Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 29, 1909, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    ' K
I I l.'i 'i V
riU KsiA iM'I.Y ? linn
I'll 1.1 II I ,
Shoe Bargains
Odd Sizes
At Odd Prices
That's tne sign in our north win
dow this week.
The shoes shown here are REAL
BARGAINS. Only one or two of
a kind and are priced so low they
will sell on sight. If your size is
among them yon should not miss
Lhe opportunity of taking ad
vantage of this offering.
During the season we have many
Special Offerings in our vari
ous departments. Call and enquire.
tie r county. H I the only "wet"
rot teli, Hint the llUk'Htl llOMH to
Knock Kinn Alcohol ttlt to mnitier
ci'tifl tti it tall
CedarTllle Kernrd, 21 : Colirt.ati
llrcd Imve iit In n bowling alley In
the hiilldlnii fortnetly occupied mh h
paloon and Stove Powim.of Lnkavtew,
will conduct It.
I'un't Kurort tln picture- nlinw lit
Snider ( pcrt H.hihv
Cedarviile IJoonH, : Tim
"unto" mad from A I turn to t loupe
I Lake Hut i Ik h railroad and milt In
short time, Ik the Keoord ' proheey.
Mim Ulinor Llncln will appear in ,
A " SHterly Scheme" tuninht nt the j
Snider Opera House. I
Chance of picture every Sunday,
I'llni-Hil.iy hiiiI I'rl.lnv nlnlitu nt tin1
Snider l em I loiiae.
kind of tlnhlni! tuck lo Ht 1!
John Cnnbm n. nf the I'ncllic l,iuii
Cn. returned fruin the wiuhIm, where
he "trurcd H few nun. I tlinlier cluiniH
for mii.v who 1 1 1 i v want them.
StHinp photon per doon for one
week Iroin July I'll to AiiKiixt -. '.V.
The A rem! in Vhentie will close to-
niirht t'l ttii'ndri in order ! tlve;
MelliodiHt Iml'tw u cleiir Held fori
their entertainment. !
Mcn'ii oxfnrdu nt LBekvlow Meroan-
lie Co. i
Anew rcKt.-iiimnf the Puny
Ivevti opened luuiimlte the Mil
Oiierrt lliii!".
We call your eKel!il attention tu
onrline of Indies' hirt waists. II. AM.
S. K. Polvin moved bin fiimily mi
from Crooked Creek this week, and
they are occip. iui; the Cb.-ihdl.r
home in the north part of town.
Wendt s photo tent wib tie nt Luke
view ready for burliness Monday, .lulv
2ii, ltl. SampNe of tiM work in
store window hI 11. A M's. St ire. Hint Mine deiUli n 'II" ' 'I'4
iitutnt If lie rati l-e iiiuulit It Jnt
occured lull Hwit eilipiit I none
bear 1 1w t luvnk down Hie ud. .
chinlilnu Up t" I1""" when le.ldy In
roinlntc home from Africa.
C C. Snider Is creel Inn h IwoMnrv
Inilldhm- tii foot, en the viic ml
lot ndjoinlnu t In opera house. It Is
In luu erected with il view of n iitllitf.
mid will lie lined up for liny line do
sited hy leiintit.
A inontdroim hear, jilIiIm from
the tracts, Is riniKlnu up tlm canyon.
Ow luil to the fuel Hint we Hre not
yet Hltoether hiild. we have dee.ned
It expedient to remiiin In doors nu'lil,
much to the happiness of our l etter
liulf until Teiblv ohm ne sent tor to
' add his hoarship tn his Ion lit of
trophies. 1
Our I'M iilioxe "xl.F..,iril" of last i
; ivk uuve way ton ci"'l spell, Mon ,
'ilny Hint luesd iv. mid i ellntit
! sprinkle of ruin Put n we no to
I preM I hi l.ziird piolillrti'N to 'IKillli
j put in nppeniHiii'e.
' I.eo It. ve;ito'i w. is nil nrilvnlycH
! terdnv from 1'rliildnd, Colorndo.
'i:; A Way Opened for Each
One to Secure What
He Wants
La Mode
Somo Exoollont Bargains Tor
1-2 off. I 'or flu- next two
imiml Trao of Charge
lllls, Mrs . to VltltH,
St I II t tin-1" lliltS.
tlu'M- w ill lie 1 1
iiuv's Wiisit
St.lo t.uli
Cliililn n's (iinpli.iiu
till' 1 W )l II I' il .il'l' I
All I. .-ultcs' Wash
Come and See Me
w liM
I Ih'sm s, sizes '2 to (J
P"i,' nt
s, ,it
Kit ts ;im(! WaistH at
rrrrrr'.. '" -
Lake Countv needs Kiirtuers.
Htmry Wendt,
Pine Creek, w ill
photo tent from
10 KUI.
rhtif nnmher ff New
tm in LHkeview with " 1,11
.lulv '.V to Aiiu-t
The Simplex type-setter in this f
rice completely hruke down Tnecd.'iy.
and now every txxly imlihliiiK
father, hns to Hike to Imud settiim.
Tne Sitnph x is a splendid machine in
tl'.c o:hei i dow's otlice.
If any one in the county cares lo
attend the Irrigation Coutrtt'S at
Spokane, ami 4 or 5 should go from
Lake County, if they will apply to
the County Court tbey will be furn
ished w ith proper credentials.
L'ncle Dick Kincsley harvested bis
barUy crrp Tuesday. He used an
aim strong reaper.
With teniole etorma and tloods in
tbu mi 'J lie west, aud drouth in New
Jersey and Pensyl rania, w ith our
Hood crops of all kinds i.ake County
sems, after all. to be a pretty nood
place in which to cast oue's lot.
i'ies-rs. Conn, Bailev, Tborotou
acd Snellins. went to Shi;s Hen Sat
urday ou a tisbina trip. Mr . Conn
ieraeiiipiri-d l e had a lun, hnniiry
newspaper man for a neighbor, and
brought us a uiv- trinK' of trout.
attend. Those specially interesied
i n olitniii the 4th (inntiiil catulog
by .'iddies-iiikj K. A Welch. S.-i-ret iry .
al 111, Oregon.
Sheepmen! fresh burned lime at
Hahu A Kelley's. north Lakeriew.
H. it. Chandler has fold bis furni
ture store store to S. T Colviu, of
Crooked Creek. Mr. Colviu is one of
the old-timers of Lake County, a
treutlemau who U well and favorably
known to everybody here.
New side walks and cross walks
are being laid iu town.
Dr. Wiley, the izovernroent fool
expert, snys all veueNI les and all
fruit should le thoroughly rinsed be
fore eatiLk'. nod that most of our
stomach troublesa come trom this
Roy 1 1 iJ'itier bar movei bis lilne
iooe ite.-tauraut to the rear of the
lliewery Salouu.
I you want your paper address
changed, give the old and ww one.
And do not forget to sign your name,
as one mnu did this week, who failed
to give bis old address, or sign his
name, but wants bis reaper sent to
" Lee, Elko county. Nevada." Now,
how are we guiug to accommodate
The (JretT 'll S'ate l air will open
it Salem fin Sept. l.Jtbaod will clse
Sep'- lvrh. Prizes a eouu t inr to
15 Duo ill be a warded in live tork
agricultural and munufactuiefl prii
duets Special rate - will l.a g;,ven nil
railroads. ICvery one w !iu can should
The Lakeview I levelopment Co.
Bold si) acrrs of fruit mid alfalfa land
to J. A. Sortie, of Tacfuua. Wa-h.
The property Uduned to (ieorge
Stein Uloch clothing at Lakeview
Mercantile Co.
Henry Wcmlt. of New Pine Cre. 1 .
is now located on C.A. Ituntini:". lot,
northwest of Court House, and is
prepared to do arivthintr in the
pbotoATaph line. Call and see bun.
A d assortment of Cluett I'ea
body shirts at U. A: M. 'e.
A Bociallst ia now at tb beal of
the French government ajd our local
socialists, Hopkins and Welch, smile
and smile! and say "that will be the
case in tbe U. S. atfer a w hile !"
Dan Jones purchased half interest
in the bbeep of J. M. Hammersley,
payng at the rate of t . for tbe
ewes. 12 'J5 for lambs, and ilS) for
yearling weibers. Mr. Jones is to
receive possession on Oct. lit.
We have a large assortment of door
locks, door bells binges etc. li ,vM.
Every vacant lot in I3aker City
should have been planted to potatoes
this year, says tbe Herald. This
would be a good idea to carry out
hereafter in any town.
The "anti-saloon league has now
turned all its guns on Altnras in
hopes of forcing that toAn in to the
'Ury" coluoiou witti the rest cf M o
Fruit jars and rubbers at It. .t M V.
Keniemlier the entertainment if
the ldie of the M. K. Chun h at t be
Snider Opera House tonight.
M Iss Kl in or Lincoln, n recen t - rri vat
in town, lias lcn tri vlnir Itnpei s. m i
tlotl" the past W'ek to de'inhted II
dieeces t the Area lin Theiitre.
The Monologue " liosaJlnd's Sur
render" will be given tonight at Snl
der Opera House by Miss lJiuor Lin
col n.
The mercury was playing around
the I (.mi mark most of the titue lust
week, but a cool wave arrived Monday
much to the relief of these who did
not like it "too bet."
Welch, our
headed nirniii
doesn't 1 11 i t
telegraph mail, is red
He miv it someon
tampering with the
Steel ranges and ci"k stoves.
We carry the only stii I range tnaii
ufacttired in Oregon. Ily Importing
the steel used for these stoves from
foreign count ries as ballast In shiv
we save all the bib railroad freight
from the east. Ily this we can shvb
you from '20 per .-ent to .'!() per cent
on each stove you buy of us. Ite-ineoils-r
t lii-He rungen are fully guar
anteed for 10 years.
Just received a large shipment of
Meekin Iron Stone China DIsheH. We
hnve tliem in plain and ilecora.ted
sets. These dishes lire guaranteed
not to craze or turn yellow. No
matter bow long you use them.
Call and examine them. "Iiollars
Ha ved are dollars earned." we hu,vh
von both.
The par mi. Mint ipiexll.ui among
contract holders In the Oregon al
ley Land Co bind, now that distil
tuition is drawing near. Is what they
w 111 do with their land.
Souu . of (l.urse. will be sail-fled
their allotment and ill at
once hegln resM.-in e I hereon. afi
taste will largely enter Into t be ques
tion. Some who get Irrigated trai ts
may desire larger holdings f-r grill
ing purposes, and v ce v. i (Uhers
may I est re I o re! a In t heir n lbt mem s,
tail may not be In a to na
prove or ilevelnp t li in.
Ill view nt nil these ci uid 1 1 1' nit con
fronting them, ninny wlm have a p r
sonal acipiaiutnncu with C. () Miss
tier, i f Lnkeview, have appealed to
tilui to help t tie Hi out in tlm mutter
Mr. Misener lias probably tbe best
knowledge of every portion of the
military roud grant from personal In
snection of every part or it, not ex
ce-ittng tbe company ottlciaU. be
siles being ti laud man ot wide and
varied experience with personal con
lections of the best, and If a sulll
dent number write or nppty to him,
be will undertake to exchange, com
' tune or improve the holdings in such
a way that sat isfaclion will come to
, nil.
i The gent leuiati has the best of rcf
erencsH, and all who place their af
fairs in his bauds may be guaranteed
of the I eet that can be possibly done
' Hi the matter.
! See. him, or write him, and pre-'
j sent y tir cnae, and it will have
prompt and faithful at lent ion .
Sage-Brush Harney
Methodist Sunday
School lias a Picnic
The children ot the Methodlxl Hun
day School had a tfnla lime l.xt I rl
day piciilclng in Milliard's uaiiyon
Tlniy played guire-, wsfted in tie
lirook, an I salt! for oiihk tliv had nil
the It cream ttty could eat. MlM
l .linor Liuclnti enfei tnlne 1 them.
Mea lames Merrill Crniieinjller,
Turner, liossell, mid Jtrs. nrt Miller
aud others had them In charge. Unit
one thing happened In mar the pleas
are of the aav mid that was little
Mrl r ma ( i ml f re y fell out of n wagon,
as she was abinit to return home, and
i'ruke her arm The I in lie Indy ha t
her arm set and is now doing ne
nieelv us posMliln under the rlrruni
Ma L. Rosonfold.
Automobile Exports,
We ill II
f age
ehl. I.
lire Willi Vim on cum t.,
purpoeee, freight or pl n.urs
" ;'.!
I Coiintty bur. m and lard at li. it. M '
H. L Church to Give
An Entertainment
1 1 1 v i :
Ilk (tin m
Tliurn lay,
t church.
c ' i
.V'l.t .!.-. . m. l
Th.' p rii '( I 'i
I nforins 1 1' llir
Hlle IU I h I
Tti IMllr ni
. .1 ill. i wut.-rw. Kirrii
, woleli-rful un.t rlti
. I -.i -1 1 v. rvrn ,ta lin y
i' luinK. ful nr
- l nlgtit mi n.ii.n.
'! i .iii.l Ilia t.irt .f ttir.
.1 . :.prl.-lmi in nai'
I infers. in iilnr
The m.n.ii i-atif .l-.wn tti ntitnteK ufair
I 'f i l'iinh Hint ti.. k I tm fiinimer nky
Sin- ki-.. . lli.-r mt line ClillJ. I fiilr.
Anil lllu.ri' ll Mi. -li s l.t-nrts. e fli urn 1
Tleui nha'l I' v. itll IIiImks ilanci. uni1
Tliui know in- roi l urp knnwn tt ins
The lover lll.'U rl alt iuht lliret.
Tti I. nut t.'re Hi. hi nluill iivi-r l.e"'
Khe tl. I.) It,. .- In I, i-r . lll!l rml.r l. e
Hlle klxs.- l tlire With e. I.I ll.s illvltt
Bli left her luitlnr en lliv f.i. .-.
That nitle lv..rv f.i. .- . f ililuo
An. I now Hit lienMr Ihy fi't.
And all my hfarl Is fr..m t !-.
Iirromlmr of her I slmll not imet
And of tlm land .1 ahull not i:
Our line of ladies' tiiiihlin aud knit
underwear cannot be excelled In Lake
view. H.A M.
Farms All Right 0g8
i j i'L' M
ht trim of llrti-uey county, ap - ,7 y,JJ!.
! What
I les equal 1 y well tu ljke county.
'per tlm followiug from the hums
Times: The man with a g'xxl suge
! brush farm iu Hnruefy eoiiuty la
much better oil thitu Iota of people
'even though he itt cut oi from
markets and eiidiira more or less
i hardships. Harney county will Homo
I day Im furnishing tin westerm pol llou
'of thi) btata with wheat
Wlm lit and rolled
vihw Meicantile Co.
barley at Lake--
liaiiks. of
osii tkklr
and Desert Claims
liy mutual a:reeineut. tlm
LnkovieA lie i eattur w ill, c
docri at '' 1'. M. each dv.
H. i). CKKSSLKr'
All sizes doora aud windows
Lakeviiew lercant lie Co.
r .- -nl i .
. Tho bebt pills nikilw are tNWitt
Little l)arly IIimo.h, thu famoua httli
ivur pill.s. They art Hinuit, gentle, i 5
pliMtsant eiiHV to taka and a.'t
ptly Ttey ar sold by lalv A
for loction,
! Umro c-i rrA ,-.4- ready fo
vyw navw3Ui vcvcu UUL, hundred acres of
go brush land, jftodoii there &mth.a
This land can be irrigated at moderate cost.
liuy Lots In Watson' AJiition
Heforeyou bu lota any where iu '
thia vicinity aee tnoae iu WutHfiau' !
addition. Cluae to biirtinetin neuter. ,
of Lakevinw. tf. ,
This new 6H.ho'.
moilrl ia the limplcnt,
urrst,ndfMc-t 2
gnu repeater rnuilo.
It ban the buJid top,
id ejection a n !
double eimxtoia
rpeiial ffXWtt fci
ni ot cnirilort ami
The closed -in brer h
kveps t.e tu. lion ileau ami the ahrlln
di 7 kcrp out rut, uriow, dnt, ltuvcu
end tutnii.
The M v tiV. ilown cmi.lructl.Ki ulli.wn
n ti uk Kui apmt In Irn actoillU In'
. I- .ninaf or pnckta, y.l thr lolol la ulwuya
i firm niul riia In a aalld frame, no-..
l.iit-n.ii k. Tht fcxfrr.irni til y ,,.,r
li2inii nl(. quick uiwuian,
TSc f..ll cHoIit.! gitnt l KunranUvH
cit-i,ri.i.iii-K, h.irj tiniliiir ifiina, niul lira
ir'iu.illcd tui uucki, xecaa, Icmca unit. U
i tunx murk.
A circular nlvIng hargm
iUuulriitioii, wtUa full
ilMcrlimun of tola
tmndiioma oe-4 Ku",
cut traa on raifuaat or
wl h c.itfiiilcta IJIi-pnca
OuUUuk lor ) itiuupa.
y ??arin trvarms Ca ,
Ha Irkt frfrrfs rr this tnls is about yur last
UU iyUL WVCriUUlV chance to secure a homestead. 3
This Opportunity ! thamaarkeshe on,y firm ln Lakev,ew
The Location of Government Land a Specialty.
Jrtfnrm nt inn regarding these Government Lands promptly
IIUUI IlIclLlUH supplied. Call at our office and see photos of
Warner valley. We also have homestead reinquishments and school
land assignments for sale. Scandinavian and German Spoken.
For Particulars apply to
Itnnuer waistK, the boat to be had
iu any city. Mero Co. '
Children Cry
.S'll lrl'a I libera lliemr.
July '." ftetieftl Mell.i.ll.
I'nrt lrl pl
l l i1 It nor Liurnln
Vtti .M m in llofd
Sorrnno nf KlmiiMth l'nll
Mr. fieri. lUmn, litf if Clilen,
I t i.lii'll. t
l-Vtif. Hlee ('i.rneti t
Mt tturothy I mini Si.ln
M In Lai i r il Sue) 1 1 Vlu I in S i .1
Miirvn Ii.irnthy iMefcer and Lmt-y
Arum I'lauo Duel
Mr. Nurtu Siln
Mm, Sunder C'mt ra I to Su in
Mm Snui CreMler mr .Miha K.mily
Avetn; A I'lMMIl firm eet ,
CiilliUirttee) Meii.liiii" J pi Mb, lTer
an. I Tumrr.
City Bakery and Cafe
l. M. Ht'hntfer will tipin up with
11 full Irne of baker Kntvln ahutit urf
tint 'ith. Ktirlal artiHitlo) will be
K I veil tra rimltlmf dm-k, treie" " ',
older umna.
If you denlro to tll the dally Sun
I'Viiucirro Inilletln nm) ttie Laketh-w
Kxamttier, at iinhearit of rut en, you
will hii to litirry, aa the denl in
liable to be ciillnd otf alf day.
l(tfiiilr ItKWAItU'-Will lie prill I any
1 fine fur the rernver.V if 11 vnltiiidle
.lliiiiumd rlnu', whi. Il whh hild iluwn
ill the wiimIi r. 1. hi. if the t '. il. ilii-lu
Hiitei.nt iibiiul it:ir;i M. Sntidiiv
eveninu: hinder return aitnie t.i
l'"lrxr iitionnl Htitik, iittd reeelve re
ward anil 1.11 .iel-.uiH linked.
NOtriCK - Miiflleurln. Hbampooini!
and fiic in! rniiHatf. (!ifl at M. I'.,
pacouna tietwiteu ' a id 3 oYloi'k 1'.
M. for appointment.
'.2Uf Mi'H llliiLLN M. I'L'KNir.Jt
WA.N'IKD - Sltiiiitbin on farm, hv
man and wJh. Ulidt.rataud fariiilriK
Mi all hrauubam, wife uuud conk. Ap
idyatt), IC Lied lamn, on Wuter
Struet. W. I''. Smith.
NOTICM All iui,.Ktaiidlu town
uairnnlH pjiiti'Htird lielorc till" date
are no w pn.v alilir ut the iillU'e nlA.
Hl.'l.ur i.iu 11 I ri...Mii 1 i-r lnteri Mt oil
! aanitf Ik ihiw Hti.p.pvd.
I 1 n teil July 's. l!"JU.
1 A. lil Kit Kit,
Tuwn TreiiMurer.
LUST-lllne aerna coat, with valu
able papnra in pix'keta, Imtwetm
Lakeview and iiimeli'a plane oil tbe
I'alaley road 1'Iiiiihh return mime to
NeluerH, Lakeview.
me near you write your terum. box
1H7, PurtUtiA, Ore.
Thi Snider
Opera House
Moving plctnri'8 every nl'ht. Tlirw
clwniKt 11 wwk. I'iiit! w-rvliK!. Tho
vlewri of our fleet lit Atiatrulla liit
week were JjHpli-nilid. A0uiIhhIiii 15
and 10 tenlM.
Watch this Space
For Bargains.
r 1
Live Block u Mpit lnlty. Stnsot
Kulo every Kattirdny. Kn tne at tho
Mammoth Livery Ilaru for tin tea aud
We liava.yn tliia diatrii t where we
are loeatliiK, aeveial bundred Hornn
of good level, valley laud that ia sub
ject to entry under the "Kulartfud
iloineatead Ant," whereby anyone
may acquire 'SM anrea aa a bomeHteud.
The quaiifioationi under thia act are
the name aa under the old homeatead
law, about the only dillereuce belntf
the amount of laud one may acquire
being 32U acrea iuutuad o 1GU aoreu
am the required cultivation biiin
one eiKhtli of tba laud lu the entire
etitry ht'KtuninK with the muuoikI year
and one fourth beKluninK with the
third year, the name to be contlnu
ouuly cultivated until thu proof ia
luade. One ia allowed to commute an
eutiy under thia act. Otherwlae the
law ia about the an mo aa the Cleueral
llotneateml Law.
Write ua fur partiuulara.
Offices, Pharmacy Lakeview Building,