rivr: A btolutth jQSr. rapc give w U a 1 m ,ur f mo cnict ingredient. the active princip! and healthfulnei rrrwwnr M the active principle, rCSM W f - rf 'YrnVv ri M xav A AT i- ll AW M II lb, -""V Xi ! ' SP 111 BAKIHG P017DEE .Insures wholesome and deli cious food for every day A in every home No Ptiocphat.s 2a3V No Alum Personal Mention dipt. I. I. A pplegute. of tlic Lava HiwIm iilnl k'ljttitifh I-'mIIm f lie veti'Tli ii Ii d an I'u h'er. of 1 1 ni j.v dm h, ami M llUHI' I . .K.I- M I M-rj ( IIHtl 1(1 t It hlntrtrt I'' IllVOIt, W MM III tOWII Mill- ilny. 'I l.i I ' .ii(T Iibhth 1 1 1 well I lllllll-r III S Mill I'l 11lPH. ill' Im h III III l l . I r ll,. ;!,( Irllll lllll HIIIPI (I'H l.f I I " ll'.ll Hill 1 1 f - I 1 1 ( H hi i i .lilil V. II .of Clil.ii- I II Nil. i til Im'CHIIH' I-, Mi Cliuplc ii ml llki-d ln town ii . i :- i i o ' 1 1- Mil I to I'll'WH MARRIED T HtK M KKYXiMJiS A Minn Ihui-1 1 ink I - in I.iikt-vii-w Sunday, In w lil, I two ni our iiiii't ionilar .vimiiii: ieopn were t i rt 1 1 iiiiim ami wife. Tin-grin uu huh Mr. Angifl Kmikiii urn. mi'l tin- bride Im MIxm ll.-rllin I C ll !!. i-l'lixt ilnugh'er ni Mr. ft i I Mix. II Id v IioIiIm I In-i i-i i'Iih in y n n-rf hi ini-il hy lti-. Mi -iniiii. nf tin- l'.n.tiHt churrli. 'I'll.' iiiiiiiii of tliH IhI'Ii 'm home, where tin- Wrilillnu o i lll'IC I. were I HMt i-f ii I v hihI I i i i i i I - i i -1 ' l!i-r- llllltill vltli II pll if IIHll III lit lll-M. awl-el --j i m Htni nihi-r llimi-r" Out ftili- Mm- tin tin il ia l ii-Iii 1 1 vi-x oi ilin lirlili- hihI gruuto. tint tew were pn-n t'lit. I In- lniiiv yuinig i- 1 1 1 1 U- ni iuii-1- took up lioiiHi- ki i-pliiK In I lu ll, w huifi- of (Ji-ii I vv 1 1 m . mi Kent Main strc.t Tin- luiinliii r Join their iiihu v frlcndx In wiahiuir tin hi long;. 1 1 H - MIM I iroxH'l .HIM llfl-. Piano Tuner Coming llnuiii-'l F Clark. piano expert, will ti" in I tin city almiit Si-it. IhI. Mi. Clark In it graduate In tin- busi iifna nf long experience mil hnM papers tu Hint elfccl. Most t linrough work guaranteed or money refun In I. '1'llllHK III IH- I llf IllH M-rVl-l1 lllllVK onlri'H lit this ollice. .Mr (Murk in lnterete.l In the land opening to take place hern soon. HOTEL ARRIVALS ' Hotel Lakeview HrrivaU: L. It. Murtlti, Htii.kt-.ii. Ciilif : W C. Si-hiiiiii'iii. I'IuhIi ; I-'. A l-'lt7t utrli-k, X riiiirli: A I Cr- . Oifuou; H. V I. rifiiin. Hiiki-r City ; M M. Ilcii Iimiii OtiklHiul; Ollvnr Htahl tiiTtf, Suttlf: Mmit'o-i. K K. : I. M. Coi-y. Mlv; 'I Iuiiiihh ('. t-'lyim, ' FIiinIi ; ('. J. Clui'l u li-k, Miiinifll SttiiilflrH, CIiiih. Simrt, V. K .NHf. Miiurlfn , I.iiinli. I'l lliwili-ll : I-'. Hiiuik'. Han ,)ii-t-; N'l-linii I'lilf. .luck Murphy, .) . .1. Sullivan. Ii K. M.-CullHy, H. 11. fiiijuliv. Wiiinll'iti.l : Thim. A iiilrrMiui, I'.iihIi ; II ( Hunt, Hit, l-.rhu, Urn .on ; II C. (io'l; Mm. Calilt-rMiim), Kttl;.l. V i:uthli.rt, K. V ; I. I). A i . I I -4f at i'. (i. Mi'Iii'ohIi ati l wife, H. 1'. ; A. llovuz, OutHrio; Mlkn Lux. It U riMiurtxil that t h llht ln-t wi-oti Jilfrla ami -InhiiM iii will laku lttce at Mliinvapiilia. CALORIS BOTTLE Kc-tNIot drink without Fire Iee-CoM drinks without Iiv Till: Marvi-loiiH r.l.o.'.V llnttli-, whlili j: I v.i'm finli hi t-iiilnnlv I til - mihhIIiI- ri-HiiIlM, Ih Ntrurtril on Mi-ii'iiillli- ii ini lili fur t In-iuruiHi' of kc-iiin IIiuhIm, f.ir a proloiuii'il peri od, at tln'Mauii1 Ifinpi-ratiiri' In wlili-li they art- pla-i-l In tin) lmttli-. Stone Throwing Boys Tht llxii ii lui r ti-ureta very niurh to ii ot h a il inpiiHlt Ion on the part of mime o tin- hiilt-wr'wu tuiya of the town to tlirow fhiiii-M Ht ctirh i lder. Thin In a v Ic Ion a huhlt, an 'I nhoulil In- aloppcil. Many a li iy , ami lrl too, (or tlmt uiHttvr, Iihvh linen hi ikIki) or miiiiiifil for life lu that w ii y . Au'l, liv th wur, we have ott-certi-il through llfr, that th lioyg who throw htotieM, when they ticouie men k'-u'i"Hlly tin. I t hoi r ,Ihvh at the i-iiiI of u rope, lu m-ttlltik it lilt-retire- ax Hiii-h buys, urcw ohler, illrka ami plutoU naturally tall into ttielr tiaoda. nmtPHil of utotiea and tnurder reiulta. Junt ri'ineinl.tr, lioyH, w Ih-ii tempted to thtow utoix'8. Hint the allows loouia Lilii alivad for utone-throwers I Three liltf, H horne nutflta ariived thlM wniik, from Klamath Falla, with Kooda foi our inert-hautR. STOCK HOLDER'S MEETIKQ The nnutial ninetin of the atock holdera of the Pont Telephone A Tel iKTHpli t'oiiipany, a rorporatinu will I hi held at the County Judge'i ottlce, in tho Coin t lloiine, in the town of Lttkevlew, Oregon on AuiiUHt H, HY.I, nt the liour of 'J o'clock p. m., for the purpose nf election board of direct ora to nerve the enatiinu year and for the tranactiou of ttuch liUHineHH as may come In-fore the meeting. : ". tlAHKY HAILKY, Secretary. Dated July 22, HKC). It will ke.-p contents hot thirty hours and warm two and a half days; it will keep contents ice cold thres and a half days and chilled five days. A. L. TIIORViON, Lakevicw, Oregon oiler for lubllrallon. Department of the Interior. United Htatea Laud Otlloe,, Lakeview, Ure Kon, July 14, I'.HKI. Notice ia hereby Liven that the atate of OreKon has Hied in this ottloti its appl ii'iitiou, Heriul 0'iU4. to select under the provltuoim of the act of ConKrewH, ul AuUHt 14, lHttt, and the acti supplemental and amendatory thereto, the HW i;uarter 8W quarter. Seo. 10 T 113 8,, U. l'J K. V. M. Anr and a 1 perona claimiuu ad veraely the ianda deacritied, or deair lut to object because of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to applicant, should tile their affidavits lu this ottice. on or before the U5th day of AuKust, l'.Hi'). The above notice will be published In the Lake County Kxaluioer, a weeKlv in-vupnper piloted and pub lihed in I ,,il-tview, Oregon, for a periml of it liMtrt live weeks prior to the ilite Ih -it in naid notice men tioued. AKTIIUIt V. OUTON. KeKister DRENKEL Sb PAINE Ol'l'cr sonic naroains in Goose Lake Volley Lands Two HH U'iv improved farina In Irrigated illHlrict N iiiIIch from Lakeview. M. pr ncrea miicn cheaper than lui.vin raw land and luiprovlnir It, and all the work avoided, any of tin w "ready to urn)" farina will nmko a bona' itnl a oomp-tency for .von. 'xperinicnt, tho cropa jire rowinK lino now, own er old and iiuiHt retire. Another one, ono of the best fruit ranchea In Uioho Lake Valley, i!00 acriH, I'lno Creek illatriet. 15 hcioh bearing orchard, 8 iicrea lierrlea (kJ acivH alfalfa, r0 iicrea tine orchard laud, balance paHturo uud timber, ample water rlutit, fruit and crops k If taken at once, owner iiuiHt retire, l'rlee on application, Ami iih to land for clilcken ranclieH, we li-.'.vo the lieat anil cloHeHt to Lakeview, forlitNtance: 70 acn-a yt inllea hoiiIIi, meadow and jtrnlll land, ciei'k t hroutch it, rich noil, jjfood Itay, anil only f.'IO per acre. Another one: mile nout Ii of tow n, 4 acrt'H excellent hind, 7 room limtMe, burn. hIiciIh, windmill etc. CiOO caHh, biilaiici IoiiilC time. EtiK re ;i() to .r0 ceuiH per doit, the year round, and a hiiHtler can hood make thlx place pay for ItHelf. , itrcat f ii I ti i . I. l-'riink ( lin wo, a rnvi-il In t . i pi rniMiii iit ii-hi'i wiih lii-re IhhI full. -ii wi ll that In- hi-ie. Mi "a Mne tireeii Valley Monday. D. C. HinliK-k left I.veatei'liiy iiiorn i ii U for lloM-lnti'if, w here I III im-et hi' wife, hihI they will ., 1 1 i-inl the "eattV I air. K. J. Htone of Valley FbIIh was in town over Hunday. Cha. Lanilirrt, of the Southern and Wentern hIiik lilies, was over from Uly Friday. A. Ti. Lowell and wife, of Fort liid ' well, Calif., were tn town Frtrfav on , their way home ftom the Kenttle fair in iheir own auto. Air iowdii is one of the prominant biislness meu of N. I',. California. Mrs. I'laitrh Cannon and her dauh ter, OH in. of New I'lne Cteek were In town Saturday P. W. Duke K Ii. Duke and wife and Mihs M. I. Tobln. of Latroba. Call'., were In t'wn Saturday. Mr. Duke Ik a promlnietit stockman who is making his annual visit to Lake view. J. W Forbes, of Hochei-ter, Minn., was an arrival .Mondnv who is verv liitich pleanet with Lakeview and Hh prospects " Hear Miss Linsoln oniht at Sni der Opera hoiihe in "Little Citizens" by Mvra Kelly. Mrs. S ( . ('rentier haH returned from her visit with relatives in Cedar ville. Mr. and Mrs. Price. Miss Helen Averuenette and Miss Helen Whorton Wui. Nixon and Mr. and Mrs. Ford have KOtie tn Deep Creek on a caa:p liitf eTplilltlot), and will be one a week nt ten days. R (i. Scammoii, of Minneapolis, representinu T. M. Walker, the multi millionaire lumberman, was in town Thursday,. M. S. Kyoenrion, of F.dmonds, Wash., was in towo Friday. M. J. Sanders, of Portlanl. is a lata arrival who has come to stay. T. II. Rherl ick left jeHterday tnorn Injf by auto for Klamath Falla wbire lie will remala a wi-ek1 Special A Kent Dullard, or the Clti reu'H Ins. Co., and of the Hartford Ins. Co., and special Ayent I''ruer, ot the Western In a. Co.. all rcprvHenteil by A- Hiela'r, were In town aeveral days laMt wtvk. Mrs. W. H. Heryford and Hon and daughter. Kalph and Mildred, went to Davla Cre-k yesterday to visit with Mth. lleryford'a brother. K. K. Rlnehart arrived In town liiNt nlKht lu the "Wltlte Streak" llulck car fur A. H. llammersly He wuh Hiioiiip'itili-il by F. O. AhlHtrom and Mth. OhUm and mod, slHter of Mra AhlHtrom. The party i-aine overland from Sacrauiento, via Chico, and Snsativllle. W. O. Shrove, representing the KemiiiKtnn Aims Co., of llion, N. Y.. was in towu several days this week. D. J. Filler has ot thrnuub shear- in U his Hocks at Murphy's carrolls. An auto party consisting of A 1! Watson, Dr. Ceo. D. Connor, S. L. Abbott, Jr., and K. 11. Fease, all of San Fraucisoo, passed throuuh Lake view last week enruute to Crater Lake and Portland Dr. Krnest D. Kverette, of Wniln- worth, Nevada, baa decided to locate In Lakeview. The lHtor l-lli-vc tliU town haaa great future and baa liH-atcd here for that reaHoti. He re turned to Wadsworth to nettle bin affairs and will return lieru within two weeks. Announcement Dr. Krnest 1). Fverett wishes to announce to the public of Lakeview aud Lake county that be wilr bet' in the practice of medicine in Lakeview on or about August Dtu. Otttoe's over Hall's drug store. Linoleums. carpets. Lakeview Mercantile Co. matting. Did You Ever Know tli.it Chinese rhikl'Tii plav " iM.i.i'b liu.ii ' ami lots '(' otlicr g .mics, just like our o.ui Aincriian u kiJilics "? Ami that there arc some 1 u tcii.i so good tor us that tK-v're called u indispensable"? hlee the AUGUST Vim BODY'S Clearance Sale of Summer Goods There are a lot of things in our big stock SEASONABLE THINGS-that we are ready to dispose of without regard to conventional profits things that most people need every day. We have planned to give good discounts on many lines for a short time. 25 olo Off All Ladies' WaisLs must Go at this discouut. We have a small lot; all new goods; none reserved. All Lawns, Batists and Swisses we will give an extra good discount. Don't forget, the place. Lakeview Mercantile Company. Outsider on The Rush Headed for Lakeview few of thi)H, choice Mx 150 ft Iota In Dreukel'H Addition-left at f l.VI. each, chhIi or $10. per month. Kraveled nticcts, lilnh dry and niulit l.v location, the building boom la im hens Full Information about the atiove aud many otlicr good propertlen on application. DUKNKKL&l'AINF, Lakeview. Ore. Lakeview Dairy J. W. ISKNHART Ih prepared to take orders to furnish daily Pure Milk and Cream. Orders left at AhlHtrom HroH will receive prompt and careful attention The Kxaminer has received the fol lowing letter from a subscriber, which is so pertinent to the existing condi tions here that we give it in full. It is a fact that the advance guard of hundreds to follow are now bere. Fven with present facilities in caring for new-comers, every hotel is crowd ed to the limit. Some are forced to live in tents, and more will be com pelled to resort to tbat expedient. There ia some lumber on band, aud shacks can be built for temporary use until new-comers get tbeir beat ings and can erect tbeir own homes. Mr. Austin says: Dudley, Or., July 17, 1900. Editor Lakeview Laxituner, Lakeview, Ore Dear Sir: Will you please allow me a little of your space to try and aid the peo ple to your city to realize the import tance to tbemstlves as well as others of the opportunity about to occur in the slotting of the Oregon Valley Laud award?, September 11? It seems to me the people now liv iug at Lakeview don't see the duty tber owe to tbem selves to get In Hue aud prepare for the caring of the newcomers upon tbeir arrival aud to try and see tbat material will be at baud for tbeir future wants 1 have lately interviewed a few parties who have been tbeie in tbeir way fionithe middle states to the coast, all of whom expect to return there by Sep tember 1st. They complain of the scarcity of lumber and building ma'erial gener ally stating tbat tbey don't see bow a. i : j : . u uewuumers ure lu ue supplied nun j material to prepare shelter ior me coming winter. Tbey also state- tbat many families from tbeir sections expect to move to Lakeview and set tle, relying altogether upon the luck of tbeir drawings to secure a future home. We all know how much depends upou ones first impression of any place aud I appeal to you as on. who expects to become interested there with the thousands of others to make it a matter of personal interest and responsibility to use every effort to see tbat new comers are made wel come aud given every advantage to procure iuformation and personal aid in every way possible and so far as practicable free gratis. This procedure termed "holding people up" I sincerely hope will not be the rule iu Lakeview at this open ing, for in my opinion, if there is ever a time when the old adage would prove troe of being "Penny wise aud ponud foolish," it would be then and to take advantage of peo ples necessities would bee n a poor way 'of holding new comers and mak ing them enthusiastic stayers. Charge only customary prices for board and lodging as well as for the general necessities which must be bad and work on the genaral and fair theory of keeping the newcomers and mak ing tbem teel at home, thus getting more money in the end and more people. One satisfied settler is worth ten dissatisfied, for bis boost ing will induce maur of his eastern neighbors, to follow him and Its people we want in any country tn ad vance prices and gain wealtb. Let us each grasp this opportunity and help the Oreeon Valley Land Co. to help Lake countv procure settler; I and then through public sentiment help us contract bolderst see tbat evertybing is done on the square and fair without evasion by said company, thus lend the helping band all wind and form ourselves into an endless chain of boosters for eastern Oregon and make it the beet community on earth. These suggestions are given only in a helpful spirit with the de sire of avoiding possible wrongs from every source but it is largely up' to the people of Lakeview to make this undertaking a laudable success. Very respectfully, CHAS. W. AUSTIN. Jim Hill Yells for them to "Play Ball" Jim Hill said in Portland not long ago, tbat some one would have t buld a railroad into Central Oregoa tn get the wheat we could raise an4 which the world needed. Jim is now at work building that railroad him self. He knows the value of wheat haulage to a railroad . And by the way, bave you, Mr. Reader, secured your :Vi0-acre tract of Uncle Sam's tree wheat land? If not, you better do so, at ouce ! Priles Awarded Thornton, the druggist, inaugurat . ed a novel contest in which prizeH wero offered for lest re snltH from sweet pea blooms grows from s.t'd kIvi n away last spring. Tim resul' ns: Firnt prize wit aw.n-ited o ir. Au.ii-k.of New Pina Cie. k n f I .V) lint lie Kieger'x per fume, fur tirst tt iwer urowtr beioml priz.- to Mr. U. H iuhu for buu-pi b e-iii tainini: itten t-1 vn n t 'v of i-nl--i h. a 92 bo'ie i if Ib-ier'H perfume Tui iJ prize to Ailreii AkLuiii, ior ti. larKest boquet of weet pens, a It bottle of Ileier'n perfume. The Klamath Daily Herald is now set solid and in consequence of the change presents a very metropolitan appearance. Highest market price paid for long; wool sheep pelts, by the Iakeview Mercantile Co 9tf Summei hats tile Co. at Lakeview Mercan- O.-uLii J jiirual - Stockman U bus over 10,000 registered automobile and is probably the wealthiest agri cultural state in the union When tb. farmers boy comes dashing into town to take bis best girl for a spia in lit red devil the ribbon clerk will sen bis finish 1 f t strong, durable, comfortable garments for workmgmen r01 O IO 30IZZXESOI IOC BEAT.THE RAILROAL TOIlT RJAL ESTATE FAKMand CITY W A C F R INSURANCE FIRE-LIFE-ACCIDENT .!Z!,. LOANS INVESTMENTS . crJeacIk . Lake view, Oregon J o rj, OE IOE IOE