Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 15, 1909, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    i.AKK COl'NTY .MiNKK. I.A r KVIKW, OHKonN. THl'KMP .M LY 5. limn
When wo display
you all about thorn
This week wo are
of Crash hats. A
Hats wo want to tell
in our advortisment.
showing a now lino
laraer lino than all
other stores are showing this season.
You'll like the hats offered here, because
they are made for men who want good
style and who would like to have the
best on the market.
The Shape is Graceful.
The Quality Is Reliable.
The Price Is Economical.
Whatever may be your hat wants, we
have the goods to show you and sell you.
Hats from 30 cents up.
A ood bin stock of 'lumber is being
broutbt iuto town from the mills,
aod tbot-e v. ho desire to build cau
bow be accommodated with building
Another brick kiln is beiutf opened
outb of town.
1.. F. Coon and J. D. Derrick went
fishing rceentlv aod as a resell the
editor on two different occasions got
good square. We tbank tbe gentle
men for their kind remeuibrauoe.
The gold watch given by the Arca
dia Theatre ad an attraction for the
beuetit of the baseball tournament.
was secured by a pentlemaa from
Santa Cruz. California, who held
ticket No. 907.
Owirn to tbe fact of haying t-eiog
Feneral. cur eteete are a little bit de
serted these days.
The Bums News complains of a
lack of bouses for rent, and says cap
italists cau make a uood thing sup
plying tbe need. Tbe same condition
cf things exists in Lakeview.
Kaneber Koozer. of the West Side,
says in spite of tbe frosts he will have
half a crop of floe apoles this fall.
V L.Clapp has established an anto
liue from here to Klamath Falls. The
run is made in seven hours.
. Dusenberry says big irriagtion un
dertakings are on tapis for tbe War
uer valley aod that to watch for a big
rush for free government land tnere
, this fail.
The new ce:t pieces will goon be in
circulation. It may be they will not
reach here as we have little use tor
them. They will bear tbe likeness of
Abraham Lincoln, instead of the fa
miliar bead of the American ludiau.
Four wagon outfits arrived in town
Sunday from Idaho, having driven
overland. They all have good Horses.
The company look as though they
would make desirable citizens.
The Arcadia Theatre has the full
orchestra in attendance each evening
and in consequence is drawing good
ioe iiuzea s uand gave an
air concert Sunday afternoon
tbe porch of ilotel Lakeview .
SiIk embroidered waste patterns
B. & M's.
I M'l lug tin Pead Man's canyon win bit
ten by a rattlesnake. I h Colonel Is
rl isv surely as a newspaper taporter.
We Iih1 add htm to our staff espec
ial It w hen news is scarce
All kinds of fishing taekU at 11,
M's. i
I Clarence Kinehart and (leo. Hank
I Ins are building large garage on
j Kat Main St.
It is reported an auto club will soon
be rrHgni7pd in Lakeview.
We hate an excellent line of ladles'
dutch collars. They are the very
litest thing. It. A M.
TheKxamlner gleaned this from a
Ifansaa exenauge. It maybe all right.
At least it is worth trying: lustead
of ahelllng peas, throw them, pods
and all, Into a kettle of boiling water.
I after washing and discarding all
spoiled one. hen they are done
the pods will rise to the surface while
the peas will stay at the bottom of
the kettle 1'eas conked to this man
ner have a tiue flavor.
Mexican Tamales every evening at
." o'clock at the Hlue Uooee, opposite
Odd Fellows Hail.
Mrs. Walters is moving her pio
neer home olf the street In order to
make room for tbe march of improve
ment now upon Lakeview.
Fruit jftrs and rubbers at It. A M's.
K. T. Shephrel aud brother, who
arrived Tuesday from Ashland, Ore.
were much surpilsed at tbe progress
made here in the last 'two years.
From tbe way new homes and (mild
iugs have beeu going up the past vear
he tbiuks Lakeview is making more
progress than any other town in
Southern Oregon. Mr. Shepherd is j
iu tbt piano trade nod his tlrm has j
beeu visiting this town for ussly 'J1' .
years, so that he is well kuownr lieru. .
W'e have a large assortment of door;
locks, dour bells hinges eta, 11 AM. j
A nw assortment of Cluett l'ea
ooiiy eniru at . at. s. il
Mrs. Fdward Beuson, wife of a con
fectioner, of llilsboro, was electro
cuted on the Fourth by au electric
lamp, which she vvas attempting to
light. She had grasped the brass of
the lamp with her left hnd aud the
ti'-or being wet from melted ice. a
short circuit was at once formed, the
curreut being of suUicieut loice to
cause electrocution. The woman's
band was badly burned in the palm
and one iluger showed the effects of
tbe current. In falling the woman
tore the wiling from the ceiling.
Stein Hloch clothing at Lakeview
Mercantile Co.
low as 20 tils,
A 4 hnrae etxra stae cosch loaded
with passengers, arrived from Alturas
Tuesday morn iDg.
C. H. Puenberry. the well known
land locator, has teeo having a siege
of illness from ibeumatic fever, lie
was taken very ill at Plusb. aud was
confined to his lied some weeks.
Three weeks ago be was brought to
mo uui Buriuna m Lanevicw, and the a race as solemn as an owl informed
waters have helped him so that be is The Examiner that bis Honor Mayo
now able lo be about again. Mr. ' Bailey while picking daisies by a
Our liue of ladies' muslin and knit
underwear jaonot be excelled in Lake
view. B.& M.
A magnificent crop of bay and
alfalfa is bbing gathered iu this val
ley these days.
Deflong and Bliss have purchase'!
the Nelson restaurant and rooming
Fire will be put under the Bartley
biick kiln Saturday.
We call yoi-r special attention to
line of Cluett Feabody shirts
. A M's.
"Father, what is human nature? I
heard a man say it was only burns n
nature for the Democratic Senators
to vote for high duties on sugar and
"Human nature, my sou, is the ex
cuse couimuuly otfered for a man who!
ban beeu acting a bog." New York
Evening Post.
July Clean-yp Sale
Nowwc DO LOOK up side down. Have you
seen the long Counter down our center aisle, cram
med with all sorts of
Sell Me Quick Goods ?
V ... Come in and
Corset Govers marked down as
Drawers 50 tfs, Night Gowns 60 rts, Chemise 50 fts
all Lace and Embroidery trimmed.
TRIMMED HATS, Shapes and Flowers at Ex
actly Half Price.
LACES and Embroidery away down in price.
Belts, Collars and Hand Bags going AT COST.
Big Reductions in Dress Goods, the latest
novelties. Infant's Long and Short Dresses must
be closed out A T ONCE. Ladies' and Children's
Knit Underwear every article a bargain Suits,
Skirts and Dressesall going VERY CHEAP.
Sale will close Saturday, July 24.
Come and see me RIGHT NOW-'-PoasQm
Sheepmen! fresh burned lime
Hahn Jc Keiley's, north Lakeview.
Farmers need Lake Coiintv land.
at B
Col Light of Hotel Lakeview iti
Lime and Brick
We Rje
of Linn
HAHN & KELLEY, Lakeview
now preparing to bnm our first kiln of 75,000 pounds
, itnd will he nreruired in two week a to fill nnl.-ra
150,000 BRICK
v are also preparing our firt kiln of 150,000 brick, which
will be ready in a tdinrt time, and guaranteed bent (jualitv.
GIVE US A CALL. YaJ(1 at North Lak. view
Peter Schuttler Wagons
Mowers and rakes
Hay cam and shuns
liest manilla ropa 1G c per lh.
Hay forks I
Water bags, 'Me.
Machine oil
Holts, all nixes
Faints and oils !
Standarrl boiled linseed oil. tl.'A gal '
Nails, 1.00 per keg j
(oorl enmiih hnraM nhnpn '
Camp stoves $'2.2T and up
liuil ling paper aud Huberoid roofing Wheat and rolled trley
One-half cost of ehiuglee. j view ,M ricautile Co.
(Jive ua a call, our goods are thej
Hall of Kehekab Lodge. No. 1.
O. t. F. Lakeview, Oregon. July 'J,
The members of this lodge in
again called upon to romnilug'e their
sorrows and tears with the bereaved
family of our beloved ulster, Char
lotte. AugUHla Venator, who departed
this life on the "lti day of .Inly, I'.Nm.
Verily baa our lodge sulfere I au ir
reparable loss ami au iucoiiHulaljle
bereavemeut has visited upon the
family of tl.e deceased.
In all her relations of lite she has act
ed well tier pint, whether at tti tied
aide, administering to the wants of
the sick aud diatrehsed ; whether in
the social realm, happy and making
I others happy, or In the home, che
! aas au active untiring Kebekan, and
i an atfect iouate wife, a loving ilangtil
jeratui a true friend. Therefore, be it
: resolved ttiat this Indue tenders its
i heartfelt sympathy lo the family and
I relatives of our deceased sister in this
; their sai alliictinu.
iiesolved, That we drape our char
! tcr in mourning thirty days; that
j these resuloi ions lie entered ituon the
I minutes of the lodge ; that a printed
i copy, under seal of the lodge, km sunt
to the family of f,ur decease! sister,
and a copy to the Lake County Kx-
aiiiiuer for pub! ication
Fraternally submitted,
W. J M(H)KF,
L. J. MAlilLToN,
There have been unarl y l,Uu(i,00
divorces iu this country during the
pust twenty years. Other u.illinus
might have Uer divorced, many of
whom are living apart, had it not
kweu for children, or from family
pride. Such conditions are lament
able, but there aenitia to be oo cure,
The younger set in tnir rtmpoct are
worse even thau their fathers aud
mothers, aud on the Urst marital dis
agreement rush t? the courts for re
lief from what in most cusea are
merely funded wrongs, iuateud of
a divorce such kids should bo soundly
fcpanked and put to bed.
Max L. Roeonfold.
Automobile Exports,
W will llguro with you on rara for
stage purpoHca, freight or ihHMiire
velilclea. 15W-I
LOST -On June 2ltn betweou Wil
lit'tt corner an I pQHtnllhio n pair of
g' ll rimme (Mtntacles. A suitable I
re want for return of aariiu to ttii-i
at Lake-
S rUAF.I-One dark eorrel mare
aiiuoat chertniit, whiio faco.and.oue
wliite hind foot,ai)out H yearsj'old,
braudeil J. O. with line across op,
on right ahouluor. Strayed from
Thomas Oroek range atatiju. (
rewanl for return i to any forest
ranger or to Lakeview ForeatryOlllee.
four show caafii, ofi.juire of A. L.
Thornton. rugglHt, Lakevln.
me near you write your term. Ilox
1ST, Fori land, Ore.
and Desert Claims
We have surveyed outheua 5everaI
Sage brush land of as 00d soil as there is in thls
This land can be Irrigated at moderate cost.
I iiy mutual agreement the Hunks of
Lakeview aeiealtwr wili close their
doors at 11 F. .M. each day.
Do Not Ovorlnnl For thjs this is about your last
ILU im VU IUUK chance to secure a homestead. fl
1 his Opportunity! thScmarketsheon,yf,rm inLakevleNV
The Location of Covernment Land a Specialty.
Informltifin reKard,nK these Government Lands promptly
V IIiaLIUIl supplied. Call at our office and see photos of
Warner valley. We also have homestead reinquishments and school
land assignments for sale, tar Scandinavian and German Spoken.
For Particulars, apply to JJHN .....
The best pills made are DeWitt's
Little Karly Kise.s, the famous little
liver pills. They are small, gentle,
pleasant eaay to take aud act prom
ptly They are sold by Pal & Hall.
Buy Lots In Watson' VJditiou
Kef'ore'you buj lota any where in
this riciuity see tnrme in Watsosu'
addition. Close to business center,
of Lakeview. 'i tf.
lianner waiata, the best to be had
in any city, Mero Oo.
Children Cry
The Snider
pera House
Moving (ilctnrcH every tiljcht. Three
change u week. Fine wrvlc. Tho
views of our licet at Australia lat
week werejMplendid. AiiriilaaluM 15
anil 10 cents.
Bunch y Tussey
Commission Merchants
Alturas, California
Live Btock a HjM-elalty. Streft
Mammoth Llverv ltnrri tnr ilnim i.r, vL
We carrry a full iine of Fresh Fruits, indludiag
mOrangos, Lemons, Bananas, Ap
pies, aiso an Kinas ot INuts.
Vegetables, such as
Celery, Cauliflower, Onions and
FreshFish, Oysters, Clams Crabs.
jlf your merchants do not handle!
this clcissof goods, get them busy.
Coois delivered In one day to Lakeview.