Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 22, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 2
1 1
i Great Future
I Predicted for
I Our "Desert"
Lake County
To Have Arte
sian WaLer
An Arrangement Which i;:;
Holds Good in Every
Portion of This
Tim Silver Luke Lender cif the 1'itli
Itml. hk; Frank I, mm was out
through Ihn I 'ni t luick country last
week iiinl lm niid In- was hhI on Ixliml
to hi' 11 the lln u i it i ii throughout Unit
Hi-rthin, lip nlxK mild tin whh Con
Vinci"! hl'VOIld any doubt that what
Iiuh liiirtofoie t . ti known it the
desert" will produce urn I n hm'I veg-
I I I'M In h I mi 11 rl it ii imi (tint that ere
g I IioiiiihikIh of bushels of grain
would I .ii rH I mci I for extiort.
John F. Stevens, the Noted En
gineer, of Panama Fame,
Was Surely Our Visitor.
The In! fiit Hurt land papers re; ort
t h tit nil trans o intltietital linen urn
centering tliolr ti t iiniiiili" Ht I'urtliiuil,
in order tu Tonl tin IihuI over I tin
iiiountutiiH to Puget Sound porta.
If I lilx Ih ileum it will have h iiionI
iiiiiurtiiit hearing on the immediate
future of l'.in-tirii Orison and may
explain tin- Hiidden activity of hII
railroad interims. The argument In
favor of n sea level outlet on tlm Col
uinliU river, ami alao troin here to
Sun FrunclHco l a good one, nod will
hasten uialtern fnrwinil.
Tlm I'urlan.t .luiiriiiil siiya Hint Mm
Great Northern hihI Northern Pacific,
llmling it a liming but'lo to pull heavy
truiiiM lit a great power cost over t he
inountulnn Into Si-nttli mill ut the
name time attempt to meet the water
grade ri iitH, H'ioplM I conciliator y i
tiirtli'M which with one hluw win for1
the moiliitiilil roads H new nil I easy
routing mil uiMke Portland the moBt
powerful coiimiiTclal renter went of
the Kuckv niciintalra.
Thp opening of interior Oregou for
ili'Vefopii i.t iiinl settlement, which
Ih iron II leiitly liel leve l to lie Hi hand,
ih emptiHHie.l mm one of the greatest
reiiB.-iiK wh the great railroad sys
tems Heek Intiiunte trade lelntlona
w ltd Portland
Full owi m; the announcement that
construction work has actually bean
commenced up the Deschutes canyon,
independent com pun lex will begin the
building of branch ltiieM.
Hy this melius every portion of the
state valtiahla for cattle and foi agrl-
I'liltura will liHiouie titiriiHil lHtet y
accessible, lout en I of sending tana
of thousand of cattle Bunt Into Colo
rndi Hint beyond, ranchers w ill send
theii IhtIh to Portland, whore the
new Swift pu:klug plant will become
the hrutlt'st buyer of the went.
The wheat priHrullve nre of the
xtHte will lio treiuemioiiNly liHTnuhe l.
ttther crooH will liecoine vhIiihIiIo hihI
the rail run 1 huutmn wuhtern hiiHinexa
want t.lii KhHreii In the tniililiuK of Ore-
tiuu'n cuttle hiuI crupH. I
When Engineer Cot off
the Boiler it Went
Bust I
The AlturHK (Ceptihl icuu of the Hitb
I mil. Kivea thin bit of newa rrHr1lim
uavluiitiuu (ioone Imkn.
In the 1 tint Uhiie of the New Kru,
the nlltiir In rpeui'iiiu of the ttrml
liiiprovuiiieut to the country In put
tliil the MteNiniinat on (iooen Lake,
etatea thHt thin ih the tlmt nteainliout
ever iii n tlmt liuilv of wat-r. Thia
however Im a nilMtuke. A iitimher
Tenra hi;o h rtrHuhoiit uhh Imllt anil
liiuncheil upon t h Ih hike. The hunt
wan of aoiiin iiie nii'l e.xhihited miniu
el Bun. It whi a iloul'ln decker and
whh poH-iihly aixty feet Iodk with
other onmmireiiiiMili in proportion.
The upper deck u well aliove the
water while the ciaft nut pictureHque
in almpe and reported aa excelleut to
ri'1e upon. The lioHt reached the
end of It ciireer In a aud und unex
euiplary in hii hit. The craft waa op
reated 0y a ateani crulne of auttlcient
pu'if-r, hut with a holler of miiihII ca
pacity. The holler ahh alway a
Hource of vexation and troutile. Dur
inu hard iiina the enuueer aluaya had
to ait down o.i the holler head to keep
it from htuwiuit ou. One day when
the engineer Kt olf the tio'ler to
cIiiimh up a monkey wrench to tighten
down the inifety valve the Imiler hlew
up leavlnt: the ha at atrauded and
rocked in the cradle of the deep, to
the middle of liooae Lake. The tioat
whh towed unhore, hut the machinery
wan never repaired for further aer-viiie.
Tli lixamlner w. a riht in aHcrlh
ln the inyMterioiia railroail men re
ceutlv here an Ik Iiik ri preaentat Ivea
of tlm Hill lutereta. The Portland
Telerain finally iilaoovered that (le-.
II. Snmpaon wan uuim other than
John V. Hteveua, the noted eouineer,
enw known to he J. J. Ilill'a chief
confidential advlner. The Identity of
the other inau lia not let heeu dia-
clmed, tint he la lielievad to te aonie
other atar of eipial niHUnltudi) In the
railroad world, and Ih prohatily con
nected with the Ne-.v Vcrk. New Ha
ven and Hartford run 1 which dumi
natea New KnKlaod.
The Portland papera now helieve
that Hill, through Ktevena, la the
rn or I ii if epirlt he'iind tf'e bin electric
road fr'uii Portland to llutte. men
tioned lu lant week'a Kxamiiier.
A wire from Medford to the Port
land Journal Huya that Stevens wua
there lnoKiuu over the Pacltla Kant
ern.Hiiil that he went over the line
fro ii thete through the (!ancade
mountain by wav of Crater Lake to
the Dcacutea valley, and evidently
I bulla and tinut, an' irood times,
' Harrinian ha ban lum ho. Ay
i vote tor Vim Hill, in bet in."
L'ulena all attffiB fail KaHreruOreitoii I
I ho.jii to be relieved of the galling i
chnina that have hn-jnd her ao lon to
a condition of "inoocuoua aeHiie-tu.lel'-
And it-in not to be dooe
throuuh any will ins effort of tnat
man Marriuian. Heniemlwr that !
A move h on foot aod imny aub
acribed, ffir Hrjllmij an artesian well
tii a depth of l.VK) feet in ('hriatmaa
Lake valley. II. Van (iundy. from
the Ohio oil tlelda. Kuaranteea to p it
in an artenian well drilling ontlU,
within IMJ days fron tha lime he la
notilied that th amount or tl .VXJ la '
aiibcarlt ed. So far 2,319 haa been
pronlned t,y Kil er Lake, Cliff and I
Iake people. Arteaian water would,
be a great tblrifr for Luke couuty,
find it ta to I. a brined mirrpa will
akal crown the effort of the people of
.Northern Lake coonty. ,
Will Build Railroad from
Columbia River To
The Examiner Man Fav
ored with Some from
the Foster Orchard
The lute Harney ptpera atate that
continued on hla now much talked of j William Maiah. of Seattle, proposes
Lake County Free Wheat
Lands Being Taken
up Fast
KutiiiiiiteH of the veur'a wheat croo
in the 1'ac.ltlo Northwest tlx the prob
able yiehl at iiliout .Vi.lHKl.lHH) buaheU,
an lucreaHe by 15,(MN),(HK) over I net
year. Thin tlt(ur may not be reached
if unfavorable rood It bum at harveMt
aet in but with normal weather, it la
believed thn yield will be larK". lie
cent nil n H h.ivo been of tmuieuHU beu
llt, to tho crop. UiHtrluta where the
Kralu waa practically ifiveu up be
curie of I he cont ined drouth have tuk
en heart auuiu ami wheat is till i uk
out in fairly wood Hhapu. The value
of the rains of the paHt week to the
wheat crop Ih variously entlnmted at
from ?1,IMI,(KKJ to .'1,000,(XKHI. lu
creaued acreaue in many sections of
the Htate make up in the total yield
or a abort crop in some dUtrlct. And
wheal ia atlll tickioK around the dol
lar mark, Oregon's hi whoat crop
will menu a ureal, prosperity for the
com i uk year.
The Company is
The Oregon Valley Laud Co. is
crowding all woik forward.
A camp is established eight miles
from towu und work of couHtroutiug
the irriagtioo d itches t wus begun
Tuesday morning.
The rock work outlet tunnel for the
dam, and the uhaft for the head gu'es
will bo Mulshed about August, Kith.
The foundation work for the big
dam ia about balf completed.
Kverytblug is being rui-hed to moot
the Inspection of the contract-holders
who will arrive iu foica Sept. lth.
Says Party Must Redeem
Pledge or They
Go Bump
Washington, July 10. That Presi
dent In ft feels his responsibility to
his party and therefore favors a down
ward revision of the tariif is the sub
stance of a atatemeut issued at tba
White House today, following the
visit of a delegation of Kepubiloun
congressmen who pleaded with the
President to have raw material in
their districts planed on the free list.
The PrttMideut informed his callers
that while he was committed to the
principle of revision downward, he
could u.t see his way clear to advo
cate that raw materials tie admitted
free. He declared that he was oMigod
to observe tho question trivn the
viewpoint of the wholft oo i itry, and
not of any particular district.
President Tatt pointed out to bis
viHitors that the Kepuhllcan platform
stood for revision downward. although
that principle .might not apply to
etery case. He said that if iron ote.
oil. coal aud bides did not need pro
tection they should be admitted free.
However, he declared that the ques
tlou laised by the delegation was one
to which he would give in nob thought
and at the same t ime be would take
advantage of all avaialble informa
tion ii order that he might carry out
what he understood to be tho promi
ses of IiIh party.
tout of Kasteru Oregon. Tins bit of
newa loi ka a though a coast ccn
nection also waa conte 'iplated by
Hill, after hia invasion of this Ureal
inalud Umpire.
Jt now l"oks aa though "Vim Hill,
ha ban dam. Una Uller. an ay bate
yo, no mak ilarrimau -ok lik 'M
pauaa p. d. q. Ha glv farmer mans
Predicts Big Crops
and Prosperity
for All
New York. Julvl .'I. James J. Hill.
chairman of the board of directors of
the (Jreat Northero Railroad, returned
to New York yesterday from bis Ca
nadian trip, and talked in au optl
in Jet io vein concerning business and
crop conditions.
'There will be good crops,"
Mr. Hill. "Not bumper crops,
a good, i ootid yield, comparing
w ith the average.
"The value will he higher
usual aa prices are higher. Corn is
now selling around G'.i Cents in Ne
braska, and wheat at about $ 1.30 in
Minnesota. The time of low prices
for grain has passed. A great deal
of wealth will be added to the farm
era' store by the sale of their crops
tbia year.
"As fot tha business outlook, there
it no menace ahead. Wood crops,
bringing liieb prices will help the
manufacturing industries. There
should be a atea ly expansion tu that
line : probably it will receive some
additional stimulus after congress
adjourns. "
If doubts existed in tbe tnioHs of
'any as to frnit being an assured pro
; duct in Lake county, it would be dis
I pelled by seeing tbe splendid cber
! ries snt down from Summer Lake to
i I. -. I." ; v . 1 u Lt , 'I1 .
g me iabimiiji-i i'u 4uuu ruBtci. A.uvy
were of the Black Fepohlican variety
4ei't and luucious and of good size.
: He also enclosed another variety, red
j ones, on a branch au tnicK as tbey
: could stick, resembling a buncb of
grapts. Tbe new comers were espec
ially pleased on beholding such tine
fruit and will take home a good re
port of tbe same.
i lu tbia connection Tbe Examiner
does not wish be to be understood
bi rlnimina that thn whole of Lake
Oregon and on to Denio. in tbe ei-!contyf an empire in area larger than
treuie southern part of Harney conu- I the entire state of New Jersey will
ty, and then from Wlnemucea. Nev. j produce a like duality of frnit. it
Connection would be bad with two : will not. .. Brit there are numerous
transcoutinenal lines, the Union valleys aud favored localities in tbe
Pacific aud the Ureat Northern. Tbe ! county that will grow fruit of a Qual
ity and In an abundance that can not
constructing a railroad from Burns to
Kuytua Siding, ou the Columbia, at
the mouth of tbe Jobu 'ay river, if
the people of this section will coop
rate. The route ia through Gilliam
county, then to Mitchell, county seat
of Wheeler; through Mount Vernon
and the famous Harney valley tnen to
Narrows the gateway to southeastern
largest undeveloped country In tbe
northwest would be tapped. 1
Marsh is said to be representing
Seattle aod Tscoma capitalists, who
are ready to produce the necessary
fuuda when satisfactory data is placed
tiefore them. ' Marsh asks that' two
resD'tuaible men be appointed to go
over the proposed route with him a,ud
that f lJOt) be subscribed to delray
tbe expenses of the investigation.' ' I
At a meeting bera a committee waa
appointed to solicit .subscriptions. 1
The oommitte is composed of Harry
Smith, (ieorge Vouog, Del Dibble
and J. C. Turney.
Marsh ia now at tbe bead of a com
pany, which piaos to Irrigate lUti.OOO
acres in tbe t-atlow valley. Tbe
water is to be secured from tbe blitz
en river
be excetUed by any other locality in
tbe union.;. -
Our heary tbaaks are extends! to
Mr. Foster for giving us an oppor
tunity to get our till of cherrise once
in our lifei t
Goldberg Mines Now
Yield Bjg Values
In Gold
Sprague Defeats Hagar
In a Spirited
Cravens Wins Foot
Race over Carroll
Rushing Work Alturas Proud of
its High School
Koine one baa discovered that a
newspaper laid over a muddy spot
will often unable au auto to olluib
out without tbe use of chain. Jt is
likely that ouu of the special or Bun
day editions could be most advantage
ously aaed In such oases, ao w fear
we can't advise subscribing for Tba
Examluer to be used for an emer
gency of this kind.
The Atluras Plaiudoaler getHotf tbe
followiug unenl its new high school
buildiug .
"Your school building is good
euough Cor u city of HO.IMX) lutiabi
tauts, "remarked a strangor the other
day. And why not? Modoo is en
titled to, and will have, uoue but the
test. We have the richest valleys,
hlghoHt aud most picturesque moun
tains, the most beautiful lakes, tbe
purest atmosphers aud tbe bluest
skies, most euterprlslug meu, bright
est aud healthiest childreu aud aioet
liuauitful womou. Modoo will have
none but the best.
The 00 yaid foot race between Carl
Y. Cravens aud J. K. Carol 1 waa
pulled olf at the race track last
Tr.uraday with a large crowd u at
tendance. Both meu were iu tbe piuk
of oondition as they bad been lu
training foi some weeks past aud at
the shot of the gun both got away in
good shape At the U0 yard line
Cravens pulled away troin bis oppo
nent aud took the tape a few feet
ahead of Carroll and therby winning
the IfrtHJ purse that had beeu put up
before the race.
After the race was over some local
parties took it into their heads that
tbey could run and there were two or
three lively raoss attended by much
Tba stock of tbe Ft. Bldwell Con
solidated Mines Co, has been ad
vanced from 15 cents to 25 cents per
share ou account ot the present Hoe
showing of tba property, aitutated
ia the Hoag District, near New Piue
Oregon Pear Crop
Southern Oregou alone expects to
ship pears tu the value of half a mil
lion dollars this season, from the
present indications, it is thought
Southern Oreogu will send away bW
cars uf pears to Kasteru markets.
Tbe value ot each carload is plaoed
at $1000, touting tbe crop worth $500,-
000. Other aectious of the stute will
iboreae tbe value of the pear orop
largely, making a very large total
for this oue great Oregou product.
Hanimao has ordered timber for
4000 new oars at Portland of the
Booth Kelley Co. If be is to make
tbe attempt to trot in the same class
with "YiinM Hill In opening up
F.astern Oregon products to tbe world
be will have to provide many addi
tional oars.
The new camp of Goldberg (Windy
H ollow District) is taking on an air
of prosperity aud tbe continual blasts
of dynamite can be beard day aod
uigbt. Outside mining meu are be
coming Interested and making ar
rangements to start work on their
claims. Tbia camp is startiog just
like the camps of (ioldtleld, Nevada
aud the writer believes that in a very
abort time Goldberg will be on tbe
boom. Have you stopped to tbink
what this would mean to tbe trades
people o' Southern Oregon aud more Lakeview. Lakeview is
tbe supply point of Southern Oregou
aud if five or six mines are working
it means tbousauds ot dollars in tbe
pockets of our mercbauts and more
prosperity for tbe commuuity in gen
Mr. E. H Lnftus was iu town this
week and reports that the people of
Klamath Falls, Bly, Silver Lake,
Bummer Lake aud other towns have
ureat confidence in both tbe Goldberg
Butte and tbe Jinn no miniug proper
ties and are not afraid to see back up
their judgment to the tune of a few
thousand dollars, invested in stocks.
Some of the fastest tenuis that baa
beeu witneesspd oo tbe local courts
wus played bunday morning, when
Jack Sprague and Hsgar played the
Hauls in tbe 11)09 singles. For cool
and beady playing aud covering of
territory these two young men have
shown tbemseves to be in a class
alone. Every game throughout the
two sets was a Rood exhibition of ten
nis aod every point was fougbt for
Sprague won iLe first set by the score
of b-1 and tbe sceood se by tbe score
of 0-3 This does , not do credit to
tbe arame that Hagar put up, but
there is no doubt that Sprague played
tbe most consistent game throughout
tbe two sets. By winuing these
games. Sprague is eutitled to the ten
nis racquet and tbe championship in
tbe 1909 singles.
Great credit is due tlm young men
that orgaoized this club for some
clean, bealby and vi ,-jrous exercise
bas been badly uee le 1 here and there
is nogame that is more beneficial than
lawn tennis. Than too it has given
Lakeview a set of contts and a club
bouse that wou'.d be a credit to a
towu of five times its size. So much
interest is being manifested that It
will be oulv a short time until we
will have a set ot players tbat will be
a oredit to represent us ia matches
wituotber oitiea of Souheru Oregon.
T. E. Bernard's auto is out of com
mission aa a rssult of a twisted shaft.
Development is on
Foot in Harney
' Messrs. Thomas & Walter, of Chi
cago, wbo recently took over the
American Land & Live Stock Co.
boldiugs iu llaruey couuty, seem to
be of au enterprislug turu. Tbey at
once projected tbe Goldeu Gate rail
oad from Caldwell, Idaho, to Wiuue
niucca, Nevada, where upon Mr. liar
rlman immediately got busy and pur
chased tbe same uuder a guarantee
to begin tbe work of construction
witbiu 00 days It is now graded for
12 miles aud bas a depot, built. Tbe
road will open up tbe southern part
of llaruey County, south and east of
Stelu's mountains. It aeems from
this is tbat the way to build railroads
is to build them.
Farmers ueed Lake Couuty Land.
Surprise Valley is
Crowing Fine Fruit
Vigilant Assessor Makes
Our Sheep Men Pay
Adjoining County
Heavy Tribute
The Harney Counry Times of the
14th iut. says: For the first time
in tbe history of Harney county tbe
officials have been enabled to make t
complete investigation ot the sheep
owned and grazeu in tbe county and
obtain data upon nbicb a proper as
sessment can be made. John P.obia
soo.wbo was appoiotei stock inspect
or by tbe county court, was aiso
clothed with the powers of deputy
connty assessor and in performing bis
duties as iospectar of tbe various
bauds of sheep on tbe ranges be also
enumerated them for assessment pur
poses and in cases of transient bands
be collected tbe taxes and turned into
tbe couuty treasury. Of the soeep
owned in other counties but herded
in Harney county, be listed tbe fol
Vm. Smock three bands - 7000
Jas. Barry three bauds - 5000
.1. Quinn 2500
N. K. Barry .... 2000
Hoi brook .... 4000
J.W. Odnm .... 3000
C. Fitzgerald .... 390O
B. W. Hartman - - - 3900
Thos O. Flynn - - - 40J0
Pat Duane .... 1700
Jack McHatbe - - 3900
C. W. Dent, of Adel - - 2700
Tbe following transient bands were
tisseeed and taxes collected :
NO. Tax
Dave Edler (Bly) - 13000 1076 00
Joe Jaca - - - 8000 416 00
Joe Garcia - - 6000 312 0
E. Baraioaa & Co. - 4500 23 4 00
P. U. Slice - - 3500 182 00
G. Hortz & Co. 1200 62 04.
Juan Endiza - 3000 150 00
John Rooks 1000 52 00
J. M. McOayd 6000 312 00
Uogbes Eirguy - 4500 234 00
125 added io tbia case for taxes
in tbe district.
There are now between 105,000 and
170,000 grazing on Stein mouoaios. .
It will thus be seen tbat 50, 700 tran
sient sbeep have paid taxes in tbe
sam of $2020.04 and S125 school taxes;
tbat there 'are 42,800 bead of Lake
county sheep listed tbat will pay
tbeir time proportion of taxes and
there are 71,992 Harney conoty sheep
assessed to local owners, beisdes some
25,000 more tbat will be returned
through the government inspector,
making a total of 190,492 sbeep on the
rolls for 1909, by reason ot thorough
conscientious work.
Tbe Fort Bidweli Gold Nugjjett of
tbe 15tb in at. bas tbia to say of tbe
fruit production iu our neighboring
valley , east of here, just over the
Surprise valley fruit is oertalnly
entitled to all the compliments paid
it, as a short trip through the separ
ate orchards will demonstrate. We
bad tbat pleasure last week, among
others, visiting the cherry oiohards
owned by , Max Fulcber. Tbe "Gard-
eu of Edeu " oould uot present a
more beautiful apDearauoo. Wnile
the trees, are uot heavily loaded,
there is ra average orop of tbe Black
Ox Heart variety, and a finer fruit
does cot grow iu auy land. Au aver
age measurement of the cherries
show the astouudiug figures of HI
lucbes in oiroumfereuce and for flavor
stands second to noue.
Population Increase 193
and Wealth is 563
Per Cent
New York, June 3. -Amoug tbe pe
culiar tacts concerning tbe growth of
tbe United States from 1858 to 1908,
noted in the aunual report of 'tbe
New Y'ork Chamber of Commaroe
soou to rje issued, tbe following in
creases are observed :
Population, 193 per cent; the
wealth of the country 503 per cent;
public debt, 2,375 per cent: tbe per
capita debt from 1.51 to 10.70; bank
deposits. 3,400 per ceut ; receipts of
the Government, 1,810 per ceut ; war
expenses, .vJi percent: nary expen
ditures, 745 per ceut; imports per
capita from $8.35 to $13.70; exports
per capita from $9.14 to $2 04, aud
the consumption of wiues and liouors
200 per cent, or from 0.42 to .23.25
per capita gallons.
Foreign commerce carried iu Amer
ican ships decreased 39.H0
We have seen Portland roses, but
tbey are no finer than those grown
in Lakeview. Mrs. Taylor bus ao
'Auieriuan Beauty" tbat oould not
be excelled anywhere.
Ticket 969 Drew Watch
The Examiner seems fate 1 to get
the lucky number that secured the
watch at the Arcaida theatre wrong.
It was number it'iJ instead of 907 that
drew the gold watch. Fur tbe draw
ing children's numbers sold up to
No. 310, ou a piuk ticket, while those
for adults were sol i above tbat num
ber on a red ticket. Tbe numbers
favored were only knowu to Mr F.
M. Miller until tbe time of tbe draw
ing, au arrangement that could uot
have beeu fairer for all concerned.
The Kansas fruit orop was almost
totally ruined by late frosts. Io con
seuueuoe the orop will not equal the
low standard beret of or caused by
similar conditions. Tbe fruitferop of
Lake. County is a delight to all new
comers this year, but it ia not up to
tbe standard.