Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 22, 1909, Page THREE, Image 3

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J. W. MmwU
Of Property
40 acrea, tiVK) on mile from Lake
tihw, ctnilil lH aticceaafnlly IrrlKHl !
aa a ciiltry fHrni, one Mini oim half
alory hiniaii 'Jtxltil comparatively now,
i room mi w rou im! floor, Ii on upper
Hour, lnrn IH It. poata, IHxlM, kocmI
well, elo. " fl
liV) acrea Ht HO pur acre, anna IitiihIi
land, 111 inllna from Laket aanily
I on in noil, unimproved" No. M!i
KKX-:KXl Heron, H (!alrali'e aturk
run ell and amall fHrm, uliout one II fill
of thin In liny land, remainder kihIii
Mini nnt it m IhiiiI, amall Iioiimm mii'I
liHrtl Minuted 'i inlloa from Lakeview,
fcma'l creek Mini lirltfiillntf (IHcli on
the placn. In ittr(iti to.l aa h way aldo
Inn. No.
17l HOIK at li'l lr IITd. IIHB of
the heat Mini moat dealrahle farma Mii'I
atock ruiicliiiH In I lil part of the
country, linn thrifty orchard. to
alory dwidllnu U1. Mddltlon lKx'JT.
milk hui wiioil house, eelliir, ainokn
honor, chicken liniia, aprlnH water lu
pipes to honor, yardeii and inuaw
liarn HOx'.'i. In well adapted to (ralii
mill alfalfa, cnta.'lOII ton of liny, would
cut li ton If aordnd to Mltiilfu. It
Ih liarualu, Im within VI in lie f
Lakevlrw. No. VM-KI
llono '21(1 acrea in Warner valh.y
nil fnlieed Mild crnaa frurrd in tlvr ,
tic Id o paid up water i IkIiI of '!) Inchrit, I
two Htury ilwidllnK i!lxl 0 monia, 1
front proof cellar, una atory 1'Jxlti,
frame Imrn 'Ji ' ' wah'on hikI wood
hnuan lilxfri, ohncp Hlmd llfulU'l, oic li
ar I ln'urliiu, ii. treea, twriioa of nil
klnda linprovaini'iita rout ovrr him.
Stock if wiintrd lit market lrlcn Thla
In an up to diitv riini'h. No. iY2i
HiTfM lit f.'i.fjU per Here, HitiiHtr
III Nevada, .'ill llltlt'H OIlttirilHt of I, like
IHW. hikI IH iiiIIi'k eaal of Cnlilolhla
fiino, It In nil III one. lioily mid a larK"
portion of it i-klrtH the luki-atiiue.. tlilH
In (IcHlriililn for Miiy kind of took
rnnrli, with tlm meadow hind it em
hrarea Mild the ex ten lave, open ranui'
100 acrea hlk'hly pioducllvc land,
(rood Ikiiihk, lar-n Imrn, uranarlea,
etc., atuiill orchiird. creek tlinutfli
plllCe, li.1 HI'll'N In col tivation (inn of
lln heat yleldiiiK fwrniH in Uoomo Lnkt5
VHllry, Hi in I It-h from l.itkrvlew for
t.UAA. N MO Mil
Wl Hcrm for f l'2Xi, one o'ory frunm
four room hoimu. new Imrn, never
fiiilluit Mti-eHiii, on pltic. fill Keren
fenced, 10 cull Hated, hii ideal chicken
much or muni! Mock fHrm nlmut one
inilr from tunc rum! mid Hliout I'J
in I lew from New I'lne I'reek.
No. 4.-(r2
ItiOHcreii fidHXi, khikI fHrm Iioiihh hikI
Imrn, on mIhk rod, l(i Inchea Irrlun
lilewuter, cheBply umi'e renrvolr altr,
l.'iO lii'Hriuu fruit tree. "3x) youiiKor
on en of yood elictlon, Ul Hcrnf plow
lund, reHldue pimture. No. 4J 1 M
U00 ncrrM 7 lllllcM n illlh (if I'lllnley,
"miihiII (reck throilifh itlncc thin If n
Iiiirnnln at f l per acre.
No. (II I.)
f'i'i per ncrr--lHi(l Hcrrn h!' fenced
hud well Improved, 'J ooi ilwidlliiH
CMCll With I'llllllllllllHllll liHIIIH, out
hoiiHrH, U nrrhnrdH - ovrr hiilf of it
meHdow, the reiniil nder Ih tollliitf mi I
hill hind -It Im oim of the verv few
trnctH Hint couhl lie mo evenly itl led
into tuo furiiiM thut It would lie dlltl
cult to niiike cholcii of t Iii-iii , Iiiim all
the free, wider it reiuiren. No. "ti" II
HO HcreH nt l'2..ri() per acre level hiikii
I I null lull I on the went Hide ol (ioohii
I .like, in iroud neinhliorhood, no Im
proveinentM. vet it ttood IihiihIii.
No. :t7J 1JJ
J. W. Maxwell Son
Dept. I afw'.
Klamath Hospital
Klamath Falls, Oregon
I'lioiu 5tll ; Corner 4th und I'lne Sta.; Two Itlccks from Court limine.
Completely c(j nipped fur I rent mjr nl 1111 cllcnl and in. lie 1 '; 1 . . s,
Operating room, entirely up-to-date, at dlepoHiil of any mpu 11
Mhort nollct'-raticiita rcci'lvcil at any and all hours
Emily A Humphrey.
The Best Meals in FownTry Us.
BlkerV 'nconn,ct'01, Fresh lircad Daily
:, J C. E. LONZWAY, Propreitor
The Jackson Loan & Trust.
Fort Worth. Texas, or
V. L. Maxwell
for Sale
1(10 nnma nt 110 per Mere. 14 in lien
from UMknvlew, thla In Kood mil in
proved h liruidi lioltoin land and
will comn under one or two of tint
IrrlvNtioii project ((intrrip'Mtrd In
that vicinity. Mo. rWi'i-u'i
!iM0 Mcrea Mt ll.'i'i per Mere In VVnr
tier valley, all under tence, itood
hoitaii Mud liarn Hit I out hoiiKea and
miihiII orchard, never fallliiK creek
throilifh plnca. 'li t ma C liitlHricti
1 'I and yeaia at li per cent.
Nx 2H0 '7
tJiXH) ISO Hcrra 14 inllea from
Hindi, aliout M acre fenend, !M In
(train, 'in In timothy and clover, 10 In
alfalfa, remainder mixed hay laud,
timothy, red top Mud lilua joint, la
It t reek liottom, coiufortalilft hollar,
out hoiiHna, liarn, corrala. 'I wrlla i
ft. deep. A nun opening for a lieitin
nrr In th atock liiiHliieaa. No. .'17740
H'.Ml ! ncrea level atB l.riiMh
lit nd in rowlti ai-llleinent with muni
pr.iapilcta of thn (iovernmrnt K-c la ill
ation Service in thn near future arnilat
lutf the attlera III their Irrigation
arhrmr. No. 411 11-
1 :iJ0 a.irea Ht Pi.'i'i perMcrr an Ideal
atoek or dairy rancli on tributary of
(.'hewaueau river Mhout twenty nillea
front Lakevlew. la nearly all meadow
' with food outlet for atock.
No. 4IH-f.H
i 'J HI Mcrea of ('Irwwauean hot torn,
choiea land for any ami nil purpuaea,
at lf prr Mcrn. No. 01. Vi
I'M Hrrra at'i .V) per acrn within lx
milvi of l.uketlew. L'n linurovod.
No. 4iJ
ll'iil iter cm. price, located on J
horder of Deaort, niuall creek tlirouh '
place, I 'JO Mcrea (.'nod fill in lund, 401
iicrea piiaturii. with extcneive outlet j
' for atock, 'JO m ilea to iieareat t-iwn
tli ih Ih a llrat cIiinh openliikr for .hi
youiiH man to hulld up In the atock
. tiuaiueaa. No. CJHl.
1'ricea auliject to clmnno. no notice
In addition to the preceding we
have over 'Jo.(XKJ acrra of lund of
every yrada Mil I rpmllty, in tructa of
000 to tuvlve thoiiHHiid arrea muiti'ik!
in price from t'l to fHXJ per Here, the'
(piHlity of Hull, locHtiou and improve
nietita deturuiiutiiK the price. The
nlmve (-mliiHcer1 In n da principally in
Lake county, a tioodly portion of it
in vicinity of Lakeview with Home
few choice tracta iu Harney and
('rook county in Oregon, ala i some
choice tructa In C'alfornla and Nevada
horderiUK on the Oreou line.
Keaidence lota in Iaketiaw aell for
l'J.r to fiilX) each liuaiueaa lota from
t) to t70U0 each.
OrdliiHrl y the town lota are CaJxI'J.'i
fret in the blather priced lota there
la no uniformity In aire, the location
Mini ale determining the price.
We have the town lota in Watson 'a
addition to the town of Lukeview the
near, nt to the btiaiueaa portion of town,
alro lota in ull other additiona adjoln
init the town we alao tmve a larice
liat of Improved and unimproved
town property of all kinda for auln.
A fifteen yeaia rerideiice in Lake
County enahlea ua to aay, enpeciitlly
to the capital iat, we can liive you
iiointers iu apeculntive propoaitioua
in varioua lined ol hiihinuaa aa well hm
realty t hat we know you will gladly
IiivcmI luiile after you learn what we
have to t-nlUt your attention.
Any lliluu in the precediiiK that
may inteieat you, write tis for morn
pitrticular ilcierlpt 'on.
Pept. A. Lakeviaw, Oregon.
Jackson, Mississippi,
Writes a Letter to the President Urging Him to
Let the People Vote on Popular
Lincoln, Nelir. . I ii 1 r
llryan today aitreaaeu
I'l. VV, J, i
letter to j
I'rnaldent 1'af t aak iim imn io allow I
the people to vole on lie i rpular
election of SriihUir, .N.i, liryau
"To I'rraldent Taft: Nnw that the
atalea are oin to vote mi the rati
ell t Ion of the amendment pecifically
aiithorllntf aa income tax. why not
viva thaw a chance to tote on an
amendment providing for the election
of United Htaton Senator hy popular
vote? In youi Hpeech of acceptance.
A woman oei out In a peek -a boo
A iiiau'a at the liottom of that;
She la padded In apota ami in epota
ahn in laced,
A nian'a at the t.ottom if that.
Her eyea are chmI down and when
Koch anywhere,
She baa llouneca to Imrn and rata
ber hair,
And- ahe know bow to liluah at an
overbold atare,
A man 'a Ht the liottom of that!
lloutaou Post
(iet HeWltt'a Carbollzed Witch Ha
zel Naive when yon aak for it. There
are a reat many Imltat iona, nut
there la juat on original. Thla aalve
ia vood for anythltiK where a aalve la
needed to la need hut it ia eapenially
Kuo'l tor Pllet Hold by flaly Hall.
All dnnra an I window
Lnkeview Mercantile Co.
Executrix's Notice.
In the County Court of the State of
Urekiou, for the County of Lake. In
the matter of the PHtate of MAHT1N
T. WaLTKIJS, deceuaed.
To whom it may concern : Notice
ia hereby viveo thut the underditned,
the executrix of the Inat will and
teatament of Martin T. Walttra. de
ceaaed, haa Hied the llual account of
her Hdminiatration of HHld ratate, in
the t'ouutv Corut of the State of Ore
uon, for the county of Lake and that
trie Honorable II. Daly, Judge of aaid
court, baa, by an order duly made
.... ... I . L. : i nu ii.ui
it. , . . -kul. j - i
appointed triday. the .loth day of
July, A. I)., HHUI, at the hour of 10
o'clock A. M., of aaid day, at the
Court room of said court in tbe court
house of Lake County, Oregon, In
the town of Lakeview. as the time
and place for the hearing of the ob
jections to aaid final account, if any
there be, and for the final eettlemeut
This notice is published in the.
Lake County Examiner, a newapaper,
published weekly at Lakeview, Lake
County, Oregon, for four successive
and conscnutive weeks prior to said
day of settlement, by order of Hon
orable I). Daly, Judge of said court
duly made and entered herein, on
June 'JH, UHXI.
Dated this let day of July, A. D.,
Kxecutrlx of the laat w ill and test
ament of Martin T. Walters, de-
For Infants and Childrea
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature ol l4ut-S2
.ft944, 60 YEAR
Trai. ,Ak
Copyrights Ac.
a ninnt aonilliiir n kolrh and doflcriptlon niav
quli'kly iisi-i'ri.ini enr (ipitnoii frue wlifilior an
tuifMii is t'i"tillr ti:ii,innllfl. t'liriniunlra
li.inKiru-ilrr.iiii.ii'nii:il. HANDBOOK l"aiiu
ii'iil li". iHilvat liueni'T fT HTUnnu ulMU.
r.iiiMiia takixt HiroiiL'li Munii It lu. rewlv
t)x, i,UnotU; wiihnuttii'iruo, lutho
Scientific Jlmcricam
A handnomalv lllnatrntei worklir. I ivet
culitiion of miv K'K'inttJ'i journul. 1 tniii. 94 a
Trur; l"ur iiumilis, L bulj lifull iivnail'alers.
MUNN & Ca.3C,n'oady- Mew Yorff
Hrancb. '.Ml' ". 'r VU. Waahluctun. U. "
otlce For Publication
Uepart meut of tbe Interior, United
States Laud Ottlce, Ltikeview, Ore.,
May 27, 1009.
Notl'ta is hereby itiveu that the
atate of ()ret;ou hna filed in thia ottlce
its application. Serial No 02110, to
select under the provisions of the
act of CuKresa of AutriiHt 14, 1H1S, and
the aots supfdeuieutary and amenda
tory I heret o, the SV (iiiarter'SW
quarter, NW iuarler SV quarter,
SV quarter NW quarter NW quarter
NW qnartor. Sec,. 3:1, T. :r S. li. 21
K. W. M.
Auy and all persons clHiniing ad
versely the lands det-crilmd, or desir
IiihT to object because of the niiueral
character of the land, or for any other
reaaou, to the dispoaul to applicant,
should tile their affidavits of protest
iu this office on or before the Kith
day of July, 11KK).
J. N. WATSON, Reuister.
The above uotice will be published
la the I.tOe Oouut; Kxainiuer, a
weekly newspaper printed and pub
lished at Lakeview, Oregon, for a
period of at least five weeks prior to
the date last lu said notice nieuloned
J10J 15 J.;N. WATSON, Register.
l I . ' ini,r.lianaaai
I li
the an
' I II ,if U.'.i.l.l Ik tinl I. A
opportune 1 1 me to present thla euh
jeet to Conireaa? Two Coiihtituf ional
aineudmenla, one BiithrirlzltiK an In
come tax and the other providiuK for
the popular elect Ion of Henato'-a
would make your adminiatration
meniorahle and Important, and I
pledtte you whatever Haaiatauce 1 can
render you In aecuriuit the ratiflo .
tlon of tbrae ariieudmenta. Witb
Kreat reapict, I am. your truly.
"W. J. HIiYAN."
Boy'a Saved
My little boy. four yeara old. bad
a aevnre attack of dynr o.ery. We had
two phyaiciaua ; both of them nave
him up. We then rfava birn Cham
ber! am 'a Colic, Cholera and Uia
rrhoea rercrdy which cured him and
believe luat navel tiia I ife Will iam
It. StrolliiK, Carbon Hill Ala. There
ia no doubt that thla remedy aavea
the Uvea of many children each year,
(live it with cantor oil according to
tbe plain priuted direct iona and a
cure ia certain. For aale by 1-laly &.
Little Johnnv, who ''ad been rrav
inK for aeverul months for (Jod to
i-eud him a baby brother. Anally Im
came dUcouriiKe ). "I don't think
(jod haa any more little buy to
aend," he tol i hia mother, "and I'm
going to atop it . "
Karly one morning not long aftei
that he waa taken into his mother's
room to see tmn boys who bad ar
lived .in the uight. jQhnny regarded
them thoughltolly for aome minutes,
"(oily," he dually remarked, "it's a
good thing I stopped praying when J
did." Answers.
Mr. Jagway Honest now, when you
paw me lat night, wasot' 1 making a
bee linn for borne?
Ilia Candid Friend Making a B
line? Worse than that, Jagway. You
were making a W line. Cnicago
if you ba,ve palua in tbe back,
weak back or any other indication of
a weakenea coudiiou of tbe kidneys
or bladder you should get DeWitt's
Kidney and tsiadder rilli rignt
' . , .... .
when you experience tbe least sign of
kidney or bladder complaints but be
sure tbat you get DeWitt's Kideey
and bladder Fills. We know what
they will do for you and if you will
send your name to E. C. DeWitt &
Co.. Chicago, you will recieve a free
trial box of these kidney and bladder
rills. They are sold bere by Daly A
He She looked awfully bored at tb e
She How do yon know.
He How do I know? .Wasn't 1
talking to her nearly the wbole even
ing? Yonkeis Statesman.
Ccambcrlaln'i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy Would Have Saved
Him Jloo
"In 1002 I had a very aevere attack
of diarrhoea " aays li. N. Farrai, of
Cat Inland, La. For several weeks I
was unable to do anything. Oi March
H. 10U7, 1 bad a similar attack, and
took Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy which gave me
prompt 'elief. 1 cousider it one of
the best mediciues of its kind in tbe
word, and had I used it in 1002 be
teved it woud bave saved me a hun
dred dollar doctor's bill. " Sold by
Daly A Hall.
.Jimmy Wakefield must be contem
plating uiatrimonv, for anion? other
hoiif eliold eooda he purcbaaed of Fred
Kuruinctt waa a hih chaii and baby
butiKy. Silver Lake Leader.
Ger Thirty. Five Veara
lu 1872 there was a great deal ot
diarrhoea .dysentery aud cholera in
fantum. It waa at this time that
Chamhertaiu's Colic, Cholera and
Dixrrhoen kemedv waa flrat brouizht
in to use. It proved more successful
than auy other remedy oi treatment,
and haa for thirty-five years main
tained tlu t ' ecord. From a small be
ginning its sale and use has extended
to every part of the United States and
to many foreign countries. Nine
druggiHts out of ten will recommend
it whn their opinion is asked, al
though they have other medicines that
pay them a greater profit. It can al
ways be depeuded upon, even in the
most aevere and dangerous cases. For
sale by Daly V Hall.
Linoleums, carpets,
Lakeview Mercantile Co.
Men who cannor slop
for a rainy day.- will
find Ihe areatesl
comforr and freedoi
of bodily movement
tnriFDttv)u tniTtnoov
jlivoliw w WWII w-ri
Every garment bearing ,,t J,
Ihe sign of Ihe fiih" N'
guaranteed waterproof ii v.
catalog irse
. j lowrn co hoi'ON o ft
can fill your order for doors aud
wndowa. 11. AM.
you aald ynu were perannally
'') to favor ai'ich a chaute In
nv t-1 CJ
' ,v': . 'A ' - :
1 TiGSinstm:
LIGHT & HARROW. Proprietors
If you desire to get tbe daily San
Francsico Bulletin and the Lakeview
Examiner, at unheard 01 rates, yoo
will have to burry, as tbe deal is
liable to be called off any day.
In answer to tba question. "What
passages in the Holy Scripture bear
upon cruelty to animals? one boy
said. "Cruel people often cut dogs
tails and ears, but tbe bible says.
Thnsa whom God batb lotned to
gether, let no man put asunder.
Caristian Register
Help for TboM Who nave Slomaca ironDie
After doctoring for about twelve
years for a bad stomach troubl , and
speudiug nearly five hundred dollars
for medicines and doctors' fees, I
purchased my wife one box of Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets,
which did ber so much good tbat she
continued the nse of them and tbev
bave done ber more good tban all of
tbe medicin I bought before. Sam
uel Boyer. Folsom, Iowa. This med
icio is for sale by Daly & Hail.
Samples free
$1,250 Reward.
The Hamcr ; 1 1
Live ?kJi ss'i
ion . cif llirh I aa
a member; ;RytifT.5i
reward forevide net
leading (o the eon
viciinn of pRrtiL't
siralinir stock be
UinKinif to itft mem .
tiers. In addition 1
otfiT .tii reward
Horse brand liorae
shoe bar on eiihei
or both jaw. Re
corded inacouiuie
Kaone, Harnev, l.ake anil t r.'oa i'onmie
tlorse vented wiennold Horn's tab I to pas
ttiroiinh tills tertion will be reporu j in thi
t'HLK-r. If not ao rej-orted, pli,a'-write or tele
phone The Time, Herald, Main SJ4, Huron, Ore
Uon. W .Brown, Burua, Orc-
Keward for Mors es
1 will cive $."i.00 reward for Inform
n tlon that will lend to the discovery
of hii; y horno brnndcil with iu old
horseshoe brand on both jaws, placed
at in the cut in this advertisement,
with fresh trianirle brand underneath
the horseshoe. The trinnirle placed
in such a manner as would cover up
a bar on both jaws. Animals must
be found in the possession of some
person or persons.
; a', i -bw
Red Livery Barn
New Ki.trs
and tvs
Fancy Teams
to Let
Corner Canyon and Main Sts,
A Shot with fcvsrv Tick of Watch
Free Book tells of this flun
1 Ilia Ilamnu'rK'ss Ki'penti.'r is
inns every known iiiiproviMnent i-n-v imW.'-Iowii f-iiuiris lieiivv
lircech lilock, ctiveivd iiuH-linnism ami top rili if desired.
Cntnlott shows our other shot ins, d mlilcs, kIhuIc-i, rU.
PRICES. $5 TO $27 .
lf"A postnl lirlnvr-i our tioob ricHK Addrf-s
45i Auburntlaie, TOLFDO, OH!0.
r I
. The best Vanquero r;
saddle on the market
Also n complete line of
watton and buggy har
nes, vhlp5, rohes, bits,
iletfc f futr. quirt, rose
n tact every thing; In
the lin
of carriage and
orse ftirnihin;t.
pairing by competent
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, (J. S
! Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
! April 26, 190-J.
! Notice is hereby given thatHENRT
ANDERSON, of Bly, Oregon, wha
I on November 2", UXJ7. made Home-.
I stead Entry No. 3H01 (Serial N.
'OUOii'for Lots 1. 2, E half NW quar
j ter. Section SI. Towuship 35 S.,
iRangeirE. Will. Meridiau, haa
j filed notice of iutention to make
Kiual Coniinof ation tJroof to establish
, el Hi rn to I bti -aud auove de?crired,
before Register atid llecel .er. ar Lal-e-'view.
Ortgon. ou Le Oth day of .Inly.
Claiui-nt uanii s aitnescs: Art
Eavens, Curri Luudy. O T. tider
son, Q. N. Andersou, all of Bly, Ore
gon. MJ10 J. N. Watson, Register.
We bare an excellent line of ladies'
dutch collars. Tney arethe very
latest thing B. X M.
There is no need of anyone auffer
ing long with this disease, for to
effect a quick cure it is only necea
aary to take a few doses of
Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy
In fart, in most cases one dose Is
sufficient. It never fails and can be
relied upon in the most severe and
dangerous cast. It is equally val
uable for children and is the means
of saving the lives of many children
each year.
In the w orld's history no Medicine
' has ever met with greater success.
- i Special Acconitno
For Freighters
Lakeview, Ore.
tlu mosr r.-ipii) iiiimp unn made; it i
U....lll,.,.,. 1,1!. ,1.1. :.:l!ltlll ii