Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 22, 1909, Page TWO, Image 2

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    j .
. - i
lands, lu fact, in some of the eaat
era states the burniutf of brush stfer
. ogling i male compulsory by lt.
LargrM Paper, and I argot Circulation
laMrrn and SMitithcrn Oregon.
Kuti-r''! at the I'oM mn at I asi-vu-m
Soeninl-1'liU" Matt'-r
, Ore.
It tl ItO Vl III II lHl
JWhen tb first through train
,th Chicago, Milwaukee A St.
Railroad reached Seattle from
'mettopolis of l,ake Michigan
! first iart of last werik. a uew
I the commercial life of the
! Northwest wii.s inaugurated.
era in
Heart to Heart
y EDWIN A. iwE
ICopyrlsht, 1 :.
ty Atnorii-an
oiui :i:v
l'iisa Aao-
. n Trnr,
Tim n.ont
in .l ance.
r.m I'k!
i w
. . .
I In alviuuo. ii SO ihv voai.
Notice to Subw.-rltra
iib-vrmim to I ni
O from on-
KxHiniinT who remOTe
liH'niuy to fimulur. r i-bangi
Wi.-ir i.,.st.tU-i- a-llro hiMiii r. im mhvr in
dro;i thin oflu't" a curd so thi-ir pr can i ait
dr'M'1 lo tin- rtglit iHMiofliif .
Kigtilar siamting ail $1 00 an Inrli null
reluinn s'Hi-f, I, r nxittth All atanoir.: ail.
ctiaiiK'1 lr'f ivk'o a minm. l'it ol i-onijosi.
Hon charm-il (or all extra vhainu-s. All s( ial
OMiion. extra. All short term ail. iitra
Ki-adi T. Un a; column. HV. j r line rai h In
lelttmi. Want ai1. .V a lin-ca.-li lucertion
Cant of thank Jl.m. Resolution of oiimto
letico. (1 Mi ami upward.
f-Tratisient Advt-rnaing and Job Frinl
Ian. ati in advance.
All bills must be paid the firnt of each month.
ggfSo deviation from thoae term.
.TUI C 13 irifD I tcpt on file at K.C. Pk'r
' I li I J rHrtn A.nrlJ4 Sand , coucluaiou
aorae Street. San Kranei o. ta... whpre I vouciusiou.
eOM'rai t" tor advertiania ean he made (or it.
fi yellow piue rerro iuotion better
ivbere ti e t ruh ia cut up dini ecat
ferad over tbe ground, or where it is
pilJ and burned?. This is a ques
tion, wbitfi the Forest Service Lopes
to answer through interesting experi
ments whic1! have juut been started
oa tbe Fremont National i-'oregt in
Whenever tbe Govern Qient sella
timber from tbe National Forests at)
Ssaeutial provision of tbe contract is
that the brush must te d it posed of
l-o tbe yellow pine region it is usually
, piled and burued. lo the Djuglaatir
piou tbe whole cut-over ares ia
- teamed broadcast uoder rarcfol guards
and after tire liues have been con
structed about t!ie area.
Tbe primary object of the dicpos
nc of tbe brueb on cut-over areas by
truroing is to get rid of tbe fire, -trap,
Hit in some typea nf forest, partioo
, torly iu tbe Douglas Nr torerta. It
,. ar-ea another very beneficial por
poa?. tbat is, it promotes tbe natural
. seeding up of tbe area and tbe start
, aa of another crop of Douglas Mr
M tbe yellow pine forests, however,
lch ag are found over in Eastera
VizguD nai Washington and in tbe
authwet,tLe effect of burning brush
Biaj be detrimental rather than help
ful to tbe young growth. In these
aemi-Hrid r6igons tbe soil ' dries out
very rapidly and uatural reproduc
tion of yellow piue is in some locali
ties, very poor on this a -count. A
sou covering or mulch of brush is
tuite effect ire in protecting the soil
from tbe 1 itnit,6 sunshine and belps
tj conserve tbn soil moisture. It may
le wiser, therefore, to leave tbe
I'ruah uuburued in tboae dry stands
f"yellow pine.
it is to settle this question in this
l-'tier type of foro.t. tbat the present
eKperimeuts have been begun. On
n area from which about half of the
merchantable timber is cow being cut
the Oregon Valley Land Company,
to representative plots of about
eUcbt acres nob were telecttd.
ijufh was diviJed into two parts in
icb a why tbut tbe conditions on
une-rialf wtrri just about tbe same as
the conditions on trie other baif.
Oa oue tbu brusn will be piled and
burned, ou the otber it will be cut
tap an.J scattered over tbe ground,
llere, vsith tbw two methods I
tried t-ide by eidw, a good opfKr
tunity to prov- their relative merits.
This fail the.e will be an abundant
lllovi pine ten! iu tbat by next fcuui
auer tbe results r.f tbe experiment
afioold brmu t'i ib'jw. These p!os
Ul be examinee t;v otlCcre of tbe
Forestry Servian trou; ti'iie tj time. 1
It there are moia aet llii.s at tbe end 1
of Tw"n or three years r.n the Lali ol
vhiah tbe brush ii scattered ttao on '
tiiij 1 a'f en wh on (he brush m
lnjrned it will indicate tbat in t.rder
to secure the bust, growth of young
aoedlitgs it is letter not to burn t!;i
brush. If the HX.biimnt does turn
tint tbia way it u robalHe that iu
Una yellow pirn region wbero the
u-.A is liable to dry out and natural
reproduction ia poor, tbe bruah will
be scattered over tbe ground in log
King or orations ou tbe National i'tr-e.-it
here after. Whenever tbe danger
from Uresis great, however, the brush
ill have tto ba piled and burued
tboogb this uotbod may be less lav
arable to product iou. Tbe esawuMal
t'ouaiduiatiou is to prevent tbe brusb
ou cut-over land from beiug a Cre
Hieuace. la most types of forests,
blabbiogs are a meuace for years utter
L'ilK'og unless tbeLrueh be disposed
tf. Tbe burning of busb ou out-over
lauds is i. becoming a common prac
tice, not only by tbe Forest Service,
but by lumbermen ou tbelr ou
'train brought FreoidHiit A. J. F.arling
aud otber loading oltlcials of
; company, who made the inspection
j trip and prououncod themselves bh
well BHtlsllod with their line.
For the Hrst 1 1 mo in the history of
their tbe Milwaukee will
publish a complete net of tarilTi tn
depoudent of tho trans ooutiuental
Froiwbt Ass elation. President Far
ling ha anuotiuced that his line will
make its own rates independently,
thus going into open competition
with otter trans continental rotda,
inatea 1 of plnvitig in with them, lis
explained tbat this lines unt uecei
sarily mtau a freight-rate war, but
that the company wants to be at lib
erty to make auy rate that it sees tit.
subject to the rule of the Interstate
Commerce Commission, without hav
ing to consult its competitors first
That the Milwaukee is destined to
become a strong factor in trass-con-tinental
an I overseas rate-making as
a resut of this position, is a foregone
and buiuess men are
welcoming the independence mani
fested, as it means much to them.
- And it woald mean as much to
Rastero Oregon as it has to Fsstern
Washington, if President Earling
could be induced to enter this tireat
Inlaud Empire of Otegon.
"DEMOCKACV VA El.tjl.'.tO. j
I Kt'lr llaiille, tnic i f the lividcisi
tbe 1,10 i'.'ii''ii vvoi uiui. t ti. tlnu. is ;
uiH-llnr !!:" spirit if tl.'i.n ci ;u la
onnnnicr lmicv
i Jr.
An Effort is to Be Made g
To Prevent Waste
of Fruit
The Ft.llldwell (lobl Niicgrtt of tho
Hth lust says the "Pearson Itlgltvv t'o.
are making a beroic etfort to eidnh
le s... Mr llnrdl... but n ('' ff"" evaporator in Surprise l
alley. 1 be enterprise la wortl.y or
I lie consderaton of every indvdiiitl lu
l.riHi.iUHi men : the count v.
lis of Tnklnn into Ctinal I 'ratlon the pro-
gri'iitcr In tho I liUiM t t:i li l:i
It inlctit
Tlu pr'fT
In (irent 1 i l ain ! d iy
ire out f m rk. Tln'ii n
beings nrc m .lie v'iy M.o ff stnrvii-j bibitlve frelttbt charges on evety
lion. Kit st Lt ndon Is n vast hospital ; pound of freight shipped to tha oon
of mlsiTA. Isomer, and then considering tbe
At tho sumo time the peers of tho ! thousands of toua of choice fruit tbat
realm, the aristocracy, own mc-th!rd
of tho land
Owning the bind, ootulltloiis are such!
that tho poors really o u the loi.nutry ;
on tho lai:l. Thoy oxplult I bo !o"iinls ;
volltii; them as lattlouion rotiml up
their Moors f ( r I lit branding !
Tbe t'i nrlstccrnts w ho sit In t lu j
house of Ionia re olve every year from :
the tenants of their latnlh .ildlnga ".". j
OW.tKXt. or a little more than $HH).(Vij
per Ker. j
Which may bo a very tleslr&Me state j
of affairs, from tho standpoint of (hoi
peers, and conducive to the democratic
goes to WHste iu Surprise allwy every
year. It cau be plalnlv noted that
there Is o reasoii whatever to ship
fruit from the outside when a little
asHiNtsnce from each fruit grower will
open the WHy for supplying the de
mand from home products , increase
the income of the grower, enhance!
tie aluat ion of tbe land aud keep
the money at home that Is paid an
nually iu exhorhttant fro'gbt rates.
How To Killl Weeds
Look' am) enrneHtly hnv th inrtn
I nt t has Avmifti it I hd I a li at f I lit a f it
spirit and tho progress of the race. H.dtnre been striving to llnd some
from the standpoint of tbe eers. luennn f eradicating the we.d i.ther
As we see It. however, the house of ban by grubbing and pulling it tin,
lords, because of Its power to veto all ! and news comes from North Dakota
Just And equitable legislation and bo-' that the light has been wi n at leant
cause of Its ownership of tho land. Is ' over the wild mustard, tho Canada
the greatest barrier to the Industrial ; thist.e.the dandelion and mauy other
anil freedom of the Enf- I . ". " " " . " ' ' -r'-
Ush common people.
And there you are.
The people have the power to abol
ish the house of lords. Hut. aside from
a few worklncmen's movements, they
have made no serious efforts.
They deserted Mr. Gladstone when
he tried to help them.
Which, Mr. Ilnrdle, does not strong
ly argue In favor of tbe Intelligent
spirit of democracy In England.
The helicoptre U an air traveler
tbat lifts itself from tbe earth by its
own power. In this respcet it differs
from the Wright aeroplane tbat must
run a long distance on tbe ground
before it receives sufficient momen
tum to sustain itself in tbe air, which
faot is a handicap for a commercial
Before successful navigation ia.tha
air can be attained it strikes every
body tbat tb" machine most be cap
able of rising in tbe air by means of
its own power, in order to meet all
demands. Toe beliceptre does thin.
and it also sustains itself in the air
without tbe forward and backward
moving aeoessay in ths Wright and
other aeroplanes.
Tbe inventors of tbe new oontriv-
auoe are two uaknowa
D C. men, but it looks as though I PeoP who foolishly believe
tbey have caught tbe right 'idea for ''-tut tlelda are greener"
: , . " i those of Umatilta county,
aerial navigation. I
abominations of
who till the. ground for a living
Spraying the territory atlsoted
! with a solution of Iron auiphate when
1 the weeds are young loes the work.
1 The chemical which Is corrosive, at
tacks the tender tissues ot the.
rapidly growing weeds and deatroys
them, while there Is little or no In
jury to the grain, particularly If it is
Prince Rupert
Your Opportunity
I'llilcit Klipcit. Ilio I'm lllc Cim-t ti"Uilnils nf The liiiltol
Trunk I'aclll K-ulwny. offer I bo urcstest " rttinlly for
prolllalilo Iiivim inoni In America. TIioho who bate I vo l
nil the I'tiolile t'onxt know of t lie enormous fi ironies created
In I bo growl b hip I il velopiiient of Pol I land, Sent t lo nn I V u li
ft ill ver These ell It a are osliililisbed. y our oppm I unity doe
not el-l In nn cmImIiIIIioi cllv lin' In a new city In lis mak
ing. I'l I )- Itnperl pi eeti I a n II oin ill 'I ill I v equal I o in y of
I bo it I n v Now n hoi 1 1 taking ml vnntugo id the opport unity,
nn-: PitiNt'K ui i'Kitr it':i. i:sT.ri: investment-
M ENT l't. i I'll. , i -poi ii tea lo cotulilne t be an v lugs ol small
nvoslors, u id it i ft th s t'li pi t'l I ti ll li it ci" it - I oil K tl
Est m te fort linos Wo offer I o in vest or, it 1 1 till lo I II II III ber of
Hlinres of t bU Com i is n v nt "ir, 'III ( per sluirc, pii vitblo n per
oont oiimIi it ud Ion per out uioiit lily , or ii discount for "i per
oont for t-nsli. Tlie linill who I illoue iniiiilile to nircliiio
well selected. Income-producing properly, iiim.v Invest hi
surplus (mills In Ihls t'ouipuue ami xbnro In the prollts
rcn llxed In propoi t Ion to l be ninoiiul IiivohIoiI, I bo profit
lionig t but produced liv tin pmiiert v Itself from rental Income
and Iiktoiiho lu vitllio. Tbe share of this I'oinpitu.y incorpo
rate the t breo esi-nl litis of nil Ideal llivo I men I , .l Tl ',
CASH A V A 1 1.. III I.I TV and IIKill E A l N I N ( ! POWER.
Every delnll tiflbe liilslticsr I a mailer nf piildlo record iind
baa I bo ehilo! MOliient of the Im-sI I.iiIiics interest lu the
Your ImisIiiohs solicited. Write.
The Princs Ruasrt Real stale Investment Co. ltd-
HO l.ou lltlg, Ytnifoinor, It. ('. Irl Ituport, II. ('.
Many of tho farmers are purchas
ing binders this year inatead of
headers, says the Dufur Dispatch.
I. i .. A..l - eAW ...... . . II I
. - II ID I'm, a i?n jrni, siui n i r hid.
: , . V '..k .J . LTi w bU "nclolty
win iii I n j r u i ui nuu mni luvu-
ra anomaly, that relic of feudalism,
the English house of lords.
France has shown the way. Th
French aristocracy is a mere reminis
cence, long bereft of exclusive estates !
J m .i, ....ii.i., . M I I" 'I
. uet.r.Teu e. no -rr not ,H ,,.,., Kvi,n thnt H rrllIll
Pr"l"r'- I Hon, ttr tnlllnice tlltcbea on nil trout
Abolish yoor bouse of lords. Mr I Ht reams thronght Enke County. Ore
Hardle. Not till then can yon boasl jron. must Ik? nonfiied with u" sinall
Country bacon and lard at U. A M's.
lausbed at bv hia friemla h ornnui ha
Washington, 'sold out "for a sontr." Yet there are
The Peodletoa East Oregon ian re
lates tbe following, which vary for
cibly applies to conditions existing
in Lake county:
Ther i a traofe ro-vt land in tbe
West end of this oonoty tbat was
purchased two or three year ago by
a man who paid t5 an acre for it.
Sborly atferwards be sold . tbe land
at t'-ir) per acre. A few months later
tbe third owner disposed ot tbe land
tor 175 per acre and is now beiog
We call yobr special attention to
our line of Cluett Peabody shirts
at B. A M's.
Spring goods will arrive in
days at Lakeview Mercantile Co.
Children Cry
To Home Builders
hundred l.-itest,
plans f
denfg;ni arid
Bungalows ana Cottages
$500 to $5000
Enquire of
and Builder.
Main Street, next to AbUtrornV.
Pull colored Sectional
Hap of Oregon.
I'lieo OOi- while tlwy Last.
Shows all Hiirveyeil latulH, by sec
tions, and every Important atreain
and divide, Towuabipa ami Kange
plainly marked. :: ::
Also allows all Land Grunt Lands,
and haattieOKUON niLITAKY KOAD
Oram complete, by well on a. Inval
uable to auyoue who now la or ex
beet to be interested In lauds la
Houtheru Oregon. :: :; ;: ::
Entire output of thlri map owned by
8151 Chamber of (Jotnuierce,
, Portland, Oregon.
I A law wbloh is designed to
eonvival Mebraskans borne to
families at night is now in effect.
Tbe statue confines the sale of liquor
between the boors of 7 a m. and 8 p.
m., and provides a severe penslty for
saloon keepers who keep their places
open at otber hours. It is expected
that tbe law will go far toward pre
venting drunkenness and undue in
dulgence in liquors. It was while ar-
guing ia favor of tbe pasaage of this
bill by tbe state legislature that
former Governor Ponyter was atrickeo
dead last April.
mesh win screening; at their head or
junction with tlvo main channel of
strenm. AIho all dams or obstruct
ion ou hhIiI streams must lo pro
vided with a fish-ladder, or other tav
means of paaaage, at or near the mid
dle of tho main channel, so n to al
ow tho passage of trout at all time
of year, aa provided by law. Said
work to Is done at low water time,
or to la completed by Fb. 7, 197.
Uy order of J. A. Harhani.
Soeclal Deputy flab Warden for
IukeCounty, Orwroti
A carload of doors
received at U A M's.
and windtMva
Harrimao is asid to be buyiug right
of way along tbe Pacific coast from
Eureka, California too Coos Day,
with a view to securing a water level
lioe from Portland to San Francisco.
If tbat is tbe case, wil it put a slop
to. tbe propoad line from Klamath
Falls to Natron?
Placed IXOOO trees In Lake county
last vear. lieat adapted to needs of
thin section. Fro? from all discuses.
Endorsed by fruit Inspector,
febotf E. H. PATCH, I.Bkevlew.
Dealer lr
Furniture of All Kinds.
Mr. F. K. li AIlltlH, au ixa-rlotifel uudortaker. baa t bargo
ot my Umlertaktiitf Itooma.
Smiles and Squalls
Big Milk Record
A noted scientist says: Tbe earth
mav be smashed by a tramp star, ride
full tilt Into tn aun, and everybody
living get done brown thereby; tidal
friction may atop, leaving one aide
of tbe earth a dieary waatf ; all tbe
waier ana air may oe toss, or ma sun owner Is
Another Orwgou oow has made a
phenomenal retmrd fjr producing
milk, she being a llolsteln owned by
a Washington county farmer. Dar
in oue year , ending the Intb of
March last, the amount of milk given
by her was 17,000 pounds, and for
several days during that time her
80 pounds. Her
a patron of tbe condenser
may rreei.-ana tuere ye are. wen, j ,t Koreat Orova. and much of tbat
let's all get off the earth and let ber , 1mUii1 flu,(, now ,n 0O0(i60e4(J Uom
go, Gallagher I to help supplv the markets of the
Tbe ease with wbloh counollmen world. There is room In this state
absent themselves from council meet-1 for thousands more just such domes
lugs almost leads one to neileve the . tlo bovines.
oity ball to be a church, piously re .
marks tbe Coos bay IJ arbor.
Louis Shaw
A Haystack, Crook county man ,
says tbe average price of horses re
cently sold was iit'jo per bead. Since
tbe Urat of July oue year ago he has
sold MOoO worth of b orses which be
Dealer In Real Estate
1 have Hated some of tbe bes
Ranches, Timber Lauds and Town
property in Northern California, a
J country that is bound to Improve rap
l Idly. Alfuras, California.
Drives Mlsquitoes
A bu lletio recently issued by the
Department aaya that a few drops on
a cloth of tbe following solution
placed at tbe head of tbe bed or other
place will positively pievent tbe uios
quitoes from coming near. One ounce
oil of cedar, two ounces oil of citron
ella and two ounces spirits of cam
phor While most of the mlsqulto
"dope" is about as offensive aa tbe
insects themseves, this is said Is
"Hill." said the Invalid's friend,
I "I've come to cheer you op a oil
like. I've brought yer a fnw tlwars,
I Hill. I fought If 1 was too late they'd
come in 'andy for a wreath, yer
know. Don't get downhearted, Hill.
Lummy, don't you look ghastly. Hut
there, keep up your splrlta old sport;
I've coma to am yer and cheer yer up
a bit. Nice litte room you 'ave 'ere,
but as 1 sez to myself wlieu 1 was a
cultnu' up: Wot a orkard stalrcaae to
get a cotllu dahn London Globe.
Forty seems a long way elf to twen
ty, but twenty seems but a step back
ward to forty.
Friend 1 understand, Mrs. titearn,
tbat your daughter has married since
we last met.
Mrs. Ktero Yea, aud been di
vorced. Friend Ah, and who ia tbe baopy
maoY BoHtoti l'rauucnpt.
I If nurt nient nf the Interior. C S.
raided as well as HUM) worth of bogs, j Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
July ;,'iyo;i.
Notice ia hereby given that C. C.
Lutfus, Crane Lake, Ore., adminis
trator of the estate of Pardon lirowu,
Jr., deceased, of Adel, Oregon, who,
ou May !th, 1D0.S. made homestead
entry No. 2)72. Kerial No. 01125. for
K half NK quarter, E half SE (uar
ter, Section 12, Township .') B, Itanga
22 E, Willamette Meridian, has tiled
notice of iutentiou to make Final
live year proof, to establish claim to
tbe land above described, before Reg
ister and Receiver, U. H. Laud Office,
at Iakeview, Oregon, on tbe 0th day
of September, l!fJ.
Claimant names as witnesses: J. W,
Lotfua aud E. ii. Lotfus of Warner
Valley, Oregon, Wm. Davie, Crane
Lake, Oregon, and Henry titine. Mud
Creek, Oregon. JHA12
2 We call your especial attention to
ourliue of ladies' ohirt waiats. 11. AM.
Administrator' Notice
In the County Court of the Htate of
Oregon, for the County of Lake. In
the matter of the eatate of OSCAR
A. HULKTTE. deceased.
To whom it may concern: Notice i
is hereby given tbat the undeisigned,
administrator of the eatate of Oscar
A Hulette, deceased, baa made and
Hied iu tbe above entitled court this
final account as administrator of said
estate, and the Hon. II. Daly, Judge
of said court, has, by aud order duly
made aud entered in said matter, ou
July Eith, 11KCJ, appointed Filday.
the 13tb day of August. A . D., UXA)
at tbe bour of ten o'clock in tbe fore
noon of said day as tbe time for hear
ing of objections to such Final Ac
count, if any there be, and for tbe
settlement thereof.
This notice is published in tbe Lake
County Examiner, once a week,1 for
four successive weeks, immediately
prceeedlng such date so appointed,
and the date of the first publication
thereof ia July 15. 11)011. '
Dated July 15, I'M)
Adminstrator of the estate of Oscar
A. Hulette, deceased. J15A12
Blacksmiths and
North Water St., Lakeview, Oregon.
D-irEvery tlilug In the lino of blacksmlthlng or Iron or
work done In a Hatlsfao tory manner ami at bedrock prices,
patronage respectfully solicited.
Notice lor Piibllcatloa,
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Ofllce at Lakeview, Oregon,
June 12, l'JOO.
Notioe is hereby given tbat KEG1
NOLD A. HRAULEY, of Plush,
Oregon, who, on Sept. ID, 1 )', made
desert Land Entry, No. 5H0, Serial
No. 0515, for SE quarter SW quarter,
W half SE quarter. Section 12 Town
ship 37 South, Range 22 East. Wil
lamette meridian, baa filed uotice of
inteution to make final Proof, to es
tablish o'aim to tbe land above des
cribed, before Register and Receiver
at Lakeview, Oregon, on tbe 20tb
day of July, 1UOD.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Henry Deppe, Here Petri, John
O'Connor and Charles Sbolstand, all
of Plush, Oregon.
J17J22 J. N.WATSON Reigster.
I Furniture and
New Pine Creek, - - Oregon
Trade-MarKs, Designs, Labels, Prints, Ctc.
Atl clasauH of biialntHH la-fore th Unltuil Statea Patent Office given
Prompt and Careful Personal Attention. Turma tho moat roa
Honablu and good work guaruiitaed AddroaH all Inipilrlca to
( Member of tho Bar of the U.
2407 P Street N. W.
5. Supreme Coust. )
Washington, D, C.