Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 14, 1909, Image 1

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'I '. J
4 -'"'. -
NO. 10
0 (j
Some Historical Facts in
Connection With This
Talked of Irrigation
From tlin Weekly Salem Stutemnmi
of October 1. IOuO; Before the Pit
him t I. nml Board mi luesdiiy, al the
tttal Iiuiihh, Attorney Sawyer, of
I'nrtluinl, Mini President UmII of the
Portland Irrigation company ap
pealed to link lor a fourth lutcriMon
time mi their I'mitmi't to irrigate
I J. i' )7 acres nf di'Hiirt IhikI nt H cost
of hi the Clntwautr u river
district. Lak (loiuily Tli I roil
true I was li't liy t tie Uml bmiril to tlm
I'm (Inn I 1 1 Mention joinpany lu I0H.I,
at winch lime tlmj worn given nix
months tu begin work This lliry
fullml to -In h ii I tlm work WHS mi
touched during Hi" following I! mi
years, l Inn of l hit ruiifi'H lor delay
given Mils I lint Hull' UilS n il III urt'lice
Let it ecu tin' government Hiirvry hii if
tin- state's mini.) a I i tint flow nf
nt it Tin1 "lulu's Hiirvi'y ge ii a ' r -vi'
y of : .' 1 . . l w i cubic tect mi'l Hint nf
the goV'11 Ill J1 l"l, l IK) (cel.
In .liiiiiinry, I '. I 1 the state laud
hour 1 in-led tin' irrigut loll colli
uitir ul tfi'l 1 1 1 1 . y , with th ii result
Hint, ii tuitliiT extension nf limn of
tin in months was iiHki'.t lor hi
which to construct ii reservoir, tlmy
contending that tlii t tti li cool 1 nut
tin dug until Kill was iloii.
Again in Muri-li, lOUH, nil mouths
inoi ii I nun was asked for, gl lug as
an cxcuHM tli stringency nt tin)
money market heM them buck. This
time Mm given tint at the expiration
of tlm Mix inuutti In September tlm
work liuil nut prugress-d.
A fiirtuer ei tiiutmiu nf nix umiitlnt
wan iiHkfi for Hini KiBiitnJ nu no
count of illHnito ih tu ttm rllit of
the cuuiiiiy to contMruot a rvvwr
volr in the uovi'raiiiiti t rfmirvH.
TIib inenlliu liiifom the Inu.l lioanl
yuHterilay wmm tu nak for farther ex
tension fo time ami tu unit In the
ritftiln of that couipatiy and the Che
waiu'an Laii'l anil Cattle coihjiaiiy of
I'allforuia. The ('al Iforina rum itny
turn imrrbaHed Hnvnral ttiouimnil acrrs
of litul la tlilH ilihtrict uml now
clailiiH the riuhl for tlm win, In Mow of
the C'hi'w Hiii'iin riiiT to wator tlirir
ntm'k ami uiiK'''l" ttimr Iiiu Ih .
1 tn rortliunl l.'iU'ntinn emu ittn.v
Iiiih till' nn'it to illviTelnll ahoVH llil-.
coniiiiuy, tint thi Cuilfoi nin i'oiuuiiiy
(llil ill t lit' liht of the wnole How (it
wii'iToii iii'i'iifinl nl ii cut inn owner-
I'ln' lori'oim; iii tli'li' from t ln Mili'in
.Stlltl'MIIIIM Slll I'O nt 1 1 1 1 t i-1 to till'
lii rlr of l.'ikii Cooiily, Iml it run
t It I II M MllllO illllllMII lli-ll'M 1. 1 Hllltr-
: : j 1 1 1 .
I'ln- i niiti not .s liin'i'Iio. Ctinm
I. itI. nu out. ii I into 'th tin- l'nrt
Inu.l Irrliition ( 'i i ii i i it 1 1 iroviili'l
tlinl tin i'omiI'Iim.y Hlmiit I ln'tni work
Wltlilll -ix luollt ll-i lllti'l' till' M' II I Ilk'
nf tlin rontnii't. ly tin- Srrri't ury nl
Hut interior.
Tl n Siuuiitiiiy ninii.1 thlH ooiitnicl
hi' vrn 111 nut hri Inter, or on Si'itemlier
llth, i:mi7.
Thi'ir fore it wiih not nrreHHiiry for
the liii.d buiuil to k1 "Limy'' in
JuiiiiHry r.'il,. an the cnmi'iiny huh
itliin its rUhti until Mitrrlillth.
On tli ih hitter (Into mi extonwion
of tlino wim Kranted without iiu"a
t ion.
The ileh for Krantin the aerond ex
tenniou lu tin tall, T.KIS Ih nut
known. It cou hi nut liuve been
over the, (lui'Htlon of the riKht to
1 1 n 1 1 . 1 u ri'Hi'i'Voir in the Koveiiimen t
fortHt i-eHiTVH for the reaervoir aite
in ail on private Inml owned by Jotiea
aud Dobkiua.
Id March of thia year the third ex
tension of time wan Krauted ou the
exiniHe that the United HtateH Koveru
meut had not approved a rinlit of
way iirruHH the forent reserve for
the illHtrlliution canal twenty in ilea
In-low the riHervoir. Thia approval
uiih i; I ven Hie I'.Mli nf hint Juno, ami
it Hi'i'iiii'il Hint the company could
huve no tuitliiT raiiHit for ileluy but
would huve to uu to wink or Iomm ita
rout nu t wit Ii t In) ntiite
The rout met provi led that the
company hIioiiM huve one ti urtli of
the work completed within two ycaiH
niter tlm Secrnlary of the Interior
had nt limbed hU Hiiiuture.
The two ynuiH wan up a month uxu
mid no work hud lii'iuiti done.
The day hoforu the time expire. I,
or Kei'tfinier Idtli, the lrrlution
ouini uuy ant two men at work clnar
iiiK Uin'riKlit, of way ut ameliriiHh
but it in not Hi'Uii haw thio ciuld im
Mwer the requirement, fur a fourth of
the work at the end of two veurtt, nod
the whole at the end of four.
lu I he ineuntiiiio petitions nitfnoil
by ri'Hidunth of Luke county have
been pi'HHi'iitud to the land board
UK'uiiiht the Hiirunil aud third extniiHion
ef time, and of com He these petitions
would hold auuiust a fourth exten
di!. What the laud board intends to
do with the primary election so uear
at timid la not known.
It ia uot aeuu how thia claim that
tha ZX ranch cnnllirta with the rihts
of the I'ortluud irrigation, company
Rtrt aV'.o
Miss Lakeview
'1 lie hulmntb llciuli Ih making ii
big bulla'. iibim iiliiiut (In- Oregon
Trunk i'niiitiit In Mint place, mid Ih
III' II M'llll nt mil I I' hm reports to Unit
illil That m 'n hi . neighbor, whin
II" loud, lur I tin woods urn full nf
c.nigiim ! liul, w linn Mm railroad map
nf I.hMi-iii Oregon h romplile, it will
li Inund Hint Dm iiuilii linen nf the
Si u I In-1 ii I'liritlr, (treat Northern mid
Wettem I'iiciHc, will I m located right
III I nl,evcw. It In absolutely I it
lull' lliuf tin- Oregon Trunk linen nut
consider Kliiiintli 1'iilln nl. nil. it l it
Hill (Millie III MllllllllT I. Ilk)', Mil'!
through Paisley Id Lukeview, mid mi
to Kim Friinclcn, 1'riivl'li'il nf course.
Unit tli people fin nut nttiMiiit H
linlil ii i lor the rlulit nt way. I IiIm Ih
lint ntlli'inl tut It ih authentic, mid
Hill lid lull mi In he the li'Hl thing
when tli riillrnnd people get ready
In do their hands.
A Harney County Land
Man Says They Are
Good People
Annul our recent land opeiiiiik' the
ilarney Coiinly TiiunH hiivm: Archie
Mctiiiwcn hii I A. S. W'hitiiev arrived
home thin week from l.llkl'VieW
where tiny witiieMied the opening ol
I lie I Iri'ki in Valley I. mid ('n. Archie
i-ayr it wiih a hiiccchH lu every piirticu
I H t an i that the metlio l UHi d l y Hie
C'linininy w a en it rely nut iff act ory to
the Contract holders. There were
perliupii l.'ii'il perhons and I.nkeview
preheiited a lively appearance. Tin'
company paid the expenses of every
individual reprehcnt iutf 'J(l ( r more
contract holders and paid nut ou this
account some Jim.ihmi In one day.
They arranged two bltf a tit oh that
would carry 11 pHHsciitttTH each to
aHnlnt In briuuintf the people lu, ba
ubles ciUlpplnit a boat on (loose
Lake at a rot nf S'line thirty thou
Hand dollars for the of ttie repreHen
tallves. Mr. Muljowan eMlimales that
the cost of explolliiiK aud arraiiKliiK
for the naln of thle property was II,
OX), IK), yet the compaiiT had likely
made a profit of a like amount.
So Says Ship Builder-Believes
Electric Gun
Will End War
N" Yin k. rt
one ot An el ii'u '
nl meters do el- u
plane w ill ever
iitodei'ii wm I an
vliiccd that mi
ii. Lou is N i xon,
lore must ship con
t bid it've t be uei u
liecouin ii factor in
lis Is now con
aircraft niters no
danger to tin
lielit'Ves tllltt
latest warships. He
t he limn is nnt far (lis
taut when an (lectlic gun will be in
vented which .vill lire a thunderbolt
that w ill nhock o dent b et cry limn
tliat happens to be in its putn.
This, he said, was the diri'et nieli
acea of the future. He declares that
this gun was sure to come, when elec
tricity should tie butter uderstooj
than it is at present.
lu Nixon's opinion tbe aeroplane
may be so perfected mh t finally be
come practical for purposes of obser
vatiou, but he does not believe it
will ever become un Instrument uf
SELLS FOR $300,000
Baker City, Ore , Oct. !. Frank IL
Olcrf. of N-ith Vukimii, mid a num
ber of itssociuti'H have bought 150,
(H'O acres nt' central Oregon land for
;00,ikmi This is tho largest sale that
us titer been niiulo in this seoton.
The property is located in Harney
county mid comprises what is known
as the old John leviue ranch one of
the most notct lunches iu Oregon.
Ouo of tliu iiuiiuu feutu es of the
place ia thu' it bo sts of u herd ot
elk. one of the few herds of this kind
iu Oregon. The name of the place
is now the Alvord ranch. It bus been
rented to the I'uoitlo Livestock com
pany, but. the recent purchasers will
stuck the property aud condu3tit
can hhhiiik a a vul id appearance be
fore the land company.
Ttie irrigation company lias tiled on
only tbe water that now goes tu
waste and runs into Luke Abort.
It is this water that the A has beeu
digging ditches to draiu olf tbe
inarali. The building of storage,
reservoirs by thu Portland irrigation
company would m u bene tit tu the
uiarsh instead ot nu injiuy.
The Eastern Slope of Goose
Lake Valley is the Garden
Spot of All Oregon
The editor in company with IJit
nurd Hit., of this Liikeview ))eve(ip
inentCn., mid Mr. Johin-oii fi run Miu
neHota took a run ,M nudity down to
the new town nf Lukehlde and the ,
orchard tracts uf that enterprini nu
company. :
The ron 1 between there aud IjHke- !
side . ia lined with orchards loaded'
with ill kinds of fruit. Hik red arid
jelloiv apples tempted iiom at every '
hand. Kvl lence there ia all alouu the
valley that the ma i who Kays this is
not a fruit country, does nut know
what he is talking about
Our visit at the Lake aide tracts
satisfied iih that it ia bound to
develop into one of Mia best fruit
aeeltoue Hi the west. The ue'KhboM
about hae demonstrated its worth
snd loaded treps attest the fact.
Situated in the midst nf the tracts,
Is the home of L. W'Hshburu, one
of the ( r I Iimi (ionse Lake valley
pioneers, lie has reside.) in Calltor-1
u lu fil years, the last thirty of which ;
were spent riht on that ranch, lie;
has 1(HI trees of ditteretit varieties of i
Irnlt. inostly apples I'rom that little
on liatd he bus k'athered a crop nt H
or muni tons of tipple u year aud not
a wormv one unn.iu the lol! lie
says he never saw a worm in an ap
ple in this valley. One bunch from
a little limb contained M bit, apples
that weighed 11 pounds. Ou a tiact
of urouud, ion feet loiin au l S r.iws
wide, this fall he dui; two tons of
the lamest, llnnsl potatoes we ever
saw, and all his berries ami nth r
k'r len truck produced lu like propor
tion. None of it has liu 1 a drop of
water, although the Lassen cieek
runs riKht by his door. lie says he
don't need it. A little patch of mea
now, lean than un acre, cut four tons
of hay, and nave him pasture besides.
ills alfalfa field cuts three crops
per year.
When he wants a mess of the
finest trout in the world, be drops a
line lu the brook, aud vet them. If
he wants a duck or noose he uoes
down to the lake auu sett as many as
be wauls. lie lives like a kniK, and
says, after traveling all around, be
"ever saw a better place in wuicn io ; me town is aiso iisrucumrn m
aiake good money easier than ngb 1 1 vored in tbe fact that north and south
here in the valley, lie sold all his ' railroads cannot escape it. Intact
holdings except 10 acres hurrounding : tbe Southern Pacific already bas tbe
bis bouse to the company. The old i right-of-way secured along tbe lake
Of the County Treasurer of Lake County, Oregon, fur the aix mouths
ending Sept. ilot h. Hum, of the iiitmcy received mid paid out, from what
Hoiirce received nnd what account paid out.
'l'it unit in n t ii 1 1 : t r i I frotu Liit report JvOM 7'!
received from taxes o.liil 1'-
llt rk'rt tees l.V'i .".0
" " li.ii..f licence -M'
hlleril'f fees filt
' M.-i'e of niatcrhil 70 sd
" " " coroner l'- '
" refund on liount v . Ii To
Total amount received ami mi band 91 J
P.y amount paid lor Mtate taxes ti.OoG
" " " redemption of warrant 18, -US
Balance ou limn in general fund
To amount on liantl from last report $ll,0i-'l !K)
" " received from taxea 1, 1100 SO
" " " Htate 3,--t
' ' " justice linen 5 00
Totfil amouut received mid on hand
By amount puld for redemption of warrants
Balance on haml In hcIiooI futul
ToHinouut on hand from lust report
received from state
Total amouut received anil on hand
Bv amount nuid for redemption of warrants
Balauce ou hand lu road fund
To amount on hand from last report fctOO 40
" ' received from tastes 207 01
" " Hale of material 5.12 02
Total amount received aud ou hand $l,i;!0 3;t
Balance on hand In building: fund
To amount received from taxes 1-
Ity amount paid city ireuwurer
Iialaiiee on hand in City of Lakeview Fuud...
To amouut on haml from last report f 'JO
" " received from Iiixck In
Balance on ham! in library fund
" " " Institute fund
To amount onhafnl from last report 11,40.1 8T
" received from taxes 100 02
Total amount received and on hand
lly amount paid for Interest ou bonds
Balance on hand in special school
" " " all funds
1. F. (). Ahlstrom. do hereby certify that the
ment of the amount received, paid out, and remaining; on hand in the County
Treasury of Lake Couuty, for the six months ending: Sept. 30th 1000.
F. O. All LNTRO.M, County Treasurer.
Keiitleinan is nearly Hi) years of aue
and wivh he Is Koinu tu own an
auto, and run it, if it kills hi in
Hays ii man with any gumption au
"Kit lu Mm can take ten acrcf of
that luu I and make all the money
a maiiou Ktit to have in bis posnession.
Aud he is riKht I
Firm in this beljef some of the Laki-
view people, IcludiiiK Messrs., Post,
Pratt, Kiiik. II ickerson. Bow ma
Morrn1. and others have nciuire
ten acr tracts ther aud will plant
orchards. One group have taken
10) actes lu a solid body. This will
be feueed broken and sown tu winter
wheat thl fall. It ia believed the
protlts of the simile year's crop will
pay for the land. The succeeding
year the entire 10) acres will be set Echo of former raoge wars that
out to apples of the most approved I once not so long ago were of fre
varlety. iquent occurence in this section took
The development company have
already sold 17") tracts, and 0.5 of
these are to tie planted and brought
to bearniK by the company for the
The entire acreage has ample water
rights. The regular flow on Aug. 1st
regirtered a supply fur J'JO'J acres.
1'lils can be largely increased by
buili ling a re.-rv nr, ttie site of
which is secured and will be im
proved. If needed. A ti nber Hume,
one mile long, has been constructed
and brought along the precipitous
sl ies of the canyon at a great cost.
All that :s now needed is the cod-i-triH'tiwii
of the main canal aud late
rals, which are now in the bauds of
engineer Hrowu, f.nd the construction
of which a ill be begun at an early
1 date
The town site of 'Lakeside is a
beautiful one, situated on a slope
above tbe lake. It commands a
. pleuiid unobstructed view for miles.
Tbe water immediately adjoining tbe
i town is the deepest la tbe lake, and
'affords splendid opprotuoity for
.boating tlauiog and bunting. Im
mediately adjoiniug tbe orchaard
tracts cloudward rise tbe high moun
i at ins, known to oontaio minerals
of all kinds, incluidu gold, silver
, and cmnibar.
19,4.'!$ 55
lti,12G 27
12,010 00
f4,110 27
32t 14
f 11,213 40
i21 74
$7,001 72
I ,i;io :t3
207 07
l,t;o;i 47
477 00
11,125 57
2:530 10
foregoing is a true state
Valley Now Bet-
Ler than Ever
K. W. Martin, W. Lair Thompson
aridL.K Kaeer retnrned Tuesday
from their r, to Hums and Vale,
the county-seat townn of ilarny and
Malheur countiei. They report that
they saw some good country in these
cnuuties, hut none that looke so
good as the (jo) den Ooonse Lake Val
ley with its orchards laden with fruit.
They are now better astisfle.l than
ever before that the garden snot of
Oregon is right here la Lakeview.
Gets Obsteperous When
Cattle Man Orders
Sheep Off.
fdace haturday at the Iiuntin cattle
rancb west of town.
it appears that F. O. Bunting bas
i leased and fenced some of the road
I grant lands, aud bas bad possession
i thereof for years. On Hatur
: day he Dnticed a lot of sbeep in tbe
pasture aud went out and ordered the
herder to take them out and assisted
1 in driving them from the enclosure.
On Sunday he discovered the "wolly
: terrors" again on his premises. lie
'and his young eon immediately rode
! out and located Simon Juaoto, a
Spaniard, who had leased the sheep
fr in Jo till Tucker, in charge of tbe
flock. Mr. Hunting rode toward btrn
and asked bim wby be bad again put
. the sheep on bis premises. Jaunto
claimed it was free range and be bad
as much right there as Bunting. Tbe
latter demurred to that ,and told him
to take bis ebeep out at onec or be
would drive tbein out, whereupon
Juaoto who was armed with a rifle
pointed tbe same at Bunting and told
bim if be moved another "tep he
would shoot.
Tbe latter was not armed so be with
drew and reported the matter to
Deputy S b e r i ff Arthur, who
placed Juan to under arrest He bad
a preliminary bearing before Jsutice
Bailey Monday, who bound bim over
with bail to appear at court next
shore, aud a survey of the Western
Paciti.' through tbe Fandango Pass
euils its survey ribgt at the town.
All in all we are very well satsUied
with our trip tu Lakeside, as we own
some tracts there that we got at
f'Hy), now worth oOO, or more, aud
tbera is no telling to w hat values they
may rise in ttie uear future.
Tbe history of the rise in values
of the fruit iau Is iu other sections
will be repeated here. For instance,
last year the bignett price paid for
Hood river apple lands, not so good
as our (loose Lake county truit lands,
whd 6f)00 per Here. This year the i
price has jumped to 1,000! j
Let that fact gink deep into your!
mind aud then uct, before it is too '
late! 1
Walt Mason, in the October Amer
ieuu Magazine, iu describing Bris
tow.the iusurgnnt Senator from Ka li
ens, gives the dimensions of the
ttaetsnian as follows: "He is six
feet of protest and a hurfdred and
sixty pounds of deflance." It would
be a good thiug for tbe country if
there were more men of that caliber
in the hallo of legislation. Atid it is
a pity be could not take a club and
pound either sense or deceucy into
some men who dominate tbe Rpeubli
cau party in Congress !
The Man With the Smile
Always Wins in
Every Way
Do you realize the vulue of a smile?
Dn you know it bas a commercial
value? Iu fact, a slmle is at a prem
ium iu some places of business.
Suiely you have fe.t the value smile.
You have approcahed persons who
have greeted you with a smile aud a
pleasantness that immediately placed
you at ease aud made you feel at
From a business tstaudpoiut, yon
cannot possibly overestimate the tou
iu ef'ect of au cvar-smiling counte
nance will have upon your sales
Look around aud you will discover
that those who invariably meet cus
tomers with a smile have a large fol
Tbe effect a smile bas on your owu
inmost self cau scarcely be overesti
mated. A smile drives away dull
cares and makes people bear tbeir bur
dens more lightly. A sniliug persou
invariably takes tbe bright view of
A persou with a smiling face is al
ways welcome company. Smiles are
tbe suushine of tbe soul.
They Like This
N- C- 0. ROAD
Road to be Changed To
Broad-Gauge Work
Now Underway
New Owners ?
That something will be dim sooa
in railroad situation is evident.
Tbe outside paprs are full of talk of
railroads beaded from all direction
for Lakeview. The following from
tbe Alturas Plaindealer looks as
though tbe N. C. O. will soon begin
construction work to Lakeview:
News spraad rapidly Monday morn
ing that steps bad been taken to
broad gauge tbe N. C. O. Ry. Tbe
announcement createdn no little sur
prise as well a- gratitlcat'on. Om
every band satisfaction was express
ed, and no end of speculation was iu
dolged la to account for this sudden
move, Wm Keodell grade foreman,
stated tliat work would begin at once
an employment given to all tbe men
and teams they could get. He also
stated that work would be provided
thru out tbe winter and would last
at least one year.
Tbe work of broadening tbe grade
will begin at Termo and extend
south towards Reno. It U further
known that tbe contract bas been let
for tbe construction of the grade
to Lakeview, but work will not begin
until next spring. This news is de
finite. The sudden change in tbe program
of the narrow guage has occasioned
no little speculation among citizena
of Alturas. That a change of ownership
bas taken place all are satsfled. But
who, or what system, baa succeeded
to title is a questoin no one is able
even to guess with any degree of cer
taiaity. Cue thing is certain, how
ever, tha Southern Pacific is not tbe
tiew proprietor. That system has ns
ase for tke narrow goage. its right-of-way
would be of do material bene
fit to the big road. They have made
surveys of tbeir own, and at an enor
mous cost. Besides their plans, as
mapped out, do not include any
pact of that road. The only sytsem.
therefore, that would be benefited
would be tbe Western Paciflo or the
Hill system. In any event everyone
io Modoc and Lake counties will re
joice at any change. Conditions
caunot possibly be made worse than
they are at present.
In this connection we de9ire to
correct an impression that bas gone
abroad regarding the feeling of Alrruaa
and Modoc comity towards t-e X. C.
O. Ry. We are uot opposed to the
roud. On the contrary, we are very
rrieudiy. a U only the littleness aud
the t-pitefullnesa of the officers of that
road that embittered oir people.
Says Surprise Valley Is
Better for Pears Than
is Medford
The following from the Bidwell
Nugget shows that there is reason for
calling the valley over the range,
"Surprise Valley", which is a con
tinuation to tbe south of tbe famous
Warner Valley:
Mr. A. K. Bensinger, representa
tive of tbe Oregoo Nursery Co.. of
Salem, Oregon, spent the greater
portion of thia week in this vicinity
looking over the separate orchards
and he has nothing but praise to offer
tor the great frail advantages that
preeuta itself in this valley. He gives
as an example of what an acre of
pearp, iu Meifrod. Oregou nets to the
owuerof au orchard if properly cared
for and says Surprise Valley ha
conditions for raising truit superior
to that of Medford. He suys the av
erage uet returns per acre for Burt
lett pears, at Medford , is J 1,500, tbe
fruit bringing ?2. 20 per box of 40lbs.
aud the average cost Der year for car-
iug for each tree is about Vl.OO.
FIT OF $1,000 ACHE
'. Medford, Or. Oct. C From 1(J'
acres of pears F. H. ilopklus will
take 7000 boxes, which be ba sold at
12.14 per box for shibmeut east. The
product gives $14, 0H0 from tha 10).j
acres. The crop of 1007 gave over
19,000 to tbe owner. .Picking bas