Foru LAKE COCNTY EXAMINER, LAKEVIEW, OREGON. THIRSDAV. J HI A 2 J. It'" LANDS ! $2 per Acre LANDS ! LANDS ! linn uys in the County $2 per Acre dke Valley o W S tUCiil HSt O $12,500 $900 $30,000 320 acres finely improved farm, and all stock and implements; about 70 head of Cattlo; 1-2 cash. $t,500 Husiness lUock in Lakeview renting; lor $ 1 per month. Will doulile in 1 L months, Cottage of five rooms and lot 100x250 feet. This is a money maker. $150 Lots in Prcnkel's Addition with SKHH) l.uildin restrictions. Hound to double this fall. Stock ranch of about 400 acres and 1,000 head of Cattle. 300 tons of Hay cut yeatly. 55,750 Fine Goose Lake Vallev Ranch. About 1.000 acre Choice State Land in Long Valley--only $2 per acre $ I clown, balance 25 years. SOUTHERN OREGON REALTY GO.. Umbach Block, next door to Board of Trade Room, Lakeview, Oregon. ?"FE?7VCS--Metropolitan Hank iS: Trust Co,, Los Angeles, Cal., Pa jam Valley Hank, Watsonville, Oil.. Hank of Oxnard, Oxnanl. Calif. EHBBBBnBBBBBaBBmnnnBaBnBBHBBBKBHDBn 8 1 County News fl VALLEY FALLS ITEMS . thj rock. Tberer is 4 feet of water iu it that ra.Buct be loweied by pump J ing. He intended d igging deeper lint The first Ure in Vallev Fads oc the water came iu so fast he could eorred in tbe new buogalo of E. J. i not dc so. He wii; put a big pnrapj Stone" He lighted bis pipe and went that will 'brow 12,000 gallons of) down cellar, and waa sooofalarmed by water by means or a 10 foot windmill a crackling above. He and Mr. j au I will have all tbe water be will Utlev rushed op to titid tbe room i need lor irrigation and other use,. ablaze from a pile of phavious. j Tb9 new store building ia "ow up Ouick and energetic work put out trie j and will soon be ready for b sinees HOTEL ARRh ALS Hotel Lakveiew arrlval-i: H. P. Johnson. Prineville ; H. P.. Emiulst. ; Plusb : Km ins Hoamuiid. Honnnzn : Win. K. Netf aud Chsa. Shoi Mmp doel. Calif.; Mrs. E. 1 1! .herta. Santa J owe, Cailf : E. A. Ho '. Al truas; I.. O. Bcekwith. Plinh . i:. H. Chandler. Park, Colo. . C. H. Me Curdy, Summer Lake. K. O Steven son, Forest Grove. Iowa; J. W. Nel son. Slimmer Lake: Ole KoenU. Pais ly; W. T Withers. Fairbury, Nebr. O W. Cooley, Paisley. "The Home of Good Values" rigation. Kvertybing fine here. No fro6t. Corn over three feet tall and grow ing ilke a weed. Vegetables too, are fire but. Stone basu't got his breath , splendid, aud all thriving v 1th ut ir yet. j Mrs. J. J. Thome and daughter, wie of ex-Govrenor Utah, armed in Thursday's auto and w ill i spend a concle of months iu tbe, Chewaucan valley with E. J. Stone' and family and Harry Utley. Gov. Thomas will arrive about Aug. 15tu ( and will remain a couple of weeks. , Harry Utly ban dug a well 10 feet square and'20 feet deep up under tbe Shepherd, the Piano Man Here on Business SIVER LAKE THE TEACHER'S Tbe Silver Lake Leader of the l'itb says: Jack labbita getting too plen jtitul. John Proder and Wm. Robin i ett have a new steam threshing outfit. Bird Farrier was breakiug a colt. which reared, striking him with front feet, tbeu pawing him. breaking three of tbe gentleman's ribs. A. M. 15ax- ter presented with an 8-ponud girl. Forest Ranger Carl Ewiug transferred to Lakeview. S. li. Westeotts home and contents burned, loss 1,500, no insurance. J. U. Ross secured home- . . stead on reversal of Lakeview Lund Will be held at the court house f-r otHl-e. Xevv .bool house completed. State and County paoers. on tbe 11th, ; vVillard Ma. -tin and daughters. Alma and Stella, are to take in Seattle Jtb. Lit!) aud Utb of August. 1909. There are a number of good posi tion" -til! f (M). All teuehets expect, ing to teach in Lakeview next year will kindly be present. R. B. JACKSON. Co. Su'jt. of Schools. TiTe Mills RKS Lakeview, Oregon Just opened, electric 'igbt in each room. Clean Lew bed.;, ti rt and cold water. Reasonable rates. (Juiet neighborhood. Your custom sol icjted. Sutisthctiou guaranteed. Look lor tbe tian. A. C. MILLS, .Proprietor Fair. Alex Mix ter and Mart Ward going to see King Ed's domain iu Al lerta. They will be back aud glad to get back to Lake county. E. (i. Jones, ot Uta!j. lias locate in Lake county A lodge of Old Fellows is being organized. C. O. Misener, the iaui man, re turned Thursday evening from a trip to Long Valley, Nevada. He reoorts that to be a region ot great future ; oossi hil it ie-i iu au argieultural way. Highest market price paid forlorn; wool sheep pelt h, b.v tbe L;i kevicw Mervn utile Co '.)f Summer hats tile Co. at. Lakeview Mercan- C. F. Shepberil, of Ashland, is in town. The gentleman is the big piano man ot Southern Oregon. ami has Hold pianos all over this section for the past 'JO year. He is agent for "17 varities," somuttiiug like Heiuze, and can please the taste of everyone in that hue. 1 1 i -4 record in the past is a gaurantee of bis present and If he tells you it's so it is so, arid he ia ready to back up anv promise he mkes in his line. If you want a first class instrument, place your order with him. He has every make of ac knowledged standard arid world-wide excellence, and can and will suit you. See him and his goods, and you will be convinced. The Arcadia Hovinx Picture Show Up- to -Date Moving Pictures AND Illustrated Sons PKOOKAn CHANGES Mondays, Wednesdays, Fri days and Sundays Two Shows each Night At and !t:(X) o'clock Odd t elluws Huildinj;, I akevlcw. Admission 10 and 1.1 ft We have Everything in our Store that can be found in a General Mer chandise establishment Groceries, Hardware, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. Doors & Windows Salt & Grain Bailey ft Massingill haw Irrigation and Big Red Now is the Buying Time Apples 1 Our land is just the kind you what you have been looking for GOOD LAND is what everyone is looking for. Our 10-aere fruit farms are located in the Great Golden Goose Lake Valley lere thousands will eome to make their homes within the coming year; It is a NEW COUNTRY, only at the present time, there fore you have this opportunity of securing the choicest land in the val ley on the following terms : acre Fruit Farm for $20 first payment, and $10 per month' until full amount is paid. One Town Lot FREE with each Fruit Farm. s is the greatest fruit land offering in the state. Act quickly; it k'ood to wait. See our Agent, or Write for full inforrnaiion. LAKEVIEW DEVELOPMENT CO Umbach Building. Lakeview, Oregon 10 $300 Thj is too CLASS1FED WANTS FOlt SALK. (Man or woman.) A 1)20 ucre South .African Veteran liounty Laud Certiclbttn. Issued by the Department of Uim Interior, iovi-rnment ot Canada, Ottawa, un der the Volunteer Huuntv Act, Oood for d-0 acres of any Oomliiion j l.Hrid open for entry in Alherta. Sas ikiitchewau or Mun i tulm. Any person lover the ago ft IN years, man or wom iin, can acijuire this and with this certificate without further (duirge. l''or immeidate sale, 880iJ. Write or wire. L. K. Telford. Kll Shuter St., Toronto, Canada. o(j W 1 WANTKI)-:OARI) AND LOOM for two or three months by a young married couple, preferably with a good tanner's family, cIohi to Lake view. Enquire at Kxaminer oltlce, THH IOLA H'.LDKUS )K ORLCION Valley Land Co. contracts are per fecting plauH wheiehy each contract holder may have his right looked after aud protected, and commence to get returns on his in vestment at once. Write for our plans aud send ; us the names of all contract holders you know. Do JT NOW. ORKOON LAND CLUH, lola, Kansas. SITUATION WANTLD: AT LAKK view or vicinity by married man 'J!i years old. Experienced in general nierchandiss, also in egg and poultry buin"BHH. ReferenceH. Address M. ' W. French, La Prairie, ill. Itr 11, t M l t i t; FA KM FtTli SALK.-in thb" north part of Summer Lake valley, con taming n;" m?rcs of hind with" house, burn and outbuildings Some men flow laud and good water iu the mid dle of theplaco, t feet deep. 1 will Hi ll for S'JUto. I am sick or 1 would not sell. O. A. OOODIN, Summer Luxe. FOR SALE: KK. ACRES LAND, agi iciHtuial. timber and niisturi-. All fenced, contaiuH hplings and stream. Well sheltered. ideal tnr fruit. 17 miles north ot Lnkevii, on county loud. Kmiuire at Exam iner Otlice. 1'OR SALE WeHt ol Sim-. Town nhlo!.S. KiinK(. .) Emm! (it ,., (li re. 7 IiiIIi m from Lilkevie v . (iii jj'li Write or cmulrc ot C. ICIIu, ( n. of City Hull, Snlciii, Oregon. TIMREK CLAIM FOR SALE bio acres yellow pine, lri miles from Lakeview. Will out Il.noo.oixj feet. Oood grazing laud. Abundncu of water on laud. Price $l.r.lK) per acre if sold before the first of October. Address The Examiner, Lakeview! Oregon. WANTED: Neat j'uuiij; iniiu or woman, hh demonrttrator. MiiMt be a , uood linprcHHl ve tulkcr. Onoil moil i i'v lor rluht party. AddreaH K. M. MOfJKE. Mgr., Oeul. Delivery. Lake view, Ore. WANTED - 1NTELLK1ENT MAN or woman to take territory, aud ap point canvassers to sell oar water HI ters. Exclusive- territory, and nine, profitable work for right party. J2'JAl'i HEN EGA FILTER CO.,Seuoea, Mo. GIRL WANTEC - Enquire at the Mills rooming house. KIK M4LK' FOR HALE ONE ORKUON VALLEV land cooutract. W. K. Mathewsoii, I Ohf) La were nee Ave., Wichita, Has. FINK RANCH FOR "-'ALE. 720 acres of and, 8 miles of Lakeview, 4(HI inches water Hist right; .ri(K) acres un deer ditch; SO acres hay land ;.ri0 acres grain ; garden ; fi) head Mock cattle, 7 head horses, 'I farm wagons, Luggy! mower and rake, drill, plows, harrow and household goods. 1'rice i'Jl per ucre if sold peforo Aug lOth, imdudes everything. Enijulre at Examiner oillce. FOR HALE AT A IIAROA IN Any one in market for lirst cIiihs fur nished rooming liousn in Lakeview cull at Examiner olllce for particulars. S lill'I'IM. SHF.ARINi; AND DIII-IMi COR I ''- Kept by recpniiMlv crew. No rough null, a How d. ('lunges leinain unchiiiiged. I M 1 Jul.V 1 ,IOE A .Ml! ROSE :SHE.RN(i CORRALS: NOW IN j shape to commence t-hearing at any jtime. (iijod I,.( yorid rinige. 1 Also dipping vat. Fverj lidng tor hearing and dipping in llrst cIiimm j shape. Ml;s. ROSA Mel A N 1 1 .I.H. Ml II MI H IIKMOK I jSCMVER RKsoi;T:-I I'M; D.V j and up. t i"od tlshing and hunting. The most licalthtul place 111 Lake .county, or Southern Oregon, or I Northern Cnl iforn in. MRS. ROSA Mc.DANIKLS. 1'ioprielor W M Kl ICIMMI I- IIH 1 I'KNlsllKD ROOMS To LET- r.pquire 01 Mrs. E. Woodcock. mh nin.i. NOTICE 1 M t,v niy KHy Creek saw mill In operation by Juue iHt and will then be prepared to fur nish nil kinds of rough lumber. A. M. (iALLAOER. FOR HALE-ONE OREGON V'AL loy Land (!outract at a premium of tlhO if tuken at once. Not deliniiumit. Address Mrs. J. Potts, W2N. Main l'ocufello, Idaho. 7-j WANTED Hy married man, 25 years old, position as inside electri cian, or at clerical work. Eight years experience and Al references. Would like to make Lakeview his permanent home. Address. 1'. II. Nicholas, 2178 7tb Ave., Rock Island, I Hi l' ' HALN-ONK OF SURPRISE ',7 8 ,,"oico -,J0 r" '"mm near I t. Ri.l well, (Jalir. Good house and barn, orchard and berries. 25 acres In grain j alfalfa and wild hay i-own po place. All farm tools, work horses, milch cows, and hogs In cluded. For particulars enquire at this olllce. OHM Mt I K. UH. POST & KINO HAVE THE BEST tirade of L1iuuih mid t KHr to ,e found Iu Oivkoii. if K IL ('IJTLER whisky at the Hotel Lakeview l,r. ThebcHtaiid purest whisky made. tf T:i.KI'IIOKH. LO. C, cl.p.- . 111: notice for re- I ' Kill I... I... Ill " ".T I III' J I'lCpllono 'or (h'HtroyhiK Rm prop-Kill, Fi Prints Made 1 11 ii ,; Li,,,. ivintH o ' ." ' of hind in the ' ' - Lund DlKtrlct.aiul " tnct work. Call or .11' ' . li. SNIDER ' "' w . . Oregon