Ak .iii.SH f.XAMlNhk. .A k K i r.W, ORKUON, Tlll'HsD.W , OCTOHKU 21, '.mt. TV ' Lake County Examines 1:ki:d J. How MAX Sulct ipi: n, unK s paid in advance, $2.50 a vcar. Official Coi-xty Paim-:k PROFITS The House Fly I Extraordinary Profits Facts About SECURITY Unquestionable Security Invest in Piimv Knpcrt tlirouuh our Ivi-al I-statr sli.ms. M-lliim nt niirtlDilO The Kclontlfle nninp of the houw fly .-1, A o ,,.,. 1.... t... I it: . -n i 11 . Houno ni.n uitp 1 1 ' !'. "... M(i mi ii.iuuiiii (mu uipiuiy jji owiii utisimss atid lot n....nmiinSu;ust i"MiK'ii, wcoiiiT it) a nimtoii iiiitulKT the opportunity tf i share eipialy In Mu.k'ii dement l-n. nil fKltf flMitt li.tfitr.. linifi ... i :.. i . . l .iTi. . her.' Thi'v nrr ofti'ii foMiuMmlir.Wc.il Willi lis in Hie lille intuits IVIUllll lO !KTIUl'. II (IP V s Will. nl Why I Favor the Lock Type Canal. By Colonel tlURCt W. COETHAL4, Chairman and Chl.f In (inter of the lilhmian Canal CommiMlon. HE idea of the so a level canal appoals to the popular mind, which pictures an open ditch offering free and unobstructed navigation from sea to sea, but no such substitute is offered for the present lock canal. A3 BETWEEN THE SEA LEVEL AND THE LOCK CANAL. THE LATTER CAN BE CONSTRUCTED IN AT LESS COST, WILL GIVE EASIER AND SAFER AND IN ADDITION SECURE SUCH A CONTROL OF THE CHAGRES RIVER AS TO MAKE A FRIEND AND AID OF WHAT REMAINS AN ENEMY AND MENACE IN THE SEA LEVEL TYPE. In any comparison we must confine our attention to the lock typo cs now building and a sea level canal as offered bv the board of engi neers and not bv the idealist ' o accrue. Die nionev received lv the Coinnaiiv . - i In flic nmber oMnlm-d nloinr tlir h.rea , til roil: LMl the sale ol its shares IS invested III CIOHV I'linec k'nnrrl n-:llv. niifl.M- tin' ili t-i'i'f i of the name m riuy K..t tu, k ft : supervision of the Hoard of Directors. The opportunitv is cxtraordiuarv hecause of the Xnn irrri I"""?; l"' lv which you may share in all thc'prolils of the Coinpa.P- it, rrer nlnee. Thr hounr fly. though It lias Intlnlte Hiwcr of annoying us. ha no trrth nn.l not much mouth to apeak of It rapmiv inereasiiiLr imsuuss, PRINCE RUPERT BUSINESS PROPERTY hits n lone proboscis or dicker. With i ,,,.,1.,, ('.,.. !.... ... i. . ..... .. ...... n,. u .i ..m. it maU lot tunes lot those who invest in it 1" I II. I t .1 i I that It absorb ll.iil.U nn.l fluid It " , 1. , " now, OlU l i n I l.l in I , reaillC, rpOKailC 1.1 fond of the oil ami in..istnr. foun.i ami atKouvei leal estate, lor tliose who invested in these cities ten vcars njjo. npin tnr tinman kkiii. i n:u is nny it i keep rIIkMIiik on your none niul will I not tr ttrlvcn away. There Is always I 4 LESS TIME, NAVIGATION EVE OF A COMMON Hill !-K M Y an oily substance upnti tlie nose Some persons have tried to inake exi-use fur the lu'lisi- fly ami way It .! as a aenvenirer. .levourlti bits ii'ilin.il nnil vegetable matter that Wi Ulil other TODAY PRINCE RUPERT IS THE CYNOSURE OF ALL EYES. No other city on this continent is making such rapid advancement in population, commerce and building. Prince Rupert's present and future growth insures investors in our shares a comhination of safety, hih returns and iiircasiu value, which is not offered in an equal decree by any other form of investment open to the public today. Invest your surplus .tunds with this Companv and share in this reat progress and prosperity. If you have $o(), 100 or $1000 which you would invest where it will provide a lar'e income with the opportunity for j-rcat "profits, then subscribe for sonic of these shares. We refer, by permission, to the Hank of Nova cotia, Vancouver. Write or wire your order for shares today Dou't delay. Prince Rupert Real Estate Investment Co. Ltd. 410 Loo Building, Vancouver, B. C. Prince Rupert,, B C So far as the two prisma are concerned, FOR EASE ANT) SAFETY OF NAVIGATION THE LOCK TYPE IS BETTER ; because of the greater width of channels, fewer and easier curve j tnd freedom from objectionable and troublesome current, both from the Chntrres river and from its tributaries. This must bo admitted bv all. Iiut the EXPONENTS OF THE SEA LEVEL TYPE CONCENTRATE THEIR ATTENTION ON THE OBSTRUC TIONS AND DANGERS TOAT THE LOCKS CONSTITUTE in the lock type and also on the dangers that will result from the failure of the Gabun dam, forgetting that at least equally great dis aster mut follow the failure of the Gamboa dam. The lock in the sea level canal is not mentioned, probably because the danger is not o great, since there is but one. wise decay and muse sickness I'm i arrest niul ;t i, tU ll. cSn tl, lli TTVTTS TTTP clean pwpie never have any s.ieh mat troyiu ti J ter lylni; about their homes, ho that CANAL TO VESSELS WniCU CAN USE THEM. InlS IS excuse does not hold poi-tl. On the true. The present lock designs provide intermediate gates dividing contrary, bo far from Mua any good. . f-Tj . it LJJ au tbe house fly does preat harm by con- the locks into lengths of six hundred and four hundred feet About Veylnc diseax.- perms around uion Its 98 per cent of all the ships, including the largest battleships now feet and proboscis. ..... . . . ... . , , , , A. The fly has no many eyes It cannot building, can be passed through the six hundred foot lengths, and the very wp1 ,n be pictun you 8e total look length will accommodate the largest commercial vessels now one of these hujre. bulging eyes, com- building which. I believe, are a thousand feet long, with an eighty L?! "SVj'fVZ c o J Tney cover the fly n whole front top eight foot beam. , head, and, as If that were not enough, tt It It . there are three other smaller eyes at , the back of the head. IT IS TRUE THAT SHIPS MAY INCREASE IN SIZE 80 AS TO. MAKE THE PRESENT LOCKS OBSOLETE, BUT THE LARGEST SHIPS NOW AFLOAT CANNOT NAVIGATE THE PRESENT SUEZ ' CANAL NOR THE PROPOSED SEA LEVEL CANAL AT PANAMA. IT MUST ALSO BE REMEMBERED THAT THE COMMERCE OF THE WORLD IS CARRIED BY THE MEDIUM SIZED VESSELS, THE LENGTH OF ONLY ONE OF THE MANY SHIPS USING THE SUEZ CANAL BEING GREATER THAN SIX HUNDRED FEET. WUKAT :i.W YKAKS OLD. NKW 1 1 A V K V , Cunn.. Sept. S. iiuc ol the wbt'iit tlmt Jom-JiI, nr mime .in.1 oininllvm undent Mtorv! lief on the h.-voh year' famine In Ktfvpt Uhh ti.-eti r-celveil liv the Val entine Hammer, i( Hrutifiird The wheiit va Ktiiii-il In the nuietovnt h lyiiii"t.v. 1'xNi yarH Iwfore C'hrUt.nr in. ire tl nn :;,(iil yearH tfn. t-'A) KKWAKil. A UKWAKO of .fty .lollars U here by otfereil for I i urmatiou that Mill leail to the arre-t ami conviction of any peioou wn . Imn Htolen wire or ot her jro trl y from our Comi'iiny : niul the Bann- reward in hereby ottered tor Inform"' i n Unit Mill lead to the ' n vict ion of anyone ilea I roperty of the ('oinpiiny. t Iihh. L mbach, Secretaiy lake Co. Tel. 4 Tel. Co. lt'.tf. pwirOLi ruiiovrt Mammoth Stables C. O. ARTHUR. foiatt, The '.nrjreat 1,1 very Mi'l l'.-eil Stable In .-..iiitherti Oregon or Northern ( allfnnila. Ilur-en Itnanled bv the lav. W-.-k ir Mi-nth. NM-clal Attenli-ui lilven tn TruiiHlent Stuck L.AKEVIEW ORVOON A Light Steady Hand. I li.l.llii,' Nations Employing Scientific Method Are jMost Advanced By President IRA KfcMSEN of Johns Hopkins University. T MAY BE FAIRLY SAID THAT THE NATION WHICH MAKES MOST USE OF THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD IS THE MOST ADVANCED NATION, TAKING EVERYTHING INTO CONSID ERATION. AND IN THE LONG RUN THAT NATION WILL OUTSTRIP THE OTHERS. 'I'nat tli'.' iii-iii-trie.'i c.-Vj. r... j. ,v,.;; kiiMwii. l- iriv. n. It - 01' GOVKKX.MKNT, Bt.'iic or of a nation, the IMPORTANCE. What tlii.-; method is may be cuitiined ujj in a few words. When ever a vi-e man has a problem to deal with he first endeavors to find out WHAT THE FACTS AUE, and after he has learned the facts he proceeds to action. His conclusions are drawn from his knowledge, of the facts. That u the .scientific method; that is the ONLY SENSIBLE METHOD of going to work in any field, whether it be the field of nature, Luine.ss or government. 11 t i;,it n .t upon t'.e eultivat i' n i the .-tnhinc: e:;in;'!'-.s of t'ii- enuld thr- STI'DY OF I'KOIJI.EMH of a VITAL I Notice. TO WHOM IT MAY (ONCKKN. notice Ih hereby lven that all Irriga tion, or tulllraee illtchen on all trout HtreattiH throuht Lake Coiinty. On1 jfon. inuHt Im- Mcn-ene.l with a nniall iiieMh wire HcriH-nlnn at their lieal or Junction with the tnuln channel of stream. AImo all ilainn or oliMtruct totiH uu aalil MtreaniH unint be pro vided with a tlMli-ladder, orothereany nieanN of pawHae, at or near the mid die of the main channel, mi an to al ow the pHHHiiue of trout at all timox of year, hh provldi'd by law. Said work to Ik- dune at low water time, or to be cotiipU-ted by l'eb. 7, 1'.hi7. Ily order of J. A. r.arham. SiH-.-ial Ienity IihIi Warden fur I-iikeCounty, Oregon COLORADO LAKEVIEW, OKHOON The BestMeals in TownTry Us. BflkerV uy c)nn,'ct,11' I'nsli Hrcad Daily C. tl. LONZWAY, Propreitor " Every O- V. L. Co. Contract Holder SHOULD 8UC8CRIBE FOR THE EXAMINER CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Boars tl..; "V Hello! There! Hello! STOP AND THINK I S. T. Colvin The old Stockman and Kani'lur lias nmliascd the i I'urnituiT Store ot II L. Chandler. He is puttiii in a hi : stack of ;ools and is marking down every tiling so that i you can live liy litiyiiiK fnrnit tire of him Call and lood at Ins oyds. Mr. arnliani Harris, the experienced nnder 1 taker, will he there to wait on yon any time. whether th'-.-e are of a SCIENTIFIC METHOD IS OF As nn (-xi-rci-i, .f j :. t ;ir:il ib,. tf-ri'y try t' balnie c a set f iloinlnoM j tifniii ' tie that t-taiuM up" ri !:s narrow e-nil. This is im easy matter, but a little patlcn'c will enable yi.u to ar range the Htoties in layers, which can Mlih eari.' be llf'ed Into place and bal auctU there. GASOLINE i-;i. 1 Korean Girli Ironing. Imrlii the recent war between Rub j tila and Japan, which was beirun by ! both countries trying to 1,'et poaseBslon of the little country cf Korea, you heard a Kfeat deal about the Koreans. The Illustration tihows you the way By N I 1 1 A N ill. c IO Wl.l K. Jr.. Juuriialcit anj Auttior. B T i-s !:ot tl ,- !...!- ! :.-v.. the v..-. ;, brylar.i of t H or III...-.- V.!:.. -nor -.-.i. ...iotv '" -ti-;.. h.'.s i: I'ii' i v i'! . , f t!. l p.. lice of t :;. ripht hill I ,i!.. tin- a:i'! no -l I . h : :. lln-ir i.!:!:i!..-r Respectable Criminal Is the One to Be Feared Most. ca-t iti" 1 1 rend tin. I tin- I lint I fear. Tin- 'i., n .. 1 il '. e 1 iiriii-n ri.'!'t gravle ol t.t.iiuti yrow .-iiiali.-r ate I ONE CRIMINAL THAT DOES CONCERN ME. WITHOUT MANLINESS, WITHOUT CHARACTER, THIS GREATEST CRIMINAL OF ALL DOES HOT WORK IN THE SLUMS. HE IS IN OUR CHURCHES, OUR 80 CIETY, OUR TRADE ORGANIZATIONS, OUR CLUES AND OUR HOMES. HE CANNOT EE REACHED BY I.AW; HE IS RESPECTABLE. ITET FOR THE RECOGNITION OF MEN HE WILL SELL HIS SOUL, PERJURE HIMSELF AND ROB AND MUTILATE HIS FELLOW MEN. WLeu decent people KEl'U.SE To FL'K.M.SII RECOGNI TION' TO THO.Si: WHO I0 NOT UESEKVK IT, the reflect uhle eihnhml, whether he he a church deucon, a bank president or a captain of indunlry, will lARS INTO HISTORY and will soon tcuotuu plwliiolu-l'ic. Huw '111 V ..N' f K..I.K. law a:i thr'-ov eiaalhr. BUT THFRE IS THIS CRIMINAL IS WITHOUT EXCUSE. they 1 j-. Ii.'cl I, ...I The; !. a r..:!.i, ir.ni. .1 iii uir .l it. fashion en t!ie !l ebibs thai leek 11 '; " ll . western penjije the e -I. i., i er.s ili. hi nit and slow. a r.nieil j.''. yi.i::i-' liln like pin a ml f'eil 1 1."' a i t iele to be V -J . . ) I . .j . . i , : vi r. i i- . ... ' . V;;ti l . i .'! ill.er. "; :ii'.i " Cln.j s l'c 'I, J..' 1 S;t v s V a r e Sl. tie your r Sir. ii'.ile. ii.-l U..II " 'f v m f r n V. IMvi i : L'- - i- tin p jin)i, b'l, ' "iF,tir.rt A V.M. OIU.OO 1 FOUND We Have Found Those Er- ffl rors in the County Records, jyj ffl 'I hen I hey Kit tailor or ale I beat If with e tenpins. Legends of the Lily. Oue beiUJiil'il belief ab.iJl the Illy tfiflrt ll.Al i he candidateH for the V'll'-e-ln Mary's band, after having nought the lord's blessing, each left hlu own staff in the temple in I he evening The iieit niornli. the dry rod of JohcjiIi was found (.M'ein nn.l blossomed with lily floweis. Another pretty leeeml is that Mary, on her wa; lo i:.e ii .nple, plucked a Illy ami upon pressing It to her breast it became white. '7. Ily of the Virgin," "Madonua llowei" mid Keeial other mystical names were Klvcn to the Illy tefl k'iv " to thl'i ! -ci SUMMONS, in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lake. JOSKPII V. AMHROSK,Plalntlff. ROHIK AMI5ROSK, defendant. To Roitie Ambrose the above named defendant ' I In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to aptiear j a fid aiiHwer the criuiplaint tiled I Uiiaintit you in tho above entitled suit, on or befoie trie 2Hth,day of October, KllKJ, that beinu the date of the last publication of Hiiuimons and the last .lav with in which the def eniiant is required to answer as fixed by the or I der nt publicat ion ol Huh hiniimonM, and if vou tail to appear to and an- hwer the pluintill' will ar.ily to the court for the relief prayed for in the eouipaint. The relief demanded in the com plaint Ih for h decree disHOvliuii the niarrio contract and honda of inartrlniony existiiiK between plaintiff and defendant and for the custody of the minor children. Martin I''. Ambrose and ThomaH J. Ambrose. This summons ia ituhliahud in the Lake County Kxaminer, a weekly newspaper, printed and published at Lakeview, Oceon,by order of Hun. Oeorue Noland, juduu of said Court, and dated the Hh day ot Hpeteuiber, The Urst publication to be made ou Thursday, tha 9th day of Hoptoiubtir, r.Xf.t, and the last publication to be made on the 128th day of October, 1!X)!). W. .1. MOORK. S'J OIU Attorney for PlaiutiU'. 33 Abstract of Title to all Lands in Lake Country Furnished. Terms Reasonable. Tract Index Abstracting Co. Wm. JACOBS, Manager. ifl i a vnvA rD irrrnu bnnTibii. wixtovwn, Id The Real Home Paper. The San Francisco Chronicle. M. H. de YOUNG. Sane, Conservative and Well j:-J Daily Sunday Wee ' J Sunday's in Colars Wm. Wallace, Dealer at Lakevh Order Now