Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 01, 1909, Page TWO, Image 2

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    i wvim !,. i am .1 . tii:i ;t in. i iiri;. v, . v. :
,,, ii.." WVVVW'VW? V w Wv Wtrvv wv
I. ...J., I?.. ., win'-;' l-'litfs i HI I 1 ,1.1 'i't ''I Hi'
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WU'IIH til I'l' llll I'l'.ll'll. IM'II'I' tr.'iii '$
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Furniture of AM Kinds.
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I if II. t I ..!.-! I l II li IN
''' Heart to Heart
Tin'!. .- I I I'll Ml il ly t'i- 0 !
.. .... i v-..!t..i',.n f " ' 1 rP
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mi (mm ;h, j
;' i tu !i in, nitli
l- ttiiv.
t !.' it! K I' I'll''1
t: AC' ll'' V2 Sft-'-
lonii- iTi'i't, ,-i n. l al . tt h -ri
Cut) ' rm-
rtiMiiif i nil In- i-iftili fnr -i
''i VH n
peni'le are I ei.ini.' ,
to i rermte the fart that the rres- ". -lernornit in the setmte is one
ent oocui'Mut of the presidential ho for Irotertitiu on the pro-
! anrfs of his mvii state hii.1 tor free
clinir, Wm. II. Taft. iu a quiet atnl!t,,ie j,, u other stat-s. A rivil,li-
UDHf.-uniir.t', yet forceful auil ileter
mined way. is endeavoring to fulfill
his ante el" ti ni promises.
It is an open seeret that he does
not like the Aldrieh monstrosity of
1-evisini! the tarilf upward, instead ;
of downward as promised, asn
very likelv le will rlare the
it i
eal of
bis disapproval thereou provided it
ever rarhes h' dek for his siis'na-
Tfie stand-ii'itters of the. senat.
bouse last tvei-k were very much
consorted hv r-""'e i v i ti t: a mes.isce
from Fiesi i -i.t l'.ilt emh) J r iutf his
views on the ibieot rt a 'J rer rent
tav on tli- ie-'inie o- ruri-orati ms,
nud the a li .pi n of au n:iiid!iient
In th federal ron-t it at i n pr( vidiuii
ail i'ii'i' in- t-i. iviihi nt an ar:ort;"ii-nit-n!
u' ', i,l' t e .several tuti'..
l'ii - re?i it :,t spni'fr nt the.apj arent
in r i';ty of riiiii-'t'c-ss t i Sk'ree ti an
l '.i !i.-i i '. u ire t i. an i as reairrds an
lrco- e t ;x. r-'.i rre i to the deci-i in
r f ( s-irs-eii.t- i'ijii 1 1 in the ea-e of
Pill, i-k v. I "ie l-"ar;ners ' Loan .v
Ji ist (.'o p.' '. . n u L ! 1 . the cnurt
t'rl i t , ta to he II !,r. ni it lit inilal
uuli-ss art orti.'.!;-d n, the .-ates, ae
vi r-! i Utl to t i i- I ' i.ulat ; , ni.
"It i. " said the Pr?-i,ie't, "uu-; jmirtion with the tnaili rhnniiel nf
Inil'teily a power wLieh the toverti- ; stream. Also all dams r iibstrurt
n.eut mwlit to have It mieht be iu-' '"'i m said streams must be pn-
I i pen idle to the
L'teat CI iris. "
m.tioii's Jifti
The amendment slit
I, r th itn p.i i t i . n o l
iff- I provides :
Colli ItlOllS
hi 1 joint stork companies for totit.
-:rept bauk rtherwise
taxed. : avin.-.'s tank and buildiutf
in I loan anr iat i oris,, of an exi i-e
tax of "J per rent on the hi-t income;
"" eii l uriiortina-'. i
Tiie 1'resrJeiit poi-Ue J out another !
merit to the tav on corpnrat ions is j
the feleral supervision wnicb willj
titt- to tie uovt-nioifeut. the tock-
lioblers au'J 'the. put. lie, knowledge of i
the real buciues tratibrcted.
!J t '.'.Lii.'h is aood and bole-
It i now up to congress to give the
people relief from the oppre-aiou
v. bich the President acknowlodnen ex
ids, aii'l which is soubt to be con
tinued. It is clear that Mr. Taft feeds
that something should be done, and
if the ariff is not to be revised to
ward that end, then the chief bene
apiaries of the same must contribute
to the suppuit ot the government,
hi this contention be is right, but
he does not go tar enough in meeting
the public demand of the consumers,
the rebl sufferers, who are burdened'
to the limit, aud are threatening a re
vot that means certain disaster to the
jupublicau party.
It is not at all likely that the demo
cratic, party would derive any beuedt
troni the revolt and success of the so
oalled "insurgents", as it is piottjr
clearly established in this tariff agita
tion, so far ns real reform is con
cerned that the democrats are as
badlv tarred with the same stick as
are republicans of the Aldricb stripe.
On the contrary if these republi
can leaders do not give heed to the
impending storm there is great prob
ability of a new alignment of voters
v.itb a fixed uurpose of establishing
iiew party lines that will repudiate
or adhere to the principles of present
political parties iu which the trusts
are now bo strongly Intrenched as to
'lefy all attempts at dislodgemout.
A similar condition of affairs existed
during the years prior to 18C0 when
the republican party was raised from
the ruins of the old political parties
that were all permeated in those days
by strouR slavery eympathiea aud
.. . . i I,.,, li . . . , .
' - ' I . . i f I ! V i'-.l I.'
r. i r ..;! i. -ii t, ..- I , it ...,-,.- I
'.'. i ' i'i ' ' ' I." ! l I I ' I 1 1' , f
i-ept ''.'! ''.! ! i II I ri I I : ,. ,t ii-!. i -
nit; ilett
-it ' ; .. p,
It vi ii- sin'ifl I Til. li'i) ulin i 1 :
11 II hit r v s vvi ttint rr Tor ins in
k.'1'viTii I't'iit ci' n ft not If i pHrtfil
from tl '-( who it rntlv niitlii sn
.mhI nioiint.iiii to; s nil joy it'L- tin tii'ii
flits i if the iiif or Iff i if liius. "
The f ol 1 .1 n i ii u ilr'liiitions from the
MiiiHiiette Km. Tritnine. rorrectly
i iTHs t ln sit n:i inn with reiinl to
,a. iir lt,k. ,,, K, mnv t)ttore eoBltr:
ran in tin- sena'e is a inail who votes
for prrterti n on the p-o iuets of
your tate if you v.-ill vote for por
tertion of the oroliirts of my .tate.
An 'insurgent ' in the senate is a re-
pulilii'Hii who tn-heve that tlie plat
f "rm of tlie rartv as eMilaine.l hv the
president liefoie the elertion is a
sarred promise anj oucht to he ful
lhe hxmniuer is in the"insiiri;piit
rla-s, and if the staud-patters, and
eWators of the repuldirao party do
not heed svliat the'people demand in
this tariff matter they are doomed to
defeat tv those who will L'ive them
relief, in matter Abut niav lie the In
1 ,"llJer "llk'h that VriS nli' serve
tel in
t hem
It is said that Aldrich, fearinw his
defeat as leader of the senate, will
not he a raudi late for re-elretion in
KM 1 . The "iuffiirjieuts" are evident
ly n;ettiuij too strong for him. It
now looks as though there w ill he a
'i.i'i.e is hereby L'iveli that nil irrin;;i
toni. or lliiilrnre dil.-he n nil molt
t reams thi'uiiirht Lake ' mil t ,v. ( )re
must be srreeiieil with ii small
mesh wire screen i n n- :i r il.eii- In . -nl in-
vnieii wit ii a iisii-iaiMer. urnt ii. reasy
means i if passu ire. at nr n.-ar tlie mid
die of the main channel, sn ;itoal-
uw the passaue of trout at a
..t ...... K r. , ......;.!... i .. i.,..
t lilies
,x"i.'is l'ioiieo u,
work to be done at low water time.
or to be roiupieted by Feb. 7. Il)'i7.
I'.y order of .1 A. Ilarham.
Snecial Iteputy fish Warden for
1-akeCotiiity, Oreyioti
Spring goods will arrive in few
daya t Lakeview Mercantile Co.
Children Cry
To Home Builders
Two hundred latest denfns and
plans of
Bungalows ana Cottages
l ostint? from
$500 to $5000
Kuquire of
and Builder.
Main Street, next to AhlHtromV.
Pull colored Sectional
flap of Oregon.
J'rio' OOc )iil- tlii'j liUNt.
Shown all Htirveyed laiuln, by sec
tions, and every iuiportaut Hiream
and divide, TownnhipH and Kane
plainly marked. :: :: :: ::
AIho shown all Land fJrant Landu,
(Jrant complete, by HectlotiH, Inval
uable to anyone who now Id or ex
lect to be interested in lands Id
southern Oregon.
Eutire output of this map owned by
831 Chamber of Commerce,
; Portland, Oregon.
i J t
u 1 1 "'
.' , 'u ' .'
, , ,
lil;' . ii' li I'll
i I :i
i.i li.,;
I., l
i, I'i i
r:,r,l i:
t.l. k I In- i i
T.'P'- "1. I
soimii; i .. . .:.
Moo. .'..! .
i : -s. I .t t ih -e 1-rH 11 !
i .1 I. llllst.
. 1. 1 ami I'i " .1 p.-1
I,.. t-ry tinwrr .1 I in-
I '.lt i i 1 it'.t I- i'i hi
Kraie a f. rni.'.ii afn-r he I pro.,
'l'rns of thm;iaiitN of HtrmiK llr i;.
that way every
Si 1 1m t It rs wli limit saving if thr
lahorattiry . ri.rvs Lave wrought out
mi .'int it--i'i rruinily ns e.i'n a- Imis hi
! these as ihe d ipltl hrii.t nnii
toxin has pi. '.id lielf to he In Its
: spot -laity tin n the world Is limneasur
; nhly liulehled ! ihese tlisenverers.
It may or si.urtl, by the way.
! the really j..ivat progress of meiliral
yrieiii-e il i'i. I'l-mii l'asli mr an. I thr
s. irn. e of liin trrioloy.
I Hand In hand with the stiiily of
. h.i ri i.'lnn.' has one the pra.-ti- i.l
! drill. nisi r.r.inii of tlieoiirH l.y the vlil
vr. -ti, n of iiiiiaiaN.
' What':" ymi say
! Why. that is t he "refinement of t iuel
I ty."
And pot .pie - Ki'od people have writ
ten ii r r i ! and pamphh-is cninr.'
aualnsl p. an. I Mutinies har l-nn or
L-ini'.-il to pi! a Mop to P I iy .-vll.i
I'.ul ,'.i I'n.t t hr-e I pie see ! hoy a re
. try l".-' t pri-vrnt th" ills. io rry nf ihr
ic:i:--iii.i! aretits thit s-ive riiiinth-
I"...-iii!-.s, li, p i niepy wlmtev. r Is prar.
tl.-ed t'i.- I'ld'liaN.
Well. Well
Mrs. Part in'i.n's I r m. hnwrvei
veil Intent I nn-d It may have heen. was
Inadequate t" keep kirk the wiivph of
the A tl.'llit In orean.
neiv deal in toe Senate and that the
fwpilhlR'Ht) pi mil essives Nke Lal'ul
lette, ''ini in ins and llri.-to'.v will
sonii Li' III tie saddle. It means just
that, mean the n-arl inuaries have ent
to L'o, or eiso L'-jomiutJH defeat awaits
t he party !
The St. 1'a'il Pioneer Press, on of
the Htauni'hei-t ri publ ii-an iiewcpHpers
in the union, whose fealty to tlie
party has never been ipie.itioued. in
a recent e under the caption
"Popurla t'eelmii and Tarilf liuueo'
saj'H :
"The mont iholeoie (hint; for
coniireHrt to do at this juncture would
be to adjourn for a few weeks au
distribut j itself auionii its coustitu
entn. It oubl learn something to its
ultimate adpantaKe and to tfie advuu
taye ot tha country. It would lift in
touch with the practically universal
exasperation aud diayust of tun voters
with the Payne bill, the Aldricb
monstrosity and ttie cheap skulldutf
Kery and chicane which huve charac
terized the framing of the house and
senate measures. "
There are lots of men throughout
the union who are in the frame tof
mind of the old Kauass farmer, w ho
lecentiy wrote his views to the Jewell
Republican as follows:
"I'm a pretty good republican when
iioosevelt or Taft is at the bead of
the procession ;but when a son in-law
of the Standard Oil Co. is running
the whole works, and can call on
plenty of democratic senators to Jbelp
him out whenever he needs them to
down the republican insurgentJ, . 1
own up that I don't know where I'm
at; but I'm not that kind of a repub
lican nor that kind of a Democrat."
During the past five years Oregon
has paid eastern insurance comiianies
$0,870,419. The state has also paid
the liarriman system many more mil
lions during the same period. These
euormoiio sums go to further enrich
weatlhy New Yorkers and not to the
up building of Oregon. Some "an-
arohiat" at our elbow says suab con
ditions are neither right nor just.
A carload of doors and windows
received at H & M's.
Pumps AVater, Kims
Jlxlker, Boparator,
f'f!S Chops Fe-d, Etc.
p,JWj Saves Wages
Btate yonr needs.
nTrif ftr tMiLaloir. Mautiun naiwr
Crnuiol, Motur,. OnollD Entlut, luto rmpi, Bollarl
r.nilliit,, Tn4i;lioi,pri.Wliiliniliriiiinn.rlpI'UtlnM,A0
Ail Lui-rltxl Iu bUK-k Ut i'01iiL.AJil. OU1-C.OW
I 1 in i.ii.- i 1 1 ! : in I 1 1 1 I -1 1 ' i I , 'i . i :
In, I iv in v.i I I, III.,' l in
t'i,. i i U-t'i ! "I- !; - it I '. it I itr I '
.1 1 V I ,' ,i ;i, 'I i ' . ' i . I 1 1 I , i I'll- I 1 1 t ! t
t In. ivl-ll .it I I,,. I ill I n ,, I :,l -.
i'i' I ln il:,i:. n t "I' S P. (' iii'lii,
1 In' .tivt-l" II Irw I (I i lri'u'ril lli.-li
W i II II (-III 1 1 1 I to lllll IV tor mhiiim li'.'l
,.,iii I I'sl Kii,.nn I,, tin' S I' until-. r
jtios. i
We ate uoiiit; rlenr I ark to ol,l i-on
d It i his pol it i.nil I v, pre I lit . t he lire-;
ironlan. I he I )ie;otiiiMi has wheels. ,
Ii'stnad of heiiii; a leiirt Inniii v it'
shnulil quit its pel t itKk'clni; Ininiinn :
and cet hrhlinl t he ear of l oci i' and
inish ! i
One Crook county noiii ren-ived
!?T7.lH') for his wool. He, nt least,
should he Hiltlllil with the won'
tarilf--hut how id nut the other trll.uv
w ho loots t he t ill?
The l-'t. l'.i.hM-ll, Culil (itd l Nun !
ret, of the'Jilril ult,. hiivh. Our tl I ;
triend I-' .1. Hnllork inn te Hiil.tell a
lu-liiess V ifit lat I'i idiiy I -t-t in ii ini.' i
to Pake city the same dav. He ul 1
arrived from; idlev Neva, In. j
where he has teen eiiL'i re, I Ihe Pi ;
month in riinuinu mil lines and In j
cnliliL' settlers on govern men t lands i
He says tlmt at the rate hniiit lead j
en Hies Hie heiiik' male within twelv,
uiont h i t h-re w ill no he a fm t of
en vera nien t laud a ".'ii I I'll i e It linnm--tea
I elitrv.
Klamath a Good Town
the town is verv rettjlv i-itnat.'d on
Ihe lake: Imt that when it mine to
ihe mii mini. linn, coiiiitry i is not hi
ll the Slllll" hin) clil.iH as I.akeview.
H'lt the old s.jvini' nt "I in I M i In the
Cniintry mid Man Makes the town,"
innv le a lenltv ,o tar as ronririiM
Man, nth Tails.
I'lai-t tl -o.onii reoM in I. ilo- i-inn it
lnt ".'ir. Ii,-t ud.iited In in ei i if
I hji i-i-t i, in. 'v irnlll iiil d if,n
Kinb u'mi-iI bv f'uit i npeot i irx.
fel.ntf K. K. I'.Ml II. I.llkeview.
Louis Shaw
Dealer In keal t. state
1 bine listed hhiih' t t he ' i r
Itiiliches, Timber I.ail'lH and Tnwii
properly in Nortliern t'al itorn in, n
country that is bound to improve rap
1'lly. Alt'iniH, t'alilornia
Nutice Inr I'uhllcoltiii,
Department of the Interior, V. S.
hand Oltleo at Iakevieiv. Oregon,
June PJ, I'.hV.I.
Notice is hereby given that KKtil
NOU) A. lil'tADLKV. of Plush,
Oiegon. who, on Kept. l!l, l!i"'. inai'e
desert Jaii'1 Kntry, No. fisu, Serial
No. b.'il.'i, for SK ijuarter SV 'piarter,
W half SK (piarter, Section l'J Town
ship :i7 South. P.ange 'Jl! KaHt. Wil
lamette ineriliaii, has filed notice of
intent iou to make llnal Proof, to es
tablish c'aiui to the laud above des
cribed, before Keglster and Ueceiver
at Lakeview, Oregon, on (he Utith
dav of Jul', l!l!l.
Claimant names in" witnesses:
llenry leppe, Perr. Petri, John
O'Connor and Charles Sholstand, all
of Plush, Oregon.
iHTZ J. N. WATSON Keigster.
.oiire for I'uliliealUin.
Department of the Interior, U S,
Land Olfice at Lakeview, Oregon,
May 24, VJktA.
Notice is hereby given that MICH
AEL UAU, of Lakeview, Oregou, who,
on May 18, l'.KKS, made Honieatead
Application No. Serial No.
01131, for SK quarter NW quarter,
W half NIC quarter, NW quarter SK
quarter, Section 33, Towoohip '7
South, Range 19 Last, Willamette
Meridian has filed no Ice of inten
tion to make Pinal Five Year Proof,
to establish claim to tbe laud above
described, borore Register and Uec
eiver, at Lakeiew, Oregon, on the
14th day of July 1909.
CTaimaut names as witnesses: X
Arzner, Uabriel Arzner, Jack Mo
Culley. and Joe Arzner, all of lake
view, (Jregou.
M29J8 J. N. Watson, Register.
Department of the Interior, U. S
Land Ofllce at Lakeview, Oregou.
May 24 1909.
Notice la hereby given that HAIi
NKY (JKUMAN, of Lakeview, Ore
gon, who, on April 10, 190(1, made
Homestead entry, No. 3594, Serial No.
(J1332, for Lots 1 and 2 SK quarter,
NW quarter. Section 7 Township 38
South, Range 21 East. Willamette
Meridian, has died notice of Inten
tion to make Final Five Year Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before Register and Jio
ceiver, at Lakeview, Oregon, on the
12th day of July, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses: W.
D- Pishop, William J. 'Kehart, Hoi
Chandler Mark Musgrave, all of
Lakeview Oregon
j:)J J. N. Watson, Register.
i.. I nil .mi.'
ti: A N A V O
i it)
( v ri i Hn ii l ,' . l -il 1 M i s yi
;.' .i V r hi , Mliltnnl h . I Ii f , nil
1 II I. Iiimi I ii
Red Livery Barn
Ni'v K'ius ami t'w-Si ic.ii.-i I Airumino-
I'aiu v l- litis
to Li t
Corner Canyon ami Alain Sts.
.1 M.M4U
wsarsorv rjuv
The wire ft-lit-e of a hiiuiesteaib-r
near lit-nd ns fill between every
post, while he was awny, an I a Muck
hai l nolii'it imii'l ii tor liim to
iiiovii east. He it an old suMirr. nud
is (.limn Mini propoes to go right
alter Ihe pel pel rntiTs of tlie dee I.
,tlil ill cotiHi pience in II V laud ill the
peilllfli' lury.
Mt'M innville Ti-l"plnuii Ufglsler
A tit'wly marrli'd Polk county
couple went. Into at swell Port'. Ini
re-tnorunt, whiln alleniling the rone
tun last week, and the groom wihiug
In i'ii".i that he was something of n
high roller union his country went
drv. haiiglit il y cal led fur wine. lln
.ins ake-l what l.iu I mid repltnil:
"We want that, kind of wine where
tin' cork busts out nud I tin stall be
rmar-CLMsa Tumrtourm
Mammoth Stables
C. D. ARTHUR. Poiio
The '.urges! I.lvery and Peed Stnble In .sunt hern Oregnni
i r Ni .ri Imrn ( 'ullbirtibi. llirseM P.niirdeil by Ihe Pay, Week
or M, nth. Special Attentbiii Olvi-n tn TraiiHli'iit Stuck
A Shot with Every Tick of Watch
Pree IJook tells of this (iun
Thin llaininerli'HH f:o'aier In the iihihI rapid piiiop g;im uiniW' ; it
bus every known Improvement ency take-ilowu ft-aiure. heavy
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. vanin - . -
gun to bile lllld keep blllll' till
gut tlie worth of your 'nniiey,. "
Thure inutt be i 1 1 t h I ug w rom;
will! expreiH rates tn Khiuiiilh I'iiIIb,
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siivr that l ie I M.'Ki- I'lree Is kIiIi"
ping his butter In I'nrlliiu I Iruni
Mac loel, at it r.itt) of in ;Hi hundred,
lieeiuMtt ih" rule f r uu ' th l-'iill to
I' u l, i i I H - ;,i ii hmi lm, I. If thin
Is right th"rn n not uiueli i' in'oii riign -llll'lll
tn l.llkt'VIH'.V ie,i,e to hale
I'Mfimi imnl lii by wav of kbiniuth
l-.vrr v bu'ly 's bu!'1!!!!! team can havii
a Irv at. winning tlie big prizes nlfered
at. I.akttvietv llasebiill l'nu rn i intui t
Ihe week of th (ilorioun l'',nirtll.