Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 15, 1909, Page SIX, Image 6

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    i v 1 1 ( .!... mi- n .11 i n n i
. .. VVIllam H. Tuft
... . Jim' s. Hiinmau
I'luiHiiilt r t'. K iok
. Kiankltti Mm Vi itih
.lacnti l. Iiicloiismi
tieem w . W irloMsliain
Krana H. Hitchcock
tit-orgo Von I.. Met r i
. Kh nant A. JUIiiimcr i
. Charlr-a Nauel
Mcivl.K- . K'llUT
ninu I'tMiimlssieni't
Vice I'ri'nldfnl
SiMreliO V lit Si ale
ScrtiMary of Treasury
Secretary nl r
Miortv'y lii-nrral
rotumastcr in-neral
SecriMarvof Navy . . .
Seerrtarv Interior
tVcrrtarv ot Ai,rienlUire
Secret -vol ( oiiimi'ri'f .
Ohlel .luVite
i-... it m. r. i . S.
Mellaril r. . I ,
(Jovernur .
a., r' arv uf
Attorney ilenrral
npi. Inline Instruction
Iairy and Ko1 iVm
V.S Cena'ora J
I'otigrt ssnu'ii
... V. W H. iimii.
. . . . . . . -K. tt , Hen'"
ttitl. A.
.. A. M. t'rawforit
",. J. II .m gentian
tt, S. Pnniwai
... J. Hallo
J.ihnothan Hemic, .'r
lien. A. t'nsinh ".am
( v. i Hw u y
)tt. R .lu
At the Hunting
By Frederick H. Toombs
Chid Justice
Associate Jnnieea
... R
v K. A l ore
' Koi'i-ri I- akin
"Will K k .lit
I Vt . f.
liraii i
Atorni y
MITH ICI'll'lAl . tlTRf1 !
.. II. Nnlanl
i. V. Kukk.inla;.
Joint Seuatoi . .
i.Akti'vi rv
anenft .. ..
rrraurr. .
febool Siipt
Surveyor .
FKU'A.N hunter ar
coiiTltuislly I m -prcssisl
by the re
mit ikil He, ovt 1
protliiMte. varle
ty of game ir
vUUhI for the ill.
posul of their N
flea by fori'at.
1 lit tit. juii'.le an J
waterside. Si
tl:tl with pur
f:'t of lior.s, cicph.-wits. rhinos, hippo
and panthers, they can nt will turn to
th chuso of tlic nijiKiiitli'ont t"aiH biif
liraiiaiu ; fiio that roiiui from -ui tlnv
j fr north :t Abyssinia, or chovrt'tnlns
B '..) ' (""nipttmes ohI1hI inotit iUir. or sivk
. v. Kayur rarlous kimta of nntelot-tM. or hunt will
i. U. Mpitymnn
II. 1'. H.-ikwai'
a. a
Mock lllMaH-tor
HiT'v PaiU y
V. Snelllni! (
D. 1. W ticox S
J.N. W a'.MHH
J. line )
w. B. fmiler
r s. i ami omcE.
A W. Or'nll
r'reJ Y. CroaeiuilKr
Co itu iliii'
' k. o. a h mtnui j hojri and ttn brlcht rwl wIM
" a. J Ko-t. r i tf,c African wild d ".-s. or kill the oruol
K. B Jacaoii i , . , ....
C M. Kulkiii iweil cnvudile or tolobl tut luonkcym
c. 'A. Kt-nan .or any othor anltmil.a wlilc, thi hunt
" m ' i-roi'iiwi er's H'nse ullows hi in to sv.k. If. Ilk
I .ir. uosevMt, no ventun1 i.uo uriiisn
! Knst Africa. As for birds t' tilcli ntu'
; low docree thori Is no cm', ntu! for
i Juncle trackers f psjxvia ly strong
' nerves the poisonous Afrli snnUe
' hoi -ded adders ruffed n l;ii rhi
hals. black camlms eliiht Toot Ions,
pythons over twenty feet .on jr. etc..
can be found with less troa i!e than Is
'absolutely comfortable. Ttse latter
LAKtviEW boakpoktkaI'K ; are another menace against hlch tlio
. ti. -it iiik niHiseveit party must is ,isp pro
1 ' -J1.-BMKice ; nounceil caution.
i. F. i.nn ! In the northern and southc. 'it reaches
w.EK.:anie of hIa territory the C'npe biTiJo (it
w. r lleryuird i eaffen. biz of bod v. Ptroi c of leir.
. Kec inir:
.1 raurei
rier I
becntajy .
Kiuhik e Comiuilleman
Munxipa' "
AgriculiuraL 4" .
KHm HeaJquarwri lor sirari. r
H. W. Iiri iikcl
V. Kehart
A 0- r. w.-LAKEVlEW I.OIk;e M. 111. j
Meet evi rv setonil and fotirih Tliur.lay of
each moiiih. in Macule Hail. Iaten.!
Chas. Touniiiieu. W.M.: Wni. liuutlicr. K. i
! curvexl horned and shair-xj ervrii1. I
j faclnir rapid estermln:iti. tnit in
' British East Africa he l found In
; larj-'e numbers. largest nnd fiercest
: cf all African nieinU-rs of hU family.
the Cape buffalo is blackish In colo.
and characterized by the tuas.slvencs
of his corns. That he Is a fov of th
lo's nVetucss of foot is hIiowii by tu
luatincr hi w hich he fn'uently outdl
ta nces hcrses on the open plains.
l'aK buffaloes sleep during the day.
l illy w hen the sun Is hot. s
early, at kuiiiUc, they travel to a
iif water to iliink enough to last unill
evening. They then neck their hIocjv
Ins I'liices. In Kiiuiiuer hlh. brwry
spots. In u Inter thick, secluded por
tions if the Jungle. At sundown they
;o for a b.iUi ii mt a drink and Krar.e
during the llrst part of the uUht. then
take a rt-st mid chew the cud.
While the buffaloes have but two
enemies, man aud the lion, the Irrita
ble bulls frequently tinht union): thein
pelvon. (flf In some1 remote thicket
two enraged bull will stand and fare
each other n few yards apart, kwIiii;
li.jr their heads (hreaieiiliiKly, aiij
then, lowering them, will charge anj
crash their skulls and horns together
with the iiols- ,.f a liirhtiiln boll split
ting wide some ure -t tree. i'hclr
horns tush their ms-:.s. bloml drip
from their wi ier; am.'. su.Uleiily In
terlockin In r.u. ol. t rl. s to for e the
other ba.'l; wa: d. I"l My i tie wl',1 !
Itlti to weal.cll. l Iiii v Tie older of
the two. lloyle ii v. T s wlyimek
ward, then with a ''tia !l'i , t con
qtler or die maes it nl. -i l.v e fo
ward, straliit: dir. -ici . n i:u:
cle. Hut It Is of no i e. 'pi " ir i!
weak, he falls I ! a: ' : i
other with a wi vn ii , i-n 'e iu
horns. St-i'plti- b i-i .ml i '
yards, the i mi.-ucror m -s . I:
sistlble ru-li forward. t'.:r . r In he '
dexterously so ln:it his h ilm . in
strike the loser's lied. 1 . in- i'i.
cuts Into his ne k. iiMlii-l It .; i i. p
wound, from wild h the bloo ,;!;.
forth In a fatal stream.
For nn animal of his bulk tli i'aii
buffalo exeriises a ileKice of cuimliu
usually found In smaller and more
x-.nairrd to reach a ainall Island. A
rtinpanloii aturt d to crona to the nld
rf the victim when the crocodile nt
t.i knl hnr: hp. I tlder, brenklnit the
h ir e's liei k rtid i lltUm the would be
ri'si tier deeply "aI.Ii lis shsip pointed,
srii dy daws.
"The lleiidl di brute almost Hi I tied
mo with Its li'Trllilo brtMith. and Its
daws felt t It. o the Krlp of aoine nils
shapcu mibricrice devil who i oveted
me for Ills iiot'i'T place of torment,"
later said the I lib r after William wan
Kot to camp, where he ( lllliinisl hooii
died. '1 he illsturbance roused acorca of
i roci illlcs to the r.iirface, ami It seem
ed possible to walk from (he Island to
(he mainland on their baekn.
M.'.ny Hpoitsinen experienced in Af
rtcn state that the best mode of kllllliK
them Is to approach their sniinln
apots cnrctully aid slnsit (hem while
asleep. The crciliire tdcep with their
inoi.ths wide open and In and out of
will' h the black backed plover walks
and hops with marked uuconci'i'ii.
Shots nt the body of the i rocodlle
ahould be aimed at as close to a Hlil
atiiile as possible or In such a way that
the bullet sliikes the hide mtiarc l.v.
for a bullet Is easily dctliviod by the
acaly surface otherwise.
I hcvroialiiM are haiidsonie little anl
mills, often said to belong t the musk
deer family, but scientists claim that
examined anatomically, they are allow n
to have no such relationship.
A dainty, shapely, truly K''"''ful
tie animal, the Hue ijuality of his tlesh
leads to his uudoliiK by huiiKry hum
ers and carnivorous U'asls of prey.
WiiKhliiK from live to h'cii ixuiiids
and about a foot and n half hlnh. Mr.
Koosi'Velt will 11 lid him a welcome
nihil I lou to Ids African bill of camp
i:.treiniiv nrduotis work Is frequent
ly undergone in bliiilu); down nii
tliopes of the Afiienu woods and j
plains. Sure scentetl, farsisint;, Meet
footed and Inveterate overcomers of
natural obstacles that halt native aud
while men, they coyly prick up their
ears when the hunter gets within gun
shot and h'a)'l.v skip out of leio Ii like
flirtations debutantes at a smart co
tillon. The eland Is the largest of nil
nutiiopes, and owing to his lndtserlinl
i ate slaughter the officials In Hiitlsh
'. ist Africa have forbidden the shoot
1 : of him. i
Wi furnish the most complete Camping Outfit !or the money iter ottered to tbi public
We I une ini'ile preparation lo fuinidi 'he ( ! ivcinmenl and all
In l ol land Mi ll a liuitlinc,, bliiue, ami 'ii'iiin pnrli uilh
a oghl-Wiight and coiivciiii'iit camping , m 1 1 ii . bring in a poai
lion in luriiidi I lii a oiclit : Inil cot n an-
able to gun our ut"in. n I ha benefit of
low prk'ea. I his con 'lel.-! oullil, conoiHl
ing ol a canvas lent, in ft , niinlo c ( H nr.
.link I a camplntr outfit for ciHiklnK,
etc., conaUtlnit of 11 pieces.
r.ili ia mill ellei in
n,'.v'i i
i he Tent ami ( 'iiinperH Onllil Kn In a 1 i '.'i. We fill the l atani e of lliia liunk willi 4
t.HV which In ibis blanki-li ami w in r hi l; onirl, rimilrniiug a tiaviiit'a baggage hi II 4
lie cini chei l. frrything nrri-.Miy on luket and luivr m tnoi ''"ggage, i he t' Ml
nm ol I ins rntiie inillit is 1111. erius: 5,, , . imi h it Ii i lie ordi-r,
Ji'i Oil brliiio the nlupuii-111 o( he gmnU Ii nil our Im liny, i lie i.i 111. lit ol $.'i,IIO ran be .11 I lo I lie ex, -i .s n niip.iiiv ( ' O 1 1 ,
with prlvllete to examine." i,.t.d'w.ielii till Ii... Whne
a p.iity o( (mir people (;.i togrlher 1 h 1 y a . bill nn; one i iiini;
oiiiht, Imi trunks ami two tents. All Ord;r Will be flll.'ll Itl
regular order, aa received.
The opening of the Oregon Military -Wond (Irani at l.akcview (of the
Oregon alley Land Company will take place September Will. ,
i lioiisai l i ot 1 1 1 pie lo. 111 al' j the I 'mtr.l Sliiles will nt I nil I his afUir w h. h
will .e 1 lie 1 t-.Hi n land opening cm 1 ln-bl in the I'liileil States. I.akrview 1. ilesimi i
to bei nine our ol the gicat luiliiiirii lul renins nl our i niiutty, iminrir pirpnrHtiniis an
I '"I lo lake l ino ot llie vast multitude llml is gmng to assriiihle Ihi-ie In Septi inl.i r .
Sol 11 single 1. ...111, hoiisi: or aloie ran be rented lot shelter or f..f anv 01 hi t puip. .m- a.
ov people who intend to be piesenl at Iho opening liaie taken all the loom le
'nt sleeping purposes.
i he rhinatii: conditions in Southern Oregon are surh I lull people 1 an live mil si. le in the
open w In Is hcic.
i lie (.enenil Agent of the Oregon allev I ami Company adiisrs us that it is l i-.t t..
iiciko ample pirpaiatioiui . i this ihum as not 11 r. I I.. i.ut...ot hie hou. Imi .1
a gnat haiihliip 11 kin -p in the op, 11. K,i,l. hi, of l.aki urn a.U 1 .1- lis that lo hie in
a lent in a regular ramping way will nmiu i ull puiposrs. 1- a h im- m.ii, if ..n u,i,-i ,
lo le pn sent at I lie opening, lo pn-pait- yourself in riery way Miil.e.
Hy liai nig sirh a ramping out lit .11 will save a great deal ol money whiih oilier 1 ,
y..ii would hac tu speiul .r 'rping 1 1 an. I hung, hi. h will only le available I., a
hii kv few. 0
I'p lo the (iresent lime wr luive l.-ken rs for A great tunny of these ouilit, f r
people w lio will go In I.aki-yiew . i In se ou'lits lire not made up 1 i epl lo older, v, it
y..u wish lo yoursrll of the oppoituniiy of g. Iting onr of llirse liglil weight mm,;
nig ml hi s at null a reasonable june, y 011 had li-tti r send in voui al once. IN
a. r. .nut of the iirdera received and coming in daily, ue will l e le 1.1 l.ll ,
older earlier than Unity days (1..111 te. eipl of same.
Assuring m.ii that will be in.ue lliaii saiisl.e.l with tin, .an. ping outt.t, and I'.t
It will be of e real srrvn c to ) oil, we Leg . reiiiaiii, S . mis vet y ,
46 H, Jackson Blvd.
Jtw -i I, I I. ,
1 he I till h 1
Ini l.leiil ti 1 .
Ill llioht 1 1 1 r-1 , I
( hxtiit 11 'mi
I' or snl I i
DEGKEE CF HONOR- I-A K t-lkK E i.oiK.t
So. 77. I), of 11., A.O. I .W .. .Meets first and j
third Ttiursilavs of each mntitli in Masoine 1
Hall: Lillie Harris; '. ol It.; r.tta lVaeia k
I., of H.; Mary t'ost, C. of C: errah i.arretl
I. O. O. F- LAKEV1EW" LOIa.E, No.i'J, I. O.
O.K.. meeis eierv Saturday ivi-niin; 111 ii.l.l
Fillowrs Hall, at 7::Ai o'eloik. from ietoterll
to April 1, ami at oieloek from April 1 to j
Ss-nteniN-r 3u. A. E. c li.-n y. X. E. F. ,
Cli'euiy. secretary '
I 11. o. F.. meets tlie tirst and Tunrs ,
day tvemns ol i-arb 111 U l 1 H-li.iw, j
Mail. Lakeview. '. V. Vrinur, C. P., 4. II i
Hsninicrsley, Sribe.
i-J. I. O. O. F., liieets tlie s-i on 1 ai d f..iirt!i
Fridavs oi eacb month iu 1 dd K-'lloiis' Ha.i.
Mis. M. 1.. H,rif..rd. V.ii ; Mr.. I la H-ry-for.l,
W.i,.; Mr,. M. l Moss, .--eretary ; Mrs
L. J. Magiltuii, Treasurer.-
ll-W. (JrefcTOU. M-'t'tS oil T liesdav , oil or ij-.'-
fore full moon and t-.vo weeks tliereafler, in
II as. .me Hail, at 7: o'ei .et .
'iltilli; Inellll-.-r. nr-- . r 1 1 :i I '. s- in-.i-e'l.
I iiKSEI.lA .A . W.M.-11S. W. M.
IP rv.n H. : tary
tirfct Siii;iimv in .-B. h nn.inn, j.r' ' lima at 11
a. in. .A.Tde troTr tun-, prt-ae Ij 1 1. ev.-ry im
day at 1 1 a. in . 7 , Mi. at !.. i i -
Sunday -etiool at IU a. ni. I-ir-ji; at (ji.yjp.
in. Pray.-r Me.-tniir Thursday 7:XJ p i;i
Iidi.-s Aid W edii. i-lay p' in ''hoir
praetise Fr. lay 7: n , ia A t-nrdial, Iuviia
lion ie' i xteu.i..-ii to vouu.
i.'. B. P.EhS,Pator.
I'rvai.'riitig M-riiue at 11 A M and 7-.m P M on
lnt and ;-.r j sun. Sunday Miiool at In A M.
Junior Society at :i.i I'M. Baptist Voun.'
I''s L'nion it 6: i" P l nn t-aeh Sunday.
Pray, r M.-. t:n at 7:: V M IV.-.lncs.Uy eve
uiio.'. hv.r) hod j i,i , ited to ait-:u.J al! sT
vieis. pastor.
and B.-lir'l;i'llu:i at 1. ..'lio. K a. in. MJlela;,
bidj..ol afti r B.-ie d. : ...ii. lU' k .inv .Mt,- a't
6:-.'J a. Ul. 1. A VA-TA. S.J.
FIRST HAPri.-t ilfl!il OF .-F. I.AKK
at Neil Pin-- i rt ' K . o r ii . Pr- aei, : in; s.-r-vie-s
at 11 A M hiii! 7: a. PMoi rm h sunday
of every iiioiiih - jiiday hool at In A M
Prayer .er n;.. a 7 : JM .ni AK' eM-uiijL'
Of l-aeii weed A .1 Hf: curdioiiy 'lb to
altei.d Le si.-ri j'..--
J.lll i IiKN HmVARfl. PaMo-
Attorney at Law
ivl 1 deny
. J iff.. 1 n-ivi-1
ii ,ils i. ii -1 Ei rMsh
r. l it -s
i. t ,e llt-
Xio g I he
.-: - 'v '
lv; .;
v.! el;!!
r !.!!il lis
f.iiii.:il:ir i a 'if hits
l.bkevieu. (IreKtir
OFFICE-lialv buiidinir.
Attorney at Law,
Ijiiid Matters Kpeelalt j
OFFICE Daly Bnlldlriu.
Land and Law
Abstractor of Titles
EiOiallslK-d lHs
I.akeview, Ore-
Attorr v at Law
Office; Over 1! . ',: o' I. a view
Lai', w, OkKGON
Attorney at Laa
Ofllce'ln Daly Bulldiutf
hitrhfst menu ;;rd ii.Ji
,le-s!iess n.- ,.-.. vln
; hi' 1 i'i tn'irt'i i;-- y
; Sir Ib.hi : ;I .; m
. ed three 111.,.; . I .
j country fi'iii r J.--j
to hint Afr. I ,
i piirtii;til:ir!y m
i w i !i linns in .1 i
t-r cotisiili-n 1 1
j III"-": (illll'-'i . .;ir.
j ever oi.i. fronted.
I "If n r!:!ie iti'iiu ch;;r,'i's y U and
I mLsscs'." de - hires Sir Robert Ilarvej-.
! "he will probably cntuiiiuo o.i midly
! In the dire t;''ii he Is lie:id"d wb'mut
j turiilt:-,' to atiiick you again, win reus
i thr- Africiin bufmlo will u- tually hunt
! you. and hunt yon tlrelrxiiy and most
, pei'.-i- teiihy."
Sir LoU-rt eneouiiKrid the largest
j buff ii ) he has ever kiiled In a grassy
! -.u:ry. and his first shot tat thirty
' yard-i bro!;e its riijH. The brute im-
nn-dir. tf-ly ehiirinij and rwoived the
contents of another barrel. After this
j the buffalo, mad with pain, chased
Sir Robert iT'.und and around, getting
ko close at ,ast that the baronet gave
liini'-elf up for lost and Instinctively
clutched nt th" beast's hti.'f horim.
lie also smote his enemy on the
nose with the butt end of his rltle.
The great animal tossed Its head, how
ever, und Jerked Sir Robert some
yards away. His rifle flew out of his
hands, leaving him utterly defense
less. "I crawled away In the long grass.''
isuld Sir Robert, "and when thought
I was at a renpectful distance I rose
up and ran to the camp for another
In tbe meantime the buffalo had
turned Its attention to Sir Robert'H
gun bearer, whom It gored horribly
throu'-'h the stomach and then tram
pled savagely underf.xjt. The unfor
tunate man was iulte dead when his
muster returned to finish off the dying
animal, which already had enouu'li
lead In It to settle two or three or
dlnary buffaloes.
While these buffaloes are usualiy
found In reedy swamps by huntsmen,
It Is not Infrequently that they are
met In forests. They hnbltually travel
In herds of from M to '.'Oo or 300,
those found alone usually proving to
be old bulls. When small herds, from
eight to fifteen members, are discov
ered they must be aponwhed verv
warily Indeed, as t
some ri'HPnn nr
cu: than large
tnii.ih. enr- j versatile animals, and thus It Is a par-
iTn-i iin!.Ti-l I ticuiarly hazardous matter lo stalk
him persistently when ho Is woiiiubil, '
I for it Is then that he exercises his '
! genera Isli jp most effectively. I'or In- !
I stance, lie will seem to th e from the i
J hunter and disappear in a dense j
j thicket. The hunter follows, only to be i
Uiei alnl pelli.ips killed by all unex
pected rush from the beast, which on I
entering the thicket has turned, hidden j
craftily and awaited the oncoming of
hi.s assailant to catch him unawares
or In such cramped quarters taut he
cannot handle his gun with any rapidi
ty or aim with certainty.
Very little Is required to arouse the
ire of a buTalo cow when with her
young, l:t he can be more readily
killed than a bull owing to the com
parative thinness of her head bones,
but the bull's bkull Is practically bullet
proof, though a lucky shot that tilts
the narrow crease In the forehead be
tween the horns and above the eyes
will kill.
Crocodiles are found In many of the
waters of I'ganda, but Mr. Roosevelt
j will find them In especially large num
bers when he reaches the upper courses
of the Nile and down which they are
' found as far as Henl Hassan. The
Nile crocodile makes sand bunks his
favorite haunts, where the current Is
I not too (strong to put the lazy monster
; to hard work In swimming about.
' The boldness of crocodiles Is prover
bial among hunters of them, and they
attack men, horses and cattle with
deadly vigor. Another characteristic? Is
their reinurkable temn Hy of life-aueh,
In fact, that there are only two shot
that prove Instantly fatal to theni, one
that penetrates the brain rind one that
severs the spinal cord In the neck.
Some sportsmen recommend shoulder
hliots; but, while these will ultimately
cause the reptile's death, It Is able to
(c ape into tlie water, where It Imme
diately sinks. Regarding the brala
si" f. It should be made by billing the
I'l.codl'e bihlrid the aperture of tbe
T loci.dile's boldness Is well
si. i.v. u by a story told by a correspond- er,!l r''
eii' of the London Times. A man 'ho am i
narnd t''!"l'ins was fording a branch
f the upi or Nil on horseback An
in i ri.' oi'ile about twenty-flve
i h 'the record length la
.'.,.,. f,.t., reached np
avernoiis Jhws and
. :i darns from his horse's
his leg dreadfully. As
lo pi its bold tbe nan
j Captain Juincs I'oisyth describes a
! f nn it panther that, getting a craze for
human blood, actually killed a hun
I tired natives, count lea cattle, etc,
J Finally a native, nu iiskurl. whose
1 family had lost inemls-rs through the
j beast was detailed to go Into the Jim-
gle and bring bin k that panther's akin
i or else never to appear again. Afier
j days am! nights of dangerous exposure i
i the nskarl nimby located the panther
' near a pool where animals cam tu (
: drink. LyliiK almost all nlht In tlie j
' bushes, the nsl.arl saw the beast tome I
down to the water's rdge and. obtain- i
j lug n goisl side shot nt him. emptied a
j muzzle loading sin t"iin half full of
I lead sin: and pi'" cs of if. u Into the
I bruto. After stoei'al minutes of Inde-
scrlhaMo i oi:t. r 1. us. leaping und
; twisting the panther lay dead. "When
; the uskari n tunas! with the head of
the leopard," said Captain Forsyth,
i ''there were much feasting and illsslpu
: tloti."
I Iu Some sections of Africa the pan
i ther Is held in Mich terror that lie Is
made a part of tliecrinie machinery of
native Justice. A native who has com
mitted some offense, stealing, assault,
i etc., is i oiiilemi.i d to c,o Into the jungle
! and kill a panther. If tin- native re
' turns with the head and hide of a
I freshly killed beast he Is luiineiliately
A theory of various experls on Afri
can fauna Is that many minus ani
mals exist us yet unseen by white
men because these animals only ven
ture forth from their hiding places at
night, when hunters and explorers are
either asleep or engaged III seeking
particular kinds of game. Mr. Roose
velt's plan Is to do considerable still
hunting at night as a possible means
of securing specimens of these un
known beasts and thus becoming a
further contributor lo the world's
Store of wild animal know ledge.
As an aid to this end was Mr. Roose
velt's conference in Washington with
Sir Harry .Johnston, governor of East
Africa and a celebrated explorer.
Though the discoverer of the unique
okapl, Sir Harry could not secure j
a live specimen. Mr. Roosevelt Is con-
fideiit of obtaining a live okapl, aa ho j
will cross the heart of the region where I
the uiiimai is found In L'ganibi.
The okapl Is the wonderful new
beast that looks like a crows between
a giraffe, an antelope and a zebra,
though such hybridization does not ac
tually occur. Scientists have found
the geologic remains of a creature like
the okapl In Oreeoe, but supposed It
long fxilnct. Henry M. Stanley heard
of It among the central African pyg
mies, but was content to cull It a
"donkey." It remained for Sir Harry
to explore the almost Impenetrable
forests of the I'ganda, und he succeed
ed Iu shooting un okapl, the Hit 1 ii und
skeleton of which he sent buck to
England. It has proved the most Im
portant zonlici. al find In recent times.
The okap! has a grayish tan skin,
t legs than hind legs and a
without horns. Sir Hurry
"id a live horned giraffe,
r t liu it the common va
' out rich, a white wblsk
e mid new species of
and i he chameleon.
: inert ty part like &
' I- edible, but tht
It i does not tx
em ot'' r parts of the bo),
ri.- 'Pis ami tree twigs and
,o . r seen even by the ex
' . iniieroinst depths of the
w iiiiei in's-es, where human
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