Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 15, 1909, Page TWO, Image 2

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    I.AK TNTY I' XWIM'.li, I. K K . K , I Mi ViU N. Tl U liSPA Y, .11 LY lfk '.Wit.
I lfl-titii Pv-ititntT weight mill luilnen.e by doing.
I niftM Paprr. and I argrM
I'antrrn and Southern
tfintTft at tl Vet iifw at 1 asevtow. Ore.
aii x-t-oiul I'lnaa Walt' r
ClU'NTV Ot Kil l M. I' U'KII
n -r. tn ailvan.v. -'
; x inr tin. I
Ttir.i- mcnUi. ""'
fafIf not palil in a. lvalue. $J 50 tin- yeat.
Notice to Subacrlbcra
Stibaenwra m I hr fcnamltier who remove
trom out locality l. another, or chant;.
Iheir ivototrr' ai1lfi"M n'ioiil.1 remember in
iron thm orhee a card o their a(rr 'a'i av ail
droawl to tin' right eostoSiev.
K.'SMlar stanilitig a. I1.1X an hu h nixie
fi'lumn space, H-r nii'iitti. All :a;i.inii: a-U.
tlin,:e't tree twice a month, t iwl ii i-oiii'.'Om-lion
i liariftil (orall otri chati.'. Ail ! lal
peMtnins extra. Ai! short trrm a1 ctra
Headers, lew at columns. HV. per lino each in
.-iMou. Want a-i. iV. a lin- each insertion
rnl of thanks f 1 ee. Resolutions of coinlo
ieiu c. (1 50 and upward".
fty Transient Adv -pining aud Job Fruit
hiit. cash in advan.-.
All bills must to paid the tint of each mouth.
aJT"No deviation from these term.
tome Mreoi,
ts eei-t on file at F..C. fUKH'K
AdveMSinic Agencv U'4 Sand ;
an Trainmen, lal., where!
ounaets fur adveriiint cau ne mii ior it. t
iMirm ikt NKwr ti'N us
Cal. Geo. H. Harvey, editor of
Harper's weekly, recently delivered
an address to tbe Luiverisfy of Kan
sas School of Journalism, in the
Bourse of which he said:
"The hiJe-botind partisan news
paper is bound to die the death it
ogbt to die, while tbe idenpendeut
purer is bound to prosper."
Colonel Harvey also said that tbe
corporation -con trolled newspaper
would not thrive many years and
that a corruptly edited newspaper
would, goon fail.
Tbe newspaper aud magaizues of
tbe country, taken iu the composite,
are tbe nio.-t accurate existing retle.x
that e tiave of p l. 1 . i 1 c morals, senti
neut aud intellectual growth aud de
velopment. A newpsaper, to succeed,
must to some satisfactory extent, at
least, reflect tbe views and opinions
of a sufficient nu i;ber of people to
nuke it prvotitable to coudJct. As a
business proposition, therefore, any
latiually coudcuted newspaper must
try. tit least, to agive hruionuus in
iteai of opposing expreseiou.
iv.littjia. worthy tbe name in tbe
roautrv. Lave discovered that there
is a ireHt uuJercirreut of average
thought in every community. Oc
trasiouallv in lecotnes deflected into
rouu cbautieU through some tem
porary contagious excitement but as
a rule is sound aud discriminating in
judgcueut andKJV?rued by tbe ph
tabilshed principles of ethics and
equity. It moes nn beneath the
froth and foatu of niou;entary excite
ments and it is tbe only safe aud en
during currents to proceed with in
piloting a newspaper. The people
aaot to see jusitce djue. Tbey waut
tbe truth as nearly as it may be ex
pressed iu order to make up iheir
swn minds, and when tbey reaJ any
thing iu tbeir uewspspers tbey waut
to fee! that tbe paper has tried to give
them a fair summary of the lact. In
tbis'respect there has been a great
ehaugu in the last half century, aud
more particularly iu the lust two de
cades. Prvi'jm to that time nes
paper part istinsijip was, hide-bound,
tutiuutfv and vindictively one-eided ;
superaltive in its general laudation j
of everything done by one bide and
dtuuuicatory of evrny act aud prin
ciple of the opposition. Newspapers
were so because the people were so.
One has but to read tbe accouuta of
Ibe political cumpbigus from the be
gining of tbe government up to rest-ut
years to discover '.tiat a change
has coo.e over the current of public
-Qiiai(-u t. Iu former times it was
trkit i into furious climaxes at every
4'1-Ho.te of a political nature. People
ducusstd, fought aud rejoited to
blcodohed over differences of party
.Dinious that tolay woull nut pru
J'li e ai) apj rociuble increase in the
jiLl-f of any two rational partisans
.liHCUfc-iiig it. We have all nut pro
gressed futticieutiy io enlighteument
nd wisdom to realise thitt none ot
u-- ha-i any wbnebale monopoly ou tht
f.'olli 'lhat few of us think alike.
That the wisest ate ofteu mistaken.
That 'here are g'jod points ou both
sidi-s of (vfcry issue. In a nutshell
tie i ut lie has gradually come into a
tiatuu of mind th,it it prefers to know
rjoth sidi-s of every ijueslion, fairly
irtd boutJtly expressed, than any cov
riug up of mistakes with untruthful
and exaggerated buncombe.
The wsb newspaper managHr knows
this. He appreciates the facts that
(arty lines are loosen inf. That bide
touud views are no longer entertained
fey miy considerable number of peo
(le. That tn succeed lu bis calling
ta must publish a paper that not only
tfunciully is be benefitted by suoh
jirofeduit) but his paper can only Lave
touch with Him gnat un.trrctirrt'iit
of anTHio eiititnent. II in ,cnli'i of
judgment ar no loiir I dtil on
one aide with parly prejtidico nd
bUotry, t'tit on t he control y til opin
ions art dicsritttliiatingl.v ixprefiiil,
hopinil that thi w ill moot w ith the
approval of this gnut atnl O'lmponit"
aiiticonst'iotis cnriftit of hiiiiiHii
t bought and opinion.
t Mill' M HMI'tl-M
The railrnad inHk-uate , Mr . V II.
Harritnan, roceiitlv said : "We must
havn sul'sidies for Aniricau-litiilt
ships, tlu' ii hi it rat sciitu'tice of pro
tert ion. "
Tine, .Mr. Ilnrr iiimi, truet Hut,
did von ever stop to consider that if
excessive dut io were cut dowr, or
were Auirricau allown' to purchase
ship at lowest prices wherever oh
tainatile in foreicn countrios, that
there then would be no need of ship
You must k'Ki, Mr. llHrrnimn.
that foreign built saips are construct
ed at a oost of one-half or less than
those built in America, but Alnori
cans cannot buy theut aud limit the in
under llw " Sturs and Stripes," t'e
cause of "ths natural ieiiuence of
protection" which benefits the few at
tbe expense of t he whole . mericsn
people ! In order to keep "Did
tilory" olf the seas, no bettet plan I
could have beeu devised, and the!
American public pays millions each
year to foreign shipping bceause of
tb is foolish notiou of protection to;
Americau infaut industries ! I
Yet. iu th fao vt these facts, Mr. j
llarriman. you bate the calm assur-,
auce to furtner bur leu the A nrric:in
people by proviling subsidies for
Americau-built shipping us "the nat
ural seiuence of protection!"
You surely have a great head, Mr I
Hxrriuian that is, for yourself, and
your kind and in th words of an- j
other railroad magnate, now dea 1, -"The
people be damued!"
Heart to Heart
A higher KtMiidard for oohool work
in thin utatwas ml and nmuy uialtors
(if iniituHl helpfulnoM were UlaCllssed.
HM.c.inii: i:iuitiT
Siiecial arrancements have been
made whereby all the exhibits iu the
livestock show at tbe Seattle fair will
be displayed in Portland the third
week of September during tbe show,
o' tbe Portlaud Pair and Livestock
Associaticu. This will mean a show
of pure bred stock in horses, cattle,
sheep and swiod greater by far than
has eve"- been seen in the state. The
exhibit will show the great strides ot
the livestock industry in the Pacific
Northwest during receut years. The
annual show of tbe Portland Fair aud
Livestock Association will last from
September 20th to 2oth and the S'ate
Fair entries will be ou display as well
as the cream from the show at Se
atle. "We bad at least 1,000,0(jO worth
of stock here last year," said Secre
tary Wisdom of the association, "Hut
applications from stock farms on tbe
coast. Middle West and Canada ai
res iy received make it certain we
shall bare more than ?1, 500,000 wortL
of the fanciest stock the breeders of
America can produce. 1L will be pos
sible to arrange for a great deal more
comprehensive display this vear for
fl'wr I iKlit. W t'V At; oi ieuii l'rva Aao
This Is n talc that l true mid worth
the tclllnv; without cottiiuetit
If ton can reiil It vl 'ntit liolnu
toui hctl by I he story. tt are less
e.islly mm ed ttrtu N t In m rl rr.
Tlio rew.tid It f I'.mmiI tlieu l-i
siryirv t'lT. 'It of i.lld S. Uiild . f Ti
I'.inlo. whlii' Hint mil. I,i tut In. Idi'titttl
to the itory Itel.'.
In li'.7 Mr. Kldd :i.i n ten sales
limn, Willi lu'.:d niiirtiTM ut l'lil- .'i',M.
Hi !i I :i curried with him it Now
To ;t:tmi'lit
Cue i!:iy of Hint year Mr. KVoI mot
M.ity Iturti, a girl who had fallen Into
evil ways.
Miss Hunt was tin dutliier of an
iMtrullan millionaire. S!io wasalioiit
twenty year- of ngo, hainWi'mo noil In
loMlgoiit. Attfiieti-d by the clrl. Mr
Kldd drew fr m Iter the story of her
liet'OKiiizltig the possibilities In till- ,
w ay w ard soul, ho took from his pih-U-ft
the Testament m:d tuitied tin
story of Mary Magdalene. This story
he read with till the force mid feeling
ho possessed.
The girl wits deeply iifTivted.
Mr. Kldd pleaded with her to iilnin
don her life of shame. He spoke to
her In th name of her mother.
She promised that she would reform. .
She ald she would go to Pittsburg to1
her aunt ami forever leave Chicago
and her way of living. j
That wni In 1.7. About a yenr ago
Mr. Kldd received n letter from the
girl, to whom he had given his card,
saying she was dying with consump
tion and that she was on her way to
Florida with her father.
Miss Hum d!-d last July. ;
Her father returned to Australia and
died a few months ago. He hud heard
from hl.i daughter the atory of her
And, much to hN Furprlse. Mr. Kldd
was notified that the Australian mil
lionaire had added n codicil to his will
leaving the former a handsome for
tune. To further show his gratitude the fa
ther had left In trust n quarter of a
million dollars fr the founding and
maintenance of a home for fallen wo
men. A beautiful story of rescue.
And that Is nil excepting this:
Of all the promises that stretr-h out
to us from the spiritual world the
greatest U that which reptiles him
who saves a soul from moral death.
i rtm MUNI I'll' ANT l KM ltK
j President Taft in nddreaidng the
I .. i . .. ... V II... ...Ala,
miff hlllll'llll Hi linn iiitvou irvrim j.
made these ntgnitloaut remarks, ' Jj
i which the Aldrlches and Cannon of
the republican party will do well lo
heed, ere they rl 'e rough-ahod over
a "inajorltv protest from the peoi
I "Iu suggesting differences anion
(lrmocnits I am far from Ignoring
d'lterenceo on our side. I remember
in I'.K'I t hat Charles Francis Adams
tiave what I may call a pet feet ly good
Adams reason for the elect ton of the
' democrat io candidate over the repub
: (lean candidate, lis said that one of
, the tree essentials of tree government
j was an able, patriotic- and rlllcleut
'opposition, nti'1 that as the demo
cratic party had I tterly tailed lu
! reaching tliat Ideal tiff was in favor
of putting the republican party in
; place.
"Now 1 venture lo say that while
that may not be the reason tlntt shall
move the American people. It is trim
that if the republican parly dues linl
live up to its promises and what the
poopl" expect of it will be relegated
to a position like that of hie tnajes
t y 's apposition " '
The president Is right , and in the
above utterance he voices the senti
ments of every man in the ranks, out
side those within the fold of the pro
tected interests.
The fact of the matter is if pie-,
election are not fulfilled!
w ith regard to the taritf, unless all j
sign, 'ail, the gentry who would rule
regard 'ess of the people, are In a fair
way to give the republican party a
drubbing that w Id not be foigotten
lu e. hurry by that organization, or
auv other that may hereafter come
into power.
Prince Ruiaert
Your Opportunity
Prime K' 1 1 -1 1 . the I'aililc Cmt I toi niniii i if The lirntid
Trunk Paclll ' H nhvity. idlers the greatoal iimiH inilly fur
I ir fl I it I ilc I ii v -h ti K' ii In A iiii-i lti. TIhimo tvlin have I ved
on lite I 'nclMc Const kionv if I In em it iiiotis fiirliiiies cren ted
III the grow I Ii mihI d-velopiin-n! of Put I hi ml, Seat t Ii mid Yun
cnll M-r 'I'liesi- i ll It s are onI n bbslied, y mir iippi it t tinll y dues
nut evl-t In no I'KtiiblUhi'il rity bm In a new i lly In Km tusk
ing,. I'l loci' Itnpelf iieiii Is nu i iih irt 'I ill I V i'iilal I it tny uf
t he n I io v it. n Io nit to king nd t ii nl ago of I he opiurl itiil t y .
Tin: pki.nci: iti Pi ur i:i;i. i-:sr. ik in vkstmkn r
M KN T CU , I 'I'll., operitti's tu ciiiiililiie tin an v lugs ul siiuili
I isl i irs, ii i. itooi I If. t in pi i 'i I Ii 1 1 Ii it ere I'.-l nil l -il
I .hi n to f ut n lies V ! nffor lu invi'Mturs it liml led II inn ber uf
hIim ii'H i if I hU Ci on psn v it t m r, 1 10 11(1 per x I in re, pn.v utile u ht
ct'ttl ciish nnd ton per eitl nn oil hl.v , i it1 it disci unit for o per
cent fur rush. I lie tonii w liu Is nluue uiii'tbli' in iittri'liitxi'
well Mtlerti'd. Ilicotiio pluilurlng pl'i i nTt V , limy Invent Ills
surplus Muds In Hits Cuiiipnue niol Bh.iro lutln prullts
ronllx'd In pt opoi I lull t . i I be mil. .not In Vi-nI.-.I, I be if. if 1 1
Isitig t lot t p ruil met liv I Io ifuM-ii v II self f lutu roll till loci i me
ami IniTt'iim' lu vol or. I be hlinii". of Mil Ciiiiipiiny im-.o-iu
rate tin three eswtil luls uf nu Ideal 1 0 ves I men t , f l-"l" I'. V,
CASH A V A 1 1. A III I I IA an. I IIHill FAItMMi PdWIl:.
Fvi'l'V del n I uf I h IiiihIiii'hi Is ii mill lor i f linbllc rei urd (linl
has t he I'lido: Hetiieot uf the IiohI Iiii lnea mli-tents
Nurthwi si. m-n III riT HANK Ki l l l:i: I S.
Yuur IiUhIiiimh Hiilirlted. Write.
Ill the
The Prince Rupsrt Real Estata Invest nsnt Co. Ltd-
I IO Loo Mllg, ItlK IMIV IT, It. ('. I'l ItHf l(llMrl, It. '.
Hend had a Ft urth of July celebia
tiou that nit. probiibly th.i most
nun tie in the coii'itry been ise of hub
great feat tire, a trout barbecue.
There are mimrtioiis places in the
state that could duplicate it prob
ably, but where throughout the east
could niich an affair be held? Hend
had alxiiil ILsUl trout nerved to those
lu attendant" at the celnln at ion, cer
tainly a splendid advertisjineut of
Oregon's attractions as a llsheriuau 'a
pnrnd im.
The editor of the laily Capitol at
Salem urayed for rain, and it came,
and ever since h lias been dodging
nu enraged tanning population armed
with shotguns aud pitchforks, be
on ur he overdid the thing ! He
should have gotten ap eactier to pray.
Hofer probat ly only pr;iys when he
ti. onus it. ami n"t iu a professional
lit iM t a mri rn . V
DwoJer In -
Furniture of All Kinds.
Mr. F. K. IiAHKIS, an exprh-iu-iil uiidi-rinker, h is chiirgo
uf my Undertaking Kuuins.
Smiles and Squalls
ii iiik rKi.T o.r."
the expanse of shipping exhibits from
a distauce will b niifiimf7d and
distributed between Portland, Salem
and Seattle. "'
Wheat and rolled barley
view Mercantile Co.
at Lake-
Spring goods will arrive in
days at Lakeview Mercantile Co.
The 17th National Irrigation Con
i rgees ill couveue at Spikane Aug.
.'tn, 6 nil win remain in session
days. The four great objects of
Congress are to "save the forests,
store the floods, re-claim tbe deserts
and make homes of tbe laud." It is
aimed to demonstrate to the West,
tbe wonderful development possible
through irrigation, drainage, forestry,
deep waterways. good roads and home
building; aud to show to tbe Fast the j
economic importance to the whole
country of this devlopment. Lake
county should have a delegation in
I The Portand Journal doubts the
I sincerity of the administration in re-
gard to corpoiathm tax law measures
hinting that "With Ihree corporation
J attorneys in his cabinet and Senators
i Hoot aud Aldrich, for chief advisers.
live ! President Taft'a corporation tax is
,ie I not likely to hurt the big corpora
tions any "
A fashion note ways: "If clad iu
skirts 'hey should lie called limbs,
if worn iu pants the proper term It
'lags' ". Well, if the akirtles won -an
comes, as now threatened, will
there be an end to "limbs?'
Women uow always remove their
hats iu theatres, and I here is agita
tion over their removal In churches
-and lectnre halls.
It ia aald that even if the duty ou
bathing suits be ralaod they will not
be any higher this summer unless
at the lower eud, hays the Pottlaod
Children Cry
To Home Builders
hundred latest tlesfg;nH and
plan-, of
Bungalows ana Cottages
costing; fri.tti
$500 to $5000
Knipiire of
and Builder.
M.tin Street, next to Ahlritrom'a.
Full colored Sectional
Hap of Oregon.
Price ; wliile tlicy Lust.
Shows nil aiirveyed lands, by sec
tions, aud every Important Htreain
and divide, Townships and Kiuige
plainly marked. :: :: :: ::
Also shows all Land Crant Lands,
and liastheORliON niLITAKY KOAI)
(Jrant complete, by aectiouH. Inval
uable to anyone who now la or ex
liects to He Interested in lands in
aoutliern Oregon. :: :; ;: ::
Lntirfl output of thla map owned by
31 Chamber of Commerce,
) Portland. Oregon.
Tbe Or.tgon State Teacher's Asso
ciation completed its ninth annual
convention at Albany during the
past week. The gathering was pro
nounced the most successful in tbe
history of tbe organization. An in
teresting and valuable program was
given, with many notable addresses. I
Tb? second anuual convention of tbe
county superintendents of schools
was beld at Salem just preceeding the
meeting of tbe state pedagogues.
Country bacon and lard at li. 4 M's.
notice la hereby g;lven that all Irriga
tion, or iulllrui e ditches on all trout
streams throught Lake County, Ore
gon. imiHt be screened with a small
mean wire Hereenljijj nt their heud or
Junction with the main channel of
atream. Also all dams or obstruct
Ioiih on aald streams must be pro
vided with a llsh-ladiler, orothereaav
means of passage, at or near tint mid
dle of the main channel, so as to al
ow the lassuue of trout at all times
of year, aa provided by law. Said
work to lie'done at low water time.
or to Imj completed by Feb. 7, l!Xi7. Creek, Oregon.
Placed 'J0.0OO treea III Luke county
last venr. Host adapted to needs of
t Ilia section. Frevfroni all diseases
KniNiraed bv f'-ult liiMM'ctora.
feb5tf rl. It. PATCH. Lakevlew.
Louis Shaw
Healer In Real fistate
1 have listed some of the I m
Lanches, Timber Lands and Town
property in Northern California, a
couutry that ia bound to improve rap
idly. Alturas, California.
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
July C, lOOt).
Notice is hereby given that C. ('.
Lutfus, Crane Lake, Ore., adminis
trator of tbe estate of Pardon llrowu,
Jr., deceased, of Adel, (Oregon, who,
on May ttb, 11KI3, made homestead
entry No. Serial No. 011J0. for
K half NK quarter, K half SK tjuar
ter, Section VZ, Township 'X) S, llauge
'J2K, Widamette Meridian, lias filed
notice of inteutiou to make Final
live year proof, to establish claim tn
the laud above described, before Hog
later and Receiver, U. S. Laud Office,
at Iakeview, Oregon, on the 0th day
of September, 10XJ.
(Maimant names as witnesses: J. W,
Lotfus aud K. 11. Lotfus of Waruer
Valley, Oregon, Win. Davie, Crane
Lake, Oregou, and Henry Stine, Mud
JHA 1-
A Kansas obeervor has noticed that
when a boy gets a letter from a girl, (
he hikes out of tbe posutflioe to antiiu i
or I at place to read It. liut when a
girl gets a letter from a boy, she
opens it aud reads it in a crowd so
everybody can see 'she gut a letter i
from a boy And still they say girls '
are more modest than boya. 1
The meanest man bas been dlsoov- ,
ered in Kansas. Ills wife asked him
to bring her a fashion magaliue. and ,
be put this Year's cover ou a last '
year's magazine aud the poor worn-
an decided as there was no change io
thi fimhlons for this year aim would
not i.eed any new goMtis, Hut we do
not believe Unit llth stoiy. N I Wit I
an could Im fooled that easy.
A theological expert in New Vork
believes it ilangerous to think ahead
of one's fallows, lie is right, iu un
respect. Thought lots always been
dangerous. for the men whose thought
has broken up ahtias, arraigned pre
judices and revolutionize governments
have generally ended as martyrs
themselves. It is true that a century
or two latter, when their thougut has
, become the common life of the world,
j statues and monuments are put up
to them but that does not help much
while the martyr busluess la still go
lug ou.
It Is a safe bet that the man, or
, woman, who is always bragging about
their honesty or morality will Lenr
just a little watching.
Now is the ti ne when the "but
Datum faulty" lake to the woods or
seashore for a vacation, leavlntr poor
old dad to sweat iu the olllce to pay
tho bills.
A country e.lltor wrote, "Nu girls,
(ut ou your winuiug bin ilea," aud
the last two 'words were printed,
"whining suillles."
Han tier waists, the best to tie bad
iu any city. Mere Co.
order of J. A. ISarham
SiMH-lal Deputy HhIi Warden for
LakeCounty, Oregon
A KTI1 UK W. OK TON, Register
A carload of doors
received at H & M'a.
and windows
Pumps "Water, lturj
Milker, heparator,
Chops ici'U, Lie
Saves "Waprer
Btate your needs
A'ritafort iitni.'K. JUniitiuii fi lls)
i.r.SVl t. KM KHAriKH WCMJM, Viiauvni
"ni In - r ). i
',) Cai I I 1''
n .J mi ' '-mn. I'lli I' 'II
u.k Ut VOI il-.V-MI, Otti-I-....
Notice lor rubllcation,
Department of the Interior, U. H.
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
June l'J, 1000.
I Notice is hereby given that RK(J1
I NOLD A. HKADLKV, of Plush,
Diegon. wno, ou oepi. r.i, i.nt", maue
desert Land Entry, No. tint), Serial
No. 0010, for BK quarter SW quurter,
V half SK quarter, Koctlon 12 Town
ship 37 South, Range "2 Fast. Wil
lamette meridian, has filed notice of
inteutiou to -make final Proof, to es
tablish claim to the laud above des
cribed, before Register and Receiver
at Lakeview, Oregou, on the 2Uth
day of July, 1000. .
Claimant names as witnesses :
Henry Deppe, Here Petri, John
O'Oounor and Charles Sbolstaud, all
of Plush, Oregon.
J 17JW J.' N.WATSON Reigster.
Blacksmiths and
North Water St., Lakeview, Oregon.
Pry Everything In the line of blackHinlt blng or Iron or
work done lu a Hat lsfactor.v manner aud at bedrock prices,
patronage ri'Hpectfiilly solicited.
I Furniture and
New Pine Creek, - - Oregon
Trade-MarKs, Designs, Labels, Prints, Etc.
All clawHc of buslucHH before th . Uultud Statea Patent Olllce trlveu
Prompt and direful Personal Attention. Terms the moat rea
Houablo and good work K'mritntacd Addrcsa all luqtilrlea to
( Member of the Bar of the U. S. Supreme Coust. )
2407 F Street N. W. Washington, D, C.