Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 15, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 27
Big Grist of Bills Al
lowed as a Result
Holding Circuit
Be It remembered that a regular
term of tbe County Coort, for Lake
County. Btate of Oregon, nam being
the regular July trm of Court waa
begun and held at the Court House,
lu Lakeview, Oregon, on Wednesday
July 7, IWW, with the Mlowlug
oRloers present :
Hon. B. Daly, Judge.
II. K. Ilaryfurd, Gomuiislsonsi.
G. A. Kehart, Commlaaiouer.
F W. Payne, Clerk.
AlUrt Dent, Hberltf, by W B,
Snider, Deputy.
When the following proceedings
were bad to-wit :
In tbe matter of olalina against
lake county, Oiegou, for the f-llow-I
UK amounts, to be paid out of the
General Fund, to-lt:
Lloyd Morrla witness before grand
Jury and three days mileage f 14
Uo l)uloo do 3 " " 14
It. I Uurua do 3 " " 14
J. N. Glvan do 3 " " 14
O. B. Parker do 3 " " II
Juhu KltiuerelJ do 3" " 10 00
Holt Mul key, witness feea State
of Oiegou v. MoCulley
7 daya and mileage
It. L Horn do 4 day and iutlAag
Joho McAulllfedo 8
Tom MoCulley do 4 '
Ralph Vernon do 4 daya and mil
Peter P.cesllier do H daya an
mileage '
Chat. M. Faulkner de 2 daya u
Lewis K McCulley do 2 daya air
V. D. Artber do 1 daya and mile
Jaa. Meliok do 4 daya and mile
John O'Connor do H daya an
mlleaue .'
Kl Lynch do 8 daya and milonue '
C. B. Parker do 2 daya and mile
K. 11. Smith do 2 daya and mill
S. I). Chandler do 2 days ai
mileage '
II. L. Chaudler do 2 days
Tom Veruon do 2 daya and in.
age .. -jo
Wm. Wallace do 2 days ho I mile
Mellle Gibbon
J. N. Wataon do
C.ll . McKeudree
4 10
lo 2 daya and
4 10
2 days and
4 10
4 10
lo 2 daya
Mra. M. (J. MoCulley
2 days
and mlleaue
4 10
John Sbeeban do H daya and mile
aue : 00
It. Duly do 2 duye aud mileage 4 10
Henry Newell, juror. Circuit
Court, May, tOi (9, 4 daya aud
mlleaue 17 20
I). G. Fuuk da 3 daya aud tulle-
aue 10 50
Sim Arthur do 4 daya aud mlle
aue 12 10
I'M Raines do 2 daya aud mileage 7 20
Walter Howard do 4 daya and
mlleaue 17 00
Gen.Sterbeua do 4 daya and mlle
aue 14 20
K It. Patch do 4 daya aud mile
aue 12 10
li. W. Farrow do 2 day sand mlle
aue 15 00
L. R. Rhodes do 4 daya aud mlle
aue 12 10
.Lew Kmeraou do 1 day aud mile-
Hue 6 00
Fred 8. Flaber do 4 daya aud
mlleaue 11 00
Klmer Harvey do 4 daya and mile
age 12 80
Jas. Molrmott do 3 daya and
mileage 11 00
W 'C. limok do 10 daya and mlle
aue 50 00
A. N. Stanay do 3 daya and mlle
aue 0 CO
P. S. Dunham do 4 daya and mlle
aue 15 00
K. A. Hawkins do 3 daya aud
mlleaue i) 10
A. M. Smith do 11 days aud mile-
aue 3(1 00
Hurley Vernoo do 4 daya aud
mlleaue 13 80
11. W. Haj-dlsty do 4 davs aud
mlleaue 14 00
W. M.Paxtou do 4 daya and mlle
aue 12 20
Kd Tatro do 3 daya aud mlleaue 10 40
J. li. MoNew do 3 days and mile
age 12 00
Thos. (J rant do 3 days aud mile
age 0 80
A. M. llatxer do 1 day aud mlle
aue 34 GO
W.l) . Tracy do 4 days aud mlle
aue 10 00
M. 8. Barnes, juror, Circuit
Court, May, 1UUU. 4 daya
and mileauo. dpeoial venire 2 10
II. W. Dreokel do 2 daya and
mlleaue, special venire 4 10
11. K.Fuuk do 1 day aud mileage,
f special venire 3 80
Wm. Ouutbet do 1 day aud mile
age, apeolal venire 2 10
C; V. UBeeue do 1 day and mile
age, special venire 2 10
ssemDiea ao
Foot of Lake
The material foi rhe Goose Lake
trainer la now at the foot of the lake,
and will be nit together ao aa to be
ready for tta trial trip by the 15th o'
Aoirnat. It la built on ferry boat
linen and will prove a valuable addl
to tbe development of the Golden
(looee Lake Valley.
Decision Handed Down
By Supreme Court
Settles It
Tbe Lake county watet rlubta litl
agtton bns been Dually put to rest.
Tbe Supreme Court has Just banded
I'nwu decision on tbe petition for
hearmu lu the case of Hough vs.
Portet. In which the petition la de
nied. The cane baa been pending for
four or Urn years and bns cost the
forty litigant Involved several thous
and dollars.
George II. Huiall eutered the peti
tion for reopeuinu the case Tbe ac
tion determines tbe cake. The
deciaiou, which waa rendered In De
cember, 1W W, took up a ureat may
points regarding water riuhtc and
outllueil the luternut of eaco settler
who had claim on the water of Silver
The Supreme Court denied tbe pe
tition for a rehearing of tbe case, an
appeal from Lake county, which whs
decided against Smal.'s iuterests by
Jutslce Kinu last December In so
lou 'be only relief secured by
:: lall Is tbst tbe former opiulon Is
id Bin I to as to releve bini of tbe
t of the trlnl In tbe lower court,
louutiuu to 2000, hut the cost of
e appeal, about 1000 are still lev
el against blm.
This is tbe caae which was brought
- adjudicate tbe riuhts of oumnrotis
' parian owner of property to the
aters of Silver creek fur Irrigation
utfioHes Small, the principal prop
' rty owner alonu the a' ream, whose
luht to (SOU Inches flow of tbe stream,
warded by a former decree of the
Ircult court for Luke couuty for tbe
rrlagtion nf a tract of about WOO
cres, was attacked iv the othei
iroperty-owuers a-onu the stream,
lalnie I title to that amount of waier
inder the doctrine of adverse posaea
iloj aud prior appropriation, tuit the
supreme court under the provisions
af the ilesert laul art cut this appro
priatlnu down to about U0 inches of
water per annum, which Smalt claims
Is not u flic it-nt for bin ueuds.
Small claimed KOO inches of water
from Silver creek bv prior nuht of j
divriHon. made in )8bl-18H2for the
reclamation of his entire farm of liHKI
acrea, and that oue halt to three
tiarter Inches of water er acre was
sutllcient for the pot pose. The evi
dence ehowe J, however.tbat hn jne l
only 1400 acres, ol which more than
HJ0 acres is under tbe three ditches
mentioned. Five huudcred aud sixty
to N20 acres comprised tbe deanrt
laud claim for the location of which
the did not nnrl.V until 1884, and
which was not fenced until 1845.
Hence, at the time hn states be vat
claimlnu 800 lushes of water, be bad
leuiliiuate rlutt to only 200 luches
under theae two ditches, wblcb tends
atronuly to weaken bis eviednce as to
tbe time and amouut of bis appropri
ation i
Justice Kakln reviewed the Issues
of tbe caae at lenutb upon the motion
for rehearing, as to Small's exclusive
claim and hi opinion upon tbe Issues,
In which he bolds tnat the use of
the watei of a stream for irrigation
cannot become adverse to another
claimant of it uuleas such uses in
friuues upon the rluht of the other
and curtails its use. adds strength
to the former opinion of Justice Kluu.
P. Ilaryfurd do 1 day
mlleaue. special veulre
Cbaa. Kccleson do 2 days
2 10
mileage, special van ire 4
SHas Auderson do 1 day and mile
age, special venire 4
Will Kebart do I day aoi mile
age, sneolal veulre 2
2 10
Geo Downs do ii days and mile
age, special venire 18 10
Herman Oreuber do 1 day aud
mileage paecial von I re 2
J. W. Mikel do 2 days aud mile
age, special veuire 4 10
W.A. Currier do tl days and mile
age, special venire IB 10
Clarence Snider do 1 day aud
miluuge.apeclal venire 2 10
R. T. Slrmliu do 1 day and mile
age, special veuire 2
Cbus. Hhodes do 1 day aud mile
age, special venire 2
F. O. Hunting do 2 days and
mileage, special veolre 4
T. K. Watsou do 2 days and tulle-
age, special venire 4
Sam Cogburu do 2 days aud mile
age, special veuire 4
K. H- Kloe du 1 day and in liege,
special venire 2
Wm. Schmidt do 2 days and mile
age, special venire 4
J. O.liull. do 2 days aad mileage.
spcelal veuire i 50
llawley liull do 1 day aud mile
age, special venire 2 20
Geo. Wright do 1 day and mile
age, speoial venire 2 10
il. 11. ilahu do 1 day and mile
age, special veulre 2 10
O. 8. Morris do. 1 day and mile
age, spoelal venire 4 40
Concluded on tt'tli page.
A Pretty Straight Tip that the
Railroad Men Here Last
Week Represented Hill.
The old ad7, "Comloit eveuts
cast their shadows before' Is soon to
receive another exemplification in
Kastern Oregon.
Tbe more closely scrutinized Is that
rush of railroad men, meotloned In
Tbe Kxamlner last week, tbe more
el, indicant does It become In tbe
way of early development of tbe rail
road sitnatlou for this section of Ore
w on.
In dlsciissliiU the matter with a
well-informed strauuer, recently ar
rived lu town The Kxamlner waa In
fromed that one of the geotlmen was
surely an engineer of international
fame formerly connected with tbe
Panama canal, who Is now known to
be closely identified with James J.
Hill. He says be knows tbe man, by
siubt, aud be is positive of his iden
tification. The party were taken to Klamath
Falls by Dan Mslloy, and be aays be
don't kuow who they were, but be
doet know that money w uo object
wltb tbem, and be heileves them to
be blub ups iu the rsilroad world
judging from tbe plriug of questions
aud tbe cross examination they sob
jceted blm to, in eliciting Informa
tion aa to the resources of 'he country
on every concelveable topic, which a
long residence here has placed at bis
tongue's end. Dan says t bey surely
were not Harrimn's men, for be had
on sooner lande lo Klamath Falls than
Transportation Facilities
Much Improved on
Both Routes
Tranpsortatinu facilities for reach
lug Lakeview are Improving all tbe
time. Uu tbe Altursa run tbe South
ern Stage Co., la addition to te reg
ular 4-horse Concord Stage Coaches,
have three tig .Mitchell cars lu the
service, which are soon to be supple
mented by three big 20-passeuger
Kapid cars, of tbe Lakeview Trans
portation Co. and the steamer on
(icose lake, which la a subsidiary
company for tbe Oregon Valley Land
tin the line from here to Klamath
j Falls, in addition to tbe regular 4
I horse Coucorl stages, ao auto of Mit
chell putters has been placed lu com
mission, which is soon to have addi
tional cars, and beUdea these facili
ties, V. L. Clapp baa plaoea bis big
Maxwell car ou tbe run from here to
Klamath Fulls, with a Bohelule ot 7
hours between points, golog oue day
aud returning tte next.
A slight tncerase of rates is made
by the autos, but the comfort in
travel, an 1 saving of time, on either
route more thao bompenbates for tbe
extra cost.
Hard Luck on Man
Who has 24 Wives
A few mouths ago, an old obap
named Chris. Johuson, started out
to marry all tbe womeu poaaible. lie
auoceeded in securing 21 that are
known, and other counties yet to hear
from, in bia ebort career. In eaob
case be got from a few hundred to
thousands of dollars from the fair.
ouutldiug oues. Now be Is In jail at
Oakland, aud bia myriad ot wives
from all over tbe Union. Canada and
Germany, aud other countries yet to
produce evidence, are after him tooth
and nail I lie didn't murder any of
them. Just got tbe tnun, aud skipped
to a uew flower on thx matrimonial
lea, who was ready aud willing to
take up with a etrauger on mighty
sbort uotice. Suca women deserve
no sympathy.
L L Hopkins Starts
For South American
L. L. llopkias, late of Shanghai,
China, who has beou visiting with
bis father, Mark Hopkins, left yes
terday, after a mouth's stay with old
friends. He goes from here to the
Seattle fair aud will go form there to
liueuos Aires, Sooth America, wmre
be will remain soma years, and prob
ably will visit every country of the
southern continent, before be aguln
visits Lakeview, tbe home of bia boy
hood. The best wishes of all go with
bim in his wanderings.
Soma oue baa figured out that the
average young obap when be is fit tu
be turned loose Ir nlmseit costs
about f 1,000. Home f them are worth
tbe cost, aud some s)f them are a long
ways sbort in theUr worth to tneir
parents, or the community in which
fate may plaoe them.,
lbs bead 8. P. officials got after blm
and began plying him wltb questions
as to the Identity of tbe mysterious
In putting this and that together,
and taking note of tbe outside rail
red talk mentioned elsewhere In this
issue of tbe Kxamlcer, it will be no
surprising thing to see tbe dirt Hyinv
In a dor.en different places in Eastern
Oregon, early In tbe coming fall.
Suddenly Gets Busy on
the Deschutes Line
North of Here
Evidently ilarnman has heard of .
something being In tbs air dewn this
way. inasmuch as he gathered up all J
tbe aectlou men be could spare on bis,
Oregou Short Line and hurried tbem :
to tbe Deschutes canyon to begin a!
show of work.
So great was hlo bur-
r advertised for bids,
ry that he never
but rushed bis own men to tbe
Now who has scared tbe railroad
'?.?lT ..
ws it UU'. or r.ariiog. or was it
with bis little N. C. O.Y
I'uun no . " ' ' ... V. w..
i 4, i. i j.i a,
tbe people of Eastern Oregon what
u.. .i.. j . .. j li..
uai liiuau uuB "I uuesu uu.
bss dilly dallied too loug for them
to bave any confidence in him, much
less to respect bim.
If be comes, all right, and if not
all right, as there are others coming,
ajd doing, and Eastern Oregon will
soon feel their presence.
Tbe cork is now out of bastern Ore
gon. and it will take a bigger man
than that man ilarriman to bottle
up and keep us bottled hereafter.
I , . . , .
Ul "iUUllI Ul
Lassen Creek Just
Over Line
Tbe" Lakeview Development
pany bave just purchased a
tract of the richest and best
land iu the great golden Goose
large fruit
alley, situated on tbe west side of
Goose Lake in tbe demoustrated fruit, where never failing crops of tbe
very beat quality bave been success
fully grown for tbe past thirty years.
This land is all irrixated by one of
the beat systems lo the valley and is
also owned by the Lakeview Develop
ment Company. Tbe land is tu be
subdivided into 10 acre tracts aud '
sold with a perpetual water right at !
$300 per farm of 10 aores, the terms
arraugeJ so eney that anyooe can j
secure oue of these splendid farms
tor a home. In addition to a farm '
ror only .mu eaco purchaser will re
ceive a 50x150 foot too lot in tbe
nely platted town of Lakeside, Cal
ifornia, which will be tbe first and
anly town looated on tbe immediate
shore ot the beautiful Goose Lake.
Big 0. V. L Co's.
Rapid Car Arrives
One of the 20-passenger "Rapid"
cars of tbe Oregon Valley Laud Co.,
arrived in towu Saturday from Al
turas. It makM 15 mUes au hour
with a heavy load. It bas solid tires
aod looks as though it waa built for
business. The car brought up Mr.
aud Mrs. li. C.Scbimp and daughter,
and bia sou il. U. Shlmp and bis
wife. Tbe oar returned to Alturas
Sunday noon with tbe same party and
also took President Martin down ou
bis way to Sau Fraucisco, on a busi
ness trip of ten days or so.
Progress in Cuba
With the beginning of tbe preseut
fiscal year tbe Republic oi Cuba es
tablished a Bureau ot luformatioo,
President Gomez appointiug Leon J.
Can ova, an American newspaper man,
who bas resided in Cuba eleven years
aud bas wide acquaintance with tbe
Island, as its director.
Parties wishing information or any
nature onnoerning Cuba oan obtain
same, tree or onarge, oy writing to
Leon J, Cannva, U. aud 1. Bureau
(Utility aud Information Bureau)
Department of Agriculture, Cotnmerod
and Labor, Havana, Cuba.
Some light showers fell here tbe
latter part of last week.
Some Very Fine .
Lake County
Macaroni Wheat
The Hoard of Trade rooxs contain
some macaroni wheat grown at Sum
mer Lake tbls year, without Irriga
tion, that Is ovsr feet blgb. Splen
did samples rf barley are also on ex
hibition from the same locality.
Such grain must be a disappointment
to tbe fellow bo says "Nawtbln
wont grow here."
lake raum
goldT mines
Goldberg Mines Now
Yield Bg Values
In Gold
Now that tbe Fourth or Joly cele
bration is over there is more activity
In Windv Hollow than ever.
Taflner aud Beckwlth brought in a
large load of supplies this last week
.nH th. r-nt t inU m ft rf.r.
- h- fhi. ,., h
Fuller and Marshland have a very
proinlstcg group of claims on which
tbey bave started to sink, intending
to gala a depth of 150 feet,
Cailfurnia parties are preparing to
resume work tbls month,
Mm. Bnd Curtis, nf Sacramento.
!are doing good work and finding
ceilent ore. Ther say they are
ex -
in o
i T. f:lllh nntt- nnt , ,, ,.ln
in ih hrer nf the 47 font tunnel and!
in tbe breast ofthe 47 foot tunnel and ;
1TXU. Z 7 j
Itn fill . n am Am K..
, "e f " '""i0''0.?
bottom of the shaft and are in ore
' . ,k. .1 lion . tn.
Tbe Jumbo Cbief drift is 42 feet
from the shaft and still in good mil
ling ore, tbey expect to cat banging
wall in tbe next elgbt feet. A force
of men will be put to work drifting
west to cut foot wall.
A very valuable piece of property
i changed hands last Monday, A. A.
Kelly being tbe purchaser. While no
Information can be had tils suppoeea
UO IB UUIUH 1UI uuiuudiu i-tuvaua,
1 Poster and Vaughn. of Eagle Grove,
i Iowa, are looking over the camp and
l. 1 - I V n .. n . 1 A
are well pleased with tbe showing.
This is already a good agriontural
country, and when we have mining
as one of tbe industries, tben South-
era Oregon will certainly be on the
boom and the railroad interests will
. be fighting each other in the etfort to
, get a railroad here.
Seager. and Rice Win
Final Game of the
Tbe Uuals in doub'es ot the Honk
er's Tenuis tournament were played
Sunday moroiug at uine o'clock, be
tween G. R. Seager aod M. R. Rice
and W. L Tboinpsou aod G. W. Rice
It was a very interesting matab , and
it took three sets of hart playing to
decide that Ssauer aud Uice were en
titled to first place a-d tbe club pen
ants. The second prize.a pair of ten
nis shoes for eaob man, was awarded
to Thompson aud Rice. Score 8-10,
7-C, 0-2 .
llager won all of his games in the
preliminary singles and it rema ns
for the wiuuer of tbe match betweeu
Thompson and Spragueto play him
in the finals next Suuday morning.
This will be aa interesting a game as
the doubles and tbe club exteuds an
Invitation to all visitors to come and
witness tbe last game of the tourna
ment. Crook County Court
House Falling Down
Some alarm is felt over tbe condi
tion of the tine aud costly court house
at Prlneville. which is reported to be
lu danger of falling down, due to
faulty construction ot Its fouudatlou.
The buildiug is deemed so unsafe tbat
the prisouers clamored to be removed,
and they were taken from the cells.
It Is not knowu whether it oan be re
paired or not. Nothing like tbat bas
happened or will happen to tne Lake
Couuty court house, wblcb was built
ou honor, and tbe smallest details
looked after hy tbe county oourt.
Charlotte Perkins Oilman, tbe suff
ragette, says women are not modest,
Tbat: "She will expose two feet of
white bosom, and then shudder at ex
posing two feet " Well perhaps tbe
"deers" bave more or leas corns
and bunions on tbe latter and be
sides a nice boBom looks much nloer
tban soraggly feet I You must admit
tbat yourself, Charlotte.
Capital Ready to Build a
Line from Portland to
Butte, with Branch
Feed Lines
A special dispatch from Tbe Dalles
to the Portland Journal, dated July
3. aayt that the largest mortgage ever
leoorded in Wasco county baa bea
Hied with tbe county cierk by C. D.
Charles a trust deed given by tbe
Wacao County Klectrio Power Com
pany to tbe Carnegie Trust Company
of New Vork. to secure bond issue
not to exceed 915,000,000. Tbe tUing
fee for this instrument was $19.80.
Tbe Wasco Electrical Company baa
I iclE?rtd J,"UI?KB,fCBp,lta'
of 13.000,000 and wltb its prln-
clpal office at Condon. Tbe par-
, poses of tbls company are to take
over tbe property of tbe Oregon Gold
Prospecting k Developing Company,
; which controls 30 miles of water
rights on tbe Deschutes river, reach
ing from tbe mouth of Warm Spring
I river to tbe mouth of il stoles river in
I Crook county and a like stretch of
water rights onitbe jobn Day river.
1 Tbe company's rights on the Des-
' chutes river are said to control one
I of tbe finest water powers in the
i world, a power which, It deveoped.
wal'l generate not leas tban 500,
I TT r I . l 1 . 1. T"k-
Mr. Charles states tbat tbe com
pany proposes to erect a plant at some
convenient point on tbe Deschutes
capable of developing 00,000 horse
power, half of which bas been con
tracted for a term of 200 years by tbe
Portland, Baker City anc Butte rail
road. Tbia company, it is under
stood, proposes building an electric
road from Portland to Butte. Mon
tana. Tbe course of tbe road through Ore
gon will be southerly and easterly
from Portland through Clackamas
county to tbe summit of tbe Cas
cades, thence easterly through Warm
Spring Indian reservation to the Des
chutes river, crossing that stream at
the mouth of Trout creek aod John
Day river, tbence alons tbat river to
Canyon City and across the Blue
mountains to Baker City. This
road, it is stated, will De electrified
its entire length, and will consume
a large part of tbe output of tbe Des
chutes plant, and also of the plant to
be erectd on John Day river.
Network of Electric Lines.
Aside from constructing a main
line from Portland to Butte, the com
pany proposes building branch linea
runmog north and south, connecting
wltb all tbe principal sections of cen
tral Oregon, making a network of
elcetrio lines throughout tbe eastern
part ot tbe state, reaching from tbe
Columbia river to tbe California aud
Nevada Hues.
Tbe report is current tbat arrange
ments bave already been perfected for
the bulldog of tbe first 117 miles, and
that construction work will com
mence August 1. Tbe line of this
proposed road paea through some
of tbe ricbets sections of tbe state,
which when once given transportation
facilities wi'l beoome continuous
grain fie'ids and meadows. It also
taps one of the best yellow pine belts
on tbe coas1, and will bring within
reach of the market millions of feet
of the Huest finishing lumber tbat
Tbe eleotiio company, aside from
furnishing motive power for tbe pro
posed railroad, will make it possible
to pump water by electric power out
of tbe Deschutes aud John Day rivers
for irrigation purposes, thus bringing
under crltivatiou tracts of now
worthless lands, which only require
tbe toui'b of water to make them tbe
most productive ou earth.
These two enterprises, tbe electrio
com pa. y and the proposed railroad,
promise much for tbe development of
eastern Oregon.
The Apperson Auto
Makes a Fast Record
Max L. Rosenfeld aud wife left
Sunday with their Appersiu csr for
their home iu San Francisco. Tbey
take with tbem pleasant memories of
their Lakeview visit. Mr. Rosenfeld
is general agont for the Apperson car.
and will be delighted to kuow tbat
bis car wou tbe Swuta Monica Road
race lu 3 nours, I minutes aaj o
1-5 seconds. The average speed was
01. 'J miles per hour, being only one-
tenth less tban tbe world's record
beld by tbe Locomobile car. They
were aoooinpauled as tar New Pine
Creek by Mrs. Delia Cobb aud Mr.
George Hankius.
A. M. Smith, county fruit Inspect
or, wblla mowlug on nis rarm near
New Pine Creek., Wednesday morn
lug, his team, in some way became
uomanagable, and be was thrown
from tbe mower and bad bis lea brok
en. Urs. umitu ana uaiy were cauea
to attend bim.