Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 05, 1909, Image 1

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NO. .'50
PLETED Is Be Be Named Lake
View and Will Aid In
Tlii new steamer of the Oregon
Valley Laud Co., that I hood to ply
the waters of Goose I .like, In rapidly
npproachlug completion. It in to ho
named the "Lake View."
The iork of onnsti uctinu In In the
IihimI of Win. S. Itrimxtiir, Jr.. a
iioli'd bout liu 1 1 ili-r of Him Prunelsco.
The liout I inuiieltiil on tlie siitne
Hues hh tlm forty boats plying on the
wutrr of Golden (iuti', except It In
mailer. It has twin screws, with
gasoline engines. It lit (15 leet long,
with 20 feet beam, and ilru it I feel
of water. It will liu n tlirun decks,
r (lit) lower one being use I to run the
itiit mobile on. where they will do
curried to the other end ol the lake.
Mini used to roiiliiiiiii the journey to
Lakeview. The upper deck will have
row of chairs or nut for passengers,
M will also Ihu simile ileek. The
iiimt will have n large currying on
liHt'lty ( nii'i will uccoininoiiata two
hundred ninl Ulty iisseugcrs. The
font will be iiiw rd of fji.ixm. The
engines for thu IiohI. will each lm '.V)
horse power, limiting u tolnl of (Ai
lioriin po.ei, wlili'li will enable the
limit to lirvnk n three inch sheet of
ice in winter. The engiue room in
in the center of the work, hu I tha in
trii-Hcy of the machinery init io this a
very Interesting spot. The bout, will
lie painted white. She will have
Preach level glass miuiio on linth
nidus H or ID to n side, which will
Klre passengers u lull view of the
changing punnrainn on either shore.
The steamer will have M I lot house,
two large life bouts, Hod will be sup
ol led with e full equipment of life
preserver. The IIiiIbIhii,, or the
boat required 6 or ti cure for ship
meiit. In addition to u large seating
1 capacity, tlie houl will lie II tied with
n few state room end a lnunh counter
for accommodation of the passenger.
While the main body of Goose Luke
it fiom 15 to 30 feet deep, the shores
lu most places are very shallow for
Home distance from the shore. Al
though the deepest place in the Booth
eud of the lake was selected for a
lauding It was foouud iieceatary to
build a iler that wll 1 extend not Into
the water foot. The tlrst HU 'eet
will be built of rock and It will lie
10 feet wide. The remainder will
consist of wooden crlhn, euoh 10 feet
12 long and tilled with rockti. At the
end U will he arranged In a hollow
semlclroo lar form for the vebel to
wall Into, uinl hero It will be ueoea
fcary to tiee h pile driver. On the
iakeview end of the route, the lr
will have to he HIM) feet loiitf. Think
if the ininenoii unit. nut of labor re
i(Ulred for thia work ! ThiM work of
building the piora and ol putli'W In
the enunieH for the bout, lit beiiiK
personally conducted by C. II. Mc
Coy, whi waa, till lutelv, chi-f inn
rhlnltt of tno I'niteil hlateH Navy.
The landintf will be about teu mi leu
from iakeviw and three miles from
I Ire wh Creek, ami the ri'te to home
neekera will auiely be a rleliuhtful
' oue.
1'he bout it cuuittriiced oo lines
that will iiiHine itH iiaeful liifHH, after
it hiiH periormed ita work of ciirryinK
freight and piiKHonieru for the com
panv, mid will ullord a meitus of
traUHiiortittion for people rcHidiuu on
the tihorea of the beautiful lake, bn
idea beiiiK available tor one of peo
ple who may denire to take out liig Id
nioniokinu. Iiuntlnir or excursions.
The ueutlemeu of the O . V. L. Co.,
tire entitled to much praiwe tor the
placinu of this aplenidii bteamer on
the lieHUllful (Iooho Lake, a sheet of
water, that lu many rnapeuta for Its
varied wcenery of blue water, shaded
del Is, Hloplnit and precipitous shores ;
with here and there yreen mea
lowa, with the l ean tiful farina and adorn hut ItH eastern
hhores; wUh H hack ground of tower
lux etiow-capped mountains would lm
bard to (4 1 1 1 h I elsuwneri) in the world I
In time to come, wheu thislae has
its shores dotted with thu summer
homes of wealth and refinement;
with tourist hotels here ami there In
- favored beautiful epols. with others
at our wonderful curative Lot springs,
then will it possess a fame ull its
own that, will be world-wide.
All ye who can. now that its lovll
ueaH oan tie aeen by boat should come
and visit this luko which truly is
one of Nature's tieuuty soots I
Summer Lake Crops
Clark & Sterling have returned
from Hummer Lake, where they have
been paiutlns the school house near
the Win. MoCormick place. They re
port a bi crop of flue fi nit up there,
aud wheat that will uo bO bushels to
the acre Mr. McCormlck has just
left 'or Khauiko after a complete new
IhreuhiiiK outfit. Kveiybody prosper
ous, and enthusiastic over the pros
peoU fora Jim Hill railroad up there.
Mark Twain is to pilot the steamer
that is to take President Tuft down
the Mississippi rirer this fall.
Klamath Road
Reported to be
! in Bad Shape
The Klamath Kxptess hits this to
say of the ciiiidll Ion of the I.aknvlew
road lu t hut coiiutv: Lakeview
frelurhtiTH coiiiliiif thioiiuh I'airy with
wool nu l ri!urnliiK with mnri'lui'M) Ise
compliiln a uood deal iiliout the iiinl
it y o the road work done by road
Miiperluteinleut I'hiliips III the Vlcill
1 1 v of Shbky creek. Home of It,
they hut. Is Hums than n lie. while
nliurp tuiiiH are mitde et or near
brnlKos t liat iieceHxItate the running
of their blit teauiH otf (f the blidtfOH
and Into the creeks In mitklou INe
turiiH. 11'ihI ten. urades In places are
too narrow on curves.
Will be Cut Up Into
Small Ranches in a
Few Years
The HrowiiMllIc, Texits, llernld,
has this to hiiv of the breaking up of
the blrf Texas cat tie ranches u make
room lor the lucnmiuu ruxh of set
tlors, show low a condition exist
them that parallels that -of l'.asteru
i ri':on today :
I "The day of the nit; ntni'h which at
one time Teaxs bonstd of, Is fast
i tndiiitf Into history. " l'h is was the
jrenimk made by Sum Weston last
, nlk'lit at the I.' nl on Station.
I Mr. Weston is t-t search of
: ranch land lu .Mex Ico uud in au it.
. tervlew ttavi; out the folio Ainu:
"The ranchmen of Texas muni hunt
other cpiarteM for you canool
raise stock on laud that is brluK
iutf i'V to ?M au acre and make
it pay. for that kind of land is on
tirely too fancy foi cattle raining
The Texas ranchmau today is up
atiaiust this sort of proposition.
'There has been such a remark
able development in the farmiutf
interests lu Texas that the cowboys
will have to )iilt the drive and
the liit'i- tituchei will be cut up
into farms for the prcat influx of
farmers from other part it of the
to tiO
are willing to pay t'il
an aire, for fc'ood turailug
wo ore ooiniutt to
w here coo 1 ura.inx may be had at
lower price?, and I believe i am
sate lu sayiuu that within the next
live years It will be a hard matter
to Uud a cattle ranch in Texas,
here will be a ureal tlood of the old
pioneer farmers and cattle men within
the next few years. " .Monterey
Flattens Out Aldrich,
Payne and Cannon
On Tariff
President Tuft doesn't use loud
talk or a bis! stick but he employs
steam rolls. methods that llutteued
Adricb, Hayue aud Chiiuoii out so
thut uow they look like the manikin
Kinder cookies Ma used to make.
Like Julia iu Don Juan thev would
"ne'er consent cosrnted" to a re
iuctiou of the pet tarilf scheme, lint
Tuft said he hud promised, the party
hud promised, au i it must be done.
liesult: Kiee bides, oil, reduction
on leather, hosiery, print paper,
Kloves and lumber $1.? per thous
and. The latter should have been
placed on the tree 1 let. It at least
is u start toward a sufu aud saue
treatment of our Iniquitous tar i If
system thut must lie brought down
to a measure thut shall bunellt all,
instead of a few, us at present con
stituted. POWER SITES
Department Tries to
Prevent Crabbing of
Power Sites
Washiuttfou, July d. To frustrate
the attempt ou the part of the com
bination to secure control of the wa
ter power sites of the couutry aud to
curry out the policy of the adminis
tration for the oouservuttou of the
uation's natural resources, approxi
mately 4 '2, 000 acres of laud for water
power sites weie temporarily with
Urau in Colorado, Montana aud Utab,
by Aotlnu Secretary of the luterior
Pierce today.
Farmers ueed Lake County Land.
The Following Liberal Premium LisL
Should Bring Out a Big Exhibi
tion of Our Farm Products
List (if premiums ore-red for Agricultural l air to lie held In Lakevlew,
Orctiiui, Si iiteinlicr 0, l!i'J, fur two weeks under uiimiIck of Likcvlew
HhjipI of Trade.
M. I). WILLIAM-'. MutmKer
licit illeplay of product from any one farm ou Xtnas Luke or l'f
Kock ilcsert 10 (XI
licet (llxplny of pT'idnriH from any one farm In Mlvcr Luke ill-trlct 10
Sutniner LaK- " 10
HniHley north of. S.f.Mcte 1)
" " " " " Crooked Creek, Moss to lakevlew. .10
" " " " LiikeAlew to Willow Hanch..lO
wriiluvr IUu h to Davis Creek ...10
on tht: West Hide 10
' in Winner VnlUy 10
The foreifolriK ,H addition to separate premiums.
lli-st sample pall or Winter Wheat,
Spring When'
Inter liaile.v,
S rlim liitrl.y,
Oats "'
popcorn 'Mlt 2
" " lit 1 1 1 (-iKIl ulielled or on Volt J
" sweet corn 2
The 12 larni'Hl stalks of corn 2
I!cKt illxpl.ty of winter iti t lie sheal, heaf -tin. In diameter 2
fprluK 2
oaiH " " 2
barley 2
alfalfa " " " 2
timothy 2
" br.iomcorn " " " 2
" collection of (jrasses 2
" cxhiliit of clover 2
" " " Ist'ta for table 2
" " " sonar beets) 3
lliyyest Is-et 1 of turnips, 12 specimens 2
LariMt Turnip 1
iii'Ht exhibit of carrots, not lens than 5 lbs 1
licet etjuttsll for futile '&
Largest niuasli .'I
Best pumpkin 3
I lest potatoes, curly vurl't.v, not leu thau 25 lbs
" ' late " " " "
" display of nliloits, based on quality
" red dried beans
" w hite " "
" bayo " " ...
" parsnips
" caulltlowcr
" kale
" liuiskiuelon
" watermelon
" tomatoes, not less than 5 IIih
Largest touiuto
Itcst cabbaKt'
Lariat calibtiK"
Hht (llnplay of epluiu-h
" " " jH-piHTH, red and
' " " varieties of upplea,
i .. ,)earHi
i, . I, ii ii
" " " prunes t 5
" packed box ofapplca 5
" single vui le'y of upplt'M, II ve spec! incus each 1
" " " peacht'H, teu " " 1
' " " qnlnccH, live " " 1
" " " gr.ipes, 1 plate I
Heet tllsplay of dried fruit grown In Goose Lake Valley or
l-uke County 3
Hcet display of plums, 10 Hi. boxes 5
" " " wild pluiiiH 6
" ' " etrawlHTrien In Jars 2
" chcrricH " " 2
raspbcrrlea " " 2
" " lonatilie:rlt H " " ,2
blackberries " " ...2
" " 3 varleiicH of jelllea 2
Itest collection of canned. preHcrved and Jelled frutta In glass jars 20
Prizes will be awarded fur all fruits uot mentloued herein.
Por best 21b roll ol Ireali butter 3
packed " 3
Best three varletlen of potted flowers ..' 5
" " cut " 5
1. Competition is opec to every
individual of Lake couuty and Goose
Luke valley.
2. The dipHlay and decorations for
each district shall be oontlued to pro
ducts actuully grown therein.
3. Awards aud prizes shall be
based on tha quality aud vartiety ot
products sbowu in tbe several ex
hibits. The judges will give due con
sideration t j auy deterioration caused
by uecessaiy time aud transit.
1. Pach sample to be plainly au 1
correctly labeled with the common
name, and each exhibitor must, be
fore au award la made, furnish to the
manager a full aud correct written
statement of tho samples composing
his eutire exhibit.
f. Every exhibit should be oare
fully aud tastefully packed by the ex
hibitor or an authorized ageut, aa
this feature will ue takeu luto ac
count by tbe Judges
C. Entries of exhibits close Sep
tembers, 1009. Exhibits should be
on tbe grouede not later than Wed
nesday, September 8, 1009, lu order
tbat they may be tn place by tbe
oneniug day of the fair.
7. Awards ou district exhibits will
$ 10 00
2 .10
J i
not leas than 1.1 lb....
" " " " ....
1 50
? .50
1 50
2 1
1 I
50 j
1 50
.. $ 20 00
urct'u 2
five 30 lb boxes in ecasou
ii u id it i
i r,o
be made by the following score:
Garden products. embracing vege
tables, melons, etc 15
Pield products.grasses aud forage
plants 15
Grain 15
Orchard products, greeu, dried
aud preserved 15
Arraugemeut aud decoration 10
Quality 30
8.. Applications for space should
be made as early as practicable, uud
uot later thau the Ktb of September,
1000, to the committee.
0. All exhibits winning premiums
become tbe property of tbe fair man
agement, exoept potted plants uud
ouuued fruit. Ejbibitj not wiuaing
premiums reinaiu proprety of 'exhib
itors it removed withiu 48 hours
after close of fair.
A new play Is to be put on tbe
theatrical boards this fall U: "The
Congressman From Nevada." Won
der wbiob oue Van, or Bart? It must
be Van as be has had a reputation
that would make a fortune, for Char-
ey Hoyt of
"A Texas Steer" fame.
Lake County
Early Peaches
Are Very Fine
I The Lxarnlner in the pleated reclp
' lent this week of a box of luscious
peaches from the orchard ( f Mr. W.
A. Currier, of Summer lake. The
fine fruit s lanyili'e evidence that
certain parts of Lake county can and
does produce truit ot many varieties
that can not be excelled anywhere.
The peaches are of the freestone and
clinkstone vsritie aud possess a rich
flaor. We wish our eastern readers
i could taste some of 0'ir fruit. It
, would satisfy them thet the claims
of Lake county in that line are the
real thina.
. . " . .
His help Is Needed to ue
velop Interior
A man up in Wnshiotgon.
owes Its present prosperity to
J. Hill, has written tbe following
letter to bis friend, the editor of tbe
Harney Coontv News, In which is
sharply diawn tbe difference io I the
methods of Hill and Harriman in
treatment of oeonle located on aov
of Iheir !ins. Heeayt:
"1 Bm watchin:; the efforts of yoor
self and othets nade in i the interest
oi roe development oi rjimern uregon
i and am brping that you will soon
realize tbe full frurts of all yoor la
: bor. It seems something like north
eru Iowa which lay undeveloped for
so many years.
''but there are railroads and rail
; roads, and ownerships diffT. Por
: instance, last year tbe hay crop in
I Eastern Oregon wbs very short and
prices bigb, ranging from 1 14 to f20
per too. and yet at Twin Palls, in
Idaho, that great irriagtion project
'where many of our Washington peo
ple are interested and where alfalfa
grow spontaneously, hay is rotting
for lack of market, plenty of it at
that. Twin Palls is on tbe Harriman
i line and Harrimao's interests
land end in Wall iStreet
I "Our Uncle Jim Hill does not wear
j a halo, but Mich conditions could not
exist on bis line. I well remember
'along in tbe eighties, when the
' orange crop began to crowd for mar
ket in Southern California, that Jim
. Hill undertook to and did transporr
.one trian load of oranges by way of
the) Great Northern Road and there
is no question but that if tbe Sotith
, ten Pacific peopN had not taken tbe
, blqt fie woudid have fonnd a means
i of U importing the crop of oranges
clear around tb circle.
1 wish you could get U
interested in your territory
'de Jim
N. C. 0. ROAD
Rumors of Broad-Gauging
It Is Heard
Reuo Journal, 30 ult: Again
was reported yesterday that the N. C.
O. railroad officials h;.d denflinitely
decided to broad guage tbe rigbt of
way of their line from Reuo to Al-
truaa, but upon investigation me; her.
rumor was declared to be without j Mrs. Kelsay asserts she was mar
fouudHtiou. I ried at Paisely, Or., October 28, 1003,
lu railroad circle, however, it is ; BU(j tbat her husbaud kicked her in
felt that tbe broad guagiug of the N. I the back two weeks later.. Pailure
C. O. Track is a matter tbat will uot to provide proper food and clotning
be deterred long aud tbe recent, j j ttiao charged agaiust him. Mrs.
movmeuts of T. P. Dunaway, one of Ke sav asks 50 a mouth for the sup
the heaviest stockholders in tbe cor- port of their child and 1250 for attor
poratiuu, leuds color to tbe rumor uey'a fees,
that a change ia expected soon. I
Vice-preisdent Dunaway returned
from a trip to New York, where he
accompanied bis son and daugnhter,
wbo leparted for Europe aud yester
day be was thought to have goue to
San P.raucisco for a conference on
railway matters. While lu San
Praucisoo recently Duuaway was re
ported as couHruiiug the statement
that tbe road would be broad guaged.
bound up with tbe question of broad
guagiug the N. C. O. is said to be tbe
problem of tbe ownership of tbe road
by the Harriman iutereats. There
are meu wbo are familiar ffith tbe
routine ot railroad work of botb de
partments wbo stoutly maintain tbat
the N. C. O. is no a part of tbe
Harrimau system, but tbat tbere is
under consideration with the railroad
engineers the alternative proposition
of broad guagiug the narrow gunge
track to Alturas or uaking a siaight
er route luto tbe Klamath Palls ter
ritory on the previous surveys aud
leaving the N. C. O. to take care of
the local traffio south from Goose
A mau on a nine acre tract near
Newberg has prepared to avoid drink
ing aurface water from a well by hav
ing a well bored to a depth of more
than 150 feet. A good reia of water
was struck at this depth, tbe wuter
rising within 10 feet ot tbe top.
After Repeated Adverse
Decisions, the Secre
tary decides i n
Their FaVor
After two years of lttiuatioc, tbe
remnant of the hordes ot borne-
! steaders that invaded tbe timber
- jbdt nrtb f By- Kiamath county
iliirinn tha r,t ko fall nf l'l- koa
ben victorious. Immediately fol
lowing the rush there were more than
20 homesteaders luca ed in the tall
pine timber uorth of the little sta'e
; station of tily. Today there are not
. more U an three or four of tbe set
; tiers residing in tbe dis'rict. Through
all tbe litigation these maintained
; their residence on tbe lauda and
though every decision was adverse to
them, they continued to live in tbe
cabins, leaving only when necessary.
I nnen me laoos were opened io ei-
tlement, several people made a rush
for tbe better qaarter
. Immediately after going
over tbe
land, some started for Lukeview,
where they formed in line aud placed
timber and stoue Dilags. Others
i went onto tbe lands, posted notices
of settlement and tbea went to Line-
view to fall ic line to await their turn
, to place a flliug. Still others went
onto the land and remained there,
Disking substantial improvements.
: The Lakeview office accepts! tbe
- flilng of tbe first applicant. Tne
homef leaders were compelled to take
the initiative in bringing contests .
Tbe Lakeview office decided in favor
of tbe first entryman. regardless of
wbertber be was a timber and stone
applicant or homesteader. Tbe cases
were af pealed to tbe Commissioner
of tbe General
Land Office. He in torn sustained
' tbe decisions of tbe local land office.
u ,The tiecretery of tbe Interior in turn
(sustained tbe Commissioner. Tne
aotoal settler and bomebuilders then
took the matter before tbe Interior
Department on a motion of review
The result is that the Secretary de-
cided in their favor, and ordered the
cases closed.
Tbe decisions in these cases estab
lish tbe fact tbat land, even though
heavily timbered, mav be home
steaded, ana that actual settlement
on tbe land conveys a prior rigbt.
Mr Georia Kclsay ac'
cuses tier Husband
of Cruelty
1 Oregon ian. 27 ult: Mrs. George
! Ktlpay has filed in tbe Circuit Court
ia divorce suit against Leslie M. Kel-
eay.cburgiug him with extreme cruel
: ty. She says he took a loaded gun
,'rom tbe wrll last August and threat
ened to snoot her.
Her sister
wreuabed it from him, she declares.
aud bid it in a badger bole, near
the bouee. Then, tbe complaint cou
t.inues.the busbaud proceeded to beat
Work on Ditch is
Now Under Way
J. P. Hanson, President of the Hall
Construction Co , of Los Angeles,
arrived in towu Priday to look after
the'woik of eoustruetiug the irriga
tion ditches for tbe Oregon Valley
Land Co. "
Some of tbe sub contractors are al
ready at woik. and it is expected
thut the work will he in full swing
within teu days, when 450 mule teams
will arrive from the Western Puoitlo
Railway grade uear Amadee.
Tbe oontraot calls for completion
of all of the dirt work bv Jan Ist.and
of tbe lock work by April 1st, when
it is expected everything will be in
rea Hues for turning the water into
the ditches for next year's crop.
Tbe Hall Co. Is ou of the biggest
oouoerns of Us kind in tbe couuty,
which is a guarantee of prompt aud
efficient work.
Tk. U..!o lj ant in KJlflll druhb-
ing by the Moors in North Africa.
In a desperate battle upwards ot H.OUO'
Spaniards were killed iuoludlu tw
generals. It looks dttrk for Spain