Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 01, 1909, Page THREE, Image 3

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i.akk rotivrv kxvmi-i: . i, . k kvik.v. n o-.imv r if : ; v. .km; 21. i:n:.
J. W Muwll
Lf I
Of Property
n in i . . I 1 1 1 1 in tin f i'. in I
VH'U, n.iill I'f iii-it. I nil y HiU'il
MM (I I'IIM 1tl II, Mill I'll!' In
el 1 1 1 lu ll '.' I ii i n 'id I mi ii I i I v i i"
II llllll' Hl I'l'Ulllltl ll'M'l', ' Oil Ii I
II. I. il', hill II 11 M In, I'-.X.'I.
well, i l,'. ..,. .,1
V ,
li.'l urir
liui'l, I'i I
luiiin uml,
nl f. In urn1,
i h i It urn I nkii
ll Ii I Hi il i 'M' l '
MHV'li I I ll -ll
i'W, nii'iiiy
,Nu. i' ..!
flimi! :;r.r urn, ii i ! i' 1 1 ii I . i't"ri(
rum Ii mil '"i.l, fiiini, ill, mil mi" Ii I h
hi tiii h li .v I iml, ii'iniiiii'l' r imi'i
Mini ,n. 'l-i i I'm. I, miiiiiII Iiiiiimii ii ri'l
I, III ll r 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ' . I I'J Ililli'H llull I .ulii'l H'lV,
Hlllll'l I'll I I. Illl'l ll I lt.Mll llll llltl'lll'll
llll' 1 ,1 !', ll pill t llll I V ' I II" M WH.V I I'll'
Inn. No. i'l IJI
I Villi Ul'l l"
(Ill 1,1'l't Illl'l
III I '.! I ll llllf. I'lH
llll el ilf nil III In Inrm.
in I
Hi ii k iiiiiilii
I'llllllllV, llm
Ill llllH Mill I.l
llll III)' I'l ill. if. I. I
j I i v 'I v. ill i nir ,'.! I", ml, III I
lllllll li"if. muni ll'iil'.i.. i . ll'il. Mini, I i
IliHIHi', clili ki ll Inillri', I'lllli! uli In
llt'H III ll.'IIHf, k'Ufllfll llll-i 1 1 1 1 1 .'I'
i.iiiii M'x'.t;, I.- wi'ii mini if, ii. .'i'iiiii
Illl'l lill.iln, ' 1 1 1 m '.i M I Inn i.f liny. miiiI
rill llUHI Iiiii il nfflf I In lllln'l.i It
lit ii Inn W illi, In v 111,111 1- Ilill.'. r
I.iikfVl.'A. NT 1 Jl. K
(Ilium Jin inn h lii Wiuiiff villi, y
till ll'tll'fil Illl'l I'l IIMN tl'tll'fll III H"
llrl'ln ni, I up niid-r i ii'iil ni J'Ki lni'lifn.
H'l I'll, IV iI'Mlllllfc' JlniiH Ii 11,1,(11'.,
frnnl i riiuf . i lliir, mm hlury IJ hi,
llll Ilf I "fll JUvil, SMlWilll Hint VMIII'I
Iiiiiimi. li.i. iii. hln ri mIii' I l..rM l I, nu ll
Mr I In-iir i ii , i-i 1 1 in'", lifiiii'M i.f iill
kllnU I lli I I nt flllfll In I'iimI UVIT "'"l,
Stin k ll ui.iiti'.l Ml linn ki t t ricf II. In
in nil ilf to .lilt" rmii'tl. .Nil J'iJ - I I
1','JilJ lu'i'K ul .'i.r.O ut aiTf. miIiihIh
III N'i.viiiIii, ;,u m ll.-h mint Ih'IimI of I .iiiii'
li, unit s mili'n ciihI nf Ciililoi mu
liiif, it in nil in 'inn I'lnly iiinl h liirir.ii
Inrlliin nf it hklrtn I Ilf lukihliiilf. IIiih
Ih ili'firnl li. fur Htiy kiml i.f t-tm-k
ru ii'li, wit I tlif uiftiijiiw Imid ll fin
liriicfM mm, I tlin fxlfiilKVo ii,t'ii rtiiiiro
HiljiiiniiiK. Nil. i.i;i- i r.i
1K) HtTi'H hlxlily ttiliiftlVf lulnl.
Rood lititiHf, liirxn l.nrii, KrniiHrifH,
it(, f'titill tirrliiirtl. prwk tlifiiu'li
I I it if, ti iti'tfM in cull ivat Inn (iiik nf
till' lil'ht ll l llll fHflllli III (ilKlMH ljik
viilli-y, Iti intliM frtitii I HkfUfw f ci r
N... .Mii-h;)
Hi) Ht'ifk fur l'JtXI, one Hnrv frMttm
four i until liotmii. now Imrii, iifTfr
fltllllllf Nt .til III. IIU iMCtt, U) MITttM
ffiicinl, Id niltivnlttil, hii Idfiil rlili kfii
rmicl. (ir mnull nturk farm abtitit oim
in lie frutn HtitKe tuhiI hikI ulxitit I'i
id I If it from Nf I'l tie Crfk.
HX) ucrfit l.'KHMI, kooiI farm Iiiuimm hikI
Imrn, on ulnne road. Id lnoba Irrlua-
hle water, cheaply made reaerTolr aite, !
l'iu liearluu fruit tree, 'Jll youuuer
one of irnod Helectlon, Ot) acren plow
laud, reaidne pasture. No. 4'J1 M
litK) ticrrH 7 inlli'M ft ni th of I'alHley,
miiiiiII t n ek tlirmiiili plnce thin Ir n
tmrKiil'i nt 10 a-r lu-re. No. (M45
i") per acre vaMI arrea all fenced
and well Improved, 2 Kooil dwell Iukh
each with coininodloua hatiiN, out
hoiiHea, 'J orchard -over half of it
meadow, the remainder ia rnlllntt and
hill luiul -It ia one of the verv few
trai-tit hint could he en evenly divided
Into two fin lint that It would lie dlttl
cult to make choice of them, haa all
the free water it reqoirea. No. 'JI17 I'J
W) acri-M at l'ir-0 per acre-level aline !
hriihh land un the went nide ot (ioone
Lake, in uoud iieiKhborhtiod, no Im-
provemeiitH, yt-t a Kutul haitrain. I
No. 'A'i l'J'J
J. W. Maxwell Son
Lakeview, Oregon
Klamath Hospital
Klamath Falls, Oregon
I'lione fiill; Corner 41 Ii iiml I'lno Sta.; "wo Ulcckn from Court IIoiihc.
Completely i'tiilpped for I it ntinir furhnl. inidlcnl and in.itt iiilly cum h.
Opcrallnu room, entirely up-to-date, at dlnptiHul (if liny htil'Kftiu on
abort imt Ice. 1'atii'iitH received at auy tind all tiottra
Emily A. Humphrey,
The BestMeals in Town Try Us.
BaLkcrV nicon,1, t't'" Prcsh Bread Daily
. J C. Ii. LONZWAY, Propreltor
The Jackson Loan & Trust.
Fort Worth. Texas, or Jackson, Mississippi.
, W Mu I
1j at b w
for Sale
l''l ilfll l III
I I I ,lilir If ' .
l .-I i ll - iiyM Iji ii
Will l.llliM Mini' I
III till' H'l, I I'jri
I Iml I. Ill II y
I Ll
!, I..
f Iir I
' I Mill
'. I I
I All
III ill
'I I
'.' -il m i n I .-1
III I'll' , llll
I: ' ii. I I' mill I'll I n
M : I j 1 1 "I rlilll 'I,
I III "lit ll I III. I'.
llt'll' III
in 1 1
ri'i i h
iM I lulling i
In," f.'.-i1 ', l,.i
I III (ill.
J. ii i
I-.'1 I il I I in in 1 1 n
I I . I " I . ill. i. lit J-' I nf,
I I mu. '.: in I in I lit
I'M If IH f I, 'J'l
iiml rli. M'f, i" In
In ill
If itlli'lf I' ml I liny lulnl,
III lull Illl'l lllllf Jiiinl. If
,i i i
ill, lillin. i'i, ii. Int I iill" limn.. .
I llll-l . Iilll ll, I'lll'l III", '.! '.M il l IJ
Ii i . A ii'n . , i ) 1 1 1 1 u' I' r ii I fi'in
in I lin i lm U Inii'ii rrH, No, '.''i'i - l.i
i'l!'. i'l - I'i" lu'ii
I iml I I i'l ni'. I' i.- I
MM ci I,- i I I lif I
ill I , ill Si i Ii m In t I
I i l. Ilif r'ttlit
"I'lifll f.
If! ll Mll'f lit in ll
I I Ii ll.' Ill t It ll I'i . I
i. vi t miif ill I! 'I'liim
f in i' r I ul in c ii"lhi -In
t Iii tr in iirnt imi
No. 411- I I'J
:ij" ii.Ti n ut ty,
fl m u- nil lili iil
Mliifk in 'lull
( 'Ilf II uriiii llv
1 1 inn I .nlif t if .
inii'ii mi It I Iill in V 'I
r nl nut I f nt y in iii h
Ih iii'iirlv nil lufiiUiiA
It ll t'.iml t.ti I lit fur dink
4 IH
'Jim iiiifM of 'In- iiiifiiii
I'linli f luiul lot imy iiinl nil t
Iml I". n
I I llOMI'H.
nt r. l.i i i r hit". No. I'l.".
U'l lll'li'H lit f'i .'ill ( IT IK' I Ullllill l-i.
IiiiK hi.I l.nkf le . I'n mil, riiM"l.
No. iMi-
ll IIITfM, l.rii'H ?l.ltl. I'll'lltf'J till
I iiI'Iit iif lli-M.-rl, hiiinll tTi'f k llit(iui;li
I Im i'. I'ju iii ii H i;iio,l fiirm lnml, in
UlTfH llllnturi'. ltll dltfllslVl' IHltll't
for htin'k, 'J'l tnili'H to tifurit t .n
Hint m ii Iirnt duns (i-ifiiinu fur ii
y'iiiii intiii to I, ul I up In tint 'tuck
Ini. iliif Ma. No. t'JH .
l'rici'H. Htilijcct to rlimiitf. no iiotici
In mlilillnti to tint rt'cul Inn we
llHtTt UVIT 'Jtl.(KH) ncri-M of lnml of
fVf-rv yriidn nu I t'titilily. In true In of
on to Ui'lvc t lio ii hii ii 1 1 hcri'B riiuirinit
Iu ih'Icm fi'om t'.t to t HHf tier Hen;, the
tiiHlity of noil, locution hiwI lm'rov
tti ti t m ilf tf rmliidiK tint prioc. 'J lif j
MhuVf unhiuce- ImiiiIh i ' r i ii (-i i k 1 1 y in i
l.ukf county, h oodly iortlon of It
In vicinity nf I.Hkfvit-w with muiib
fttw cliolcii trHcti) In llHrtify vnd
Crunk ronuty In OrcKon, a)h i Home
i linlco tructn Id t.'HlfornlH and Nevada
tiordnrinM on tbft Oreuou Hue.
KfKldnnre lotn in Ijikrvlftw m1I for
ll'Jfi to ti'd fHrh. KuHlneHa lots from
t to I7UU) each.
Ordluarl y the town lota are U)xl'J5
feet Iu the hllier tirlced lota there
8 l)0 uuiformlty tn aire, the location
and aize deteriuinini the price.
We have the town lota in Watnon's
addittou to the town of Lakeriew the
nimr.-Mt to the boalneaa portion of town,
aluo lota in all other additions adjoin
ing the town we alao have a lare
llHt of improved and unimproved
town property of all kinds for sale.
A fifteen yeara renldem'e in Lake
Couuty enahlea ua to aay, eapecially
to the capital iat, we can nive you
pointerit iu Hpeculative propoaitioua
in varioiiM lines ul liuaiueaa aa well an
realty that we know you will gladly
invent iiTHle after you learn what we
have to enlist your attention.
AuT thinu In the preceditiK that
ny luteieet you, write na for more
pHrtlctilar deacript'on.
I'ept. A. Lakeview. OreKon
Smiles and Squall:
ii r. i it m
1)1 ll
I '.'. fl lll'l
1 tf'.l'
I'7 :'! '
rtu iil ,i
t I fill
I A I,
I" I
Jv :iw
I I , I III'
il n I
rit I ilin
k I! Ih
I 'mil II
llv ill)
f -t .
.'fit' i.,n - i
I ' I I ll'iW III-
IT r, " v Ii tt-ii i ;
.1 lilill hi l,f ') ll I I i ,
I, i i.' j n f ii- i-l n i i
I lint .Ifll .. ti.ii t i
ii'iil livi- iiiH' " ;.
run J..; ".i,l
.Ml. nil, I 111,1.1,'lv K'
ii. It' M v Sn 1 1 1 vti n oil
iiml Kil l.' I-. 'I'm luifi
iiinl vmi i.'ir 'I tin "I. "I
I'L j "l
M i.
nii'l I '
rtj I fir
I .
'VI, t
I I' '
I ml'.
A lllll
vMi '
ytitt Ifii -I f x tcil I In- tin ! !
A Sift it 'tif ii t 'i i.' 1 1 I i I ,i" 1 n i 1 h mu
in u 'i In m miv 1. 1 in, ii ml in tun r, i, iiiii..
nlif ili'i'fil i. ilti ii'i'illii'P ii mi in i'.t
n!.v Irmu lift I iihI. iiml. I'tftty kifl
I .in 'f I'm, t Ii .i"i ( 'nlil urn in ii mI It, limit' Ii
tl'IM !
I'.x 'ii'f I'tfnl'li tit I n it I tin liM Ih no
III Korfii lii fc In- in lnH'iiiy ll ll ilit.V
I'i nil I i mi" W'lll, "tint If In Ii"
llimifi.' ..ut tint', fur, lin l'(.rfiilin
llllll! I'll Vl.lfM?
Wl ill- t Iu. luck t f nillii'if nf ruin 1'itn
hI'UI I .'ll l" till! hllV I t i ill HOII'f lo-
cnllllf It Im lint ten I I" tlmt t lif it J f
iilfn fli liln mo iiiini; I IK rituiiiH "nyn
t hf 1c.M inul III" Tel" t.hfitif liftflktiT.
I in i t vtii'ii mill fiiruiftH ill nliHcrvf
jtli t hllc nl'nllii rfiiirf. winm timo
! I'll. tllf lilinlfi-t lilnw jft
it'ivti t'f I'i illntt.i II inu' citiiri'lff Ih
tn hi. Iniiii l in tlin f ullfiu inu cnticlu
! Mull f" H rffit "Ihiilpy" iirtlclf hy
j I'f tf r I'inlf y liuntie ;
j "Wlmt itr-re thfhit Tiirkifh ttthrncl
i t (ft 1't.M hii. ii if f li liiil atKititV
l-MI'l Mr. llfMIIIPHHV.
! "I .lon't ktm v." hii i t Mr. Pnnlny.
i "I don't kfei tln-iti. IImvb a ciuur."
Irrigation Project
The Ceilarville, Citilf., record of j
the i'trd tilt, linn this to any of an en- j
terprife irrigation in NorthweHtern j
V.. I.' M....I .. I I. l i
',..n. ,i ,. i.i, i. if in iu
lereitted in the MHHHncre Lake rener-
volr and Irrluatlon entet f.riHe, ar-
"' 7 ' Vi I -7
ior .iiMi-nm-rw. lie iiiiurum na iumi
they would put a force of ten men and
Home teams to work makltiK ditches
at once, and aa anon an a few minor
preliminaries are adjusted active op
erations: wilt commence out there
with a I a rice force of men, atid
reservoir completed aa soon aa
table- This irriitutiou project will
p the means of plac'nn under culti
vation a larice area of land that baa
heretofore been unlit for a stock
ranke and has been considered prac
tically worthless for agricultural
prupoaea, and it is aa.'e to predict
that within a few year that valley
will tie dotted with many comfortable
homes, and in time mar be a compet
itor with Surprise for beauty and pro
ductiveness. Mr. Wurpby has bean
in the east during the winter and
ays that a larxe number of people
there will come west this summer
lookiug for homes, and It ia probaHe
that a good many will locate in Ne
vada and northren Caliofrnia.
If you desire to tret the daily San
Fraucsico lliilletin and the Lakeview
KxMtniner, at unheard of rates, you
will have to hurry, as the deal ia
liable to be called tiff any day.
Don't forget that the basepall totir
iiameut at Lakeview heiiins July 'Jud.
For Infants and CMldrea
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
a,t,"4 60 YEAR
5' n
' liiV Designs
Anron ni1lng a t ketch anil rtparriptton nnT
quick ty JiaciTi inn i-uf opiiihiii fru wtifilitT au
tiivfii1 imi in (iriliftMr iHltnf nhln. (tr-iinuiitr
tionaMfriollyroiitlilouttul. HANDBOOK on 1'aivuu
Miit fnrt. tlt1ol itkri-m y fur Ht'cunnir palenln.
l'iifMits tiikon liinititfti Xiiiiii A Cu. rculr
tprrtai nutic, w It bout churtta, :u tba
Sciettlific Jlmcrican
A hanrlnomHT Hhmfrtoi wftektr. T iirirwt r.lf.
euiulioii of nf ncictniiio lotinml. fl'riia, t:
year; lur nionlbs, $L tiuM by ull liuwailfalura.
Mr.n.'h -.nil' ... . "S V Ht Wiiabllisluii. U. '
Notice Por Publication
Department of the Interior. United
States Land Ottloo, Lakeview, Ore.,
May 'J7, IIHIU.
NotifH is hereby given that the
atate of Oregon Iiiih tiled in thia olllee
its application. Serial No O'JIIO, to
He I net under the proviBiona of the
act of OngroHS of Aoguttt U, 1848, and
the acts auppleuieutary ami amenda
tory thereto, I he SW quarter SW
iiinrter, NW quarter SW quarter,
SW quarter NW quarter NW quarter
NW quarter Sec,. 3:1, T. 35 8. K. 2:
E. W. M.
Any iiml nil persona cliiiminir ad
versely the lands dnt-crilieil, or deMir
lug to object becaiiHe of the mineral '
character of the laud, or for uny other j
rvaaon, to the disposal to upplicuut, j
should Ilia their allldavita of protest!
in this o It ica on or before the 10th j
dHy of July, l!Hl.
J. N. WATSON, Keaister.
The above notice will be published
Iu the Lake Counts Examiner, a
weekly newspaper printed and pub
lished at Lakeview, Oreuou, for a
period of at least five weeks prior to
the date last tn aaid notice meuioned
J10J15 J..N. WATSON, Kegister.
3 d rrara
X-. 4 . . ''IF
a IJ
'I Ii.
I.. I I.
till. k i i :
llll 111 HI
I I "lllll t 'llll
I'll I-l 'l,'l
i if. i i .l i:
i: In. .
im lii i: i,
I i ll. - . i
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-'f!l ii ill. '
')- l l.i, 'I
II A 'I'll I I,,
lilipt lei. .'in
l.-lk" . .
I Ilk'' 'I I'l !
I l.' il,
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in.. i.- ii-
. i iiiii 1 1 1 . i ii ,
' Slllllll.IT
. I'l, 'II I
I .j :l 1 1
, u I. l.i
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.1 i i i i i
:. Ii
Hi il .
i M I ilk III
Ill'i IV
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- J
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,'lfi 'iii, t ' I, nil. u-
III. I I 11 in M'lll.i.i.
H Ii
llrlp fi.r I li' , Ii , ili.' l. i
J t'llf M fill II l. I H ;
f f i.-ri J I ii u m ml; Ii
fur iiifllt'iiifH no
I ii I rl.itf f it in j jiIi
I I I In in 'f ' i . mm; ii
ti n 1 i. Ii I r mil le
I; I ni'i.iil lff
ii .ii I. 1 1 tiuhl , Mini
if iiiimlifii nullum,
1 'I I ! ' f fl-H, 1
' III,!' I.l x of ( I, ..III
iiinl l.iiir liil. iitr.
wlili ll (Jul In t no tiiiii ii ,' i tul tdiit flu;
. mil miif it I Iir ii. i,f ll.. in nii'l lliev
tiMVf floii.. I,i r miiif f , r i limn ; of
It f tiifil nil,.. l,m,f,f. liHlnn- . Sum
ml Ii. ). t, Vi inv.n. il,in mfl
K'lii" n. l"f M,ji. I.y ),,; ,v Hull.
.SlltJllilfH fli'f
W.'. V
J 1 M unci;.
The Mm 'lm!
1 hi 1 1. i.f i
llfar. In 1 1-1 if.
u n ry tniirli I udoled ;
hi Iii'.'IIiihi liner-
nir. ( li!itii;e it A her
'iffii, I'li'ii.-.'.
I he Mm lmlnii i,u. ! I'll Ink'
it tin- in u ; we've lii utii ahont thfi
funk iu A In ml fl-H. I Ijh .'-.kf it' 'i.
j Ti e hf-ht t ill
i hlttle f.urlj I.l
j it i r inlln. 'I in
ii.iiile are iJeWitt'a
e n, tl,c fiiiimiiM little
y me mi, nil, iff ij tie,
I'Jfiinunt eu-y to take
Htnl act ijrnui
ptly 1 hey are -nl.l hy av Hall.
iliraiu How im Jake luakiui; out iu
hlliiH (Jreiit ! Kaina the hull while,
1 tueih. for he n-z he taken a ehower
lialh every ,iv. -jy lje J ry
It next time it raitiH. He bez il'a Hue
lio'i Lite Saved
My little hoy. four years old. had
a aevere attack of dyeeDiery. We bad
two ihyHiciatiH; both of them irave
i dun
up. We theu ave bim Cham-
i uttnaiu b oiic, Uhoiera and uia-
, rrltnea reniedr u.l.i, h ,,.l Ki
believe that saved Lis life. William
M. StroliuK, Carbon Hill Ala. There
ia no doubt that this remedy saves
the lives of many children each year.
Give it with castor nil npcnritino In
the plain pnuted directions and a
cure g certain. For sale bv f)lv
Helen Who was that exceedingly
plain man ycu were speaking to just
jack That was my brother.
,, . i . . . .
neien nusierea ) un. i beg yoar
paruon : i naa not noticed the re-
aeiu lilauce. Exchange.
Get DeWitt's Carbollzed Witch Ha
zel Salve wheu you ask for IL There
are a great many imitations, bat
there Is just on original. This salve
ia uood for anything where a salve is
needed to b used bat it is especially
gooa for Piles. Sold by Daly Hall.
If you have Dalna in th bactr.
weak back or any other indication of
a weakened coudiion of the kidneys
or bladder you should get DeWitt's
Kidney and bladder Pills right awiy
when you experience the least sign of
kidney or bladder complaints but be
aure that you get DeWitt's Kidney
and Blunder Pills. We know what
they will do for you and if you will
send your name to . O. DeWitt Jc
Co.. Chicago, you will recieve a free
trial box of these kidney and bladder
pills. They are sold here by Daly &
She 1 dreamed last night that you
hud bought me a bat for a preseut.
lie-Well, that's the first dream of
a hat you ever had that didn't coat
me niouey. Exchange.
CcumbcrUIn Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhoea
Kemedy Would Have Saved
lilm $loo
"In 1H0-J I had a very severe attack
of diarrhoea " says K. N. Farrai, of
Cat Island, La. For several weeks 1
was unable to do anythiug. On March
IS. 11MJ7, 1 had a similar attack, aud
took Chamberlaiu's Colic, Cholera
aud Diarrhoea Remedy which gave me
prompt relief. 1 consider it one of
the best medicines of its kind iu the
word, aud had 1 used it iu l'JOU be
leved it woud have saved me a hun
dred dollar doctor's bill. " Sold by
Daly & Hall.
"Maria, ia there a single good thing
about these great wide hats the wom
eu are weariug? '
"Yes ,Jobn, there is, When two
women meet they can't kiss each
other now. "Chicago Tribune.
Over Thirty-Five Year.
In 1872 there was a grant deal ot
diarrhoea .dysentery and cholera in
fantum. It was at this time that
Chatubertain's Colic, Cholera aud
Diarrhoea Remedy was first brought
iu to use. It proved more successful
thHU auy other remedy oi treatment,
and has for thirty-live yeara main
tained tlmt tecord. From a small be
giuniug its sale aud use has ext.'iuld
to every part of theUulted States aud
to "inauy foreign conn tries. Nino
druggists out of ten will recninmeiid
it whu their opinion is asked, al
though they have other medicines that
pay tliein a greater prollt. It fun al
ways be depended upon, even iu the
most severe aud 'taugerous cases. For
sale by Daly A Hall.
Wheu forth she goes at fashion's call
To promenade aud chat,
How Bhall she Hud a parasol
That's bigger tbau her hat?
WashiuKtou Stat
mv:rci t&sziv.
'V .,-
i. ;
TTI f'V- ' f V - :
Tor CO.nniiRCIAL
m -y .
Lsi ....
J fiWHiC' IN HX) sW l"L
LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors
ThU new 6-ehot
model is the simplest,
surest, and fastest 12
gauge repeater made.
It baa the solid top,
aide election and
double extractors
special ffZarfci fea
tures oi comfort and
The dosed-in breech
keeps the acdon clean and the shells
dry keeps out rain, snow, dirt, leaves
twigs and sand.
The new take-down eonatructlon allowt
you to .alt run apart in ten aeconda for
cleaning or packing, yet the joint la alwaya
aa firm and rigid aa in aolid frame, not-take-down
gun. The fat f-rearm ftta your
hand and helps quick operation.
The full choked runs are guaranteed
cloae-shootine, hard-hitting (um, and are
unequalled for 4ucks, geeae, Coxee and all
lorg-rance work.
A circular giving large
illustration, with full
description of this
handsome new gun,
em free on request or
witn compiete 136-page
catajog for 3 (lamps.
firearms Co.,
42 Willow Street NEW HAVEN. COhN.
A REWARD of fifty dcllne is ler
by ottered for information that will
lead to the afreet aud conviction of
auy peison who has stolen wires or
other property, from our Cowpany;
and the same reward is hereby ottered
for information that will lead to the
arrest aud couviction of auyone des
troying the property of the Company.
Chas. Urn bach,
Secretary Lake Co. Tel. Jc Tel. Co.
"Does Gladys look any different
since she aud ber husband separ
ated?" "Yes, she wears her hair a la di
vorce." H"eavens! How's tnat?"
"Parted." Illustrated Bits.
All sizes doors aud wiudows at
Lakoview uercautile Co.
$1,250 Reward
a K mruarufr Jtilil.
,t-r- JV. . Mini. h I am
The Harut-r j i,m .
'.' J-yK a turn. ihv750
'j. vi ::,7..v..
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ilorM'H vt'iiti'il lit'ii milil. llm
through iIiin t i tiim u ill bo r..
paper. I' nut mi ri imrti'it. p. ,,
I'linlif Tin' ' inn k Mi ralii. Itniii
(Jon. W W ,Hr,..
t-'f ard for H'
1 will i",i- H!."i no rowii '
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wit It fit '1 i ri;t in- le hril I
the Imr- !i.M-. The ti
III Mtlelt i.i.ttiner NH Wi
a bur .i '.mill j iwa. ,1
lH ftllll I 111 til.' pltHMfl
perHdll I 1' p( IM,IIS.
'i V
a convenience.
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I'rnpri. tor
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;uMIj on the itin.i t
A Iso
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nss, whips, rob"
riitts spuri.qulii
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Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
April 26, ISO.
Notice is hereby given thatHKNRT
ANDERSON, of bly. Oregon, who
on November 25, llKiT. made Home
stead tntry No. 391 (Serial No.
01495) for Lota I. 2, K half NW quar
ter. Section 31. Township 35 S.,
Ranee 15 K. Will. Meridian, has
filed notice of iutentiou to make
riual Commutation I'roef to establish
claim to I he laud elt.te tlei-et itit r1,
before Register aud Kecfi'T. a' Lal-e-view.
t)rtgou. ou the Otb day -f July.
Claimant namts a witnesses: Art
1 Eavens, Carrie Luuuy, U. T. Ander.
! sou, Q. N. Anderson, all of Bly, Ore
gon. M6J10 J. N. Watson. Register.
There is no need of anyone suffer
ing long with this disease, for to
effect a quick cure it is only necea
sary to take a few doses cf
Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea R2medy
In fa. in most cases one dose is
sufficient. It never fails and van be
relied upon in the most severe and
dangerous cases. It is equally val
uable for children and is ti e mi-ans
of saving the lives of iraiy i-Li'dien
each year.
In the worlJ's history no lu- Vcme
baa ever met with realer sacce.
The cleanest.-
newest. and
most comfortable
at the same time
cheapest in the
end Decause it
wears longest
3(29 Everywhere
Every garment quar.
anleed waterproof
Catalog free
jni toiveh cii oosvo, ys
!ly7t"-y'..l"rW''ttayitusj aw
1 .-w.-auii njtt2-y-i -. r
'i"V .
: 1
! PRISE 25c. ur
. .i .".'j-vv tr
in r . .
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