Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 22, 1909, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    I.AKK i ul'N n r". v
rtiM K. I.XM.MKW. oitKKON. TIII'ISH Jt'l.V ""
One Thousand
New samples for Fall Suits are
now on display at our store.
You take no chances by placing
your order with us, we assume all
the risk and guarantee satisfac
tion. No deposit is required from re
sponsible parties.
Only perfect fitting suits are
delivered to our costomers.
Is that hiijh pi'hocl pioject dead or
just Bleepiuc? If anytbin; in to he
done NOW is the time to i epiu. If
Lakeview it? to I econie a i t y of dei
tiny uoiii to sleep and diearuiutf will
ot build it. It taker- an eternal
anetle to build n city.
W. B. Baker, of Platuvieur. Texas,
arrived l?t week. lie if a earitalist
and will look over all eastern Oregon
before deciding what he will do. lie
is very much in-pressed with Lake
view'. and believes that trie develop
ment of the future railroad situation
means much for this town.
K. R. Patch has sold a uice order
of treees for tbe new towueite of
T. J. Bureau, of Ottawa. Kaunas, 1
was an arrival this week. Me came :
tip to look overt he field for a liook ,
Mfeore hut is of the orinion that it is
too early for au enterprise of that
k!" 1. He is macb pleased with tbe
county aud bus prnperty interests
here that may make bim a resident
A. X. Stanley, of tbe Wet Side,
an old Fettlnr, ell nud favoraly
kn i d is reported seriously ill since
Monday uigbt.
A new Eid?aalk is beina laiJ in
fnut of the Arcadia Theatre.
Whore is the tri-tler who was t'oiue
to boost tbe County Fair? Oet busy.
Wake up! Sho the liOOO now peo- !
pla coming riere that no can some
waen we choose. ,
Some oue has cauuht "Happy Hool
igan," and nailed hitu to the wall of
Cheney's harness Hhop. It vill he a
looij time now before he will set to
France to tee Suzanne.
A. B. Sbroder, of .Silvei Lhke, ar-'
rived in town Saturday an 1 brtiQKbt
iu the last clip of his wool, lie was
accompanied Lv Perry Gibson, of!
Fort Kjck.
&. h. Kinebart has pane to Sau
Fran-Hco, to purchase autn for A.
H. Ha'nmerolej and L)r. Sinith. It
ii oot kuowu wbat make he witl se
lect, bat will take tht iiicbiu"t he
thinks best adapted to tbis country.
" Tbe market has been supplied with
itrawherries of sizi; and flavor un
equalled by any t'rowu elaawberfi.
The trouble, however.bas been a llin-
ite.t supply, nod the more fortunate
residents of the south end of to:i
Kettins them all before the rounds of
(he huckster was complete t. In such
cases the proper way would be to sell
tbe south end oue day and the north
end next, so tbt all couM then have
a show at this delicious fruit.
"iIk embroidered waste patterns
A M's.
It is reported that one of Lake
view's prettiest yount ifirla tried to
commit suicide because she saw her
fellow walking with anotbei girl.
My, my. sister 1 Don't let a little
thing like that worry vou ! Wby there
are oodles and oodles of fellows left
every whit as pood. (Jet one of tbem !
All kind of fishing tackle at B.
A M's.
Tbe regular auto fare from Alturas
to Lakeview is 18. and from Klamath
Falls to Lakeview it is $1G. though
owing to a rate war between the to
auto lines the price this week was out
to ?S It is not known hiw long this
condition will exist. The fare from
Reuo to Lakeview, by stage and rail
is 1 or lU by auto.
wV-rll. 1 i Tit the moot h ol l,nen
C.eek litfht on tho lake Moiie Hil l
with the coii'li'i: of the railroad, and
Minuted It Ii In one of the mo-t
arprovod trult belt In the valley,
mIkiuM mak a lowu of coiuildoriihlo
.Men's oxfords at l.nekvlew Mercim
lie Co.
The town the pust week has been
alive with drummem from Sun Fran
clsi'o. They know that there Is such a
l luce as Liikrview on the lime and
t (fit our trail" is worth having but
only a few of the uiossl ai'kn ot the
v 'illnmette have ever learned of ttils
pbice! And now that .Mm Mill is
coming we will see less of them in
the future.
Our line of ladles' muslin and knit
undcrw ear .'Hti not be excelled in Lake
viw. It.A M.
Wendt s l-hoto tent lb b at Luke
view ready for business Monday, .lulv
'Jii, l!W. ' Samplse of bl work l"
store wi'-dow nt B. A M's. St 're.
1 he N. C. O . 1 biillusting t
n oi thorn end of itf tracks, and in
consequence is making better time.
Lake County need Fanner.
Henry Wendt. photographer of New
Pine Cruelt, will be lu Lakeview itli
photo tent from duly -0 tu August
10. liH'.t.
F. P. Cronemiller and sons, liny
and Lynn, went to Little Chewaucan
Saturday afternoon on a fishing trip.
They returnel Sunday night and re
port a pleasant trip.
W. Lair Thompson has about com
pleted a tine I'uugalow.
It is reported that the O. V. I.
Co. have ordered Might more nut is.
to arrive in two weeks, which wil.
be placed "ii the run between here
and Alturas.
Fruit jars and rubbers at B. A M's.
Don't forget the dance Saturday
night at the Sui ler Opera Houe.
Are you going to the Sunday Schooi
basket picnio in i's canyon t -u.orrow
If not, why not A cordial
invitation is extended to all those in
terested in ttie Sunday School move
ment. Meet at the M. K. Church at
! :t) Friday morning, and walk with
us to the picnic gruouds.
We have a large assortment of door
locks, dur bulls (Hugos etc. B AM.
Kid PoLong is putting up hay for
Light aud llarow on the race track
grounds, aud it is a Uue crop too.
A nw assortment of Cluett Pea
body shirts at B. A M.'e.
We are desirous of organizing a
ynuug men's bible class at the M. K.
Church Suuday School. Will you ,
not help us A most cordial invita- ;
tion is exteuded to each and every
young man iu Lakeview We meet
atl):45 every Sun lay nioruiug. ,
Stein Plocti clothing at Lakeview ,
Mercantile Co.
Tbi market is now being supplied
with delicious home grown cherries. !
fresth, right olf the tiees. Vain!,.
Vura !
Sheepmen! fresh burner) lime at1
Ilahn i Kelley's. north Lakeview. j
See !
low as 20 ds,
July Clean-Up Sale
Now we DO LOOK qp side down. Have you
seen the long Counter down our center aisle, cram
med with all sorts of
Sell Me Quick Goods ?
Y ... Come in and
Corset Govers marked down c.s
Drawei s 50 ds, Night Gowns 60 tfs, Chemise 50 ds
all Lace and Embroidery trimmed.
TRIMMED HATS, Shapes and Flowers at Ex
actly Half Price.
LACES and Embroidery away down in price.
Belts, Collars and Hand Bags going AT COST.
Big Reductions in Dress Goods, the latest
novelties. Infant's Long and Short Dresses must
be closed out A T ONCE. Ladies and Children's
Knit Underwear every article a bargain Suits,
Skirts and Dresses all going VERY CHEAP.
Sale will close Saturday, July 24.
Come and see me RIGHT NOW -Please.
Max L. Rosenfeld.
Automobile Experts,
The Ft. HI dwell Col1 Nugitett or tbe
l)th lust, nay: J. F. Cuttler and
Mr. Stinet came down from the mine
Friday aud spent Saturday making
test. Mr. Cotiler tavg the lloag In
the richest mine ho ever saw but un
less intlli are installed tu remove the
value the entire camp not worth a
counterfeit dollar
Farmers in from the Warner valley
report an excellent bay crop.
Our business men are all putting
up new signs and getting ready for
the coming rush of stranger-i.
I Stamp Dhotos 50c per dozen for one
week from July 20 to August J, irxt.
j The new residences being erected in
I town are tbe latest in degign, and
sneak well for the taste and judgment
of our towns people.
The Lakeview orchestra is playing
at tbe Arcadia Theatre every night.
Tbe moving pictures given at both
theatres are Uuo theso days and are
attracting good audiences. At Hai
der's last week, one that created great
merriment was entitled "His First
i-'rock Coat." It was one of the most
laughable pictures we ever saw.
Our reporter got mattera mixai
last week in several instances. It was
Register Orton and wife who occupy
the Venator home and not Hoy Snitk
aud wife.
The new town ot Lakeside on Goose
Lake is situated on the east bank in
stead of the webt aide us stated last
W will tlirure with yoii on cara for
tHirt' purpimeM, freight or pleiiMiire
iiw4 I
Feter Schuttler Wagons
Mowers and rakes
Hay cars and slinfcs
Beat man ill a rope 10 c per lb.
Hay forks l
Water bags, '.too
Machine oil
Bolts, all sizes
Faints anfl nils
Standard boiled linseed oil. SI. 30 gal
Nails, l.f0 per keg
Ciood enough hoise ghom
Camp stoves 12.2-j and up
Buil ling paper and Kuberoid roofing
One-half cost of shingles.
(iire us a call, our goods are the
Anything that lightens labor is al
; ways welcome. A lady recently re
! marked: Farming for a living is hard
I work, but an hour or ho spent In
weeding and digging will not even
! tire a delicate woman unduly. To
jdu it in comfort, provble yourself
with a low broad woolen stool aud
j save your knees ami back. It Is easy
I to reach around the length of the
arm, aud is exoeedinglly comfortable.
I "A lazy fashion of weeding", said a
tanner who watched me oue day, but
i he chauged his opinion when be saw
! how free from aches I was when 1 had
finished my task Anything that
leaves strength has my endorsement.
I Wheat and rolled barley
view Mercantile Co.
at Lake-
engineer with live years experience
In and around mlues and nbont a
year and a half of municipal work ,
desires a position. Address the Kx
aminer, Iakeview, Oregon.
FOB K.'LK One tlrst-clas,7 room,
'1 story dwelling house anil lot '.-i'2lo
feet. One block from court bouse.
(iooil barn corral aud fences. Are all .
watered. Hot e.ud cold watar lu the I
house. fruit trees. Nice luwn j
and Shade trees. Insurance paid up !
on house for three year. This house I
will cost you over tZM a loan. If I
vou want a beautlfu home for almost'
nothing wilte or call and sen It, Bey
nobis at on co at Lakeview, Oregon.
FOB SALL Oue Deerlng mower
aud one two horse self-dump hay
rake. Will take S.VJ for both.
11. W. 1HIKNKLL.
Tidal Wave at Galveston
It U n p'irli' I a we to Fives
that n 1 1 1 1 1 1 ware iiIiiiohi t utully (let
I triMrd tiiilveliin. TeX'ix.
If you desire to irt the dally San
Frniii'xien Bulletin and the L'ikcrlew
Fxaiiiluer, at uukieitrd of rates, ytui
will have to hurry, as the deal U
liable to be called olf any day.
FOH HMjK One' medium sized re
frigerator for family use. (loud as
new. Frlce tl".
II. W. Dreukel.
I jPjK
and Desert Claims
Bv mutual agreement the Banks of
Lakeview heieaftar. will close their
doors at 3 F. M. each day.
K. M. M ILLKit.
The best pills made are DeWitt's
Little Karly Blse.s, the famous little
liver pills. They are small, gentle,
I pleasant easy to take and act prom
ptly They are sold by Lalv & Hall.
We have surveyed out, KS?J'd '"." several
Sage brush land,
of as good soil as there Is in this
This land can be irrigated at moderate cost.
Do Not Overlook
This Opportunity !
For this this is about your last
chance to secure a homestead. g
We are the only firm in Lakeview
that makes
The Location of Government Land a Specialty.
regarding these Government Lands promptly
supplied. Call nt our office and see nhotus of
Warner valley. We also have homestead reinquishments and school
land assignments for sale. er Scandinavian and German Spoken.
For Particulars, nnnfv tn
' 1 t 'J ' NCLSJfcPSON.
Uuy Lot In Watson' Addition
Beforejyou buj lota any where in
this flciuity see tnoau iu Watsosn'
addition. Close to buhiuesa center,
of Lakeview. H3 tf.
STKAVKO From my Held, lnce the
4th. one roan gelding, branded on
left shoulder with a half circle. Has
a sore on the point of left, shoulder.
Suitable reward will be given for re
turn of animal or information that
will lead to its recovery.
yg luvo
kind of
(icnorutions of
uw;tko Amoricuii Ho
obUinoil tho right
by being equip nil with tho
unerring, timo-honon-J
All iimyn-Mlvii ilanlwnm ami
Ef.ul'i" ,'"",U M,,"'tU Hmi.llo
Wv KV b.NS. I f ymi iiumint oliimn,
wo wlllslilfllnH't.eiinwiiniiuii
U(hiii r'. iit i,f ( utuhiK rrl( .
KTUAVKD One dark ecriel mare
almost ohectout, white face, and oue
white hind foot' about 8 yeais old,
brauded J. C. with line across oi,
nn riuht vhouluer. Strayed from
Thomas Cieek rauue station. fid
reward for return to any forest
ranker or to Lakeview t'ori'slryOlllon.
Si-mi A eents In ptmni f,,r
I JJ I'uuo lllimimt,-.! ( i4iliif.
Itrj'l'-lo with
mill K''H'ial
tli our in In.
format Inn.
Htrlklnif ihitiy
I n I'lilom.
P. 0. Bel 40
CUntaFilu, kUo.
Banner waists, the best to be bad
in any city, Mero Cu.
Children Cry
four show cases, e-ioulre of A. L
Thornton, DniKKist, Lukovinw.
me near you write your terms. Box
187, Portland, Ore.
TukMul rumps W liter, Kui.d
f 1
.Milker. Separator,
(Jlio; s l ei (I, lite.
'A a v s W n !' h
J'" WriUl fur i al.ihii;. .M mit n.n i.hjmt
Fairbanks, ktosE & Co.
Dynamo, Motri 0,ihtiA EditIii' t''Hln riimiia. H')tln
A Turin I". w"hot.iM'ri. W Hi' imi' ' n I" iM-l'lt luv,
All (uirlaxl lu M. k in I I III 1 1. A M. OIII.OO.M
The Snider
pera House
MovIiik jjIctiiroM every iiltfht. Three
chiiiiKO week. Fine riervleo. Tho
vlewH of our fleet itt Austrillii luft
w'k were Jsitleudid. A iiiiiIhsIoii V
and 10 centH.
Watch this Space
For Bargains.
r J
Live Btock a eiebilty. Street
Sule every Saturday. See me at the
Mammoth Livery Hum for ilatei and
We have, iu thi dintrii t where wo
are loeatiuu, neveial hundnul ikudh
(if ood level, valley land Unit i nub
jeot to entry unilor the "Kulurted
UomeHtead Act," whereby anyone
may acquire IIJU aerea im a liomeatuiul.
The quulilicationa under t li in aot are
the aame im uuder the old hoiuoHtead
law, about the only diltenmce beluu
the amount td laud one may noqulra
LeiuK ncroi inateud u KX) ucrea
mid the re. iiiired cul tivnt ion b(ilu
one (liulith or the laud lu the entire
entry houluniiiK with tho hoiioiuI year
ami one toiirtb beKiunliiK with the
thirl year, the hiiiuo to tie coutlnu
ouely cultivated until tho iirnof la
made. One la allowed to eomiiiuto an
entiy under tbla not. Olherwlao tho
law ia about tho name ua tho (ioueral
HomeHteiid Law.
Write ua for partioulaiH.
Offices, Pharmacy Lakeview Building,