Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 07, 1909, Image 1

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Q)K 0
Gives a Trust Deed For
$1,500,000 to Provide
Funds Extensive
Outi ill liiu li i h t hi m it I (1 it-it ii t thi hum
looking tow it t ij rittii'i develop
eiueiit in riulroiid riiuHl rtii'tlnii aud
other mutter In tint movement tif I'.
It. walker, of M IiiiiiiiiiiiIih, known to
b ciooitly allied with Janus J. Hill.
mkI week i'miiih tint aiiiioiiiit'eiiimit
that tin Intel in it (1 tliiihoilaud pur
chases In Calittonia covering the
I'reodotilu Pirns, which In on mii air
lino route from tlia Columbia river
tli o igh lakevltw. ml .in to Han
I' rum inco. l it in week cornea press
reports tro:n A Hunts and other point
tlntt are, big for tho future.
The Admits Pluludottlitr aaya that mi
Momltty lunrnlu,; tho UVt'l lilt., a
deed una llli' I in Kocorder Mallards
ultlrn liy tint I led K I v r Co., of which
T. IS. walker im 1 1 r.'o 1 i tit, (or thtt
linn of ? I , .M i, i to. 'lli deed i'uv.trn nil
tlm 1 1 1 1 1 1 it-r Inil'l I hum of Mr. Walker lit
Modoc itinl l.itKnfi) count ii-s, aud Im
given to tlm MtllllOHotll liOttU n nl
TrtiHl I'n. of Minneapolis, an aeotirl-
ty Im I lit" above nu iii.
'1 hit purpose for which lint loan in
given, tin Ht 1 1 it In toil In tbe body of
tlm instrument, In to ftiud the 111
dohtuc of tint (JouiiHiiy hui lu pro
vide I uiida for tlm manufacture of
lumber In Calitroiila
Tltt liiHiriiiiiunt cover many pagoa
of dourly type wrllluu matter, the re
oof ill ni of which muuut to I'M.
This would indicate tiumlalakably,
tbat Mr. Walker ia to begin In the
near future to mailt on bin iiumeuee
timber holding In Mcxloc ooun'y.
To enable hloi to do u, railroads
must be couatructed. fur wllbuol
tranaportataou or lumter can roach
a market. That Mr. Walker baa anau
ranee of transportation doe a not ad
am of a doubt. And that the route
the eurvey haa Jast beeu completed
ia to supply an eaatern outlet la be
youd question. Thia route taps the
center of Mr. Walker a holding a, and
we predict that conatruotlon work
will begin In the Immediate fu
It haa lone: Ixten known thai the Mo
Cloud road ia merely a feeder for
the ti. V. line from Fortlaud to Ban
rraoclaco. That road haa been ex
teude.i into Modoc county, and ia
now within elgbt inline of the Altur
aa-Kalmatb eurvey, and only forty
mile from Alttiraa. With the com pie
tlon of that road the long hnul by
way or Klnmath Falls can lie avoided
aud supplies for building purposes
run two or three waya towarda
Kalmath, towards Lakeview aud to
wards llaeu Im NovhiIu.
Tito force employed on the Altu
raa Klamath survey completed thttir
work Monday even In if, aud a tule
gram from headquarters directed
them to Head In their maps Ht once
from Atliirua it ml report at Klmiialh
rails. Due of the forcn remarked to
PontmalMor N'egley thut ho looked for
the completion of the MoCluud to
AlturiiH by Jiiutiury Int.
Whether thia prediction cornea true
or hot, one thing ia certaiu, aud that
ia thut thtt road will be complete I by
the end of 11)10. Wn know that the
S. 1' promised Mr. Wulker au oulet
for hid timber, and we know thia is
the only practical one, and thut the
route was designated by Mr. Wulker
kirn self.
Our Free Wheat
Lands Getting
Scarcer Fast
Tlm Itonimr.a llullc tin nitym of tint ruali
for ( liirnriinient Imid thfrt lionitnteHfi-
lent me lunlilnu Into the w IikhI H'-i'iou
I of ('en I riil and Moullitirii ()r u"H and
III InW on liouieHt-na. Auto are lined
In Home IiihIhiii'I'Ii. TIh'Ih mihiii wI I
lie no more liiud open In IkiiiiumI end
i thut haa any pronpitta of itiiahlluK
fninily to iniike a living" from it.
i Will thic people of (IrfKon then tin li
mit to exact Ioiim nf holdem nf the
VHt'Hiit IuikIh hh they do lu Kurope
Nit one tenth of the bind in Oregon
(h UMeil.
BV N. C. fl.
Lost WhisKy Barrel Found
After Being Buried
Fifty Years
K or
In Shape of Large Office Build
ing, Enlarging Workshops,
Lakcvicw Extension
Three Separate
Railroad Surveys
iri Fandango Pass
A Kentleman wa In onr office Tnea
dnr who aaja that there are three
diftercnt rallrnad aurTy ncroaa hia
mlotntf rlalui in the h'aadantco
I'bbi. Now the qnenHon ia whether
then ureys are all tor one company
or whether tNey are for dilfeient
cornpanieii. At any rate It looks fa
vnrable for rallmada thruugb thai
Fred (JleHMon, stamp mill bulldei
aud operator haa arrive!1 at the Uohk
oaiup. and ia now layiu the founda
tion for a no-ton mill.
'i'liH AlturiiH l'luludealer In speak Inn
nf thcHtt mi ihh aayH : Mr,. N. K.
(iiiiot. the t'ripple Creek minium ex
pell, ret im nc-il In Altui'HH from the
1 1 1 1 1' iiieirii'i I'liilnv I'Viuiiiik' mill
liink I le trim next iimniini.' or
home. Wti v. ii-li 'Oitie ut tnir cititiiiH
er-pci'inlly llti-i' iiliout, liidwed uml
.New I ' l ii t h i k, could lutve li-md
IiIh cm 1 1 n 1 1-ii I r on t In- cm 1 1 il ioMH ii I (Im
matin li itilinu to Chi i men. lie li.i.t
1 1 1 it i ) t- no nnnii.V tis yet. hut mi id In on
I hul ii lieltel pronpi ct lie in v,t kiim'.
lilll Ultllool, lolldct, 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IIH'll ol
III III ll.l, llllll I III! Ulllll'H 111 till! illlllllH III
l;umt'i, i.i.i liiuij can lu 1 ii ti 1 lor
in the near Inline. He will I it inn
III Hut k i IK.
Ce Urvll'e Kitourd '21 ult:
many yeara the ntory of a burlnil bar
rel of whlakey In the vlcluiuty of ' 4.1
canyon, about 'ir in lleM pant, of here, f.
Iiiih been told and retold until It (inn
h'M'ouie to lie regarded uh nut of the
leuenda of doaeer daya nd coupled
with the IhIi-h of the w jn lerful rich
" lilue lluckel " " l.tiht Cabiu " and
oilier rich liiliK-H Uml. hal lieeu
found and lont. Hut one day hint
week a lulu utilnu dowii the hill from
'I'J into hoiifc! Valley T .J. ('iinuiiua
and aon Thoina and Mr. Sill found
the loux luHt and much moiiuIi' for
whirkey tiar'el burled by the einl
urautaover llfty ytara a;o. Which had
been burled in the center of he old
emluraut road, which ha I recently
been abaudoned owintf to the waah of
the creek. Conalaut eroalou waah of
the watvir revealed the htdiiiK place
o' the barrel. It had beeu traveled
over fifty yeara by countleaa number
of people, many of tacai looking 'or
it, aud little draamiun of Ita clone
proximity. The barre waa lying
lengthwlae and was made of Mlaeouri
oak; bat. alaa It waa empty. Kigbt
Iron hoopa and tnoet of the stavea
were in a good atate ot preaerratlon
It appcara that In 184 1 a party of
emlgrauta war enroute from the aaai
to California and whila at ' 4tf ware
attacked by the Indiana, who drove
off all tbelr teama, and to prevent te
Indiana frocc getting tbelr goods and
wagons they borled tba former and
euro ad tbe latter.aod after undergoing
many hardship they reached Uooee
Lake Valley. Many home-made luaple
maota of varioas kiuda hava bean
found there and kept aa souvenir of
tbe 111 fated party, aud many men
have looked and dug for tbat barrel
of whlakey; but It waa merely by
aoeident that it waa (Uncovered and
tben it waa empty.
l!euo ( iael te, 1: (Jet, id newa lor
lieno was k I veil the Ca'ettn in luro
liiinrhen lljjn InoriiiliK I y T. F. iJun
ay, vice pei-l lent an I tMieral mill
iier of the Neva tu Calif oi u In Oregon
railro-id. Mr. iJunwity returned yea
teriiar from New Vrok, where he
went to HccompHiiy home hia dauuh
ler, who Iihh been vimtlug in Kurcpe.
Mr Wunway dald :
" About tbe only thiuu of conae
quenoe I know today In that the . C
) will bol d new vuneritl olllcen. Trie
preaent building Uh lirco" e entirily
too amitil it I nee t!ie buiHiieh of the
road haa made audi aplt-iidid advance
ineut. ISenidea the preneut oltlcett are
too noltiy with track on both aides
of them.
The Mite for the new atructure
haa not been definitely determiuded,
but it will prntiably be on Fourth
atreet. Aa aonn aa the pUna of the
architect are completed, contracts
will bo let aud the work runhed to
complet ion. The biiildiui; ill tie
of brick and will be two tori en hiub. '
do not know what it will cor-t, but
you can aay it will not be lexa than
" We lime not yet decide what
dieptia liu'i to make of the recent
U-tueral oHlce building.
" '1'lit' iiicrt-ane of biiniueha done by ,
the road, both 'reiht ami pa-menuer, '
money on betterment, both to the
road bed aud the rollum sto;:k.
" The ahnpa at preeenut are a
ftetiB nf activity. KularKement ia
abaolulely neceHnury autl we will in
stall aa tn n aa it can be shipped a
large order of modern and power
ful maenhinery. This may mean an
enlargement of the eh'H buildings,
but that will not be detemlned upon
for twi or three month. The pre-1
llmiiiary aurvev for the extension of
the road from Altnra to Lakeview
haa been completed aud the contractu
will we let nithlo a few daya- It is
the intention of the compauy t"J
peeh work as long aR the eaber
will permit
" Aa to reiterated rumors Ihut a
deal is pendiug for the kale cf tbe
road let me ay that I know noth
lug of auch a jiove. Of coupb. this
road, an ell aa the Southern Facitlc
aud Buy other concern ia for sale if
the sulllcient bid in made, but 1
know of uo such an offer."
iri Home t h I ll it lihelmniefiul tirwi tin. in
dluat'on are that It will increase, TalfPC H FrDch Sttarf With
ettoeciHlly atter the propoaed ex !la"'a IIC3II JlClll nllll
teiiKion is completed. It la our iu- .
teiitl- n to fpeud a large amount of i
Predicts Joe's Downfall
Says Party Pledge to
People Was Broken
Spokane, Wash., Sept. 30 (Spe
cial )--"Joe Cauuou will uever again
be speaker of tbe House of Repre
sentatives. Congreaamaau Miles
Polu lextor is destlnad to be one of
the foremost leaders In tbe lower
Mouae of Congress within the next
three or 'our yearB. lnaide "of four
years tbe ioaurgeuta will be In con
trol lu tbe House aud tbe autoorajy
of Joe Cannon will be at au eud.
Thus did Cougroasman Irvlu L.
LeDroot, of Wiaoousiu, express bis
own personal views and those of
tba so called "Insurgent party."
Lenroot artived in Spokane last night
and wag the fguont ot honor at a luu-
"With respuct to the now tariff
schedule, 1 feel atrongly that it 18
not in compliHiice with the aledges
of tho Kapiililican party platform,"
ho mi Id.
New Move on Railroad
Checker-Board That
May Mean Hill
John F. Stevens as
Minneapolis Land Mauj
Believed to be After
Diamond P Ranch
People from Oregon and
Adjoining States Are
After the Govern
ment Land
Vale, Or., Sept, 23. Colonel C.
E. a Wood and William Hanley, It la
reliably stated, bave 'been buiey for
two weeks securing railroad right-of-way
through tha Malbeur river can
yon weat of Vale. They have se
cured and filed on right-of-way
through property for many miles
both above aud below tbe town.
Tbe liarrlmn system has surveyed
and obtaiced a right-of-way through
tbe Malbeur cauyoo which it has held
lor yeara aud it has been supposed
that It effectually precluded any
one else obtaluing any right-of-way
through there, but Colonel Wood
aud Mr. Hanley, it is stated, have
succeeded in obtaluing as good a one
as tbat held by tbe llarriman
lhe fil l aiguitlcauce of their move
cannot be understood, but those in
close touch with affairs in tbat sec
tion ate inoliued to believe thut it is
a move on tbe part of Hill of the
Northern Pacific system to secure an
entrance Into tbat part of Oregon for
the branch tbat it is the common be
lief that ht is uow surveying from
Salmon City , Idaho, up the Salmun
river to Challis, Stauley basin
on through lioise to tha coast, and
tbat possessions of a right-of way
through Malbeur canyon la an im
portant liuk In hia plans.
Can n City ( Nev. ), Kepteti cer 28.
J he Oregon Trunk Line fll-d its in
corporation papers in the office of tbe
beecetary of State in this state yea
terday. J. F. Stevens ia tbe Presi
dent, Jackson Smith Vice Fiaideat,
and JLeKoy Park is Secretary and
Treasurer. Stevens , Smith, James B.
Kerr, C. U. Williamson and Oeorge
A. Can are tbe directors for tba first
Tbe amount of tbe capital stock and
tbe purpose of tbe company, further
than it. is to build a railroad are
not atated.
This is tbe new railroad tbat ia
building up the Des Chutes Kiver
from- tbe Columbia Kier. on t be
northern border of Oiegeon, through
Central aud Southern Oregon, on its
way to Sao Fraucisco. Stevens la tbe
former Panama Canal engineer and
bis connection with Hill and tbe
letter's projected line to San Francis
co was recently announced.
Tbe Oregon Trunk Line is a Nev
ada corporation. Tbe tiling of its pa
pern here is not necessarly any
criterion tbat tbe tbe company is to
operate In .Nevada.
It ia reported that Harry il loter
the tdg land man of Minneapolis, who
sold the Military Koad wraut to the
Oregon, Valley Lund Company, ia
now negotiating for tbe big Ummood
P. ranch over in Harney County, if
be yets hoi' of it the people of tbat
County will soon be in tbe eyes of
tbe world. Harry is a buslter and
always makes good in any enterprise
he undertakes. lo this coDoectiou
tho Burns Times of recent date bays:
Au automobile party ennsisitog of
the driver and Harry Hunter, woo
was formerly connected with tbe Ore
gon Valle' Land Co. at Lakeview
and a .Mr . llysaell, paid tlm city a
ttying visit last Tuesday afternoon.
From their actions and enquiries
there were rumors of more railroad
men. but tbe Times Herald Is in
formed that Mr. Hyskell is a news
paper man representing a big rort
iaod pa;sr and bis partic-lsr object
was to gain information for an exten
sive writeup of tbe interior. The
party bad gone from Sbaniko oat to
Lakeview and then to this place, go
ing from here to Prineville. It is
not known what Mr. Hunter was do
ing, bat tbe succesa of tbe recent
sale at Lakeview may bave suggested
the buying of tbe Road lands, P. L.
S Co. or Hanley holdings and dis
posing of them in a similar manner.
Thia would make some stir in real
estate here and be tbe meana of bring
ing Harney County to tbe front in
tbe way of publicity.
Because of Death of the
Arzner Child the Town
is Quarantined
PROFIT OF $49,000
n:i; .Nov. i
Al I L
i;i;;isl i i;ki
On mid I it-i i tin Niivi'iiiImt
pI'IK! 1 1 1 K H).',ill'l'IIIH' Ii ll'llt'l
I' nil
In tin'
I ii 1 1 tit I Mate.-, mail, will hint' lt pii.v
It'll Ct lllH fill' I III' M'l Ul C i'll'lllill
with I In1 mi i no ill In Mii- I in I oil .-1 .1 Ii-h
will iis-i.iiiii' ii in i i in ii in ll.ilulil v I'm'
IMUlhleirtl loitllii' nf .iU, itiKli'tul nf
?..i. I ln tlion'e ill involve ini
nililil Ii iiiul wink In t hi' tiflii'i-, rxciit
I o t'V pl.'l in 1 1 l.l I I'tMIH w Inn li.i vt not
yd Ik i ii in !ii.i uili'il with llii' ecu-
ihl.l'i' I .I ll"- I'l l iptiMI'tl.
New York, Si'pti'iiiln'1' 110. KaniliiH
of t In Union l acillo uml the South
fin I'ncilUi nuli'iimls t'ctr III in it ii I Ii
of tci'iti nu follows:
Union l'm'illc -( Ii'omh cmiinnH,
i?7,'.MS,t;i I ; iiifieastt ir'.iTIt, 1 - over
Biiiiin iiionlii Im t year. Ni l earnings
utter payment, of opernl ion expensoH
and taxed, tfl, lh,C."i'"i ; iiicrcuso, 17 11,
oil I.
Southern Pat'illc ( ii'iiHH earnings,
1 l,:ilO,7K'; increase, i?!, 1711, 107. Net
eiirnlnue, "l, lil7,HfS ; iiicieatiit, H.IHI7,
CtiiiK I'ci-Hiiiiiii I! Htlcy is innki.'ii! a
slreuuoiiH endeavor to cover e'iry
County in Ins ilintrict Indole rt trniug
to Coiiit'h. We tin not know (lie
t'Olltilti'U (if lltt I'VllN'i in I, III,"
i ( 1 1 1 r 1 1 , but w Ini .her ('(mil or I-. id lilt
ya ill pi nimbly iii) ii vi..iloi'.
Tbe great problem of arid farm
ing is tbe securing of nioistiure,
wblcb must first be gotten into tbe
soil and tben kept there unntil tbe
plants need it, says J. C. Hageuson.
and ! agronomist at tbe Utah Agricultural
college "Tbe land should be
plowed deeply in tbe fall to make an
adequate reservior for tbe storing of
the winter moisture. Tbe land
should be fallowed during tbe alter
nate yeraa ao tbat tbe moisture of
two years will be avalable to tba
crop. Tbe fallow land should be kapt
cutlivated aud free from weeds to
preveent tbe evaporation of water
from tbe surface. Deep rooted crops
should be selected so tbat they can
search far and widS for moisture.
Wheat is now and, perhaps always
will be, tbe principal arid farm crop.
Fall wheat is always preferable to
spring wheat. From two to three
pecks an acre sown with a press drill
gives better results than more
quickly sowu grain.
Wapato. Waab.. Sept. 30 J. O.
Sliadbolt.of Parker, a rancher of the
Yakma Valley, has about Mulshed his
shipping for the season, and gives
his shipments for tho your as follows: i
I homes, iiOO boxes; apricots and
p uma, :i(KH boxes; peaches, :iK. box
es; peam, hotHi boxes and anplcs 1 lit U J
boxes or, figuring oOl) boxes to tho
car, ll! ' cars. i
Tho record of Mr. Sliu.lluilt.s or-
i'Ii ttl trant ol '.YZ ui'i'i s since ho pur- ; - ' . -. - -
chased it four years ago is one for j
the whole vnllnv to bo proud of. ; Washington, Oct. 1. The prin
His net p-iilits for this time have ! conimerical apple orchards of
Imi'ii: l'.iOil, i?P2,li0; IIM,', ttHOO it'1" country are destined to boctimo
r.Klft, fsilm); 1:mi;i, e'ihltlti, il. liking a ; inntested with the Sail Jose scale,
total of Mil, UK) for tlio four veins. I according to it hul'etiu just issued by
ll a. tl I . Ii I
tint i 'mum un'iit ui .vrK'un uru
This town was thrown into a ner
vous conditin Saturdy over awbat tbe
medical men term diphtheria. One
little boy, lrvin, S years old, son of
X Arzner, died Saturday morning,
and others of the family are also ill.
The family of Oreed McKendree was
also quarantined.
in order to take all precautionary
measures the entire town was finally
placed aud is still under quarantine
awaiting further developemnts of tbe
desease. All churches, schools, thea
tres, are closed and no public gather
ings are permitted.
During tbe period of quarantine
tho school rooms are all to be
thoruoghly fumigated.
Tbe outbreak of this malignant
type ot throat dsaease is unaccount
able, bnt aeema iu every instance to
make its appearance at tbe time
wbeo wa bava prolonged rainy spells
as baa been tbe case the past two
weeks,. Inasmuch as tbe same or a
similar type of desese is also pre
valent in tbe Willamette valley, may be
the weather has something to do with
tbe appeareuee at such times.
Up to tbe bour of going to press
no new cases bave appeared aud, it is
believed tbe authorities now bave it
well in band.
Prineville Review, 2.1: Thin wek
Ii: n witnesfed a steady atrrfam of
homeoU'iiderB ifoing t brooch Prine
ville into the Christ mas Lake couutry.
This bas Ie3n brought about by the
brlcht railroad profpe-its and the ex
cellent farming binds in that district,
a combination that provina very at
tractive to city refideuts who long;
for the simple life and a competence
in combination. Alvin S Hawk, of
Tortland, was in change of a per
onally conducted excursion of two
hack loads of proppective home
steaders who will find homea ou the
desert shortly and help the railroad
tonnage when the road shad be built.
CtiriHtma,i Lake Valley, which in
cludes Fort Uock. is a valley 15 miiea
i wide and close to 100 mile long; .with
I soil fine and as level as a floor. There
j are no trees aud but short sagebrush
Browing; there, so the traveler can be
easily seen for ten miles in the distance.
It is jupt outside the Fremont National
Kortjft limits, which are marked by a
fringe of junipers bordering the sil er
pine w hich the government has secured
from entry. Water in the valley may
be had by digging anywhere from
sis to 150 feet.
While several Crook county people
have been located there for several
years and show no dispoaition to
change their residence, yet for tba
most part the valley remains unoccu
pied, and only this year haa tbe big
rush began. It said people are
flocking into tho couatry from all
directions only ' a ' comparative few
coming through Prineville.
Christmaa Lake Valley is about 11
townships sooth oi Prineville, or 64
miles to the lands tbat are subject to
entry. Tbe latter lie .between Christ
mas and Silver Lake and are part of
the great Oregon which extends from
that vicinity to tbe California line.
Tha soil ia said to be above tbe av
erage in fineness and very prod active
with tbe application oi water and
tbe plow, so that it promisee wita
settlement to become a great grain
country of Central Oregon In tbe
very near future when tbe railroad
shall have driven local stockmen
further back to make room foi the
small farmer, which a railroad al
ways does.
Los Angles, Sept. 25. That a move
men is on foot looking towaid the
enlarged usage of silver as a medium
of exchange, is tbe opinion of John
Hayes Hammond, mioing eugineer
and personal friend of William ii.
At a luncheon tendered him by
tbe members ot tbe Sierra Madra
Club here Hammond declared tbat
tbis movement, wbich be said waa
vital to tbe Paclflo coast because tba
wbite metal was the chief exchange
medium of the oriental countries,
was gaining streagth with evety
nation that trades with Japan and
China. He siad :
"Ad vaanoes are being made by Eng
and, unofficially ot course, toward
tbe ohange in tbe rates ia exchange
with silver using countries. Insis
tence upon tbe present monometallic!
system will lose tbis country much
valuable oriental trade. 1 expect
tbis matter to come before tbe next
congress. "
Hammond declares, however, that
be was unalterably opposed to tbe
free coinage of silver, stating tbat
for this reason tbat he felt some hesi
tancy iu opening tbe dangreous sit-
ver question to public discussion.
MUNICIPAL OWMMtSIIII' ine scuio is spiea.nug rapidly over
P.VYS Will, I. .'jsr 1AY. I VHS Hr,'Ms t,,,l'n 'p"r' The bulletin
l ileitis oi i no iiiiiugiiiiou oi trees aim
NICYV YtlliK, Sept. I'd- This city
first municipal ownership of railroads
is nu uinieKtiiiniilili' sui't'SN. I', bus
been In opi'tn tiun mii', lllltl ill
lliiil linn' eiirrii'd iH.t'iiiil p 'opli
iici'iian (Jiii c islioi oiigh briilge. be
tween Ma nliul t mii mid Long l-himl
City. Willi a cent fuiv tlm city1
finds it on it liiaUt a Im go profit.
homo lor
I ion.
Young will soon build ll
hinifct'lt' on I'lonkol's nihil
fruit, mid coutiiius a statement
that " a littlo caroloHsuejs iu spray
ing with tho improper solutions, or
unfiivonilile conditions at tint time of
milking the applications inn y allow
t he survival of t ho scale in siillicient
nuuihcrs lo insult, Inter in tho sea
sou, in their settling in considerable,
numbers upon tho fruit.
W. K. Matthews, of Knokford, 111 ,
is hero for n week or tin loiklng
uvcr tlio country, llo ia well plosud.
Washington, Sept. rid. "Percen
tage of It'Mil reserve to deposit, '.i' 07;
IHiceutiige to deposit of cash ou
hand, rodemptii.u tund mid due
from reserve agents, 'Jti 05. "is the
way t ho i"l7 7 Natioual Hanks of the
country averagw lu tua reports made
to the con t roller of the C'lrreucy un
der tho call for tha condition tit tlm
close of business, September 1.
Tho loans aud discoiiuts for the
whole United States reached ., US,
SS'J.lKil; United States bunds of se
cure circulation.
i.F.wis ckuisf.i: s i i: i uoi;
1 IJ.cti I. KK.NCl.Nli OU LAN 1'.
U. S. IMstrict Atiotiicy John Mc
Cuurt on Monday tiled Kiiit in the U.
S, ilisl rict court at Portland ngiiinst
I a'wIh tit'i'bt'i, the Klamath county
stockman charging liim with iiiiiit'oii-
crl.v iiii'lusing; about KKHi ncrea of
g'ovornmt'iu laud.
Corvullis, Or. Sept. "JUth -There
has h'eii a l'eavy registuitiju at the
O. A. C. in, the lust three, days, aud
the total enrollment this morning had
reached fuO, an iucrea-e of 10 per
ceut over tho registration at this time
lust year, au indication of a tutal
lesgiatai tiou of probably lili'O or
more. Last year more than "JOU re
gistered after the holidays. The
Agricultural department shows a
large increase. The college authori
ties are highly pleased at this show
ing, Hud expect a very aucessful year.
1 tie central building and armory are
not yet complete, hut ure expected to
before there is great need for either.
There is a large increase in tho in
structing force, which inlti ios uiauy
able people aud, the work is urruHged
so that tho students will tie handled
with couuveiiieueu.