I.AKF. rol'XTY rXAMIXFH, l.AKKVM.W, OKKd'ON, TIIPKSDA V, FKPTFM I1KK JW. Ilk "01 Oregon Valley Land Contract Holders V We have secured a complete report of all farms, owners and addresses in the Oregon Valley Land Co. opening and are prepared to negotiate leases, purchases or exchanges. We are the ONLY firm in the state of Oregon showing this complete data ; hence are in a position to furnish names and address of all farm owners. We have two licensed surveyors to examine PERSONALLY each tract and furnish a written report to applicants under a Notary's seal. SOUTHERN OREGON REALTY CO., Umbach Block, nex-i door to Board of Trade Room, Lakeview, Oregon. REFERENCES--Mctrouhiiu i'ank Ttu-t Co,, Los A neck-. C.-il.. l'.ii.iro Y.tlle.v liank. W.it-on vilK . t.il.. I !.i 1 1 K ol ( u.t i i I , K 11.1 1 il, C'.ili!'. m eO H S" so ffprt H V i a i 3 n IPO i i AND .11 !- I '. i . i : t- . h i . ' . - " I I i. : il i i I 6iT&3 Home of Gcod Values" . tiit . i : .- i - . ii : ' ' . i : i .ft- i 1 ! - v n It.H Ot K; il'-I t H! .1 '. is i I.. . , ct a !' il. rice to St ' ft Ch-' !. . , i 'it.-' U.Hii rli!! '.' Vl.fn t!." that : : II all I Mo 11. - I f -: r , t ! ' .f t n t-. i Mi hi i i ' t i ,i i . :,: .11 I- ti .t . ' . e to 1 . a a r. - i rn 'r."t I- i ' M-Vi '.'t r v a I i t '- ' - - t !! t t.f I . .' l : . i . i i - Ii . -v ii i A i . , - : i 1 ! -.: iiirh v I :inr a1, i 1 1 t!.l t . ! ieet n. i .1- f. i.i r to t t f -'.I':. .of t,i , -r I I -t, i t. ;.n t!.. - -t: " i V. i- :;v re -. :. I I r.. 1 : 1 i . t. r 'I - i I , ' : x it!, : t r iv. '. ... i mi - i ' 1 1 . I .. - ,V- ! I ( ?.'.' ?-!. O. I . o i ' v - ' : , . . I l . ; . t , , . , i . i . , . . i.i- ! ; ' ; . ' I t I - t : t t ' r l k i o t v ,t . i. t I'Li i ' I '11 I t l.t MM' ! " Mil!' .. . t . , , , 1. 1 . i ' r ' . r . , ' . -a ! : r- '-, : i ' i u i o i , w o - o ; . 1 1 ! . ! i . 1 . 1 1. ! i .'.o it i t v. hcu it i.- nkt-Iv Zulie te rfi-K'te'i. H'l : too r- fut tit;.: ill then It recrte i ' 1 I.) t T-'l ' to J t-1 1 r rn i ti e the s-ie of th- n l'l an i Toutf t.'ts. The ore iu trfHk- it: !. bi; Vf-in riiL;- up itito value in tht h;iti'1red. while tbe niaiu ore hn.ly yields told j to ioO to the ton It ii believed ou a conservative hasis tnat ': the eutire ledne will yeild from -?13 to , t'2H. Some of it goea aa high as ?4iX). When the 150 foot level is reached it is believed that the best method for ore treatment can tbeD be determined and a mill will be erected. The fu ture of the property is now assured, anil all that is needed is depth. The rock is hiuhly mineralized and full of quaartz certain indication i.f pcrtnau ency, b ith as to ledge and to values. As an aid to siukiuK rapidly the whip heretofore iu use is to be replaced by a hoisting plant i; f i f tur is iir.-i:i l;.o !r ti e (! I tire. AttV,.,.e i'lt.-l t-!f I !!i ilt! t-r '! li.iiit o or i i t!, loiftM .ro .'..-I-f . 'iie to it eft the n ine lit any time Development work on the Tin' lii tte and other boMniij; of Mr. Kieiley aud associates is to t e started , at once. liurt'ess and McVay have a shaft down 5'2 feet and their Hold Wdee ; fraction, ou h contact betweeu por phryiy au i rhyolite. The vein pans j well. The thaft is well-timbered and shows the (inner are familiar with mi li in;. Some i.ut.-i J" taitif- are dickering, to take hold ot the li-i overy Claim of the Lottus I ro.. i Othei claim holder ale 'i( io; their assesnmeut work, aud holiitiwi on to I their claims, as they realize that the j MARRIAGE 0? THE FUTURE- I ! .-r.- i - i .,v ; .; .' l". t 1' LI Af l-'l'l-- toll t ;r. lo-ff "Thf I I I I look, J , v Aell 111 hot trnrt'liiij drt-. I ut nil i-vi-s wi re centered hi. on the k'toom. He wore' a dark mt that tilted his form per fectly ami in his daintly ul ive 1 hand hi Carrie 1 n sru ill ri)t. His curly hair was beautifully done, and a delicate odor of hair oil of the bent , 'Utility floate 1 doAti the isle as he passed. The yountf people will iii1h him now that he i married, lie "Is loveil t y all for his many itccniplith ments. his tender urafe and hi win- ' niiik! ways. The bride i-iimmatids it yood salary as bookei it and the irroom will n.iss noue of the luxu ries to which he has I een accustomed. A crowd of pretty rniu saw hiiu j off at the depot. j We have veryi-!i '"gin our Store fnai can he fount, hi a General Mer chandise estaMish":teri&- Groceries Hsrewars, Dry Coois, Hats, Caps Books end Shoes. Doors & Windows Salt & Grain Bailey ft Massingill J Irrigation Ml! and Big Red Apples Now is the Buying Time TAKE NOTICE Land with good water rights is the best and safest investment for anyone. We are now offering the creanv of the great Golden Goose Lake Valley land, with a perpetual water right, on THE WAR ON THE DEADLY HOUSE FLY I'llcH are the liiuMt (lariiferotiH In aectH we have. They tire much more dtitiKcrouM thiiti bi'i-a (r hiirtiPtH; ttn-Hf may Rtinj; you. and the Htirik' I t'-ilu fill, hut you Hocili net over tilt' "lu. Flies do much more harm than t Mm. The.T walk over filthy plmre like Mewere iiml KtrMn caun. nud .ifter entlnK the lilthy food which t v find there, they co'iie into your limne an( walk on th food you fit. f-irrv trite "it their feet t he tiny nt-rin U v live In tilth hh you live la a Iiouki-. These Krmn aro not only lilthy and (liHtiUMt intr, hut many of them caiiMe mcli diHoan(H as typhoid fevc r.'holern iiif i -il ti rti and hiiiniii'T r i niipla In t . lieu tin- Il if - hrin tlfiii from some illitv pi. iff to your food or leave Mini" of t he m when they crawl ou vonr faff or hands, you nut v m wal low th' Mt- uitiih wltlioul kiinwintf It and lie t-ikfli 111 with one of thfric dxeMfi So that Il.v that mnuih mo harmleiH may do you a lot of harm. Parents Hhouhl place HcreenM at their iloorMfiml vvIihIdwm during the warm went her, to keep the IIiom out of the li'iiise. If they cannot Hcrci'ii all the rooiiiM. they Hhouhl Hcrifii thnsf In which food Im kept; and If anyone Im Hick In the hoiiMc, MlfMHhould he kept from the nick room, mo that they may uot carry itiiih from the Mirk perxoii to the rest of the, family. Children miv help to kis'p tiles out and from carrying itihh of nl'-kui-is from niif perMon to another. In the II rut place they Hhouhl not buy candy, fruit or ot her Htuff which la left In front of MtorcM or tiny where the tlh'H miiv ti'f.l an I w.tlk on It. I'lii's I i llflr cuhh chfil y In mi ilih- uiiniirf nud II this Is left oltlioiit HfifcuH or other coverM lo ldf I h(t lllyiuw. y ttr.'Ht imiiiiIstm will h hatfhed In every Htahle If ymi know of More where food In lint covelrd from IIIch (r old itahlfH that have MWarniH of j them around k'ft your father or ninth er to write to the hoard of health about the matl'-r, and the hoard will make t he Mt re keeper or Htableman j olnty thnrtili'M. Hut before you re i port other people for belntr rareleHn and dirty and ho making It ponHlble for fllea to tiecome a nuloMnw Urn Hurt' your own houwf la clean and no Rar tiatee cane or Iioxch nre left tinoovct ! to attract (Ufa. If you and .ill the peoplf who know follow thin advlfit tluTt" will not he nearly ho many llh'H to plague you iu hot weather, and not nearly mo much MlckiifMM and death, enpe lally anions chll lrrn an now. the following terms and conditions: 9 ft For Whom Are Y on Sowing? If You Pay House Rent FOR. THE LANDLORD If You Are Paying For Your Home FOR YOURSELF AND FAMILY IPS.,, A .f.r T? D $50 Dcwn and $15 per month until full amount is paid. !n ONE TOWN LOT, size 50 x 150 ft., FREE WIT!! FAO! I0-ACRT: FARM 1 iz -:rti.kot -j-i-di Liiikd oifering in the State? i We l)avo helped many parties to solve their rent problem-- WHY NOT LET US HEP YCU ? p. . - quickly JL " 'V Tuis offer will not vait. Don't Delay: See; W DEVXLCAiislT CO. LAKEVIEW, OT;.,P,G.ON are prepare" to .6t homo 3 fo:-' you or loan you mu.ioy to build, or purchaso it yourself. W'Q will alt' ' v. u : !'r thr-tr, on wmi monthti' pnysncttb, at less tttzm ordinary rental ratoa. You r:::rt !z . y - '. ' " -.--.? v.n'-h inf.'.:- the rate- ot' 6 per con I. The privilege is given you to pay up at any time. Interest will he c ."-'" -7 ciify Tar ih . jfjrtvd. CAN YOU A5! ANYTHING FUXF.R? For full particulars write I .F.rr " O'O'ir T r LAKEVIEW, ORE. --''- "V- '-' : '. - - ...-V"- t aalrt! atill'.:.:'.".. -i-j