Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 02, 1909, Image 1

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    Lsfe County EaenIirBeot
NO. .1
Hospital. rnn rniiiT
1UI1 I IIUll
Winner In This Section
Receive 5-Acre
Irrigated Tract
or $350 Cash
The Kxnmlner 1 informer) I y Mm
I'lynn Unit hii up-to date huspltnl I
low anurd for Lakeview. It In ex
I ! t 1 to l hi running operation In
side nf two iirmllm. Tim site Is not
leli'iri'ii lull In iiioii It I to ha
it brick t ruciire and modern In kII lt
appointments hii rout will HO.IKKJ.
Th Aiitr rprlHH l tiMokml by tb lead
Inv tiiint iicmk until of Lakeview. Thin
U Indeed good iix.
The Examiner lifliolofore has mad
mention u f tbe National A tl Show
to be hel l lu Spokane, Nov. 10-JO,
WOO. To exhibition last year had a
world wide reputation. J he ) lot l n x
drewlug the attautiou of every body,
uatloual and foreign, t.) tnit superior
fruit growu lu the Pacific North west.
Last yeiM nn effort waa made to
repreenut thla aection lu tlie exhibit
hut this year at least Mr. Ilrile will
ad au exhibit, and it ia to be hoped
that ottera will do ao.
1m keeping with the foregoing the
following letter from the secretary
Mgr. iien .11 Rice will explain mat
tra :
National Apple Show, Spokane,
Wash., August Li, "
It. 'J. Martio, President, Oregon
t.Mft4 . f . U m la flrtt-
gun. Ueer Sir :
Ou niy return from the East I llud
uo answer to iny Utter of July 2.1 rd.
whore I u 1 requested you to give tue
a dUorlptiou of the land hlcb your
iomiany own and which you ao
kindly ottered to douate a b-acre
tract aa a special prize to the Na
tional Apple Show.
1 particularly would like to get
tola letter la order that 1 might pre
pare au article for your two papera
and urge the grower iu your vicin
ity to compete lor toll prize. 1 pre
sume jou hate unintentionally over
looked this matter, but 1 truat you
will appreciate the Impjrtauce of
giving cue a ouaooe to redeem my
aolf wilb yon by giviug a good article
- for your papera. aud-also for tue Aug
uet Issue of the National Apple Bul
let! 8.
Youra very truly,
Keu II. Kioe,
LBec. Mgr. Natluuil Apple Show
at"1!' be offer of President Martiu Is a
folio! :
A Doe tract of land la Lake Co'iuty,
Oregoa. baa been put up as a special
prize by tbe Oregon Valley Laud
company . Five acres of choice
aotl with water right ia donated to
the winner In the 10-box wioter
Banana apple coutast.
"t'l'tui W'iutMr Banana ia not only a
Hue flavored fruit, but It one of tbe
rooet beautiful rarities shown for ex
hibition purpose aud the laud com
pany's offer should stituualte com
petition. Further Particulars on
thla land prize will be published In
the next issue of the Bulletin.
. Presideut 1C J. Martiu , iu making
the otfer for tbe company, says:
L "We are very much in sympathy
with the National Apple Show aud
the Oregou Valley Land (Jo. will give
five acres of land with water
to.trrlgate the aame aa a prize for the
best 10 box display of the Winter
Banaua apples. You can arrange this
prize to auit your other plana, the
awarding ,of course , to he doue iu
the regular way.
We will place lb deed to the prize
land lu some bank iu Lukevlew to
i e glveu over to the parties securing
ttie prize as soon as it is awaided "
President Martin bus authorized
tha Examiner to state tha'. he will
pHy the winner of the prize 1200 iu
t'tteu insteiid of giviug the land, If
that would be more satlnfuctory, aud
will also pay Slot wore if tbe prize
is awarded any fruit grower of the
Uooss Luke Valley or of Lake
county, Oregon. Here is ao oppor
uuity for our ore hard iota not only to
secure a large prize, but als to give
this suction a lot of deserved adver
tising where it can not help at
tracting wide spread interest iu this
reglou lu way of superior fruit pro
duction. it is to be hoped that there will be a
etioug effort made to secure this
prize by tin orchardtefa of this aeo
tlon. We believe, with the winter
bauaua for the exhibit which ia so
suoessfally , produced here, that the
prize Is good aa wou. ,
Inasmuch aa the biggest price paid
out lust year was foi a car -loud of
exhibit uhd tha premium was 1,000,
it will be seen thut the offer of Mr.
Martiu Is a most liberal one.
Hiking and Distributing
Boom Literature on
the Way
The Coming Fair Will Give Pal
pable Evidence That This
Section Grows the
Finest of Fruit
A Danver msu ho has oceu seeing
"America first" in discussing the dif
ference bntwnmi tn (iraa i Vullfty in
Colorado and Hood rivnr in Ursgoo.
after visit log a (lozitn states and ter
riturica, sum mad up his experience
as follows :
"I paid tiartlolar atteutiou to two
1 am sure that the best rest: Its
in tbe matter of apple raising,
lire obtainable only In au altitude of
' 3,0it to 5.1)1) feel.-'
The Kiaminer man has seen 2tbe
! Grand river country, and knows the
iiitii m ... I ft a ..-J.. . L. ft I. .. .
or three things on my trip.Tbose were : it docs not produce a Oner quality ot
agriculture and rml eatate. with plenty ! fruit that is grown in tbla section.
1 am now
of horticultural thrown iu.
satisfied with one thing. That Is,
that all things coiihI Innid, and iu
view of recent dlnroverle, the Grand
Val ey is the greatest fruit produciog
district lu the country, baring n"u.
"The Grand Valley tun only tut
real competitor, aud that is the (lood j
lUvar ViiIIhv In (Jreuou. There they !
I raise BDleudid aunles and OMauhes.
The tiooster ! ,)Ul ben I reminded tfn-m ol mtx-:
works over time, j cellxure of the Grand Vallley of Colo j
raao, ttiey surugged iiieir snouiiers
and exuallmed sign tcdantly 'frost.
isefkl'if! to disruisi the subject
j "Well, we have cooquered the frost
or prac'ii'Hlly ao, with the smudge
: pot, but the tloo-l rivet inople will
their flies, bugs and
niiumerou inserts so easily. 11' la
the Horsl you ever saw. There are
a thousand rarities of pest, 1 believe
protistillj on account of a combination
of het damoreas and low altitude.
Walla Walla, Wash., has an enter-
pricing lot of MioplM, who evidently
have, or at least think they have, a
good town aud country and tlasira tbe
world to know it and oomn and share
I lit-lr good thine,
brigade of that town
in Its woik of calling attention to its
tnerlts.-whlch Is all right and worthy
of nommeiidatton aud emulation.
Its latest is sending out on foot a
trio of young men, with two pack
hitriH. fnr siioritfis tinA if.s iiiu'.pcitMrv
articles of clothing and the like from never cooquer
Walla Walla to Loa Angeles. 'the
boys are expected to distribute liter
ature along the'r route cell lug atten
tion to the town, and Its tesources
They came iu by Hums, Hilev, Al
kali lake and Paisley to Lakeview,
arvriviug Friday ulght and leaving
for Knno Monday morning Their av
erage from 'Ari to :tO mllss per day;
though some day tbey cover 40
miles. No one ia allowed to ride.
The party consists of Arcbla Nio
bols .(Stephen Hill and Fred Harris,
the latter being printer After
they get to Keno Nlohols and Hill
are to walk tbe ),(X)0 miles from Heoo
to Los Angeles on a wager Tbey
will take the coast route
The Walla Walla commercial club Is
LaiikluB Nltliola. and are. paying bis
expenses, aud If he wlus be will re
reive a fat purse.
I he Denver man Is right, however.
' iu his contention that the best qual
i itv of fruit It grown in the high al'.l
, tudes.
! Our display of fruit at our coming
I fair will show that in this respect
wi!l uot take Becoud place in fruit j
I growing to any famed locality, and i
j that so soon as we have railroad fa-i
! ditties our fruit will occupy a Hell
of its own I utte markets of tbe world I
Our Gold
Mines Are
Making Good
; The Hoag district iiiiuers are wild
lover a big body of . ore rsusutly
uncovered in the hugMr iuilh, an I
; over the coming ot a co.toui mill fur
j reducing their rich surtMce ores.
Krauk Ueilley report that the ore
chute cut in the breast of the tuonel
! lu the Uoldhirg liutte last week of
tXJ ore is ndciiug not under develop
ment, aud to make that
propyl ty the big mlue that those in
terested have always maintained ir,
would le when properly developed.
Matters in both districts are very
Eastern Delegation Moved
At What They
See Here
Occupying Second Place
to Lakeview Evident
ly Does Not
Set Weil
The Man With the Cash
to Buy Surprises the
Old Chap
That eld cbap on tbe West Side,
with a flaming hirsute appendage,
whose chief aim In life seems to be a
constant outcry to friend and stranger
alike: "Nolbiu won't grow here,"
got caught up very nicely last Moo
day. He bud been very busv knock
lug the country and everybody lu it
aa usual to some strangers who bad
driven out to his place. One of the id
said that If tbe country was ao bad
why did he ojt sell out and get out.
The O C said the would If be
could find any oue fool euougb to
buy. To the query as to the
price, for his place, be said be would
take 12.600. The stranger said: "1
don't happen to have that much
money with me, but 1 will go to
Lakeview and get it and Immediately
return and take your poor farm"
tie did ao, but the old chap bad
changed his mind, and said be would
not take less than 11000. And If
$10,000 casn was offered be would
lust as obeerfuly refuse it for his
really valuable farm and orchard.
The F.xaminer does not blame him
for that us we would not sell either
if we had his place. Hut we do
blame him for oarryiug bis joke too
far with stiangera.
Dry Farming Methods
Here Produce Big
Impressed with tbe future of tbe
j Fecit ic Northwest in agrtcuitore.
delegates to tbe national cooveotion
of toe Association of American Ag
ricultural College and Expeiiment J one fact open to ali.
Says He Has Seen More
Fruit -on Trees Here
. Than Elsewhere
M. Heager aud . wife, parenti
of our prominent real estate meo,
the Seagera, arrived iu tiwn tiunday
a lernoon
Mr. Seager ia particularly impressed
with thla aectiou, aud tbe more so,
after just having completed a journey
from Otnaba ,to Los Angeles and bp
to the Seattle Fair. He says before
getting here that be had anme mis
giviug as to this really beiug fruit
country, but bia doubts bave been
entirely dispelled on that score. He
avs that be baa seen more fruit on
the trees elooe be arrived in the
Golden Goose Lake Valley than be
has seen iu all bia travel. His en
quiries as to tbe scarcity of fruit on
the trees in tbe Willamette and Rogue
river valley elicted tbe reply; "Oh
tbe plums, cherries aud peaches are
all picked." Hut just tbe eaoie, apple
trees in those localities were in just
about the bare condition as tbe trees
alleged to be "picked"
The fact of the matter la that the
half has not beeu toll as to tbe capa
bilities of this section ia fruit pro
iuction, and when railroads come
and tbe world geta a taste of its
splendid quality, there will be a de
mand for it that will place it iu a
class by itself.
In view of this conditiou. it be
bores the wise man to secure his tiact
now, and plant it immediately to
fruit. His reward is sure to come
witldu tbe next 6 or 6 years.
Says llarriman Will Quit
The I'riueville Uovlew I thor
oughly ilisftusied wilb llsrriuian's dil
atory t.mitlcs as to giving Kastoru
Oregon tho railrottd au loug needed,
und IjiH'HUno of that fouling nover neg
lect to give bhu a dig. The follow
ing I a sampl ;
llsWull, the Fedeiul Court has told
Mr. llarriman be ia a butiusky as
auulust Mr Hill lu the Dusohute stbus
giviug the latter the right of way.
Mr. lluriiuiHU may build a road If be
wuuts to , but be must not. interfere
with the Oregon Trunk surveya iu
doing it. This I the best news Ceu-
O-rgou bus baa iu a luug time.
Wi Ji n Hill build that
au iult.
Fine Farm Exhibit
An evidence of how things grow ou
the West bide can be seen at the
Board of Trade rooms of products
that came from the farm of L. A.
Tbe exhibit ooosiata of grain,
emery, timothy buy, nlfalfa, rai-e,
3d meadow client, tbe latter a valu
able hay product, exteusivety grown
lu tho Willamette' valley.aud believed
heretofore to be a prodcut that could
not be growu under conditions ex
lstuig here. None of this extensive
variety of crops has bad a drop of
water, other thuu the uatural ruiu fall
this BOUSOU.
Tbe National Conservation Congress
endorsed Fluouot'a policies. Presi
dent Tatt aeut a messuge of good
will, aud Heuey attacked the water
power trust. aud 'suid he and the peo
ple should judge secretary Ualliuger
uot ly his declarations nut, uy uis
acts. Bo should every public olliolal
be judged, no matter what his party
atllllutiou. That is the only way to
suppress rascality iu otllcial life. Aid
the higher up they are tbe closer tasy
should bo watoheq 1
Big Price For Fruit Land
Tbe Hood River News, of the 18ult
gives this mention of a big price for
orchard land In that region: Tbe
Van Hums cooeuasmated another big
sale of fruit land last week when be
diatosed ot 8o acres of there-year-old
orchard to Henry V. Peters, m Clnol
nattl capitalist, for 164,000. Tbe or
chard Is situated on the east side
district and ia planted to Newtons,
Hpitzenburgs and Ortley. Tbe prion
per acre was 1800 and Mr. Peters is
considered to bave mads a good buy.
It is bis intention to erect a fine resi
dence on bis property and will make
his borne here part of the year.
Mr Stephens came here two years
since from New Mexioo, a much drier
region and baa followed methods in
vogue there to make dry farming a
success His . plan is to break tbe
ground first to a, depth of about four
inches. He then, barrows the ground
repeatedly until it is perfect mulch.
This work is doos lo tn taJL
Iu Jauurary or later be again plows
tbe field as daeply as tbe pi ow beam
will admit, probably about 16 io(bss
mwi harrows it again, when it is ready
foi sowing or planting. Tbe winter
and spring rains in this way seep deep
into the grouud. Tbe moisture is
thereby conserved, and affords con
stant moisture for the crops from cap
lllery attraction.
The results show that Mr'Stepbens
theory ia all right, and it can be
firautlced with like success by all farui
n this reigou.
Bggs are now 40 cents per dozen in
this market, and few to be bad even
at that price. It strikes us there is
a good opportuntly for some one to
engage In the "beuery" business in
this immediate vicinity.
The Hail Construction Co. are re
ported to have contracted with the
Cedarville Crbamery for 1,000 pounds
of butter per week.
The Golden (.loose lake Valley
with its great meadows does not pro
duoe buttei enough tor Lakeview
alone. Our farmers should get busy.
as the demand for butter is bound to
Tbe Klamath Herald of the 28tb alt
bad a most disgraceful si tide, aimed
primarily at Lakeview, aud it insti
tutions, but which ia reallitv is a
disparagement nf It oa sjtiou.
We wooder at the short sighted
oeas of Editor Smith in admitting
such a brainstorm to bis usually
carefully edited paper. W refer te
tbe sere td and venom poured fortb
by one who evidently was unbalanced
before coming here, aud whose weak
ness was aggravated by a long col 4
nixbt ride in tbe stage aud which
probably was made worse by this
bigb altitude.
But, be that as it may, there is
no matter frosa
Stations Lave returned borne after I what section tbey may bail, that,
holding a week's convention in Port-J insofar aa agricultural resources are
land. Those in attendance expressed I concerned, there Is no appreciable
themselves as surprised at the man! difference between tbe Kiamatk
test agricuHrual wealth bere. The ; and Lak County products, except
fertility of tbe soil and the progress that In the way of fruit growing, tb
certainly rest with
made in agriculture aroased much honors
comment. Tbe visitors were enable! . county,
to see various paits of tbe State by! When it comes, however, to tbb fa
special train as guests ot tbe Port-j tare, so far as regards tbe tailroad
land Commercial Club. So highly I situation everything favors Lakeview
pleased were they that tbe excursion- I and that is a tender . spot witb tb
ists passed a resolution of tbauka to ! Klamath people. If you point oat
their enteroiners and spoke in very the real conditions and raise tbe issue
bigb terms ot the contry Inspected, j above tbe plane and mere boom anal
Since tb visitors are bard beaded J assertion they, and tbe world koews,
scientists who are not given to mak-; that typographical coditlona are such
Ing unwarranted statemeuts, tbeir , that It ia. not Klamath Falls bat Lake
opinions of the Nortbweet and its ; view that commands tbe futnre, ansl
future in agriculture may be taken . is and wil remain the railroad center
seriously. Tnsy were nothing short and metropolis ot this great Inland
of glowing.- Tb fertile soil; the' Empire I
favorable climate; organization audi In support. of this contenion we
otelligeace of th farmers bere and ; gave ome facta and figures last week.
Los Angeles, Aug SI "Heaven is
not above, nor hell below ;both lie be
yond tbe marriage r. " is the nig
niticart warning to youtig men
olfered by Rev. Arthur Ph Hips, D.
D , of Loa Angeles.
Dr. Phelps last evoniug occupied
Dr. "Bob" Burdetfa puplit at the
Temple Baptist church . He an
nounced as his theme the trite
phrase "tloltiug Married "He said :
"The Bible says: 'He that flndetn
a wife tludeiu a good thing," you
notice it says 'flndetn, ' not
ohooseth. There's a great element
la chauce iu marriage, like prospect
ing for gold , or investigating a hor
nets uest.
"1 waut to euy oue thing to the
youug men: Dou't marry a girl wnobe
epitaph will be written: "She was
boru, chewed gum, and died .
Crops of All Kinds Are
Doing Well This
there aaecessfai roetbods,and rich op-
protunities for those who undertake
agrioultare in tbis favorable section
of -tbe country, all were spoken of by
the visitors. Tbeir favorable opin
ion is certain to be productive ot
much good for tbest men are in
touch with large nambres of farmer
who are looking for nw locations, aa
well as thousands of students who are
studying scientific agricultare and
who are oa the lookout tor good
farm lands.
Prices in This Section
Never Will Be
The Silver Lake Leader of tbe 27th
ult . wives tbe professional knocker
a good bard slap on tha wrist iu the
following :
We bavs In our office, both arly
and late cabbage which are aa large
as a water bucket; oauliflower that
will measure ru inobea across, also
potatoes that will till a quart
aure, all raised on the farm of 8. A.
Lester. Max Tbell is the mauager of
the farm and tbis stuff shows what
can be raised if a uiau understands
bis business'. Not aloue is Mr- Les
ters garden Hue, but bis gralu crop
as wall, the credit of all which be
longs to Mr. Theil. This same farm
where things grow so luxuriantly was
a few years ago considered worthless,
evral persous "starving out" ou it.
aud wheu Mr. Letter purchased it be
was considered very foolish, many
people Baying he - was throwing his
money away.- Time baa shown they
were mistabeu and Mr. Lester's
judgment right, and iu a few more
years they will see their mistaken
ideas ot this country mora plaiuly
uuliHsthey beooine eutirely blind.
Tbe Herald replied witb tbe wild
ravings of a man a4ck in mind and
body, bat did not refer to the proba
bility that tha Klamath Natron line
would not be finished, if ever, for
Tha Herald knows, and so do all
railroad men who have given tha
matter any thought, that railroads of
today follow tbe Hoe of least resis
tance lo order to keep down cost of
construction and maintenance . It
is known that Harriman bas got te
expend $30,000,000 or more to tunnel
tbe main line between Trackee and
Sacramento, in order to meet tbe
competition of tbe Western Paaifio,
with lui shorter line and low grades,
and be probably will be com palled te
build atraigb oat eoroos tb coun
try from Winnemacca to strike the
Pit river In erder to attain that end.
I in so doine? be will of oourse paralell
', tbe Western Pacific some distance.
In vie of the condition that is now
I oon'ronting bim on the Trokee route,
i it is tbe height of absurdity te
j imagiue that, when it comes to a
1 show-down. Harriman wll construct
j another line through tbe Cascade
mouutains that is oostly and difficult
in construction, and because ot tbe
I deep snow belt will be a oostly road
Tbe rapid rise In lund values in tbe j to operate. Expensive snow-sheds
Paoiflo Northwest is nut ooa&ued to J will inak t be cost of maintenance
any one locality, but is general in .' profaioitive. and especially so, do
scope. j that such a powerful competitor as
Oue illustration of tMs fact is tbe i James J. Hill bas secured lodgement
case of a farmei in the Yakima valley , in a rich productive section with
who ten years ago tried to seoure a I water-grades free from suow, and
loan of SI, 500 ou a 100 -acre farm, and where the cost of coustructiou 'rout
be could not get it because the bank the Dalles to Sacrameuto. via Lake-
view and the Pit river, will uot ex
llarriman uow states that be will
build hi line iutu new regions that
need theiu. The Examiner wonders
it the "eiulre-buil ler," Jim Hill is
tbe oue who put suob good notions lo
the railroad grabber's bead I But if
he wauts to do the fair things iu the
future tor Eastern Oregon the people
bere will uot object. -
did uot consider tbe lud worth 115
per acre. He got the money some
how and planted tbe laud to fruit.
Now he needs uo loau but could get
(50,000 on tbe place, that was uot
then considered worth 11,500.
The instances of lik4 inoieaaa will
multiply iu ratio as the country
develops. We bave seen a doubling
ot values in tbe Ucldeo Ooose Lake
Valley, siuce the Oregon Valley Laud
Company beau its work. The com
ing of tbe people tbey bave inter
ested, and the work they will do iu
tbe way of improvement aod subse
quent prodcution will still further
increase our land values.
While laud values here now are
low, aa a rule, still there are some
tracts that command big figures, and
others will later reach , top notch
figures. '
Tbe highest bid ever made for
Goose Lake valley aorease was made
last week, it report ia true, wheu
Thomao Briles, of Davis Creek, was
olfered KmHJ au acre for his 40 acre
orchard tract, which was refused.
lu view of thH universal treud of
things the wise mau will get a piece
of laud now, while it ia cheap.
ceed do,uou per mue. luisogure in
cludes every thing, with stations, aud
all equipped aud ready rolling stock I
The cost of the Lakeview line will
be less ttiau that ot auy other rail
road of similar length and importance
iu the inutiro west, aud it will tie oue
witb a grade of one eighth teuths ot
one pet cent ou its highest pass!
These ate factx aa to thj present
railroad situatiou that cauuot be
controverted, aud which lying about
matters foreign to tbe real jaaiiiou,
will not ohauge
Steamer Now Running
The Steamer "Lake View" made
her first trip to the upper eud ot tbe
lake ou Mouday. She affected a 'aud
iug at tbe Studley place "tbe point'
about niue mi es from towu which
will be bei regular port ot eutry for
this side cf the lake. On tha "West
Side" her laudiug place will be uear
the mouth of Drew .Creek, which is
the nearest poiut availaole to the
dam aud construction works. She be
gau makiog regular trips
Electricity the Power
The Pri'ieville Review is right when
it states: It is a ten to oue shot
that tbe Hill railroad now building
up the Ddsouutes (if the court allows
it to build), will be au electric line.
There is too much power goiug to
waste uloLg side the track to iustall
steam locomotives at treble the cost
of a substantial electric plant or
plants that will thereafter furnish
him power for practically nothing.
Aud if be decides to later go on to
Sau Francisco, hi power all down
the line is assured. There are other
good power rivets aloug his route
beside, the Deobutea.
from the lower luudiug to
iew laudiug.
W. Suyder, oue of the promiueut
farmers ot tbe West Side bas sent tbe
Examiure some fine samples of wheat
audi, barley that are the result of his
dry farmlug. Ont stool of wheat
grown from one kernel which con
talus 41 heads of wheat that will
average I'm iuobes loug, aud which ia
i uesday i wen quea. it is a wouuer aud ex.
the Lake-
loites admiiatioa
who have seeu it.
l'rotu all visitors