Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 05, 1909, Page TWO, Image 2

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.'. r i.v.m k
r :ihm.
n; i J. now wan.
Irei Paptr and l'fl Circulation
raxtrrn and nuthcrn Oregon.
IM'Kl.lSlllH KVKHY Till' l&Ml 1 T.
, r.-l at the I'cM ll'!ic. at vlci
kk f relet I Matter.
(OlNTY oKmlAt. rd'I'H
. Or
m rcriition k n:.
, In ailvatiee. ,'
4i mwiMhn,
tur.-e n.oiitii. "
Jf-l( not pnlil t a H-ance. tl 50 trta yoat
Notice to Mibacrlrura
MbvnwNi to I in- rxamliier Mho rcto.
r fretn one l.x alrv to another or chain ixwtoince oMr-as sh.vil.l r. i'i. mlvr
dfi-np thinpfflc a ri.r.1 mi tlieir paper can be
r,.w.1 to the right txa-tetrlee.
booed or dented circulation, or plsced
under henry penalty.
Tn petlv, pnril way in which
Am lii'ans from Jim Hallne do wi
have treated that truly jjrivit peopl
otim north, t having fruitage
11. h k i ti tl wider the gap bet i i it In
fien I of dra t ii at lis lOk'ftl'-r into n
cunirclnl bmd -that with p mer eaie
Mini ivnisl inn might hace dovel
Into (inii of a political i iiiiik.
It is a mistaken Idea t nil t '0 C
ad'ati can he driven. Hit tlo'
. i ik'lit have been ooaed into atini'.n
I iot ill.' il that much to-be deeire-l
ti i is pv?r ciini i n.'ito t it v ill have
to I n secured nmv by a radical chance
'f t'.lic.T nciHiit, the Canadian;
colli led with a con lete decapita
tiou of the hydra headed trusts that
are sapping the total ptiertgea of the
American people
Canadian do not like uercian
trusts and that feeling is mi iiect -
eainl that it may uever b" eradicated.
VaT aitt - W 44
"i-BuDd a Fortune
at u
H'opytltht 1
r ci
X :;i d I
ill m.i i..
i i one i (
the i u hi. 'lis i f
R. Kiilar atan.lini; a. an Inch, mm
rrliitna apaco. nr month. All sian.nn a
atai.ttcl frci' twice a month. 1'oai of romp
J n charKoit for an extra chance A t .'i
aoM ion extra. All aiuirt trriu xtra
K. aif. r. Ival roliininn. 10c. 'T 11m' MPh i
H 'ion. Want a1 V a lin-each inacril. i
Kant of ihaum SI on. KesolulloiiK of conno
. i i and up
t-TrHni'tit A Ir. iuaing ana 'oh
t . m'!i In aui aiuv.
A II hi la nintt be paid ihe Brat of itch raon
No deviancn from ttuw term.
is t . l.t on flic at r. i . 0r'
. .1 vrtirie Aecncy 124 Kan-i
ue .-tut. San Kranclsco, i at., wiif"
ni'i. for a1vcrtioi can tv ciadr (or i
A deaprate ettcrct U beiut; made Uv
the "interests" to nnborse GifToro
rineliott, the only man who stands iu
tbe ay of their efforts to rab all
the exBtinil waterponers. an.l con
vert tbeui fri.m pudlic property,
which cau be made to benefit all. into
"Tnated risbts", to be banded down
tor all time to t.etietit the few.and
wiest from an iiovilioi( putdi fnr
ber increase of already uuduly swol
len fortunes, to thoue bejoud concep
tion ft present tr-an of avarice.
This wan Ballitm-r, who acts as
tuoui;h be the special taol of
mouopoly, is endeavoring to undo all
that President Roonevelt did tward
trie conservation of the unitunent do
n aiu tor the penpl- auainst the oelf
Mnliirii; priviltire ) iIhss iur.rdinate
an ' ii'ibnmar in 'ti ureed
Uuder tucb circu'tiFtancea it ii the
ptiu duty of Prti lent Tuft, if be de
sirest o retain the respect aud pood
will of the people" of our common
ecu itry, to take a Urm bt.iu i iu this
luatter. aal uiv Mr. Pinch ot bis
kr-arty ard entire 8'inport.
In vie a ff the fact that be promiaed
o carry cut the policies of bis pre-Hcceh-rr.
it is lis plain duty to sup
pott Mr. Pinchi't. If he does not do
o it ) very t rd al.Ie that Mr. Rooee-rt-lt
will iie. culled from Lis retire
suent to the Presidency, for there is
oo distiuining ibn fact that this na
tion bus now come to a vn? where it a etrotii; :ima at its bead, aud ,
Mr. Roosevelt snma to be the only
oiau we bave of any national promi
nence with BUtiicieut backbone for the '.
piace. j irr
Uudfr ordinary circumstances, Tb . r-fj
Examiner cvould be first to combf : : ;
even a eeuib'ance of a tb.rr teroi , tt
if it is necessarv to .Mexk-anize tb
ation to beat back the overwbel i.
rug force of craft acd greed we !'!
favor Napolejn even, if be will do
the job. and do it to a finish !
Mr. Piucrbot ia a wealthy man, who
is working for th? good nf ibe whole
PbodIh without a salary, and with iio
interest save that of our common
Bood, and l.e sliou.d be eustained in
bis poilcy by Preaideut Taft.
It is up to the latter to decile
tether be will stand by th people
who believed he would fulfill his
promise to carry out t tie policiee of
the man who made him wfcat be is,
ar whether lie will allj birueli on
'be hidn A (ztaft aud greed !
VR IMK KtlK Kllllsl:! FI T
Hishop V. M Hell, of Herktev. rt.
centlv delivered a rH'iiarkalle Bddress
nefore the O'lautan jiui ass-li nblv at
Vnse nite. Cil., iu which tv declared
hnt present day conditions iieuianded
a feHrless press. "The trulv fearless
tiress," he stat'd, "when it is the
xoouiMit of jnsticf an 1 right Jlel Is
a larwer influence than any other
public factor. "
lie "poke words of praise for Presi-
oeui u.ioseveir au.i slate, i that a
conraiieous president was one of the
crying needs of the country.
"Because of the present diy condi
tions it may become uecessay. " said
iJisimp Bell, "to re elect former
("esident Roosevelt. His intiepidity
iu laciug the manifold enemies of
riwht, and bis extreme activity iu the
regeneration of American industrial
conditions mirks bim a man of whose
aiii the country stands ttill iu need."
Bishop Bell's words were greeted
w ith thunders of applause from the
assembled ministers, m ny of whom
in later speeches echoed the seuti
neuts be bad voice I
I .'!I1S.
1 here II id be it n
cel l cis.1,1. 11 I el c. ;i
: I il us he ;ii kc the i
them j ctili d Oow u on
tlu' I "nt linn u mid coiuliuicd
mi i :r r v ps ii ii i m r.i ihi d
ui.'lho:- V. lieu I win a li le hi urns
ho i ill tut ;,ie nic cr t. a uur c,
ut i i UiNl: d mo :it Icrn Ircisi
Si- fdsbiovttl 1lll her inui hamli
' iiile garments that I w iv. She
t me that sliuplcNt but most eh-
of nil prayers, "Now I lav me
to seep' Kv.r.v nUht. even
I wns n i-o. d bin boy. she
the bedclothes about me In inv
e:rs, loiij- after I left homo.11
i:u ni:d yearned mvor me, '
In my sorrows, rejnhdn In
' II I S it II t
I hi.
Hi tii.
I t,M I
. :m1
:i. :t.l.
Ti r
!i loved
unow dug
my small success.
"Io you know, the world has seemnd
.1 little lonesome since my mother
Prince Rupert, tlu- i'.uilir t
T he H.itil 'I iiiiiK I'Mtilif Iv'.iil w.iv, oilers auotli
i r of tliosf woiiiK i Inl i ik rt niii t it" lor tn.'iKiii";
a loihiik- in lal KstaU'. 1'iu uliith tin I 'ncilio
coast titics liavr lu ti tin- wonder of tlu world.
It is not votir savings aloni' that mala' von inde
peiuKiit, voui savings uiti'-t Ik working for yon.
The Prince Unpen Kcil l;stalt Investment
Co. l-ttl. oierati's to t-oiMlniir tlu- saving of
investors lor permanent
KITUKT nalt y upon the
iitatetl all K'eal Ivstate
small savings ol sina
invest nient in PK' I NC
same plan that In--fot
t n nes.
ti rs,
I ! s-
: ' lil ti.
: W il iauiett'
i I iL-ato
Some one baa figured it all out and
has learned that the man who drinks
three glasses of whiskey a day for
one year and pays ten eeuts a drink
for it spends enough m inev for wbis
ke;- to buy three barrels of flour,
tweuty bushels of potstoes. 200
pounds of granulated sugar, one bar
rel of carckers, one pnund of pepper,
two pounds of tea, fifty pounds of
salt, fifty pounds of rice, fifty pounds
uf butter, ten pounds of cheese,
ten pounds of candy, three dozen
cans of tomatoes, ten dozen pickets,
ten dozon oraogea.ten dozen bauanas.
two dozen cans of corn, eighteen ' DU'l up fortunes for the few at the
boxes of matches, half a bushel of j expense of the millions, on tbe spec
beaos. 100 cakes of soap, one case of 1 ious of l''Pa of ai ling A merican labor.
There was a long silence between
the two men, ntid then the other pko:
"My chief regret today Is that be
fore my mother tiled I sometimes neg
lected to write to her. And my fond
est re-oUeetUms are of the happy days
I sometimes made for tier. '
"It Is the way of the world. I sup- !
pose our children will have the nnme
regrets and the same consolations!
when we are dead. Our chlefest treus-! w''
ures are not valued until they are"'
gone." ! .-,
"That Is true." responded the other. 1
"niid" !
"All that I nm or hope to le I owe
to my mother. Her Spartan spirit
knew no departure from the straight
lines of righteousness.
"And as for my religion well, sho ."urm
taught me the trustful faith of inno- day- at
cent i hlMhuod. And. having boxed
the compass of religious thinking, ij
nlwnys come back to that simple i
So much the writer overheard.
Or, rather, what Is written Is n skele
ton of what was said.
And ymir mother.
If tome day she passed over to the
other Mile, she cannot come back to
you st rn :ie limitation of mother
Hut the sweet Incenne of her -rrarlous
life nbldcs. and still gro-vs the sweet
flower f .i sphodol - unfolding bud of,
Immortality. j
For life la ever lord of daath. j
AO' lv can nevar laaa Ita own.
I .
ii",: i I
I II ' e t o- I
it i r
iik-r-ss o-
I doll b' at le,
Il u b t I e . I
Ik lit
I h' l e
I ill
1 1 I I M I I M
i-1 ii I e i
? " i nl I
k' in
to I
"r i I v . i el net hi i 1. 1
i n I lev ii i i ct i ii i iii u' t ir
a in one with t desire to accumulate a comp?tt
cv can lav aside $.".( 0 or SI (.00 a month. So
such system of saving, il invested with us, will
lie trom V.'J to L'. o io on evcrv dollar invested iu
shares ol this Company. To the small investor,
who desires siiiuethinir more than just safety for
his money, we oiler here alisolute safety anil a
hiyh earning on the investment. Reference, liy
perinissii m, The Hank of Nova Scotia. Vancou
ver. Your Inisincss solicited. Write
The Prince Rupert Real Estate lnvectment Ci. ltd-
HO l.on Oily, inn n r, It. ('. I'riiKf ltiiM it, It. ('.
J k' nib. . Mi l He
l.lihcl leu .lci chi. I Me
( o
! Mot I.
1 1. .1.
-l r. .
otic .
whom it m v i im i;
f i- I ! ft 1 " k' I VI" . i 1 1 m r l II III
or in 1 1 1 r. illt. hr-. i ill n 1 1 I I i 1 1 1
in- tii oiihl I ,ii kc Con ii i , i ii i
iiimhI licHctceiicil vvlth ii iii.i
rolled oats, and still hav $15.30 left
to give bis wife for a new drees. And
tbe pity of it all is that tbe man who
indulges bis appetite for drink to
that extent, usually robs bis fami
- --ooessities of life.
. .. derives no
Simmer it all dowu. it is simply rot 1
And no one knows that fact better
than the beueflciariea of such a eys-tem.
io -ii ii re. ni'it ,ii lie ir ip'inl or
iuilclion with the til ill cbiililii-l f
-tiv.iiii AIhi i ;i 1 1 do io or nli-i r 1 1 1 -1 -
MlllM OIlHili.l ht I'OI HIS lllll"! llO M'.i
viileil w it Ii ii Ii 1 1-1 ml. lor, or ot In r on- v
MO'ii ii- of iiihsii cc, ii I i r lion r I he in Id
I.- of tin- hi ; i id cliiinocl. mi n- ti iL
ii iv i be lui.-xiiue of trout ul nil lime
of u-nr, ii provided by In Snld
work to lie done nt low wntcr tiiuo.
or I o be completed by l 'eb. 7. llHiT.
I! v i rdt-r ol .1 . A . Itiirhiiiu.
Siieeiul li'itit,v fUh Wnrdcii fori
l.ukeCoiint v, treiioll
The Real Home Paper.
The San Francisco
M. H. de YOUNG.
Sane, Conservative and Well Edited.
DailySunday Weekly
Sunday's in Colars
Wm. Wallace, Dealer at Lakeview, Ore.
Order Now
A carload of doors
receive. I at li A M s.
and windows
y a probll
i gloves r
axclaii '
W.o tar-
rf josierv.
f-?rta build
Tc'a it: To
special attention to
uett Peabody shirts
London deulcrs Hold Krick aud
thcr "Hreitl" 111inaten f-ilk ut dor-'V-.'itr
Mt. fT.'iii n f ii t)ie i ontniry
the fioor devils workiuir for that sort
of gentry U- w illiont underwear and
are misrht y fori iiiiate if t hev have a
Hour Kck to u hh fin fiatcbi'- for their
cotton iHiitn.
Truly tiif Ainerienii I.atmrer mulei
our wifMHnd beneficial tariff leiisbi
tlon in tbti iuti-re-t of I'rick. .fidin I,
and the whole cnbood'edick. iH ho
atroiiftly "proti cted" be reully
doeMi't iM.ed uny jihUm! Jle wi'iiih
overalln, of coiirne, litit, really, wk
whoiild 1!in U l-'rick find Joanlt., ot al
would drop dead at the nfht of the
4ltlre of moHt of the iirntet, d Amei
lean laborer!
Tbe pity of it all in that hijc.1i
arholeHttlc robliery is p"rjetrfite and
perpctnaU'd in the intTcHt of Ameri
CHti lalior! Moreover, the1 worat of
H all Is that tbe poor dupen In lieve it.
Children Cry
To Home Builders
Two hundred l;itei-t
plutl- i if
defj;uw and
.not to nr. in.ii 1 1 t a
'Ihi Canadians are about to bauiub
American money. We doa't Wauie
Uisoq, (or tbe reason that ail Aiaeri
ean money was accepted tbera witbuut
dtacouut, while on tbe coatrsry all
Canadian ruonev on tbii aide was ta-
Bungalows ana Cottages
$500 to $5000
Knipiire of
and Builder.
Main Street, next to AhlHtromV.
shlaud is talKing of constructing
own t-treet car system. with
branch electric lines to Talent,
Striniitown. Phoenix and Med ford.
The city now owns its own power
plant aud municipal ownership is
proposed for the line,. In as much
as "that section is one continuous
Administrator's Notice
Jn the County Court of tbe Statt of
Oregon, for tbe County of Lake. Iu
tbe matter of tbe estate of OSC AK
A. BULETTE, deceased.
To whom it may concern: Notice
is hereby given that the undeisigued,
administrator of the estate of Oscar
A IStilette, deceased, bus made and
filed iu tbe above entitled court this
Uual account as administrator of said
estate, and the lion. il. Oaly, Judge
of sal I court, has. by and or lor duly
mane una euiere l in sair matter, oil
July l.Jth, i:xJ, appointed r'lidHy.
the KUb day of August. A . D., 1 !KJl
at tbe hour of ten o'clock in tbe fore
noon of said day as ttie time for bear
ing of objections to such Final Ac
count, if any there be, aud for tbe
sett einent thereof
This notice is published in the Lake
County Examiner, once a week, for
four successive weeks, immediately
prceeediug such date so appointed,
aud the date of the first publication
thereof is July 10. liXW.
Dated July 10, HXXJ
Adminstrator of the estate of Oscar
A. UuJette, deceased Jl.OAl'J
Full colored Sectional
Hap of Oregon.
J'rifi- ao wliil,- Un Last.
by pec
Htreatn It tinge
Shown all Hiirveyed IhihIh,
Hons, aud every important
and divide, TownMiipM and
plainly marked. :: :: ;; ::
AInohiiowh nil l.nnd (;rant Lanila
Oram complete, by w-ctloriH. Inval
uable to anyone who now la or ex
becta to be lntereHtcd in landn in
southern Oregon. :: :; ;:
Entire output of thl map owned by
Ml Chamter of Commerce,
; Portland, Oregon.
Blue Prints Made
I will make Illue Tririta o
any township of bind In the
Lakeview Land Dlntrlct, and
do abstrnct work. Cull or
Lakeview . . Oregon
I'laced LH.(HH) trei'H iu Lake count v
la-t vi'iir, llest adnpted to iiecdM of
thiHuection. 1' re-.' from all diseiiHCN.
Klii!orHed bv fruit Inspectors.
feb.ritf E. K. PATCH. I.Hkevlew.
Louis Shaw
Dealer In Real listate
1 iiave lifted nine if the l.cs
Kmii'tieH, Tim tier Lands uud Town
(iroperty iu Norlhern California, a
country that is bound to improve rap
Idly. Alfuras, California.
Department of t he Interiur, l. S.
Land Olfice nt Lakeview, Oregon,
July , HMf.t.
Notice is hereby given that C. ('.
Lotfus, Crane Luke, Ore., adminis
trator of the estate of Pardon Jirowu,
Jr., deceased, of Adel, Oregon, who,
ou Mav 0th, UHi;i, iiihiI'i homesteHd
entry No. 'ZK', Serial No. 01 120. for
E half NE quarter, E half SE uar
ter. Section 12, Township .'!'. S, liiince
'11 E, Widamette Meridian, tins tiled
notice of intention to make Final
five year proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before Reg
ister and Receiver, U. K. Laud OJIIce,
at Lakeview, Oregon, oa the 'Jth duy
of September, 1!W.).
('laimant names as witiiesses: J. W.
lotfua and K li. Lottos of Warner
Valley, Oregon, Wm. Davie, Crane
Lake, Oregon, and Henry Stine. Mud
Creek, Oregon. JH.12
AliTHUI: W.OIU'ON, Register-
& Abstracts of Title to all Lands in
We Have Found Those Er
rors in the County Records
Lake CounLy Furnished.
Terms Reasonable.
Tract Index Abstracting Co.
Wm. JACOBS, Manager.
luiiif)fi AVater, l'tn.a
Jlilkf-r, hejtarutor,
Chops reed. l.U:
Havds Wat? ;h
Writs for mtuloL'. Mention p iixir
OINIUNh I AlKHA!-.l!M HUAl.t-H, WlNJi.MIf.l.B
'tn'-Tc V 'i!' li' ,V.'';i ic.Mthi' ,l"iv'l' tin.,'
l i.ii.uX ji ...1..- : : I iHi Ofll.l.Ol.
2 wij iiV
Nollce lor I'lililieutlou.
Department of the Interior. 1'nited
States Laud Ofllce, Lakeview, Ore
gon, July H, I '.Ha
Notice is hereby kiveu that the
state of Oregon has filed in this ofllce
its application, Serial 02H01, to select
under the frovisions of the aid of
Congress, of August li, 181H, aud the
acta supplemental aud amendatory
thereto, the SW i.uarter SW quarter,
Seo. 10 T -XI S., I. I'd E. W. M.
Any and ad persona claiming ad
versely the lands described, or desir
ing to object because of the mineral
character of tbe land, or for auy
other reason, to tbe disposal to
applicant, should tile their attldavits
iu tbia office, on or before the 25 tb
day of August, I'.Ki'.
The above notice will lie published
In tbe Lake County Exaimner, a
weekly newspaper pi inted aud pub
lished iu Lakeview, Oregou, for a
period of at least live weeks prior to
the date last iu said notice meuj
AKTUUKW. OUTON, Kegister '
Blacksmiths and
North Water St., Lakeview, Oregon.
"Everything In the Hue of bbiikMiulthlug 01 iron or
work done In a Hat Israel orv manner uud al bedrock pi'Icch,
patronage ri'Mpeclfully Holleited.
Furniture and
New Pine Creek, - - Oregon
Trade-MarKs, Designs, Labels, Prints, LUc.
A ti cbisHi'H of buslncHH before tlii United States Patent Oflice K'ven
Prompt nnd Co roful Pcn-ona! Atteutlon. Terma the moat ren
Houablo and K(,') work Kiiarantaed Address all Inquiries to
( Member of the Bar of the U.
2407 P Street N. W.
S. Supreme Coust. )
Washington, D, C.
i i;