Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 19, 1909, Page THREE, Image 3

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J. W. MaiwU
V. L. Max wcH
Of Property for Sale
40 acraa, f i'rfii) ina ml It from Lakn
flaw, could I'm HiiooftHirully Irrltfitt m!
hi a Jui'iltry furin, una and oiim lml f
Lory hotiau 'JlxllD dnnpurat Ively niw, 1
4 rooma on urotuid floor, 'I on iiimr
Moor, ham IH It. pom, Kx21, unod
wall, I'to. No. .M-ZIi
Ilk) acrits at f 10 iir acrn. saift Iirunli
laud, 10 iiiIIhm Iroiu I.akr !w, auuily
Iohiii mill, unimproved No. MUi
M(m:iii) at-rra, dralraMe stnrk j
ranch Mini amali rutin, aliinit out fifth i
oi una in iiwy mni, rmniinicr (train
and iaatnr Uml, small Iioiimh and
darn itnatid VI in Una from Laknvtnw,
nia'l crunk ami I r IwHtlntf illtoh on
tha i1hc, la iatronlztl a a way snli
luu. No. t;i I'.' I
17(f) noma at 120 ptir arra. on of
tlia liKt and moat daalrahla farina aud
took ranchna lu tlila part of ttia
uouutry, Hue thrifty orchard, two
lory divclliutf 7'Jxlll. addition IKx'JV.
milk lnna, wood house, t'lillitr, amoks
ItH) acres at 1 10 per acre. 14 miles
from Lakitvlnw. tlilala uiiiin
prevail hh liriiHti liottoin land and
win coma tinder una or two of the
Irrluittloii prujneta c.ontarnp'atad In
Unit vicinity. .1o. Xt'iu'i
im ncrna at III r per acre lu War
nr vallny, all tinder fence, (food und Imrn and out hotiaes and
amall orchard, never falllntf ereek
tliroiiKh place. 'I f I ma 'i'MI, balance
I 'I and years at ! per cent.
N;. 2HO-77
U)VX) aurra II tiillea from
1'liish. aliont hi) iicira fenced, 20 In
Brain. V! In timothy and clover, 10 lu
alfalfa, remainder mixed hay laud,
tlinotliy,ritd np and blue joint, la
a i reek liottoin, comfortable houae.
out hotiaea, barn, corrals. 'I wella 12
ft. deep. A huh opi-iiiiiu tor a heidn
hit In the atock ttial neHM. No. 1177 45
IftJO I'i" acrea level sa-e liruali
laud in ktowIiih settlement with (mod
pr.iaporta of the (ioveruuimit Modem
One llnnderd Carloads
of Rails Arrive
t Boise
house, chicken house, aplilltf water lu ! all,,,, Hrvlm In H. nr fcilt.r.
pipua to miliar, ynnlati and horse ! ! u,n Hettl.-rs In
barn K0x!;, In wi ll adapta.l to k-ralu I (1l,niiiM
and airaira, cuta.Hft) ton of hay, would
out lixxi ton ir anadnii to alfalfa. It
la a tmrituiii. I within VI iiillna f
l)ole, Idaho. J i : y '1
to tlia htateMiii.tu In
Mon I., May i :
There have heen
lnada of rail for
Ollorma Kallroad,
thm point Into Larnelil
hlob It I believed to
A apeclal
in-Hvfd !" car
i!iv l'itihliiiri( &
til l- a i lit from
ruiiutry and
i) ttfii ted
throuKh Honthern Idaho I f way of
Holae, throiitfti Ornnon au i on to the
The tdrt that the rnlla were
a Lipped over the OhloHKO, Milwaukee
A Kt. I'll o I Kallroad Indicate the
I'lltatitiru A (J 1 1 more la a M llwaukee
aitK tor rbllcaila,
Dep rtmnot of the Interior, U. 8.
Lai (Jftice at Lakeviaw Ureaoo.
Arg. 12, nm
Notlne la hereby (tlvea that LAW
SON II. Nil IKK. of Cedarvilte, Oal..
who, on Kef.t. 22. 1!K5, ma le l L.
ntiy Mi, Herlal Mill, for HK quarUr
HW quarter, H bal f HK quarter
Section 10; HW quurtei, HW
quarter, Hnctlon II Townahlp 6H
H., lUntfe 25 K. Wlllametta Merid
ian, ha Hied notice of Intention to
make Klual Proof, to eatuhliah claim
to the land above dearrihed, before
KeKleter and Kecelver. U. H. Land
Office, at Lakevlew, Oregon, on the
2Mb day of Hpetetuber,
Clalmaut uaiuea witoeaaea:
Taylor II. Alkire. Jaa. Fiirvia, Llla
L. Shirk H.itlet, Joa L Hhlrk. all of
Cednrvll le, Cal. A!S2I
If you have pallia In the hark, trlnrr, BI1
Orr or Kl'ln.-r trouliln, anl want a corialr),
plennaiil Ip.tIi rehtl from Woim-n a Ilia it
Mothrr lirajr'a -AI'HTHAMAN I.KAr." II
a aai rrllalilv r-(ulat.r ani rHKvHl all Tn
malir artlnra, lurlu1iiiK lullamatloo and nl-
project. it haa been rumored lor w,m br UrnirrMa nr a.-nt by man for Aw at.
nainuir- ani r nr.r.. A'Jiretn, 1 b Minhr ray
u. m Ky. N V. N 1
their Irtluatinn
No. 411-112
II20 a.irea at ft'i.'ili peraiire an Ideal
atock or (lulry ranch on tributary of
No. 120 H.'t ; Oiievkaucan river al out tweuty inlUa
from Lakevlew, Ih nearly all uieadow
llotai 210 aorea In Uartier valley lu k0, wxfX for atock
all fenced aud croa fenced lu live JVu, iHCH
tlrlila i.ald on wuter rluht of '21X1 IncliHM
I jj acre or unnwaucan uoiiom.
choice lund for any ami all purpoaea,
two etory dwell lutf lx. Hi rooina.
froat proof cellar, one atory 12x10, :
frame brn 20xUi, wauon ami wood :
hoiiae lilx.V), mIixi'P kIioiI iin0), orch
ard tHiurliikf, y'i tieea, Iktiihh of all
kluda "Improvemeuta coet over fM).
HttKik if wanted at market price. Tlila
la an up to daturaurh. No. 2'2 i.i
(1,212 Hcrea at (.'(.fid per acre, aitueto
lu Nevndn, U) in ilea aoulliennt of Luke
lew, and IH nillcn end of ('hIIIoi ii in
Hue, It la all lu one body and u In run
portion of it akirta the lakenhnte. thla
la deairable tor auy kind of t-tock
ranch, with the meadow land it eiq
briicch aud tbi exleniave opeu raiiKe
ftdjolulutf. No. 4:1.1-11 J
100 acrea highly pioducllvn land.
Rood hoime, larue barn, Krauarlee,
etii., e 111 nl I orchard, creek through
place, Ui Men u lu cult 1 1 h! Ion one of
the tiwMt y lei I iiik furiim lu (ioone Lake
valley, Hi iiiIIhm from Lakevlew fcr
lllfitAl. No. 010-H'J
HO acrea for II2IX), one atory frame
four loom hoiiae. new baru, never
falling etfnam. on place, So acres
fenced, 10 cultivated, au ideal chlckeu
ranch or amull etock farm about one
mile from taie road aud about 12
uillee from New l'lue Creek.
No. 4.14-102
100 acre 4.'HKXI, (jood farm houao and
bam, on etaue road, 10 inohea trrlua
tile water, cheaply uiHi'e reeerrolr alte,
M bciirliitf fruit treea, '2 youuiter
one of uood eelectlou, 50 acre? plow
land, reeldue punt 11 re. No. 4'J1 :UH
200 IMTre 7 lllllcH fiilltll of I'hImIi'.V,
miiihII i-rtt-k t broiiKli plncc tlile it
Imrniilu at flO per iutc. Nil 01 l.'i
fi" per acre '.eid acren n fenced
and well Improved, 2 koixI dweliiuKe
each with coiiunodioiia baina out
houaeH, 2 orchard over Imlf of it
meadow, the remainder in rollluu and
hill laud It ix 0110 of the very few
tract thut could be ho evenly divided
into two furniH that It would be dlttl
cult to make choice of them, hurt all
the free water It reipiiren. No. 207 1!
HO acrcH at per acre level
brueti land on the went Hide ol (looxe
Lake, in uood neiKhborhooil, no im
provements yet a Kd liHittaln.
No. :i72 122
at I If) per acr.
120 acre at( W per acre within ail
mllua of Lakevlew. Unimproved.
No. 4j CO
100 acre, price fl.lioO. located on
border i'f I'encrt, email creek throuxh
pliice, 120 acre tiood furin laud, 40
acrea phhI ore, with extensive outlet
fur atock, 20 milea to uearent town
tit ih Ih a II rut chit opeuluu fur a
youiiH! man to build up in the atock
bu ilueHH. No. 02HI.
l'rloea aubject to chanue. no notice
la addition to the preceding we
hare over 20. (HK) acrea of land of
every Kradn an I quality, in trad of
one to twelve thuiicaud acres rauulHtf
lu price fiom f.'i to VIOO per acre, the
quality of aoil, location and Improve
ment ilatermiii'.iitt the price. The
above embiaceK lund principally 111
Lake county, a Koodly portion of it
in vicinity of Lnkcview with mine
few choice tructa iu Harney aud
('rook county lu Oregon, ala i aome
i-holco tract a lu Caltorula aod Nevada
liorderuiM on the Oreunu Hue.
KeaidHiice lota lu Lakevlew eell for
l'J.ri to (iKl each HuelueeH lota from
Wd to 7Ui0 each.
Ordinarl y the town Iota are 50x125
feet iu the binder priced lota there
ia no uniformity in aize, the location
and aize determining the price.
We have the town lot in Watnou'a
additlou to the town of Lakevlew the
near et to the biielne portiou of town,
aleo lot in all other addition ad joiu
luu the town we also have a large
liet of improved and unimproved
town property of all kind for aale.
A lllteen yeara residence in Lake
County enable ua to Hay, eapeciully
to the capitalint, we cun give you
pointers in epeculittive propuHitiou
lu vuriou line ol buaiueaa a well a
realty thut we kuow you will gladly
InveMtigate after you learn what we
have to euliHt your attention.
Any thing iu the preceding that
may iuteient you, write ua for mure
particular decrlftion
Dept. A. Lukeview, Oregon,
mine tltne tbat the Milwaukee con
templated eiteneiou of it Hue to the
coaat. by way of lioiae.
CoiiMtiuotlon work ia to be com
menced at once on tie Natron road,
the contract having been let to the
Utah Couetructlon Company fur tba
Hint 25 mile. The contract awaided
Involve CI, 2 .0,000. The 2 mile la
part o' an extennion of the Oregon
Kaatern Kallroad antitb to Natron,
toaard KlamatL Kail a, and the ob
ject la to eventually Place that town
on the main Hue of the Honthern Pa
cific to California. All told there
are rilaua for 511 48 miles to b built,
the Natron contract awarded yeeter
day being the flret section, which
will be followed by others during
the year.
&?mm$3 :
j JRfV 15S I ERECTED IN 1000 ,
The best Vnnquero
addle on the market
AUo a complete lln o
waffoa and buegv hr
mm. whip, robe, blc,
rUtes, spjrn, q ilrta, riii
ttee. fact everythinz In
tbe lln of carriage snJ VJ
one f jr,ii i i j. . m
pairing by cornpetjnt
hen. M
JLakbviicw . .
A KhWAKD of fifty dollars ia here
by offered for Information that will
lead to the arrest and conviction of
any pel sou who haa atoleu wires or
other property, from our Company;
and the same reward ia hereby offered
for Informal Ion that will lead to the
arreat and conviction of anyone des
troying the property of the Company.
("has. Umbacb,
Secretary lake Co. Tel. &. Tel. Co.
notice I lit'rcliv g;lvcii tint! all Irrlgu-
! tiiiii. or inlllnwc illu-he on all trout
etrcaina . brought Luke ('omit y, Ort
Km. inuMt be Hcn-cncd with h Mi11a.ll
iiichIi wire wrii-nliiK at their bend or
Jiiiictloii with the 111 h In chiinix-l of
Htrt'Hin. AIho all ilnina or olietruct
Iiiiih oil eald Htreitllia iiiuet 1n pro
vided wit h a deli-ladder, orot h-r fimj
ineaiiM of piiHHitm. hi or near thv mid
dli' of the inlllll chlioliel. eo if tc al
ow 1 be pHHenue of trout at all time
of yt-nr. He provided by law. Said
work to la done at low water tune,
or to la completed by Feb. 7, lii7.
I5y order of J A. Ilarhain.
Stxrlul Deputy IIhIi Wardeii for
lakeCouuty, On'uon
J. W. Maxwell Son
f?y Lake view. Oregon
" r U
Klamath Hospital
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Phone fitll; Corner 4tl) and I'iiie Sta.; Two Plccks from Court Hoiikc,
Coinplettdy cqulppt d for tn ntui): niij;lnil nn illi nl atd limn rnt.v ciifeH.
(ijcrallng room, entirely iii-to-dute, at ilixpoHiil nf any aurcou ou
abort notice, l'utlenta received at. any ami all liimr. vd
Emily A. Humphrey.
The Best Meals in T vnTry Us.
BakerV ux connection. I'Vcsh Urcad Daily
. C E. LONZVVAY, IropreItor
TWvartffftortMrr'all rattnrVB told itfi Unk4
wwti than of iny otrtor mk c natttrrnt. thm M
tccount ol ihtv tyle, accuracy tna airsplttf.
M rf'sill'a nn zl o'Tfc irfn of ahioo)NM
mo fjur;.i nti th-f. m y other lj(t(f' Mr trt. rv
f'9 uLtr.r 1 ii iHirntri r.i eritla, flfa
fiumrwr, .1 rrn'a, .'.rntxr ti 4 MctaJt
Itrn Krfr, ho r
M.m4f Aatf nt W ttDfefl. HarvJm prminrtot
ffSral cath .rrt n f. pfn lf ? ' of 6 o 6.
i:-rit nj piem Ti I'tali- Ue 'ftoifa; xx pniitrma
lire- Ad.Jca TliF McCAlX t'O w Vaa.
nllKKI HK Oi-
James Barry
BrDrit wub ewallow Pork il
rlKhi ar tor ewi-a: rfvera
lor m.utn hiio.-rwr fHjor i rop aud hii
in rlgbl ear lai Kraal 111 KaiiKe. i'rli
lar Poalnffit r dlr. Itprirw urnui
y firing good will arrive in few
days at Lakeview Mercantile Co.
For Infants and CMldren.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
are for sale bj all progreuWe
Hardware and Sporting
Good Merchants
DAX BEARD'S tplcndid effort
will lie mailed postpaid to any
applicant by J. Stevens Arms
ti Tool Compasv, Clucoee
Falls, Mass., upon
receipt of price.
For paper cover edi
tion forward SOcenta ;
for cloth bound book
send SO cents.
f L I
for and pul-
iibiuhi I'jr
P. 0. Boi 40M
,. UMcaptt ralU, BUM.
floney Loaned
The alackson Loan & Trust.
Port Worth, Texr.s, or Jackson, Mississippi.
$1,250 Reward.
The llarnpy county
r k 1 ne iiarni-y counlv
f740t i Mini. 111 ulncli 1 hii
fiJl'tlr V ii-mli.;.a-ar.v
- ,1, itF! i'.4 .S, Si. rewarrtfiiriviilein'f
isL'i SJ S l"Hi'K ' Do in.
,' V V ' ion of panii'i
1. W..
. (( , Iwrii. In Hitiliiion
S,j I) offer rewari
IfHllllK Mirk Im
11111HIH11 10 ia iii.-ii
HorHt lirMml horai
film- liar on rltht
or 1'nili jaui R.
oordt'd luHtniuutltw
HallKC. llarncr, l k and I rook i'oinitit-.
tlomra vi'lilrd when told llorm t nolil to iaw
lliroimli ill Ik seel ion will In- ri'.orlcd iu Hit'
pui'cr. If not o ri'iornu1. ;iIi-hm' wrlii' or u Ii
mIioiii' Tiit i i hu b Ht'i-Hld. Main H.'l, Itiirim, (In
yon. W W .Hrow 11, llnina. Ori'-
Reward for Morses
1 will ulve f.i.(HI reward for Inform,
atlon llmt will lead to tin iliKcoverv
nf any horNO branded with an old
Ihii-m mIihc lirtind on dot h a wh, plnced
iim In 1 he cut ill IIiIk ailvei'lisemi'iil,
w lili fi'cidi t rianle brand iiiidcrnea 1 h
t lie II. T-eMhoe. The lll.iio i I t
in hiii h a inalilieriiM wniilil i'iiVi'1' 111
1 but' on both ;i'h Auiinnl- nui'
lu- lollliii ill tile poHHCHNioil of eoine
pel'Hou or pei'HOtlM.
In 1 he County Court of the State
of Oregon for Lake t'nunty.
In 1 he matter of the eatate of C L.
M1TC11L LL 1 N N K S. (leteated
In the name ol the "fate of OreKon:
ir-etlii(f to Mary Hram-h Donovan,
.latuea Kdward Mitchell Innea. 1'aul
lue Mitchell Innea, John blmraona,
Keggie Mitcliell-IniieH and Tho. II
tiherloi'k and all heir and deviseea
known and unknown of the above
named C. L. Mltchi ll-lnnee, dit-eam-d :
Ilv order 01 the above entitled
Jcourt you are hereby cited to appear
lit ttie aiove entitled court at the
court-room thereof. In the town ot
Lakevlew, in the county ol Iake,
State ol Oregon, at 10 o'c ock A. M.
on WedneHiiay, I be 8th day of Sep
tember. 1W9, and then Mini there to
iiow cause. If any you have, why an
onler of tliiri court nhnuld not lie
made authorizing; and directing
Tiioa. H. Sherlock, executor of eaid
estate to sell t private eale in the
manner provided by law all or so
much aa the Court may adjudge ben
eficial of the following; uencritied retl
property of mild estate, to-wlt:
I'arcel 1 Weal half of lot two,
block "A" lu I'liMey, Lake couotv.
I'arcel 2. Lots one and two block
"K" stcoud adiiltliiu toTaieley, lke
county, Orepin.
I'arcel 3. Lota three and four, sec
tion eleven; Iota one. two and three,
aectlon fourteen; lot one. uortheata
quarter of Houtheaxt quarter, rat
ba'f of norrhfBMt quarter, eouthweet
quarter of soutlieaxt quarter, north
weat quarter of aoutheant quarter,
went half of northeaar. quarter,
uortheaat quarter of northweat
quarter, north went quarter of north
went quarter. s.ctloii fifteen; lota one
and two, Hontiie ist quarter, north
weft quarter of northeant quarter.
Montliwest ,uurter of northeust
quarter. Houtlieant quarter of north
went quart- r, northr-ant quarter of
Houibweat quartei ,-ction twenty-two;
lot three, section twenty-three; lotn
one, two, threcaiid four, i-ectloii t wen-ly-aix:
uortheaat quarter and aouth
eaat quarter, north half of aouthweet
quarter, mouiIu ant quarier of Routh
weat quarter. Heel Ion twenty eeven.
north IimU of nortiieHHt quarter;
norllieant quarter f north weet
quarter, HtH'tlnn thirty-four; lot one
Kiction thirty-five, all iu towiiHhip
thirty-one. aouth of rane nix teen,
ast of Willamette inerldian, iu Lake
County, Oregon, containing lo'JO fi7
Aud It U further ordered that thia
citation la? nerved on noii-renidents
and iiiikiiown heira and devixeeH by
ptitilicailon In tlie Lake County Ex
Minliier, a tiewapaper of ueuenil cir
culation published in Lake County
Oienou. for a period 4f bmr week,
in-inr to wn ill Mh day of X'ptemoer
Wltneaa the Honorable Li. lnlv.
Comity .lude of the Coiiuiv ('on'rt
of Lake Count v, Oregon, with The
Heal of Hind court ailixi-.l ihis '.Nih
la v of July. l!H HI.
a5Hj Attest: h V. l'AV.Si:. Clerk.
L3 F.ll J J
- av.-a,r J.v.B
Traow .Iarks
rr; fNfi CcvruCHT 4c.
SAriPLE Roon
oEOHAow LIGHT & HARROW. Proprietor
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon S3 A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal
Old ia years, new in methods, admittedly the high-standard
commercial school of the NorthwesL Open all the year. Mom
calls for help than we can meet position certain. Class and
individual instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms and by
office practice. Shorthand that excels in every respect Special
penmanship department. Write for illustrated catalogue
Trade-MarKs, Designs, Labels, Prints, Etc.
Atl c1hkch of butdoeBt lief i ire th United Stateu Patent Office given
Prompt and Careful I'ert-onal Attention. Terms the mnnt rea-
IHonable and gooi work xuaraiitaed Address all inquiries to
( Member of the Bar of the U. 5. Supreme Coust. )
2407 F Street N. W. Washington, D, C.
.aWiiffiUiMUJiiiyi1 iffwaiiviiaBaBi
Red Livery Barn
New Rigs and Special Accommo-
Fancy Teams ym dations
to Let For Freigliters
Corner Canyon and Main Sts, Lakeview, Ore
Blacksmiths and
North Water St.. Lake veWt orerr0n
IviTKverythlnaj in the line . Aacksmtl Ui ;j , nr ,ron W , I
work loue iu a aat Hfactor.v manner and ai, ck prices,. Your I
patrnnaue resptH'ifully t'oliY'tl. I
A Shot with Kvprv Tick of Watch
qui.'i. iy iM' i-ti mi
Hit 1 1 ion trt - ''-i . i
tloitHMl ' U'l t)' ''''II" '
- it--tii H tai u thr i
ijM-iu. n 'tiiC, v 'fhoui i
fi I'l il.ttr(lf Ion I1IHV
i i .ut i Ii 'ut lir hii
,tl-' t il'V c", iimiiit''v
1. tfV i! pHK on t'ntfUL
Ul'i.:(.' Viitlt'lllS.
i A i j. rucclVf
if' i, .t ; i'ii
ji r,.i.?! - j -- ' ,41,1 , .i
Mil I
A liHM if(mt
I'll I II . l ft .
fHir: L'nr n
UraiUCU tHlKO. K-Ui K iSt
:.'.i. . i. ' .'i n i. f.i h
- -l i.t.l Ii. wMilvHlurft.
eroa,i..y, Jeyy y0ff I
Free Hook tells of this G in
This llamnifrlesH rtepeater Is the moat rniii i t.ii.iii. mm, mn,j,. . it
lias ev r kwiwn Imiiroveiiieiit ea.y taU. . i - , IV i.rtvv
lireecli lilock. -ivered mechanism and toi ri ' .i..Ih.i
Cntaloif shows onr other shot Kiii . doiilil , . . i...
l-tffA iostall"iinr-our i.,i,,ii."!:i',. .v
the unic.'j nr rmz
- ' I Ji. i iiiliJa