For
these aud many others lie was iu fa
vor of railroad legislation that would
aqueeze the water out of railroad
slocks, aud prevent further sale of the
water to innocent purchasers. Whtn
that is done there will be a new ea
for tbe whole country, aud there will
tie prosperity tor all instead of a few
under exi-iting conditions. H-
hoped Mr. Hill would be able to p t
the money to gridiron Oreuou with
railroads, in ll ere was urgent l e.'d for '
better railroad faciltieM. if this creat
state is tu : e dtveloped to its tulle t
The eiitleiiiiiii did not mention tho
tarill ipier-liou nt all. lu tact The
Kxamiuer lelli ve that uiost. pol it i -ciaiiM
would be willing to "let the
dea l bury the dea t' on that tn
pie. It is a ijuestlon. htnvever, that
will not be settled until it is nettled
right and settled iu the interest of
the whole people, as against the pri
vileged few.
One topic that be touched upon
thai met with a tespousive interest
wsa bis statement that he would make
it a special mssiou to revise our
mall service, that was getting worse
all the time. Unsaid that 30 years ago
thii section was provided with a thirty-six
hour service while now it was
fi --.-i ..-. n'-'iflr.'t "t"HT"-'v "3 i
t -. .- . - mmii
Sage-Brush Land in Truck Crop
oa a 48 hour schedule It was not
right. The ueeds of tbia seotlou de
manded a better service and be would
endeavor to aee tbat it was granted
He Mid. ha expected to live to see
Oregon have at least 6, 000. 000 popu
lation; tbat tbe present hamlets
would develop into towns and cities I ,
that these valleys and deserts would
become populous; and tbat not ouly
one railroad but many of tbem would
Im l.iiill. tu take, to niMrket tlie futiiro '
I in mi iih proiluct.i ,, (,nr wlient II-I'Ih !
mi 'I nrchiir'lii. Jle. fiiirl If mIioiiI'J, 1
nun I lie know I"iIk" Mivpi ire'l 1 loin tlilH i
trip, leiiuiiiM ii iruo'l l,iii,ter tor iih, '
hii I wmilij (lu ,ih pint tn luilui'f i in ' i
in in nil in li tn take H Ivmit'iui: nl t'i"
Dpi nl lu n l! let tin mill I hff iiff. on,
every Iihii.I.
Our Kin Ih were f'lll rtt tfi Hurl of
tllf lif'it iUHlltV Ml)') III! tell tlmt lie
rmilii I'liiixi'if ntliiiinl v rermiiiiieinl (fny
in h n tn cnuitt lieie Hinl InCHte, i
due iipimrtiiuitv 'in Hit I tie colui ;
liruperiy vnucli lor, mii tlmt hhh h
ileiirtli of l.i'iin nt). I tiji ir profluetH. He
liii'l lint hieil nil fuu
let! Mim e he liH'l t een
tu r h chicken
in Lnkevie
h Milly tlmt liruiitilit itiucli met r Irnen
from Iiih mi'l ie:.c".
He Miipl he cnulii hen the hIiikIdw
of the Hppi uiicti uu nil Iron I hijI he
lieie'l the I run! ine ol the future for
Lnki-1 ii"A h li. I Luke ('utility unijl.j In
k'Mit Ityiny to nil now l.":e Mil l to nil
I linn, wli i i-hnul'l iniike their liuine
III thlN ui""lly I'lU'J
It Willi en- to re" tl nt Mr ll;iw
ej 1 1 - ii httiini; ! nl I on I til in theni;
pint-, ati'l ii iih hi Miii.f i-me nrmei tn
I'aiihf u Miiirinn u' relit inu tit, nr new
aliLiniiiei.t i.f vi li'iH, he will probably
Im ve a clear del it I t-re.
Serious Offense Against
A Young Girl to Be
The man. who coininite I a statuto
ry ciime agaiust a girl les thau It ;
years of akie, one James Clifford, it I
Mee'ns realizing the gravity aud hein- I
oustiess nf his act, succeeded in allud I
lug the otlicers of the law, and so far1
has escaped arrest. The County j
Co"rt realizing that such crimes;
hhould not go u n pun s cd, have
ott ered a reward of oj tor bis ap
pehensioo and arrest. i der tbe fol
lowing order of tbe i.rt:
Whereas, it apps e from tbe re
cords of tbe Jul. tl Court, of tbe
towu of Lakeriew, Oregon, that one
James Clifford has committed tbe I
xwfiil crime of Contributing to the!
delinquency of a female child, and J
that James Clittord is (dill at large, j
It therefore ,, becomes tbe duty of all I
good citizens to assist the officers of :
the law to apprehend the said .lames ;
Clitrord so that the majesty of tbe ,
law shall) not only tie vindicated and 1
the guilty punished, but that every '
father and mother within the confines
of Lake Cwuuty shall feel safe aud ;
secure iu the protection of their!
daughters und all ) as to the purity ot
their childhood lives guaranteed
them by the laws of the State of Oie-
Now, therefore, iu conformity with
the law and tu the end that justice !
may be done aud the guilty pun- '
isned : It is hereby ordered by the
I'nuiity Court, ot Lake County, Ore- :
gon, while Mttiig for t tie transaction '
of County btisino.-s, that a reward in ,
the sum nf K1VK Hl"NI)KI) i?")H0i
D JLLAKS le and the same is hereby !
ottered for the arrest and convict iou j
of the said James Clifford tor the :U- !
leg" ! crime Contributing to the '
('el i inp-ieucy of a tetnale child.
There are uo extenuating circuin-j
stances for this crime. The fact j
that the girl contributed to Iter own
delinquency is uo excuse, The age
of couseut iu this state is 18 years,
consequently she had no consent to
give. And any man who breaks the
law in this respect is puuisbable by
imprisonment (if not less than 25
If caught this man Clifford will pay
pretty dearly foi' his crime, and so
will auy other man iu u like predica
ment. Tbe officers are deterimued to
stop this crime against young girls
aud any caught in snob reprehensible
uouduct will suffer tbe full penalty
of tbe law, no matter who may be tbe
defendant. , i
A. Vale man has shipped in a 11200
lauud'y outtit, and will start latin
dty there. If one it looking for a
good laundry opening be ibouldjoome
to Lakeriew.
A Valuation
Owned by
Hard to
The r'.XHniiner in favored thin wnelc
with h Hunirniuii up of the total tu
nf BHinf nt '.A proiiert y in Lake County
' "J A. J. r ohier. countv 8H-"en!or, It is
a Mtati-iiieii t that
eiiiH'li"l by iny
protmhly cannot tie'
other county in the i
entire Lnion. 1
Here it a Jittl rommunity 0) mile ,
from the nearfet railroad, containing ;
a population of li-t-n than 4. UK) and '
yet the aMtieHHtnft roll nhowrt a total
valuation of iH.C'J.t, l.jti, which in over
?COJ, valuation for every man, wo
man and child of Lake. County.
The valuation can not be termed
e xcer-j-ive, w hen improved ' T tillable
land in ti.xed at tin average of nnlv
, T'l:!. "ill per acre, aud the uon-tiliable '
land and the improvements are only!
about ii 2o per acre. J
It will tie noticed that rattle, and j
nheep h ad Jo number, because fciich
auimaU and their product-) are easi-
ly itotieii to market, tiwine do not cut
ho lHrie a figure as they will when!
l eth r I r uif nortat ion i.t aff or led. as
they do iart iciilarly will here. '
The it'-ui of itipi ovemen'i on non-
deeded load, mean what ban been i
done by thoe hnlJinki dnvxn u vern-j
meut laud, the land itielf beinii unn-
taxable. j
The following is a fumtiiary of t he i
a-nesHiiieut I.oll of Lake County for '
llti.KI, touether with a li.-t of urutes-!
rorH, utf handed The Kxaiumer by !
AMe''i:Bor r outer :
Aitch of tillable land, 171.ri.Vi
Value ?J.214."
Acres (if iioti-tillalile laud.
Mn.043 Vuliie
Value of town lots
Improvement! on town lot",.
Improvements ou non-deeded
3..'i.Vi,n77 I
. I .:.-
. 4I2,J7-I
land i;
Mih'H of telephone, 385
Value H.s:tii
Machinery L'7.'2iiO
Men liaiidn-e 470,!i,o
""axming: Implements ! ,32i
; Money.... ivi.,0
j Notes nod nccouutH 148,120
"it .
Sage-Brush Land
Beef Trust Wants Tariff
Removed Because j&ef
Is Getting Scarce
CHICAGO. Oct. 19. The . Ameri
can Packers, who are in session here,
will probably urge tbe abolitiou of i
tbe tariff on meats unless tbe cat lei
raisers of the west do something to
relieve the preseut comparative short- j
age cf cuttle.
This Iv as the prediction made to- !
day bv tieueral Michael tiyan.the pre-
ideut of the American Packem Assocl
Htion. In mi interview with tue I'nit
ted t'ress he said " The coo.utry is
confronted with a shortage of meat
and if the present shrinkage contin
ues there will not be enough. Unless
more cattle Hie raised it is u sure
thing that thw tarill' will! have to lie
removed. Argentine is shipping beef
to Englahd aud this ia being sold at
reasonable prices. Without the tariff
the greater part of tbe shipments
I could be diverted to 'his country.
If all of tbe packers joined iu a peti
tion for tne removal of tbe tariff it
would uot be a difficult matter to
have it removed." ' !
' t '
Tbe Czar of Russia is to engage in
apple growing in the Rogue Kiver
Valley. It is very likely tl at, be-is
hedging against possible dethrone
ment, and iniy consider that 'bing ;
an apple king of Oregon ia a etffer
business. ;
Bv the same token Czar Cannon .
might prepare tbe way against adver-
slty by getting some orobard land in i
tbee patU.
of $9,000,000
4,000 People
HlHcliiild furniture,
r-ifr i;77i
... :vAW
.. . 'JIJ.oIO
4 w.
inl" -.! :
: ;.
"-"Ii "i', I'Ti.i'i')
.Siv iiic an,) tiw.
Total ii.iMU
The follwonn; are the protends
f resented to th" 13oard ol l;ipiiliza
t ion. an tiled with the County Clerk,
li. Ualy. Uank of Lakevie v L'ke
view Mercautil) Co. Jake (.'ounty
Land and Live Stock Co. Warner
Valley Stock Co. L .ryford Land
and Cattle Co. Cheuaiico Laud and
Cattle Co r'hil Lyuch. S. V. Ke
hart. Kred S Kitdier. U. IJ. IJrowne.
W. J Moore. Wrn. T. Crenler, E.
K. Henderson, C. N. Felton. Mc
C lily liros. M. D. iJopkiou.
Land Just as Good Can
Be Bought at Lake
view for $50
HOOD KIVER, Or., Oct. T8.-Tbe
record price for an apple orchard
was broken at Hood River today
when Clyde E. Mason, nf Chicago, a
mechanical engineer, paid' 916,500 for
ten acres in eigbt-year old trees The
varieties are Newtons and Spitzeo-
J bergs. Tbe price per acre, wbioh is
1'"' ! i.
Xa.'J' l -jk- .
in Bearing Orchard
10rv i, is ?50 an acre higher than has
ever t;eeu otdaiued for fruit laud at
Hood Kiver. The purchase does uot
include any buildings and J. W.
ia 'ford who sold, reserves tbe crop.
While the price is thought by apple
men to be top-notch, it ia not re-
j (tardea as high, because or tbe re
: cent sale of a three-year-old orchard
for ilOK) an acre, and another bale
for $700 per acre for laud tbat ban.
beeu cleared but not set to tiees.
Get land here while it is cheap.
October ID. - l C.
contractor aud em
w ho Las beeu iu the
tkogers, a
pluymeut ageut
employ of the Western Pacini, stages
that the Soot lit in Pacific. Company
has coii plt teil its mil lev of a towu
tlte at I'Vinley, about two miles east
of tho (dd town of Vad;worth, ou
tne main line, and that this new
town will le le junction of tbe
main line of the Southern Pacific
and tie Peruley aud railroad
the Southern Pacitlc proposes to
This line will run close :o Pyra
mid Lake aud couuect with tbe,
(loose Lake S otberu, which is to.
build fr im Lakeview to Alturas and
down tbrougb Lassen, Bbast. an
Tebama counties to Viua, on tbe
m in California and Oregon line of
the Soubteru Pacific This line U al
so to connect with another road to
run through Modoo and Siskiyou to
connect with tbe California. North
eastern to Klamath tall. . ,
' -- ;
A lot of Indians' from KUmatb
County were in Lke l,wv tj.e past
week buying 'a winter auiiply of fruiL
it is a long drive for them, but
they bave to oome where fruit grow
to get it