Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 12, 1909, Image 1

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Lake (SoiiiMy ErainrofiiniW
NO. .11
RIQIIT OF WAY F0R!Takrtfsr now
HE 1,1 III; i
Looks as Though Hani
man Really Has an
Intention of Coming
to Lakeview
Sacramento Bin, It. -Olllclsl not lot
of tbi fact Hint tho Southern I'a.'lllo
Company Intend to carry out it
tentative plaur. to build t(n (Jouhh
Luke end Southern rairlnad In Super
lor California name in the lurui of
tiling of a niHit with the Slate Con
troller ul Surveyor (inueral tula
by W 1 1 1 1 In in Hood, Chief F.nglnear
for the parent ciirporHtlmi.
Whenever n railroad eorvey ruiiM
through nililio iloinaln h Slate law
r ii I run that it plat ha Mini with
the two state otllcer u l an the
pmpmted ml Iron I will pwetrate h
land reaerve Kiiglneer Mood tiaa
complied with tlm formality.
Tina plat in for Ilia section of new
rovl Hint will run north from
A Koran to n point pear I'm Ore
nn line I'ltlimit dv
will he completed to
Oregiu. j
'I'Iik liiiiiw Lake aii'l Southern will I
embrace a road from I ho rant side of
illOHH Lake tu AltlllH., down Pit
lilvcr to Anderson, with n li ro i c li
through Deer Creek pasa to Vina or
Chlro. It lll mIho linve a connection
wltli thn 1 1 mi to connect Klamath
I'm I In h in! Lakeview.
When all these lines are nn plot ;
I hit Sou t hrttii Pacllln ihhIii linn will
have connection with n great stretch
of country now untapped except In a
lortuoun, roundabout wav It will
all liiura to the growth of Sacramento
trade because it will render juat that
much more territory tributary to thin
iiiir i ri i irrrnn nr r i in
Getting Busy Mt A ULLtdd tit tM
Prosperous is
The Life of
i Every Farmer
It la reported that noma ona
I if u utie'vlng tacka In the roml
leen lin ami New I'iue C
with the fiiiilli'ioiia pur pone of punc
iirluu tha tlnn of auto. It la very
I i k f I T II at lint auto men would lin
Kind to know who could La an 'nein,
aa tin ruination of each the mean
an expeiine of H i, aril benefit no
oi.e. except the manufacturers. It N
a prtt riiai IjiimIihh for anyone,
niau 'or liojr to Im engaged In and It
la pretty evident the perpetrator has
no idea of the Ooldnn Kule.
vjThi following Shows IL to be For the
Best. Interests of this Whole Re
gion to Send Good Exhibits
Trying To Get Land
Office Away From
the mail jctreualtlon
IjiiK eview.
Elderly Gentleman Made
Over $1,000 this
L. (1. Linnerilla, who has lieen lo
cated at A did lu S nit n Warner valley
einoe spring wbh in town Moudav.
Mr. Llunevtlia is 71 year of age,
ud as au Instance nf what a man old
or young i) ilii here If lis hits the
right aort o' atutf In him, we cite the
fullowiuii: Thin spring lie rented
seven acres of l..ud of Walter Dent
at Adel ami planted It all with hi
own bands to potatoes ami gtrden
vegetable lie haa tnki)ii care of the
place unaKHintnd, and save that he
will have mora than tl.OHO clear pro
fit for ilia aeaaoiiH work, which he
couslders very good cnmpeusutiuii for
a man or hi age,.
ile hua bargalue I for 10 acres of
land adjoining Lakeview, paying fl2.r
an acre for the iinriin,iiiid hiiyn tlmt he
can ninke a liviuu oil' of it and at the
anine time tie urobilin an orchard
that in live yeum will he worth from
VO to 1,(HH) an acre.
Ilia only reuret now in that he did
not buy u aectl in a couple of inilt'H
from town live year aun for :t,(MK)
tlmt la uow worth an ncre, a ml
will not el op at that IlKine.
There will tie nthera with uimilar
reKreta one of theae daya.
The Kliimnl h Herald of the 4th inat.
threw a ncnnt "Into our ml 1st" with
a prnpoMitl to remove (Im Lnkeview
Land otlltu to lla old hi tit hy the aide
of th?t 1'ulln of the Link. In order
to wive the mnlter the wldi-nt ponHihle
we k'ive the c latur ti i n ar
ticle In full In-low :
"."iIihII the Inml olllce he locateil
In Klitmuth Km I In or LnkeviewT That
in a ipit'Htiou tout la u "tl to tie put
up to Secretary of the Interior Hul
lliiKer w Iimii he c linen here In hep
temlicr. Many attenipta Imve been
in mli to tiriuu uliout thin chauitti, hut
t In-y have all died In the tieiiiuninu.
.Now, however. It In yoiiitf to hu dif
ferent. A concert" I move will bo
made to iiccompliHli thin reaollt
The principal argument to be put for
ward will be the hiirlnhhlp it im
poatia on aeltlera in connectloii with
the payuieut of fn-a for the reclama
tion work The money haa tu be neut
to Lakevaiw and the expeune there
for li 1 11 e t lie borun tiy tne laud owner
TIiiikihI im hiiihII in the iml Ividoal
ciimk, hut In the i.fu'rrKate iooiua iuto , i-uporiioun.
"It U a ipientioii a I ho, whether
there la more Kverumeut lutid near
er to Lakeview than there la to
mamain raiia. ine couteutlou on
oofh aiden le backed by tltfiirea more
or leaa accurate, but thia will be aub
nutted to the Secretary am4 he will
in vi-ntlnitte their worth in urriviiik' at
a declaion.
'Vine blii leveini;e in favor or re
moving the otilce to thia city la the
fact that It la now located ou a rail
road . There la perhapa not an lu-
apector In the employ of the govern
ment who would not be auxioua to
aee the rhanue made, fur it luipoHoaa
on them uuoeceaaary hardabipa.
"Lakeview will , of oourae, enter
a viiioroim kick, for it haa ao Iouk i
en joy ml the Iwuetlt of Uncle Hsinniy'gj
bounty that it doea not wlah it to)
fade aay. It will, however, have to
come through with aometuiiiK pretty
atroiiu if it U louver t;;iu to remaiu
the ceuter of the laud hiiaiuena for
thia aectiou of the state. "
The only comment The Kxatulner
lint to make on the above contention
ia that every argument iu favor of the
propoHed ohaiiKe at preneut apoliea
eqiinlly well for ita reteutoiu at Lake
view. With thia added fact!
That while thouaen 1a are Ideating
at or unar Lnkview to bo accommo
dated, the uewnomera headed for
Klnmath e'ulU can be counted ou the
llnuera ot oue'a hauda.
Thia ia a condition that Mr. Hal
linger iiiuiit reapuct
lakeview, Aug 10th, 11MKI To
Whom It May (loncern :
It being the intention of the Lake
view hoard nf Trade to hoi I a fair
during the mouth of September at
Lakevew, we teel tnnt. lu order to
avoid any pnnnible ininunderittaudiiig
with the other aectioua of the county,
it would tie wine to explain our ren
aon for holding aoch a rati or Kxbib
It at the tune atttted and at thU
'J he reader ia doubtleia aware that
a great deal of advert imug haa been
done by the Oregon Valley Laud Co.,
who are now operating lu the (iooae
Lake Valley, alnn that tril comoany
expect to hold their opening or muIh
of landn on the ninth of Setemtier
uext continuing through the month,
and thai at the time it in an anHured
fnct that lietre will be thouniiuda of
people iu the town of Lnkeview lu at
titiidance upon the opfiiiuu.
Aa a direct rt-nult of the publicity
given to their laud mil ex and the
large ttrritory over whicn the bule
ol contrnctn for lan. I him t.eeu con
ducted, Southern Oreogn, paiticuldlly
Laae county In one ot the i:nml
widely advertinel nectloiiH in the eu
tirewent. Oneoflhu direct rem Its
being the agitation iu milroiid circles
couceriiiug a line through huuth-we-teru
1 he alatcii.cnf L..H l.itu .i ndetliht it
would be luipOHpitiie to live up to
Home of the literature wh-ch but oeen
puhllHhed rettardiug thia turitury, j
but a cauvuHH of the comity Iihh cjii- j
viucud ua ttiat nuch ia not the rase.
It la our intention to line the dia
play which we expect to gnther, net
for the purpi ae ot fnrtht-r outnide ad- '
vertiaiug. but hh a concrete example I
of the product ot thin country grown j
ti'jth with and without irrigation.
Waahall make every effort tJ eee that
every niau and woiiihii who ia lu or
near the towu of Lakeview during j
the l-'uir haa a detllmte proot o the
pUBHibi ill leu of Soul heru tlregou.
We liHVe choci'ii the mime Luke
county and (ioone Lake Valley Fair, !
not bcaunn we wiah to emphanire the
name of thia valley above otliera ic
the county, but ttecauae a large por
tlon of the valley la not in the county
but la directly tririutary to it and In
a part of the territory that we winh
lo aid in developing.
The market for goo I pro lent
in pernlatently no etioug
aa to initfy Mr HiH'a belief that
not tiearlv enough perno'is aia en
gaged in the buai'ienn an ought to be
for the et r.ronperitr of the conntry.
Providence Journal.
If the iiiidernn iue I went colli
only get Home nf the eorrlus w rkera
from the enat It would help to solve
the problem But the at' motion of
city life, even with poverty always
outnide the door, are Htrouger with
many mind than contentment and
rtmmntkvli 9 rn Ih. f&rm Vmw Vnrli
v e ieei inai l.ukeveview in at t"'" i Herald,
lime the loniral place for such an ex- to be held, not becaune it is
Lakeview. but becaune It in here that
the people will be and it will require
do effort ou their part to investigate
thoho portion of the county which J
time and overland trannprirtation '
would othcrwine prohibit. We ikI I
to urge upon you that thin la one of
Lake rounty'a oppottonitiea and to
nnk tlmt you, an a community, one
tvery elfort to do yonraelvea and the1
country which aupportn you juntice.
If pOHHible we would eoggent thnt
you orgiiuie. place all your exhibits !
In the liHtirln of one man and send .
him here to dinplay them and to be I
with them while ou exhibition. If
you ciiu do thin ft will be greatly to :
your advan'HL'e for thotmnti l of queg
tioiiH will l.e ankeri which will he aim
wered b.-t hy a man famil iar w it b ;
the gioiiml if tlnn doen not eee n
fenhible, eend your f-umjile to ub
eittier in one ahipmeut. or individ- '
iinlly. and in either cane we will nee '
that every article is properly display
ed anr tlmt every exhibitor baa pro
per ere lit for hi exhibit if properly
labeled on arrival.
Again aiiking your annMauce iu a
common cuune, the betterment of
Lake county, we beg to remain.
W. 11. SHIRK. President.
K. M MILLKH. Treanurer.
Lakeview Hoard off rade
The Outcome Will be Hill
Will Have a Wire Fence
Aronnd Harrtman's
Pretty Posy Pot
While Left Alone He Gets
Gun and takes
His Life
was shocked Saturday at
ai.. bv the Hnnounctment
Dilly ' Cole bud hsot
This town
about ) p.
that Uucle
The old gentleman, who was ap-
1 proacniug i year of age. for the punt
! mouth ot no hal been bed-riddeu au 1
become despondent Llfort was
made to cheer bun up, aod alao to
i get hi in trom the room iu the attic
of the old county build ins iu which
i be had made bin borne f jr some year,
j lie only consented V removal t'ri
; day, aud Ur. Only and Dick J. Wilcox
had junt secured comfortable quart
I er for him, and were about to report
: to him, when they received word that
! be bad killed himself.
it beems during tbe momentary ab
sence of an attendaot, be bad a shot
gun wbici be always kept uear him
and be mast have placed tbe
to bis heart, aud discharged tbe gun
j by knocking tbe hammer with a chair
j back
He was buried from tbe Baptist
; Churcb Sunday afternoon, the Keve
Heavv Penalty Provided, duc'iiS
J Nnt nuinh in linnan of
for Non-Gompliance
of the Same
bis personal
history, other than that be was a
Kentucklau by birth, came to Call- I
foruia. in 1851, and had been a miner;
aud volunteer Indian tighter. A '
number of years ago t.e lost bU right
arm in a gun accident and for some
; . i I 1 i i it t tm
Kl.-w, vv u I .ii ui uas uotu jauitur uuu uauin
, Jfv of ,h. -rtll Hamo,
and Dr F W McClure, tbe latter
lie I n g the bead of the Federal Ue-
I partnieni for the State of Oregon,
in tbe ministry, one cf
Tbe railroad work in the Deschutes
canyon is kaleidoscopic. U-ie day
llsrriman in on top, and the next day
tba opponiticu, supposedly Hill,
w ins.
llsrriman got out an injunction to
compel Hill to allow him meann of
crossing land owned by the latter, na
wbich the former had built a J10.000
wagon road. Tbe court dissolved the
'Injunction, ard Harrinao ia out time
land mooey. and blocke 1 on at Past
. that strategic piri of the line. Har-
riman. of course, will contest every
'uch of the way, and will be defeated
by bis more wily rival, an he was ia
his tactics during tbd building of tbe
North Lia ok Road.
Mr. Hill, like the Goths of ollea
times, ia coining down from the
' nortb, and he will not stop until be
gets to San Francisco. Los Angelas
aud Mexico City. On his eastera
lioe be is now forcing Harriman's
j band, with Mexico in view, in Texas
and be will pub his western line
down the cat si ie of the Sirras. clear
'to Mexico in time, with a spar te
Sau F'ancisco. from Lakeview. dowa
, tbe Pit river canyon and another te
; Los i ultimately will con
nect interior California witb these
, two cities.
Y'fin enn set it. ilntrn l,a a fant (hot
muzzle jim n,i js more than a match for
Harriamn, has proved himself so, and
he will not be content uitil ie h
Atlaati" and Pacific terminals, and
a belt Hue via Lakeview aud Mia
neapo is from El moot on to Mexico!
And yon can mark it down on your
little slate that it will not be long un
til you see this prediction fulfilled.
Bully for Jim !
at tbe court bouse
Hi came bete from Susaoville Cal.
upwards of 20 years ago, and it is
i. ti i t i
I have been inter.ntert riaitor, In !"' ." COOmciea, DaVlUg
v u uruiiirm
r. United States Laud Oflloe, Lake
Tie. Oregon, Aug. Ctb, UK)!).
Notice la hereby given that tow tiehip
fdata surveyed under Contract No.
732. for sections 7, 18, 1!), Maud 31, T.
-'17 ?., It. 7 hi , W. M., Sections 1 to
:W insnluaive, T. 31 H,. It 7i K.,
W. M.. Suction 1 to ilii Inclusive, T.
:!.") B.. It. K., W. M. Suctions I to
:W iuclualve, T. 31 8., It. '28
10. 1 W. M , aud supplemental
plat of segregation survey of
Sections 4, I), 16, 21, 28, aud 33, T. 31
S. It 7'i 10.. w. M. Wiu be filed in
this oMlctt nu September 15th, 11MJ1).
On, and after said date, all of sai l
lHudwili be subject to selections.
entry or tiling on, If snld lauds are
uot otherwise reserved aud appro
priated. AKHUli W. ORTON, Keglaler
FKKD P.CItONKMlLLIilt, Iteolever
r "Tbe flying
agulu. O ie of
Dutchman" is at It
Kmperor Bill's Daval
constructor bas an idea tnat be can
draw it Heat of battle slit pa ashore
witb a powerful magnet, aud then
capture nr destroy them at bis leis
ure Tbe Uutohmau evidently bat
forgotten that those ships are heavily
armed aud manned aud certaiuly
would be doing things to him aud
his magnet while tbe "drawiug" was
taking place,
Tickets are to Be Sold
at the Same Prices
as Formerly
Chicago, July 28. Colonist fares
to the Pacilio Coast, wliloh have beeu
uudnr couladeratioa at a rate meeting
of the transcontinental passengers
association for several daya, will be
made this fall at tbe same rates as
heretofore, 33 from Chicago, 112
from St. Louis and 2T from tbe Mia
laslppi ttlver to California and the
North Pacilio States.
The avail! ibility will be reduced.
however, from the usual sixty days
to a mouth, from the September lutb
to October lutb. TbW was decided
upon because the hoavieat moveuieut
has beeu fouud duiiug the first aud
Inht ten duys of the period. About
2T),000 people are expected to take
advantage of the ratea, whioh are for
single trip. Tbe Santa Fe handled
2 It) carloads of pasaeugets Into Los
Angeles from east of Albuquerque
between January 7th and 12th.
The Sonthreu roads have la tbe last
three years wade- extraordinary
snorts, by cheap fare and otbar In
ducements, to divert travel from Cal
ifoiuta, but with indlffereut suocess.
Uncle of Our Townsman
Who Stood 7 Feet
9 Inches
Having in this seothui ia now about
over aud it Is said to he one of the
best aud biggest out ever made here.
The following accouut of Col
lhurston, has local interest from tne
fact that one of our best farmers.
C Tbriistoo. who himself stands 0
teut.2 inches, ia a uepbew of the Into
confederate veteran :
Mount Veruou, Tex .July 3. Col.
11. C. rtiruatou, kuowa as tbe"Texas
Oiaut" aud believl to be the tallet
man i i t)u Uuited States, died at hi
home here lust uignt. He wan 77
years old, served through the war iu
the Coufederate army. He stood
sevou feet uine inches iu hi atjeklug
feet aud came of a race of large mo i,
hi graudfather, who was seven feet
tall having serve I a an aide ou (ieu.
Washington's t-tall lu the Hveolutluu
ary war. He leaves a ton. who i
slightly more than seveu feet in
Special Casket Made,
A tine haud-mae slate casket was
made at Tevarkana aud forwarded to
night. It measured eight feet iu the
clear and it la thought to be tbe loug
est ever mauuufctured iu the Uuited
Col. Thruston was a couspicuoua
Ugure at tbu late oun'e irate reuuiou
at Memphis
Col. Henry Clay Thrustnu was born
In South Carolina In 1830, grew to
manhood i i Mnsouri. lu 18.r0 be
weut to California and passed a year.
city ror tne last rew days, and as a
result of their visit complaints have
beeu made against several of tbe
sheep men of this couuty for moving
their sheep without a traveling per
mit, which are infected with scab
At tbe time of going to press one ot
the parties bas been taken before tbe
Magistrate aud committed to bail in
tbe sum of f.'iOO to await tbe actiou of ,
the Oraud Jury. Both Dr. Lytle j
and Dr. McClure, assisted by Wm. j
Proudfoot and W. L. McDonald, Fed !
eral Inspectors, are going to make an
) effort to eutirely stamp out tbe t-cabj
u i no eeciiou n me country, uun to
this end they are toiug to require :
a strict compliance witb the law i
! from the sheepmen, otherwise there I
i will be prosecutions for tbe infringe j
; meut of the same.
j On interviewing the representative!
I of the District Attorney's office iu j
i charge of this county, he states t bat
Ithe above numed otlicial will have bisj
j entire assistance in enforcing the law.
The tines fo' vioia'.lou of the law '
j will rauge from KH) to 8HXX), with !
i iud ictmeuts ou several couuts. which;
! wilt be a good deterrent to those j
! who disobey it I
. whom is a prominent man ia cbarcb
j circles iu Minneapolis.
: Mr. Cole had the respect of all here
I who reuret that bis illness impelled
bim to thu9 summarily ejd bis life.
What Is Best For Suc
cess In Farming
A farmer's institute was held
Burns, liarney county last week.
Dr. James Witbycouibe and Prof.
Lewis, of tbe Oregon Agricultural
College at Corvallis were preseut.
Prof. Lewis gave au iatereatiu
TOP t WhllP fPl NO llnP tulk ou truit culture aud was fol
u ICl 11U VIIC owed by Dr. Withycomoe who toot
Need to Stand in a
Line for Land
Dr. W. II. Lytle. state iuepeotor of
animals, bas been in town several
days tbis week ou official business.
He says that compulsory measures
hereafter will be employed to stamp
out disease among tbe Hocks In or
der to facilitate the work of inspec
tion he has appointed Hav Scott,
north of Plush, au iusoector so that
sheep men can call ou bim during tbe j some of our valleys vv
winter aud report disease, if auy
should occur.
Tbe doctor bas alsu advised that
community 'dipping vats be sou
stucted, one near Beatty's Butte, aud
tbe other nortb of Waruer mountain,
iu order to better aocommodute
In older to secure claims ou opened
; Indian reseivations near Spokane
2s5,tX0 people from all sections reg-
istered of whom but one iu a tbous
' and bas a chance n et land. Jt
is also claimed that n"t uore tbiu 23
per cent ot the laud is of any value,
j trie rest beiug good only for graziug
! purposes
! It is a pity that some or all, of
those disappointed homeseekers could
not be steered djwu this way wbsra
there are still milliuu of acras of
good eoverumeut taud left that will
produce grain an 1 vegetables and
11 produce air
returning to Missouri bv wav of thn 1 " 00k -masters lu case scaD Simula
lnthu.iK of PMiiMum Ha wan married I break out. as it would not then be
in Missouri in 18j.'I and is the father uecessary to drive flocks so far for
of four children, lu 18o'l he ioiuad aioplng.
the rorluues or the Confederacy, en
listing lu the Fourth Miasouti Caval
ry, Marmaduke a Divisioun, and was
wounded at tbe battle of Poiaou
Springs, Ark. The Col. sided with
Oou. Price ('-Old Hap") iu bis fam
ous rnH through Missouri iu the fall
of 18tU aud served throughout the
war, surrendering at Shreveport.
La. After the war he returned to
Missouri, but name to Texas in 1871
looatlug in Titus County. Ccl
Thruston resided lu Mouut V'ernou,
Tex., until hie death, lie was a life
loug democrat. Tbe funeral will
take plane here.
Cougars Catching Colts
Silver Lake Leader: Out in the
Coney bids tba cougara are killing
young cnlts, one party having lost
seven lu that way. Here Is a obaooe
for dome rare sport to those who waut
to hunt oougars.
It is the pruposi of tbe authorities
to stamp out disease, and if stock
masters are negligent in tbe matter
they will be prosecuted aud in case
of such neglect the penalries are fee
vere. Wrestling Match
Local interest in a wrcntllug; match
catch-as can catch, will take place
Sept 6tli hi the Snider Opera limine
betwet-u NY1 mnii, uf Lnkevtw,
anil J. C Cravena, of Klamath1
FhIIh. The purwe Ih for t'JOO, ur IKK)
ou side hot. Tlcketa will be Hold 10
ur 14 (lave bcf..rc date" of match, anil
at tin dour. Door upfii ot 2:30 anil
ou at 8 p. in. Both are good men
and Hie context will prove an ex
citing ouu.
Station Ageut Tho npaou ot Klam
ath Fall, Mrn, Zlm Baldwin anil
Mls4 Uulu Dunbar were In town Fri
day' the r iiea is of V. L. Snclling; and
kinds of fruit tnat can not be
parsed iu the Uuited Stated. I
It is a strange thiug how prone
people are to strive for the far otf or
the unattainable while otuer things
equally goo i go begging I
In this Suokaue exoitemeut aud
boom tbe Uuited States government
has actually played iuto the bauds
of the railroad, wbo have reapei a
a harvest iu fares; aud has also prao
ticel what it has frowuei duwu upon,
in the lottery lioe.
However, the free land? of this sec
tion are goiug quite tapidiy, aud iu a
few mouths at most will be iu tbe
hand of private parties and espeo
ially so, uow that railroads are to
iuvae this reglou and make possible
tbe marketing of our products.
Tbe Oregouiao, in a bead Hue, lu
ideate surprisa that aprioots will
grow in the Willamette valley. Scott
should come over and see some of our
Summer Lake aprioots It 1 a sin
gular thing that a uiau who has lived
all bis life iu Oregon should kuow so
little of tbe actual resource of tbe
State. But his ignorance In that res
pect ia tullly male up in bis "perni
cious activity ia politics." tie
knows that the primary law i a bad
thing for tbe politicians, but be
doesn't kuow a bill of beana from a
populist's whiskers I
up agticulture iu a general way.
j Tbe di-cuesiun. of course, paid
more particular attention to coudi
I tious aud possibilities of Harney
i county, but will apply equally well
i to Lake county aud in tact all of
Southeastern Oregou. The Tiuis ra-
ports the uieetiuit as follows. :
Dr. Withyeombe is quite eutbusiaa
. tit as to tbe future ot tois great val
ley aod insisted that we have a mag
niticieut Held for agriculture. He
bad visited various places iu tbis
viciuity aud said there was uo duiibt
iu our success iu raising all kin is of
graiu with proper cultivation and
: conservation of tbe moisture.. He
emphasized the uecessity of a more
iuteusive cultivation aud suggested
some things that would add to our
success. Me said he bad visited oue
, place uo that day where he at tbe ex-
peuse ot fifteen ceuts au acre, coull
have iucreased tbe yield at least
200 bushels.
Dr. Witbyoombe would urge alfalfa
as tbe best forage plant for the entire
country. This seemed to be bii"long
suit" as be dwelt quits at lengtu
upon this plant as tbe salvation of
tbis distr ct. Not only i; it good for
stock iu everyway, but it alsi builds
up tbe soil iu elements tnat make it
richer aud mure productive. In au
other address ou Tuesday eveuiug
the Doctor again expressed hi sin
cere faith iu the successful raisiug
of a 1 cereals aud alfalfa, lie further
suggested some helps aud meutiooed
three implements that should be used
extenisreiy iu tbis sectiou. - Tny
were the spike tooth barrotv, wee ler
I ard corrugated roller. These imp e-
I' meuts would be fouud of great baue
fit to put the soil iu proper condition
to retain tbe moisture and giving
crops best chance of growing.' lie
said that dry farming was a simple
mattil if oue applied common sense
methods and carefully studied' soil
Tbe Examiner uext week will give
Prof. Lewis' talk on fruit culture,
that also will apply to Lake county.
Farmers need Lake Couuty Land.
... , -
O.M . Miley, Silver Lake, an i W.
Q. Cryns,' of Sivler Lake, line re
pairers of tbe telephone company ar
rived ia town Tuesday with a athel,
that thev picked .up near - the. 7d
Ranch' Owner cau have same by
calling at thia oflloe.