Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 15, 1909, Page THREE, Image 3

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J. W.MaxwU ' V. L. Maxwell t ... I. aw. r
Of Property, for Sale
40 hcith, Ti(l() one mile from Liil
View, etinld he Miiei'exufiilly IiiIk1''1'1'
Hrt h Miillry tin in, mi iiinl unit half
Mtiiry Iiiiiinm V'txiH) ciiiiijiiimi ivi'lj' i:i.w,
4 room (in urtitiiid Hour, '1 on upper
Hour, lilllll IH It. iihtH, IHxJt, Kuinl
Willi, I'll!. No. ll '1
llK) HI'ltlM lit fill XT IK Id, HIIKI1 IiI'IIhIi
IiiiiiI, It! iiiIIiih from l.nkei !ew, hmikIv
Ioiiiii noil, mi Improved No. )-- '-
f ll N I .WA) lli'll'H. II i!enlllili' Mtiu'k
niiii'li Hinl hiiihII fiirm, it In 1 1 1 1 iiim llflli
of I Mix li luiy land, retniiindfr Kinln
and piiMliiin IiiiiiI, hiiihII Iiiuihii mid
Imi ii Minuted 'i in Hen frniii I .i U v t w ,
Hiiiu'l creek iiml ll Hunt Inu illtrlion
tilt f Imi'i. In patrtmleil iih ii way Mile
Inn. No. ill - 12 t
I7IKI iiiiniH nt i"i r Mcrw. mm of
tllll lil'Hl lllli)' llllint denltiililn fur II) m mid
Block iiiiii-Iihh In Hi In part nf tlin
utiiinti ', linn llirllty ori'li.inl, Un
alnry duelllntf 72x11). mlil it Ioii IHx'JT.
milk Ihhihii, wooil lioiiHit, cellar, niiiokii
Iioiihii, rlilikrn hounn, njrl tiu water In
iiIiih to limine, warden and ho ran
iiHrn H0x!7, In well adapted to y nil ii
Hinl ill fnlfu, cul.aliiK) ton of liny, would
I'lit IIHNI ton if needed to alfalfa It
1h ii liiiruulii, In within VI mile - t
Lakeview. No. rjtl-KI
MtNH)-'JK ariea In Warner valley
nil fenced Hinl crown fenced In llvn
Held" paid up wut it i Ik lit of '.'mi liu liim.
two htory dwelling 1 x.'Ui (j rnnnm,
front proof cellar, win ktory I'JxItS,
fruino Imrn 'JilxiXI, wiion Hinl mimhI
lioiiHit Hix.'Ml, hIii'i'i mIhuI Ii.i III'.), circli
Hr I ImurliiK, li triiiiM, IhtiU'm of nil
kltiiri I in r vitii (I t it rout iivit tH.
litoi'k if wunti-4 Ht niKtkft prii'ii IIiIm
in hii up to iliitii riincli. No. Z'i- 4.'l
I, lil'J iiitkh ill f Ti . f( ) pur m ri', 1 1 1 n t
In NiiviiiIh, fill mili-H miutlii-iiHl ot l.iiku
low, mill 1M iiilli'h iiHht of CiiIIIiii iiln
linn, It In nil In onn Imily uinl H liirn
portion of It HklrtH t liii liikiinlioi n. till
Ih ili'hlrul.l for tiny klml of i-lork
rii'wli, with tlm niHHilfiw luinl it inn
lirm iih ii ip I the PxtnnUVii opi'ii miik'r
iiiijoiniiiK. No. r.'.'i-ir.i
IliO Hcri'H lil' ptniliiclitii luinl.
good lioiim', nrK Imrii, Kni'mrli'M,
to. . hiiihII iirrluird. rri'rk tlimtiKh
plurn. !! hiti'H In cnl 1 1 1 nt inn onn of
tlm Iii'hI li'l ' I i UK f ii I hi m In (iooM' l.iiku
vnllny, 10 in Ilia from I nkcn-v for
fum. N'.-. fiu- M!)
Si I HiTm for ?I'JIK onn Hory frmnii
four 1 1 m i ii i Iioiihii. lii'W luirn, ni-vi'i
fllillllk.' bt.llllll, Oil pIlll'H. ,'xl III'IHH
fiMiciiil, IU riilt ivali-il, mi iili-ul I'liifknn
riincli or miiuII block fiirm - ulxmt oni
in tit from htntfi roii I hip I ittumt I
lii 1 1 mi I loin Nmv l'liid I'riifk.
No. 4.11-102
Mil HITCH ?'1"IKI, yood fiirm hollM liml
linrn, mi hhinn roml, l iiit'tiex In luii
tiln whIit, I'liciiply miu'ii ri'nvrvoir mIIb,
lnniriiiit fruit trcim, 'Jl vnunifur
ouch of k'oinl Hi-lccl Ion, .'ill ncruK plow
Jiind, ri-n l 1 1 hi piihtiitn. No. .1M
iH) luTi M 7 llllll'H Milllli nf I'ulxlry,
hliiull iHiK lliroiiirli JiIjiii tl.l p n
I in run in nt ID piT lien'. No. tl I lit
''." ptT HlTI '."ill HITCH nil IcllCI'll
Hint well Improriiil, 2 limul ilwi llliiH
I'lll'll Willi 4'tl 1 1) III I II I Ioiih I in iih, out
liiiiiMi'M, 2 uri'liiii'ilH iivit linll of it
tni'ii'liiw, tin iciiihIioIit Ih lolilm.' mi I
lull luinl It Ih nun of I tic vi-iv lew
triu'lH tlnit cool. I tiii ho evenly iiivi leil
Into Iao f ii nil h Unit It woiilil lie ilitll
roll In iniike choice of tliem, i'hih nil
I lie free w liter it nuiih i-h. No. 'Ji'o- K'
Hii hitch nt I'J.frO per Here level mine
II'UhIi IiiiiiI oh IIiO went Hlile nl (iiiiinh
Luke, in .'iuiiI iieililinr)iioii, no un
proveuicntH, vet a Kooil tuniiiii.
No. :i72 122
J. W. Maxwell Son
"T" Lakeview, Oregon
Klamath Hospital
Klamath Falls, Oregon
I'lione 5(11 ; Corner II li ami 1'iuo itn.; Two I'.lccks from Court IIiiiikc.
Completely ctiilpietl fur t n nt nif: miiIi nl. uu dlcnl and inatcriiity ciim'h.
OpcratliiK room, entirely up-to-iliito, at (llefioHiil of any Hureoii on
eliiirt not Ice. J l'titiiMiti- ii'ccivcil ut any anil all hours
Emily A. Humphrey.
LAKi:V!:V, ()KI(()N
TheBestMeals rwnTry Us,
BalCCrV 'n con,1 '-'tn- I?rcsh Dread Daily
- J C. E. LONZWAY, Propreltor
The Jackson Loan & Trust.
Fort Worth. Texas, or Jackson, Mississippi.
pk Lnsfc MIIHi INii - "i
t!0 imrnn Ht 1 10 pur Here, II iiiilnn
from Liikevlew. IIiIh Ih k'kmI iiiiIiii
pi'ovi'il mih IhiimIi liotlom IiiiiiI mnl
will come iimier iiiiii or to of lln
Irrlviitlnn projectH conten piH(n, In
Unit vicinity. ,1o. .'1.V2-W
2M0 iicri'H nt. 11 2Ti per Hern In Wr-
Iter Viille)', nil llliiler fence, tfooil
lioiiiii' mnl liiiin hii I out lioiihei mi't
h 1 1 1 ii 1 1 oreliiiiil, ueyer fiilllliM creek
t lirouwli plHcit. 'l ei mn luiliincii
I 2 mnl II yeHm lit ti per runt.
N.-. 2HO-77
2Hm2l Helen II tnlleH from
1'IiimIi. Hliout h(l iicich fenciiil, 2') in
Kniln, 20 In timothy mnl clover, 10 In
nlfiilfii, rciiiiilniler mixed liny luinl.
tlmntliy, red top mnl lilne Joint, Ih
h i.rni'k liollnin, coinfortiililii Iioiihii.
oh I Iioiihi'h, I. urn, corriilH. 2 welln 12
ft. deep. A line opeinnu tor H lieyin
lier In tlm Mock litliiliieHii. No. .'177 4."
'.I20-1!" ncreit level hiiuh lirtinh
liinil in Krowluu Hettlcinent with iood
pr iHpectH of tlm (Miverumeiit Itxcliim-
Mtlon KitvIck In the uenr future hhmIhI
IiiU Urn HldtliTH til their IriiUHtlon
Hclieii,e. No. 411 112
:!20 h.tch nt l1'!. 2."i pur Hiri hii lileHl
nlock or ln I ry riincli ou tri'niliirr ot
(.'hewHiii'iiii rlrer nl out twenty mi Iih
from I.Hkevlew. Ih uemly ull meHdow
with yood outlet for ittock.
No. 41H-r,s
21 K) Hcren of CliewMuciui hot torn,
choice him! for any mnl nil purposes,
nt l.i per hit. No. Ol.Vi
I2tl iiereH Htftl f0 per ricrn wlthlo fix
iiiiIch of Ltiket lew. L'niiiii roved.
Ilio HcreH. price If 1.IKHI, loniteil on
horder of lleH.Tt, hiiihII creek llirouuh
pluce, 120 Helen 'ooil fin in Iniid, 10
llrleH pilhlujc. with evtellnlve oil I let
for ktock, 20 mili-H to lieurent t.iwn
thin Ih u fl ret cIiimh openitii; for ii
yiniiiK liiiin to htiil l un in the Htock
Ini.iliirHH. No. H2H1.
I'ricPH Hiiliject to eh no no. no notice
lu aililltlon to the preceding we
Iihtm over 20.000 hithh of hind ot
every ktiiiIh mi I nuiility, In triictH of
one to twvlvc tlioiiHiiml hcren riinyliik'
In price from t.'i to (100 per Here, tho
qmility of ho II, locHtiun iind improve
mentH lcteriiin!nu the price. The
Hhove em hi iiceK IiiiiiIh prluci put I y in
Luke county, n uoodly portion of It
in vicinity nf l.nkeview with home
lew choice t rut t x ill llHmey uinl
('rook comity in Oregon, olx i Home
choice trnctH lu C-Hllornlit h ml NVvuiIh
I ordering on the Oretfou line.
I IleHldeiice lotn in Litkevirw nell for
Is I Ur to W x eiich liiihiueHH lots from
(h0 to 7(HJ0 ihcIi.
OnlliiHrry" the town Mix 125
Ici'l in tho higher priced lotn there
l.i no uniformity In hIc, the locution
i) ml ttln fJetcniilninu tlm price.
, , We hiive the town lots in WhIhou'h
Mlditloii to tho town of l.nkeview the
iii'Hivnt to ttie hiiHiueHH port ion of town,
iilho lotM in nl 1 other lidd 11 ioiih nd join -illtf
the tow ii wo hIho Iiiivh h litrjjo
lihl of improved mnl unimproved
town property of nil kimln for hiiIo.
. A Unpen yeniH lchidcnce in Lukt
(ionty emilileM us to niiy, eHpectiilly
to the ciipitiil n-t, we run (,'ivo J'ou
poinlcrs in h eculiit ive pi oponit ioiiH '
in viiriiuiH nnuH oi iniHiiieHH iih wen iih
reiilty tlmt we know you will kindly
i uvtHt U'lite niter you leiirn whnt we
Iiiimi to enliht your iitlciitiou.
! Any thiuu in the priced im; that
! muy ititciet-t yon, write un for more
' particular dcucript'on
j ' J.W. MAXU KI.U &. SON.
' Dept. A. Liikuviow, Oregon.
Loaned I
Unit I.hhm City, Mhv 27.-Tbe' Mr
iilil to (ln hh: neiUloM 41 of the
circulitr ii- ' -! hy tlm commlHlHoner
of the untu i I I i , , i Mice nt Wimhlna
t.m nml Hp r M .i.t, i;kk. coii
IhIiim a r 1 1 ii. o. i tie inter relation of
the Keneral mn.i ,u f tu,l )n ioin
to throw cnnfiini .il h.i I i u, teniHtlon
Into the cum p o chI n m h geek-
IiiK to o hi ii I n ni,u.ri' n.-iit i HlentH.
The rullnu waN pr i n II, S Joh
eph, who, iih iiiiiiihwi i o ,. Sl.vr
KhielilH co'iipHiiy'H pi i r 1 1.-- nt Hill
ham, him jiiHt iiiiide himhI iitloti for
pIltClltH Oil A COII)Ih of l I .1 ,in Ht I'.IO-
Ah Ih I'eiiciully known, w hen h mln
IiiK cIhIiii h IochIh I. t lm not Ice to
C'liiforin with lnw, iiiiint ilelKtiata h
diHcoviry point mnl the courn of the
lodo or ledye tfTotiKh the cIhIiii. l''or
ninny yearn thin dcHlKtiat ion nf the
lode In the locution iioIicm in all that
Iibh henn rti'pilrei of IIih cliiim owner
in ihtalillNhliiK Mh riM to patent
the uroiiud, oMier timn mineral and
"rock lu plane" were to tie found at
the pc-lnt of Jlncovery. Thin formal
ity compiled with, the owner of a
Kroup ol cIhI"i Iihh heeij fiernntted ,
to do the work ofr nil rlaitiiH thoiiKh
mm lunenl oi n lift Tt which wn Hhown :
to tend to the development of the'
Kroiui. j
According to the new ruling, that
ill not Do in the future. Alter a
tiilniutf claim hud heeti Incaled, ami
before I hoy ciin iimke application lor
pHtent under tin; new ruling, iih coii
lained ia the Hectlon noted, lie will tie
reuuircl not only to prove that a
Net DhWIU'h (:urboll.ed Witch 1 1m
?v ShIvo wlien you ank for it. There
nre a treat many Imitation, nut
there Ih juiit mi original. TIiIh Halve
l trood for anything where a naive Ih
ni'eded to tie lined but it in et-pecially
Kool lor i'llett Hold by Duly Hull.
All hien doorH mi I win low h at
Lnkeview ..ercantile Co.
Executrix's iSotlce.
In the County Court ot the State of
Oregon, for tho County of Lake. In
ttie matter of the entute of MAKT1N
T. WALTKKS, deceuned.
To whom it may concern: "Notice
Ih hereby given tlmt the undesigned,
the executrix of the IhhI will end
testament of Martin T. Walters,' rie
CPHfted, Iihh file. I the llniil account of
her iidmlnMtatioii of eald ehtute, in
the Countv Corut of the State of Ore
gon, for the county of Luke and that
ttie Honorable Ii. Daly, Judge of aid
court, hua, by un order duly made
mid enteied therelu on June 28, l'.tiiy,
appointed Friday, the lloth day of
July, A I)., l'.KW, at the hour of 10
o'clock A. M., of naid day, at the
Court room of Hiiid court in the court
Iiiiuhh ot Lake County, Ortgon, iu
the town of Lakeview, iih the time
mid place for the hearing of ttie ob
jections to said final account, if any
there be. and for the fliul settlement
Thin notice is publii-hed in th
Lake County Kxiimiuer. a uewtpHper,
pubUnhei' weekly Ht Lakeview, Lake
County, Orcgou, lor four Hiiccepsive
Btid coiiHceutive weeks prior to said
day of eettlement. tiy order of Hon
orable 11. Daly, .luige of Hiii I court
duly iimde mid entered herein, on
I line 2H. M
Dated thiH ltt day of Julv, A. D..
ii ui:ii:t WALTKKS.
Kxecutrlx of the 1 HHt will and test
ament of Martin T. Walteta, de
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
fctsif. 60 YEARS
PnBVDir.UTG A r.
Anvnna ini1liig a nkelrh and ilearrlptlnn nia?
iTiui Is prulml'ly eiiieiiliilli. CnriiiiiuilDi
Un,. in i..n i ipimii'iy ri;"'"""'A" "
llcinamririljrrniin.lniiilnl. HANDBOOK mi I'ateuu
piii.mia tiik.m tliri.ui.-li Mimn A Co. reotilve
Iptctat itotke, wlltaiiul clmrmi. :u tUe
Scientific fltticricati,
A haniltomolT niiKtrnlod wneklr. Lnnreit rlr
eiilaiitm t Biiy i'u'iniil" Iminiiil. "I .i inn. .l a
Tour: euir muniiiii f u wjuii i .-n..n.
nRlDroadaay.NgyV jnfjf
. " V et.. Wiisliiuanin. U f"
i. in rv j i
Hraiich '.Ullr.
otice tor Publication
Department of the rnterior, United
States Land Olllee, Lakeview, tire.,
May 27, 11)01).
Notiee is hereby given that the
state of Oregon has tiled in this office
its application, Serial No 02110, to
select under the provisions of the
act of digress of Augnst 14, 184S, and
the acts supplementary and amenda
tory thereto, the SW quarter SW
i) muter, NW quarter SW quarter.
SW quarter NW quarter NW quarter
NW quarter See,. 33, T. 35 S. ii. 21
E. W. M.
uy aud all persons claiming ad
versely the lands described, or desir
ing to object because of .the mineral
character of the laud, or for any other
reason, to the disposal to applloaut,
should tile their affidavits uf protect
in this office ou or before the Hitb
day of July, 1000.
J. N. WATSON, Register.
The above notice will be published
lu the Lake County Examiner, a
weekly newspaper printed and pub
lished at Lakeview, Oregou, for a
period of at least Ave weeks prior to
the date last In said notice nienloned
J10J15 J.'Ji. WATSON, Register.
i I .,.(
A. I F
lede liim heen dincoered In the
claim, hut he "'lint trace it nut hy ac
tual work through the ( lain nought
to he pntented. 'l hnt done, lie iney
concentrat hit if.'itK) worth of work
for each cliiim. or remaining pint ion
'of It, at one point If tie no deMlrt H
A Mtrict eiiforceiiient of the new rule
(wlll miiin that not many vroupe of
. minlutf i lainiM. an micfi, will ever he
' putented Haln.
It ia not ntteii that a loduo can lie
readily truce I through a mlnloK
claim atfer i(h dincotery on the nur
face, tiecHUKo nf the action of the ele
, in mi tH. In Kulrlien the vein's exit
I tence in often oh'.ltrented hy erolon
and the accumulation of anywhere
from 10 to 100 feet of ilchriH that haw
1 heeri wiiHhed over It. Ilenne uronOta
of hrtiHh mid treeH alnn often interfere
with HtrlpfdtiK a vein that can he
noted here and thaie hv the outcrop,
while to ex pone It for the length of
a claim would entail work th.t few
men or companieH would he capable
of performing without loen of in'ich
time, and in Home inptiiuccri treinen
duoiiH and unnecesanr y expenditure
of money.
lu canen where companieH and indi
ridualH located on a led and then
' take up additional cIhiiiih to avoid
j encrimcbaieijtH f rom poHhiole uritfb-
j bora the -nlinn will he a stlniver.
It Is imthiiiK uiicoiiiinon, after a
' i i....... i i n. - .i
vt:iij jinn i.iTrcij (711 ui n uiv j
hill been made, to locale a number
of HaukiiiK claitoH without regard to
whether they contain vein or not,
just to head olf pobHihle litl.,ation.
toy Lite Saved
My little boy. f jur years old. had
a aevere attack uf dyneni ery. We had
two physicians: both of them gave1
him up. We then ave him Chain- .
berlain'H Colic. Cholera and lia- ;
rrhoea remedy w hlch cured him and j
believe ttu.t naved nl8 life. Will lain '
H. Stroling. Carbon Hill Ala. There!
Ih no doubt that thin remedy saves i
the lives of many children each year, j
Uive it with cuHtor oil according to j
the plain printed directions and a
cure is certain For Bale by Daly A I
Hall. j
They lined to nay, ''She puts it all j
Upon her back," but that
Is not the way it is today; !
It all goes on her .bat. j
Philadelphia Bulletin.
If you have pains in the back,
weak back or any other indication of
a weakeueu coudiiou of the kidneys
or bladder you should get DeWitt'a
Kidney uud Lladder Pills right avviy
I when you experience the least eign nf
' i.i,.... .. - 1 1. i i... .... i .. i , . . , i
Biuury ui iimuufi uouj u i.s v.ui, in
sure that you get DeWitt'a Kidney
and Blander Fills. We know what
they will do for you atid if you will
Boud your name to Jv C. DeWitt &
Co.. Chicago, you will reciete a free
trial box of these kiduey and bladder
pills. They are sold hero by Daly A
j Feminine tempera, you may note
Are like cigars, my child;
I Some in e medium, some are stiong,
And some are very mild.
I Chicago New.
! Ccamtwrlaln'i Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy Would Have f avetl
Him Jloo
"Id 1902 I had a very severe attack
of diarrhoea " snys H. N. Farrai, of
Cat Island, La. For several weeks I
I was unable to do auything. On March
18. l'JOi, 1 hud a similar attack, and
took Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy which gave me
prompt elief. 1 consider it one of
the best medicines of its kind in the
word, aud had I used it iu 11)02 bo
leved it woud have saved me a hun
dred dollar doctor's bill. " Sold by
Duly & Hail.
Traveling man My good man, what
time does this traiu leave Swamp
Ageut My friend. I'm only the
ageut. l'ni not a fortune teller.
Stray Stories.
Over Thirty-Five Yeara
lu !ST2 there was a great deal ot
diarrhoea .dysentery and cholera in
fantum. It was at this time that
Chaiuhertain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy was first brought
in to use. It proved more successful
than any other remedy or treatment,
nml has for thirty-live years main
tained thst record. From a small be
ginning its sale Hud use has extended
to every part of the United States aud
to many foreign countries. Nine
druggists out of ten will recommend
It wbn their opinion is asked, al
though they have other medicines that
pay them a greater profit. It cau ul
ays be depended upou, even iu the
most severe aud daugerous cases. For
sale by Duly .V Hall.
Liuoleuius, carpets,
Lakeview Mercantile Co.
and most comlortaDie
Al the same time
cheapest In the
end because It
wears longest
39 Everjwherei
Every garment
waterproof Catalog free
, mur b ra hoston.u l a
We can fill your order for doors aud
wiudowa. B. & M.
ACCOfl fl ODA Tin N S
P P LHiMT I IfiHT X- HADDflW rrfnrftiM -
QEO HAUUOW vj i i a
If you desire to get the daily San
Francsico Bulletin and the Lakeview
Examiner, at unheard ot rates, you
will have to hurry, as the deal is
liable to be called off any day.
Help lor Those Who Have Stomach Trouble
After doctoring for about twelve
years for a bad stomach troubl , and
spending neaily Ave hundred dollars
for inedicnes and doctors' fees. 1
purchased my ife one box of Cham
berlain's stomach and Liver Tablet,
which did her so much good that ebe
continued the use of tutro and thev
have done her more good than hII of
the medicine 1 bought before -Sam
uel Boyer. Koleom. Iowa This med
icine is for sale by Daly & Hall.
Samples free
. Voungwed 1 waut accom modations
for imy wife.
Hotel Clerk Suitev
Vouuswed You bet your life she is.
Uostou Trauscript.
$1,250 Reward.
The Harney ; 1 1
Live store t.-socia .
ion. of Inch I an
A member, ;iayf7.V
reward (or evidence
- in.
vH'Uitu of ptirtie
sleHlillK stock be
'oinjinjf to :t8 mem
mtk. In atlilitibn I
iff.-r foini reward
Hore brHivl horse
stioe bar on eithe'
or both laws. R
or.'.eil In oiiiHief
Range, Harnev. Laku ami Crook Comities
Home vented when sold sold to pas
tbrouith this section will be reirted in tlm
paper. If not so reported, please write or lele
phone The Times Herald. Main s4. Burns, Ore
gon. W W .Hrown, Burns. Ore-
Reward for Horses
1 will urive 5.'Hl reward for inforin
ntion that will lead to the discovery
of any horxc branded with an old
horacHhiK bra elou bot h ja vvh, placed
as In the cut m thin ad vcrtisi'inent.
with frenh tri tiiii I" lirand uinliTiieath
the horsesluH'. The triaimle phi ceil
In audi a manner as would cover up
a liar on both lawn. Animals must
be found in the inws.'.iiin nf some
person or permitm.
Red Livery Barn
Ncv Ris and VVJ Special Accommo
Pancv Teams jt, da t ions
to Let For Freighters
Corner Canyon and Main Sts, Lakeview, Ore.
A Shot with vptv Tick of Watch
Free Book tells of this Gun
Thin llainnierleHH Kepeater Ik the most rapid pump cut. made ; It
linn every known Improvement ea,v take-down feature, heavy
. breeeh liloek, covered mechanism and top rib if denlred.
("atiiUin Knows hi r other nhut yrnn.s tloulileH, Hiniilen, etc.
PRICES. $5 TO $27
A poatal lirlnir-t inir lunik FKEE. AildrenH,
4si Auburndale, TOLEDO, OHIO.
7 he rxst; Vanquero
saddle on the market
Also a complete line of
wagon and bugjev har
ness, whip., robes, bits,
rlates, spurn, quirts, ross
ttes. n,lact everything in
the lln of carriage anJ
orae furnishings. I :.
pairing by competent
he n.
AKEYIW 0 . .
wbxv - ' 'K" "
Notice for Publication
i Department of the Interior, U. S.
' Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
! April 26, 1901.
j Notice is hereby given that HENRY
.ANDERSON, of bly, Oregon, who
ou November 2"i, 1107, made Horoe
staad Entrv No. 391 (Serial No.
01495) for Lots 1, 2, E half NW quar
ter, Section 31. Township 30 S.,
Range 15 E. Will. Meriiian, has
tiled notice of intention to make
i'itial Commntatiiii I'roof to establish
claim to i ii .a id h'vp dpcrirje"4,
before Register and RecM nr. a- L;-k-view
(.iitiju. on Lit- tjtu day nf .Inly.
ClaiuiTt oamri hm w itne.-ses : Art
Euveus, Carrie Lun.iy, O. T. i; l-r-sou,
Q. N. Andersou, all of Bly, Ore
' gon.
MCJ10 J N. Watson. Register.
The Edison phonograph and 4-min-ule
records at Thornton's. Price 830,
40 and 8o5. 10-tf.
There ia no need of anyone suffer
ing long with this disease, for to
effect a quick cure it is only neces
sary to take a few doses of
Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy
In fa. in most cases one dose ia
sufficient. It never fails and can be
relied upon in the most severe and .
dangerous cases. It is equally val
uable for children and is the means
of saving the lives of many children
each year.
In the world's history no medicine
has ever met with greater success.