i,AKi:t'(M' rv i:.Mir.K. i.akeyiiw, oki ;o. tiu itsi. v. skiti mhkh i. limn Aitm Oregon Valley Land Contract Holders i We have arrangements to personally inspect ami furnish a complete report on each farm drawn by holders of Oregon Valley l and Contracts. 'I his will necessitate a tremendous amount of careful, painstaking work, ami it will he iicceMsary to havj many farms to report on in order to give the rontract holders the benefit of the rale we intend to make. We will have experienced land men on hand to examine and report on soil, topography, location, water, timber, roads, cost of clearing and approximate v."lue. V will als. .-t.mw t miikm-ciU-ii-I tliv farm lor one year, attending to k a-.iii' veiling, eU-anng. tax paying, ete.: We are also in t Ik- in u ket to eiear t he land ol IhhIi, jili iw it and it it in readiness fur ei ops. Oiu 1 1 Iri 1 iter Hanks will voneh I r our honesty and aliih t y to ea rry out otir eont 1 iel . Wri t e for lernis and t mi r agree aunt , is von will never find 1 nir own farms without a gniile and a treineinlons expense. livery report is sworn to heloiea Notary INiMie. SOUTHERN OREGON REALTY CO., Umbcch Block, next door to Board of Trade Room, Lakeview, Oregon, ?EFE?EVCES--Metr(e1olitan Hank vV Trust Co., Los Angeles, Cak. I 'a jam alley Ikuik. Watsonyille. Cak. Ikink ul'Oxnaid. Oxn.ud. I'.ilif. The Arcadia MJW MtiLA ur ihuia.wuo Concluded frcin put Hoving Picture Show Up- to -Date ditious there having been found pe culiarly favorable. Extraordinary protlts have I ten actually tea lized. aud si ill more e.traordiuary ones promised. Individual tree- are said Is have yeilded 40 in a reason an acre ?1,'1H.). The tree iio-s not Yield un'ill 0 to yars ol i. APPLES FOK EHKTKES. The nolden af iles ot the lle-pwri Mondays, Weil IK' dei- it Itiey really were pi'ies were j tot l.alf so famous a t tie api les of j Orewou. Mete 1:1 a number of dis-' tries the very choicest are bein 1 raised at sucb robts as to make the i ear-tt-rn orebardist shake bis head j iuc re luloudy For flavor, color and j keep'ni; quality, tbey are famous i tn- orld over aud 1 rices as hich as1 o '2'i a cox are on record. While the trees are crowing to the roiu of bearing . it is common to raise ; strawberries betweeu the rows at a' poo J pi rf it. PEACHES.PEARS AM) CHEFKIES. Penrs. the delici ma Baitlett aud Cornice brine bia profits those of the Wog.11 river having brokeu all records for hiuh prices id carload lots. And probably a larye portion of the state is capable of crowing pears profitably. The peacb is at borne in Douelas county and in fa vorable locations iu the Willamette valley. Cherries and other fruits are successfully grown in Dumber of places in both Western and East ern Oregon. PWOFITS AM) LAND VALUES. Laud in the United States is worth all the nay from uotbiut: to millions of Hollars an acre. It all depeuds on what it is w:rtn to the owner. I Third fall to Jepaon on eloow hold Huccsessfui lufeusive farming has and Half -Xelson, time one minute raised the value of Oreeou farm land 1 au,j nutb seconds. in soue sectious to 8m mi rer acre, j ' Irrigable land tbat.as raw sage brush, j 7" was worth f") an acre one or two vearn SI S I 'EM EKS Itroti . ago. is worth todsv Wheat land1 ' !"tfant. but n..i J-iC- can be bought wild for 10 an acre-! expensive, (it IS0 cultivated for i'-V) to '('a). 1 ii.rt : laud under irrigation system, with'.j , " . 11 water prospects, brings W to t'nJ per ' jQtlCC lO WfltCT USCTS Moving I'ietnres AND Illustrated Songs HKOCiRA.n CHANGES as, Fri days and Sundays Two Shows each Night At :00 and D:tX) uVlnck OJd Fellus Building, Lakeview. AdmiMKiiin 10 and l." ct" Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A JEPSON WINS FROM CRAVENS! Mining News Specimen ore i in In the Jiitnlii. The .1 mill o I'o. ,-t .iirl Milking and the la-t tour let t is the iwhe.t v r opened in the 11 1 1 it ' . I'ne iioie shutt 11 ti 111' 11. 1 II 1 in; ore, and tour Mruiks ol '2, ., and II liit'lu's Ci erel with the piecioii-t iii-tiil. 1 tie ruin pan V Is working three mii on u 11:1 I an I intend lo r-ink to a depth ot -'(' leet. McVey Hri. are down with their fhaft over sixty feet, and the hist ten feet chow a big iiij p rov einen t 111 values. They are figuring on putting in a hoist. The liollburg Butte is drifting ahead and their values are holiiiug out. 'their tunnel cut the viu at a depth of ii feet and that proves the peruieuey of t lie ore b"dies n depth. IJefore this time next year the mus ical drop of the r-taiii). mil! Mill be beard. One of the late arrivals from Ohio 1 reports heavy frosts in Iowa, as he passed through that state, aud a dis patch from MunkogHon Mien., the 'Jnd Hist, sxys: It is et-t minted that the loss accompany lug the heavy frowt ; 'Bat night, in iMiiBkogeou and Oceana Our sporting circles were stirred ! "u nties. will re :h at. least 1 1 H , 1 h . Suud-iy hy the wrestlia match be- !,;" nJ potatoes are damaged the twoen Nei Jepsoo of Lakeview aud j most, the former crop being almost a J. C. Cravens, of Klamath Falls. i total loss. The frost i the heaviest Jepson won two falls out of three, that has fallen iu this looailtj siuce J and secured the purse of $J(K). ls-- Up to the present no frost has ; Both are good men. but Jepson is ' occurred in this sectiou and we are somewhat younger and hnd the best of blessed with the finest of weather, the struggle . I - t ..11 1 tt I 1. y 1 tt 1 ri II ii .f . r. I J rK mt 'It m n 11 m(v. aifri- ill ... 9 M C --- - ,, ,, : HKti uie irfHii Kinu, Ht " hecoml fall to Cravens on Scissor hold, time 0 minutes. .si . "The Home of Good Values" We have Everything in our Store that can be found in a General Mer chandise establishment-- Groceries, Hardware, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. Doors & Windows - Salt & Grain Bailey ct Massingill NOTICE TO CliEPlTUUS Notice is hereby given that the undeisigned has, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Lake County, beeu appointed ad ministrator of the entato of Jerome Churchill, deceased; therefore, all persons having claims against the es tate of said decedent are hereby re quired to present them , with the proper Touchers, within six months trom the date ot this notice to the undersigned administrator at the office of W. Lair Thompson, iu J Irrigation lillvQl and Big Red Apples " For balance of the season irriga- The way land is being taken up j tUn will be limited trom to 8 a. throughout the northerhn end of Lake rn. and from to 8 p. m.. and only Lakeview. Oregon. county, there will not be a vacant 'upon the largest lawns will four Dated this th d-iy of Sepember, A. quarter left in a year trom this date, i hours u.-e each day be permitted. 1)., V.m'J. it Thos" that are contemplating getting' No open hoie, or night irrigation J. O. HULL any laud iu this section had better; will be allowed. Administrator of the estate of Je- do s i at once. I LAKEVIEW WATEIi CO. rorne Churchill, deceased. Now is the Buying Time For Whom Are You Sowing? If You Pay House Rent FOR. THE LANDLORD If You Are Paying For Your Home FOR YOURSELF AND FAMILY TAKE NOTICE Land with good waLer rights is the best and safest investment for anyone. We are now offering the cream of the great Golden Goose Lake Valley land, with a perpetual water right, on the following terms and conditions: We have helped many parties to solve their rent problem-- VHY NOT LET US HELP YOU? We are prepared to build homes for you or loan you money to build, or purchase it yourself. We will allow you to pay for them on small monthly payments, at less than ordinary rental rates. You can have nine years to pay back the loan with interest at the rate of 5 per cent. The privilege is given you to pay up at any time. Interest will be charged only for the time loan is carried. CAN YOU ASK ANYTHING FAIRER? For full particulars write Lakeview Development Co. i?: ffc; i I0-Acre Fruit Farm for $400 j $50 Down and $15 per month until full amount is paid. 0NE TOWN LOT, size 50 x 150 ft., FREE WITH EACH 10-ACRE FARM This is the greatest Fruit Land offering in the State. Prices are sure to advance within thirty days' time. Act quickly. Tnis offer will not wait. Don't Delay. See our agent, or write for full information. LAKEVIEW DEVELOPMENT CO. LAKEVIEW, OREGON